SB:.: I 111 HELD LEuEO ATTACK that' He Seized Ejq Cousin, But Onlv to Play a h Her. [led self h lone path lut and Seized the 5 She Passed. — ounds I sed by ; in Hunt. j,, : |u* attacked a r i-f a pmininent Ca v vcsn f| lay afternoon Ik Laljtli Safrit.' young •a- lodged in the county wa~ stated at the court nioin ng that specific j nut yet .been lodged pending■further inves nint y i fficers. the report brought to P ]]_ who arrested Safrit. is marie near the Cruise where the girl attends h j; is the path, encircled her L hand and closed her jhe other. ias' so badly frightened recognize the man. she k . but did know that it jhand which closed her liso told the officers that [ a red stripped sweater j jred pants. She manag- j [ray. she said, and reach I liemls, where she told of lack. leans of the sweater and Irit was suspected. Sher ■ated. The officer was I Safrit. wearing such leen at the school ilur- Ind had been seen there Before the alleged attack. Secured at Rockwell, and ■ trail, tracked Safrit to Bis grandfather. Martin ■;*■* was arrested, lb. . a uc.vs ip. El this morning young ■22 years of age. freely ■ matter. He said he ■din is his cousin, com ■path, so hi' decided-to ■ot realizing the serious ■glit ensue. He did not ■ her. he insisted, and I that lie made no at- I her when she started ■ght : ng in his arms. He ■ the home of his grand fte saw the girl, so he I there. He admitted ■he man .sought shortly •rested. Sheriff Caldwell! I ■ts of the attack were ■he Rimer neighborhood, ■ed tile Cruise school. Ifrit and the girl live, a perns joined in the hunt, Koine went to Rockwell pounds, while others as fCaldwcll in his search Iwell stated this morn llanned a fuller inquiry l.v and would probably I charges after the in of John Safrit. well knt and fanner. He is j [school now. he said, be- Pse. He was a student j [he t’ru'se school, and I pterday to see friends. I in the county jail this pt seemed calm at first. If he did not realize the hie* charge against him. ft he had done nothing F° Play a joke.” After j reporter a few minutes! [little more nervous. He pug a red striped sweater e<‘d pants. "hi was said to have [' frightened that she : coherently when she th ' - alleged attack, she f r during the afternoon. H I" question her again ftCVIKHMI. frtli (arolina Number. Rail ign J’.ureau of Fii“ Tribune fln h J.) The May i^sue fill ■ (', i , .., ' ■ . . -'.Mine magazyie ■' 1 ;r '' ' ‘ a special 1 '"•*". according to L lol,,v ' 1 yesterday by 1 lie principal ar- Jjiarcu b, :i staff repre- P" n.cgazine, who spent [ tb “ " ta; ° k'.st fall and [f u l' In the- two words “motion denied,” Justice Morsehauser Vv'used to grant i the motions of Isaac K. Mills, Rhine lander's counsel, to set aside the ver dict of the jury which was that Rhinelander, a member of an old and wealthy NeAv York family, should not receive an annulment from his wife; and to grant a new trial. At the same time Justice Morsehauser allows Lee Parsoffs Davis. Mrs. Rhinelander’s attorney, an additional sum of $12.- OCO for his services in the trial, and subsequent proceedings to date. OPPOSE IMPEACHMENT OF JUDGE ENGLISH Minorily Report of Houte Judiciary Comcuitlse Will Be Pmeated to the House. _ . Washington, March 25. UP)—Op position to impeachment of Federal Judge George W. English of Illinois, is expressed in a minority report be ’'ng prepared by three members of the House Judiciary Committee. Insufficient evidence is the basis of t the arguments which are being written by Representative Bowling, democrat, of Alabama; Hickey, In diana ; and Wea\ T er, democrat, North Carolina. Representative Yates, republican# Illinois, another member, has announc-1 ed he may file additional views. The position of Representative Wel ler. democrat of New York, has not been made knoAvn, He was the only, member of the special committee of seven who investigated the case last summer, to vote against recommending impeachment. JOHN S. TURNER DIES AT HOME IN COUNTY Had Been Prominently Identified With Life of County For a Number of Years. John Si, Turner. Tor many years prominently identified with the busi ness, religious and political life of Ca barrus County, died this morning at 1 p’clock at his home in No. 10 town ship. He had been ill for some time, Mr. Turner was 87 years of age and was born andj'eared in this coun ty. Although he spent hig entire life on the farm he was always interested in all county-Ariide matters, gave much attention to political mattery and was successful as a farmer. Mr. Turner is survived by three daughters and seven sons as follows: Mrs. Daniel Kluta. Mrs. D. M. Long. Mrs. James Chaney, all of this coun ty ; Cebe Turner, of Texas. Walter, James, Paul. William and John, of thr’s county, and Curtis, of Stanfield. The funeral service will be held at Love's Chapel at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Start Work Scoft on New Yadkin Bridge. Albemarle. March 24.—r-A force of j the Atlantic Bridge Company ie noAv; on the grounds and is making rapid preparations to begin the actual eon -1 struction work of the steel bridge ! across the Yadkin at Stokes Ferry, i about ten miles north of Albemarle. A contract for construction of this bridge was given to the company I several weeks ago. ! R. L. Smith, one of the owners of [ this bridge, stated today that the bridge was to be completed and ready for traffic by July Ist. The bridge will be privately owned and there fore will charge toll but it will serve a large territory and will furnish a short route between important towns. ’ Says Alleged Slayers Have Confessed. j Milledgevile. Ga . March 25.—C4*) —j Floyd McClelland,, of Brockton, N. Y., under sentence of electrocution ; here today, and Ted Coggeshall. of i Clayton,- 111., for the murder of Prof : W. C. Wright, superintendent of Putnam eounty schools, has confessed to the murder, Warden B. H. Dnna- j way. of the State prison, was told to-, day by a Macon social worker. TREASURY GETTING AS MUCH CASH AS T GOT LAST YEAR I income Tax Payments For the First Quarter Alost as Big as Those of Last Year. MELLON CHANGES HIS PREDICTIONS Treasury Department Al ready Has Received More Than He Predict ed for the Month. Washington. March 25.—UP)—In come tax collections for the first quarter under the new revenue, law are noyv expected to reach $435,000.- 000, or within six millions dollars of collections a year ago under she higher rates. This total, predicted today at the , Treasury, exceeds by $35,000,000 the first estimate of Secretary Mellon on the collections for this quarter. These figures take into account only the income tax collections, but i considerable reductions are expected in the miscellaneous tax collections, since the new law repealed many of these levies. The increased returns, despite the lower rates, was attributed by Secre tary Mellon today to the large profits last year, and to the stimulation in business which he believes resulted ! from the anticipation of tax redue | tions, ADD $200,000 TO DAVIDSON FUNDS Announcement Mado of Raising $125,000 to Match Offer of Board. Davidson. March 24.—Announce ment was made today by F. L. Jack son treasurer of Davidson College, that $125,000 has recently been raised for the endowment rund of Davidson, to match the offer of $75,- 000 made by the General Education Board of New York if Davidson would raise the $125,000 by March 15. It was stated that this amount" was raised with the assistance of $70,000 which was not included In. the campaign of several yearn ago. In launching the $600,000 cam paign of several years ago Davidson College had the two-fold purpose of increasing its endowment and the' building equipment. First efforts j were turned toward the erection 6t I a third of New Chambers building, | and with its completion the officials turned to the endowment fund- Since the designated amount lias been raised for the endowment, the col lege will now focus its efforts on the raising of money to complete the re maining two-thirds of Chambers building. 'Die present wing of the new | bpi ding cost approximately $200,- | 000,and It. is estimated that to com plete it will entail a cost of $400,- 000 more. The original amount plan ned to be used on the building was $400,000, but the plans were en larged, and when completed the building will be valued at approxi mately $600,000. In the j>ast 15 yearn the endow ment of Davidson College has grown from *250.000 to $800,000; the building equipment has jumped from a \ r alue of $250,000 to $900,000; the budget of the eo’lege has been en ’arged from $35,000 to $200,000. and the enrollment of the students has increased from 300 to 600 student*. Mere Than 80 Deal In River Dis aster. Rio Janeiro, March 24.—Eighty passengers, the captain and the first and second engineers of the Brazil ian river steamer Paes De Ga radio perished when the steamer sank in the Solimones River, one of the up per forks of the Amazon, near [ Manats, according to despatches re ceived here today. The' disaster was caused by an explosion. Reventy-elght passengers and sev eral members of the creAv were rea cued. Wants Cost of Wheeler Cane. Washington, March 25. — UP) —By a A’Ote cf 61 to 13, the Senate today di rected the Department of Justice to. transmit to it a detailed statement of the money spent in the prosecu | tion of Senator Wheeler, democrat, of j Montana. Will Try New York-Paris Flight. Paris, March 25. — UP) —Capt. Rene Fonck, France’s foremost nee of the Avorld war, announced today that he Avould attempt a non-stop flight from New York to Paris in May. He said he would sail for New York at the end of April. SAT'S BEAR SAYSt ■ Showers tonight, /bolder in west portion; Friday partly cloudy and I colder, showers on coast. Fresh south j west lifting to northwest winds* NO. 75