m ; lIIGiTHE j'lllS; NIGHT linl Scene Will Close m (VC’lock <*n That Weeks Krd Work. K? BOX AT Ebarki s bank and Scaled. — HWtsfaids Now E in Kvery Mo- K Their Time. not at-! V V- V" chock Hi --nod as rs •. ..-ri< >e, ■ ni' SLUM each and Hoards of sioo each. iis will he paid all Ksjar.t- wii'i have remained ■uUmi! *1 he campaign as ■uLv- :'iii-n;al ameuincement ■paiiing of rhe campaign. Kn> in rhe history of (’abar ■ h;t' there been Mich a dis- Hr; i.)~Ti\ auanls —and/iever Hthere been such aa exciting Brin thorn. 1 ■kite Fairness to All. ■to maintain the strictest i ■to tiu' number of subscrip ted in by each individual ■uiksgiving and Christmas ■during this, the last week fcesr. the race is being ■ a rinse under a sealed Heriptii tis whatever are be- K’-I tin.iuaii the campaign H this week, but instead H themselves will deposit ■ -olleetiotis at the (’abarrus Bank. Ily so doing, no one, ■ ! lio campaign manager, can I Hanv the voting strength of Hitv candidates. which pro-j H i*ossihility of favoritism | ■ fairness to the minutest! I and-sealed the ballot box) |pho*(] in the lobby of the' I Savings Hank where it will |ri the closing hour of the I Saturday. It will then ■ by the eotinting judges and fount will begin at the bank. |f the leading candidates has Imimimls of new as well as pbsciipti.ais. and t'.ie enthu-! I tbo contestants has been Bb by the hearty response the |* le made to their solicita- [ a(l Snal week will give the f Ee of the campaign a big Postant< are now devoting ititt-nf their time to getting r before the closing |tD »ntlui>iastic boosting of P' ! " I'twving an .important I bice. The awarding of [ d the biggest event I Tof ('abarrus county,—lq- on excitement will P day Sauirduy. [death DRIVING 0n : M AMILI4R ROAD f an Pinned Under Car 1 11 11 cut Down an Embank fy X' v - i'—While driving |®amiliar road .at night, Ed I ,''°rth I‘ine Street, met in ab .ut !t :3b p. m. Mon r JAV, ‘!i. in Gaston county. fr 1 "'! b. v iwo young women. U ' V:ls driving cn the road Facrtnn that leads to the ry a 'Dnia highway when the happened. Pm' ° vor ne em bank- F ' r M i’.son was pinned un- L't" ' vhwl - Life I m,' ir J ‘ body was re- L , :Ua was caused by a i , -' !l ' Wilson’s com | 'h only slight lr _k,. ' looming the Be {in'T U: f Christmas sale it s ‘ ", Parks-Belk Go’s. It T a ';'" k fi ‘ *'■« store will be I'rices. You will ipiv f , s : over the store, 'dais here and Cl' r ’"’ ‘ h ' ,M ' $2 tel pounds of pure :-iia M 1 " r cents. On f’.„ Vi" V .- s ' s - vou oan "tart tomorrow it sue U I ’ ,> ° n time an<^ ;! ! other big bar- ~ |r : 5 ,, ' 1 " remarked to an tittup:’, • f'vience has no 4*) —The pow ers represented at the Chinese cus toms conference today unanimously! ami unconditionally acceded to the Chinese demand for the enactment of a treatry giving China unrestricted tariff rights beginning January. 1929. Cluna agrees to abolish the Likin or special tax imposed upon goods— inland transit on the same date. STONE SUMMONS FARM CONVENTION Annual Meeting of Agricultural Union To Be Held Here. Greensboro. Nov. 17.—R. W. H. Stone, president of the Farmers Edu cational and Co-operative Union, Mon day sent a call for (the annual conven tion of the organization, to be held at Raleigh December 3 and 4, and Thursday he goes to Crescent, Rowan county, to confer with Mrs. Mary Lyerly, of that plaec, concerning the program. Bishop Penick to Preach. Gastonia, Nov. 19.—C4*)—The lit. Rev. E. A. "Penick, bishop of the North Cai’olina diocese of the Episco pal Church, of Charlotte, will deliver the Sunday morning sermon at St. Marks Church here, November 22nd. He- will also address the Episcopal men’s Bible class that morning. The service is expected to be one of the largest attended and most in spiring in St. Marks history, tin* Rev. J. W. C. Johnson, pastor, says. Capital of Chihli Captured. Peking. Nov. 19. — i/P) —Paoting-Fii, provincial capital of Chihli, 100 miles southwest of Peking, ’has been cap tured by an army under Gen. Teng Pao-San, of l the group opposed to Mq rslrnl Chang Tso-Lin. The city fell after considerable fighting with the retiring forces of the Manchurian leader. Protects Record of Commander Lans downe. Washington, Nov. 19. — {A 3 )—Any insinuation that Commander Zachary Lnnsdowne deliberateley jeopardized the Shenandoah and her crew not on ly reaches the “height of absurdity but slanders the dead,” according to Com mander Rosendalil, senior surviving officer of the airship. Air Mail Service For Florida. Washington, Nov. 19. — UP) —Air mail service between Florida’s three principal cities. Jacksonville, Tampa and' Miami, by April Ist next, with extension to Atlanta not later than June Ist has been decided upon by Postmaster General New. Heads U. D. C. For Next Year. Hot Springs, Ark.. Nov. 19. — UP) —Mrs. St. John Lawton, of Charles ton, S. C., was elected president gen eral of the United Daughters of the Confederacy at the 32nd annual con vention here today. - President Off For New York. Washington. Nov. 19. —( A *)—Pres- ident Coolidge left Washington early today for New York, where tonight lie will address the New (York State Chamber of Commerce. Child labor in St. Louis has de creased 33 per cent, in the last four years, according to an official report just issued. Two Sections Twelve Pages Today QUEEN ALEXANDRIA IS CRITICALLY ILL „ t —■ Dowager Queen of Eng land Suffered Heart At tack Following Illness of Past Several Weeks. London Nov. 19.—04*)—Dowager Queen Alexandra, mother of King George, is critically ill from a heart attack, it is officially announced. The Queen, whose eighty-first birth -day falls on December Ist, buffered the attack this morning. The statement issued* fr the storm center in the Baptist denomi nation in this state, scored his crit ics. He declared that “injurious mis representations have gone from lip to lip” and it was “time to stop this at tack.” Scores His Critics. In the course of his address he again and again scored those who at tacked him. declaring that “I think there is a fly in the ointment.” “Who wants your job?” an ardent alumnus shouted. Dr. Poteat smiled and declared that when the discussion came up he had thought of letting them have it, but, “they have made it impo-ss : ble now.” I>r. Poteat was accorded* ovation after ovation as lie walked into the chamber of commerce hall where the banquet was held. After his address Rev. Bruce Ben ton. of Rockingham, read a resolu tion asserting the nssoeiation's faith in Dr. Poteat, the faculty and the college. It was adopted with a ris iug vote. This resolution declared “that in widespread discussion <3f Wake For est, some suspicions have been arous ed which have beclouded the confi dence of not a few of its friends with in the state.” Loyal to Christian Faith. It affirmed the '‘unqualified loyalty to the fundamentals of the Christian faith and allegiance” of the associa tion, “to the active work of the de nomination.” It declared unjust “the representa tion that the teaching of the faculty and president” is “dangerous to the Christian faith.” With reference to the teaching of science and evolution the resolution adopted declared that “we desire to record our observations that all facts of life and nature are interpreted in Wake Forest class rooms labora tories from the Christian point of view, which service is the chief justi- Dr. Mayo Sees Prohibition Leading To Government Control of Liquor New Orleans, Nov. 17.—That Pro hibition is leading to practical govern ment regulation of intoxicating liquors was the declaration of Dr. William J. Mayo, Rochester surgeon, in an interview here today. Prohibition as it now exists in the United States is only a process of ed ucating the American people to the need of temperance, and an experi ment leading to the institution of an established means of Government eop trol over intoxicating liquors, he said. “Something will be done soon prop erly to regulate this great national problem. The time will come soon when a real method of sensible con trol and regulation which will be fair and just will be adopted. J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher On Farm Now U" Here’s Luis Angel Flrpo. one" Re ferred to as the “Wild Dull of the, Pampas. '* when he was preparing lor his championship bout with Jack Dempsey. He’s now aver hull" and is shown as he looks-work tn£ on a farm in Buenos Aires. He ’ hopes to stage a come-back In the .ring next year. STURT INQUIRY TO ~ FIND FIRE'S CAUSE Federal Bureau Seeks the Cause for Fire Which Damaged Vessel of ihe Clyde Line. Letyes. Del., Nov. 19.— UP) —The Federal Bureau of Steamboat- Inspec tion today began an investigation on the burning of the Clyde lauer Leu ape, From the headquarters of the Bureau in Washington, orders were sent to the Philadelphia and the New York inspectors to examine members of the crew and survivors. The Philadelphia inspectors were or dered to examine the still smoldering hull of the Lenape lying on the Hats five miles north of here. The Lenape was beached and scuttled there after her more than 360 passengers and crew were taken off the burning ship yesterday with the loss of one life. The New* York inspectors will ques tion members of the crew and surviv ors who returned to that city last night. With Our Advertisers. The Y'orke & Wadsworth Co. has received another car of galvanized roofing at the old price $4.75. See ad. The Wear-Ever aluminum roaster at Ritchie Hardware Co., prices $5.95 to $5.95. Every home should have one. Phone 117. Fisher’s is headquarters in Concord for Durham durable hosiery. See ad. on page ten. Thoroughbred overcoats for young men, only $14.75 at J. C. Penney (Vs. Read the new ad. today of the Ca barrus Savings Bank. There is al ways good advice there. Signs Along Highways Will Point Way to Winston-Salem. Winston-Salem, Nov. 18.—It has been decided to string the highways for a distance of 1,700 miles around this city with arrow signs showing the distance to Winston-Salem. In all 250 signs arc to be put up on highways in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. President’s Father Improved. Plymouth, Vt.. Nov. 19. — .UP) —En- couraging symptoms were reported to dnv f**"m the bedside of Col. John Coolidge, • 80-year-old father of Presi dent who has been suffering from a recurrent attack of “heart block.” fication of a Christian college.” It was asserted “that we have found that the influence of every class room in biology as well as in Greek and Bibible is positively Christian and in variably on the side of our Christian and Baptist faith.” “The American people are begin ning to take the matter seriously. That is precisely the purpose of Prohibition as we have it today. It was working toward an end. a good end. and therefore I cannot feel that it is a failure. “Os course national Prohibition has brought about a condition which is not as satisfactory as that of local Prohibition regulated by the individ ual States themselves. Local option was a good rule, but under the pres ent system the sufferers are numbered for the most part among the froth and the dregs of humanity; principally the froth who can afford to pay severe prices.” MORE SOLDIERS IRE : ' ..TRIED TO STRIA | TO SUPPORT FRENCH One Thousand Infantry Troops With Tank and Armored Cars Are Land ed at Sidon. FOREIGNERS ARE TO BE GUARDED French Destroyer Is Also On Hand to Aid in Any Movement France May Decide Upon. Sidon. Syria. Nov. 19.—Of? —French ; reinforcements comprising 1.000 in* ; fantry men with a tank and armored i ears, have reached this imri, Ade • stroyer also has arrived, i The destroyer commander visitetl ! tiu* Presbyterian mission schools and | the Near East Relief orphanage, the staffs of,which he requested to remain, promising them adequate warning of any danger from the rebels. The French governor confi rred I with the religious loaders of all de nominations and askvd that they urge ; their follows not to incite their poo* ) pie to panic or excesses. The Druse forces behind Sidon are commanded by Vaid Atrasn. a brother of the Sultan A trash. Refugees fnuiu the interior continue to pour into Jhe ; town. Col. Robert (j\ Foy. American mili tary attache at Constantinople, is «r --peeted to arrive in Beirut tomorrow. 1 . CAPTAIN FOLEY IS HEARD AT INQUIRY He Gives His Version of the Charges Made by Mrs. Lansdowne. Washington. Nov. 19.—The Shen andoah court of inquiry today con cluded its investigation of the charges of Mrs. Margaret, Lan/sdowne, and will announce its opinion regarding them tomorrow. i It heard from Captain Paul Foley, accused by the widow of the Shenan doah’s captain of trying to sway her •testimony, a complete disavowal of any intention except that of being helpful to her. Then |it listened to a statement by Lieutenant Commander C. Sosen dahl. .senior surviving officer of the ~ wrecked dirigible, denouncing ns “a slander of the dead” any insiuation that Commander Lnnsdowne took the Shenandoah on the western flight when he believed her in jeopardy from the weather. Under cross examination by Judge Advocate Leonard, (’apt. Foley said he visited Mrs. Lansdowne “to help her” and “to save her from embar rassment.” “Why did you care what she testi fied to before this court?” “I did not care what she testified to before this court. My concern was for the widow of a man I had taught at the Naval Academy. I was most anxious to have her appear in a dig nified position before the court.” “Why did you say Mrs. Lansdowne would prove a difficult witness? Did you expect to have trouble with her testimony ?” "No, but it would not be a pleas ant duty for me to cross examine the widow of a gallant naval officer wha had died in the line of duty.” •- Capt. Foley said had he known Mrs. Lansdowne “as I do now, I would not have tried to help her.” “You had h childlike confidence in her?” asked the judge advocate. SAYS “AL” WOULD GIVE “CAL” REAL BATTLE Massaclmsct ts Man Discusses Result Smitii Should Be Named. Asheville, Nov. IS.—ls Governor Al Smith, of New York, is nominated by •the Democrats for president, and President Coolidge is nominated by the Republicans it will be a battle royal for the votes of New England, in the opinion of Charles L, BurriH, executive council of Massachusetts, who arrived in this today en •route to Florida where he goes to spend his vacation. Mr. Burrrill was a Republican can didate for mayor of Boston in the re cent election. The executive councillor is an inti mate friend of President Coolidge whom he speaks of often and affecr tionatel.v as “Cal.” , Mr. Burrill said that Governor Al Smith is extremely popular in Massa chusetts and throughout New Eng land. and would receive a very hand some vote were he nominated by riie Democrats. He »«aid that no doubt many Republicans of that section would support Smith. He would probably carry New England against any Rrepublican other than President Coolidge, the visitor inferred. SAT'S BEAR SAYS: •4 Showers and slightly warmer to night, Friday partly cloudy and cold er in west, showers in east portion. Moderate southwest winds. NO. 39