*• gK, I iM !M mm, mm, 1 ■ .j.V'.B mm ■ ■ mm. :§§« §IIm : ■ ' - HH •, - ad gn^H' RH mm mm- • ' iH M K- H r • . HHc ■ |^H; ■ «. ' wm mm ■ HH. HH • §■ M. r . mm . I|H i HH m . HH ~ IH •!■■ A; mm ■■■-■■ i' HH |§H : HH ■- HH jilli- - pH, ■ jam mm i,. :! gU HH mm s HH a "f §§■ ■:•■■' 'a< ' : • t" mm .. ira - H Hi ; . >•:• HH |||^B Wm ■ I ||||Hi mm mm H IgH - mm ’ H I m*. I . i'' 1 ■ ■ . H < 1 §§HH ■ ■ H H B H - H B pfß - - ggjlH 3 - i&gjß-’ HH ||f|H Mhii of tho H ’ P* §§gH • I ■ |f§H §§§■ a. . B' 1 H '■ H '• |j|||l|B ' . V*> , f BH ' ■ ■, gJH ' _ H 1 H ■ ff||l ■• ■. ~■■ ■ a-- IpH ■ ■■>'- ' : H ■ gfgß - :. fgji ' B -' fHIH I^H 1 • mm " H mm H ' J ' •• H H H H H I MB' ' •• mm mm H H - ; I - H I H ' HPH-" " ' ■•■■ : H H H I • H H H. H |§|j - •[of Central Methodist Church would 1 join together in a Wesley Brother hood. The officers elected were: .T. 1 Lee Crowell. Jr., president; A. S. Webb, vice president; Robert E. I .Tones, treasurer, and Albert Bogle. .' secretary. * Preceding the address by Mr. Bar nrtte, the^ladies of the church served a delicious banquet supper to the large number of men that were pres ent. following the invocation given by Rev. R. M. Courtney. D. B. Cole trane, chairman of the board of stew ards. presided over the meeting. A rising vote of thanks was given the lad : es for the excellent supper served. After dinner Miss Elizabeth Wood louse. accompanied by Mrs. V. A. Means, sang several delightful selec tions. v J. F. Shinn, district lay leader oi the Salisbury district, made’ a short talk in which he urged the brethren to heed the talk*to be made by Mr. Barnette and to make thV Salisbury district one of the leaders in this class of work. Mr. Shinn’s talk was followed by a vocal duet by L>r. and Mrs. T. M. Rowlett, accompanied by Mrs. V. A. Means. T'.ien an a few selected words Mr. Courtney introduced Mr. Barnette to rhe assembly. He told of the great distance that the speaker of the eve ning had covered in working toward brotherhoods, and ended with a plea for the audience to listen carefully to what they were about to hear. ROTARY MEETING. Member of Building and Loan Dele gates Guests at Weekly Meeting of Club. Several distinguished visitors, in attendance here at the convention of the North Carolina Building and Ivoan League, were guests of * the Concord Rotary Club members at their weekly meeting at the Hotel Concord. The program was in charge of R. E. Ridenhour. Jr., Dr. Joe A. Hart nell and S, Kay Patterson. Among (the visitors who spoke were C. Clinton James, President of the United States Building and Loan League. Dr. Horace Clark, education al director of the American Savings Building and I»an Institute and J. F- Stevens, president of the North Carolina League. The visitors paid their respects to Rotary and its ideals, expressed ap preciation ami delight at the recep tion accorded them here and predict ed even greater success for Concord in the future. One of the most interesting .fea tures of the meeting was the musical program which included several flute solos by S. Kay Patterson and sev eral vocal solos by Mrs. H. G. Gib son. with piano accompaniment by Mrs. Leslie Correll. OFF LAST FRIDAY FOR THE HAPpY VALLEY ESTATES Nineteen Persons Left on the Bus That Morning For the Trip. The following named people left Friday morning for a trip to Happy Valley Lake Estates : * Air. and Mrs. H. C. Ridenhour, M. L. Lambert and daughter. Airs. J. W. Tarleton and daughter. Air. and Airs. R. L. Burrage. Mr. and Airs. T. S. Baird, R. E. Baird and daughter, G. AI. Cannon, Miss Alil dred Barrier, H. W. Calloway and daughter. O. A. Swaringen. Miss Eliz abeth Hahn, Aliss Valera Gregory. Dental Clinic Monday. Dr. P. Y. Adams, state dentist, is today erecting his apparatus at the county health department in the Coun ty Building on Church Street to start work on the school children, between the ages of six and twelve, Alonday morning. Mr. Adams has been in Kannapolis during the past few weeks. This service to the school children is given free of charge by the state and it is hoped that all of the chil dren in the city will take advantage of the opportunity to have their teeth put -in good shape for the coming school year. I)r. Adams urges that all children who want to take treatment from him make appointments early. A system atized schedule is necessary in order to make the best results possible. T!iis cannot be done without the co operation of the children and of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Blanks Entertain at Hotel Concord. Air. and Mrs. H. W. Blanks enter tained a number of friends at a fare well dinner, Thursday evening prior to their leaving Concord for a Euro pean trip of several weeks. The dinner, an elegant five course affair, was served iu the attractive pri vate dining room of Hotel CoHeord. Pink and white carnations in grace ful silver vases, were placed at inter vals on the beautifully appointed ta ble, on which covers were laid for thirty guests. The invitation list included the fol ' lowing: Air. and Mrs. W. A/. Over cash. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ward, Mr. and Airs. A. G. Odell, Mr. and Airs. C. I». AVagoner, Mr, and Mrs. J. Y. Pharr, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hartsell, Air. and Airs. H. S. Williams, Mr. -1 and Airs. G. L. Patterson, Mr. and Airs. R. E. Ridenhour, Jr., Mr. and -1 Airs. F. C. Niblock. Mr. and Mrs. W. | G. Caswell, Air. and Airs. J. AV. t)en ' ay, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sherrill s i and Dr. and Mrs. T. N. Spencer. j I - Indies’ Missionary Society of Mt. Olive Church. •! The Ladies’ Alisslonary and Aid So -1 eiety of Alt. O’.ive E. L. Church will have an ice cream supper at L. A. ’ Trexler’s home on Saturday night, I I duly 3rd, beginning at mid-afternoon. * j There will be other good things sold * to eat besides ice cream. AA’ould be glad to have you come ’ and bring one or more friends with you. f * Rev. and Mrs. J*. C. Rowan and > children spent last Saturday in Camden, S. C., with Mrs. Rowan’s > sister. Carolina and Henrietta will ■ v remain in Camden until Mr. and Mrs 1 Rowan return from their European u irip. 1 KANNAPOLIS O ATCR WH ELMS GIBSON. SCORE 13-3. Winn rs lid Offerings of “Bad Eye” On :lmo For 17 Singles—Gibson Infield Poor. Kannapo h' secured sweet revenge ■ Friday for the three defeats ad -1 min ;stered here in the first three > games of the series by making a - merry-go-round of "Bad Eye” Guth ■ rie’s alleged pitching- Lofty Sherrill, . on the other hand, pitching hie first ggame for Kannapolis, held the Gib son s’uggers in the hollow of his , southpaw hand, allowing them only . five scattered hits and three runs. Only Hatley was able to connect safely more than once with hus slants, and in no inning was he touched for more than one hit. The winners not only had the best pitching but also the best fielding. Motsinger, Saunders and Johnt'On working like well-oiled machinery in the infield. ' Bob Kirke continued his heavy slugging with two home runs, one with the bases full, and two singles out of five times up. Alottiinger, Flowe and Saunders also hit well. After making one rune in the second when Smith pegged wildly to home trying to catch Kirke who whs on third when Lentz Hied to left, Kannapolis sewed the game up in the third by making five runs. AA’ith the bases filled in this round Kirke hit the ball far over the fence at left, the hardest hit ball of the day and one of the longest home runus made at Gibson Park this year. Guthrie then walked Flowe who scored a few minutes laier on a single by Saunders. Kannapolis added four mori in the fifth when the team batted all the way round for the second time in a single inning. McLean, first up. singled to center. Kirke was safe on an error by Dulin who had a double play in sight. Flowe scored both runners with a long double to the center field fence. Saunders went out to AA’ood. unassisted but Lentz singled to left scoring Flowe. John son flied out to Smith. Sherrill scored Lentz with a long single and Motsinger followed with another sin gle. Lee made the final out. popping to AVood. Kannapolis added two more the next inning when with one down Kirke smashed out his second home run. Flowe next man up trip’ed, and scored on two infield outs. The last run came in the seventh on a hit. stolen base and two errors. AA'atts homer in the third was the first Gibson run. Then Hatley, through daring base running after he had singled, scored a second run in the eighth. Jarrett singled, went to second on an error, to third on a long fly. and then stole home for the last run. in the ninth- Box score: Kannapolis EAB R H PO A Alotsinger 2b. 6 1 3 4 3 1 Lee, cf. 6 0 0 2 0 0 AlcLean. c. 5 2 1 4 0 1 Kirk. rs. 5 4 4 2 1 0 Flowe. If. 3 3 2 0 0 0 Saunders. 3b. 5 0 4 3 0 Lentz, lb. 5 12 0 11 Johnson, ss. 5 112 2 0 Sherrill, p. 5 110 4 1 Totals 45 13 17 27 14 4 Gibson AZ R H PO A E Hatley, cf. 3 1 2 2 0 0 Basinger, 2b 4 0 0 1 3 0 Ellerbee. 3b. 4 0 0 0 1 3 Jarrett, rs. 4 113 0 0 Dulin, ss. 3 0 0 3 0 1 AA T ood. lb. 4 0 0 8 0 0 Smith. If. 4 0 0 4 0 1 Watts, c. 3 115 11 Guthrie, p. 3 0 112 0 Simmons* 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 3 5 27 7 5 ♦Batted for Dulin in 9th. Score by innings R H E Gibson __ ___ool 000 011—3 5 5 1 Kannapolis 015 042 100 —13 17 4 Summary : Two base hits —Flowe, Guthrie ; three base hits —Flowe; ‘ home runs—Kirke (2), Watte; saerofice hits—Flowe; stolen bases — Johnson, Hatlejy, Sherrill, Jarrett; base on balls —by Guthrie 2, by ' Sherrid 1 ; struc out —by Guthrie 4. : by Sherrill 2. Umpires—Leonard and Aliller. Central Epworth Leaguers Going to , Asheville. The annual Epworth League as sembly of the Western North Caro . lina Methodist conference will be held at Asheville June 28th-.Tuly 2nd. A fine program has been arranged for these young people, consisting of pleasure and spiritual inspiration, with a full measure of each. ' On Wednesday afternoon, June . 30th, there will be an outing at which time the entire assembly will con vene on the top of Sunset Alountain , for a good time. Eats, fun, games, stunts, etc., will be enjoyed to every one’s heart’s content. The following members of the Ep - worth League at Central Methodist - Church have been appointed as dele r gates to attend this conference, and will leave early Monday morning: Helen Dayvault, St. Clair AA’illiams, - Reid Craven, Eugene Yow, Ruth .; Dayvault, Askins Ivey. i Lovely Luncheon Party. , Aliss Alargaret Hartsell was hostess • Friday at 1 o’clock at a lovely lunch -1 eon party at' Hotel Concord honoring 1 Aliss Rachael Phillips and Mrs. C. •. H. Timberlake, of Lexington; Miss - Jennie AVolfe, of Charlotte; Missses 1 Penelope Cannon and Frances Jar ratt, who will soon leave for a trip abroad. The large table was artistically dec orated with vases of pink and white - carnations and beautiful place cards, 1 each with an old-fashioned bouquet, . designated the positions of the guests. :, For those who are going abroad were I place cards with tiny ships upon I! them. Besides the honor guests there were e present: Misses Mariam Coltrane, An il nie Gussy Dayvault, Louise Alorris, i Kathryn Haynes Carpenter, Jennie } Brown, He’en Alarsh, Lucy Hartsell d and Airs. Ernest Robinson, n ' s Airs. W. O. Junker and son, oi II Spartanburg, who have been visiting s. Mrs. T. L. Chaney, left last Friday foi n Charlotte to spend a few days with relatives. THF CONCORD TIMES PERSONAL. ' Air. and Airs. E. N. Brower and son, of Rocky Alotint, arrived Friday night to spend the week-end with Air. Brower’s parents, Air. and Airs. It. A. Brower. e * • Aliases Adelc and Alary Pemberton. \Who are spending some time in Ashe ville, arrived in Concord Friday eve ning to spend the week-end with their parents, Dr. and Airs. AV. I>. Pem berton. f * * * Airs. W. R. Harris, of Asheville, is spending the week-end in Concord with her sister, Airs. AA\ I). Pember ton, and her brother, R. A. Brower. • • . Airs, John F. Yorke, of Charlotte, is visiting her mother. Mrs. B. F. Rogers, for several days. • W * Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Sherbondy and son Dick, left here Sunday morning for Pennsylvania, for a two weeks’ vacation. They are making the trip in their car. « • • Miss Minnie Williams, court sten ographer of Greensboro, is the latest to sign up for the European tour that is to be conducted by the Concord *‘Y” this summer. * * * Louis Eisele, one of the sales di rectors of the Happy Valley J>ake Es tates, and A. Roy Blackly, assistant sales director, were visitors in Con cord Friday. t • I* Aliss Virginia Brittingham, who has been the guest of Aliss Donnie Smoot, returned Friday night to her home in Norfolk. * * * Airs. AA\ R. Odell and son, AA’illiam Branson, have returned from Blowing Rock, where they spent several days. * * * Airs. C. M. Isenhour has returned to her home after spending the week in AA’estern North Carolina with Air. Isenhour. • • * Mr. ami Mrs. Clifford Porter return ed Friday night from New York, where they attended the North Caro lina Pharmaceutical Society. They left this morning for their home in Black Alountain. • * * A message from the bedside of Airs. A. C. Wolff, of Orlando, Florida, States that her condition is slightly improved. * « « Mrs. J. Leonard Brown and chil dren, Jennie, John and Rufus, left this morning for Little Switzerland to spend two weeks. * * * Airs. S. A. AVolff and Airs. J. M. Cook left Friday morning to attend the Blue Ridge Assembly in Blue Ridge. •* » . Mr. and Airs. John Porter left Sat urday for Black Alountain to vis it Air. Porter’s brother, Clifford Por ter. »** * . Dick Richards is spending the week end nt his home at Liberty Bell, S. C. He will return to Concord next Thursday. • • • James Wilkinson, Eugene Bruton, Paul Owensby and George Peck are spending the week-end at Graystone Inn, Roaring Gap. « * * Misses Bettie and Lena Leslie and Elizabeth Ross will return Tuesday to Concord from their summer home at Alontreat. They will go to New York the following day to sail for Europe on the Leviathan July 3rd. They will be accompanied on their European trip by Aliss Frances Jar ratt. * * • T. H. AVebb is attending the meet ing of the North Carolina Cotton Manufacturers Association in Ashe ville, this week. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Alartin L. Cannon and children, Jimmie and Frances Ann, of Charlotte, will spend the month of July at Mayview Manor, Blowing Rock. » • • Morganton News-Herald : Air. and ' Mrs. Archie Foil, or Concord, who were married in Maxton last week, . spent Alonday night at the Caldwell . Hotel. 1* - - Airs. G. A. Batte is. spending sev . eral days with relatives in Emporia, f Virginia. * • H Mr. and Mrs- A. It. Howard left , Thursday afternoon for New York ' City, where they will spend several days. • • * 1 Air. and Airs. C. A. Cannon aud ’ children and Airs. J. AV. Cannon are in Asheville for several days. While there Air. Cannon is attending ses ' sions of the cotton manufacturers as - sociation. * * ■* I Air. and Airs. H. A\ r . Blanks and daughter, Lorraine, left Con . cord Sunday afternoon for New York. » They will spend several days there before sailing for Europe on the steamship Leviathan July Ist. Air. Blanks is director of the Concord 3 “Y” tour. * * *» 5 Air. and Airs. W. Scott Frieze re- I. turned Friday night from New York, s J where they have spent the past week, s Air. Scott has been attending the - meeting of the North Carolina Phar- maceutical Society. * * * J. AI. Newton, Jr., of Greensboro, e was a business visitor in Concord i, Thursday. [ Miss Virginia Reed returned to her i. j home in Concord Friday night after e i having spent a week at A\ r rightsville a! Beach, the guest of Airs. J. F. Hur j ley, of Salisbury, e' * * * i-j Captain and Airs. Charles AI. Wal >, ton and children, of Fort Benning, e Ga., will arrive tomorrow to visit Air.. II and Airs. George G. Allen, in Kan ' napolis. i •* * I i Friends of Dr. and Airs. W. D. g Pemberton will regret to learn that r Dr. Pemberton is confined to his h home by illness. His condition is t much improved today. Hfree 1 $2.50 The Handy 10ini Combination Tool To All Times Readers A * - - ■ . For a limited time we are going to give this Won- , V / • derful 10 In 1 Handy Combination Tool with each 10 USEFUL TOOLS COMBINED 4'» paid subscription to The Times. _ ' M eJ H Tenderer Ice Shaver Note schedule, explaining how vou can get this use-. Vegetable Chopper • • Meat Cleaver i ful article Free. Bottle Opener Pipe Wrench This offer applies to new subscribers as well as old. Cork-Screw If you are not a subscriber, take advantage of this of- Screw Driver Hammer fer today, mail or bring your subscription to the office and the Handy Combination Tool, is yours. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES ' 1 year $2.00 with Combination Tool $2.35 Combination Tool on Display at Times Office 2 Years $4 00 with Combination Tool Free —. $4.00 If you want combination Tool mailed to you enclose Pay 2 years subscription to The Times and the . . , . J J r 10c to cover postage and insurance. Handy Combination Tool is yours. The Semi - W eekly Times 82 South Union Street Phone 78 Concord, N. C. ■i ■ t» ' ' • », p.i f vo * . ... > - ,-i ■ :: «c 1 * ‘ ... * ■ * * ' .. • - *.»---*• - - - i . ■ -i * j- - - - - • ■■ ■ RESOLUTIONS REPORT THANKS LOCAL PEOPLE Building and Loan Men Grateful for Fine Reception Accorded Them in Convention. life following is the report of the resolutions committee of the State Building and Loan League, the re port having been accepted by the convention: Air. President: Your committee on resolutions beg to report as follows: First —AA T e desire to extend our thanks to the local building and loan associations, the mayor and citizens of Concord; also to the various clubs and organizations of tlie city, for the many courtesies and kindnesses extended to us during our stay in their city; to the committee on ar rangements for the delightful enter tainment and the interesting trip to Kannapolis and Jackson Training School; To the newspapers for the very full reports carried in their columns covering the proceedings of this con vention. Second —We extend our sincere thanks to the several speakers for their inspiring addresses and especial ly Dr. Horace Clark, of Kansas City, AIo.; Hon. C. Clinton James, presi dent of United States League, Wash ington, D. C. and J. AI. Wyman, of Cincinnati, Ohio, whose addresses and information imparted have added so much to the success of the conven tion. Third—AA r e desire to extend to our officers, and especially to President Stevens and Secretary Todd, our grat itude for their efforts on behalf of the league, for the most excellent pro gram provided and for their successful administration. Fourth—We extend our thanks to Senator F. AI. Simmons for his un tiring efforts on behalf of the building and loan cause in the matter of tax legislation during the present session of Congress. Fifth—We recommend that the league extend an invitation to the United States League to hold its 1927 convention in Asheville. Sixth —Your committee have made inquiry regarding the Clark-Chase correspondence course on building and loan, and recommend that the mem bers of this league consider the ad visability of availing themselves of this course and that they get in com munication with Dr. Clark, who will gladly furnish full information. A. G. CRAIG, Chairman, S. D. BROADHURST, E. T. TAYLOR, Committee. E. F. Carter, executive officer of the State Child Welfare Commission, of Raleigh, is spending the day with 1 j-G. Brown, Cabarrus County Wel j fare Officer, on business. 1 C. T. Miles, manager of the Crystal Damp Laundry, returned Thursday i from St. Peters Hospital, Charlotte, where he had been undergoing treat • meat for several weeks. i -.. f INJURED IN PLAYFUL FROLIC WITH FRIENDS| Tricks of Mirth and Levity Result in . Use of Sling and Bandages. Stanly News-Herald. Mr. J. 0. Shinault. who holds a 1 'position with the Central Barber Shop here, is carrying his left arm ■in a surgical sling and also has his head bandaged, all as a result of a friendly pow-wow with Nat Auten - and Peuse Furr Tuesday afternoon about 1:30 o’clock. According to the story as related by each of the participants, a friend ly pow-wow had been engaged in. ! Peuse, states that Tuesday after , noon existence had grown drab and of no account. Therefore exigencies there w T ere to indulge in tricks of mirth and levity and no sooner than ( tbese three gentlemen had assembled at tjie Auten-Wolfe Motor Company ' than frolicsome times ensued. Some one dashed a bucket of . water down the back of Peuse Furr, and things started. Finally, Mr. Shinault, availed himself of a large bucket and made to pour the same upon Nat and Peuse. Forthwith, 1 these two gentlemen took to their ' heels and headed toward the Luth eran Church, Mr. Shinault, clinging to his pail of cold water stayed him not, but gave pursuit as best he could. At the corner of the Lutheran Church. Peuse passed from sight while Auten • did about face and hauled his freight toward the origin al starting point. But his sight grew dim and his limbs waxed weary while the fleetness of the w’ater bearer increased- At last to save himself from a drenching of the ice cold fluid, the crafty Nat, dashed into the show room of the Albemarle Hudson Company, slamming the door shut behind him. Mr. Shinault loosing Ms equilibrium rushed against the glass door, breaking it down and receiving several painful injuries. His left arm was cut. rather seriously in several . places while he received an incision just above his l§ft eye. | Medical aid was summoned im -1 mediately and his wounds given at tention. The injured man is new get ting along as well as could be ex | pected. 1 Meeting of Minnehaha Council. Minnehaha Council No. 40 degree f of Pocahontas and the Improved Or der of Red Men, Seminole Tribe No. [ O 0 gave Mr. Ben Goodman a hearty welcome at Pocahontas meeting Tues day evening, June 22. i Brother Good man gave us a nice talk. We all en joyed his visit. There were several other good talks from the brothers and sisters and after the talks there was , ice cream and cake served. All en joyed the affair very much. I After the cream and cake was serv ed, we had some good music which we all enjoyed. We are hoping cy can meet with us again. I must speak a word for our 'Loun ciU The Pocahontas are doing a great deal and we are still bringing in lots of new members. A FRIEND. | KANNAPOLIS WINS IN TENTH FROM KIRK’S HOME RUN Fayetteville Series Evened When For mer Colonial Gets Homer; Score 4-3. Fayetteville, June 25.—A home run by Bob JKirk, former Colonial outfield er, and now a fly chaser in the right garden for the Kannapolis club, gave the boys from the Towel City a 4-3 decision over the Highlanders here yesterday afternoon. The victory evened the series between the two clubs. Kirk’s blow came in the tenth in ning with two men down and the bases clear, the line drive bounced past the centerfielder and going so far away that the runner reached home base before the ball could be retrieved. Kirk was the hitting star of the day, the homer, one double, two sin gles, and a sacrifice being his lot. Kannapolis acquired a three run lead in the third frame, but Thomas was driven from the box by the Highland ers in the same inning, and with Fer guson in the box, the score was tied up in the fifth. Greason’s single, two passes and an infield out being responsible forth score. Johnny Johnson, former Carolina shortstop, played an excellent game for Kannapolis, and in the tenth frame, broke up a probable rally by a beau tiful catch which he turned into a double play. Spectacular fielding by both teams was the order of the day. Score by innings: , R Kannapolis 102 000 000 I—D Fayetteville 002 010 000 o—3 Thomas, Ferguson and McClain; Kitchen and Bryan. Building and Loan Convention. Salisbury Post. The State Building and Loan Lea gue is meeting in Concord. The at tendance is large, the -interest koiui and the city fairly spreading her self to make the meeting a success. The reparte all go to show splendid work being done by the building an l loans in the various communities of the state. These organizations are strong factors in the building of homes, and homes furnish the foun dation stone for a happy and con tented people; so the building and loans are doing a constructive work that is being done in no better way by any agency yet devised. Concord is strong on building and loans and in that city well managed associations have contributed largely to the upbuilding of the city and the home life. This is an association we would like to see come to Salisbury for a convention. It would be an in spiration and help in many way6. We need it. To New York mod Europe. Air. and Mrs. A. R. Howard, Mrs. A. Jones Yorke and Miss Alice Yorke left Thursday afternoon for New York City. Mrs. Yorke and Aliss Yorke will sail for Europe tomorrow on the steamship Orduna and will spend several months touring the continent. They were joined in New York by Aliss Hazel Hunter, of Charlotte, who will be their travelling companion. PAGE THREE - • . - - l - . „/> -- INDEPENDENCE WEEK Celebrating the 150th Birthday Anni versary of the Declaration of Amer i lean Independence. All this week will be observed [ throughout the United States and its . possessions as Independence Week. . The Daughters of the American Rev- I olution of Concord will not have any [ formal exercises in commemoration of , this occasion except the ringing of r the court house bell and the church ( bells on next Monday morning at 11:11 a. h., as the “Echo of the Lib erty Bell.” The following is the Patriot’s I Pledge of Faith : “I do hereby pledge and declare my sincere belief and devout faith in the ! fundamental ideals of my country so ’ bravely proclaimed to the wofld by the immortal signers of the Declara tion of American Independence; and j in their words and noble spirit ‘we pledge to each other our lives, our 3 fortunes and our sacred honor’ to the support of those ideals; and as a tok . en of my sincerity and as an evidence of my gratitude for the blessings ’ which that immortal document has E assured to all Americans, I do hereby make this contribution for the preser -1 vation of Alontieello, the home of ; Thomas Jefferson, as a National Ale , morial to the author of the Declaration * of Independence and as a patriotic 1 Shrine for the Children of America.” r • Bus Owners to Gather in Charlotte July 12th. 1 The North Carolina Bus Owners > Association will meet, 200 strong, at ; the Hotel Charlotte, July 12-13. The first day will be given over to general business, with a banquet and an ad dress of welcome by C. O. Keuster, manager of the Chamber of Com merce. The convention committee of the association consists of L. A. Love, chairman; Joel W. Wright, Gastonia; W. E. Smith, Albemarle; R. O. Walt ers, Concord; C. H. Bost, Newton, and P. R. Shinn, Greensboro Bus lines of the association cover 95,000 miles daily, and the holdings of the companies represent over $3,- 000,000. H. A. Bailes, of Golds boro, is president of the association, and J. W. Hester is its attorney. r Runaway Youth Found in State. Salisbury Post. Roy Alorgan, Gold Hill lad of 14, who ran away from his home last week, has been located in Laurin burg, N. C-, and returned here yes terday. His father states that the boy, who went away in a Ford truck belonging to the father, had eaten nothing for two days, and was delighted to return home. At the time he left, the boy had no money to speak of. the father «aid, and he was not surprised that he bad been forced to go without food for two days. It was thought at first that the boy bad probably gone to Alabama to visit an uncle. Mrs. B. F. Rogers returned borne Saturday from a visit to her Mrs. John F. Yorke, of Charlotte.