ME 1 tnity and Self Defense |s Plea Entered by Cole’s I Counsel When State Rests In fii HOF DtFEUSE tu of Counsel ■ 0 j e< Announced ■or Defence rt'hen ■sited at 11 :-4. litnesses p\RO IN CASE ■ere Eye Witness- B the Other Was a ■ian Who Dressed Hs of Dead Man. ■ (Vnnty llouso. ■ () ■ i. IJP'— Self-de- in-aiilry is the ■i; iwiaiitiiy cotton ■ who ia-t August loth ■y \\\ \\. < innutil, for ■itor IT ‘laughter's ■rk> I Ui*- plea of ■j«vr t-i;*' -*ii:■ rented its ■ (Air -;t 11.1’4 o'clock. ■k had been call oil. ■ imnii'tliao'ly tufrered re |, ,‘t insanity and the while the court ■pots of (tmuscl. Bn, unt.\ t'ourr House, ■ n-t. l- '^P' l —With the no it- cUse against H befo:*- i'.mui. the second ■ ootr a manufactnreers It murder <.f W. W. Dr ift! at H:3o o’clock s:>- lin. a mill worker, took Is the third witness for I He was an eye witness I*. testified that (Ormond ■in the automobile when Bra from the Manufactur | nearby. Ormond's head b back of the seat, eyes Bt cigarette between his I the first shot was fired. Bsr testified the door of k was closed and that B unarmed. ■ examination John C. k defense, asked the wit ■t and employment. He 'years old. cannot read or d‘s*k not know the month ie ms born. i.nervous. He moved to eiier view of the witness, ed in the chair. said that after the was fired (ole walked building !n> had left, un a Pistol with a breaking 1 entered. He testified he i five steps of Cole when 85 occurred, and that he t'vo persons, Frank Mrs. W. A. W entz, who described the shoot • Bristow, physician who after rhe shooting, as the next witness. The knn.ted that lie its an ex *n a critical condition ;1> “'v. who ’nad heard the the automobile. He "®° n< l to his office nearby ts'eiHl two hyi>odermics. 1 produced a blue | "i'll blood, identified by ' ' having been worn by Ban. '^ r Ormond and his two tprf in tears. junds, one on the right 88a on th** shoulder, c,' 11 *' ’“Si't breast, the lat- t .l , as a "direct entrance” lad . k‘ V witness. The Relieved, caused Or- RVMEN mostly farmers M,,M!y Isa P* ists; u - Howard is a Wealthy 1 kept. 3p. fj • , tic- jurors who .... V :;:<1 'ate . f W. B. iudp, 1 ' 1, u ’, Rockingham are f the m a , m , m ‘ ft Xfvv s ' ''' Marshville, ,‘nMatmA 1 11' 1 t( 'j vn * hi P. »g« svp chiii-"' rii, ‘ ,!lum f" ' ation fair ’ 5 1} »':ark N'T Ridge ’' axliaw > route ii>arrh,i" Mllp ' age 30 - I 'air M„.• .. lU> Children, substantial If , 1 lllA , , . ■ 'll an-i l- w uich sent ?' r at the ‘\ S ’ Pel t 0 the ! 5 f '°urt ' term of 'J. 0 Q . ..Ws rv",‘ l: Marshville, ,1 ? si *‘. age education t" ’ u several kfttifr an ' Ruptist, sub -M. M w . nc 'bester. Mineral THE CONCORD TIMES $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. ANOTHER CUT MADE BY POWER COMPANY Cotton Mills Can Operate Only Three and a Half Days a Week Under the New Schedule. Charlotte, Oct. I.—othe Sunday school and leaders in the Baptist Young Peoples Union, in prayer meeting, in socml service, and in all other forms of churchwork. ' This nursery of Bap tist leadership, this training ground of the soldiers of the cross, was never more worthy of the united support of all our churches than it is todaj. i t CONCORD. N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1925 Crosses Mark Traffic Deaths ; jgg jgjSjSj ’ jSSSrt is a warning to autoists and pedestrians, Indianapolis is painting whits grosses on its streets to mark the spots where people have been killed in tUto accidents. Sergeant Harry Smith of the accident prevention bureau is shown explaining the cross to school children. HEINEN TELLS WHO j INFORMANTS WERE Tells Inquiry Board Where He Got the Information About What He Termed Was Cause of Disaster. Lakehurst, X. J., Oct. 1. —(A 5 )— Benjamin O. Hereto, a Shenandoah survivor, and James Work, chief draftsman at the air station here, were named today by Captain An ton Heinen. zeppelin pilot, as the men who gave him the information upon which most of his testimony was based. The witnesses furnished the names on fine direct order of the court for Rear Admiral Jones the demanded the names since the men themselves had not come forward. Heinen in with holding the names yesterday said he thought they should be permitted to volunteer the information. The witness said Hereth. came to him and told him what happened as the Shenandoah broke up. He could not say how long Hereth, a machin ists mate, had been jji 4he erew. ■* Work was the fnau. Heinen sai<£ who told him that those at the sta tion had been fighting the valve ehange on the Shenandoah all along, but with out success. FORMER RESIDENT OF CITY TAKES OWN LIFE Robert R. Shuman Commits Suicide at Home of His Parents in Salis bury’. Salisbury. Oct. I.—(A 3 )—Robert R. Shuman, 34 years old, former drug clerk and painter, shot and killed him self at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Shuman, in this city, shortly after 10 o’clock this morning, using a pistol. The bullet was fired in the right temple and passed through the head. 11l health and despondency is said to have prompted the deed. He is survived by four brothers and three sisters. The shooting took place in his bedroom. (Mr. Shuman formerly was a resi dent of Concord, making liis home on East Corbin Street. —Editor). FLEET CORPORATION LOSES SOME POWER Powers Delegated to It Last Year Withdrawn By Shipping Board. Washington, Oct. 1. —(/P)The broad powers delegated to the fleet corpora tion last year at the suggestion of President Coolidge were withdrawn today ower fnl influences behind both factions in the fight and the established in signia at stake it is of wide interest to the public. Both sidea have been and are now’ carrying on national advertising campaigns in newspapers and maga zines. Seeks to Nullify Use of Animal Steel Trap. Washington. Oct. 1. — UP) —The general public and organizations of i sportsmen, as well as some officials I of the IT. S. Biological Survey, are charged by the newly-organized Anti- Steel Trap League with adopting an improper attitude toward the use of steel traps in the capture of animals. The point at issue is the degree of ■suffering experienced by entrapped an imals. ' Officials of the league are preparing a pamphlet written by Edward Breck, writer, lecturer and former naval of ficer, who is president of the organi zation. It will contain an appeal for general support of the league’s pro gram, which covers both the United States and Canada. This program the organization’s officials* summarize as follows: “We “propose to bring about- the passage o/ a law by all the state and provincial legislatures making illegal all use of the torturing steel and other non-killing devices for faking fur, except by the authorities in the case of vermin. “Propaganda against wearing fur is helpful of but the above is the only way to win within a reasonable period of time, say a few years in some states and a few more in others.” Every woman who ever wore fui will be asked to contribute one dol lar. New Head of Pennsylvania System. Philadelphia, Pa.. Oct. 1. —Gen- William Wallace Atterbury, who to day assumes the presidency of the Pennsylvania Railroad in succession j to Samuel Rea, has been in the service of the company ever since his graduation from Yale in 1886. Be ginning as an apprentice he gradual ly rose in the service until he be came vice president in charge of operations in 1922, ami chief vice pmsident ofthe entire system last year. The government board of educa tion in Greece has called upon women school teachers to dress modestly themselves, and to use their influence with a view’ to checking the growing tendency among women and girls to adopt short skirts and low neck dresses. Siam has 13.000 Buddhist temples and nearly 90,000 priests. j THE CONCORD TIMES ( j THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER j I , BOTH ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $2.25 1 The Progressive Farmer is the best farm paper published, and its j | | price i» SI.OO. a year. • Y'ou need not pay for the Progressive Farmer at the same time you I pay for The Times. We will get it for you a whole year at any time ? 1 on payment of only 25 cents. ’ Pay your subscription to The Times to any contestant, but come j , I to The Times office to pay for your Progressive Farmer. 1 a g rrrr r mrm-r rrrrrrrrrrtir. im Si'" 1 ’ 14 ” ate [ Entering May Be Arne to Win One of Big Prizes Offered. NO ONE CANLOSE IN THIS CAMPAIGN; There Should Be at Least Twenty Active Workers In Each One of the Prize Districts. The few candidates who are now striving toward one of the big prizes | in The Tribune and Times campaign are beginning to display interest rel ative to the end of the first big vote | period which closes at midnight Mon day, October 19th, and as a result j a little more life ’has Wen injected into flue contest— This doe* not mean, Jiowever, that a new candidate enter- j ing now would he unable to win one 1 of the big prizes for there is plenty of room for any live person who j wants one of the four motor ears or his or her share of the thousands of ! dollars in cash which must be award ed ai the end of fihe few weeks. Right now, when the campaign is just-gaining a little momentum, is the | time for you, who have been hesitat ing. to step in yvith a handful of sub-, seviptions to The Tribune or the Times and see what they will do for you in the vote columns. Brand new workers have jumped to the lead of their districts within a few days, as | you will have noticed if you have been following the daily announce ments of the score. have prob ably also noticed that there are nine candidates in district Xo. 1, six in Xo. 2 and but five in Xo. 3. There should be at least twenty active work ers in each one_of the district work ing in a determined way for one of the ten big capital prizes. When you stop to think that no one can lose, that every one who par ticipates in this great offer must win, it is beyond comprehension why so few are ambitious enough to want to turn their spare moments into cash — cash that they would procure in no other way. All that it takes is. first of all. the desire to make something on the side, even as high as $2,110, in a few weeks oUeffOTt. . These vvha awake to what an opportunity this really is now will have something on ■ those who realize after it is over | with and the winners are announced that they might as well have had their share. Yes, three weeks of time have elapsed since this generous offer was announced by The Tribune and Times but in results what has been accom plished can be duplicated by a few determined workers in a few days. We put this directly up to you now. If # you act you will profit by such action. There is room for you. Two Beys Walk 175 Miles to Attend College. Birmingham, Ala., Oct. I.—(A 3 ) — Exemplifying the adage “where there’s a will, there’s away,” two boys en tered Howard College at the opening of the school year after having walk ed 175 miles. These youths hail from the same town —Florala, on the southern boun dary of Alabama —and have long been neighbors. One of them. Samuel Hart, is preparing himself for the I ministry, the other., Edwin Doster, is pursuing a pre-medical course. The boys started on foot from their homes six ‘days before school opened with less money than is required to see a couple of good movies. They worked en route to Birmingham, thereby securing sufficient funds for food and lodging. They neither ask ed nor accepted charity. They arrived at the vcllege in fine fettle and enter ed upon their studies with zeal. Both boys are graduates of the Cov ington County High* School. In mod est circumstances, they found it nec e-sary to walk to Birmingham and to depend upon their own efforts if they were tot attend college. Strong British Fleet in Near Eastern 1 Waters. London, Oct. I.—(A 3 ) —Strong Brit-j ish naval forces will be maintained ■ in Near Eastern waters during the j next few weeks under amended orders | issued by the adinirality of the Med iterranean fleet. Passengers Robbed. Omaha. Neb., Sept. 30.—A masked j bandit bearded a Missouri Pacific passenger train in the railroad yards I here early tonight and robbed 25 pas sengers. Te escaped with an unde termined amount of loot. FRENCH PROPOSAL 1 IS UNACCEPTABLE 10 THIS COUNTRY Secretary Mellon Brands as Fake Reports of An Agreement On French Debt Plan. FRENCH ADVISED TO THIS EFFECT President Coolidge Has Not Given Approval or Disapproval to Any Plan Offered. Washington. Oct. I. UP) —The , | French proposal for settlement of her war debt to the United States has been found unacceptable. After a conference at the White House today between President Cool idge and the American debt commis sion, a statement was issued by See -1 rotary Mellon for the committee which called on tlie President and declared j that no p.rojiosal had been submitted i to Mr. Coolidge for his approval or i disapproval. “The representation in the press on ! the supposed authority of a member of | the French commission that agree : ment has been reached, and purport ing to give the terms is entirely in correct. Such a statement obviously did not come from M. Caillaux be cause before the adjournment of the sub-committee last evening the French members were informed by the Amer ican members that their proposals were not likely to be accepted. “There has been no difference of opinion, whatever among the Ameri can commission. The visit to the Pres ident this morning was to inform, him of the .position of negotiations. No proposal has been made acceptable to the American commission and none has been submitted to the President for his approval or disapproval.” Some members of the American commission were of the opinion that no possibility of an agreement with the French was apparent at this state. One membert felt that the 2 commissions were as far apart as they were upon presentation by Fi nance Minister Uaillaix of his first settlement proposal last Thursday. The American commission immedi ately went into an executive session and it was intimated that following the scheduled meeting at 11 o’clock with the French mission, a statement giving more details of the proceedings would be made public. I THE COTTON MARKET Opened Steady’ Today at an Advance of Two Points to Decline of Three Pcipts—December Off. New Y’ork. Oct. I.— UP) —The cot ton market opened steady today at an advance of two points to a decline of three points. There was consider able covering on relatively steady Liv erpool cables and trade buying was again in evidence, but offerings were heavy as prices weakened after the call under Wall Street, local and southern selling. December soon sold off from 23.19 to 23.04, and the mar ket was unsettled at the end of the first hour, active months showing net losses of 8 to 12 points. The early sellilng was accompanied by rumors of bearish private crop figures. Cotton futures opened steady. Oct, 23.07; Dec. 23.19; Jan. 22.35 ; March 22.60; May 22.83. A Missing Little GW is Returned to Parents. Lexington, Sept. 2!). —Polly Gen try. six-year old daughter of Sir. and Mrs. John Gentry, of Burlington, was accidentally separated from her parents about ten miles southwest of Lexington on the Central Highway late Saturday. After a' worrisome couple of hours she was found here by the worried parents and con tinued her homeward journey. June Page, banker, and H. R. Kyser, attorney, both of Thomas ville found the little girl wantfering around by the roadside beyond the I Hayden place ‘and brought her here 1 and placed her in care of Sheriff Talbert, who at once notified Burl | ington authorities, the little girl bav i ing said that she was with other ' members of her family returning to I Burlington from an automobile trip to B.ackshear, Ga. Friday afternoon is the only time when a Moroccan wife is permitted !to leave her home unattended. Then ! she may only visit the cemetery, from j which men are excluded for that af i ternoon. The Hudson’s Bay Company re ceived its charter from King Charfes 11. in 1769. - SAT'S BEAR SAYS: v |. i ■ Partly cloudy tonight and Friday, "probably showers in extreme west and extreme north portions. Slightly warmer in north portion Griday. NO. 25