t -mMm ■ IS ■ T iM B- Mrs. Sweat, fggUl Bke and John /' t * v 'Ben H ear mgs Day. IS THIS CITY If That Wat- Killed and His in an Old Albemarle. 1— 4 s i— Thr-- &£'*-\*s3*B ,! • w* vt> being ' : ;!l ''"titipc £* li'-r "f "I>:ui" disappeared I. <■•• rLan-fd in l ' n( ' ruins S r. i\ m Drake ..•■■• are the four ta< ■ alb-ged f ;;.,] in tho debris - and head cut •::: LMdoii, S. _ r . and placed in •■ri.--r arrests fol --. ■ ' arrested in 1” >' :■ testified to • ' ; Gray telling :..-\v all about "the ffirefljSaaßd :»•;! at tiie proper *: testitied *' \ jjißn Sw-ut and I 'rake e ''Jlgjgrißl US u]) the Salis night of the al got *•£ ***!>, According to !.*• said he |*if|||||Qsß< f- the man was rauspßfßen ’' u ' oli '. v motive yi:.g of Watkins. m.m*m in dike ■|||||i|t;y i. \; i\ i m ass of This Depart l ndergo Ke- Br S|,Bf; of Duke T'ni -*smu need today, in .'ti:V‘,V i "S-o-''B r ‘ Z:r ’ of 'i-vi-ral BHHBHHi'.ivo -.ty admit:iv- T'nder the reor 'Mi; I. F'lowers. vi-fsity, is made |BanOjß| the institution in I>r William dean of the uni vice president- in G' l "- The third Dr- Edmund D. *. -i of religion. division, w,:,. pn>f.-s6or of a - 1 ’■>• y-ars chair ■mmmh £ committee, is * igHMBBi T v - i'tossi dent of h administra !• his direction sP*ljflßflk is made, paying S J wBB , - v “ : " ! "" , - i, t ’* Be :yo-r:.iss. During BflflNß. t-ths addition of i-mjieatiug its paying no less wfIHBBB jflHß|B l ‘'"itinn of the peti- •-"■lit*• < 1 to the Sen- J|B|||||jW • Vice President Again Try for the Bislat are. - s .—f*f much in l|l|glß - political oir )\ B‘ r i, : ‘ iliat I)r. Z. K will again make I!* us*- of Rep- H-rs mentioned as 9BB|Bat.'s include Miss Shßßß^'' 1 u • K. Matthews, j|!!!pf|f;-B'‘> 1- Robinson. E. - Houston. The W' ■ representatives. THE CONCORD TIMES $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. AGREEMENT BK THE UNITED SHIES AND ! TURKEY ANNOUNCED , Commercial Pact is Drawn i Up Pending the Out i come of Lausanne Trea ty in the U. S. Senate. DUTIES WILLL BE LOWERED BY PACT American Goods Can Be Sent to Turkey With out the Prevailing High Tariff. Washington, Feb. 26.—OP)—The j Commerce Department nnonunced to* day that a temporary commercial | agreement had been entered into by the. United States and Turkey, under which each country grants to the products of the other **most favored nation's t^atment. The agreement which is in the form of notes exchanged between Rear Ad miral Mark L. Bristol, American' high commissioner at Constantinople, and the Turkish government, is a modus vivendi which provides for temporary neutral agreement daring the pen dency before senate of the Lau sanne treaty with Turkey, which would establish peace time diplomatic and commercial relationship. A direct effect of the agreement is nullify discriminatory duties dfcities against American good! export ed to Turkey and which come compe tition with the exports there of the allied nations. The Turkish govern ment recently raised its tariff sched ules in eoerdance with its treaties with the allied countries, but the rates applied to goods from other than al lied nations were considered unfair. THREE XHARLOTTE MEN ARE HELD IN DALLAS Sons of Legislator Said to Have Been Guilty of . Mann Act Violations. Charlotte, Feb. 28. —Two prominent Charlotte men, sons of W. R. Mat thews, Mecklenburg legislator, are be iing held in Dallas, Texas, on Mann act charges. It is expected that they will make their bonds of SI,OOO each in the United States court at Dallas tomorrow. «>»& amXW. Xk**n dren were killed and the fa-:Uer ami it son seriously hurt when a Seaboard*; Air Line train crashed into tbeiti machine at Elberton, Ga. A tabulation of states includes* \ North Carolina : 10 dead, IS injur ed. South Carolina, $ dead 4 injur ‘d.: THE COTTON MARKET Activity and Weakness Characterised the Opening, First Prices Fluctu ating. New York, March I.—VP)—Activ ity and weakness characterized the' opening of the cotton market today.; First prices were 12 points lower to 2 points higher. The qoarket subse quently declined to 18.50 for May pnd 17.40 for October, declines. of[ abi/ 10 .o 20 points under Satur< day’s close, and the lowest for the movement cm old crops and for the season on new crop positions. Spot house brokers were heavy sellers of March and there also was considerable pressure from Liverpool, the South and from traders who had purchased cotton toward the close of last week, expecting a rally. Heavy selling of July contracts was believed to have represented hedge operations. News features continued about the same as at the close of last week but speculative seqtiment appeared Co have become fiiore bearish over the week-end outside of purchased shorts and the trade there was little support to the market. Cotton futures opened barely steady —March 19.20; May 18.60; July 18.00; October 17.50; December 17.19. Mrs. Ida Moore Young Is 'Dead in Charlotte. Charlotte, February 27.—Mrs. Ida Moore Young, wife of tbe late Jcseph H. Youug, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dodsworth, the latter her daughter, after an illness of sev eral months. She was nearly 76 years of age, having been borne April 13, 1850. The funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at the Dodsworth home. Dr. Albert Sid ney Johnson, pastor of the 'First Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Young had been a devoted member, will conduct the service. Mrs. Young was a daughter of the late Samuel Moore and Mary Ann Bethel Moore, of Caswell county. She was married to Mr. Young in 1872. Five children were born to this union, of whom four survive. They are Robert B. Yoiing, of Sa vannah, Ga.; Mrs. Gillespie Sadler, of Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. L. A. Elods worth and Mrs. M. Young, of Charlotte. Mrs. Young and her hus band moved to Charlotte from Con cord in 1885. Mrs. Young was a sister-in-law of the late Col. Thomas Holt, governor of North Carolina. (Mrs. Young’« husband Was a brother of the late Alfred B. Young and Dr. Robert S. Young, of Con cord.—Ed.). Os Interest to Chair-Warmers. London, March I.—How many times can a man sit down without wearing out the seat of his trousers? A definite answer to this question now can be obtained in round num bers from a novel textile testing ma chine devised to measure the dura bility of cloth used in making uni forms for . Britain’s army and navy. When applied recently to a new quality of cloth its was fouud that the wearer could sit down 97.000 times before the eloth showed the least sign of wearing through. -- 1 " i —i ■■■■i in. In boosting the “eat-more-com" movement as a result of the crop surplus, many places in the corn belt are accepting coin as money. Marriage ceremonies at Kingston. 111., can be paid for at the rate of $1.50 a bushel. Two bustiels will l>aj for a year’s subscription to a Unrmi. HI., paper. The store* ftoete will accept com | D payment for merchandise. An armful of ear corn will alao buy « movie ticket. * SECRETARY DAVIS MAY BE CANDIDATE Secretary of Labor in Cab inet May Decide to En ter Gubernatorial Race 1 In Pennsylvania Soon. % i Washington, March I.—VP)—Seo -1 Davis, of the labor department, I has under consideration the question of entering the race for the governor ship of Pennsylvania. Returning today from a trip to , IN ilkes Barre, he said he had been asked by a delegation there to be , a candidate, but he declined to give an indication of this course. '• Several inen influential in Pennsyl [ Vfl nia, he said, had urged him to make the move. t REFUSED TO PAY $2 000 \ ; FOR BATTERY PARK HILL Tom Dixon Recalls Realty* Values in in Western Carolina Many Years i Ago. * _ Asheville, Feb. 28.—Disregarding t] his physician’s orders to remain | bin room and tight a threatened cold. -j Thomas Dixon, Carolina’s most fa } mous author and playwright, arose { from a sick bed today just long enough to address the Asheville Ivi wnuifl club during its weekly 'lunch eon at the George Vaudervilt hotel. Dr. Dixon wos received with gen j erous applause and his address, , which touched a varied number of f topics, brought hie audience to the j highest pitch of enthusiasm that has been witnessed at a luncheon dub iir some time. Referring to the real estate move ment in western North Carolina. Mr. ? Dixon stated that to his knowledge land in the mountain section had al- I ways been acclaimed as being too I high but that he did not beneve the ! peak had yet been reached. | ‘‘This section,” said Mr. Dixon, ] "was reputed to be high in its real Restate values when I was a boy of I 14, my father refusing to pay $2,000 at that time for the 15 acres that > comprised the famous Battery Park hill, believing the price demanded was unreasonable although he was willing to pay SI,BOO for the tract. My coming back to this section of North Carolina was influenced by - many things. My eyes were first opened to the grandeur of the moun tain region when as a boy of 17 I made a speech on the crest of MtY Mitchell. The vision and imagination which possessed me at that fitne has .gjwaye remained a most vivid men tal picture. 1 "Another thing that influenced me was that while in New York I was constantly being brought in contact with the fact that Yankees were their money, time and en ergy in unbuilding the great south and it wals a matter of pride that I should co-operate with them in bringing prosperity to a section for which I had been working these many years. “The south has always been the garden spot of the hemisphere but it took generations for us to bring its beauty and attractiveness to the attention of the world. Had the south seen the economic faults of the slave system before a war whs necessary to remove it the country would have attained its position as the greatest garden, spot there was." With Our Advertisers. Friday, March sth, will be Oliver Day at Yorke & Wadsworth Co’.s store. Lunch will be served at noon, and a string band will furnish music. You are cordially invited to be the guest of the store on that day. Read the particulars in ad. in this paper Let the Yorke & "Wadsworth Co. put a Pathfinder tire on your car and you’ll thank them. It sells for only $7.75. See new ad. The Parks-Belk Beaty Shoppe spe cializes on permanent waving and marcelling. Phone 892 for an ap pointment. ’ ■■ See the new ad. today of the Reid Motor Co. about the Ford’s three point motor suspension. ■ Everything in restful bedroom fur niture at Bell & Harris Furniture Co’s, Spring frocks, only $14.75 at J. C. Penney Co.’s. Both the style and color are fetching. Governor Will Address Auto Men. Greensboro, March 1.— 04*) —Gover- onr Angus W. Meftean has accepted an invitation to before the an iiual convention Os the North Caro lina Automotive [Trade Association which will be held in Winston-Salem March 17-18. The governor made known his acceptance here today. He will deliver his addres on the evening of March 17th at the annual ban quet lof the association. Harry Clenden- I in, of Greensboro, is president of the State Automotive Trade Association. Lynn M. Shaw, assistant manager of the National Automotive Dealers, As sociation, and W. B. Brurruss, kales expert, will attend the convention. Many Stockings Exported. AVashington, Feb. 26.—(^) — After satisfying the demands of the flapper and the more conservative needs of | her family, the United State* shipped 6,425.175* dozen pairs of full length j stockings rolled tops and socks, val ued at $10,754,644 .to foreign coun ! tries during 1925- J These figures, made public today by the commerce department, showed, however, that the American flappers counterpart abroad ii not mitten particularly on silk, more than two thirds of the total exporta being made 1 up of cotton bowery. 1,.i i *——* According to some aathoritiea. the pureat Ei*li*h in the world la spok jen in Dub in, Irelanu. Andrews Wants Chief Executive To Appoint Dry Board Os Inqui^’ TROY FITZGERALD ENDS LIFE IN STATE’S PRISON Alleged Efland Bank Robber Uses Sheet to Strangle Himself to Death. Raleigh, Feb. 28.—Troy Fitzgerald, untried prisoner who was being held in the State penitentiary for safe keeping, hanged himself this after noon in a death cell at the State’s . prison and when found about 5 o’clock, he was dead. Fitzgerald, who ( wa« captured with the recent gang of alleged Efland bank robbers, was a thorough dope fiend whase suicidal mania had shown itself in other attempts. At Under taker Fab Brown’s tonight it was said that Fitzgerald sought to kill himself when a prisoner in Durham jail. He was brought here six days ago and lodged in the prison for t-afety. He had not been tried. His testimony was that the other robbers framed him and caused him to be found with enough money to make a case agaiust him. Dope, however, is credited with jnuoh of his story. Fitzgerald slew himself this after noon by pse of the sheets which were furnished him in his cell. He made a crude rope and choked himself to death with it. He had been dead half an hour or more when he was dis covered by prison people. Fitzgerald was bady wanted, more for the testimony that he could give than for the actual part which he took in the robbery. The prisoner would have made almost sure the conviction of those with him, it was said, but officers were doubtful to night whether the State could make a case without him. * ! The dead man will be sent to High Point tomorrow for burial. He was married, but his wife, Mabel Perdue Fitzgerald, is said to have left him. He had no children, but his adopted son’s picture, found on the clothes of the prisoner, proclaimed his affec tion for the body. The marks of the dope habit are written all over the body of this crippled man whose age is given as 37. NO TRACE FOUND OF GEORGE MELCHOR Salisbury Brother of Missing Man is Puzzled Ova- Sudden Disappear ance. , Salisbury, Feb. 28.—Ray Melchor, 'tm employe of the North ' Carolina Public Service Company in this city, whose brother, George Melehor, mys teriously disappeared 'from this city about two mouths ago, stated Satur day afternoon that no word has yet been heard of him or his present whpreabouts. The missing man wae employed as a plumber by Beaver Brothers, of this city, and boarded cn East Thomas street. He left his watetpin his room at his boarding house 'and also his outfit of work clothes. ' ' Ray Melehor is very much con cerned over the sudden leaving of his brother but has an idea that he fiiay possibly be working “at his trade, t)aat of a plumber, in some nearby cjty, or town, but .why he would leave so mysteriously, wfthput -telling -rela tives or friends of his intention, is not known, i'lj was thought by some that prob ably he bad taken a sudden notion to •go Jo Florida but his brother does not believe he went there, and even if he did is at a loss to understand the mapner of his.leaving, for which no reasbn cab be assigned by any one: ' The mother of the man! lives in Cabarrus county and she is ■ veyy much distressed over the affair. Glass That Will Rend. London, March I.—" One of the most important discoveries of recent years,” is the verdict of a high official of the Institute of Patentees on a new substance kfiown as “organic” glass, which will shortly be placed on the market. This substance is produced at a price no higher than ordinary glass, yet it bends, bounces and breaks with i out a trace of slpintering. Its weight is only half that of common glass, and it can be broken in the hands without risk, the edges being .neither sharp nor jagged. During tbe course of experiments to test its potentialities, a small ball made of the. substance was dropped on to a stone floor. Not only was it unebipped, but it bounced. . It is expected ,«that. the. new glass soon be in general use in auto mobiles, where it reduces to a min imum . the menace to human life caused by splintering glass when ac cidents occur. Another big point in its taxor is .that it retains its crys tal clearness in all atmospheric con ditions. •Planes Leave For Florida. Charleston, 8. C., March 1. —04*)— Two seaplanes piloted by Commander John Rogers and Lieutenant L. W. Curtain hopped off here todoy for Fernandina-, Fla., on their way to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where they will jain the United States fleet in: maneuvers. ’ ‘ ’ The planes arrived here Sunday af ternoon from Hampton Roads, \ a., via Morehead City, N. C. . . < Fines a la Cafbterta. Chicago baa adopted machine for traffic court use that will enable a Violator to automatically pl«*a guilty by pulling a lever. In return be will receive a ticket stamped wtb the amount of the fine owed- Thi* unique piece of apparatus i* Intend ed to relieve judges. J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher Head of Dry Law En -1 forcemeat Bureau Says * Public Should Be Given All tiie Facts. ! SEES great” need OF REPORT NOW r • ’ Public Does Not Know » Just What to Believe ! Says the Dry Chief in ; i His Proposal. ' i Washington, March 1— OP)—Crea l tion of a commission to study the i general prohibition question in all its i aspects was proposed today by As p sistant (Secretary Andrews, of tjie i treasury, in Charge of dry law en ! forcement. - With both the Senate and House t preparing to take steps to inquire in i to conditions under prohibition, and with- Wet hud dry organizations en * gaged in bitter controversy over it, > Mr. Andrews declared he believed the > time had come for a thorough study » of the question in its economic, social : and all other phasea. Unwilling to make an estimate of the various effects of the law him > self, secretary declared that if ! enforcement was to proceed with suc cess, some action must be taken to quiet the public mind. > In the six years since the 18th ; amendment, to the constitution was adopted, no more of a similar nature ( has been made hy an authorized ad ministration official, although Con i gress has been asked by various i groups on numerous occasions to or * der Such a proceedure. * Mr. Andrews emphasized it was his [ business to enforce law rather than ) to judge its benefits or disadvantages, - and be suggested the study be left to a commission to be appointed by the ' President which wqpld have trained i experts and wide inquisitorial pow i ejrs. He thought, the. investigations being proposed in Congress would be helpful, believed they would Je suit. ultimately in. the recommenda * tion for appointment of a general commission to be composed of men of i high standing and whieh would be ■ outside of the political Jeld. Enforcement of the fiw s6'’ftfrvhP , said, has'not been a fair test of the i workitfg of probibitioifT shml v fair . test cannot be made until a judiciary * and police sufficient to carry out the ' law are available. Complaining against- the continu ous agitation against the law, the as sistant secretary said this was re i sponsible for the trend of drinking. * He said he hoped for the time when 1 hostesses would apologize for serving : liquor, rather than for not serving it, which latter condition he said now CxfstS t. 27.—The Sunday School Conference which is to be held H» Tryon Street Methodist March Ist. 2nd and 3rd will bring to Charlotte several hundred Meth odist Sunday School workers trom ill over the conferences, his meeting , will be the first of the kind held in western North Carolina. The three delegatss appointed by the pastor of: Tryon Street Church are: Dr. 8. B. Bivens. Mr. B- 8. Kirby nd Mrs. A., H. Wear*. . I RIGHT OF RADICALS TO HFFT AND TftLK ASKED Supreme Court Will De cide Question on Case Being Carried Up From . Michigan Lower Courts. NO VIOLENCE AT MEETING PLANNED I Defense Contends Com munists Can Meet Pro vided They Do Not Plan Any Act of Violence. Washington. March I.—OP)—The right of radicals to meet and dis cuss the aims of the communist party provided on overt acts of violence are committed, was asserted today in a brief filed in the supreme court in behalf of Charles E. Rutbenber, who is challenging the criminal syndical ism law of Michigan. , The case, which probably wsl be * reached for argument at the present term of court, reviews some aspects of the celebrated Whitney case from California. In that instance the court upheld the conviction but a re hearing has been granted. Ruthenberg was convicted after a meeting of a secret convention of the , " community party of America in the sand dunes neag, Bridgman, Mich., in August, 1922. The brief filed today declared the Michigan supreme court in sustaining Ruthenberg’s conviction, did not give sufficient consideration to the right of “assembly.” “Our constitutional and criminal law ought not to mean one thing for communists and another thing for others,” said the brief. COVRT ADJOURNED WHEN NO CASES DEVELOPED No Qriminal Cases Docketed For the March Term' of Vance Superior: Superior Court. Henderson, N. C., March 1. —CP) — Within an hour and a half after it opened here today, the March crimi nal term of Vance County Superior Court adjourned because of lack of business to handle. There were no criminal cases docketed for trial. Only one bill of indictment was gir eh to the grand Jury and th ; s was continued until the next term of court. The Vance County; Jail has been empty since the first week fn Jan uary when the January term of court disponed of criminal cases awaiting trial. The vacancy of the jail and the short term of court are said to be al most unprecedented in this section, and court attaches state of their defimte knowledge that the March,-term Sts a record for a number of yl|rs, if not for all time. WILL BURY RICHARD E. v REEVES AT iff. AIRY Body wm Be Taken on Special Car From Summit. N. J., Where He Died Saturday. Winston-Salem, March I.—C4*) The funeral of Richard Early Reeyes, of Summitt, N. J., who died in New York City Saturday afternoon, is to be conducted from the First Method* ist Church at Summit this afternoon. A special car will bring the body, members of the family and other friends of the family to Mt. Airy, ar riving there at noon Tuesday. A brief service be held as the body hi in terred in Oakdale Cemetery and the accompanying the remains will raeturn to New York late the. same afternoon. . LmnVana Tax on Corporations Up held. Washington. March I.—CP)—Louis iana tax upon corporations doing business in but not domiciled in that state, was sustained by the supreme court today in an appeal by the Gen eral American Tank Car and other corporations against the sheriff of the Parish of East Baton Rouge. It was contended by the corpora tions that a tax imposed on their tank cars operated within Louisiano was • an invalid restraint upon interstate commerce, and unjustly dkierimixia tory. » I Hsmbsck Gets Temporary Promotion. Washington, March 1. —C 4» F. Hamback, first deputy prohibition ex aminer for Florida, Mas played tem porarily in charge of the Florida-dis triet today by Assistant Secretary Andrews. B. T. Simmons, administrator, re tires today on account of ill health. Declaring enforcement conditions in Florida bad considerably Mr. Andrews said be would reorgan ize that district at an early date. BATS BEAR SAYS* . 1 Cloudy tonight, Tuesday fair, cold er. Fresh to strong southwest shift- I ing to northwest winds. NO. 68