1 Editor and Publishei L pSCOTT mikoice Lie long? I, # ( State's Attor ing He Will lg .Asylum. ItiHEAD IpENIES REPORT I Ha? Not Said That ■Change Has Taken I Recently in Scott’s pion. | An un ml. ~f die (-raff of State's was «iuotenl by the Hj ExstniH*" 1 ' today as saj- K,.,1l T. Scott, convicted be returned from the f or Insane within Kt) fa.e the (’"ok county Es more. Em said the attache of the Ej f dc office had revealed- ELai! decision that Scott Ep had been made by Dr. Etoidvi. superintendent of Ej and that the latter was Cv rttrrobcration of his de consultant experts be- L Scott back. Eptji touch with Dr. E eariy today were unsuc- K other Frsons at Chester E talk. Emtk was taken to Ches- IjjarT bad capped the cli- Eeitraordinary efforts to es ■nllows by finding him in |r faced hanging three tiineg L smtcfied from the noose Einptctpd eleventh hour de- Etlio last time on July EJudge Joseph David grant- Eof execution pending the Enriag f>r four hours before I march. Scott's commit- Es ordered that he be con fcestrr until death or until Bad sane. | Denies Reports. I 111 Aug. 24. —(4 I )—Dr. Stubblefield. superintendent lie hospital for criminal in tern- characterized reports til T. Scott, convicted mur ! been found sane, as ‘‘all N AND SCIENCE SEEN AS UNRELATED an Leader Says Miracles Be Taken Apart From Nat- R. Lake. Ind. Aug. 24.—0 P) ? and mysteries of the Bi -1 not be considered from the of natural laws, declared ■ Erdman. Moderator of the ® General Assembly, at 11 Bible Conference. 2 hew of facts and laws es h modern science, no in- ChrMian need doubt the ®vine creation, of the mira ct«! history or the inspira * Bible." he sa id. r the unsolved mysteries both scientist and theolog -1 'how humility and charity, and theologians usu h-n a teacher of physical mes erejition and postulates of miracles he has fj pcr sphere and entered that ipk or religion. Lifts of science are estab s - y beyond a doubt. Such , iy*' °f certain essential I thnstianity. The latter 11 * I,lv ine person and re „ of (iod in the person KNEW Stl ‘ WAS DANGEROUS Says He Told Mack- J** 1, Tha t Boiler Was 5; I. Aug. 24.— UP)— fc r John Grant,- of the 1£ ; T e - the boiler of which Tuesday, taking fifty ! the "* le ''’‘i n geTous con d ftn T't'fore the steam iu,. ‘ e ill-fated excursion, to‘ >ul)n iittcd today at the rti f .n S 7 ,n ! lu< ' n ‘ ( l here under to,; of tlle Fwleral Steam- TOloa Service H (w, had kl' 1 a u ’clder, testified pa r *1 upon to do could ° n 1P but would i , (1 ° t,le work be fenkine ut ho(, , n neces »ary to Ito bt. 15 fore cou ld reach &of th W , araf,(l Grant of the “mi 2hr break and told him W u , ■■ gf,f t 0 Newport and knoi\- A>- tiiat Grant re told him “in Wk. ,,r ’ '^, S to Ka y “it was y Parent testi mony of Gassidv- ' anotbor welder, •' s Story. Storm, killed , ' —Three per whe? 1 " * ales Gity late a j lOU6e i Q which fiU < h r( ' fl ! Ke fr °ra . a j»S. h ßhtuing. e rt Pitts on 1 c:,re s ar yt ii; f l*hey ~ an such as are used in other cities. The lines of the company extend - from the depot of the Southern Rail s way Company to the Gibson Manufac i turing Company, and to a point on - South Union street near the home of J. Leonard Brown. The South Union . street line has not been operated for several years, however, its schedule 1 having been suspended by request of the company which stated that only a few persons ever used the system from the square to its terminal on , South Union street. * The commitee appointed by Major ? Barrier to make a study of the sys -1 tem here probably will report at th * September meeting and it is under- J stood that nothing will be done un -1 til the commitee is ready to report. It is also understood that the commlt f tee plans a conference with officials 1 of the public service company rela- tive to the $33,000 debt. A6 the tracks of the street ca system are on paved streets, R m 1 believed they will be left, as repai s ® to the streets caused by their remova f would cost more than the rails would ** bring The committee appointed to the matter by the city is composed of , Mayor Barrier, Aldermen Howard and Hahn and City Attorney J. Lee Crow . ell While this committee has not ! yet completed its work, it was. stated by one of its members this morning that one proposal has been agreed on . by the members, this being that the ; city will square off accounts w.ththe n public service company if the latter “ will turn-over to the former all of its d real and personal property m (Con (Continuea on Page Three.) GOVERNOR McLEAN i MAKES INQUIRIES Says No Patients at State Sanatorium Will Be ! Moved For the Lack of Money From State. Raleigh. Aug. 24.— (A 3 )—No pa tients will be sent away from the state sanatorium for tuberculosis until Governor McLean has made a per i sonal investigation of conditions there j which were recently said to he such ! that sixteen patients must leave in the immediate future and twenty oth ers in the next six months to make way for cases on the waiting list pre senting more hope of being cured. In a statement last night on his re turn from a vacation Governor Mc- Lean stated he was “very much sur- I prised" to learn an emergency existed at the sanatorium and added “there must be some mistake about the mat ,ter.’’ Pending completion of ri per sonal investigation, the Governor said he would at once request the Board of directors to refrain from dismissing any of the patients in question. BURGLAR SHOT TO DEATH | Another Burglar Makes His Escape. —Suspect Arrested But Proves an Alibi. Reidsville, Aug. 22. —Edward Car ' ter, 25-year-old white man, was shot and instantly killed at about 10:30 o'clock last night by B. H. Franklin in ‘his home on Thomas street, East Reidsville. Carter and another thief entered Franklin’s home. The second thief plunged through a window when | the shooting began and made his es ' cape. The robber, evidently realiz ing that he was trapped, fired several shots, two of the bullets inflicting flesh wounds in Franklin's neck and leg and Mrs. Franklin being wounded |in the shoulder from behind by the * unknown thief-after she had run into j the yard to give the alarm. I Both Mr. aud Airs. Franklin will 1 recover from their wonnds. which are not considered serious. Both were i highly unnerved today after their ex | perienee and are suffering from shock. 1 Franklin, with a shotgun, sent a load into the midnight thief below the heart and he dropped in his tracks. Before Franklin Could ifet bto iir&d. which he kept near his bed. Carter had fired several times. The ex -1 perienee was a terrifying one for tl\e ' young man and his wife, both, of ! whom were in bed and who were prin cipals in a midnight duel in the dark j ness with deadly missiles speeding in j every direction. !klan to rescue torch DROPPED BY VV. J. BRYAN Organization Is Committed to Throw Strength Behind the Fundamental ist Move. Sandusky, 0., Aug. 23. —The Ku Klux Klan has unequivocally commit | ted itself to a fight for fundaraental ism in religion, Clyde W. Osborne, grand dragon for Ohio, declared in ap address at a district meeting of the organization near here last night. “We will take up the torch as it fell from the hands of William Jen nings Bryan, carrying on his tight for the religion of our fathers.” Exactly how the klan will pursue this course probably will be deter mined at the national meeting of grand dragons at Buckeye Lake, a re sort near Columbus, next week. “Our great army of men and women believe in the teachings of Christ as recorded in the Bible and in the im maculate conception, but we do not necessarily believe in a literaly trans lation to the extent that it is neces sary to believe that a whale swal lowed Jonah,” he declared. Rowan County’s Tax Rate Is Fixed at $lO7. Salisbury, Aug. 22—The county board of commissioners have fixed the tax rate for the coming fiscal year at $lO7 on the SIOO valuation of property, this being an mcrease of 15 cents over the present rate of 92 cents. Os this increase 14 cents is for the general county school fund i and one cent is added to the present J public health fund. The poll tax re ‘ mains the same, $2. .. , I The general tax of $1.07 is divided as follows. Oue cent for maintenance of county home; two cents for main tenance of bridge; 15 cents for con struction and maintenance of county roads; two cents for health work; 12 cents for principal and interest on public debt; 60 cents for special county school tax. . , . , ‘ In addition to this there is levied an eight cent road tax, incorporated towns exempt, this to be used ex clusively for road work in the town ships in Avhich collected. There are ' also 14 special school tax districts in the county with a rate 10 cents to 50 cent on the SIOO. The rate is based on a property * valuation in the entire county of ap [ proximately $50,000,000, and the general tax exclusive of the special 1 school district tax and the township road tax. is expected to bring a re ; venue of about $850,000. Os this f about $340,000 will go schools, in ad -1 dition to that derived from the ' special school tax in districts where E such tax has been approved by a 1 vote of the people r - - 1 Convict Dorothy ElUngson «i Charge i of Manslaughter. ? San Francisco, Aug. 22—Dorothy ’ Ellingson, 17 year old confessec * matricide, was found guilty of man - slaughter by a superior court jurj tonight. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS CONCORD, N. Q, MONday. AUGUST 24, 1924 World’s Largest Posies 1 By Haßufr ms Mafll W Sflk. jb^hhßßßk Jg jgr m > - • M S' Ii W ' I BH *V * _ /'V . j (| v.;.y 1 The world’s largest flowers are being made to decorate the pageantry ot ’ the International Petroleum Exposition at Tulsa, Okla., October I*l®. Hire Is pretty Mary Mclntyre, with a huge magnolia blossom for scenery. She will be one of the oil princess'* in the pageant. i ? : CANDIDATES ENGAGE | IN VERBAL BATTLES ' New York City Candidates i For Mayor Spend Week- End Throwing Criticisms at One Another. | New York, Aug. 24. —