■■irj- ■i jtn B ■jl'-jJaID ■r«i •>' New |9hßi : id About |igß rd by His TO i K.IK DATA &§»:, Liquor Con |H Has Been on |gj||hmr.2 the East ' ' - lpl ~ e*'iU*r- Bl - 1..11P M!*-(l to - .Srafißh •• ’!i th flay of ■ . .■ -■ . \ by (i I V - in 4.” ■ >!■»’ till* mmm week. 1t,,. S’ 1 ■\ '■ ! sharply - mmm,: -1 •• r< la y that • HB; - an- di- HpJH ;•• •"ti'-K trade HHH”- V. a a value of «■„ at that fig a-’ Means. "It ■ Bi’ 1 iik t - to - 'tat e ;<•- : _ u- < alcohol TMafiraJ ipurposes j H■' • . : I ;|iW| f? S |* * '} W* mj B ' MHWpy^Br^fer.y^^wy^aM^BßMßWpWr ■« ; ': : : ;@f-' : ® i(r. + W. Ml \, g; liilMMßwi Bf n V \ lI i|IIIIIIMIIIIIHHI- SgaSJy Mlm Virginia Herbsman drove the *"00 miles from Seattle, Wash., to Bt.\ Augustine. Fla., with her mother Then, after she’d been there a while. 1 they afeoMd few qpMtofc £mms mt Msecds Lean eetebration. THE COTTON MARKET Opening Was Steady at Decline of 2 Points to an Advance of 2 Points. New York, Apx - il B.—o4 s )—The cot ton market was irregular in today’s early trading. Liverpool was rela tively easy and some traders placed a more favorable interpretation on Jhe weather map which they thought l pointed to clearing conditions. Oth- however, apprehended a renewal of unsettled weatheri owing to the pressure oxfow oii the Pa cific Coaet which they feared would move eastward. On the whole or ders were fairly well divided. The opening was steady at a decline of 2 points to an advance of 2 points. Prices fluctuated within a range of 3 or 4 points during the first hour, May selling around 18.78 and October 18.48, or about 1 to 3 points net low er. Cotton futures opened steady: May 18.83; July 18.25; October 17.50; December 17.19; January 17.10. WEBB WANTS LIQUOR LAWS STRENGTHENED Federal Judge Says 18th Amend ment Will Not Be Repealed. Charlotte. April s—Scorn for per sons who assert that the prohibi tion laws of the nation have failed and advocacy of stricter dry laws than are now provided was express ed by Judge E. Yates Webb, of Shelby. Monday, in a charge to the grand jury in the Federal district court hero. “The thumbs of America have been turned down on liquor and ef forts of the wets to repeal the eigh teenth amendment will not prevail," he declared. He urged that the courts be “given the power to imprison, in the peni tentiary any man found guilty of transporting. Judgge Webb belittled thft efforts of the anti-prohibition group. Drug gists can sell preparations of eight een and twenty per cent alchoholic content for medicinal use, he said but, when they sell it for beverage purplkes, then they are gui.ty of violation of tho Volstead law. With Our Advertisers. The Yprke & Wadsworth vo. is of fering special cash prices on Rogers paint. Complete line of colors. See big ad. today for prices. Everything you need in the way of paints and varnishes. -Progressive banking facilities with a cordial welcome for both large and small accounts at the Citizens Bank and Trust Co. The Silver Cross Circle of King's Daughters will meet Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock with Miss Ellen White on Georgia Avenue. have answered in the negative. The noise he heard in the rear of the bank was the' only thing that attracted his attention and he saw no one when he went to make an investigation. He did not say. it is reported, why he failed to lock the rear door after h : s tour of inspection. The case has created great interest throughout the county. Hundreds of j persons motored to Midland when a , report of the fire reached Concord, cord manv being attracted by the false report that Mr. Blakeney had been killed. ~ The youth who first saw Mr. Blake ney's body near the bank and other persons who reached tho scene quick y thereafter stated that they saw no strangers about the place. V hoever visited the bank is believed to have left in an automobile. I ANOTHER CHARGE IS MADE AGAINST JARDINE Congressman. Says Secretary' Has Been “Rabbit Footing” w> Farm Relief. Washington, April B.—UP)—Secre tary Jardine again was accused of, “rabbit footing” today at a hearing ! before the House Agriculture commit- I f|»A ,* ! - I Representative Kincheloc, democrat, j.ef Kentucky,- saitl the Secretary was 1 “holding secret conferCifSM'.'' 'dlwnss ing some mysterious bill, and allowing nobody to know where he stands.” Defending the Secretary, Represen j tative Tine Tier, republican of Kansas, j said there never had been doubt of h : s I position at which Mr. Kincheloc eall -1 ed Mr. Tincher “the dog barking friend ! of the administration.” “I mpke the point of order that I’m not a dog,” retorted the Kansas rep resentative. . RADIO COPYRIGHT BILL ASSAILED BY SPEAKER j E. C. Mills Says Bill Is Merely Price Fixing Measure. | Washington, April B.— UP) —The radio copyright bill which has been vigorously supported by broadcasters at the joint hearing of the Senate and House patents committee, was as sailed as a price fixing measure today by E. C. Mills, chairman of the ad ministrative committee of the Ameri can Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, Some members of the Senate and House committees which have heard the Society attacked as a combination in restraint of trade, have reached the conclusion that enactment of such a bill would be extremely difficult at this session of Congress. GIRL IS KILLED WHILE LEARNING TO RUN CAR Miss Hettie Davis Loses Life Near Danville WTien Auto Plunges Into Creek. Danville, Va., April 5. —Miss Het tie Davis, 28. was killed near Dan ville this evening when a car in which she was riding with Marion M. Bark er, of this city, left the Stoney Mills road and plunged into a creek. Miss Davis’ head was caught between a boulder and the side of the cartas it turned. Barker remained pinioned fbr twenty minutes or until negro boys could bring assistance. He was not hurt. Cliaplain Shacklette Discharged. Raleigh, April 7. —OP)—The board of trustees of State Prison today dis charged prison chaplain W. S. Chap lam W. S. Shacklette, the discharge to be effective at once, so far as his duties are concerned. The chaplain will be allowed to draw his full sal ary for this month and to occupy his present residence uhtii the end of the month. The action was taken, said a statement issued, “as his usefulness” as prison welfare officer “is at an end.” Watching For Disturbance*. Lisbon. April 7. —04 s ) —The Por tuguest government having received reports concerning intended disturb j ances, has adopted preventive meas ! ures. , Competent critics seem agreed that in the Victoria Cougars the Western Hockey League, sent the greatest team cast to play for the Stanly Cup that has ever represented the West in the in the world championship series. The first British artificial silk ex hibition is to be held in London the week of April 19th. STATE REPUBLICANS GATHER II DURHAM FOR BIG GRIEGS Frank W. Mondell, of Wy oming, Present to Deliv er Keynote Address Dur ing the Morning. CANDIDATES TO BE ENDORSED It Is Predicted That Cool idge Policies Will Get Full Endorsement of the Convention. Durham. April B.—G^Vr—After po litical maneuvers had been on sched ule for la*;t night and most of this morning, the State Republican con vention formally opened at 11 a. m. today. Frank W. Mondell, of Wyoming, was scheduled to deliver the keynote address shortly after the convening of the session today. It was ex pected to deal generally with Repub lican policies and would probably en dorse without exception the policies of the Coolidge administration. Pres entation of the platform was awaited with interest, as were the contest for various offices as this convention will endorse candidates to oppose the Dem ocrats in the lections in the fail. What Children Must Have. Angelo Patri, the well known edu cator and writer, in an article in the American magazine, outlines in away that is unusually convincing the sort of training that 'parents should give their children if they expect them to grow up to be self-respecting, useful and orderly citizens. “If this gen eration is to grow in grace and pow er,” says Mr. Patri. “these six funda mental needs of childrent must be ; met: 1. Routine, that they may obey the rhythmic law of their growth. 2. Play, that they mak grow poy ously. 3. Work, that they may obey the inward voice that commands them to ' carry their race one further step ahead. 4. Encouragement, that they may know the power of love, the bond of brotherhood that, alone makes life on 'earth possible -or worth while. 5. Clear aim, that they whither their path leads, and so ar rive without haste or waste but with power and dignity, as a man should, 6. Self-judgmetit, that they may follow the way of the Father of us all, and, withdrawing a step from the task and looking upon it, pronounce it very good. Seriously Injured Wien Struck By Car. Salisbury. April 7. —Henderson M- Brown, junior, 13-year-old son of H: M. Brown of the Salisbury Evening Post force, was struck and serious ly injured this afternoon wheu he alighted from a car near hrs dome on East Innis street. John Kluttz. liv ing on the same street, and who is said to have been driving the car which struck the youth, was arrest ed by Sheriff Krider and held pend ing the outcome ofthe boy’s injuries. A fractured skull is the main injury sustained. John Ellis, 86-year-old negro, who disappeared from his home in the Barber neighborhood Tuesday of last week, died near the highway and his body has been found after a search of some days. It is thought he died-n natural death. Dealers in Narcotics Get Prison Sen tences. Charlotte, April 7 Four men, rounded up here some time ago in anti-narcotic raids, were today sen tenced to serve terms ranging from two years to a year and a day in tbc Atlanta Federal Penitentiary. Those/ sentenced: Lum Parbara, 2 years; John Allen, 18 months; Fred McCorkle, 18 months, and Sig mund Reid, a year and a day. No sentence had been passed by Judge E. Y. Webb, presiding on D. L. Sharpe, music teacher, who has plead guilty to violation of the Har rison Uarcotic Act. Minister of Interior Resigns, Paris. April ft.—(4*)—Le Temps says Louis Malvy has resigned as minister of the interior because of ill health. Visitor —Your picture of the Fiery Dragon i* a masterpiece. Schram the r Artist—Fiery Dragon? Where did you see that? Visitor —In the middle of the wall in the next room. Scram—Oh, that is a portrait of my mother-in-law. . SAT'S BEAR SAVSs ; Generally fair and colder tonight* fair Friday, colder in east portion. Fresh southwest winds shifting to northwest by tonight. NO. 80