IME L iipfio pfi'C'-CCK fe II Can-' ■ (, 0 -m,;;dirts by :)'»■ >■ * prem-1 P'Cjntost. I r\KC A IfORF. TO WIN Bjjv Night. No-! Kjlst. the Hace b~ Big Fist of Mil; Be Closed f„ ! I •A," iti ll til’s |Blv ■ 'lj • - r;i<.rdi -9T - : idi v dec- i V li'Wt'st SHU. in ■ L.. **f I lit' T hil l HK. s. : - ;ii!a\ night , i -1 •!i«< 11 1 1«■" H; v • . - l.i-W Mlh- K, ii;r a;.i I. .infs .mi the J ■ :<• reduced j .-nmlidates nre| ■T r .>A - iiii-fiiun-y in R.j, tii-- r.-ali/.;itinn that B. aini.iM entirely ■ ipi'v i;t-r two days. K, ;h\ '.in moans Epiy th,. winning of the i ■ •>! j.riv.—it moans B„[y ..f tin- nm.-t formida-1 L. of i-a.-ulidatos ('abar- ) K. '.rii romporing ■jopliii.ny prizes. ■ jre watchitig this eam- Lry candidate, waif ■rh can command the L-. win :.:i» tho friends Hr carry on. Evv will admit defeat— iii: victory. Ami. as ■ ni. • -tamls. anyone in Hniklate- .an walk away $e big prizes. ndmis citthusiasm and iewr before soon in any n;«ign a- i- being shown is.- for tho automobiles j i>-. Tli.-ro seems to ho I k* |H-p that every oandi- j rei up for the finish J a few days away. 'Dio . rh.. have formerly b§en • [reisers are still going at ] bl >avod all their ener- ‘ r finish. This indicates) sugio oomostant on the It of light left. It also me candidates who look tow will bo among tho it the end comes. They lit tin- otlu-r fellow and (planning to go them all Bi- Spore to Win. t> certain, wlmover wins prizes will probably narrow margin tilling smivs will doubt- If the present loaders that tin ir loads are ample 'appointment when announced. With vs energetic workers, it 1 '"Me of tiie most spec iof th.- contest is yet to . Vmr >ay dip” spirit was i 5 c (h ie. at any other j t»right now. iB *M Work New. s that some of the ™.‘ have appeared less f'-w weeks are the wiil do the lrest work [P" under the wire with Mibscription before the fs'hpilule of the election fl,av night. November 21. r T '- • '"I prizes will ttomobiles and 1! be distributed . ,n ' p d at the beginning of •ic are just eight ! ~ai..| only two days af '• lowest vote offer into effect. ' W This Period. '*■ every one-year sub- P.' ''.ink. v cites, a two np'-.n counts 1 \OOO votes, it ion counts 45,- , r subscription ’ ‘ v, dps. and a five you to 150,*- > for no wand ! opcn Until <> is open each ■";v and will re - soon as be j: '■ it is hoped f, " h ; n ;* tVw days. du t"" , more than in t i : 1 ‘and improved, )'o r ,] ( , N VV have been Cn their I'' ■ lhey could ! Bum ‘ rt Production, hre r,rl) ns( ' Fv:ltive <>f mill , l ! H,er times has come to IfT i ~— : 1 by the^v'*" 1 . an tln ' fur Al ' at *ans and is a wedding. THE CONCORD TIMES $2.00 a Year, Strictly in 'Advance. | Soiled Flag I •• jj lake Hall. 34. of Los Angeles, used an American Hag as a rag to wa«h windows with. Now he’s in Jail, sen. tenced to u 250-day term, and on the wall before him is a nice new flag, which he’ll have to look at every day until he gets out.' THE LUTHERAN SYNOD. ; Decides Unanimously to Build Church at State University. Hickory. Nov. 11.—Several im-1 I portant actions featured the second i day of the Lutheran synod. A field i secretary to have charge of Sunday schools, Luther leagues and brother hoods was decided on. The executive committee of synod will shortly select such a man. Ily a unanimous vote it \va» decided by synod to erect a Lutheran church at the State university. Plans are already being made to canvass for this cause and , to secure tlie jn-sistance of tlie : finance board of the United Luth- j eran Church of Atneriea. The opinion prevails that around $7.1.000 will be spent in the erection! [ of such a church, though no definite j ! action was taken. The institutions of synod made fine reports, and a strong appeal was j made to the synod to cover its part i in tli£ $.300,000 endowment fund*now being raised for the southern semi , navy. The proposal to establish a Lenoir-Rhyne system of schools, which means the placing ot all Lutheran institutions of learning in the state under one head, is now holding the attention of the synod. From present indications this meas ure will be deferred to another tune. Commemorates Day. At 11 o'clock synod adjourned for 30 minutes to commemorate Arm istice Day, speakers for the occasion being chaplains and former service men in the A. E. F. The flag was brought into the church'and placed at the altar. Appropriate remarks were made concerning the hard ships of war, the valor of American soldiers, the outlook for peace as seen in the Locarno treaty and the part played by American Lutherans ; in the great war- Eight ministers on | the roll Os synod and 65 per cent of ! the manhood of the American Luth j eran church fought to estab ish freedom. This is a higher per cent than was given by any Protestant church. * • The home missionaries of the synod, composed of 15 men, held luncheon together and reviewed the problems of mi-sion work. On Thursday the entire synod is invited to take dinner on the cam pus of Lenoir-Rhyne college, the con-’ greyations of the community giving the dinner. Dr. C. P. Wiles presented the edu cational interests of the church as represented by publications and in thirty million pieces of literature a year, in addition to books and maga zines, and controls 28 educational institutions, with a student body of 8,000 and $14,000,000 in property valuation. Inner Missions. Dr. W. Freeze spoke on inner mis sions,’ stating that the present ef fort of the church is to place the orphan in a home of the church rather than an institution- He also plead for more girl to enter the deaconness homes and assist the church in doing its work.- Dr. E. G. Miller told of the plans to raise in the church at large in 1j027 $5,000,000 for ministerial pen sion and relief. The session Thursday "ill elect delegates to the national convention, which meets in Richmond, \ a., next 1 year, and hear Other report? concern ; HM&’l, one-half. d.T behind In the transaction of business. Painleve Submits Another Plam. ! Paris. Nov. 12.—0 P) 1 ain leve’s latest plan for t’ae restoratmn of the French treasury, submitted to the finance committee of the chamber of deputies' today, calls for a levy of 15 per cent, on real estate, bot improved and unimproved, payame over a period of fourteen years. Seek to Get Compromise. Paris. Nov. 10. — UP) —Efforts to ef fect a compromise between tlie con flicting elements in the Painleve ma jority failed this morning and the bloc of the left is -now thought to be disrupted beyond repair. A cabi net meeting has been called for 5 p. in. to consider the situation. Bumblee bees are agents in cross-pollinating red clover, the lioney £es Playing only a very small part. ‘ Pity Murder” Trial Al the left are two new camera studies of Dr. Harold 11. Blazer, who is on trial for murder at Littleton Col m connection with the killing of his crippled, imbecilie daughter Hazel. lie slew her to end her sufferings and to relieve his married daughter. Frances Bishop (right), of he:- care. Mrs. Bishop will be one of the principal witnesses against him. * BLAZER JURY HAS NO VERDICT NOW I Men Who Will Decide the Fate of Physician Re sumed Deliberations Af ter Night of No Decision Littleton, C 010... Nov. 12. — (A 3 )—No verdict had been returned by the jury j that is deciding the fate of l)r. Harold ;E. dtlnzer, charged with murdering j his/34 year old imbecile daughter, ] Hazel, at 10:30 o'clock today, after ! more than 12 hours of deliberation. The jurymen went out to breakfast at 7 :30 and returned to‘continue their deliberations an hour later. There was no indication as to the verdict they might return. STATE RESTS IN CASE OF THE JAIL STORMERS Eight Defendants Releaseed For Want of Sufficient Evidence. Asheville, Nov. 11.—With ranks thinned by admissions on the part of tho solicitor that lie was unable to make out cases against eight of their number, defendants who have been on trial in superior court here this week following wholesale indictments by a Buncombe county grand jury as a re sult of the storming of the county jaii. attempted to weaken the i»osjtion of the prosecution with a host of char acter witnesses.* many of whom were officials of the city and county, dur ing a long and monotonous session yesterday. \_/ The state had rested its case against the 38 defendants who are on trial early in the day, and there folowed vigorous attempts on the part of va rious defense attorneys to obtain uit release of their clients on the ground of insufficient evidence. This resulted in the release of sev en defendants. Herschel King. Geo. Merrill, James Redmond. Eugene Cole,' Sam Griffin, John Jarvis and H. G. Rayburh. Just before court adjourn ed for the day Solicitor Ed. Swain stated that he wanted to accept a ' verdict of not guilty in the case of Dolbert Martindale. reduced the number of defendants to 30. ail of whom are still -on trial. Elmer Luther. Douglas Bishop, G. N. Waldrdp and A. G. Higgins, all defendants, took the stand late yes terday and related their version cf what happened on the night of Sep tember 10, when the county jai l was stormed by a mob alleged to have been bent upon lynching Alvin Manse), negro, who has since been s -ntenced to death for criminal assault upon a white woman. . .... All denied that they were impli cated in the mob activity, but admit ted that they were at the jail on the night when the crowd crashed the gate and entered. Bishop declared that he had been deputized by Com missioner C. P. Bartlett to assist in quelling the disturbance. ILliggins de nied that he had entered the jail yard at all. About this time Judge A. M. btack observed that it was "very apparent that somebody stormed the county jail, and equally apparent that some body must be guilty.” The court then called attention to the fact that one attorney had ap- proached him some time before *ri re gal'd to allowing two of his clients to submit to the charge against them. “When a defendant comes into court after that and attempts to fight the charges after that, he must take the fortunes of war. Judge Btufk continued. "In the case of tho* who I s ubmit, the court will be inclined to he lenient.” Winners at the fortieth annual ex hibition of the National Horse Show I Association, which is to be held m ! New York city the week of Novem i ber 23, will divide $35,000 in cash I prizes among them. The oldest locomotives now in _ ex istence are “Puffing Bully and Ury lan Dilly.” built about 191- by Fos ter and Hackworth, of England. CONCORD, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1925 . .1 ... ; ' Progress Being Made i With Asheville Trial HOSIERY MILL STRIKE ! THREATENS TO SPREAD Trouble at Durham .May Involve ’ Other Unions Unless Quickly Brought to an End. Durham, Nov. 11. —According to ( authentic information given this pa per tonight by local union officials the I strike- of more than 125 union oper ators of full fashion hosiery machines in the local plant of the Marvin ('arr ' s : lk mill is likely to spread to other unions unless it is quickly brought to an end. The operators of tho full fashion machines went on strike Monday | morning demanding higher wages and a change in working conditions. Heads of their national union, who have been in the city attempting to settle the matter, declare that the management of the mill will not con sider their requests, and while, tho plant is being operated in a small way this is being done by non-union ; men and the union operators are standing pat. Barringer’s Offer Turned Down by President Carr. Raleigh. Nov. —President (’. P. Barringer, of the state federation of labor, today offered mediation of the I(urham Hosiery Mill strike, but President Carr. Mr. Barringer deelar , ed, politely declined to treat with the head of the organized crafts. “I was over there, making an ad dress to the employes," Mr, Barring er said tonight, “and spoke to them ' at 3 o’clock. At 4:30 I had an ap • pointment with President ’ C-arr. I offered as president of the state, fed eration my services as mediator, but Mr. Carr declined. He was genteel about it, merely saying that he would deal with any individual iu his em ployment, but with uo representatives •, of them, therefore no committee i speaking for strikers. It means that j • he will not recognize the union,” Mr. j ' Barringer said. 1 "The picketing will continue,” Mr. I 1 Barringer said, referring to the habit T of strikers who giving up their places use persuasion to prevent anybody T else taking those jobs. Mr. Rnrrin ger’s understanding of the issues is • t,hat tho mill is getting r:d of em -1 ployees who have joined the unions. Woman's Club Puts on Sunday Con cert. Salisbury, Nov- 9. —The Capitol Theatre was crowded to capacity with appreciative Salisburians Sun day to hear the first Sunday after noon sacred concert ’put on by the musice department of the Woman’s Club. The concert was ecompli mentary and was made possible by •the generosity of the manager of the theatre and the goodness of those who took part in the program, in cluding some of the best talent of the city. A married woman of 21 in Southern Rhodesia may vote if her husband can sign liis name and write 50 words in the English language. Lincoln's press agent, Robert J. Walker, who rode a balloon across England in 1803 scattering propagan da for raising Civil’ War loans, died 10 Per Cent. Discount For Cash ON ORDERS FOR Engraved Christmas Cards On all orders received for Christinas Cards before De :ember Ist, we will allow 10 per cent, discount for cash from our already low prices. We have in stock a beauti ful line of these cards, and can furnish them on a, few hours’ notice. Call and see samples. Tribune-Times Office Six Men Indicted as Partic ipating in the Mob That Stormed Jail Enter Mis demeanor Pleas. ■$ * JUDGE PRAISES ONE YOUNGSTER Gives Paul Pegram, Who Confessed to the Charge,! Suspended Sentence. — Warns the Others. * | Asheville, Nov, 12— (A 3 ) —Six men indicted as participants in the mob that stormed the county jail here on the night of September 19th entered pleas of guilty of misdemcatiior charg es before Judge A. M. Stack in Su-j perior Court this morning. Sam! • Stroupe, another defendant, offered aj plea of nolo contendere when the j fourth day of the trial of she alleged I leaders and participants began to day. Pleas of guilty were entered for Jeter Bell, Eugene Wilson. Charley Penland, John Stradlcy and Bud M il son and Harry Smith. With the exception of Bell, the de- 1 fendants submitted to guilty to tlie fifth and sixth counts of the bills of indictment which charged them with taking part in a riotous and tumul tuous assembly. Attorney-W. G. Fortune, represent i ing several of t’ae defendants, offered to submit Diamond Ward, Luther Townsend and Carl Swink as guilty to the misdemeanor charges set out in the bills of indictment. Solicitor J. Ed Swain refused to accept the pleas of these men, asserting he believed there was evidence enough to convict them all of the charge, including fel ony counts. Mr. Fortune declined i to change the plea of Lawrence Lida, j adding he intended to show that Lida I j was not at the jail the night of the j assault. • Judge Stack stated a desire to take occasion to commend Paul Pegram. 16-year-old boy, for the step he had taken yesterday in offering a plea of guilty to participating in the unlaw ful assembly. He told tlie attorneys that tip until this morning, the fourth day of tlie trial, only one little boy had been “man enough to admit his , part in that devilment.” The court ! announced that Pegram would be ( given a suspended sentence. ! The judge warned the’ defendants • to be “honest with the court” and in dicated that they might be called to take the stand and give their versions | of what happened at the jail on the | night of the trouble. t\< persons living today can either read or speak 1 1. - language used Ly : the early Massae’iusette i>>d:an*. yr.i there is' at least one book in exist ! eijcc in that stra i’.e roi'ivie. It is the i i only known co;* <>f ilaxttr's ‘‘'all 1 to the Uneonve'“*'(l'' in this Indian < lavgi age, and was translated by John Eliot, the famous "Aposric to tin- Indians,” .-tn i priuted -at Cani l»r:«'ge, Maw*., in .16 51. 3 The number of billiard players in 1 the United States exceeds 3,000.000. i Mrs. Lansdowne Charges Letter Sent Her Was An Insult To Dead Husband v \ ♦ * JUST ONCE MORE. & I * _ th Tho Tribune's rule in regard rh to the publication of reading no- --h J tioes of entertainments, lectures, | ifc box suppe.-s, etc., to which an W", \ admission fee is charged, or at if* : which any tiling is sold, will be as & follows: rh JK . Five cents a line will be eharg- rh th od with a credit of 5 lines of & th* readers for every inch of dis th piny advertising used. We will th th also give credit on the account th th for all tickets to such entertain- th th meats which we can use. th th When an admission fee is ?h th charged or anything is sold, th jth someone or some interest re- rh th ceives financial gain. In such th ith cases, then, why should The th | th Tribune do its work free? th ! ♦ th th th th th * -th th th th th th ♦ . HIGHS PLAY L4ST GAME OF SEASON HERE FRIDAY Mt. Pleasant Comes to Concord Fri day to Scrap For Title of Cabarrus County. Concord's High School football team will bring to a close a season, not en tirely successful, on Friday. The team which has been secured to furnish the opposition is the Mt. Pleasant Cadet eleven and the scrap for the title of Cabarrus County. Kannapolis, tlie only other city in the county will be out of it, having dis banded some months ago after foot ball was found to interfere with school work. Very little is known of tlie Cadet aggregation. They have played some I good games this year but are far from as strong as they were last year. The ; Concord and Mt. Pleasant teams look like very evenly matched elevens and j a good scrap is promised to spectators. The local outfit last week took on Albemarle for a second game and beat the Stanly team in the last few mo ments of the games. Fumbles gave the ball to Albemarle time after time when it looked as though Concord would go for a touchdown. A last minute drive carried the pigskin across the chalk anti a subsequent kick invade tlie exitra point for a j 7-0 score. j Close followers of the football sit ! nation here have been very pleased | with the showing which the High School made. Handicapped by the loss of many of the first string men Coach MeAuley was forced to build a team from the ground up. That the team has won half its games has been a good indication of the progress j made. The game with M. I\ C. I. is to be played at Webb Field at 3:15 o'clock. A large number of spectators are ex pected to attend the game which ushers out.the 1025 season. THE COTTON MARKET ' * I Opened Easy at Decline of 17 to 30 Points.—January Sold Off to 19.95. New York, Nov. 12. —C4 3 )—The cot ton market opened ‘easy today at a decline of 17 to 30 points under sell ing promoted by talk of possible in creased curtailment in Lancashire, ru mors of disappointing private returns on domestic consumption for October, and relatively easy Liverpool cables. January sold off to 19.95 under the initial pressure, about 35 points net lower, but the break was soon checked by renewed buying and prices recov ered most of their losses toward the end of the first hour. December was relatively fifrai 'selling eight points net higher, while later deliveries still showed net declines of about 8 to 12 points. A private report was said to show domestic consumption of 480,000 bales for October, against 483.000 for Eep tember, and' 534,000 for last year. Cotton futures opened easy. Dee. 20.40; Jan. 20.03; May 19.74; July j 19.15. METHODIST PASTORS MEET IN SALISBURY “Go Forward’’ Slogan for the Salis bury District. Salisbury. Nov. 10. —Practically all the Methodist pastors of Rowan, Stanly and Cabarrus counties, to gether with a number of laymen from the different churches in the Salis bury district, met here in the First ' Church for an all-day session today in connection with the annual meet ing of the district stewards. M ork for the new year was planned and 1 the conference adopted for the district • the slogan, “Go Forward.” , The presiding elder, Rev. Z. Paris. presided and among those who ad s dressed the meeting were Rev. E. K. j McLarty. Rev. L. D. Thompson. Mrs. jjlW. C. Houston, O. V. Woosley, C. H. Ireland. K. W. Rodell and other lead j era in the church. The presiding el j der’s salary was fixed, and this amount f i and other conference collections were | i appropriated to the different churches »! i of the district'. ; ■fi Charlotte Speedway Track Record Ls Cut. Charlotte, N. C.. Nov, 9. Ben !;{; nett Hill set a new lap record for 4 the Charlotte speedway here this 1 1 afternoon when he drove the mile and quarter at a speed of 136.3 mile> J an hour average. The mark was made j while the driver was qualifying for 2 the Armistice Day race. J. B. SHERRILL, publisher { Charge Made by Widow of Commander of Shenan doah When Called to Tes tify in Mitchell Case. CAPT. FOLEY WAS LETTER AUTHOR Defense Sought to Proves that Mrs. Lansdowne Was Asked to Give False Testimony Before Board Washington. Nov. 12. — UP)— Called i to substantiate Col. Mitchell’s charges f that improper attempts had been made to influence her testimony before the Shenandoah board of inquiry, Mrs. Zachary Lansdowne, widow of the dirigible’s commander, testified ip the Mitchell court martial today that Copt. Paul yoley, of the naval board, had sent bet a letter which was “an insult." to the Memory of her husband, j Defense counsel sought to prove by her testimony that a navy officer en-! deavored to have her give false testi mony before the Shenandoah board of inquiry by retracting her formal state fnent that Commander Lansdowne was ordered to take the Shenandoah on her fatal flight to the middle west over his protest. The court apd counsel stood as the first woman to testify in the case, took the witness stand and was sworn. She was nervous and plainly weak ' and weary from illness and the try-1 Ing experiences of recent weeks. She i answered in a tremulous voice the j preliminary questions put to qualify j her as a witness. "Did you receive a communication from (’apt. Paul Foley, trial judge advocate of the naval court relative to your testimony before that court?" asked Mr. Reid. “I did." the widow ! replied. "Have you that eommunica- 1 tion?” "I have not." “What did you do with it?" "1 tore it urf." Col. Sherman Moreland, the prose cutor objected when Mr. Reid asked the witness what was in the com munication she destroyed. ’The defense attorney said lie asked the question because Col. Mitchell had charged that the navy would "white wash the Shenandoah catastrophe," and he wanted to prove the charge. The court after some discussion as to the admissibility of Mrs. Lans downe’s testimony, directed her to answer the question. WHITEHEAD KLUTTZ GOES TO NEW YORK Quits Playground aim! Recreational Association to Practice Law in the Metropolis. Raleigh, Nov. 11. Whitehead Kluttz, field secretary of the Play ground and Recreational Association of America, has resigned from that work and set sail for New York city, where he will become a member of the New York bar. The New York field has a thrill for Mr. Kluttz who in his early 40'ts is as young as when he issued from the university as the most gifted j orator turned out by the institution in decades. He has spoken all over the country and notwithstanding the great Tar Heel lawyers contributed to the New York practice, he will | hardly find one whose speaking ! power is equal to his own. It will be ' a disappointment to Nortb Caro- i liniaus if the metropolitan press does not soon make a discovery of him- | Mr. Kluttz was a member of the! senates of 1907 and 1909. He made the famous nominating speech for | Overman on his first re-election and i in all the legislation looking to wider j diffusioin of state funds, over roads j education and allied abpects. Kluttz always took 'big parts. He gave the geological and economic survey | which did the first real work done ; by the state, ■ New Resort Hotel For Moreliead Bluffs Assured. New Bern, Nov. 12.—That the pro ! posed new resort hotel for Morehead Bluffs near Morehead City, is assur -led and that it is hoped it can be erected fer the 1926 season is assert ed enthusiastically by local business men. who are prominently connected with the project. Benson & Benson, architects of Wilson, are at present drawing working plans, it is stated, for the hotel building on Bogue Sound. The Spanish type of architecture will be used for the large, handsome structure, which will contain J