Editor and Publisher lIME I- lyton Making Final I Plans for Scopes Case » ! : h 0 E 0 n h En ig the TON ies to 5 He ought m today he final termed sm and er men. are ar il ml bus lotonous ncess ion ley and »ryan at ned the 1 >ay ton and in lie mod of what >rity of n scien the ma ; of Mr. ■idieuled t ion be to a de ni Id not such a he said, the un ification 1 in the imlation ?nt.” termed re their m said, in the; elect a eal, the * minor ueh ae- Tennes irohibits lg their of the o arrive iv, com ternoon, Arthur tauooga. several chers. un .Ten- Scopes, volution e teaeh y other be “in ;) views teacher ■eeed in teacher [ileases,” isregard become •intment disputed vho em rtain to liable to is bank prevent contrary lyers.” r*d with - young relief that •reserved personal and the is to be s. "That s acting of edu- B V:, ' n (:l » ''l' P Hum Flow, Says ■ . Speaker. •* ' s .— If business : the eight- Bl! m * n! "■•••>1.1 <o„n be enforc- M>:.T u Viill 'b'rsall. of Host at t * u ‘ thirtieth H a ' 1 Kndeavor con- H 111( ‘ ri "ho expect their Harp',' !l "' laws of this ■ " f h, "’ tlp 8 liquors. by n>uson of H.V*.,"' 1 ' il ) Vs :li '“ 1,1 'hat class,” R r "Vdi'hout the buy |H n " !ll,|! v ‘ ;i ! money who B>» bJri hiws back of H U l r| l . lt '""hi not exist. H".i,., gg "' '’‘"‘hi he a good H> Icai-t 1 adopt and i - * IB'-sp-p..,,; . u >“• Jennings rT ' i:l,v "h en toltl 'hi not attend |H'% h." said Mr. Bry i**>*• i and I have to having I slu <b M.IV Meet Soon. X. 'j' • •'Mh-key Walker, of t welterweight , t :|V ‘ > s hade. of Cal <‘hallonger, in Protiu*, 111 ' s< ‘ w York state |HN"h rrv*" h° Obtained tc BH ,r: " •!.(>,i"!* Athletic Com- Wm i hdlowing a con THE CONCORD TIMES V ' i. - __ . ... _ .. L COOLIDGE* BOOMER TURNS RIGHT ABOUT ‘ Midvane in 1912 Fought Third Term for i T, R., Yet Urges It For President. Clinic- Miehelson in New York World, i Washington, July 11.—No serious im „ portanee it; attaclied to the declaration of David W. Mulvane. Republican na tional committeeman from Kansas, math* at Swampscntt recently putting Presi ) dent Coolidge in the lace for a third , term i.i 1928. \ It is simply an Occidental form of the ; old OrieLf.il greeting: "0, great king, live forever.” In 1912. Mr. Mulvane. being a staunch regular, was conspicuous in the tight to deny Roosevelt just what he now wishes to award Calviu Cool : dge. j Then- he was insistent the spirit of the third t»rm inhibition, meant that no man should be President more than twice; now he points out that Mr. Cool idge merely (arribd out President Hard ing's policies for the fractional term and I therefore :s really only serving his first j term. j At this particular stage of the Coolidge Administration every regular Republican politician is bound to be for him if he wants the Presidency again; anything else would be political treason. Senator Willis two mouths ago sound ed the same note »in denying his own .Presidential aspirations. The Ohio Son- 1 ator, charged with starting on a speak ing tour with the White House in view, replied, in much the same language as that employed by the National Commit teeman from Kansas, that the nomina tion in 1928 belonged to Mr. Coolidge and that nobody else could go after it unless the President disclaimed any in tention of running again. That is something Mr. Coolidge is not at all likely to do. His natural habit of reticence will prevent his making the dilemma for himself that Roosevelt did in-4he Hush of his election to the Presi dency after haying served out McKinley's teim. when he proclaimed his belief that the country did not want a man to be three times in the President's chair, whether by election or succession. The impression is very strong that Mr. Coolidge's present frame o£ mi nde inclines to continuing in his office after 1928. As a matter of fact not since Washington aud Jefferson and some of their immedi ate successors, pronounced against a third term have we had a two-term Presi dent who d : d not hanker to run again, bpt the sentiment of the country has al ways been strong enough to deny a nom ination in these cases —the incident of Grant as well as of Roosevelt illustrate this. Perhaps the most significant indica tion in the present instance is the com ment Arthur Brisbane, who shortly after he had been the President’s guest on the Mayflower, published the follow ing : "There can't be any Coolidge third term discussion until after the President shall have been re-elected in 1928. That would be his second term and the right time to begin talking about a third.” He added that Mr. Coolidge's acci dental tenure of office following Presi dent Harding’s death was not a Presi dential term, and hazarded the opinion that the people of his party "not being idiots,” will ask him to take charge for four years more. THE /COTTON MARKET Opened Easy at Decline of 19 to 35 Points, October Later Easing Off to 23,80. New York. July 9—The cotton market i opened easjr at a decline of 19 ot 25 i jioints today in response to. relatively • easy .Liverpool cables, private reports of showers ip northern Texas and realizing by recent buyers. There was covering and some tra&e buying at the decline but i the market eased off to 23.80 for Octo ; ber. active months showing net losses of 20 to 25 points. Private cables reported some buying in Liverpool on apprehension of weevil damage, but complaints of a poor spot demand and dullness in the cotton mar ket. Trading here was quiet. Early of ferings were absorbed, giving the market moderate rallies, and a steady undertone, at the end of the first hour. Cotton futures opened easy. July 23 67; Oct. 23.83; Dec. 24.00; Jan. 23.38; March 23.72, Head of British Air Force Would Abo lish Aerial War. Oxford. Eng., July 9,-y-An attempt is being made to organized an Air Officer’s Training Corps in Oxford, along the lines of the existing University O. T. C. There are several difficulties to be over come, among them the university pro hibition of flying by under-graduates. Tli anti-military spirit which character ized the undergraduates who had been through the World War is slowly pass ing away as a new generation comes in to residence and the military training courses are becoming popular again. Sir Hugh Trenchard. the head ot the English Air Force, in a recent apeect. at Cambridge, informed his hearers tha there is no air warfar s that it can aim only to destroy the people and cities and indutries of th enemy without preventing the ene from carrying on a like program struction. If he had his way, he sou; he would abolish ur war-fare This d mission from an officer so highly Pjac ed has damped the ardor of many avia tion enthusiasts. Sll rar at 5.40 Lowest Price in Three Years. . New York. July 8.-The lowest price, for Hue gramiLted ««(■' «»« ' »•«» eo.abli.hrd io | ■ ket today when a local ren und .» , .he quotation to raw el , ear - Continued depression or western' . market and competit.on Iron, w«tern beet au*ar accounted tor the decline. When Boston Club Collapsed Jfl Eh picture above shows firemen and police carrying bodies front’the ruins. Warns Against Retrenchment in the Affairs of North Carolina Asheville. July 9 .(By the Associated Press) —“We must guard against an era of reckless expenditure. extra vagance. and waste; and we must avoid the other extreme of miserly, parsimon ious. stingy and hard-fisted so-called economy.” H. Galt Braxton told the N. C*. Press Association here today. “I stand for efficiency of administration, and for economy of expenditure, when sueh frugality does not entail a serious retarding of our worth while program, he continued. He declared in this con nection: “I have no faith, my friends, in the proposal to standardize wages and efforts in North Carolina. Theoretically the suggestion may appeal, but analy tically and-iH-acticolly it’s friwigUt with grave danger. T tell you, my friends, men and women of ability and talents who are blazing the way of our progress and material gain will become couraged and disorganized if out government undertakes to fix for them a task for the day’s accomplishment and a per diem reward without regard for individual ability and achievement.” President Braxton’s address, delivered the morning session today. fol!oi\ ing memorials to deceased members, told of the Association’s activities during the past year. Tributes to deceased members were read as follows: James H. Cowan. Wilmington, by J. A. Sharpe; A. W- Burch. Charlotte, by J. A. Parham, and H. B. Varner. Lexington, by J. B. Sher rill. Following President Braxtons ad dress. the Association engaged in shop talk for a while and adjourned for a trip to Bravard. .. The Asheville Citizen will tender the members of the North Carolina Press Association a banquet at 7 o clock nv night. Prof, and Mrs- I. G. Greer, of Boone, will give a folk-lore program, fol lowing which there will be an address bv Governor A. W. McLean. “It is customary for your president PRESIDENT TO TAKE TRIP ON MAYFLOWER Will Be First Cruise He Has Made Since His Arrival at Swampscott. Swampseott, Mass.. July 9. Bright, clear weather led President Coolidge to dav to attempt his first trip to sea on the Mayflower. Early this morning he gave orders to Cnpt. Adolphus Andrews, com mander of the presidential yacht, to make ready for an. afternoon cruse down the coast. Mr. Coolidge has planned ever since his arrival here to' make an inspection of the forts around Boston harbor. Newspaper correspondents and photographers as wel as members of the President’s official party here were invited to accompany him. HEAVY damage is A caused by storm Wind. Rain and Heavy Toll in Sev r eral Minnesota Districts. •Minneapolis, July 9.—Wind, rain and hail took a heavy toll Wednesday in sev eral districts of Minnesota. | in Minneapolis four persons were killed eighteen injured, and one was re ported missing in terrific wimDand ram storm which struck the city shortly af '.* om . A trail of wreckage repre senting more than SIOO,OOO property damage was left. The streets were flooded and for sev eral hours during evening were blocked bv hundreds of uprooted trees. Defunct Company Win Be Reorgax.ned. Chicago, July B.—A Chicago creditors meeting agreed today upon a new plan f _ financial rehabilitation of Dean On ntavia Company under which 30 per cent ot the obligations would be refunded for deferred payment after a period of five The original plan contemp.ated a per cent refunding over two years. Vote of Confidence. Brussells, July 9.—The Belgian senate I today voted confidence in the Pomet cab inet. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS CONCORD, N. C., THUSDAY, JULY 9, 1925 message of greeting, a report of the at each annual meeting to bring you a year's activities and such recommenda tions as lie may prossume upon your patience and indulgence to make.” said President Braxton, opening his address today. “It is not my purpose to detail the work that I have done as your presi dent for the past year, or to undertake ] to review the activities of the other officers and members of your executive committee. These reports have already been made to you. In the very outset. I wish to preface what I may say by again expressing my appreciation for the confidence that ysoit have manifested i in me. The trust tha* xpu placed in my ' hands at Mofcrrimrd last* rTtinVhnd the honor that you bestowed upon me have brought responsibilities and cares, and I regret that it is not possible for « me to bring a record of achievement for the year's work of which I could justly feel proud. However. I shall not make any apology to you cither for myself or for the members of your executive com mittee. I sincerely believe we have done th best we could with the material at hand. But I don’t want to leave rnis phase of my remarks without commend ing the loyalty and efficient service of 1 our splendid secretary and treasurer. Miss Beatrice Cobb. To her untiring ef forts and zeal for the North Carolina Press Association is attributable very j largely the accomplishments of the past year. I would not be so unappreciative ‘ either as to pass without expressing my feeling of personal obligation to each and every member of our executive com mittee.” He declared the committee had served most efficiently and had respond ed to every call made on them during the past year. ~ President Braxton stated that he felt it b'.s duty to bring before the As sooiation for its consideration matters , which, he felt, vitally affected the or- , ganization. NAMES OFFICIALS OF THE N. C. RAILROAD Word H. Wood Named President.-— Major Foil Named on Finance Committee. Raleigh, N. 0., July 9. W ord H. Wood, of Charlotte, has been appointed President of the North Carolina Railroad by Governor’ A. W. McLean, and Y\ iley G. Barnes, Secretary and Treasurer. Con firmation of these appointments is expect ed at the annual meeting of stockholders in Greensboro today when the state's vote representing Governor McLean s- wishes will be cast >y W. G. Brogden, of Dur ham, named state’s proxy. The Governor has named the following to be directors: J. F. Bowles, of States ville; Robert G. Lassiter, of Charlotte; Gilbert C. White. Durham; A. C. Dick son, of Gastonia ; M. O. Dickerson. Ruth eifordton; C. A. Hunt, Jr., Lexington, and Julius Cone, of Greensboro. Chas. F. Dalton, of Charlotte, was reappointed expert and J. Bayard Chirk, of Fayette etteville was named was named attorney. The finance committee appointed by the Governor is composed of F. C. Lam beth, Thomasville; James H. Holloway, Ridgeway; W. A. Foil, Concord ; and E. C. Smith. Raleigh. Bank Reports. Show the Country Is In Splendid Condition. New York, July 7. —Record breaking • prosperity is revealed by bank statements issued in answer to a call of the comp troller of the currency for the condition I of national banks as of June 30th. Re sources, deposits and undivided profits of Phe large New. York institutions exceed the previous high totals of 1919 and * 1920 boom years. In Chicago, state i and national banks showed combined in . creases in deposits of 5j>12<.000,000. t The deposits of the National City r Bank, the largest in the country, ex e cceded $900,000,000 for the first time. The total in the statement submitted to n the controller, is $910,903,905, a gain of more than $80,000,000 since April 6th. Latvia Wants to Pay Up. Washington, July 9.—The govern e ment of Latvia has informed the Treas >- ury of its desire to fund its. debt to the • United States. INDICTED JUDGE IS KILLED WHEN AUTO ROEG OVER RRIDGE Federal Judge Ross Found Dead Under Wreckage of His Car at Point About 5 Miles From His Home. DRIVING ALONE AT TIME ACCIDENT Judge Recently Indicted by Grand Jury In Connection With the Failure of a Bank In Tennessee. Jackson. Tenn., July 9.—Judge J. W. Ross, of the western Tennessee district federal court who yesterday was indicted in connection with the failure of the Peoples Savings Bank of Jackson, today was killed in an automobile accident. Judge Ross was Killed when the auto mobile in which he was riding ran off a bridge about, five miles east of Jackson and turned over in a creek, pinning him underneath. It is believed he was killed instantly. His body was discovered shortly after the tragedy and an ambulance was hur ried to the s-cene. Examination showed he had suffered a severe blow on the head and he was bleeding profusely. His body was brought to Jackson. Judge Ros was said to have started in the direction of his dog kennels about seven miles from Jackson on the Mifflin road, maintained by John H. Kirkpat rick, whose name the jurist was charged in one indictment with having forged. At the time he was alone in the ear. Judge Ross was at liberty ,on bond of $25,000, under charges of being impli cated in the failure of file bank which closed its doors recently follo\vir»g the discovery of an apparent shortage in its accounts of more than $300,000. He was indicted by a Madison county grand jury on charges of being an acces sory to embezzlement, forgery and fraud ulent breach of trust. GOVERNMENT LANDS FOR WINTER RESORTS Property in Alabama, Mississippi and Florida Withdrawn From Homestead Entry. Washington, July 9. —The Interior Department today withdrew from home stead entry all government islands off the coasts of Alabama. Mississippi and Florida, and all public lands within three miles of the ,coast. and will hold the property for development of winter re sorts. General land office will re-classify the land and submit a plan for legisla tion to Congress to permit the sale of property for town sites and winter homes. The withdrawals include 49 acres iu Baldwin County, Alabama, and 40 acres in Escamb'a County, Fla. Last Decem ber some of the islands off the coast of Florida were similarly preserved. U. S. Given Lead in Survey of Cigarette Smoking. Berlin, July 9.—ln a survey of ciga rette smoking, the periodical Excelsior, declares that Americans are the greatest short smokers in the world. The publi cation estimate#; that an average of 625 cigarettes a year are smoked by every American. This, of course, statis cally includes non-cigarette smokers. The German annual average is 599 cigarettes per capita: Belgium. 513; Italy, 284; France, 247; and Switzer land, 184. Miss Alice Yorke and Miss Adelaide Harris will return today from Wrights ville, where they have been visiting for the past week. Miss Yorke will leave tomorrow for Charlotte, where f!:e will 1 spend the week-end with friends. Heads Elks v. X' .. '' ' ' ■Federal Judge W. H. Atwell of Dal las. Tex., will be named grand exaled ruler of the B. P. O. E. at the na tional convention* In Portland, Ore., the week of July 13. KEEPING CLgSE WATCH ON CHINESE SITUATION (ireact Britain, Japan and United States Want to Aid China in Present Crisis. London, July 9.—The British govern ment is in constant touch with Washing ton and Tokio regarding the Chinese sit uation and opinion is expressed in official circles here that the way will be cleared soon for a conference of the powers for an adjustment of Chinese customs. This in tufiv will - offer - opper+nnity fur the powers to co-operate With China in get ting her house in order. This opinion is based upon the recent ratification by the French ambassador of the treaties affecting China formulated by the Washington conference. One of these treaties contemplates an investiga tion into the extra territorial privileges enjoyed by foreigners in Chinn; another looks to ultimate revision of Chinese cus toms. France is the last of the 9 powers par ticipating to ratify the treaties. The French Senate has yet to act. When French ratification is complete it should be possible for a conference of these pow ers and China to be held without delay, according to British They add. however, that the exact date will depend on the tu*b the present situation in China may take. WOMAN AND DAUGHTER FOUND DEAD IN HOME Heads Had Been Crushed And Throats Slashed.—Heads Almost Severed. New York. July 9. —Mrs. Margaret Di anco and her six-year-old daughter. Jen nie. were.found murdered today in their apartment in an East 34th Street tene ment house. Their heads had been crushed in and their throats slashed. The police said the murderer of the wo man aud her child used a sawlike instru ment which almost severed their heads. The child’s body was found near the threshold of the apartment, indicating that she had attempted to escape her as sailant. The bodies were found by a man who said he was looking for a furnished room. Neighbors said Mrs. Dianco came from Italy a few years ago with her two daughters, of whom Philipa left the i apartment for work th ! s morning. ’ The police are looking for a man said I to have lived with Mrs. Diqnco and who lis known*to have left the place this morning shortly after the -elder daughter. Oyster Hatchery i.i Northwest. Seattle, July 9.—An oyster hatchery to produce several million eggs a season is the work this summer of Professor Trevor Kincaid, in charge of the zoology department of the Uulversity of Washington. His object is to commercialize the Japanese oyster which lays 7,000,000 eggs in a few days. Kincaid seeks to retain these eggs and develop them in to oysters, though the hatching of Japanese eggs has not previously been successful in this country. The hatchery is near Bellingham, 140 miles north of here, and *is one of three oyster hatcheries in the world, the other two being in New York and Con necticut. Heads College Editors. • i Raleigh, July 9. —A. J. Sims, of the University of Tennessee, was yesterday afternoon elected president of the Amer ican Association of Agricultural College pditors in session here. C. E. Rogers, of Kansas State College, was elected vice president, ami J. B. Hasselman. of the Michigan State J .College of Agriculture, was elected secretary and treasnrer. The association voted to hold the next met ing at Lansing, Michigan. Appointed United States Marsjial. x Swampscott. Mass.. July 9.—Ewer# White, of McCloud. Okla., today was ap pointed U. S. marshal of the district ol Oklahoma. yr —- A ear,* Strictly in Adyance FRENCH PREPARING FOR RIEEIAN POSH IN OUERGHA VALLEY It Has Been Learned That Krim Is Massing H i s Troops For Drive in Upper Part of Valley. RIFFIAN S~SPREAD FEAR TO NATIVES Advise Them to Leave Homes as Means of Arousing Them Against the French and the Spanish. Paris. July 9 (By the Associated Press). —Abdel Krim continues to mass liis Moroccan warriors for a drive against ' the French lines iu the upper Ouergha valley. Information regarding the chief's plans has reached the French intelligence serv ice, and measures tot combat the move being taken. Meanwhile the Riffian propaganda pro ceeds with some success, notably among the tribes south of the Ouergha, but it is hoped the appearance of troops raised by the Sultan will serve to counteract it in a large measure. Travelers arriving in Spanish zone say the recent evacua tion of civilians from Taza on the rail road east of Fez was ordered by the Moorish tribesmen to abandon their friend ly attitude toward the French popula tion as soon as the garrison left for the Kiffane fighting front. French and Spanish Confer. Paris. July 9. —France and Spain will offer Abdel Krim autonomy in the Riff region of Morocco under* a Spanish pro tectorate. This is one of the principal features o fthe Franco-Spanish accord regarding Morocco, signed at Madrid yes aerday. French official circles expect Abdel Krim to refuse the offei* because the lead er of the tribesman now ppposing the French and Spanish in Morocco, has re peatedly said he would not accept a Span ish directorate. It is understood the Franco-Spanish agreement also provides permission for the French- military forces to enter the Spanishm zone in pursuit of Abdel .Krim's marauders and other operations as may be necessary. Although Abdel Krim has refused a Spanish protectorate he has said he would accept autonomy under the Frem'.i. This . is impossible, however, because his terri tory, the Riff, is in the Spanish zone. Hostages Released. Fez. July 9 (By the Associated Press). —Several hundred native women and children, held as hostages by Abdel Krim's Kiffians were released by the French to day when the latter by a quick drive along the Ouergha River,, captured sev eral villages from the enemy. PRESS ASSOCIATION OF STATE OPEN<S MEETING Number of Addresses Heard at First Ses sion of 53rd Annual Convention. Asheville. July B.—Featured by an ad dress by Maurillus E. Foster, publisher of the Houston Chronicle, many remarks of visiting publishers from other states, the 53rd session of the North Carolina Press Association opened here tonight at the George Vanderbilt Hotel. H. Galt Braxton, of Kinston, presided. The annual poem, an ode dedicated to and entitled "The North Carolina Press,” was read by the author, J. D. Boone, of Waynesville. The annual oration was delivered by T. W. Charablish, of Raleigh. The address dealt with the evolution of the modern newspapers whit'a the speak er declared to be a public servant and worthy of remuneration commensurate with its service. I*. M. president of The Ashe ville Times, welcomed the guests and in troduced Mr. Foster as an annual visitor to this- city. ‘‘Asheville,” Mr. Burdette stated, “is the summer vacation spot for all North Carolina and is fast becoming the hot- weather mecea for all the South.” In a brief talk Walter C. Johnson, of The Chattanooga News, newly selected president of t*iie Southern Newspaper Publishers’ Association, extended a wel come to the state association to call on the larger group for any assistance pos sible and to co-operate with the S. N. P. A. for a further solution of problems con fronting publishers of this section. Other talks were made by Wiley Mor • gan, Knoxville Sentinel; Josephus I)an - iels, Raleigh; Congressman W. C. Ham ' mer and others. - Washington Treaties Approved. ) Paris, July 9—The two Washington i arms conference treaties relating to China - which were ratified Tuesday by the cham f ber of deputies were favorably reported i today by the foreign affairs committee of the French senate and will be presented tomorrow to the senate for ratification. [ When neverybody says it nobody . knows it for certain. WHAT SAT'S BEAR SAYS ; rm “8 "™ >- Fair tonight, Friday, fair in east, local >f'thundershowers in west portion; mod erate southwest winds. NO. 1

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