Jill ll' -1- I • K'ri'V I vj ■nx.M-i* HV Lotn.se Hr nfter a |H , • lLuleavor _■ Srafonl and the part of IH I '\ large H I’liey re- H[ is worth m . ■ trip. - . ed to H‘,Y He make j^B.,, wheat. . ti for H[ • - stated |V j. . winning H work H ( ing to " »AVe H" | _ in the ■ inight is ... pitcher's and batters. IS predict \ . it Hart . in good ( .j- pro-pects ; : M. l«raf H,. . this Hulr.'M 'oneord, H m;.. .I. 1 it-wese, t |„ - . k1 manse H. o’clock. H r :. : : !•' silk Jolms- ■ l: i. p - Li!wood H die b:-L H •i■ tii-st being H ami about HR \\. hope the ■ sj,11;.1 1! 1 path to sttc- H .. HAKIM. HoilSl. H ami pi’ii ;sc for tfie Hi. showery H vi. * d out and H. lmiir and enjoyed ■ M .inlay morning. ftrned Sat ■v Week's !ii Siantield. H. wheat is over. >-,a'.:,' good. the ■i; . ‘ Kannapolis, Hs of Miss < )ra • • Meli.plates ti.:- week for |Hr■ - showing a col- H -- -i\ or rattler |H .. lie works i In this eon- IH’ - hwiiip some |H’ - ' V:IS killed in ilij It lias |H- ' •• heard of week IK -he will attend in !e M.-.r |H '' • spent a BH 1 ' k. Smith's while H At • §■> In last H'i'"' Si x •y-f 011 r |H : spe §H Stan field. |H>. - ies Slls :ig from ■j t.ear Mid |H 1 "p and b. ,\l - hlf ii 111. j^B : '''"' was (irok |H s -:in;> Ail tia-hlights learned ■ im ' le folks resorts. j> ■ N. ■ ! " :■ . .‘. now V good V "P- had he-. BB '"Odlie.-s our grow H - Sei, met |H ,r " : ‘-' > very ! " 11.I 1 .- tliians hv m d .1 are wen* - \v dt,. I J.,]J ■; u '- 1 most fa |B ■ ' a telling H White. |H -,> ." the ■ : " HH| ain were ■'nd H, for the Bi i!i as jV 1 ; H „ ■ ' ; :,v H o B j ' ' 1 • • ’*d f. r H H ' the . makes H ■" | Htiina.!". ■ |H' H- \i C2| B'~!h:f ' -'is, B'y \ H I ■ • IB 1 ' -e I|h - B, "f Week ■ A e. Mi 1,.,, „ 1 * AI [■ s i j B B s - ~ B r H’a. H i«la Be H ‘ Af’o.r. spent the week-end with her sister Mrs. A. 6. Miller, of Roberta. There will be preaching at the Ro berta Methodist Church Sunday morn ing at 11 o’clock. Miss Bertha Lefler spent Sunda; night with her grandparents of Con e cord. 1 There will be preaching at Pat r terson Presbyterian Church Sunday . afternoon at 3 o'clock. Everybod: is cordially invited to come. ' HAPPY FARM GIRL. CENTER GROVE. i Mrs. D. B. Castor returned Satur day night from Liberty, after liiivinj > spent over a week. with relatives. > We are delighted to note that Edd > M. Cook is at home after having un . j dergone an operation in the Char : lotte Sanatorium. He is doing nice • ly- Mrs. Grady Ross, of Kannapoliss, spent last Thursday with her mother, Mrs. C. H. Castor, of Center Grove. Miss Vertie Castor, of Hileman s Mill, spent Sunday with Miss Re becca Castor, of Center Grove. Rev. and Mrs. E. F. K. Roof and little Edwin, of China Grove, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. M Castor near Hileman's Mill. * We were so glad to have tfie fine rain which fell on us Saturday and Sunday. It refreshed our crops so very much after the long dry spell. We were almost drowned by the dust. There will be preaching at Center Grove E. L. Church Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock, June 27th. Sun day school will be at 2 o’clock. Jeff Norris, the field secretary of 1 the Luther League, will be with us at this time and will speak to the : young people after service. Every | young person is asked to be there. Mr. Roof will preach to the chain gang over on the Bethpage road at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. June 27th. Mrs. H. F. Eddleman has moved into her new home which has just been built. The Woman’s Community Club will meet on July 2nd with J. H. Earn hardt. We have heard that Miss Cooley will leave us pretty soon and that Miss Barker will take her phuwj We hate to see Miss Cooley leave tot she has been a great heip Ho us. Friday night at 7:30 o'clock the teacher training class of Center Grove will niee to begin a new study. As many as will are urged to attend these studies for they surely are helpful to every one. LEIDY*. WATTS CROSS ROADS. The much needed rain came at last. •; - Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Rost, of Spen cer. spent a few hours at Watts Cross Roads Sunday evening. Mrs. A. D. Wilson, who has .been sick for a long time, is still improv ing. Miss Laura Briggman, of Kannapo lis. spent the week-end with home folks. Miss Gladys Watts spent a few days last week with her friend, Miss Brown, at Bethpage. The Mission Band of Roger Re formed Church at Watts Cross Roads will have an ice cream supper Satur day evening, beginning .at 4 o'clock. June 26th. Everybody invited. OLD PAL. ENOCH VILLE. Miss Louanna Overcash has .re turned home from Greenville College and is working on the clerical force at Efird's Store in -Kannapolis. M iss Ethel Black spent a few hours I last Friday evening at Mrs. C. D. (Jvercash’s. Miss Anna Weddington spent a short while Saturday evening at Airs. C. D. Overcash’s. ’ • The Luther League is to give a program at St. Enoch Church next Sunday evening at 3 o'clock, June 27th. Little Miss Bebh Overcash spent last week with relatives above States ville. Francis, the little daughter of Air. and Airs. T. M. Wideuhouse. has been sick the past week. Airs. W. B. Brown is able to be out again after being confined to her room for the past three months. * Airs. C. A. Weddington and chil dren spent Thursday with Airs. C. I*. Weddington. J. W. Petrea has purchased a Ford coupe. Look out girls. Say, Carolina Kid, have you had any ripe tomatoes yet? Tulip has been eating ripe tomatoes for the last week. Walter Weddington, of Troutnhan, spent Sunday evening evening at Mrs. C. A. Weddington’s. Air. and Arrs. H. L. and children spent Friday at H. V. Karriker's. Aliss Alinnie Smith is expected to return home this week from the Sal isbury hospital. Airs. C. A. Weddington and fam ily and AValter Balcher spent last Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Oscar of Statesville. 1 Aliss Jennie Overcash is spending some time with her sister, Airs. E. L. Deal, of Statesville. G. AI. Goodman 'has pur, Sapp, of Winston-Salem, sure did make a splendid talk. There was a fine looking young lady that pulled off several good stunts for the good of Tfce meeting. There were two bands present to furnish music, the Lexing ton baud and the Winston-Salem string band. Happy Trexler helped them out. * The ice cream supper at Ben Mere dith's Saturday was a good one. A large crowd was present. The young people played all kinds of funny games. Happy Trexler was there and gave them some music. C- F. Cauble was there and bfleped llnpjiy to play. Air. Meredith. bureJy ,Hid treat us right. If anyone wants to be tregt ode right, go to visit Air. and Airs. Meredith's home. Happy will never forget them for time to come. We all hope that he will have another one soon. We were glad to see such a good rain fall Saturday night and Sunday. It will help the crops out considerably. The Rev. G. O. R : tchie, of the Faith Lutheran Church, preachhcd a splen did sermon • Sunday. Juno 20th. His text was Acts 3:6. “Such as I huve give I thee.” There are several around in this community haring their wheat tliredhed in the field but since the rain came it will stop them for several days. The Brown and Fisher reunion will be held at Granite Quarry, N. C. on Tuesday. July 20. It always has been on the last Thursday in July, so take notice to the Brown and Fisher rela tives why this has been changed is on account of the Lutheran Brotherhood picnic at the Concord fair ground, on that day. July 20th. so do not get the date mixed up. It will be July 20. Exerybod.v is invited to attend and help make the social feature of the reunion a happy and pleasant one. The Happy Trexler String band will bo present and furnish the music af ter the picnic dinner has been served. Do not forget the date and bring your baskets filled with plenty of good things to eat and bring a friend with you and help to make it a bigger re union than ever before. HAPPY. Child Conservation League. The Concord Circle of the C. C. L. met at the home of Mrs. A. R. Black welder Wednesday afternoon, June 23rd. Mrs. Blackwelder and Airs. A. M. Shinn as joint hostesses. The meeting was well attended and the program was .interesting and instruc tive. The subject being “Play—The Story Hour,” the program was opened by a quotation from James Whitcomb Ri ley : “An’ all us other children, when the supper things is done, We set around the kitchen fire an' hfis the mostest fun. A-listenin’ to the witches tales ’at Annie tells about, An’ the gobble-uus ’at gits you, es you don't watch out!” The circle was tlien favored with a song “Little Orphant Annie,” played and sung by Frances and Ellis Wed dington. The first paper was “What the Story Hour Aleans to the Ch, : ld,” and .was read by Mrs. C. V. Krider. The second paper, “Types of Stories that Influence Character,” w'as read by Mrs. F. €. Niblock. The third pa per “Development of the Modern Story Teller,” was read by Airs. J. G. Parks. It is hoped that in the near future a Story Hour for the children can be es tablished in the different neighbor hoods of the city, thus affording the children this source of entertainment anti instruction during the summer months. At the cl(ve of the program de licious refreshments were served by the hostesses. Visitors in Concord. Judge an* Mrs. John AI. Oglesby spent last night at their home here, en route from Murphy, vriiere Judge i Oglesby has been holding court, to Raleigh. They were accompanied by Mr. and j Mrs. D. IT Hudgins, of Marion, par ; ents of Mrs. Oglesby. Judge Ofelesby j and Mr. Hudgins are members of the ' Judicial Conference and they were en route to a meeting of the conference when they stopped here for the nig&t THE CONCORD TIMES | LOCAL MENTION | The County Council will meet in the Home Demonstration office in the County Building on Church Street Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. G. M. Ridenhour, state san'tary in spector, spent yesterday checking up the sewer systems of the rural schools of Cabarrus County. Improvement is reported today in the condition of Miss Alary Dorton, who had her tonsils removed here yes terday. The members of the Gibson Alill baseball team wull have a box supper and lawn party tomorrow 7 night at Gibson park, following the game to morrow afternoon w T ith Kannapolis. The board of stewards of the Aletli odist Protestant Church will meet at the church tonight at 7:30. The meeting will be an important one and all members are urged to be present. On Friday morning, June 25th, at J) o’clock when the store opens the Browns-Cannon Co. will give to each adult that enters the store and makes a purchase of $5 or more a one dol lar bill. This applies to the first 25 doing this. Another bus will leave from the offices of the Hartsell Realty Company for the Happy Valley Lake Estates tomorrow morning at nine o’clock. Aluch enthusiasm was shown by the members of the party that made the trip yesterday. Denial is made that Aliss Cole, who committed suicide in Newton several days ago, w r as at one time superin tendent of the Concord Hospital. The report that she was formerly w 7 ith the local hospital was made by a former official of the hospital. A telegram from “Y” Eastern party, received by H. W. Blanks this morning, said that the party had ar rived safely in Washington on the way back to Concord and w r ere hav ing the time of their lives. They ex pect to rea’ch Concord tomorrow night. The Board of Water, and Light Commissioners of Concord, in co-operating with the County High way Commission is going out this af ternoon to make preparations for the building of the road through the pro posed impounding lake. '•The fire alarm was turned in this mornirig at 7:05 o’clock when an electric irqn - in the home of Joe plass, on , Alafsh street at Spring, Caught on fire. ;The blaze was quick ly put out and no damage resulted from it. An intensive program of games, contests and the like have been ar ranged by Air. Blanks, secretary of the Y. M. C. A. to take place during his absence this summer. “Waller” BrovCn lias been added to the secretaries who will be in charge of the “Y” during the summer mouths. i f' f * Dr. P. Y. Adams, state dentist, will arrive in Concord promptly Alon lay morning to begin the dental clin ic at the health department in the County Building on Church street. Yll Children betw 7 een the ages of six and twelve are requested to make ap [>ointments as early as possible. A special movie has been secured for the regjrtar Friday night program in the law 7 n of the Y. AI. C. A. This will be the last time the program will t>e arranged by Air. Blanks this sum mer. The benches, donated by the, American Legion, will provide a larg er and more—comfortable searing ca [>aeity. The “Sunday Gang” will meet en masse at the Y. AI. C. A. Sunday af ternoon and from there will go to the station to give their originator. H. W. Blanks, a rousing send-off. Air. Blanks, accompanied by his wife and laughter, will go to New York on the Piedmont Limited to make the final irrangements for the Concord “Y” rour to Europe. Children Enjoy Music Recital. The second of a series of music re citals bring given by the younger mu sicians of Concord was given Wednes lay morning by Alinnie Hill Davis it her home on North iron street. A number or selections were play ed on the piano, and violin, with a music contest as a feature of the morning. A Charleston contest was enjoyed also. A delicious ice, with cake, was serv ed the following guests: Elizabeth Odell, Esther Brown, Betty; Gay Coltrane, Alary AlcKay, Mary Louise Aleans. Mariam Coltrane. j Ida Patterson, Claudia Moore, Lena Jones, of Lancaster, S. C., Lucy How ard, Jane Moore, Louise Hartsell, El len White, Victor Means, Alex Mac- Fkdyen and “Gooly” Odell. Luncheon"*! Hotel Concord. Aliss Margaret Hartsell will give a luncheon Friday at 1 o’clock at the Hotel Concord in honor of Miss Rachel Phillips and Airs. C. H. Tim berlake, of Lexington. ALiss Jennie Wolfe, of Charlotte, Alisses-Penelope Cannon and Frances Jarratt, who will leave soon for a trip abroad. Misses Phillips. Wolfe and Jarratt are classmates of Aliss Hartsell at Salem College. Airs. Timberlake, who was before her marriage Aliss Ella Ka per, was a classmate also. Winecoff Wins Game. Saturday afternoon the Winecoff baseball team defeated the Poplar Tent all stars 7-6 ; n a hectic battle that went for ten innings. “Woman” Misouheimer pitched a good game for Winecoff, allowing only, five scattered hits and striking out eight batters. This made his tenth victory in eleven starts, two of them being shut-outs. Any team v xyftj.ring gaines., "4th .Winecoff. see Renhetti Burriige. 'Rodte 8 Concord. CASY. C. Clinton James, president “trf the United States League of Local Build ing and Loan Associations, returned last night to his home in‘Washington after attending the state convention here. FREE ** $2.50 The Handy 10 in i Combination Tool To All Times Readers For a limited time we are going to give this Won derful 10 In 1 Handy Combination Tool with each paid subscription to The Times. Note schedule, explaining how you can get this use ful article Free. . i- * j** This offer applies to new subscribers as well as oldii If you are not a subscriber, take advantage of this of-, fer today, mail or bring your subscription to thejfiffice and the Handy Combination. Tool is yours. , *' : r ;j i "v' ■ i ‘K ■» -» t"' *:■ - vv , ,tu. H .£:■.} ■ I. I ... t s ' Combinaticai Tool on Display at Times Office \ Pay 2 years subscription to The Times and the Handy Combination Tool is yours. . The Semi - W eekly Times 82 South Union Street Phone 78 Concord, N. C. Farewell Party For Mr. and Mrs. Ris- ] ley. * Mrs. N. K. Reid and Mrs. F. M./ Youngblood entertained in Mrs. Reid’s home, at a farewell party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Risley, who are leaving Friday for Greenwood, S. C. Bowls of summer flowers Were at tractively arranged in the living room and dining room, where bridge was played. Mrs. Risley was presented with a brass fruit basket, and Mrs. Maude Risley, of Seattle, Wash,, a brass card tray. Mrs. George Fisher received the high score, a wall vase, while A. B. Pounds won the consolation gift, an ash tray, Mrs. Youngblood and Mrs. Reid served an ice course to the_ following: Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Sherbondy, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendrix, Mr. and Mrs. John Inman, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pounds, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Risley, Mrs. Maude Risley, Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, Mr. Reid and Mr. Youngblood. Enjoyable Outing. Miss Lillian Simpson was the de- ; lightful hostess at an enjoyable out ing Tuesday evening at Bost Mill. ! After various amusements were en joyed, refreshments were served to: . Misses Lena Widenhouse, Stella Ben field, Mary Virginia and Peggy Simp- , son, Ollie, Bert and Beatrice Sides ' and Gertha Kannapo lis. and Heath Harrison, Horace Wid- I enhouse, Clifford Brantley, Eugene ; Robinson, Bud Wilson, Sam Dry and 1 Jake Widenhouse, all of Kannapolis. * 1 Three Deeds Recorded Here Yesterday H Three deeds were recorded ut the coArt house here yesterday. The following real estate deals were made in the deeds: F. W r . and J. Y. Pharr to C. R. Honeycutt for $355 property in No. IT township. C. H. Forney to Annie Murphy for $750 property in Ward 4, this city. H. E. Grass to Fred Barnhardt for $675, property in No. 4 township., Former Concord Woman HI. Messages 'have been received in Concord, seating that Mrs.< W. C. j Alexander, of Nashville. Tenn., is critically ill with bronchial pneumon- f ia. Dr. Alexander is a former pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of this city, and friends here will regret to learn of Mrs . Alexander’s serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. Risley Entertained. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Sherbondy enV ’ tertained eighteen members of the staff of the J. C. Penney Company Store, " in honor of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Ris ley, Who leave Concord Friday, for tlu*ir jiohie in Greenwood.. S., Oil As V* sodvenir of tWtC and Mrs. Sherbondy presented the I honorees with a beautiful silk- bed i spread. A refreshing ice course was served. Miss Lena Jones, of Lancaster, S." C.. is the guest of Miss Claudia Moore, for several days. ♦ jib s « v i LOOK! 30x3 1-2 CJOODYEAR x f / Allweather Tread Cord r $11.95 FOR THIS WEEK ONLY This is no gyp stuff. It is that famous Goodyear All Weather Tread Cord that you see on most all cars you meet. Get yours today and step that tire trouble. Yorke & Wadsworth Co. Hie Old Reliable Hardware Store Phone 30 10 USEFUL TOOLS COMBINED Meat Tenderer * Ice Shaver Vegetable Chopper Meat Cleaver ’ * Bottle Opener 4$ Pipe Wrench • Can Opener / fggtfl* Sc^ 7 ., ' / ri-nv-, iwm (3 • * T* ' - ‘ ■ ■* SUBSCRIPTION PRICES 1 year $2.00 with Combination Tool $2.35 2 Years $4.00 with Combination Tool Free SI.OO \v ; • ■ ’ v i . ' If you want combination Tool mailed to you enclose 10c to cover postage and insurance, if*?. ® PAGE FIVE