IHH kKILL ' Edltor and Publisher ■IUMH XLIX |[OF PBOOUCTSi |iIH CIILI I BIG INCREASE 1 of Goods Made in This B e in 1923 Shows In- of 43 Per Cent. Ov- Bie 1921 Output. ■hfk OF WAGE ■kners INCREASED (■lncrease In About the Be Proportion as the In- Bse in Value of Goods Be for the Market. L April 3ft. —A 43 per cent. r~ ,j of products turned , i; rill ill}: establishments in I 11 , r| ; u i11 r of BIOT than $5,- L timber of wage earners era- L. »ol from 135.K33 to 173,6(67. L ~,.,11. while the total average tviuents increased from $94,235.- L,.jT ;,4i.000. or 3.1.3 per cent. sootN indlistry continued Lj ot |„.i- in 1923 in both number [Varner' and value of products. L. n this industry increased t „ sl.mi. or 32.2 per cent. L, vear period, while the value, of I a'ed from $190,990,000 to m ih). or 71 per cent. Lbatvo. cigars and cigarettes" in- L;iv v.rdinl in value of output, L. ls( . f|-nm s2l • •.•>*i.t.fsx to $246,- bur was exceeded in number of Licrs by the "lumber and tipiber [" industry. The average num- L-xnis employed in the latter iu iicreased from 14.017 to 19.900. (OT NTV JFARMER Is KILLED BY ANOTHER Hill 1> Said to Have Confessed u Hiram Cox During a Quar >>. April 20. —About seven o'clock f morning. \Y. J. Hill shot a,nd in killed Hiram Cox. The two LI half a mile 'apart on the read seven miles rtprth of town, b driving a tractor by the house | As he passed he seemed to salute to Pearl Hill in the house, jin* passed the barn Hill stepped b a shot gun and empited a bnr- I the left side of his heead. Cox R.ird on the steering wheel of [t«-r. His little nine-year-old son jthe tractor fender and climbed up an to try to stop the machine, (•tor ran two or three hundred More he succeeded in doing so. nt and got Wrisfon Helms to pi to p wii where he surrendered Sheriff. e gathered in quickly and there iarge number from the surround liitrv ami from Monroe, includ >!.> riff and coroner. There was ! to do about it. Cox was dead. 1 gone to jail. The body of Cox Mi home and prepared for burial f- funeral was held late Tuesday tii at tin* l’resson cemetery. Cox rut 4A years old. Hill is 58. i five children, all of them young, is four all of them married ex t. Pearl, wlm lives with him. iviv of <'.ix who saw Hill with the i sii,i. "Look out papa, lie’s going t you." Ml. a man of no strong mentality. sas simple as anything. He i,! P"x came to him while he was ‘ Monday for settlement of an ac "l:ll'h he claimed, and when he his attention a previous settle •' s'an cursing him, struck him with :l, id told him that he would " uionev nr would kill him before t! May s Mm sot That he was s 11 n and was a very dangerous SUl 'h Mines. "1 knew he would '" ln, ‘ time tinlay if 1 did not get s I wa>abound to. He would l! r »“. 1 know he would.” t (impel Heading of Bible in Hie Schools. >!.asvi‘eti Fla., April 30.—A bill dai > reading of the Bible :11 s is now before the House of the Florida Legis k'n.-urrence. The bill as ,;h ‘ H'him by a vote of 74 to f . ~! a Penalty clause under which r " a -aries (-m;l