y SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher Moil Ml' '-'il tails MORE HE IS SELECTING US pIISTERS I president Doumergue \liow Him More Time 111 Which to Select Men lor New la hi net. |vis sriTOKT r of Al l. PARTIES premier A ill Hhvc No lower Behind Throne and Jells Socialists They Must Jell Him Plans. I * , I*,\ ilu‘ .VvMK’ial^l ft" v x{ i; ~ u . yesiei«la.M was I Kt-k «'i organizing a I rr.siilna 1 Kiuiu- I j, .jin! ask* <1 for/more I ~, i. , - Jus n'inisteTs. I . • . m by rlir WB* | |{ • abinet Fr : dty I .\:.j --iolves to ■f, > \ t ; -ng tlo* previous tie |f, ~ . >:J it n»*Vfr take office in ■Miv Form One-Day Ministry. ■T' ]:: (i‘.\ ih** Associated 1 I t. !>. M.>rzn«>, finance miu ■ .... |j.Tiiot .at)i net. was sum- L th» j.aiace of tlo* Klysee ttiis as- I'- aih | ih.-r* «it'< with l’resi |ii .".u-rg'i. a proposal t«) form a K . \ vote the hill extenif- Ey > t «n . nrr. n< y limitation amt la 2 i.v -tar* M. dr Motizie has ■,t , * .ggested 1.1 head sndi 'a I (ann<>t Finish Task Today. ■ . a ::! Id iHy the Associated ft Kx-I'rrii. **r Ilriand. asked by ft ; . I> um-rzue to form a cabinet, ft;..re t «ia> any idea <>f com ft. - ask before tomorrow 1 ,vs.« ana.-an-ed at t‘> p. nt. that he ft \ ' * :iie presidential pal ljr«; ait tilt* executive there was Kim**- .? - forming a cabinet to ft/eKI) I 1 MFKTS TUESDAY NIGHT ■ tail Oatlwring To B» Held in Bwpolis— Mr. Barnhardt Delegate. ■fot-mi-aunnal meeting of the Cnn ftpssbvt.ry will be held Tuesday eve ■ i'Kannapolis in the Presbyterian fc at 7 o'clock. The opening k will be preached by the retiriu.t Knt-r. i'r Thomas I.ingle, of David m of the rhree Presbyt *'r:aq Kt-s in f'. ncord will send represen ■“> t•* meetii.g. In addition to ftH s Arrowed and I»r. J. C. Row- I idiurdr will go as a delegate I H.rrnhardt as an alternate. ■*■ Kannapolis ..mgregation has re- I •s’t-fS ale v, t hurch. and modern Kt 2 j' u .! one excellently equipped for I nal services. In this I appointed church home the I the Spring meeting of the I H be held. Key. W. C. ■" * 'he present pastor. PWKID HUSBAND I finds JAIL A RELIEF f r»Tm'ssi»ii to Knter Prison and B* If lines to (.<> Back Home. I i 11—Tom Disanga, I d.light refuge in the Weber V f“w days ago. declaring his ■ 'nagg.-d" hij.n until he tvae ill. I E re. i- ■. i-(| a chance to catch I 'hep. \,, w the sheriff is ■j 5 * < as.- a puzzle. V day implored Tom to re- I 1 home. When he refused. I prefer chargee of I tin. declaring he had n ft he married her. I iwkl-d. declaring he al- V * Wil and p< rfectljf satisfied, ft ’ .‘. v.. the jail to support his ft i-Largee him' with non ft ’ c-il! be in jail, and if ■ "t oigari;;, j< prcse«Kl. he still ■ 11,1 L’“ in jail. ■ I()K 1 KAt.i \\ || j I ST 'KI (.kind TOMORROW i?, T ; Start From Scratch on ft; ”’ ” veha ll Driml Tomorrow. Ki-It l "' |,rl i: ' 1 *’■' A-soc-ated I ' uard which the at- Bk , f'* ~LI fa'olom lias been di ■ - winter months, the Hgy '- 1 . 1 ■" : "i- supreme baseball .' !x ' 1 ' ‘o'ies 'tilting from Hh x a .-. j: warming up ■bd w .|‘ ,w ‘ ;u, ' ? -erican clubs was 'Li- I '' t <>f casuaifies I l i. .-1 til, faced rhe ■ with conlifletjce I a bettor showing ■ national game.. ■ run,,-., t , I \ ,)r 1 ~,Tnan F*aas<*be. ■».W« Funeral services ■ Herman Paasebe, ul, "* I be (let-man ■ V, ■ f l|, ' ,v Sunday. Dr. ■ •bivai j„ r '' ‘ !i ' ’h penumonia on K. Mi-k . ■ " c o ' of Mr. and ■ *»f No. M town x,' t! “' 'fiK-ord Hospital BA- a !!sed in city court si>t week on a charge of violating the national prohibition law. Jitnisoii, who on Thursday nnnounc <*d that he had withdrawn an api**al to Superior »*ourt and tislay would start serving the sentence, went to the court houee at noon to surrender to the sheriff, to be sent to the gnug. In the mean rime friends, headed by T. I, Kirkpatrick and former Governor (’atneron Morrison, has gotten busy and prevented him from giving himself up at that time. Sheriff Cochran had no com mitment pai>ers anyway, and couldn't take him in hk a prisoner. During the afternoon several i-on ferenees were held with city officials re sulting in a decision to reopen the case next Tuesday morning in city court at which rime it is believed here that City- Judge Wade H. Williams will change the (!0 day sentence to n fine and that the former Methodist minister will be allowed to go#free ui»on payment of u eaah penalty. Jimamn left the city late in the after noon for Spencer to spend the week-end with his wife and son. Former Governor Morrison. it was said here tonigbtl, was the leader in the move to keep Jimison off the roads and secure a rehearing in the case next Tuesday. lengthy conferences were held during: the day in his office, these resulting on the decision to Jimisontrip to the roads. Tonight it was the belief here mat the sentence would be changed to a fine and that he would not have an np portunity of improving the highway conditions in Mecklenburg county. Friends of Jimison wtd that at u«*on today he was at the courthouse in rernl inesw to give hitnfadf up to the sheriff and start his term on the road*. Morrison has just returned from New York apd knew few of * the detail#. When he learned that .Jimison was due on the roads this afternoon, under hi# announced plan of giving himself up, he t ’mmediately busied himself in a success ful effort to halt Jhe move. All parties to the latest development in the case were silent concerning the case tonight and are awaiting the next act which will take place in city court on Tuesday, morning. In the meantime Jimison is at Spencer under S2OO bond provided by- Frank Flowers, local attorney, following his conviction Friday of last week b? Judge Williams on a charge of violating tfie dry laws. Says Catawba Must Build a Modem Jail. Newton. April 11.—Judge Stars, in closing the special term of Catawba court this afternoon, drected the clerk of the court to enter upon the minutes that the report of the grand jury on the unsanitary and inhuman conditions under which the jailer i« compelled to keep prisoner#, he considered a repre sentment against the board of county commissioners. , He further ordered that entry made on the minute# that unless provis ion be made and steps taken by the county commissioners before the P ing of July term of court that tn solictor bring indictment agains commissioners individually. Catawba to Have a New Dormi tory. Salisbury, April 12--A nw int with Hono lulu as the objective. The test will follow the fleet and air craft maneuvers in the vicinity ot' 11a wa:i in the next few weeks and will pio ce«*d at the navy is underfak’iig nuother experiment with aircraft, the exploration of unknown Arctic regions in co-opera tion with the McMillan expedition. SORRY STORY OF JEALOFSY TOLD IN LONDON COI'RT Ernest Rhodes Charged With tlu* Mur der of Grace Hlakeiler. Young Dancer. London, April 13. A sorry story of fatal jealousy was told in police court today when Ernest Rhodes. IS year old valet, appeared to answer a charge of murdering Grace Hlakeiler. pretty 1(5- year-old girl actress, and dancing in structor. who died Friday from the ef fects of a slash on the throat the night previous in West Wellington d’-strict. A statement was read into the records al- 1 leged to have been ma«e by Uiiodes to the jiolice. admitting be had cut the girl’s, throat with a razor. The fatal accident as recorded in tin* statement was comm it tod possibly in a tit of jealousy as he was bidding the young girl goodnight outside of her home on their return home from a motion picture theatre, as she shafted about other boys she might see during the Faster holidays. Rhodes said lie was not aware he had slashed the girl fatally as she ran to her mother's home nearby after the cutting, ami he did not know she was dead until two days later, when he read the news in the paper. He then surrendered to the police. Rhodes was remanded for a week. . THE C OTTON MARKET Opened Fairly Steady at l>eeline of 8 to 12 Points.—May Sold I'p Later to 24.02. New York. April 13. —The cotton mar ket opened fairly steady today at a de cline of S to 12 jaiitits, under a renewal of tin* selling movement wk : eh was re sponsible for last week's decline, and which was evidently promoted by re|>orts of showers of rain at a few points in Tex as over the holidays. Some traders thought the prospects were for additional rains in the south \VTst, but this view was not generally ae cepted and the market turned steadier after the call on covering ami trade buy ing around the 24 cent level for May and j October. May sold up from 24.02 to 24.10. or back to last Thursday’s closing j quotation, and October advanced from 24.00 to 24.18, or 10 points net higher. Trading became quiet after tbe recovery, but the market was steady at the end of the first hour, operators awaiting for more detailed, weather rejiorts from the southwest. Cotton futures opened steady. May 24.0 H: July 24.35; Oct. 24.05; Dec. 24.14; Jan. £3.90. Unique Judgement in Catawba Court. Newton, April 11. —One judgment of Judge Stack in Catawba Superior Court today was unique. R. O. Abernethy, prominent Hickory man, was convicted for not paying his street tax in Hick ory. Abernethy. as he has been doing in'many terms of court in Catawba, both civil and criminal, acted as his own attorney, though he lias no > license to practice law. The judgment in this case was that lie be sent to jail for thirty days, but capias not to issue if he pays costs of this action. That lie do not violate any of the laws of the state or ordinances of the city of Hickory for five years, and. third, that he do not attempt to prac tice law for a period of ten years from the adjournment of this court. The de fendant appealed. Dr. Bryon Clark’s Pastorate Is Closed. Salisbur., April 12. —Dr. liyron Clark today terminated hs pastorate of First Presbyterian church, this city, after a service extending nearly 18 years. Illness prevented his attending the services today- He is succeeded by Rev. Edgar A. Woods, who will be sup ply pastor for several montns. Mr. Woods is to graduate from Union Theological seminary next month and for the present will only be in Salisbury on Sundays. ’ I)r Clark retire* from the active ministry by advice of physicians on ac count of serious heart trouble. He and his excellent family will continue to make their h ome iu Salisbury. published Mondays and Thursdays CONCORD, N. C„ MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1925 THE SPEEDWAY RACES Predicted Thj|t Record Made ljist Oo j toner 11 HI Be Smashed. Charlotte. N. (\. April ]».—The super-racer with the superchargers— forecasting super-speed— w pi b( . fh)l , mt . standing feature of Charlotte’s speed (classic here on May n. The same com tjun • carried Tommv Milton. Denny Hill, Peter DePnolo and Harry Hartz around the Culver City bowl at the unprecedented speed of 135 miles an hour, will whiz around* the ) Charlotte oval iin the May 11 race. It tis freely predicted that the local track record of 15.4 Indies an hour wi’.l be j- shattered. Whether the new mark of 12(5 miles an hour, for 250 miles hung up at Angeles ofc ; March 1 will ropple and fall hy the remains to be seen. Race enfhusHflsi.s who saw tne big classic here loot October will remember i the memorable «pee<| r!u<>l between Tommy Miltoiy nnd Earl Cooper. Doth ,of these demon drivers have signed entry blanks ami will be in the second 1 speed matinee of the Charlotte boards. A eommunici&ioii received by Os mond I,- Barririoc, general manager of the Charlotte speedway, from T red Wagner, veteran starter, makes the fol lowing predict inti i' , “With the raping equipped with . superchargers, aud with the drivers en , tering a race on| a, track with which they are now thoroughly familiar. 1 . feel that no trotuNt will be encountered „ by them In brcaiing the existing Char lotte record of 1j<8.4 miles an hour. If , atmospheric condition on May 11th should be similar to the conditions pre vailing at Culver City during, the recent . races there, it is withfn tue bon nos of possibility that the Culver City records will be equalled*’ Mr. Wagner will be present to wave the checkered flag'in the Charlotte races on May 11. MYERS SUES BUH LINE FOR HURTS IN WRECK . Charlotte Man WaatH $5().0(M) From Kirk and Royal jihip Company. Charlotte; April 11*- —Alleging that he was seriously and permanently injured jin an automobile bus wreck at Landis I early this year. Guy A. Myers, promi nent Charlotte business man. has started suit againVt the bus owners in which he seeks to recover damages in the sum lof $50,000. The A. I*. C. Kirk bus lines. A. R. C. Kirk preKi<|fiif. and the Royal Bine Transportation Company and L. F. Barnard, president df the latter eoin , pany. are named defendants in the com plaint tiled in Metltlenburg Superior J Court. | Mr. Myers, who ia vice president of j the Chamber of Commer<*e aud divisional ;supervisor of the Southern Bell Tele ! phone Company, claims that he was con ! fined to a hospitoL for twelve weeks k 1 by his injuries whicli Vtife&Utedv be claims, jof five fractures of one of his legs and 1 other injuries as a result of the aeei : dent. * The eomplaint charges that the wreck was caused by an “inefficient” driver. According to reports here the bus struck a tree when the driver swerved from the road to avoid running down a little girl, who was crossing % the street. The complaint further charges that the bus was being driven as a reckless rate of speed and that the brakes were inef fective. CIAIMS MEN TELL PART IN ATTACK ON PRISONER Solicitor Says Dozen Men THI About the I»art Played in Operation appeal by both defendants was given in P open court. Appeal bond was fixed at each defendant. he had purposely postponed sentencing , the young men. under the hope that the officers could apprehend the men who * sold the liquor, as they are the men most responsible for the death of the young lady. While he had sincere sympathy' ' I for young Trott and Michael, he had the a j protection of society and the majesty of the law committed to his charge by 1 his oath of office. “This verdict is to ,* give notice that the people and court of North Carolina are determined that the public highways must be made safe ' against drunken automobile drivers,” be , stated. Bonds for Trott were promptly made, 1 and he was on the streets a few minutes after the adojurnment of court. The 1 bonds for Michael have not yet been made. Did Not Violate Anati-Trust Law. Washington, April 13. —The Sherman ‘ anti-trust law was not violated by the Builders Exchange, the Industrial As * sociation and others of San Francisco in rhe fight for an open shop, the Supreme Court today decided in reversing the low er courts. The court held that the builders sppos* * ing the union were not guilty of refitraiu > ing interstate commerce in building ma terials. The permit system in force during the controversy under which building mate rials were withheld from those who did not obtain open shop was found by the court not to have been illegal. The Industrial Association of San Francisco, the Builders' Exchange, the California Industrial Council, the In dustrial Association of Santa Clara, aud others were restrained in the lower courts from refusing to sell certain building ma terials which had been brought into the state in interstate commerce. It was charged that in conducting the fight in San Francisco, they had restricted the sale of building material. - ( Ford Company Inaugurate# Commercial Ah* Line. Detroit, April 13 (By the Associated Press). —The Ford Motor Company to day inaugurated what is said to be the first commercial air line to be established in the United States when the “Maiden Dearborn,” an all-metal monoplane of the "air Pullman” type, hopped off from the Ford Airport, Dearborn, at 9:24 with a cargo of company mail and express for the Fort plant at Hegewisch, 111., near Chicago. WHAT SAT’S BEAR SAYS Fair tonight and probably Tuesday, little change in temperature. NO. 78