H:. !- BmOFIT Resulted in a jHaHI-erinii- Ac mm to Report by Mharnley & Co. IS NOW '-’RTiNt; liB;, Facilities Now |iilK.,ym Condition. [||v. Fra of Inde-| HHce Is Begun. ■H •. • -i I'aiiv Tribune §gg» - i'..r the tirsr HI. rii'iix (>f the fgggH < - i ,i*i "* n result «|gjgH, . _ ral.-lidar year | : ii't of the | WHB 1 v t'iiaraiey \ jHHH « f Charlotte. iHgaß, . ••! Ans 11.'* §|ggM - profits for •* for the | to 842.045.31. ■H . . to prison- c ,k for them- HH, .. in coimnuta- 1 s' sub'!ranted, the, HB., ; • sArCM-ia. Strict. imm - :auioiint should H|Ht,',i. -a large part j with the system fg||X use. there is to rah-ulate. ||Br,: .-mire report rov on a self lg|g& : ■ the first time last time a of income | V.';: ' Not only ! HHgHB baa lie -heet of assets . |H - S . 71's.MoM.o.i wmm .-xci-'s «.*• liaidii- JHHB..: !!.'■!••• wall SCsMt.tMM") JHH>. I! rJ4. which was W/KM That leans that a v.o • h iring the HB&jH.. : • v-mciits to BHjjHii tin- nr tit shown. 88l fa ."s. viewed as an mnv ar*‘ in excel- HHH. the report -uow. and tt.at ||g|§|Bi a. rd-tve is begun ' a. was np- HHH'- off <”.;>j)orting HBHHfI s’lch manner that it HH|H mm ever to the State ll ■ profits from |He -,-v I. i•T I o IjHB em-eree-j in finding wBUKB '■ ' . able-bodied ■ sustenance fflßß'' 'it. able lIBH ■ -.--ever, n the pena: g§j&S|B Or- HH .i ■r ' . -Tenuous BBS ' ■ f eon- SmIIB ations profits ■B ' hard . find work 1.) Jo «nfcii Hr Ibegan to |1» ' s'andards of liv- HBH I ”' maiels had HBH ’ "f tin-se factors, and ■ r-e-ii.g'y hard to HBH • • ami since that «Hn ;i a part of the of iron " C> meet -O •• e nridus i ad • §||M ’ t*. 1 ‘IH W’d.'h v.Ti HBt • or < damn IP". mly Iggw ■■■;• . fi’-gs ai d thor fgligH • ill effects BHH'*-: • cil economy an.l the jHß^^r : be devoted ' 1 ‘•tntg fnci’itjea and! - ' 'cwb’>‘h px |HH y* fl.mglv necessity for SMB ! v :t:g the earlier ; H|H' : 'sc: spread over irg packed in- HH ,; ie steady increase in HHH ' ‘ * • • 'P-rs, accounts in e profitless re -HM : ' ! ‘d 'l*v* ral rears. ■H' ! ' d'-C a deficit jHB‘" r " ,l i shown in op- i ' Cm fact that Wte HHH;': the ground an-j. HIH k Tr t be count - H^H 1 proh.d.le value ?» cost Os pUt , ground was es- H|H ' M " their total ■mgm ' w. filth from H|H of -rocks IM|H| ill excess of ' showed two farms ,vt BUB ' '-ven of the HUH''*'' 1:11 r and Tubes. ! ' may •«> tit it at from the UK'.. ’. " rv finest. You c< to ehoose 1 fi Uitest values. HB r ••’.year. ' The there is no ■K,:,.. r;ik ~ 'advantage . , i<,u ure always that means THE CONCORD TIMES $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. $1,000,000 ' BH IBi a umd h . Beven years ago Frank R Patterson a'ent to Detroit with a college degree and just enough money to rent a i small office and go to work as a civil I engineer Now he has just paid a 420.000 premium on a million-dollar life insurance policy. He is head of one of the largest construction Arms in Detroit. I \ \t ILLITERACY CRCSADE IS PLANNED BEFORE CENSUS New York Has Enough Illiterates to Make a City the Size of Denver. "Washington, March 29.— UP) —The federal census takers of 1930 would be unable to discover any illiterates in t’lie United States, if the national illiteracy crusade, jurst organized here, had its way. Captained by William Alien White, the Kansas editor the crusade plans to (jo-ordinate the ac tivities of several organizations that have been seeking to stamp out illit eracy. Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart, nation-1 al director of the group, who is in charge of.the newly-opened headquar ters here, and who has been active in educational work in the south, dis closed these findings: There are 10,000 who cannot read or write in the city of Washington. Philadelphia has nearly 00,000 il literates. New York City has enough to make a city the size of Denver. 'Pennsylvania has enough to popu late two states the size of Wyoming. Ohio has more native born white illiterates than has the state of Mis sissippi. There are many counties in the United States where twenty-five to thirty per cent, of the people are un- I able to read and write and some counties where forty to fifty per cent, j are illiterate. ' Five million men and women in this country have completely missed school. The lead pencil business would be increased $3,000,000 annually, by the wiping out of illiteracy. “More can be done during the next five years in Eliminating illiteracy than has been done in any fifty years before,” said Mrs Stewart. “Many states and communities are now wag ing a war against illiteracy, and they are determined that the federal census takers of 1930 shall not find one in their neighborhood who can not read or write. They feel that illiteracy ia-a disgrace. “The slow processes of the public and private schools cannot cope un aided with illiteracy. These schools have done their best but 5,000.00 men and women in the United States have missed them, and must uow be cam paigned info school. Our program { is to put the fight into every section lof the United States. We will help where existing organizations or the school authorities are attacking adult illiteracy and where the campaign has not penetrated, we shall aid the local and organize yrork in the prisons and in addition make a vigorous cam paign among the Indians.” THREE NEGROES PERISH IN FIRE I - Burned to Death in Bed When Shanty is Destroyed. Favetteville, March 27.—Felton McMillan , Eugene McMillan and Lacy Evans, negroes employed by the state highway commission, were burned to death in their beds when a shantytruck in which they were sleeping was consumed by flames at 3 o’clock this morning. The tragedy occurred at a camp southwest from Fayetteville, on the Wilmington road, Route 21. Plague of Seagulls. London, March 26. —Fishermen at Deal are complaining of the losses they sustain through seagulls. The., birds follow outgoing sprat-fishing boats like a great cloud; they swoop down on the catches as they are be ing hauled in and devour the sprats by thousands. Then they will invade the boats themselves and, not content with the sprats they size by thou sands on the beach, follow.the catches to the railway station and in many instances to the canning establish ments. Governor Reiterates Confidence in Sink. Ra’eigh, March 27.—Governor Mc- Lean today, discussing the prison controversy in which Chaplain W. S. Shacklette and Pardon Commission er Hoyle Sink hold the state, reiter ated his statement that Mr. Sink has been most cautious in the hand ling of pardon and parole matters, and left nobody in doubt as to his confidence in the commissioner. / TIL OF CRANFORD WILL BE STARTED TUESDAY MORNING State Was Not Ready to Proceed With Trial of N. C. Cranford in Albe marle Court Today. murdeeTcharge AGAINST CRANFORD Former “Convict Boss” of Stanly County Is Charg ed With Deaths of Two Convicts. Albemarle, March 29. — UP) —The State was not ready today to proceed with the trial of N. (3. Cranford, for mer “convict boss" of Stanly county, charged with first degree murder in connection with the deaths of two convicts, and the ease will not begin before tomorrow. This was announced by Solicitor 1 Don Phillips shortly before the noon ■ rcess. A large crowd had surrounded the court house here, and at 9 o'clock, an hour before court was scheduled to convene, many persons had already taken seat*. An imposing array of counsel faced each other for the trial, led by Solici tor Don Phillips for the prosecution, while J. R. Price, If. L. Smit’.t. G. I). B. Reynolds, H. C. Turner and the firm of Brown & Sikes represented the defendant. Albemarle. X. C., March 29.—04^ X’. C. Cranford, “convict boss,” went on trial here today in Stanly County superior court, charged with first de gree murder in connection with the death of tw’o negro convicts. | Cranford's trial grew out of the ' I deaths of James Terry and James Howell, who died while serving on his ehaiugang crew in 1918. It is charged that the men were beaten unmercifully by Cranford, wiio at the time w r as superintendent of the Stanly county convict system. Court was convened by Judge A. M. Stack at 10 o’clock. Calling a venire was the first matter before the court, and indications were that the defense would press for a jury from another county. HAMBSCH APPOINTED TO FLORIDA POST Named Prohibition Administrator t For Florida by Secretary Andrews, i Washington, March 29.— UP)— F. P. Hambseli was appointed prohibi j tiou administrator for Florida today |by Assistant Secretary Andrews in I charge of prohibition enforcement. Hambsch has been ass'.stant ad ministrator and he succeeds D. T. Simmons, who resigned recently. He will make headquarters at Tampa. ‘ James H. L?e has been named dep uty administrator with offices at Jack sonville The changes will become effective April Ist. With Our Advertisers. If you are going to need furniture for a porch this summer, don’t fail to see the Bell & Harris line. Everything for Easter for women and children at Parks-Belk Co’s. Georgette and crepe dresses, Easter Millinery—a wonderful stock to select from. See new ad.. Coats for Easter day—they’re sure to please in every way—at J. C. Pen ney Co.’s only $14.75. The mater ials are smart, sturdy and new'. Your bank book grows more inter esting with every deposit. See new Rd. of the Citizens Bank and Trust Co. The Cabarrus County B. L. & Sav ings Association's new series is now open. Take some stick in this series, if only a small amount. Banishing Typists' Troubles. New York. March 26.—A device has been invented which, it is claim ed w'ill relieve typists of eye-strain. It’ is a bar enamelled in nine colors, and clips over the typewriter space bar. The tints are arranged to form a strong contrast, and for typists ac customed to glance at the keyboard > the invention is claimed to minimize the ill effects of glare. Farmer Dies While Working in Gar den. Goldsboro, March 26.—While at work in his garden late Wednesday afternoon at his farm on the high way in Fork township, death came suddenly to Charles Howell, a w’ell known and highly esteemed farmer of the Rosewood section, aged about 55 years- He is survived by his wife. New Irea From Berlin. Berlin, March • 26 — l The street cleaning department of Berlin has a new truck equipped to meet all street cleaning prob’ems. In summer it is a street-sweeper and a sprinkler. In the winter it is employed as a snow plough. In addition, there is enough pressure of water to use the truck as an extinguisher in case of fire. Henry Brown lives alone on an iso lated farm in Massachusetts. His niece. Ida, who lives in town, had her uncle put in a telephone so she could speak to him in case of an emergency. But the old man doesn’t take to new fangled things and refuses to use the contraption on the wall. Whenever he hears the phone ring he mumbles ! “Ida wants me’ and hitches up his old horse and drives to town to see what Ida wants. CONCORD, N. C., MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1926 Christ Visited in This Home Oil Holy Week Wednesday Here are the ruins of the home of Mary and Martha in Bethany near Jerusalem, whither Christ retire*! on Wednesday of Holy Week—the day before He returned to Jerusalem for The Last Supper SAFRIT BOUND OYER TO SUPERIOR COURT Waives 'Preliminary Hear ing When Taken Before ’Squire G. M. Lore at the 1 Court House Today. Ralph Safrit, 22-year-old mau of the Rimer community of this county, waived preliminary hearing this morning and was bound over to" Cabarrus Superior Court. Safrit was carried before ’Squire! G. M. Lore at the court house and his counsel, J. Lee Crowell, Sr., waived the preliminary'hearing. Bond was fixed in the sum of SI,OOO by ’Squire Lore. Protest to this amount was made by Mr. Crowell but Judge Lore declined to reduce it. Safrit was charged in the warrant with an attack on a girl with intent to rape. The warrant was signed by her brother, court attaches said. The girl was in the court room xvith her mother and ether relatives. She appears to be about 14 or 15 years of age. Safrit conferred only with his law yer. If he had relatives present they did not speak to him before the hear ing was started. He left the court room once to Confer with Mr. Crow ell. SENATOR JOHNSON IS AFTER SOME INFORMATION Wants to Know About Land Grant to Mexican-Japanese >»>...>u. k e. Washington, March 29. — UP) —The Senate foreign relations committee was asked today by Senator John son. Republican, of California, to in quire into a 2,000,000-acre land grant on Magdalen Bay, Lower California, recently given by the Mexican govern ment to a Mexican-Japanese Syndi cate. Senator Johnson’s request was sub mitteby Chairman Borah, who said he too wanted the facts about the con cession. Senator Borah previously had tak en the matter up with the State de partment. which as a result is expect ed to make inquiries as to the nature ’ of the transaction. ~ REAPER CLAIMS EDITOR CARPENTER Had Enjoyed Brilliant Career in Journalism—Was Native of South Carolina. Fayetteville, March 25. —Albert M. Carpenter, editor of the Fayetteville Observer, died at 6:00 o’clock last evining in the Cumberland General hospital, after an illness of three weeks. Mr. Carpenter came here last Oc tober from Spartanburg, S. C., where he was editor of the Daily Sun for eight years. His health was not good at the time and Mr. Carpenter mixed little with the public, but those in this city who knew him esteemed him most highly. Will Continue Sale of Memorial Coins in State. Atlanta, Ga., March 29. —OP) — Confederate Memorial half dollars re maining unsold in southern banks will be withdrawn April 1 except in the states of Virginia, North Carolina and Missouri, Hollins N. Randolph, pres ident of the Stone Mountain Memo rial Association, announced today* Thinks Settlement Still Possible. Washington, March 29. — UP )— Complications that have arisen over suspension of the plebiscite in Tacna- Arina are not regarded by Secretary Kellogg as constituting a barrier to the mediation offer of the I’n : ted States for settlement of the Taena- Arica dispute between Chile and Peru. Harlan F. Stone, who is 54 is <*ie youngest of the justices of the Su preme Court of the United States. “They’re trying to take off their caps to the ladies.” NEW TAX SCHEDULE IS EFFECTIVE THIS WEEK All New Rates Went Into Force This Morning.—Refunds Will Be Made. Washington, March 29.—With the close of business Saturday the treas ury said good-bye to the out-of-date tax law of 1924. Wheu the doors c p«ned this morning the tax law of 1926 came into full force. | Some of the provisions of the new j statute, including the income tax re- I adjustments, became effective when I the President affixed his signature. Congress provided, however, that many of the charges in miscel’ancous levies should be delayed for a 30-day period, \vhich expires at midnight to i morrow. One of the reduced rates which goes into effect Monday morning i« the tax on passenger automobiles, which is cut from five to three per cent. Other taxes which will be reduced then are those on cigars, stamps, ad ti is.'ion and dues. The Jl& per cent. ts: tn admissions will apply begin nii*" Monday on tickets costing more titan 75 cents, instead of on those costing more than 50 cents. In addition, the government will give refunds to automobile and cigar dea’ers of the difference between the old and new taxes for the amount of stock on hand Monday when the new rates became effective. Reports made public today by the internal revenue bureau showed that $8.642146 in additional taxes was col lected last month as n result of in vestigations of delinquent taxpayers. 1 The bureau made 38 668 investiga tions during the month of which 17,- 448 were the cases of those who failed to file any returns. BLACK MOUNTAIN WOMAN SHOT FROM AMBUSH Was Fired Upon When She Opened Door to Her Home at 1 O’clock This Morning. Asheville, March 29. — UP) —Mrs. John Melton, xvho lives near Black Mountain, was shot repeatedly from ambush when she opened her front door at 1 o'clock this morning in answer to a call from a messenger announcing that her son, Harry, had been hurt in an automobile accident. The person or persons who did the shooting were concealed in a group of pines in tho yard near the door, and as the door swnug open fourt shots from an automatic j&otgun and one from a 32 calibre pistol were un loaded in her direction, the pistol shot entering her abdomen, and . the oth ers taking effect in her thighs, it is reported. Mrs. Melton is seriously xvounded but alive at her home. Attending'phy sicians are doubtful as to the outcome of her injuires, it is said. It is thought the perpetrators of the crime intended to shoot Mrs. Melton s hus band and son, but were unable to recognize the figure who appeared at Pile door and fired into her by mis take, investigating officers said. Bloodhounds arc being used in an effort to trail the offnders. The shoot ing probably resulted from activities of Harry Melton in combatting moon shine operations. Sheriff E M M'teh ell, of Buncombe county, said. Seeks Delay in Ratifying Debt Settle i ment Plan. I Washington, March 29 — UP)- p°- i lay in the ratification of the Italian 1 debt settlement was urged today in 1 fae Senate by the Democratic floor leader, Senator Robinson, of Arkan sas. ■ He said the possib’e value of the i settlement for the promotion of peace I and good will “can be better deter mined after Italy has displayed her j intention in the proposed disarma ment conference to contribute in the j most substantial and certain way pos -1! sible to her own political and econo -1 mic stabilization.” Duke of Bivoua Dead. Madrid, March 29.—OP)—The Duke t of Bivona, former Governor of Bar ■ celona, is dead. He has no heir. Ban Johnson has been president ‘ of the American League since its organization thirty-tw'o years ago. DRY CHIEF PLANNING SWING AROUND THE COUNTRY IN FUTURE i Secretary Andrews Going 1 to Visit;All Parts of the ! Country to Make a Per sonal Survey. i COMING SOUTH L at the jump ' Later Will Visit the Pacific Coast and Then He Will Swing to the Canadian Border. Washington, March 29. — CP) —A nation-wide survey of prohibition con ditions will be made this summer by Assistant Secretary Andrews in charge of the treasury’s dry enforcement or ganization. Soon after July Ist Mr. Andrews plans to make a swing around the country. He will inspect first the southern border, proceeding to the Pa cific coast, and returning byway of the northern boundary lines. I This will be the first checkup of his field forces, Mr. Andrews will have an opportunity to make since he en tered office a year ago. Andrew:, to Be Witness. "Washington. March 29.—CP)—As sistant Secretary Andrews, of the Treasury, in charge of dry enforce ment organization, was summoned to day as the first witness to appear next Monday before the Senate Judiciary Committe at hearings to modify the prohibition law. Three Amendments Offered. Washington, March 29.—CP)—Three amendments to the Edge resolution proposing a nationwide referendum on prohibition were offered today by Sen ator Borah, republican, Idaho. Each is in the form of a question to the voters which would be placed on the ballot. The three questions are: “Do you favor such an amendment to the constitution of the United States that will eliminate or wholly repeal the 18th amendment? “If you are in favor of amending the Volstead Act, is it your desire not withstanding such amendments that the law remain so as to prohib : .t the manufacture and sale of intoxicating beverages, in United States. “If von 4a vor amending the Volstead act so as to permit manufacture and ! sale of light wines and beer, is it your understanding that Such light wines and beer are to be so linrted in aleo . holie content as to be non-intoxicat ing?” THE COTTON MARKET Reports of Unfavorable Weather in the South Reflected in Advances in Prices. New York. March 29 —CP)—Re norts of unfavorab’e weather with ! further delays in southern farm work were reflected by advances in the cot ton market early today. The opening was firm at an ad vance of 12 to 16 points. Active months sold about 18 to 20 points net higher before the end of the first hour, May advancing to 18.90 and October to 17 85 on covering combined with some trade buying and commission house by new crop months. While the weather was the chief factor, old j crop positions held their own, with ’ater months, and there was little or no change in the differences between May and October.' i Liverpool was relatively . steady on trade calling and continental buying, according to private cables. Cotton futures opened firm May ■ 18.84; July 18 34; Oet. 17.75; Dec. , 17.50; Jan. 17.44. A $12,000 VERDICT AGAINST J. B. IVEY CO. Damages Awarded Dick Jacobs in Gaston County Court. Gastonia, March 27. —A verdict of $12,000 was returned in Gaston su perior court in favor of Dick Jacohs, 15, local high school boy, who was injured when run into by a negro driven truck of the J. B. Ivey com pany, Charlotte, near the corner of Franklin avenue and Oakland street, on August 20, 1925. The jury was out seven hours. Attorneys for the Ivey company, Carpenter & Carpenter and J. Law rence Jones, the latter of Charlotte, gave notice of appeal to superior court after Judge G. V. Cowper re fused to set the verdict aside. John Cameron, Sage of Sharron, Answers Call. Kinston, Mar. 28. —John E- Cam eron, grand master of the grand lodge of Ma*sons of North Carolina, died at his “Rose of Sharon" home at 1 o’clock this morning. He was 59 years of age and the head of a large family. Probably no man in America had held so many Masonic honors, according to grand lodge of ficers. in so many years. He was prominent in politics, having held the offices of deputy United States j marshal and deputy collector of reve i nue for long terms. was a leader of his party in the second congres sional district, and though, a repub lican, he was appointed to the state highway commission as one of its original members. The Tri-States Baseball League, with a circuit of six cities in Arkan sas, Tennessee and Alabama, wil. open its second championship season . I.a? 3rd. The schedule calls for a split season, with August 31st as the clos ing date. J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher Started It jflP Amanda Ziegler of York Pa., has had bobbed hair for the paat 60 years, and is thus several, furlongs ahead of the earliest flappers. She doesn’t approve of lipsticks, rouge or rolled stockings, however. WHAT ATTITUDE WILL CHAPLAIN SHACKLETTE TAKE? Hearing to Be Continued Thursday. —Speculation Is Rife. Raleigh Bureau of The Concord Daily Tribune Raleigh, March 28.—Excitement caused in State capitol circles by the rather sensational charges of Rev. W. S. Shaoklette, prison chaplain, against Prison Superintendent George Pou and Commissioner of Pardons H. Hoyle Sink, had simmered down to day. but speculation was rife as to the attitude the chaplain will take in next Thursday’s continued hearing of j the prison board. Then, with his attorney present, he will have no good excuse for reti cence concerning his allegations and the sources of his information. In yesterday’s hearing he denied having connected Superintendent Pou with the alleged “sale” of a pardon to W. W. Green and refused to discuss his charge against Commissioner Sink, in the same connection. In view of the fact that undisputable proof has been advanced to show that Governor McLean granted the pardon to the , prisoner Green against the wishes of Commissioner Sink, who had assisted in the prosecution of that case through all the the charge against Mr. £ftnk, which Mr. Sbacklette refused to diseusS, was Branded on all sides os utterly ab surd. What proof the chaplain could pos sibly advance in support of such an allegation no one could conjecture and it was freely predicted that this charge, too. will be withdrawn when the board again convenes. That is no more than guesswork, however, and is based on nothing that Mr. Shack lette has said. In fact, the chap lain has said nothing since the board began .its investigation about these charges. He returned to Caledonia 'yesterday e\ r ening and dec'ined to dis cuss the matter before he left. , Persons who have watched C'm-| missiener Sink’s conduct of his office j were astounded that any such charge should even be breathed against him, much iese preferred in such a man ner as to get before the public Those familiar with the tria’s of such a po sition declare that he has resisted in every instance all pressure, polit ical and otherwise, that has been j brought to bear on him to ■secure the release of certain prisoners, a, fact which has won him the highest re spect of everyone cognizant of the Straightforward course he has pur sued. There will also be those persons who believe that pensonal or political friends should be given preferential 1 treatment in matters of governmental administration. It is no particu’ar secret that Mr. Sink has been called upon to recommend leniency for pris- 1 oners by men who, in their own opin-1 ion, at least, were influential in the state. So firm has the commissioner j been in hits refusals to be swayed by any such demands, that the custom has languished in Xcrth Carolina and such calia now are few and far be tween. For those reasons, charges such as have been made by the ebapain. i strike Mr. Sink's intimate friends as j ridiculous in the extreme; mr would, they arouse more than indignation i were seemingly indisputable proof of their impossibility not availab.e. j As for the additional charges said ( to have been made by the chaplain against Superintendent Pou when he exonerated him from any complicity in the Green matter, but little thought is being given them. No hint has been given as to their nature, but the prevalent belief is that they ac- i cuse him of mistreatment of prison- j ers. Friends of Mr. Pou are not i worried on that score and even those; not on particularly friendly terms with him do not incline to the be lief that any such accusations can be substantiated. Not to Honor Osdildeston Requisi tion. Asbury Park. N. J., March 29.— UP) —Governor Moore in a statement tele phoned from Trenton, announced that ; he would not honor any requisition papers which might be presented to him for the return to Binghamton. N. Y.. of Dr. Edkin Osdildeston. 93 year old physician, and Crimean War vet , eran. Dr. Osdildeston was arrested Fri : day -on 45 year old charges that he \s a horse thief and- an escaped prisone. The arrest was made By deputy sher iff S. Foster Black, of Binghampton. N. Y., who himself is 91 years old. 598 KILLED DURING 3 MONTHS IN SOUTH mmm Figures Compiled From Records of, Associated Press.—North Carolina Second on the List floridaTeader IN THE SOUTH 115 Deaths Occurre4 in This State and 285 Were Injured During the Same Period. UP) —Eleven Southern States yield ed a total of 598 dead and 3,316 ip jured in traffic accidents during the first three months of 1926, a consoli dation of weekly surveys by the Asso ciated Press revealed today. This con solidation left out the remaining three days of March, wiuding up the period with last night. Accidents by trains, automobile*, trolley cars and motorcycles wep§ tak en into account in the combination of the survey. Florida and North Carolina led isl chalking up the larger number of deaths, Florida’s toll being 120 for three months, while North Carolina registered 115. Arkansas trailed tha list with only 29 deaths for the period, Florida also led in the injuries col umn, with 066. Again North Caro lina with her 115 deaths came fifth In the list of injuries, with 285. fthe was led by Georgia. Virginia and I isiana in addition to Florida. South Carolina brought up the rear in this column with 68. There were no particular outatund :ng accidents which yielded a large number of deaths recorded during the | period of the survey. A tabulation by states for the quar ter includes: North Carolina 115 deaths, 2&5 injured. South Carolina, 39 deaths 68 injured. TOBACCO CO-OPS HAVE ANSWERED SUIT CHARGES Plea in Abatement Alleges “FYaud, Conspiracy and Misrepresentation of Facts” Raleigh X. C., March 29.—OP)—A plea in abatement alleging “fraud, con spiracy and misrepresentation -of facts” in securng plaintiffs to file - proceed ings against the Tri-State Tobacco Growers Co-operative Marketing As sociation was filed in U. S. District Court here today. The plea was made as a portion of the answer of the As-* soeiation on the injunction proceed ings seeking its dissolution. Five Virginia tobacco growers, members of the association, are named as plain tiffs in the proceedings. Court recessed shortly after 11 ; o’clock until 2:30 this afternoon in ; order to give plaintiff attorneys time to prepare an answer to the charge* | eonta'ned in the plea of abatement. The hearing opened with a motion i by the pla : ntiff's attorneys to add 72 Virginia members of the Association to the bill of complaint ns plaintiffs. The motion was registered by Aaron SJapiro, counsel for the Association, on the ground that the Associatioivwould enter a plea in abatement charging fraud and misrepresentat : on in secur ing the five plaintiffs who signet! the original complaint. Judge I. M. Meek ins presiding, took the motion under advisement. The answer of the de- j fendant Association then was read 5 through the plea in abatement when . court was recessed. The plea in abatement charged that in two particulars the plaintiffs ; attorneys had practiced “fraud, con- ! j spiracy and misrepresentation of facts” iij obtaining plaintiffs for the , action. I It wah alleged that the complaint was drawn without knowledge of wbo ; the plaintiffs would be, and then sent ! to Virginia, where one of counsel se cured five s gnntures. It waft further alleged that the five plaintiffs did not read the bill of complaint or know the nature of its contents. The second ground was that the five j plaintiffs had already broken their ! contracts with the association and ! therefore bad no rights in court a* ! plaintiffs. In supi>ort of this conten j tion figures were given show’ng that j in 1922 the five growers had markpted I o total of 56,000 pound* of tobacco ! thhough the association, while tin j 1926 they had marketed an amount slightly greater than 1.00(1 pounds. 24 Lawyers Disbarred. Washington, March 29.— UP) — * Twenty-four lawyers have been dis-f barred from practice before the Trra*- f | ury department, as a result of an in ' vestigfltion of charges of collusion be- S tween Ahem and employe* of the Inß - Revenue Bureau. jj 3 -SAT'S BEAR SATSt v Cloudy tonight and Tuesday, fol-| owed by rain Tuesday. Moderate, s utheast shifting to northeast wind*. NO. 76