ME l I Fails To Halt Fine Interest In Big Cabarrus I Fair On The Second Day pSEO fcpi NIGHT ftfher I Oil lures of K progrsm Were I Out *in Schedule |o\VNEW ■ATEhi 1C TODAY L Act? and Fire- Kill Be Given To ■ Starting at 6:30 ■ , N-nliy ffirougli ■ f.jj;,.,; interrupt the i;: ;|i<- day of ■ id r Wednes ■ , -and persons ■ ; v. the races ■ ;>t,.i r> • • tij"y other ■V"! at ■ fair groumls. ■Wt.h.-'da;- ";>< a con ■ r that started but fair etficials took K. i-ea’izimr that such IT, br expected. Some H;nr<] at home with the rcjT'i'ar program of ac- I be int'emipted but l)r. Bv- fair .-e.-retary, kept K tLr;u«iie”r tie* day and K and raee*. went off on ■ * I ; ii'.r inp-rf.-re wif i the ■ r varieu- buildings, and lili;;b'eili\ a«-eounted i for It-ndatiee. Persons in I various exhibits declared I- tliiMiiglinitt the day l> unusually good. Itiir.- offered today at the Is the lb g .-'low. and the I drawn hundreds of per- I exhibit hall. Some of le p!a< *d yesterday after- Ireaiaiinler this morning. I*i'.i2 mui h larger than it - Hr. A*, the iNt p Ulisr Hon and “ ■ H. Krafford. i ( j I,!; ' *r-t ( hick, First. Huns. First and t\- : '>t end Second I Mv ' If. n. Eudy. 1 > *T. Montgom- Roc k_ -g, , ~ I te. ' ‘' l d Cockrel to to ■ Second and ‘wk-Li'' : brothers, bp: Second and st g sT- f '“' ud and Third , ail,i Third Cock * an.l v' an< ‘ Third Pul t a " Pens to J. Orpi nc?< S?e t!!f l '* 't’K Cockrel, VirTv' im and SeC ' ,Nt I’m to Mrs. H. n « v W Pullew irst r,)ok - First 8. pi • * ill "‘ Hirst Young ft. nl U!ll). 6 fanner i, , ai i 11 irst Pair THE CONCORD TIMES $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. Pekin Ducks—Second Pair to Man ita Litaker. Bronze Turkeys—First Old Pair to G. H. Walker. Second Old Pair and’ Third Young Pair to Harold Dry. First Y'oung Pair and Third Young Pair to G. E. Blackwelder. Second Young Pair to G. L. Black welder. Narragansett Turkeys—First Old Pair to Mrs. H. D. Eudy. Second Old Pair to Guy Ketner. Burbon Turkeys—First Old Pair to Mrs. H. I). Eudy. White Leghorns—-First. Second and Third Hens and Third Old Pen to .T. Ivey Cline. Hirst Cock and Third CoekreL to ('enter Grove Poultry Farm. Second Cock and Second Cockrel to F. C. Overcash. First and Second Pullets and First Y'oung Pen to J. G. Compton. Third Y'oung Pen to A. T. Boger. Third Pullet and Second Young Pen To F. J. Barnhardt.l Second Old Pen to W. H. Bras- 1 ford. AVhite Rocks—First Cockrel, Sec ond Hen, Third Pullet and First Y'oung Pen to C. C. Smith. First Hen to A. T. Boger. First and Second Pullets to C. J. A. Stirewdlt. White Wyndottes—First. Second and Third Pullets, Second and Third Hens to Mrs. VJohn Oehler. First. Second and Third Cockrels, First Cock, First Hen and First Y'oung Pen' to R. D. Goodman. Columbian Wyndottes—First, Sec ond and Third Hens and First Pen to F. S. Goodman. Rhode Island Reds—Fir«t and Second C-ockerels, Second and Third Pullets to W. R. Robbins. Third Cockrel to Paris Kidd. First Cock to ,T. R. McClellan. First Pullet to W. J. Holshouser. Second Cock and Second Y'oung Ten to W. *l. Brafford. First Young Pen to L. L. Maul den. Third Y'oung Pen to ,T. Ivey (’line. Games—First and Third Hens. Third Cockrel and First Old Pen to I, F. Miller. Second and Third Cocks to J. M. Harris. _ : First Cock. Second and Third Pul lets to H. A. Goodman. First and Second Cockrels, First Pullet, Second Hen and Second 0!d ; Pen to A. T. Boger. Dark Cornish Game—Second Cock rel to (ilenn Cochrane. ‘’ Silver Compines—First and Second Cockrels, First and Second Hens, First and Second Pullets and First Young Pen to >Tis. H. D. Eudy. Hudons —Second Cock. Second and Third Hens to W. L. Cochran. First Hen and First and Second Pullets to Mrs. H. D. Eudy. Light Bramas —First and Second Cockrels, First and Second Hens. First and Second Pullets ami Second Y'oung Pen to Mrs. H. D. Eudy. Jersey Black Giants —First Pullet to Airs. H. D. Eudy. Red Carneas Pigeons—First and Second Pairs to William Teeter. Swiss Mondianes—First Pair to AVilliam Teeter. 1 Buff Carneas—First Pair to Wil- j liam Teeter. AVhite Kiggs—First Pair to J. R.! McClellan. Buff Cochau, Bantams —Second Pair to Lawrence Kiser. Lakennelder —First, Second and Third Cockrels, First Pullet and First Y'oung Pen to AV. L. Cochran. Against Independent Labor Party, Atlantic City, N. J„ Oct. 15. UP) The American Federation of labor today voted at an animated debate against the formation of an independ ent labor party. President Wo. Green said there may come a time when it may be necessary to organize such a party, but at present labor's interests can best be served by supporting can didates friendly to labor. Bub Chew Verdict Upheld. St, Lduxs, Oct. 15. —(A*) —The Bth Circuit Court of Appeals today affirm ed the conviction of Bub Chew, found guilty in Federal Court at Little Rock, Ark., of using the mails to defraud in pcomoting the Bob Chew Syndicate No. 2, in Eldorado, Ark., oil fields. Men Getting Better, Women Worse, Is Conclusion of Cardinal Hayes New York. Oct. 15.-The modern man is on his way bark to the altars ] of worship, but the modern woman is daily going more astray, said Cardinal Hayes today after he had blessed tne Father Sliealy memorial building, a retreat at Mount Maressa 1 inger board road' Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island. The building, not quite com pleted, is being erected in honor of the founder of the retreat, who died two years ago. It will cost sl-5, 000 After the cardinal had praised Jthe men who made the retreat possible. “We are gravelv and sometimes, i : might say, sadly disturbed and anx ious about our good women, espec a ly our young women. M ithin a sbo time has been a radical and rev ; olutionary upset of P rinci P> es tkat paten into the very home and that • has desecrated the fireside, and is still | menacing the very foundations of our J ************** FAIR PROGRAM. * Thursday * 1 :30 P. M.—2 :25 Trot. $ j & 2:17 pace j * 0:30 P. M.—Free Acts. * j 7 :45 P. M. —Fireworks. Friday I * 1:30 I». M.—2:10 Trot. $ j Special Pace? 0:30 I*. M.—Free Acts. * 7:45 I\ M.—Fireworks. & Free Acts each afternoon be- fore and during the races. * * ************** WOULD BUY CLUB FOR “BIG TRAIN” Fans of Oklahoma Want Friends to Buy Baseball Club for Walter John-» son. Muskogee, Okla., Oct. 15. — (A 3 ) —A movement to raise a fund among base ball fans of America for the purchase of a baseball club for Walter Johnson, the "big train” of the Washington Senators, has been launched here. The plan originated with Claude Williford, president of the Eastern Oklahoma Playgrounds Association, and local business men. “A million fans give a million dol lars for a baseball team for Walter' is the slogan of Williford’s campaign. In less than an hour last night 55 lo cal men and women gave $1 each to the fund. Williford, who is acting as trustee for the fund, recalls that after the 11)24 world's series Johnson express ed a desire to retire from active play and attempt to buy a minor league club. DEATH CLAIMS AGED SENATOR S. M. RALSTON Passes Away at Indiana Home After , Long Illness—Had Served m Gqv en*or. Indianapolis Oct. 14.—Samuel M. Ralston, United States senator from ludpina, died tonight at his country home north of this city. He would have been OS years ohl December 1. Death came to the statesman at the place he, loved best, “Hoosier Home,”* located, just outside the city ’ imits of Indianapolis. immediate 1 members of the family, who had been forewarned of the senator'** condi tion, were present. Senator .liakton's death was pre ceded by a long illnes caused by disease of the. kidneys. He returned , from Washington last Murcn in poor health. On September 5 his condition be came aggravated and he was ordered to bed by his physicians. His condition became alarming early this month when uraemic • poisoningj developed and recently his ■ life had hung by a slender thread. ! WESTERN. N. C. CONFERENCE FAVORS UNIFICATION Votes 219 to 141 to Merge the Two Methodist Churches in the United States. Statesville, Oct. 15.—0 P North Carolina Conference of Metho dist Episcopal Church, South, today approved the unification proposal with the Methodist Episcopal Church by an unofficial vote of 219 to 141. The official tabulation will be an nounced tomorrow- , Injunction Dismissed. New Orleans, Oct. 15. — UP) —Feder| al Judge Louis H. Burns today dis missed on the grounds that the court was without jurisdiction the injunc tion proceedings filed by former Bish op Wm. Montgomery Brown in which he sought to enjoin the House of Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of Am erica, froni deposing him. Seventy-seven farms are still under cultivation within the city limits of St. Louis. society, civil, political, social and I moral. ’ The church of God is really praying most earnestly- that our good women may ’be saved from the disas ter that is impending. “Alongside of that there is the most promising sign of the time, and that is the men are coming back to the’al tars. “Men are not only going to Mass on Sunday's now, but on weekdays as well. They are going to the sacra ments not merely once a year or twice a year, but monthly and weekly and many of them daily. “When our men realize their oppor tunities in that direction it means nothing else but our. salvation; it means the glory of God; it means the salvation of your own souls and the souls of others; it means the safe ty of society; it means a guarantee to our ideals of life and of our government.” CONCORD, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER’IS, 1925 Walter and His Brother Here is Walter Johnson shaking hands with his brother, Leslie, of Coffeyville, Kas. It was taken just before Walter started his second world series victory. Possibly Leslie slipped Walter a good old Kansas rabbit’s foot. . . SOIE FEATURES OF PROPOSED TAX LAW 1 WILL BE RETAINED Treasury Ready to Suggest Maximum Surtax of 29 Per Cent. Be Written In to The Next Law.;* OFFICIALS ARE / .STUDYING PLAN They Have Not Agreed As to the Maximum Amount by Which Tax BiH May Be Reduced. Washington, Oct. 15.— (A 3 ) —The Treasury is prepared to suggest to Congress that a maximum surtax ofi 20 per cenF. be written into the next tax law, but Secretary Mellon lias been unable thus far to arrive at a fig ure which may be proposed as the maximum amount by which the na tion's tax bill may be reduced. 1 The Secretary and Under Secretary Wilson are figuring on how much the total tax receipts may be cut, and are expected to have statistics ready when the House Ways and Means Commit tee on Monday begins consideration of a new bill. Both officials will appear before the committee at that time. There has been no change in the Treasury's views with respect to elim ination of a number of the miscellan eous taxes, and for repeal of the pub licity provision of the present law. The Treasury secretary is not pre pared at this time however, to give details of his ideas. He said today that the Treasury would make no for mal recomendation, but would con fine itself to pointing out to the com mittee the possibilities of revision in sofar as they affect the volume of re ceipts by the government. Drastic Power Cut For Gastonia Plants. Gastonia, Oct. 14. —The shortage of electric power has again been forcibly brought home to Gastonia Industry when orders were issued putting lumber plants, foundries and some other industries on a part time operating schedule. Some of these concerns are meet-1 ing the emergency by rigging up gasoline power plants from automo biiess or tractors. Printing plants were at first in cluded in the order, but were later al lowed to resume operations under electric power. Conditions are drastic and the curtailment process may extend to all industries except those which are absolutely necessary, it is said by authorities. Salisbury Woman Burned. Salisbury, Oct. 15. — (A 3 ) —Mrs. Cur tis Moose, of this city, was seriously burned about the face and body this morning when a 5-gallon oil can ex ploded in the kitchep of her home, set ting the house on It is believed she was in the act of starting a fire in the kitchen stove, when the acci dent occurred. The fastest trip ever made by the famous “pony express” across the plains to Califorria was with Presi dent Lincoln’s inaugural addre.-s in ISGI. On that occasion the riders covered a distance of 1,966 miles in seven days, seventeen hours. MORE TESTIMONY TENDING TO SHOW BROOKS' INSANITY Threats Said to Have Been ~ Made Against Defendant - Said by the Witnesses to Have Affected Him. BRYSON READY < FOR DEFENDANT Witness Said Bryson Told c Him He Would Kill Brooks If Latter “Ever Crossed His Path.” Hendersqnville, Otc. 15. — (A 3 )—The defense scored today in she trail of Bonny Brooks, barber shop proprie tor on triaT in Superior Court here for his life, charged with the alleged murder of Sam Y. Bryson, former mayor of Hendersonville. Threats made by Bryson that he would kill Brooks if the latter “ever crossed his path” were testified to by witnesses for the defense today. These threats when repeated to Brooks had a marked effect upon him, witnesses said, and at one time when he was told Bryson might kill him, Brooks broke down and began crying. H. W. Hawkins, of Spartanburg, S ,C., testified that he saw Bryson at Spartanburg after he had left Hen dersonville, following these incidents, when Brooks surprised him at. Brooks’ home in company with Mrs. Brooks. Bryson asked Hawkins what the news was from home, and Hawkins told him he had heard Brooks was not there, but had sold his effects and had gone to Florida. “You have brought me good news,” Bryson replied, according to Hawkins' testimony. Bryson then started to converse about the affair, but Haw kins, who was also a friend of Brooks, asked Bryson not to tell him his troubles, the witness said. Charlotte Man Held on Murder Charge. Charlotte, Oct. 13. —A coroner’s jury impaneled for a continued ses sion from last Saturday by Acting Coroner H. C. Irwin, investigating j the death of E. Y. Rogers found Monday that Rogers came to his death as the result of a blow on the head by a blunt instrument wielded by John B. Vickers, white man. w-ho was locked up at the police station Saturday by Rural Police Chief Vic Fesperman, after extensive investi gation. There Was practically no new evi dence adduced at the coroner’s hear ing. The most significant evidence at the coroners'* hearing was the testimony of five witnesses that they positively identified Vickers as the man they saw* last with Rogers on Wednesday ajid Thursday before Rogers’s body was found last Friday morning. * Monday Vickers etained Con’ey E. Robinson of the Charlotte bar as hi* attorney. He has not talked of the ease, except to assure his wife he can prove an alibi. Virginia Conference Opposes Unifica tion. Richmond, Oct. 15.— UP) —The 143rd annual Virginia Methodist Conference went on record today as opposed to the unification of the Nortli and South branches of the Methodist Episcopal Church by a vote of 202 to 169. SECURITY PACT NOW WILL GET SUPPORT OF GERMAN PEOPLE \ * Germany Officially States at Locarno Conference That Pact Will Be Sign ed Soon. POLISH DISPUTE j ALSO SETTLED - Clause Covering German- Polish Frontier Is In cluded in Final Draft of the Pact. Locarno, Switzerland, Oct. 15. —Ger- many today officially announced her adhesion to the Rhine pact of mutual guarantees, framed at the security con ference here, with the object of out lawing war. The pact will be signed by Germany, France and Belgium as the principal parties, and by Great Britain and Italy as guarantors. A solution of the problem of the Polish-German arbitration treaty has practically been reached by enlarging the scope of the treaty to make it vir tually the same as the treaties between Germany and France, and Germany and Belgium. This means that all possible disputes, even those arising out, of frontier questions, must be sub mitted to arbitration. METHODIST CONFERENCE MEETS AT STATESVILLE Progress Reported in All the Acti vities of the Church. Statesville, Oct. 14- —The leading feature of the morning session was the reports of the eleven presiding elders. These indicate that this has been a year of tine progress through out. the conference. Many new church buildings 'nave been erected, more than two millions of dollars having been expended or will be when those enterprises aro finished. The ‘Sunday school and Epworth League work has had marvelous growths, and there have been many thousand con verted and added to| the church on profession of faith. In spite of : drought and curtailment of work in the center of industry the financial | reports show the largest amount j paht-tn all causes in the history of! the church. Rev. L. E- Todd, D.D.. secretary of the board of finance, delivered (in ad dress before the conference in the interest of the superannuate -fund that is being raised by ‘the Southern church. This fund is to take care of the Worn-out preachers, and Widows ' and orphans! of dead ministers and is to be ten million' dollars when bom pete. A large number of ministers are referred to the committee “'on con ference relations for the supernum erary find superannuate A elasw of youpg ministers are elected to the office of elder. At the first session Bisnop Denny put the conference in high gear and never changed until the adjournment at noon, consequently much of the routine business was transacted this morning. The afternoon was given . over to the anniversary of the board of temperance arid social service, and Dr. W : P. King, of the North Georgia conference, delivered a most interesting and eloquent address on the “Golden Rule.” The night session was given over to the consideration of the Sunday School interests of the conference. The Bishop asked Rev. W. L. Sherrill, secretary of the previous conference to call the rol. Two hun dred and thirtyfour -ministers and forty-six laymen answered to the first call. Rev- W. L. Sherrill was elected secretary for the thirty-first time. He nominated as assitant secretary Rev. E. A. Cole, of Leaksville. On motion of Rev) A. W. Plyer fraternal greetings were sent to the Presbyterian Synod now in session at Mooresville. « Through Rev. D. M. Litaker, James Anderson, of this place, pre- j sented to Bi-hop Denny a gavel, the; wood which was cut from chimney i corner of the house in which Andrew | Jackson was born. Rev. L. E. Todd, secretary of the board of finance of the Southern Methodist Church, made a stirring address to the conference, giving a history of the progress of the cam paign to raise .$10,000,000 for the superannuate preachers of the church. He stated that already sl,- 700,000 had been in cash and that the campaign was still growing in interest. The od preachers and their dependents will be paid this year more than $200,000 from ai sources. This includes the entire Southern THE CONCORD TIMES I AND l I THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER ; BOTH ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $2.25 The Progressive Farmer is the best farm paper published, ami its • || price is SI.OO a year. You need not pay for the Progressive Farmer at the same time you ? ; | pay for The Times. We will get it for you a whole year at any time . | on payment of only 25 cents. Pay your subscription to The Times to any contestant, but come p j I to The Times office to pay for your Progressive Farmer. ferEKirmm: r mnr r TTT I * g&rgg ggg£E! J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher To .Weigh Brains; I ‘! I ■ This is Dr. Arthur MacDonald, of Washington, who wants to measure the heads of all congressmen. He) has a theory that he can determine the weight of a man's brain by cer- I tain head measurements and he thinks congressmen will be ideal fo> . «•" his experiments. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Firm Today at Advance of 4 io 20 Points. —December Sold Up to 21.54. New York, Oct. 15.— (A 3 )—' The cot ton market opened firm today at ad vance of 4 to 20 points in response to relatively steady Liverpool cables and reports of further heavy general rains in trie South with prospects of a drop in temperature in the south west. December contracts sold up to 21.:>4 after the opening, making net ad vances of 17 to 22 points on active positions, on trade buying and cover ing by some of yesterday’s sellers. I The advance met a good deal of hedge selling. There also was some local | selling on rumors of private crop es timates of 15,125,000 bales. Prices were a few points off from the beet at the end of the firs,t hour. Cotton futures opened firm. _ Oct. 21.45; Dec 21.40; Jan. 20.68; March 21.03; May 21.22. CHURCH BUSINESS IS GIVEN ATTENTION NOW General Conference of .Jhe Episcopal Church Resumes Business Sessions. New Orleans. Oct. 15. — UP) —The 48th triennial General Conference of the Episcopal Church of the United States resumed its sessions here to day after having completed yesterday the most important business before it, the election of its Primate. The new Primate, who now is the most Rev. lOihelbert Talbot, Bishop of Bethlehem, and will direct the ex ecutive and administrative divisions of the church,! as well as occupying the ! office of Primate which takes the I place of the,presiding bishop. Bishop Murray was 1 elected oil the j 15th ballot, after almost a full day of balloting by the House of Bishops on j a list of eight nominees which was t sleeted Tuesday. MacN'ider Now Assistant Secretary of * War. Washington, Oct. 15, — UP) —Han- ford MacNider, of Mason City, la., was appointed Assistant Secretary of War today. MacNider, wiio is a former com mander of the American Legion, suc ceeds Dwight F. Davis, who was ad- i vanced to the post of Secretary of War upon the resignation of Secre tary Weeks. With Our Advertisers. See J. C. Penny Co.’s feature shoe | for boys, features style, value, low . price. See ad. I Cline & yfoose have all kinds of rye, •barley, oats, and clover seed, etc., for I the farmer. In fact field >eeds is their I big line. See new ad. today. Ruth-Kesler Shoe Store's work shoes are guaranteed to keep your feet dry. A swarm of bees usually numbers about 15,000. church. The transfer of Rev. M. G. Ervin from the Northwest Conference was announced, ami he will be given aj>- pointment in this conference. Rev. M. W- Mann, of the Charlotte dis trict. was located at his own re quest. OPPORTUNITY DAYS ARE GOING FAST IN AUTO CAMPAIGN . • — Are You Taking Full Ad vantage of the Final Few Days of the First Period 1 of the Biggest Votes? ONLY THREE DAYS REMAIN 1 Monday, October 19th, at Midnight Is The Crucial Hour of the Greatest of Gift Offers. ( Opportunity days are going fast in The Concord Tribune-Times automo bile and cash campaign. What are you doing with them? Are you tak ing full advantage of the final few days of the first period during which time the greatest vote credit of the j entire campaign is given on subscrip tions to The Tribune or The Tim?*? I Or are you overlooking one here ami waiting until later in the campaign to get that one there? Those who I procrasticnnte now will be missing i among the list of winners on Novein ; ber 21st. Those who give their bent : attention to the work of the cam* ' paign in the next three days will be ! the ones who have the chance of win* ning the big prizes. After today there are only three more working days in this first and biggest voTepWrott. Midnight of Monday, October lfi is the c'rtmial : hour of this greatest of all gift offers ever made in this part of North Carolina. Is it hard to believe that kutomob : les can be won or lost in these three days? If you refuse to believe you will likely lost j’our chance at one of them. If you appreciate the truth you enhance your opportun ity of being the owner of a s2llO Buick Brougham or a $lOlO Stude baker Special Six Duplex Phaeton, or a $1335 Hudson Coach or a SO3B Chevrolet Sedan on November 21. Another question: WHAT ARE YOU DOING TOWARD CLOSING UP THE BUSINESS ON THOSE MANY PROMISES OF SUBSCRIP TIONS FOR THE FIRST PERIOD? TO GET THE NOW WILL MEAN MANY MORE VOTES—ANI) THE VOTES IVIN —THAN IF YOU LET THEM GO UNTIL LATER IN THE CAMPAIGN. A PROMISE IS VAL UABLE ONLY WHEN FOLLOW ED UP. No\q, just a word of advice. Guard against letting an accumulation of calls pile up on you for the last few hours of the period. Begin to figure NOW on that final fateful hour. Don't be one of those who will say that if you just had a little more time you could have gotten them all. You have had almost six weeks and you still have three more days. If you heed this advice now you will have Ample time to get all those you hare- in mind for the closing hour of the first period. Have you stopped to figure out what one or two five year subscription* would do for anyone in this campaign i now? If new they would count about | ONE MILLION VOTES. Five year I subscriptions can make now leaders iin every district. Five year subscrip tions are not to be found growing by j the wayside. They must be planned for and worked for. Everybody can get one, maybe two and perhaps more. They can mean the difference between an automobile prize or one of lesser valu in the end. Get them NOW when they count for the most.*, Midnight of Monday, October 10th, should be the time toward which you figure all things. Will it on the road toward a car of your own or will it find you following the path of lesser resistance where little is ac complished? Decide this question for yourself. BUT DECIDE NOW ! To Continue State Fair Through Sat urday. Raleigh, Oct. 15.— UP) —A change ,jn the program of the State Fair here : will run the fair through 11 o'clock Saturday night, officials announced. Heretofore it has been the rule for ■ the fair to close, so far as most of the ; exhibits are concerned, on Friday. This I year, however, arrangements have ! been’ perfected whereby the fair will ! continue through Saturday night, Raluston Funeral Saturday. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 15. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. next Saturday at Lebanon, Ind., for i U. S. Senator Samuel L. Raulston, ' whose death occurred last night at hi* home here following a long illness. The Senator made his home in Lebanon for many years before his election as Gov ernor of Indiana in 1012. '1 = SAT’S BEAR SAYS: . Mostly cloudy tonight and Friday, possibly showers in south portion; slightly cooler tonight and in south east portion Friday. Moderate shift -5 ing winds. NO. 29