Hai>. July ’• 1926 Wf^ XX T.nth ('liurch H. W - spent |H! '• .:•! visited |B' r ' ior Sat- B: m .h I>r iV |W : ; Hart sell. '' of Sulis ■ j.’ 1 ''-it's Sat- HB Kannapo- r,. Buck ran a new H IB Salisbury. I^rar ■ ( |Bj " man. of ' . mi liiin ■ PA IA ■ ?;M l MIKE. ‘ i i joicing ■B' Sunday.. tm ; ' j|. the \i Martin ■H ■ v Ve*‘k. V': week 9< m H • " spent Jam, m ii. it spent |B v r . Mrs. Van H,r:ir gB <>f raw ||B J 11. ( “Miicy this |H, Mlird in BB j„ ■ <:■■■' ■ . kiili'ii one 88..,.j ai <•, killed T s ! and It. §■ M" -i loan! ggS ins last v V:t r lUow . ai'.ar f.ast — |H LOCI HB. ; ■H-. with [H ; W " last \ 1 >et of , ■, among it. I!a and ■ ’• Sarur- BHi ' at K. ■H aiding mm- \ ii"ine BH. '1 m at bb BEB ’! I*a v id-<>n. §§« - ■ BOX PARTY B P. M. Saturday are ming to sell Grab Boxes promtly at 3 p. m. Tlieso boxes will contain items of value up There will he a suit of clothes, a hat and many Gb :or man_\- many times what you pay for x take backs —no exchanges. You cannot early and get some boxes. __ V KAc PER B x DU grab ■tore Wide Sale Closes Saturday Night ihirts Going Cheap B s t Grade Shirts - No Seconds s ™ s - Value ! ..... $2.85 H. ON SALE £.5.00 Values $3.65 LAXD SHIRTS : COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS $ 1.35 $8 f t ° Values ’ $ 1 *6s ■! U r ye $2.50 Values -$1.95 B $1.95 ? 3 . 00 Valu ? s $2.35 . $2.45 ?3 - st ° Values $2.85 B M IImL PAJAMAS on SALE at 1 Hr, RATABLE PRICES ? A GREAT SALE OF ■ ' a ’ a, *na-- a | j NECKWEAR p » - i I We have several hundred ■B r ' ' |aili:i ' r Qff ‘ beautiful ties. Bow and^ values are ■s' M. A*aoo **#d•. Your '.. s2*3s' choice doting sale for ■ $2.85 85c new crop of cotton which we wond er if it is too late for production. Mrs. R. B. Jordan, of Raleigh, who is spending, the summer here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Hart sell, is visiting relatives at this time in Mt. Gilead. \ The Baptist Sunday School is pre paring a childrens’ day program which \yill be given in a few weeks. T. B. Tucker, of Concord, has sold to H. D. Tpcker and Z. Fetzer Hsrt sell the house and lot used as a garage on the Albemarle and Char lotte highway. A. J. Furr sold them also a portion of land joining the lot. Thp Woman’s Missionary Society of the Baptist Church will give an ice creani supper on Saturday night, June 10th, on the public school grounds. The public is invited. Miss Wilson was honored at her last meeting with the club last week by an unusually large number of per sons —almost half a hundred includ ing children and babies. The dem onstration was on frozen desserts which all enjoyed. Interesting games wore plavcd during an intermission. P. BOSTIAN CROSS ROADS The health of this community is pretty good at this writing. The people all are feeling goocj- over the good rains that have come for the last two weeks. The Rev. G. O. Ritchie, of Faith E. L. Church, preached a splendid sermon June 27th. His text was in First John the first chapter and the third verse: That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us. ' There will be communion service at Faith E. L. Church next Sunday. July 3rd. Everybody is welcome to come. The sermon will be preached by .file Rev. G. O. Ritchie. He will preach on “Patriotism.” All of the P. S. of A. members are urged to bo present to hear this sermon, J. O* Lyerly. of China Groye, was' a welcome visitor at gappy Trev’s home Sunday, June 27tli. Air. ity crly is a special friend to old Happy. Mrs. L. C. Trexler, Miss Gladys Trexler, Miss Ruby Trexler and Happy Trex all were welcome visi tors at Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Frick’s, of Faith. Sunday evening, June 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Frick surely are fine clever people to be with. Mr. and Mrs. John Rinehardt, of Kannapolis, spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Frick, of Faith. June 2(>tM. Mr. and Mrs. Rinehardt also visited Mr. and Mrs. George Rushviv<)f.. Ifaitlu Jiuiei^7th. Leon Barger, of Faith; was a wel come visitor at Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Fink’s June 27th. Ople Ritchie; of Salisbury, and .Miss Nora Byrd, of near ifaitli. were happily married several days ago. We all wish them a long and happy life together. Miss Carrie Raney, of Winston- Salem., was in Faith over Sunday on a visit. June 27th. Notice to the Brojvn and Fisher reunion: Happy made a mistake in the date. This reunion will be held at the little town of Gtanite Quarry on "Wednesday, July the 21st. Ev erybody is welcome to come and bring a good friend with you, and also bring a well filled basket of din ner. The Happy Trex string band will be there to furnish the music for the crowd after dinner. Do not for get the date, on AVednesday, July 21st. There will be a big 3rd of July next Saturday, beginning at 12 o’clock and will run on until that night for a while, at the Point service station of north Rockwell. Thete will be all kinds of races, games and all kinds of good things to eat and drink, barbecue, ice cream, hot dogs any thing that you want. , There will be music furnished by the brass band of Albemarle and also by the Happy Trex string band. Everybody is in vited, old and young, big and small. J. M. liinelmrdt, manager, is going to blacken himself up and act as a clown and Happy Trex is going to scotch for him. Do not forget the place, the Point service station of | north Rockwell. There will be fire works that night and music to enter tain the crowd by some one. There will be something doing all the time, July the 3rd. J. M. Rinehardt, of near Rockwell, has a sweet potato bed that is 136 feet long and has 75 bushels of po tatoes in it. If there is any one that wants any potato slips see Air. Rinehardt. They surety are there for you. He sells them at $2,50 a thou sands. He has done already pulled off 125 thousand slips from it. 11. M. Deal visited Happy Sunday evening, June 27th. & G. A. Barger, of near the Bostian Cross Roads, is on the sick list at this writing. Alsu Mr. and Airs. William Clark’s little daughter is on the sick list. AVe all hope they will .soon get better. » Mr. and Airs. George Roger, of Salisbury, tookr a trip to AA'ashington Saturday, June 26th.He said there was something to see there. AA r e hope to take that frip sometime later on. Air. Roger is a fine hian. E. Ray Trexler and liis best friend visited Air. and Airs. George Boger, of Salisbury, June 23rd for supper. J. AA\ Adams, of East Spencer, is on the sick list, Happy was told by one of his best friends. AA”e atyhepe that he will soon get better. Please, Air. Editorfi.ST ST 88999 HAPPY TREX. ROUTE SEVEN. AA’o sure had a nice shower Sun day. Suuto. the lay ing by their corn since the recent rain. Airs. C. A. Harrison and bon, Ar lie, Jr., of Salisbury, spent a few hours Thursday evening at the home of her parents. Air. and Mrs. R. O. Cliristenbury, on Route 7. Master Bobbie Lee Harrison re turned to his home in Salisbury Thursday evening after spending a few weeks at the homo of his grand parents, Air. and Airs. R. O. Christen bury. All Shoppers Will Save Money This Week At BROWNS-CANNON CO. Opposite New Hotel THE CONCORD TIMES It will interest a good many to read of some of the news that ap peared in the Concord Times in the year of 1895. By these few articles you can see a good many changes since 1895. Here is an article that has changed in the past thirty years: “AA T . J. Alontgomery and J. Lee Crowell, attorneys and counsellors at law, Concord, N. C., as partners, will practice law in Cabarrus, Stanly and adjoinii*g counties in the superior and supreme courts of the state and the federal courts. Offices on Depot street.” The Times was only published on Thursday in 1895. Now it is pub lished on Monday and Thursday. AA T e should be very proud of The Times for look how it has grown in the last thirty years. The Times also had a few correspondents in 1895, one for the Forest Hill section and other small places in Cabarrus county. The Jackson Training School lost their second straight game Saturday when the Harrisburg nine snowed them under a 14 to 2 score. Disk started in the box for the school but he retired in the third inning in favor of Russell. Russell was taken out in the sixth inning and Archie AA’hite, of AA'hite Hall, took his place. AA T hite allowed only a few scattered hits and one run. The school would have been shut out but Picket got onto one of Harris' balls in the eighth frame for four bases and scored one man ahead of him. Harris pitched for Harrisburg while A'eyble, of Roberta, did the receiv ing. It looks like the school boys are having a tough time in the base ball line now. But you wait until they hit their stride an.U. you will sure see the dust fly. Here's hoping they will' have better luck the next time/ CAROLINA KID. . \ FAITH. J. T. "Wyatt returned home from the old soldiers reunion at AA’ilming ton Saturday morning niul reports a fine trip. The old veterans were tak-' en to Greenfield Lake and were served lunch there and had the heaviest kind of a rain while there and the boys and girls in bathing and it rain ing. The crowd all joined in singing some old-time songs. H. B. Tyson, of Raleigh, was the tallevt old soldier, six and two inches tall. Tire hotels gave sleep ing rooms to the old veterans. Airs. Bryson with slo* friends visit ed and saw A’eiftis. She. came from England in a flying machine. She thinks this is a wonderful coun try and intends to return on a boat. Travis . Hamrick, .of Shelby, was in" Faith 'last uVok. 1 y Y. AV. Welker, manager of the Newark shoe store, showed us a pair of shoes No. 14. ’ AYlio can beat that? A r enus stopped over .at High Point and spent Friday night with his rel atives while on way from AA Tilining ton. From Faison to Rocky Point is a stretch of railroad 48 miles perfectly straight without a curve that we passed over on way to AA’ilmington. A'enus'had good luck when he gbt The Last Offer For Palm Beach Suits Kool Cloth Suits You cannot go wrong in buying one or more of these suits. Yes, the sale price is less than cost and we will admit that they are not the newes sui s out, but we will admit that they are the best values you have ever had. o ere for this price. Some numbers that will fit the boys. Bring them with you. YOUR d*Q QCi PER, CHOICE . «7P SUIT Last Day Saturday home from Wilmington. He found seventy eggs in his hen’s nest and four one-dollar bills in his mail for four jars of eczema salve and one recommendation? Here it is: 80 J'earl St., Kannapolis, N. C., June 20, 1926. Dear Venus: Am writing Jou telling you how much good your eczema salve did my baby. Iris Ar llne - I used the salve about one " ee h and now I don’t see one speck of eczema on her. Reap. Airs. I. B. Morris, 80 Pearl St., Kannapolis N. C. J Here is what the No. 10 township has to say in his items: Venus, Mrs. Charles Hough has your gardener skinned as she set plants in Alardi and had white cabbage from her gar den in Alay. Everybody is happy here now since we have had good rains. We now have the best season in the .world, Big 3rd of July at north Rockwell Point Service Station. Races of all kinds, large and small, young and old. Barbecue on grounds. Alusic fur nished by Albemarle band. Every body come and have a good time.) Starts at 12 o’clock. Some one name the place and the date of the correspondents’ picnic of the Concord Times and Tribune and make it suit when the editor and the printshop force can attend, if they will attend. See them and see what they, say first. Then let’s have the picnic and invite everybody with filled baskets and have a royal good time. VENUS. ENOCHVILLE. Hugh A\ T eddington, of Davidson, was a visitor Sunday at Airs. C. A. AA’eddington’s. Alack Overcash and family spent a few hours Sunday at Airs. C. A. AVed dington’s. Air. and Airs. L. AV. Overcash and children, of North Kannapolis, spent Sunday at Mrs. AV. L. Flowe’s. The meeting will start at Old Bethpage Church next Sunday, July 4th, There will be-preachiug Sunday evening at 7 o’clock. AA T e wish to ask th*e people in the neighborhood not to haul their rubbish on the church ground at Old Bethpage Church, for it looks bad, and it is not any use for the people to clean off the yard and Others drag old dead trees in the yard. Air. and Airs. H. L. Karriker and children spent Sunday at Near Karri ker’s in Kannapolis. Airs. AI. S. Karriker is spending several weeks with her sister, Airs. Sallie Deal, of Landis. * The demonstration ’ meeting whidh was to have been held at the home of Airs. Charles Beaver last Friday evening, was postponed on account of Miss Tremble being absent. Air. and Airs. R. A. Auten and children and Air. and Mrs. T. R. Au ten attended a birthday dinner at Alonroe Sunday, it. being Air. Auten’s mother’s birthday aVnjversnry. Airs. Loah Cagle is spending the week with her daughter, Airs. Banks Calvin, of Enochville. O. A. AA’eddington, of Aforganton is not showing an improvement in health. Airs. George Triplett, of Enochville, has been sick for die past few days. Mrs. C. A. Weddington lost one of her horses last Monday. George Goodman spent a few hours last Wednesday night with H. L. Karriker. Mr. and Mrs. John Fulham, of Lan dis, spent Sunday in Mboresville at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. BE. Ful ham. ' Miss Gladys Allman spent Sunday with Miss Elsie Karriker, of North Kannapolis. A. L. Bolden, of Midway, brought a fine lot of roasting ear corn to Kan napolis last Saturday. Master Clyde Karriker has sore eyes. TULIP. WATTS CROSS ROADS. Farmers are very busy since the rain. , A large crowd attended the ice cream supper Saturday night at Ro ger Reformed Church. Mrs. E. S. Kluttz, who has been on the sick list for a few weeks, is im proved now. The Cross. Roads baseball boys crossed bats with the Kannapolis mill boys Saturday evening. The score was 17 to 11 in favor of Cross Roads. Allen Watts, of Concord, spent the week end with home folks. Venus must be off on a visit. We miss his items. Guess he’ will have lots of news when he returns. There will be preaching at Roger Reformed Church Sunday afternoon at 8 o’clock. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Rev. W. C. Warlick is pastor. Everybody is welcome to come out and hear his sermon. OLD PAL. ROBERTA. The recent rains were a great biess *ing to this section. J. E. Alexander was taken to the Charlotte hospital for an operation for appendicitis. There will be prayer meeting every Saturday night at Roberta Baptist Church, beginning at 7 :30 o’clock. The “Little Mother’s League” Club will meet Friday afternoon between four and five o’clock at Roberta schoolhouse. All members are asked to be present. Mrs. A. C. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hudson spent Thursday in Charlotte. HAPPY FARM GIRL. Birthday Party. William Cannon entertained thirty friends Tuesday evening at his home bn North Union street in celebration of his thirteenth birthday anniversary. The lawn, where games were play ed, and a wonderful treasure hunt en joyed, was lighted with picturesque Japanese lanterns. Gaily colored bal loons added to the bright scene. Delicious angel food cake, and Dix ie cups werejserved at the close of the games. The guests left wishing William “many more happy birthdays.” See the silk frocks at J. C. Penney Co.’s at $4.98, $9.98 and $14.75. All Hats Reduced Straws and Felts Too $3.00 Straw Hats 4*o OC SALE OF CAPS for-• *>. o o Caps $ I AC $3.50 Straw Hats 4*o QC for **' * for 52.50 Caps tl OC $4.00 Straw Hats OC at «P i for ? 3 00 q aps • Art rt j- 55.00 Straw Hats 0.17£» $7 and $7.50 Values $5.95 S Glass & Son, J- & H. Cash Store. The following will be closed Mon day afternoon: Concord Furniture Co., Bell & Har ris Furniture Co., H. B. Winkinson Furniture Co.. C. H. Barrier & Co., Ed. M. Cook. Cagle Bros., R. F.-Mills. L. M. Barnhardt & Bros., J J. Hol shouser, P. M. Furr and S. L. Bost. Deeds Recorded Here Tuesday. The following real estate deals were recorded in deeds filed at the court house here Tuesday: H. Johnson, commissioner, to W. K. Baldwin for S6O, property in No. 1 township. Laurfe ,T. and Lizzie Eagle to Carl H. Eagle for $lO, property in No. 8 township. -f , Dr. R. M. King to Dr. R. B. Rankin property on North Union street, Ward 2, for SB,OOO. John S. Carpenter to Robert Efird | for $2,750, property in No. 4 town ship. Dr. R. Frank Flowe to Rufus P. Rollins for $1,700, property in Kan napolis. Southern Loan and Trust Co. to A. E; Whittington for $750 property in No. 11 township. Death of Mrs. Mary Beaver at Rock well. Mrs. Mary Jajie Beaver, wife of the late John S. Beaver, of Rockwell, died early Tuesday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. O. Ly erly. MrSi -Beaver was a member of Emanuel Lutheran Church. She was one of- the most loved women :n the community. She was sixty years old and bagl b(jcp, an invalid for some* fidie.' "She leaves four sons.’ George A., W. A., Lee J., of Rockwell, and Luther M. Beaver, of Salisbury. She also leaves four (laughters, Mrs. Clifford Beaver and Mrs. T. O. Lyerly, of Rockwell, and Miss Ethel and Miss Evelyn Beav er, of Rockwell. Bisses Bettie and Lena Leslie, Mrs. T. L. Ross and Elizabeth Ross are spending a few days at their home in Concord. CLUING OUT SHOES Every Pair A Bargain ; - J You can get the best grade of shoes here for the price that f you pay for cheap shoes. Many styles are being sold at t; half-price; other styles for a little more than half-price. We are discontinuing this department and it will pay you to see our shoes first. Prices CA And Start at*r Go Up PAGE FIVE ************* * * * AGRICULTURAL COLUMN * * Conducted by • | 3k R. D. Goodman, County Agent 1 ♦ *■*•#********#♦ The A. and M. College of Missis sippi reports as the result of experi ments made to control the fruit worm, which often proves to be a se rious pest on tomatoes, and always prevails to a certain extent on-;early plantings, that the use of arsenate proved to be helpful. If early blight is serious spraying with bordeapx mixture (4-4-50) plus a pound of powdered lead arsenate will give the best results, though dust ing with 1 calcium arsenate is and practically as effective when no fungicide is needed, using one-half lof powdered lead arsenate and' one half powdered lime. Application should be made as soon as the frst in jury is noticed and continued at of a week or ten days. To prevent any possible chance of pois oning from eating the tomatoes the poison application should be discon tinued about two weeks before .pick ing begins. The dusting or spraying advocated will also control the big green 1 horn vworm and tend to keep in eheefc the hoards of blister beetles tnat (Some times attack tomatoes. In spraying or dusting be sure to reach all sur faces of the stalk and leaves,/ Home Coming Services at Albemarle Church. - There will be Home Coming! ser vices at the First Lutheran Cjiureh of Albemarle on Sunday, July 4tlu Speakers for the occasion have l been secured. Rev. H. A. McClullougjh, D, D., of Columbiaj S. C., will preach at * the morning service. Rev. V. C.' Rid enhour, of Lincblnton, N. C., will de liver the sermon at the afternoon ser vice. Rev. J. L. Morgan, D. D., of Salisbury, will also speak in the af ternoon. At the evening service Rev. A. R. Beck, D. D.,'of Newtdn, will preach. Other former pqstors are ex pected to be preseut ajnl short* ad dresses will be delivered by those;pres ent. Services will begin at 10:30 a. m. ! r Dinner will be served neari ths church in the Hearne grove And all are disked to bring baskets and the day. All former members the congregation- are requested to icome *back for the services. The public is-, invited. Mr. Leroy Black welder is supplying, the congregation for the summer. ....... - , o ■*'**,■■ fj With Our Advertisers. The Yorke & Wadsworth Co. is of fering special pre-holiday prices on tires and tubest. Get your-j tires now for your Fourth of July outmg. These prees will be on for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. See big ad. today. * The Parks-Belk Co. has the apparel ready for your Fourth of July wear. Read about some of these in the new ad. today.