■Mb U pirn mm fa THIS TILL Lit of tho Primary 1. 0 f Former Sena ■ircrene <is Demo ■ Nominee Again. Ls MISS ALLEN |)O*J) majority ■ e ’ s Republican Lit. Willis, Had iti-Saloon League IL in Primary. ■ ;lii i.’ -(TP)--Chicago ■*,L biiti b-irr.i>ii in 1 <»f an- > ■l ,j r y polnii ai tight this] ■it of tin' I't im.in \ ictory ■ \r e<- I’uinerene. for tli»“ I'. S. ■ ion? res.mloii as liberal, ■uti-aiooii l< agio* i*ii(h»rs ■ Flop neo K. Allen. ■ Ml|( . (,iiri Justice. by a ■ ma.oin in Tuesday s. ■ now stands ready to Kin>t its ri'inibliran op- K,r Frank 1!. Willis. ’ K will foi're the wet and 8.m.-renc ua> ccarded as Btiral leaders inasmuch ■ gnl j.>:i!oon league baek- Binam. BtCi >ervinu r 1- years as ■tor. wlc defeated in 1922 ■ ]> F'-ss in 'the republi- B (4,iv. A. V. lUmahey. B Ohio ilnnoerats for a B'll W o| t| .o>.od by Myers : business man. ■\; ; be;ns: tabulated to- and Arkansas arK. of Birmingham, Kiiin endorsed candi ■ .dt-nf I'. S. Senator retires in 1927. led ißi H. Bank ■>i vr'o. Bibb (1 raves |B" ,!r i:; die race for the nomination. ■c Tof Arkansas. [■uiai K M;.r■rinean. judge Coart. for the in Arkan jHfca 1: "o \ ->t en. v wi t b |B* in Alabama. H A..i Aut:. I'd.— (A 3 ) — IB pi |ii-ivinot of the in Tuesday's pri- B 11. Bankhead k bi.dl 1 ; James B: : 11. Kilby it 1.2140. For I riti;,• 1 i:n‘ 1 .'17.978 ; i lias. F. Mc |H' A. <F Patterson .' >•••:,■•c.inated for 1 Alabama dis- M'imary. M. C. B it so! over three op >sV"!;rti. and was br*- §■' >- miuinated. L. .i-;;,;il - W. B. I>o\vl- An official count |B L* l nreessnry to deter- p,. Blankhead the tenth. His op §■ l'"'H'" ] i. The other ||9’ .'its were re- opjmsi tion. kept a lead of U. Wil- m. veter r in ;UI a ppar- that was a sur- A i-lom. race de- of Public Ji;i if Fi-rguson. for ■ ' "t agriculture lead- Joiievboro school A\ 11 ii i.,i h t pre ■A Fh 'A'um,i, bad 74.277 ■ today. B^ m bovornor. 1 All ~,-e-■ ■f v " Hm-w-y Parnell 55.- Fr .Take U. Wil opponent. H* 15.568 B s AHk 'o OF TKRRAL ■ llf domination for Gov- Arkansas. K; A :- 11-'.I 1 -'.- (vian candid ■ 11,1 “social n r ' ast ' Hircnrpno.] a few ■L ar ' ,Usp , ' !l “ prohibition H,;; today os HL ,, . ,V, ‘ rn " r Ton. J. Ter- H ll( oratic guild untorial ■so for Bth,.""' 1 ' 1 n T :,ir '‘ fully Birr,, ’-•‘t. s CS- ' :i " Bon- ti :' v> ' r " it,> ' 1 r.,„ ■ ,,n - B a -'andv "" " ' fl Tn ' '*nn found i: ~r(1 B Karl K,v “ a(1 rr :,a,i t “- l; loV out mr n " s,,ii; ' ! - ■' l,, ;ir v ,f 'v V,t ■>nh 7r:r -a with THE CONCORD TIMES $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. All Os Entombed Miners TakenFromShaft Alive The Five Men Imprisoned by a Cave-in in Ken “| tucky Mine Last Thurs -1 day Brought to Surface. r I ONE MAN WAS IN ! DELIRIOUS STATE i. (One of Them Was in Hi larious Mood and Said, “Where’s My Horse? I Want to Ride Home.” i Salem. Ky., Aug. 12. — UP) —All five miners who were imprisoned by a cave in at the Hudson mine last Thursday were brought to the surface alive this morning. Randolph Cobb was the first man to reach the top of the shaft. He called to the crowd which wait ed anxiously : “Hello, there boys. I’m not sick.” Roy James, for whom little hope had been held as he had been separat ed from the other minets when the cave-in occurred, was the -next to ap pear. George Castiller was third. He was delirious and is in a critical condition as a result of pneumonia. 1. B. Wilson was the fourth man, and Harry Watson the last man to appear. Watson was in a hilarious mood. He called ‘‘Where’s my horse? I want to ride home.” The miners were greete'd with cheers when they appeared. The dense throng on the mine property presed forward, and it was necessary to detail national guardsmen to re strain the crowds. i The miners said that during the long vigil underground they had nev er g : veu up hope of rescue, nor had anyone of them become downcast. | They had Four matches between them. These they carefully conserv ed. By burning the miners’ lamps which they had, one at a time, they were enabled to have light for a long time, they said, and waited through the long black hours. i A daughter of Cobb was at the mine entrance when her father ap-. pea red. At the sight of his face she became hysterical and fainted. , James, the miners said, was the he ro of thp disaster. Instead of attempt ing .to escape when the cave-in came, he went back to warn the other four men of the cnfan»isy.'A men were apparently suffering only weakness from lack of food with the exception of Castiller. Two rescue workers assisted each man from the mine shaft through the crowd to a hospital tent nearby. All night the mucking crews had toiled at the shaft opening a gradually through the tuimel as ; the mud and rotted timbers were cleared away. The dramatic rescue came as a surprising sequel to the days and nights of effort, despite the hope that the men might yet Survive. Men engaged in removing debris in the tunnel arrived within shouting distance of the trapped miners early today. The first message from the imprisoned men was yelled by one of them, who called out “We are every one right hack here.” AVhile several of the muckers redoubled their efforts to clear away the mire, others rushed to the bottom of the .shaft and called up to the top: ' “Come down here now,” they shout ed to the men assembled to the mine mouth. Fifteen picked* assigned to en ter the Shaft first' in the event the men were found, immediately went down in the tunnel and assisted the j men in reaching the buckets. The joy of relatives was shared by rescue workers and others who wit nessed many touching scenes as the miners embraced their loved ones. Cobb, the first to se,e the sunlight, was grinning boardly as he climbed weakly from the tub and was enfold ed in the arms of his wife and chil dren. Corn Does Better in South Than in North. (By International News Service) Nas&ville, Tenn., Aug. 12.—-Corn is a crop that will do better in the south than in the north, is a theory that has proved itself by the record of 256 bushels per acre by Captain Z. J. Drake, Beiinettsvllle, S. C. Pointing out his record and records of many other farmers, agricultural experts are urging the growing of more corn in this section. The wid er the space between frosts the better corn crops can be raised by southern farmers, experts hold. WARRANT FOR MATERIAL WITNESS IN HALL CAS^ Judge Refuses to Reveal the Nam* of the Person to Be Takfti Into Custody. Somerville, N. J., Aug. 12. — UP) —A warrant was issued today for the ar rest of a njaterial witness in the Hall- Mills murder ease. Justice erf the Peace Wm. R. Sut- 1 phen in announcing that he • had is-; sued the paper, refused to reveal the name of the person to be taken into ’ custody. It was believed, however, that the person was not a relative of Mrs. Frances Stevens Hall, now at liberty in $15,000 bail on a charge of slaying her husband, the Rev. Edward Wheel er Hall and Mrs. Eleanor Mills, four years ago. Several blue geese have been suc cessfully raised in captivity by the [ nited States National Zoological Park. This is the first time this has ever been done. I**************1 ************** - $ < * MANY KILLED WHEN * " * A BRIDGE COLLAPSES * ££ 1 Tokio, Aug. 12. — UP) —A bridge on the Nojiromachi, one of the , main thoroughfares of Aitka in i M Fgo province, collapsed late yes terday. \ Thirteen bodies have , been recovered and fifteen per sons still are missing. ] , )£ ; ♦*&***■****&*-*♦ 1 WHITTEMORE FACES GALLOWS A Fateful Day for, Richard VVhitte , more. Debonair Gang Leader. J Baltimore, Aug. 12.—Friday the thirteenth ! A fateful day for Rich ard W’aittemore, debonair gang lead er, whose $300,000 “emergency fund” I laid aside from the proceeds of hold , ups and robberies has failed to save him from paying the extreme penalty for his crimes. Unless there is an eleventh-hour reprieve from Governor Ritchie, who already has signed the i death warrant, the Baltimore bandit land slayer whose career in crime has been compared to that of Gerald Chap-’ ■ man, will ascend the scaffold late to- ( night or early tomorrow morning to meet the. same fate that put a period to Chapman’s career in the Connec ticut penitentiary a few months ago. i The son of respectable . parents. I Richard N Reese Whittemore started out while still in his teens to get some of the “easy money” of which he had heard from the evil company with which he had become associated. His early essays in crime were confined ! to petty thievery. Occasionally when luck was against him x he was called upon to serve a light prison sentence for his misdeeds. | After several years of experience Whittemore went in for bigger things. He was caught, convicted and put away in the Maryland penitentiary term. On February 20, 1925, he managed to escape from the peni tentiary. but in doing so shot and 1 killed Robert H. Holtman, one of the prison guards. 1 After his escape Whittemore be came the head of a well-organized ’ gang of young bandits, who selected New York City as the most promising field for their operation*. The hold up of well-stocked jewelry stores was specialty <»f the gang, though oc casionally they* took a flyer In other forms of robbery. From the viewT point of the underworld the gang was highly successful. Within a fchort period it was estimated they had cleaned up ; something like a million dollars. A fixed proportion of their Stealings was regularly laid aside as A sinking fund. This was to be used in case any members were unfortunate enough to get caught and it became necessary to employ high-priced law yers to get them off. When at the height of his prosper ity Whittemore married and with his wife and pals lived amid luxurious surroundings fn the metropolis. Some of their jewelry storf hold-ups figured among the biggest affairs of the kind that had been pulled off in New York and attracted wide attention. Occa sionally, it was said,' the gang had found it necessary to do some shoot- ing. AVhen things "became too hot for them in New Yojrk they would scurry to some other’Cities to remain until the atmosphere' cleared. * the wheel of fate took a sud den reverse and the entire gang were landed in the dragnet of the New York police. Manjfr were on hand to identify the members of the gang and to pick out Whittemore as their leader. Although they had numerous charges of their own* the New York authorities agreed to surrender AVhit temore to the Buffalo police, who wanted him for the murder of a bank guard. Baltimore also put in a claim for the bandit leader on account of -the slaying of the State prison guarsd. Whittemore was tried first in Buf falo, where the jury failed to convict. He was then turned over to the Bal timore authorities and was given a speedy which resulted in his con viction and sentence to death. All appeals for a new trial were refused, as were also'the appeals to the gov ernor for clemency. In the meantime the other members of the bandit gang 4 were being tried in New York on various robbery charges. All without exception were convicted and were given prison sen tences ranging from fifteen to thirty years. • ) - P ' “Gold Rush” at' Louisburg. (By International*,News (Service.) Louisburg, N. C., Aug. 12.—This county today was all a-flutter over the prospect of a new “gold rush.” Reports that P. E. Sturges. a Franklin Oounty man, has found gold m paying quantities near here, has led to the be ief that the gold mining industry will be revived in this section. Sturges exhibited samples of the ore here. He said they had been .found near the site of the old Por ■ tis mine, which was in operation 1 here years ago. * » w————■» ************* * NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. * The Chamber of Commerce is * not endorsing any motion picture * UK filfii that is being sold under hk our endorsement and money col- & * lected for same. T. N. SPENCER. Sec. * j* Concdrd, Chamber of Commerce. $ .:♦********#**♦ CONCORD, N. C., THURSDAY. AUGUST 12, 1926 1 | Men in the Day’s N ews am?*.: :; JAMES R. SHEFFIELD. A. J. Cook, James R. Sheffield, American Ambassador to Mexico, was to protest infringements on the rights of Americans in the reli gious conflict. Commander John Rogers, hero of the unsuc cessful San Francisco to Honolulu flight, obtained permission to try a,ijpin. A. J. Cook, British labor leader, accused his Government of misleading America about the Britiah mine Ft) ike. John H. Marshall, Mayor of Warren, 0., ordered the Felice Department abandoned when the city “went broke. 1 * C. P. BARRINGER AGAIN ‘ IS ELECTED PRESIDENT Other Officers of State Labor Body 1 Named at Concluding Session. fr.’i-buiy. Aug. tl>c .In-* ductiou into office of newly elected officers, the annual * convention of the North Carolina State Federation of Labor adjourned here this after noon. Officers elected were: G. I*. Bar ringer, Salisbury, president; R. W. Morton, Charlotte, first vice presi dent ; E. D. Crouch. Winston-Salem, second vice president; J- T. Robert son, third vice presi dent; J. W. Whitesides, Henderson ville, fourth vi'ce president; It. D. Apple, Greensboro, fifth vice presi dent; D. J. Butler, Spencer, sixth vice president ; M. F. Johnson, seven th vice president; O. G- Worley, Asheville, secretary, and treasurer; W. G. Watson, Salisbury, sergeant at-arms, and L. J. Williams, Win stou-Salem, chaplain. A loving cup was presented Mr Barringer by the convention to ex press appreciation for the w’ork he has accomplished during the three years he has beeh president. Hendersonville was chosen as the place for the 1927 convention of the federation, winning out over Hick ory and Durham. Anti-Evolution Resolution. The evolution question was tack led by the convention this morning and in a measure offered by J. S. Upton, machinist, of Salisbury, through the resolutions committee, asks that the legislature pass an act forbidding the teaching of evolution orany theory that man was the descendant of any lower animal, in any tax-supported school or college in North Carolina. Muj. W. F. Moody, of Raleigh, expressed the be lief that this would be wading in deep water and offered a motion to table, which was lost by a decisive vote. There followed considerable discus sion in which President Barringer read a letter from President Green of the American Federation ol Labor, opposing the bringing up of this question in labor bodies, and ii which he hinted that it was agamsi freedom ofthought and fundamentals of teaching. The convention by al most unanimous vote passed the measure. Settle Compensation Issue* The workmen’s compensation ques tion was settled, so far as this con vention is concerned, by referring it to a joint conference of representa tives of the state federation and the rai'way brotherhoods There is a di i vision between these two bodies over this question and efforts wi l he made ot get these together. Two Aged Men Put on a Fatal Duel. Sweetwater, Tex., Aug. 12. —Two old men old enough to be grand fathers settled their differences with automatic rifles today at Gamp Spring, 35 miles north of here, and : both died within an hour. J. D. Ware, 70, lived on a farm • owned by W. S. Reed. 65. and il* ; Reeling is said to have arisen between ■ them some months ago. Both are sur • vived hV large families. They li ve “ ■ within 100 yards of each-other. '• A French court has just settled a ; suit concerning ownership of 1- i acres of land ti ed in the year 137 t It is estimated that lawyers fees <la r ‘ ? ing this period were sufficient to c have bought the property twenty -011 ** ► times over. Commander JOHN % ' ..vjjxv. -?sy / ■ s ~ b H ||| Hr Bbl HI • fUfk. M cJOHN H.MAHSHALL URGES AN ITP-TO-DATE SYSTEM OF AUDITING For Every County in the State. Audi tor Durliam Talks to the ponvmfc * signers. Morehead City, Aug. 11. — UP) —An up-to-date system of auditing for ev ery county in the state wa? urged by State Auditor Baxter Durham speaking here tonight before the con vention of county commissioners of | t'lie state. Mr. Durham declared ! that such a system would aid in pro- j tecting the credit of the various coun ties and would result in great savings to. the taxpayers. Modern methods of handling county tax systems and • its disbursing and receiving agencies \ are just as essential as are modern ! methods in everyday business. Mr. Durham asserted that he had come in close contact with the va- j rious methods or lack of jpethods of accounting in tlie counties because; of his position as Btate auditor and in checking over the yarious coun ties. He remarked that in some counties there appeared to be lack of knowledge of the very essentials of business. As an example of this he mentioned that he had known of cases where sinking funds were di verted to general funds and vice versa. He also mentioned that the county financial status depended handling its* affairs in a proper man ner and cited instances where bond interest payments were not made promptly and apparently were given little consideration. Mr. Durham expressed his belief j in a state auditing system and said that in that way the state officials could bring to each county the ex-i periences gathered in other counties, to the ultimate benefit of all. He declared that the books of a county should be carefully audited at least once a year and added that careful systems of bookkeeping between the auditing periods would result in mak ing the task much easier and more undesirable. From a standpoint of benefit to taxpayers, Mr. Durham declared that •areful auditing systems time and again had demonstrated their worth by adding to a county’s resources al most forgotten items of revenue and that careful search of tax lists had brought in large sums that should have been collected in the regular course of business, had the business vbeen properly conducted. He drew a parallel between such methods in the counties and the use of similar methods in everyday business life and asked the question, how long would a business last that overlooked its assets and peglected to collect its ac counts? He closed with a declaration that the state came to the counties not 1 to take away from the authority lodged in county officials but to aid in the exercise of this authority so 1 so far as fiscal , affairs were con cerned. He said that an audit of the county was not only to check up the actual figures on the hooks but to take into account every element of interest in the county and that in this connection the state stood I ready because of experience gained to aid she county officials in checking up on what they hod in their counties i and rightly classifying each Rem, to > the ultimate benefit of the county and . thus the taxpayer. > During the past fiv» years Cana ■ da has spent $200,000,000 on road ' construction. J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher Something Must Be Done to . Make Prisoners Work, Says Sink Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel Raleigh. Aug. 12.—“ Something must be done to make prisoners work, and work hard, and stop malingering in prison camps ns the result of banish ing the lash in prison camps.” said R. H»frlc Sink, commissioner of pardons and paroles, in commenting on th£ story carried by the Asheville Times telling of t’le manner in which con vict discipline had gone to smash at the Graggy prison camp—a county camp—on the French Broad River, after whipping had been banned. The story said that groups of convicts, numbering from eight to twelve -men,, were seen lounging or sleeping in the shade, refusing to work because they said “they didn’t feel good.” Officers' of the camp said that t’here was noth-*! ing they could do to make them work, and that they were also getting “real’ sassy to the guards.’’ “I have a plan that I will announce. Inter that I think will solve this sit uation,” said Sink, “but I am not pre pared to make it public yet. How ever. we are going to devise someway to make these malingering convicts work and work hard. lam not now j and never have been favor of coddling convicts, and if it is not pos-j sible to make theip work at hard la bor. as was stipulated when they were sentenced, then both the purpose and the spirit of the law is defeated.” Just what this plan it is not known, 4 although it is no secret here that a number tire advocating a law to per-, mit whipping of prisoners, under the direction arid supervision of a physi cian, and after a given number of lashes has been ordered by the prison superintendent. Thjs would prohibit the indiscriminate whipping of prison ers by guards and would prevent any whilling while they are at work, but would still the fear of the lash 1 in their minds, inasmuch as they could expect fiSgiven number of lashes for refusal to work. and for other of discipline. Those who favor this system point to the fact that there is a certain class of “hard boiled” criminal who has no fear of anything except the lash. Mr. Sink would not comment in any way upon this proposal to insti tute “supervised whipping under med ical direction” and after a medical examination of the prisoner, to see that he was able to withstand it. However, Mr. Sink is a most vehe ment advocate of a uniform state law* dealing with prison camps, time off for good behavior, treatment of pris oners and prison discipline. He says that there is great need for uniform Legislation dealing with prison samps and the state prison alike, and is in favor of co-ordinating koth county and state prison camps under one direc Sudden Cloudburst Floods Atlanta Causing Damage of Large Extent Atlanta, Aug. ll.—Sudden flood waters menaced a score of lives at noon here today when, storm sewers were unable to carry off the hepvy precipitation of a hard downpour. Lightning, flashing through the rain storm, occasioned the burning of one residence and, damaged other houses in smaller degree. Eight-year-old* Jimmie Cleveland was paddling about in a street pool with other boys, when the rain at taiped almost cloudburst; proportions. Before t’iie lads were aware of the se riousness of the sit,uati<yi Jimmy was swept into a storm sewer and was gone from sight. His playmates,, crying for aid, ran down the street -more than a block where the four. THE COTTON MARKET ' Further Declines In Today’s Early 'trading—Off 14 to 20 Points. ] New York, Aug. 12.— (A 3 ) —A re newal of Wall Street liquidation, lo cal and southern selling caused furth er declines in the cotton market in today’s early trading. The selling was promoted by relatively easy Liv erpool cables, with reports of con- j • tinued favorable weather in the belt, )' and again accompanied by talk of a possible increase in the mid-August, crop indication as compared with August first figures. 1 The market opened easy at decline of 13 to 17 points and showed net losses of 14 to 20 points before the end of the first half hour, with De ceirf6er selling down to 16.12, or ther lowest price touched since publica tion of last Monday’s government crop report. There was some trade buying and, covering on a scale down; but it was supplied on slight bulges and some southern hedge selling was reported here as well as further li- ( quidation of old long accounts. Cotton futures opened easy. Oct. 16.29 ; Dec. 16.16; Jan. 16.17; March 16.38; May 16.54. A SHERIFFS’ CONVENTION AT OXFORD CLOSES To Meet at Wrightsvllle Beach Next Year. —D. E. Hunt Is President. Oxford, N. C., Aug. 12. — (A*) —The. sheriffs’ convention closed here today after selecting Wrightsville Beach as the next annual meeting place, and | naming D. E. Hunt, of Oxford, as its president. Other officers were: B. E. Scull, of Hertford, vice president, and O. A. Glover, of Wilson, secretary-treasur- The convention went on record at its final session as opposed to any state-wide law governing regulation of county governments and also voted to hold an extra session in Raleigh during the meeting of the General As sembly. / tional hand., “In the case of county camps, par ticularly, is this reform needed,” said Mr. Sink. “At present almost ev er£ county is a law into itself in th administration of its prison <r and convict gangs. Some are well administered, whik counties conditions are far ft | they ought to be. some I method should be worked out whereby ) ; al ) prison camps, county and state .alike, can be administered in the same J manner, with the same regulation and modes of punishment in all of them. In this day and above all else, all the convicts who are physically able should he made to work and work hard. That is why they are where they are—to work. And the state should take whatever means neces sary, within the bounds of humanity, to see that this is done.” At present, when a prisoner refuses to work, and he is found to b? phys ically able to, the only recourse is to put him in solitary confinement, Mr. {Sink said, and this method of pun ishment is welcomed by many, whfl much prefer a diet of bread and water for ten or twelve days, to doing any labor. Recently, in one camp, eigh teen men were in solitary confinement at one time, remaining there for ap proximately ten days each. VRils meant a loss of 180 days work, at a cost of $2 a day. Thus solitary confinement is expensive punishment. However, George Ross IVnt. super intendent of state prisons, and Dr. J. H. Norman, warden of the state pris on, while in favor of a centralized prison administration for both county and state convicts, both are opposed to whipping convicts, under any. con sideration, maintaining that while it may take longer to get the same re sults from solitary confinement, is more humane and gets more lasting results. In solitary confinement, the prisoner is given an opportunity to determine his own course of action, and when he comes out and decides to work, there generally is no more trouble with him. AYhipping a man. 1 on the other hand, makes a man vin dicative and ugly and harder to man age. / “I nave seen both systems, aiyi I would not for a minute ever advocate the return to whipping undeg any cir cumstances,” says Dr. Norman. **Our experience is that we have beeen get ting much better results, with a high er morale, both in the prison campg, on the prison farms and in the pen tral prison itself, since the lash has been abolished. We do not want its return.” “ . A unified prison admiriiirtffrtion is the only thing that will solve the prison camp discipline prbolem, Dr. Norman believes. foot* drain ernptied into an open cul vert. r Wading shoulder deep in the swollen stream, young Cleveland’s friends and two men caught the boy 'as he was swept out by the underground torrent and brought him to safety. Fifteen negroes, living in a low ly ing section, marooned in their quar ters were rescued by firemen who swam about in water ten feet deep to bring them to “land.” Firemen and others furnished aid to the distressed in less serious flood emergencies else where. v The weather bureau reported a pre cipitation of 2.93 inches wdthin an hour. The storm was local in char acter, the bureau officials said. TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTED Personnel Given Out at Governor’s Office.—D. M. Ausley, of States ville a Member. Raleigh, Aug. 12. — UP) —For the purpose of investigating freight rates in the State and to other states, the .feasibility of developing North Caro lina ports and to act in an advisory capacity to the Corporation Commis sion in rate hearings. Governor Mc- Lean today announced the personnel of the transportation advisory com mission. Twelve citizens of the state were named to the commission, which will meet in September, at the call of the governor, to consider its organization and devise p’aps for its methods of procedure* The commission will be composed of the following: J. Allen Taylor, of Wilmington; E. K. Bishop, of New Bern; James A. Gray, of Winston- Salem ; William Preyer, of Greens boro; John W. Hause, of Wilson; George Marsh, of Raleigh; T. J. Pur die, of Fayetteville; M. O. Blount, of Bethel; D. M. Ausley, of States ville ; Fred Kent, of Asheville; J. Leake Spencer, of Charlotte, and T.! Austin Finch, of Thomasville. Wouldn’t Take the Ticket, and Why. Anniston, Ala., Aug. 2,r—A youth appeared at a theater box office here the other day and handed the cashier a dime and refused a ticket. He explained by saying he “beat his way” in the show three years ago —by using the same ticket twice to gain admission —and that his con science hurt him and be wanted to pay the dime to the manager to re move the load from his conscience. > The dime was accepted by the dumb founded cashier. _e i Superstitious Chinamen play on many weird instruments while ine sun is in eclipse to frighten away she evil spirit they believe are de couring it. ROCKEFELLER SCIO| UCCH'FO OF TRYIHR . oiiiUGGLE GOODS Into This Country When i He Arrived in New York on the Liner France on Wednesday Night. WORE T6P COAT DESPITE HE\J When He Was Searched 14 Razors, an Expensive Pipe and Other Things < Were Found. ________ • New York, Aug, 12.— UP) — -A cus toms fine of $476.20 imposed upon Sterling Rockefeller, great-nephew Os John D. Rockefeller, was paid todajr to redeem goods which the young man was charged with attempting to smug gle info the country. The fine was paid by«a representative of the estate of William G. Rockefeller, the you’ng j man's father. New York. Aug. 12.—( A »)—Goods J belonging to J. Sterling Rockefeller, j son of Wm. G. Rockefeller, and great nephew of John I). Rockefeller, were held by the collector of the port tfsiay on the ground that the young itian had attempted to smuggle them into the country when he arrived on t|ie ; liner France last night. Customs guard L. P. Cassidy, who i was stationed at the customs barrier, said that his attention was attracted to young Rockefeller because he *** wearing a top cant. despite the swel tering heat. On closer inspection he said he noticed the pockets of the coat j bulging as though tightly packed. <it Cassidy stopped the young man and in searching his pockets found 14 raz ors. an expensive English pipe, binoc ulars and two decorative automobile radiator caps. f The grandson of the late Wm. Rockefeller, brother of the Standard Oil magnate, sailed on June 24 last j With two* other Yale students, in third class accommodations. They toured Eurqpe together 1 bjut Rockefeller re- i timed in first class cabin on the "ranee. He gave his address as Greenwich, Conn. ; He was takeu before Phil ip. El ting, collector of the port, who ordered the goods seised. After determining the foreig* value and duty of the goods the collector placed a personal penalty of 100 per cent, in addition to the domestic value. Young Rockefeller will be forced to pay $476 to reclaim the goods. " WHITTEMORE MUST DIE ON THE GALLOWS is United States Supreme Court Dentes Aplication For Writ of Errorl” Beverly Farms. Mass.. Aug. 12. — UP) —IV S. Supreme Court Justice <")!*■ iver Welded Holmes today denied the application for a writ of error made ) b.v Attorney G. L. Pendleton ;fyi T>e lialf of Richard Reese Whittemore ilii der* sentence of death in Baltimore. Pendleton and Deputy District :At torney Rowland K. Adams, wh’o" ap peared for the prosecution, were .clos eted with Justice Holmes here for more than an hour. Both of them came from' Baltimore last nrglilj Ad ams making his decision to make the trip after he had learned the -negro attorney planned to make a fight for the life of his client to .the highest court in the land. ' Pendleton's petition was for a writ of error on denial of a writ of habeas corpus b.v the Baltimore courts. With Our Advertisers. You can get any «uraw t>at in the store of the Parks-Belk Co. for half price. See ad. The Southern will run a mid-sum mer excursion to Richmond, Norflfck and Virginia Beach on Thursday, _ Au gust 19th. Round trip fare Concord, $6.50, $7.50 and sß.o©• re spectively. This will be die last excursion of the season to YiVglnia • points. See M. E. Woody, agent, for further particulars. , ' See Bell & Harris and find out what . charming bedrooms can be arranged at small expenditure. Old Payroll Show Value of Pre-War Negro Slaves. Mobile, Ala.. Aug. 12.—0P>--The warehouse of tHe Mobile and Ohio Railroad has given up several pay-, rolls made out to slave owners, the oldest having been made out and signed by Oliver Beer, former slave owner connected with the M. Sc 0,, in 1858, three years before the civil war. ' Vfj On the list were such names %f slaves aV Tom, Washington, An thony, Jefferson and John. Each worked in section gangs of the M. & O. before the Civil war. They were “worth" S2O or $25 a to their physical abilities. ' In splendid handwriting, - clearly legible despite its age, the names of the negroes in slavery, their masters and wages were written in separate , columns on the unbleached paper. , Over the fiPfp’sre in the London apartment of Bernard Shaw appears the mo tt<t: "What they say, let them say." THE WEATHER Fair in east, local thundershowers in west portion tonight and Friday. Moderate south and southwest winds. NO. i;

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