Editor and Publisher ■ [ '!!' MD Hen Fighting Marks H Progress in Warfare WM j p anion Distrid K: { When iiu* Electric « station as Fired C a^iuiUies. not ■ p;pKDVF.I) NOW ■< View i'\pressed In §■., \ ! ; ih iin'h Fighting K;,: Been imported in |H V j 'l'trid Recently ~ .. i, ) unna ■ i ami fol- HB \ i; Srll. BH 11..miii. when six BH lie light ■B |M.fted to be BH' HB ,v u iLi Min :t«i- BH ' , IN: < 'hung < 'lii's Sko- BH Washington fl| under date of ill! ii-ipnl bui’.d- HHH in British gH File arrival of .roiiized with an The BHH .i.iiiougli students strike authorities gB : Peking \Vriv pro |H:i siin.iiiiiii \|are Serious. A"o regarded the - rious Itecause gH ;• ~ t i.e strikes Chines*- eitit's. |H e.| regarding the - interior of ■. :• *■ i>tr:iT:oits eontin- BH S. and < atiton. blit waterworks to sum tiou lighting in shanghai. •By the Associated |HI ■ . on further dis |H .••> recent rioting. |H -iniaimii in protest against cf tie* foreign powers is ' of the- foreign gH.t~' • cntiimit.g, hut die arrival n;t\n. ntingeiijs has entabled |H""n- t - lighten the duties of to Make Inquiry. •> aie s lMy the Associated delegation appointed by Million to investigate the "ip ~f the strike in the ■' iniils at Sliang- H ■ i \ this morning and from 1 s to »><> hours. ' tie* delegation whifll BH -a a lies of the various le fm\ - * •'r* ii a good impression ' and i- giving the a-u - ■ ■i.s'-rvative and official RH ;I ,i;l> npoti which to appeal in the attitude of the |Ht"U;m! f feigners. H)KM COOLIDGE E HAS I{l SV MORNING H K> • Overcome. . —Thirty tiremer ■? ii fjv.J.'p , ''" n " lUl ‘ by heat wliib But ~f t , hre which destroyer B lv iii ]> ' ''’"bn'd WiMid Workinj B i 'iiiiat, l | , ''"" k ' !y, ‘ r "day. The los: ■ asr ' briA-...- -TT w|. ( ... ,: ' 1 ' students liave n, est. It sliouh BH i'tm.ies THE CONCORD TIMES CANADA’S CHI RCH UNION .Metbr.dist, Congregational and Presbyter ian Denominations Merge. Toronto. Ont., June S.— I The new Unit ed Church of Canada, created by a merg er of the Methodist. Congregational and j Presbyterian denominations in the Do ! minii n. will come into being next Wed j nesday. when i:s general council, or high est court, will hold its first meeting in Massey Jla.l. in this city. The union j it- enthusiastically described in some quarters as "the mightiest adventure in I Christian annals since the Reformation.” Then* have been formerly in Canada and in other countries ‘‘church unions.” but always of sects of the same denomi nations. The present union marks the first time in history that great churches, long separated by what generations upon generations have regarded as vital doc trim's essayed to merge in a common faith. On Wednesday, the day fiked for the consummation of the union, each denomi nation is to hold its last great conclave as a separate entity in separate edifices, the Presbyterian’general assembly in one, the Methodist general conference in an other. the Congregational union in a third. Then each convention will form in procession and converge unon a com mon point, a street demonstration of this character being unique in the records of local Protestant churches. Then will follow a united street pro cession. massed choirs will sing ‘‘Blessed Be the Tie That Binds” and the general council of the new United Church of j Canada .will come into being. If num bers and wealth furnish the measure the new ecclesiastical hotly will occupy a dominating position in affairs and will be able to affect profoundly the future of the country. Union is being accomplished, however, only with grave dissension. Not in the Methodist and Congregational bodies, which are entering the merger without dissent ions, but in the Presbyterian. The Act of Parliament which the unionists succeeded, after a hard struggle, in get ting passed ,at Ottawa lijst year, pro vided that each congregation might vote as to whether it would go into or stay out of the union—a majority vote to rule. From the beginning of the union move ment in 1004 there has been determined oppositions among Presbyterian. A ple biscite in 101a and the anti-unionists sub increased their relative strength. Never theless. the general assembly in the fol lowing year committed itself to going ahead with the project, though, owing t<* the war and for tactical reason.s a temporary true was declared. Two years ago hostilities were renew ed with increased vigor. The Presby terians Association of Canada came into being as the organized effort of the anti unionists. not only to oppose and de’ay the merger, but to preserve and continue a Presbyterian Church in case union pioved inevitable.* On Wednesday next, the day when tl:» United Church comes into being, several hundred, perhaps a thousand non-union Presbyterians will convene in St. An drews Clinch in this city for Hie first assembly of the continuing Presbyterian Church. The Provvrce of Ontario is the strong hold of non-unionist Presbyterians. Out side Toronto, the provincial capital, the non-unionists are in a majority. The city will be almost equally divided being unionist arfd non-unionist. According to the Chureh Union bu reau. 1.542 Presbyterian congregations throughout Ct-iia*’-! have voted for union and 580 against. More than *er« mission to file petitions for rehearing in the Maple Cement Manufacturers cases in which the court a week ago sustained the trade association method of co-opera tion in industries. Seventeen Home Runs in Two Games. Portland. Ore., June B.—ln two games played by the Portland and San Francis co clubs here yesterday, 17 home runs were registered. The San Francisco club collected 11 and Portland 6. San Francisco won both games. The annual convention of the Ameri can Flint Glass Workers’ Union is to held in Toledo the week of June 29. WHAT SATS BEAR SAYS Partly cloudy tonight and Tue«day, probably local thundershowers Tuesday* iu west and central portions. NO. 94