§.: i best And Best Fair Yet [eld In County Will Start [in City Tomorrow Morning Lple. Livestock and Exhibits of AH Kinds [Hand Now For the Formal Opening of the Kgiorron Nlornin g. [shows saidto I BE OF HIGHEST ORDER ■Concord With Big Reputation and Will Os- ISeparate Acts.—-Fire Works Each Night I Fair, Starting Tomorrow. ■jin! at ir.al Cabarrus County Fair officially opens Kith;' for the best attendance in the history l' a!U l u indications that line interest will be sus- Kturh' -lit the week. , Ki the fair grounds will be opened at < o’clock to ■oming and w hen they are thrown open the fair can ■be idticially opened. Xo parade is scheduled as a Ithe-o;»ening events at the fair grounds, the' fair offi- Intratiag tlii- year on exhibits, free acts and races |<iev tii:g proceeds for a parade. have l.iirlj swann ■.,.v tuiav. Kvi'iyone is . ; nt minute details, ■ b- ready tor the thou- I; tomoii'nv. Til* Ber iii:l Ti«>t •••ac-'a Concord lorr.ins at;! members of Ly f. ut.'-i m moi hing to Ctr i f th'* day in prepa C aning "t t!io show | Vo adaiN'ioii Will be | poaud, tonight but : t [have the shows in oper- Kp brii'-tit of hundreds of L who an* to put on the ■rivrtl in C ncon 1 yester ■ manager announced this Ihr i> ready now for the nnir of his troupe which o put mi the keenest free a in Concord. Hs will cover a wide field, horse- and a miniature I acts that are expected ip greatest interest per ir-t of the free acts will Borrow afternoon begin tn the ea-e in the past, ire determined to have i*V' Itcgru at schednled t The races will begin then- will not be the de ucn detract from races, ir .grain for tomorrow will f r s;',iiti purse, for s::ut) purse, brses and primed for rials of tin- fair are c*On fans this year ’will see than any offered at the fair'. The horses which trtered here last week ar- J. and were given light hay preparatory to the s tomorn >w. iw. in charge of the poul had already listed Mjbirds at noon and he 'urel that more than 150 uld be entered during !n - The p ultry exhibit ?rovc.l one of the most iu t-ans nf the fair. W tihi.-h will house the W| i'-d this morning and kr; de-erators were en h- interior. All spaces in been sold, and latest ! -venii makes will be *’‘ be the mee-ca for mu- PBorning as the Widen* /'huh will play at the . s die week, will give a d 11 a. in. daily, ‘iv -stock of vari- ; r " '-it'd at the exhibit . hui,.:iii2 this morning, '“p • 1 "im.v farm agent. detn uistrattion ' dli the arrange •'l'lny of th,- farm exhib !*‘<i: Greater Shows have " r - ( ''fd a complete outfit, b\ one of their repre . as the show i the ground. The ' und.iubtedly one . ■ '-'er v't-n ju this sec-' qatnp,.,! for space. ' k'Um t and separate jjj' ','j Illne riding devices— If ' pt'i‘l»iliar and the l! 'P European novelties. POlttraetion.s, it i< said, i r ,.. ;; v ' 1 !'•' tb l ' celebrated (if;.;— Which the . “ ow s is the suc . die attractions is t ,, - i’ciis sideshow" 'hi- !, ‘ M ‘ t ’ ntp rnational to,-*""**' collection of i. Mange people, tv 11,1 gathered from ri T > ‘ 1 *' ,f fiiardi*si Shows’ ass eiabled under '"d'oiv tent. ! dug M llw-lV f „ * p teatures are *ij 0 f ';/ ln:! '-', one of the Icin.-if,/' 1 *" outdoor F Greo,; r, fcir whi,.! V ow n *ak An > most ~** 01 '‘ r ' n « less than 181I 81 f^ak‘; m ;‘/' kuble and puz- Nofti ua ‘ ma l nature. '*"■ Mi/ uttl ‘ act ious to be Sde pf y . , nr( ‘ : Mamda i a mos t lU f’.“ T1 ! e Show of Gt.sr-inating and *w> ..y l,ian lights," 1 rum, Ma “" THE CONCORD TIMES $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. gress of Athletes"; “The One-Eyed Circusand a dozen thrilling and sensational riding devices of the lat est and safest types. The Bernardi show played the State Fair .at Baltimore, and was seen at the Allentown Fair; Jersey State Fair at Trenton; Virginia State Fair at Richmond, and other large fairs throughout the nation. Dr. Spencer and other fair officials when seen at the grounds this morn ing. reiterated their belief that the fair will be the greatest ever offered in this section of the State. “I know we have never offered such shows, free acts, fireworks and races as we have booked for this year,” one { official said, “and so far as we know no other fair in this section of the | country lias offered anything better. ! We have striven to get the best pos sible, and we are confident thousands of people will show their appreciation and pleasure by attending the fair.” The free acts each evening will be gin at 6:45 to continue an hour. At 7 :45 the fireworks will be staged. The fireworks will be the most elaborate ever shown at a local fair aud were Cps f jn «£*■ that spent last year for a program that was entirely pleasing. Admission prices this year are 50 cents for adults at day. 25 cents at night and 25 cents for children at all times. Autos can be parked inside the grounds for 25 cents. BROOKS JURY HAS NOT YET BEEN COMPLETED Difficulty Experienced in H noosing j Last Three of Jury to Tty Bonnie Brooks. Hendersonville, Oct. 12.—Examina nation of ten venire men in an effort to secure three more men to complete the jury in the case of Bonnie L. Brooks, charged with the murder of Sam Y. Bryson, former mayor, took ■up practically the whole morning ses sion of the Superior Court today. Out of this number no one was found available, two being'related to the defendant and the other 8 having fixed opinions as to the guilt or inno cence of Brooks. There are still about 100 venire men to be examined if necessary in order to complete the jury, and it was indicated today that it will probably be late this afternoon or perhaps tomorrow morning before the testimony in the case will be made public. 2 University Celebrating Semi- Centen . riLal. Chapel Hill, Oct. 12.—0f 3 )—The University of North Carolina today is celebrating the sime-centennial of the reopening of the University of North Carolina following the war between tfie state. While the celebration will last only one day during today the university is the mecca for a notable gathering of educational leaders from all sections of the country. The Western North Carolina Conference Meets at Statesville Statesville, N. C., Oct. 12. (A 3 ) Although the outstanding question, of the annual Western North Carolina conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, when it convenes here Wednesday, will be that of the unifi cation of Methodism in the United States, many other matters of intei • est will claim the attention of the conference. , r Other matters to be considered are. the appointment of preachers for an, other year; election of delegates to : the quadrennial general conference in May 1926: the hearing of reports on various activities in North ( aro ‘ 11 . 1 ; Methodism as represented by tne 1 Western North Carolina conference ‘ and the presentation of codnectional ' interests by official ' visitors headquarters at Nashville, Tenn - Louisville, Ky„ St, Louis, and At i lanta, where the .various church - boards and publishing houses are la c&tcd. i On Tuesday, preceding the organi i zation of the body, there will be meet r ings of various committees and con -1 ference boards, and of the presiding ’ Bishop and his cabinet. The confer ’ ence will told its first' business meet ’ ing Wednesday morning at 9 o clock, - when it will be organized by Bishop ************** % * NO PAPER TOMORROW. * Ofi account of the fact that tomorrow is Everybody’s Day at the Fair, and of course every body will be there, there will be I no issue pf The Tribune on that [* da -v- %• w. ********* l REPORT OF SALARY ANI) WAGE COMMISSION Orders .Vnnual Decrease in Salaries of $19,232. Raleigh,~N. Oct. 12.—OP)—Abo . lition of five positions and a decrease in the salaries paid annually by the State of $10,232 were thf outsrand ■ iug features of the report of the Sal ary and Wage Commission jnade pub lie here Saturday night. Accompany ing the 56 page book wh'ch contain ed the action and recommendations of the Commission' as to state em ployes, their salaries working hours, j holidays, schedules of pay for certain [ positfbns aiul a mass of other data, ! was a statement explaining and sum- I marizing the Commission’s work. Th> J report was approved by Governor Me- i Lean. The state insurance department, j jto suffer ds to employes. The Com- I mission recommended tlie abortion of j positions held by live safety education agents and two fire investigators. The saving annually by this was given as $13,300 in salaries and $6,641.75 in expenses. The work of the Commis sion is not final as the charitable in stitutions and educational establ'sh j inents have not been included in the report. The-figures given were exclus i ive of these two classes. | Briefly the commission recommend ed the reduction of 108 asalaries, the increase of 29 and 1464 remained un changed. The report showed a total of 1,601 in the non-institutional de partments and agencies. These were receiving a total of $2,906,230 in sal aries annually. The figures were bas ed upon data assembled as of April 15 and become effective first. *‘The purpose of the Conuhission.” j said the statement issued with the report, “was not, as conceived by some. | merely to cut salaries and wages, but | rather to classify and place oh a bus iness basis the compensation paid em ployes of the State. The Commission spent approximately six months hi the work assigned so it and after mature j consideration made its report to the Governor on October 1, 2925. “The Commission found in some in stances inefficient employes were be ing paid salaries higher than efficient employes in other departments. In some instances in the same depart ment different salaries were paid to I employes of comparatively the same degree of efficiency, training and ser vice. It has been the purpose to eliminate inequalities and discrimina tions wherever found and while the Commission realizes that the full ben | etits arising from its work will not be immediate and that some errors will have to be eliminated when they are made apparent by the p ractical work ing of the plan, it believes that the report will justify the action of the! General Assembly in enacting the law I and that by following up the work | fts outlined in this report much per- j manent good will result.” *. * * “The Commission lias provided first: , classification of employes according to the duties assigned them by tb£ heads of departments; and second: has prescribed a range of salaries and wages for each class of employes. “Uniform working hours, sick leave and vacation leave have been provid ed in the rules, thus preventing one employe from obtaining advantage over others.” The statement adds that each de partment head is left free to select his own employes under certain rules •Collins Denny, in charge of North Carolina Methodism, president. It is expected that the vote on unification will be taken early in the sess'on, probably Thursday, and that the Vot ing will be by ballot. And the eon -1 ference will colne to a close on Mon day, October 19th. with the announce, ment of appointments of preachers for the coming year. The conference, which is the 36th annual session of the Western North- Corolina conference, ois the third to be held in Statesville. It will be en tertained by the churches of this city, daily and evening sessions being held at the Broad Street Church. The other two conferences held here were in 1894, witli Bishop A. W. Wilson presiding, and in 1910, when Bishop E R Hendrix presided. Rev. W. L. Sherrill, of Charlotte, secretary of • the conference, was first chosen for that position at the conference here in 1894 and has served continuously since that time—for 31 years. Rev. E C. Cole, of Leaksville, is assistant secretary of the body. On Sunday, during the conference, local pulpits will be filled by visiting members. Sunday afternoon a memo rial service for members of the con (Continuea on Fage Three.) CONCORD, N. Cl, MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1924 NATS LOSE MORE THAN GAME ■■MMHI ssjft:, 19K • —»- —j. .. . t The Washington Senators lostjpore than the game in the second contest of the world series, Oswee Bluege, their star third baseman, was knocked unconscious when one of Vic Aldridge's fast shoots struck him on the head, and his return to the serie--. is doubtful. In the photo above Bluege is shown on the ground with Umpire Owens, Catcher Smith and Joe Judge of the Senators lifting him from the ground. Peck of the Sena i tors is standing by. Cole Will Know His Fate After Hearing DUKE FUNERAL IN DURHAM TOMORROW Body of Tobacco Manu facturer and Philan thropist Will Reach Dur ham Tomorrow. Durham, N. C., Oct. 12. — UP) —A special train today was bearing the j pinnae of James Buchanan Duke, to ■j- Gs manufacturer ami pliilanthrofM list, out of I(ie East for burial here ! where he was born 68 years ago. He | died in New York Saturday night. There was no interruption of >vork at Duke University today, Dean W. H. Wanamaker explaining lie felt it would have been the desire of Mr. Duke for the classes to be continued. Tomorrow, however, during the time the university’s greatest benefac tory's body lies in a local church, while the funeral is bbing conducted, all work will cease, and the student body will join i% paying tribute to his memory. Later in the week the en tire student body will gather in a memorial service in honor of the in stitution's endower. REMINDS WORLD OF COLUMBUS’ BIRTHDAY Legal Holiday Observer in Italy on Anniversary cf Birth of Great Dis coverer. Rome, Oct. 12— UP)— ltaly today reminded the world of the Italian na tivity of Columbus by celebrating the 433rd anniversary of his discovery of ! America, ns a legal holiday. Flags were flown on all the public I buildings throughout the country and j lectm-es on Columbus and his achieve i ments were delivered in the schools. The lecturers were careful to empha size that the great navigator was born in Genoa, where a house, his suppos ed birthplace, is preserved as a nat tional monument. This special emphasis was to coun teract recent efforts of Spanish his torian's to show that Columbus was of Spanish origin. Say Robbers Will Return Jewels. New York, Oct. 12. —04 3 ) —Infor- mation was obtained at police head quarters today that arrangements had been made through underworld chan nels for the return tomorrow of $683,- 000 worth of jewelry stolen from the Hotel Plaza apartment of Mrs. Jesse Woolworth Njlonahue on September 30th. Episcopal Delegates Resume Sessions. New Orleans. Oct. 12 — UP) —With two major problems awaiting consid eration, delegates to the 48th trien nial general conference of the Epis copal Church in the United States to day resumed sessions after a lapse of activit'es over the Sabbath. American Air Corps Disbanded. Fez. French Morocco. Oct. 12.—-UP) • —Approaching dissolution of the She riffiau Escadrille composed of Amer ican aviators volunteering for service against the Morrocau rebels was an nounced today in an official communi | cation. ! and on a uniform scale. It also ex j presses the belief that there is nothing in the report to hamper a department ! head in discharging any employe, j A minimum of seven horn’s a day work will be required of each employe | with four hours on Saturday. Among I other recommendations made by the ’ Commission are those for a twelve? | days vacation leave, ten days sick leave annually, the unused days to be carried over each year and the es tablishment of six full legal holidays and one half holiday. ■ ■■ ..... Will Appear Before Judge Finley Tomorrow and His Mental State Will Be Determined by Judge. l ' \ COLE CONTENDS HE IS SANE NOWj Law of State Says He Must! Go Before Judge Since * He Plead Transitory In-] sanity at Trial. Richmond County Court House, Rockingham. Oct. 12. — UP) —Acquitted on a charge of murder, and held in jail was the experience today of W. B. j Cole, wealthy manufacturer, who to-! morrow must show cause why he should not be committed to the State Hospital for the Insane. A jury returned its verdict yester day after deliberating 21 1-2 hours. Cole was charged with murdering W. W. Ormond, formerly the sweetheart of his 24-year-old daughter, Eliza beth. ‘ | 1 A state law is responsible for Cole’s predicament. In his defense for kill ing Ormond the manufacturer plead ed self defense and transitory insan ity arid under the law a person ac quitted in a capital case on insanity must show cause why lie should not be committed to the state hospital. Judge T. B. Finley cited Cole to appear at Wilkesbo.ro tomorrow for the insanity hearing. lie will be tak en from the jail by Sheriff H. D.Bald win and in Charlotte will be joined by A. L. Brooks, of defense counsel. At the trial Cole testified that lie was sane. Attorneys for the prose cution declared- in their final argu ments to the jury that he is sane and experts from their admission will be quoted at the hearing in the effort to obtain his freedom. Solicitor Don Phillips, who prose cuted the case will represent the state at Wilkesboro where Judge Fin ley this - week is holding court. DOAK WINS AIR RACE WITH VERY SMALL MOTOR Averaged 76.41 Miles an Hour With 16.7 Horsepower Motor. Mitchell Field. Oct. 12. —C4 3)—Ger ald Doak, of Dayton, Ohio, today won the Scientific American trophy race for light aircraft, attaining a speed of 76.41 miles an hour in a tiny biplane propelled by a 16.7 horsepow er Bristol Cherub motor. The plane was built and owned by John Powell, of Detroit. Second place was won by Clyde Emerick, also of Dayton, in a baby monoplane, which was equipped with a motorcycle engine capable of 19.85 horsepower and which flew at the rate of 67.55 miles an hour. E. C. Stanford, Salisbury* Lineman, Killed at Lexington. Salisbury, Oct. 11.—Eugene C. Stanford. 30 years old. living on North Clay street, this city, was killed at Lexington this afternoon, according to information received here. Mr. Stanford was a lineman for the South ern Power Company and was with a j force at* work on the lines of the company but details of the accident had not been received here at 7 o’clock. The widow and two children sur vive. McMillan Ships Reach Maine. Monhegan Island, Maine, Oct. 12. — UP) —The schooner Bowdoin aud the steamer Peary, of the returning Mac r Millan Arctic expedition, marooned here since Friday on account of wind and storm, sailed safely out of this port at 5:30 this morning for Wiscas set. They, are due to arrive at 9:30 or 10 o’clock. J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher CHAIRMAN NIADDEN m MUCH MONEY . HAS BEEN WASTED j Says Army and Navy Have Squandered Money in “Purposeless and Mean ndgless” Experiments. WITNESSFOR INQUIRY BQARD Says Aviation Must Be | Taken From Army and Navy If Forward Steps I Are to Be Taken Now. 1 -x ! Washington. Oct. 12.— UP) —The Army and Navy were charged today by Chairman Sladden, of the House appropriations committee, with squan dering millions of dollars “in a pur poseless, meaningless, endless experi mental orgy,” in technical airsraft de , velopment. 1 Test'fying before the President's air board which resumed hearings after a recess of several days, Mr. Madden declared technical development of av iation could no longer be “safely left” to the two military services if the United States was to’ take its place “among the countries of the world in the air." “If credit is to be given witnesses’ who have preceded me," he asserted, “the experimental development work conducted by the army and navy since the war has been productive o’ very little if any advance toward a plan which might be accepted by Con gress.” “You have been told by men who should know, that with few exceptions no real steps have boon made.” lie said. Citing testimony of Major General Mason Patrick, chief of the irmy air service, that 202 pursuit planes purs chased by the army have been found deficient iu vision requirements, Mr. Madden said he had “heard something cf a charge of criminal negligence, but that borders on criminal waste.”. “Think of buying 262 pursuit planes that a pilot has difficulty in seeing out of,” failure of the army aud navy to spend their money “intelligently” in the air service, he declared, is rot unique as “similar extravagances get nowbere programs are being carried on in tank development, artillery de velopment. chemical warfare, and am munition development.” A message from Charlotte states that the condition of Miss Constance Cline, who underwent an operation 1 at St. Peter’s Hospital at 9:30 this morning, is very favorable. Miss i Ciine stood the operation well. Canned salmon were first exported from Oregon and Washington in ■ 1871. i J THE CONCORD TIMES \! | AND j THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER I* t BOTH ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $2.25 The Progressive Farmer is the best farm paper published, and its j price is SI.OO a year. £ You need not pay for the Progressive Farmer at the same time you “ pay for The Times. We will get it for you ,a whole year at any time T on payment of only 25 cents. Pay your subscription to The Times to any contestant, but come J I to The Times office to pay for your Progressive Farmer. rrrrr ■rr , rr^r^T , T ,, r^rt f Tre~rrirt'' i 40- L PULLL--E h SEEKING BODIES OF KANSAS PERSONS IN j SEBASTIAN INLET ttato Übru* Fourteen Lives When Small Boat Capsized.—E 1 e v e n | Bodies Are Found. jBOY SAVED FOUR PERSONS IN BOAT Swam Ashore and Return ed With Boat.—T w o Children Among Those! Drowned. Melbourne, Fla., Get. 12. — (A 3 ) — , While fishermen and others were searching today for three missing holl ies of 14 persons who were drowned j here yesterday when the Clara A, a 40-foot pleasure launch, capsized, the bodies of 11 others which had been recovered were be'ng prepared for burial a*id shipment to their homes. Most of those who lost their lives were Kansas people here on a junket! to insjfrct Florida farm properties of j the Melbourne Farm Co. whose guests they were on the fatal excursion. The trip yesterday iu the Clara A was a part of the company’s program I of entertainment for their guests. It was the intention of Captain Ed ' Arnold, master of the little craft, to take them for a ride on the Atlantic Ocean, but after negotiating Sebas tian Inlet, 18 miles south of here, he decided the seas outside were too rough for his craft, so he attempted to turn back. Survivors said the boat did not re- ] spond to the helm quickly enough aud the waves swept over tier decks when | she was about a quarter around, j sweeping several from the deck. She j had not recovered from this shocy when a second wave hit her, swamp ing the boat. The heroic efforts of James Arnold, 12-year-old sou of Captain Arnold, saved the lives of four passengers who had been thrown into the raging breakers, when his father's launch turned turtle. Survivors said the lad swam nsho*e and obtained a small boat. Returning to the yacht he jumped into tliewater. and fighting against the high waves Ktieceeded in jdaemg Tour persons in the boat and lahding them satnelv. Two children were among those drowned. Dan Roach went down with lis father, C. E. Roach, and Miss Loietta Dreilling, 15, who had accompanied I>. U. Ruckles on the excursion, was the second youthful victim. RIFFIANS WITH CANNON BLOW j FOREIGN MINISTER TO PIECES Officer of Krim’s Government Quick ly Executed for Alleged Betrayal. Tangier, Morocco. Oct. B.—Advices here from the fighting zone report that Si Mohammed Zeziane, foreign minister in Abd-El-KrKim’s government, was bound to the muzzle of a cannon recently and blown to j pieces. He was accused of betraying the Riffian cause. Several of the leaders of the Bocoya : and Beni Urriguel tribes also have been executed. With Our Advertisers. Don’t fail to see the booth of the Ritchie Hardware Co. at the Fair. Munsingwear for everybody at Fisher's Special in infants' shirts too. from 25 to 39 cents. . The Reid Motor Co. wants you to feel at home at their Ford booth at the Fair. Fur trimmed winter coats in smart smooth finish fabrics at .T. C. Penney Co’s, from $9.90 to $69.75. The styles are at pleasing as the prices. See new ad. October Ist marked the beginning of a new quarterly interest period with the Citizens Bank and Trust I I Co. All deposits in our Savings De- j partment made on or before October j 10th draw four per cent, interest I compounded quarterly from October ' Ist. Rain May Cause Game Postponement. Washington, Oct. 12. — (/ P)—Over- cast skies held out a dubious weath •i er prospect for the fifth world's series • | battle here today between the Sena tors and Pirates, with a forecast of “possibly light showers.” * Dr. C It. Davidson has recorded i 1.175 s£iodks in England prior to >! 1013. one earthquake at Colchester | i in 1884 being so severe as to damage! 1,245 buildings. I Never make love to a woman with , | out first thinking what will happen j if she returns it. | HOE WORKING ' DAYS IN THE FIRST , [ CAMPAIGN PERIOD Candidate, What Are You Going to Do Toward Cinching One of the Big Automobiles? _ THESE ARE THE CRUCIAL DAYS The First Period of Our Subscription Campaign j Expires Next Monday £|t Midnight. | Six more workings days remain in the firAt period of The Tribune-Times campaign. Well may the candidates | in this truly great offer ask them selves what they are going to do to- ; ward cinching one of the big auto mobiles in these all-important big vote days. They are t’ue crucial days of I t’lis content, the time when the ulti mate winners show strength in lliek' work and the time when the" lescier I candidates keep up only an ordinary j pace or drop into a slump. Six more days until midnight, Mon day, October 19th. We have known ;al lalong, froifi the first announee | ment cf this campaign, that this date | was to mark the first decline in the vote given on subscription* to ’Hie | Tribune and Times. But now that it * looms in the near future it is brought more closely home that this coming week is the biggest time in the whole 1 campaign, the time when each one M • should do his or her utmost toward : piling up t’iie winning vote in the eloc j tion. It is important to realize that two, | three, four and five-year subscriptions, j especially the latter, are invaluable to ■ candidates in this first period. True, J net many of these can be command ed by any one person, but each one, no doubt had hopes of getting a few. Now is the time to get them in when they get the biggest vote. Just one five-year subscription to The Tribune gives the candidate producing it 250,- 000 votes and if new, 100,000 more. And to this is added the club value of the business. A five-year to The Times carries 100.000 if old and 150.- 000 if new. Just a few of these now can puj an jentirelx different aspect to the looks of any one’s standing in the campaign. The Cabarrus County Fair, which opens tomorrow for five days, i* due to be an appreciable factor in the campaign with the campaign depart ment having arranged for space in the automobile show tent in which will bo displayed the campaign auto -1 mobile prizes. At the opening there will be seen the Studebaker phaeton, the Hudson coach and the Chevrolet sedan. It may be she second day of • J the fair before Parks Lafferty of the Standard Buick Company, from which the Buick Brougham was purchased, can make arrangements to have the i biggest car on display but it Will be | there. It will be a good idea for I candidates to bring their friends around to that booth and show them | w*iiat they are working for. Let midnight, Monday. October Ift, be the biggest hour of your lives and see that by the time that fateful hour arrives you have done your very best toward securing the' subscriptions and votes for one of she big prices. Catawba County Jersey Calf Club. Newton, N. C.. Oct. 12.—OP)—The Catawba County Jersey Calf Club. w : th only 40 members, entered 36 calves at the County Fair. That is the report made by Farm Agent ,T. W. Hendricks, who says that this is the largest exhibit that these calf dub members have ever made, j and that it was possible through the co-operation of the Hickory First National Bank, which furnished all the feed for the calves, while they were at the fair. More than 1500 birds were entered | in the poultry show by 113 exhibitors, says llr. Hendricks, who says that the fair, as a whole, was the best held during the past six years. Greensboro’s Population Estimated at Being 54,000. Greensboro. Oct. 11.—According to estimated by the HUI Directory Coni oany, Greensboro has a population of 54,000 persons, the figures made avail able by the local Chamber of Com* j meree. The company arrived at -the . figure by multiplying the names in j ! the latent city directory by two and J one-half. The Si-Y Club is the name of a social organization composed of 130 _ deaf and dumb members of the Y. M. C. A. in Dallas, Texas. SAT’S BEAR SAYS: Mostly cloudy tonight and Tuesday, j j probably local showers Tuesday in .! west and central portions, slightly : warmer tonight in extreme southwest | * portion. Moderate west and south | west winds. NO. 28

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