i'i£jd Of Miners One |f Greatest Feats In. v Annals Os Mining o Men Taken Aiiye Mine Exiiocted to er from k ftetls oi FEAT n Were Tapped 800 : n Mine E asl JI 1 jO Had I’art m testae. "" F M». A>) •- ; L .• ..... r;ifking • 1-* . .1. I»ti IS' of j W' 18 .; j;; ‘ ,-whiskered t if [ -|,;tal beds i M ne.trly a Ill( j ill,- lift mini who rii',- f'.r their f.'seue ! ifinp.' . | . / rJj»* lia> • un'ier-i’oinid lam iA c;i\V-'ii whic h kill ; ::m>. t!i«* last <>l 0 " v% )„•, Hi:!): to tin* stir- . drfit. adding one of the j in mining an- ; gjen were rcciipcrat itlg j Lp.witm .-xnei-ience. Tii»y | .;, l n-jilaeing their i i4rk t'-a hfewetl over |l , lv front lunch : vi r k v... - -•ripped from 1 r :,i,-:r V s i iltlg pi 1 > sic- , ! jj, i.i g.i to t heir t ejfi-.-ti-i thr.uigh linn-: .i; ,)■ t utouml shafts | hurried!.' con : j . weaketietl and • ! ■ 1 t tv caw-ms.. Bt .;, •... impr's mi'll men | j- v.o < 'hicago. safety ; ,I*ii'iti.a Company and a (>y,.f tii'- mine. He was Ihb Tn wartiia. a shift g. nthers wort* on ;>,.v ;!.e r companions ►,was fi.llowed by ('apt. ( „f ;lie Pabst mine rinm Mining <Gapt. J Ri rhe Tilden Mine at ; t. and Oscar Olsen,l fdfffie (M ver Uoniprrny.-' Brway through the dan-1 ! passage. Stef Hawes asked Tre < I. jii, K. Forty-three men I tarartlia replied. Rtni the news to his , ran wet-.* at various places Titer in turn relayed it , on tlie surface knew J t"alive and well.”, t long until the imprison fnake ami rejoicing. All pcSing a long cigar Hawes fs. tobacco and other ar- | ike the men as comfortable j !frH immediately dispatch- i tt;ie reM-ut-i's started mak- |. pt'-a-a- safer 'with heavy ! j tft*r fi o'clock last night i dknkelman. ds. father of la. emerged, lit' was the f men to emne to the sur i thousand pn-sons were wt tlie shaft. Synkelman, \ ’k N iron ore. was taken j ► rescue car f .i- examina-i P* n f-w words with j P’i family, ho went to the j L I * >ii were given prtdimi- \ Ntion bv a fdiysician who] ; i' l tl\eir s U htcrranean ( -declared they were all , *-ials thought it, best all 1 e>'!ta:. I-" iniilies of each ' “ttfd to spend a Title time ! ‘1 the "iitomlH'd men gave up | 5 t'Kik care to keep their j and knew thev had j »M five days. K it ch 24 ; r ldaeetl on a piece wt indicating that another. Ussed. p n -' tbp ‘‘salvat'on army I " ' lls T low prisoners j n " s -'ttiguig and pray- j ' Vt,|v hp'ng made to li *hl— .known to the men. "Hag operations from * % said. 11 Ole reunions that it. "n *T inp *>» (L ‘ . 1( >’iw is happv. f ijack' ,n ' r ' llilt '.' 1 . ,1 “‘ inen a F’ J° ning i;r tiie i it? h. |j 0 , 1'• ii< 1 rescue lam,. from thumghout 'atlge n i erivw- ' ,l l;lll . v ilisrupt '■Utlties. > Way ’’"iTt'ftakt'n to he S o„f Jn,l!; 1 impriison r '-p 1 '' 1 Inizard •ttorn ~f t upward [)!•*,. fN , . blocked bottom r Ac ‘ ittgh „ \." f was 1* the sh- f T *' a ‘ ' uni 'el con ttltwardfi llline - b * ; kHl uTt''”' ~, r f,)Und ar(,, ind t,p ;• l“vel. 2lst ],... , section 51 diPfr o Tll ° shaft f«.br,Jrt r ;r k "" th « r l the siih, r . ’“"•-is to the ri i ai ’'-aii abode of , Stlt ]py ( .l . ,0 desco, , , 1,1 lnn iers S and J, ,y la, hlers to I '' < a! ll . r ' through a shaft t 'h°n up ,J ta,. , sur f. loe> THE CONCORD TIMES $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. THE STATE REVENUES Tot«l Collections Fcc.m Auto and Gas- j t line Taxes S 5 671.964.86. Tribune Bureau I Sir Walter Hotel j Raleigh. Sept. MO.—The surplus for j l!)2<l-27 F.iould be even huger than the surplus for the fiscal year just past, judging from the manner in, which money is ro.liug into the coffers of tlie department of revenue and the i highway eomm.ssion. Revenue eoilee-i tious for September, which will be !of ticia.’y announced tomorrow, total s<sl <5,154.04, as compared with col lections of but $457.5*11).90 for Sen-, i timber. 1025. Total collections for» July. August and September, the first ! quarter of the new biennium, amount to $2,001.0N5.20, as compared with 1 but 51.840.517.(55 for t'ne same three) months in 1025, showing a gain in collections of $250,270.04. The tigures above include only that revenue that goes into the State treas ury for operating expenses, and does not include collections by the auto mobile license bureau of license fees and gasoline tax. License fees for September total $240.005M.28, and gasoline tax collections amount to $7M<5.709.01, the largest gasoline tax collected in one mouth in the history of the tax. The total received during July, August and September from the sale of automobile license plates, all of which is devoted to 'nighways, amounts to $3,610,861.30, while gasoline tax collections for the same period of three months and which also goes to I the highway department amounts to , $2,061,013.5(5. Thus the total eol i lected from the automobile licenses j an;l gasoline tax for the first three j montiis of the present fiscal year ! amounts to $5,671,1)64.86, all of which j goes to the highway commission to ] j be applied to operating expenses, re- ( | tiring bond issues, paying interest j ; and for new highway construction. Taken altogether, the $2,091,088.- , 20 collected by the department of rev- , j etiue for State puropses, and the $5,- . (571,984.86 collected for the highway department, tlie total collection for j State and highway purposes give the grand total of $7,763,053.17 collected i ! in July, August and September. < The collections from the various . sources of revenue for SepfetulieF- are 1 ‘Us’ follows:' ' : Income tax (personal and i corporation ,$251,724.31 < i Itlheritance Tax 63.220.55 j Schedule It 74,729.50 ! Schedule C 199,307.28 i Bus tax 16.657.80 i Insurance tax 10.415.41 ! Total $616,154.94 The large increase in schedule C j collections, which consists of fran chise taxes on telephone and telegraph corporation and businesses, is gen- ; erally interpreted as indicating a heal I'll yconditiou in business over the state. No comment was forthcoming from the department of revenue other than ( that the department was satisfied with | both the showing made during Sep- j teinber and for the first three months , of the present fiscal year. WANTS REMEDY FOR \ 1 LOW PRICED COTTON i Governor Whitfield Suggests Confer- 1 enoe Where Situation Can Be Dls- 1 cussed. Jackson, Miss., Sept. 30. —C4 5 ) —De- ]daring the depression resulting from | the rapid decline in the price of cot -1 ton is already being felt in all forms iof business in tlie South, Governor Henry *L. Whitfield today addressed a letter to the governors of cotton j growing states, recommending that leach appoint a delegation to meet at I a central point to discuss plans for i alleviating the situation. ! The governors are asked to tele ' graph their willingness to appoint a delegation of five representative busi ness men and suggest a meeting p*ace. I y ' Demand for Unskilled Labor. ; Raleigh, Sept. 30. (/P) Ihe de mand for unskilled labor continued in | greater volume than could be supplied last week in North Carolina, the weekly report on labor conditions is sued by the State-Federal employment bureau indicates. The report shows that last week 844 persons were placed in jobs in the state, of which 652 were men and : 102 were women. The total regis tration reached 1,140 and t'here were 1,242 requests for help. Os the total placements 565 were in the unskilled labor classes. The great demand for this type of labor was attributed to the large amount of construction work in the piedmont section and the cotton picking activ ities now general in the cotton belt of the state. With Our Advertisers. Put a Continental suite in your bedroom. Ten shades to select from [ at Bell & Harris'. Yorke & Wadsworth Co. has just i received another car of 28 guage gal vanized roofing. Get your now. • Ta’lored gowns in satin at Fish . er's, $9.75 to $39.50. See description l in new ad. today. . Special attractive prices on Fire -5 stone gum-dipped tires at the Ritchie ) Hardware Co. 30x3 1-2 regular i clincher cord for only $9.95 cash. Ev i J ery tire in stock reduced. See special I ad. today. Thone 117. A j In Good, Form John L. Hutcheson, son of a . Chattanooga (Tenn.) million aire, appeared in a New York court wearing a full dress suit. He was arrested for-reckless driving on his way from a so- j ciety wedding. He paid a SSO fine. MISS MITCHELL TO GO TO THE HURRICANE AREA Her Work is Well Known O the Red Cross Organization. Tribune Bureau. Sir Walter Hotel. RalelgTi, Sept. 30. —The North Carolina Department of Public Wel fare iis going to dp it« part in as- j sisting the hurricane area of Florida by sending Miss Lillie Mitchell, director of the Laura Spillman Me morial work in the State to Florida, to work with tlie Red Cress as a case supervisor and director, it is announced by Mrs. Kate Burr John son, Commissioner of Public Wel fare. The loan of Miss Mitchell to the Red Cross for a period of three months is asked of the Department of Public Welfare in a telegram to . Mrs. Johnson from .L B. Gwin. of [ ffw A inert n ReJ Cross 111 Wa i-| ington, in winch stated that 150 j eases workers and experienced case j supervisors are needed in Florida at I once. M iss Mitchell was formerlj J with the Red Crors and her work is j well known to that organization, and t it is because of her ability as an or ganizer and an executive that her | services are desired at this time in Florida. Miss Mitchell wris not in Raleigh today, but Mrs. Johnson said that the department, would gladly release her for the three months period and that she was quite sure that Miss Mitchell would accept this new call I to duty forthwith. The American | Red Cross will assume her salary and I all expenses during her leave of absence. In her work with the Department of Public Welfare. Miss Mitchell has been in charge of the welfare work in four counties, conducted some thing as an experiment in connection with the Social Service school of the University, of North Carolina, by means of the gift of $60,000 from the Laura Spillman (Rockefeller) me morial foundation. These four coun ties are Wake. Orange. Chathom and and the work has been eminently successful. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Easy at Decline of 8 to 16 Points and Was Unsettled at End of First Hour. .. New York. Sept. 30.—(#)—'The cot ton market opened easy, today at a decline of 8 to 16 points under over night selling Qrders from the South, liquidation by some of yesterday’s buyers, x’elatively easy late cables from Liverpool and a more favorable! reading of the weather map. Rallies on trade buying and cover ing by October shorts on the decline were checked by continued southern selling and the market was unsettled at the end of the first hour. De cember sold off to 14.34 and Man’i to 14.65, net declines? of 27 to 30 points on qctive months. ; Private cables from Liverpool said and covering had been offset by liquidation in the English market, but .there was a better feel ing in Manchester with demand for cotton cloths from Lnjdia and she home trade improving. Cotton futures opened easy: Oct. 14.45; Dec. 14:50; Jan. 14.56; March 14.76; May 153)0. Sellers Kitchen Cabinet Sale. Only SI.OO down puts a Sellers Kitchen cabinet' in your kitchen, bal ance monthly.* You also get free a set of dinner ware that will set a table for six. Tlie Concord Furn ture Co. will also allow you $5.00 for your old cabinet regardless of the make. Every woman who visits the Kitch en Cabinet department of this store will get free a transparent measur ing cup. You pay the low sale price of the Cabinet only. The chinaware set is a gift to you. Pay for this greatest of all kitchen conveniences on the easiest terms while you use it. Go ■ tomorrow and see the remarkable ‘ values offered. In Florida waters are so be found l six hundred and fifty species of fish. CONCORD. N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTE MBER 30, 1926 GEO, E, WILLIAMS FIRST WITNESS TO AID T. W, MILLER By Him Defense Hopes to Show the Claims Paid to Merton Were Legal and ! Paid in Good Faith. iDAUGHERTY TO ACT SEPARATELY iHe Will OffeTSis Defease I ’ After Counsel for MiHer Has Completed List of the Witnesses. New York, Sept. 30.—C4 3 )—The de fense of Thomas W. Milter, former alien property custodian, charged with conspiracy, was begun in federal court today. Miller is being tried jointly with Harry M. Daugherty, attorney gener al in the Harding cabinet. They are charged wir.i conspiracy to defraud the United States of their “hoimst and unbiased)’ services in eonnecUon with the payment of claims of $7,000,- 000. The first witness called was George ; E. Williams,; of Passaic, N. J., man aging director of the alien property cutcdian’s office. Previous witnesses testified Williams tutored Richard Merton. German metal magnate, in fi ing for the Societe Suissp Pour Valeurs de Metnux cllaims for the impounded shares of the American Metal Do. William S. Rand, counsel for Mil-1 ler, began the defense without an op ening address. Daugherty’s defense will be conducted separately. Just; j before Williams took t’.ie stand Judge j Mack ruled that Williams had not j been shown to have had in 1021 guil ty knowledge of the alleged corrupt agreement of Daugherty and Miller j to defraud the United States. For this reason, he said, Williams was not considered a co-conspirator ~ as the government had alleged but testimony regarding him would remain in the record on another ground It had been objected by counsel for, Daug’lierty and Miller in chamber dis missions yesterday that testimony re- i igardin conversations Merton had with | [ Williams were not admissible, unless ! jit werq shown that lie were a eo- j conspirator. ! Although Kami launched Miller's 1 j defense without opening address, bite | questioning cf Williams revealed that | j an attempt will be made to show that I j the $7,000,000 claims were valid, and | that they were* paid in good faith. | The government in arguments dur- j ing presentation of its case contended that ,the conspiracy charge could be shown regardless of whether Merton's claims were valid. FORTY-THREE MEN ARE FOUND ALIVE IN MINE Survive Five Days’ Imprisonment Half Mile Under the Earth’s Sur face. Ironwood, Mich., Sept. 29. —Forty- three imprisoned and starved miners were found “alive and well” today half a mile from the earth's surface in the G. Pabst iron mine, where they had been imprisoned five days. A plea for light greeted rescue work ers who crossed a shaky 39-foot “cat walk” and penetrated the prison of the men. The miners reported they had subsisted on birch bark ten, khich they made in their lunch buckets over the fire of their miners’ lamps. Sirens and horns of the town sounded the hopeful note which thou sands waited for since noon last Fri day, when a cage dropped in a shaft, I loosening tons of rocks and earth, ki’ ing three men outright and trap ping the 43 miners on the eighth Wei of the mine almost a half mile from the surface. Shortly before noon miners and j rescue workers from Chicago worked J their way up the eighth leVel from ! another level almost a mile from the ] earth surface, and found ladders ex tending to the eighth level in fair condition. They threw rails and pow er lines across a 30-foot chasm and with the daring of tight rope walkers skipped across to he side of im prisoned men to be greeted by Tom Trewartha, a sturdy mine boss, who reported all hands well. Rescue workers tapped a signal on an iron pipe short’y before they reached the men, receiving a signal in reply. George Hawes, assistant director of safety of the Pullman company of Chicago, who formerly worked j here and who volunteered for rescue | work was the first across the "cat walk” and was greeted by Tra wartha, who grasped his hand. X “How are you?” Hawes asked “We are all o. k. Forty-three men all right. We lived on tea made from birch bark.” Create Steel Consortium. Brussells, Be'gium, Sept. 30. — V?) —The French. German, Belgian and ■ Luxemboug steel interests today ■ signed an agreement creating a Breat8 reat • steel consortium. The agreement goes into effect tomorrow. All of e '* > gium’s demands were met, including i a monthly production allotment of t 295,000 tons. x—- „ - ) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Honeycutt ..and ? children, who have been spending • some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Honeycutt, have gone to 1 Winston-Salem to visit relatives for f several days before returning totfieir home in Richmond, Va. Program For the Fourth Annual Cabarrus Fair Tuesday, Actober 12th—Education al Day, Iredell County Day. Wednesday. October 13Fa—Meck lenburg County Day, Union County, i Day. II Thursday, October 14th —Cabarrus j County Day. Stanly County Day, ! Merchants' and Manufacturers’ Day, ( Third Annual Dog Show, Home Com ing Day. 1 Friday, October 15th —Farmers’ I Da.v, Rowan County Day, Fraternal Orders Day. Saturday, October 10th —Sales Day. The Horse Races The horse race program consists of ■ | ten races, each for a purse of S3OO or more. Races every afternoon, eom ; mencing at 1 :30 o’clock. The "cream | of the turf" will race at this fair. , | New Attractions I I Among the free attractions to be j presented each afternoon and evening: • William & Bernice, comedy acrobatic I acts; Van Norman, sensational high {dive on bicycle; The Riding Caste'los.; beautiful riding acts; Florentz Duo & Co., comedy acrobats; the Steiner Trio, comedy acts; Roscoe Armstrong & Go., comedy Ford act; Walter Stanton & Co., featuring the giant i rooster; Bernardi Greater Shows and Rides will occupy the midway; i i motorcycle races. | Startling Fireworks. As usual, a costly and elaborate fireworks display, planned and per-1 fected by the Ohio Fireworks Co. will I PRISONER PARDONS HIMSELF Rubin Johnson’s ApUcation for Par <k n Was to Have Been Considered Yesterday. * Tribune Bureau ' Sir Walter Ho(el Raleigh, Sept. 30.—Here is one [ case where the good offices of neither j Governor A. W. McLean nor Pardons i Commissioner H. Hoyle Sink were ] needed for. in the words of the pris j oner's lawyers, the prisoner "pardoned I himself yesterday afternoon and left jno address.” So Sink found himse.f I with one less application for parole to hear. - I It came about this way: A few j days ago the commissioner of pardons » received a letter from T. F. Limerick, tof Monroe, stating that he wished to make application for a parole for his client, one Rubin Johnson, who had been sentenced to ten years on the j Union county roads some four years ! ago for second degree murder. He [ stated that Johnson had made a good I prisoner, and recited the usual form * uln incident to the obtaining of A I hearing. He was notified by Mfi j Sink that he would be given a hear ; ing yesterday. But alas and alack. his services were no longer needed, las aformentioned Rubin had taken to [ Ais heels while employed with the chain gang, and departed without I leaving ah address! ■ So instead of appearing in behalf of his client, Mr. Limerick wired Mr. Sink that “Rubin Johnson lias par doned himself.” * I Whether this forecasts the eventual I abolition of the office of commission er of pardons remains to be seen. However, It does inspire the follow ing limerick apropos to the occasion : There was a bold convict named J , Rubin 1 Who said "I think I better So he took to his heels. Disdaining appeals, Leaving Limerick and Sink -disallu sioned. Sinclair Stock Hit By Teapot Dome Decision. New- York. Sept. 29.—Common stock of the Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corporation was hammered down to a new low level for the year at $18.50 a share on the New York Stock Exchange today on selling in spired by the decision of the States Circuit Court of Appeals at St. Louis, reversing the decision of the lower court in upholding the lease on the Teapot Dome oil re serves. The stock rallied to 10 1-4 at the close, as against a high of 24 7-8 earlier in the year. The Sinclair Corporation, in a statement tonight, declared the cir cuit court decision can have little ef fect upon that company, stating that the Sinclair company is not a prin cipal in the case, its intehest being ‘due merely to the ownership of about 25 per cent of the stock of the Mam moth Oil Company, which controls the lease. “Bishop” to Resume Charlotte Ser vices- Charlotte, Sept. 29. —“Bishop” C M. Grace, Fortuguese “faith healer" has not left Charlotte for good but will be back here perhaps tomorrow , to continue his meeting it became known today. Explanation of the absence of the “bishop” from Charlotte came today in the announcement that th< j “ bishop” went to New York t< j carry out his part of a contract with i a phonograph record corporation ts ! make a record of one of his sermons, j After the completion of the serv ices here this week, “Bishop” Gract | exjiects to begin service at Winston- Salem. i i Fall Shoes For Men, Women ami Children. .You will find at the Richmond * Flowe Company 32 or more different ■ styles of shoes for men. women and [ children. They are agents for the 1 famous Star Brand shoes, wh : ch al ways give you good wear. They wil' give $5.00 cash reward and replace ) the shoes free of charge to the wear r er of any pair of Star Brand Shoes I containing leather-board, paper or fi > ber-board, substitutes for leather in tbs r outsoles, insoles, heels or See • full page ad. in this paper today for luts of the various styles. be presented nightly. T-his year’s displays will even eclipse tliclta of last year. . , / Exhibits on Large Scale. Everything is favorable for a much larger number of />xhibits at this fair than ever before. More room ’lias been provided to house the cattle and swine this year. The Berkshire hog show is predicted to be the largest and best in the state. The dog show will be held Thursday, October 14th. This partieu ar department increased yearly. Serve as State Fair The officials are anxious to take the place of the Carolina State Fair thig year as there will be no state fair. This fair comes on the usual dates of the state fair. Children Admitted. All school children of Cabarrus ami surrounding counties will be admitted free of charge on opening day, Tues ! day, October 12th. Programs Commence Time for the “big doings”: After noon programs start at 1 :30 o’clock sharp. Horse racing and free attrac tions. Nig’lit program commences prompt- Lly at 6:45 o'clock. Fireworks and free acts each night. Admission Prices Adults —Day 50c, night 25c. Children, under 12, anytime, 25c. I Automobiles, inside—2sc. GRIST IN FAVOR OF IMPORTING MEXICAN LABOR For Use in North Carolina Cotton Fields and Industrial Projects. Raleigh, Sept. 30.—( A *)—Frank Grist, state commissioner of labor and printing, is in favor of importing Mexicali labor for use in North Caro* line cotton fields and industrial pro jects, if, he stated, “we can get rid of them when we are throug’li with them.” Mr. Grist stated that the common labor situation is now in the midst of a seasonal shortage, and that two thousand laborers are urgently needed to pick cotton and do construction work. “The worst shortage is being felt in Bad in where the Tallassee Power Company is constructing a gigantic dam for a new generating plant. They can easily used a thousand laborers' tfiere, he stated. Mr. Grist said that so far no great ■ number of imported laborers had put in their appearance in North Caro lina, but thousands of Mexicans had been reported as being used in the southwest. Reports from that section, however, indicated that while they make good laborers they do not make the best citizens, and that they have been branded as undesirable in so many places they have settled. SAYS TARIFF RATES WILL BE INCREASED l This Prediction Made By Senator Burke, of Massachusetts. Washington. Sept. 30. —( A*) —Ano- ther wave rippled today in the ocean of campaign arguments ebbing and flowing between Republican and Dem ocratic spokesmen whose activities are concentrated upon tlie November elections which will decide the con trol of the 70th Congress. After breakfast and luncheon engagements with President Coolidge at the White House. Senator Wm. M. Butler, of Massachusetts, chairman of the repub lican national committee, brought the tariff to the fore with the prediction that some of the Fordney-McCumber schedules now in effect would be re vised upward at the coming short ses sion of Congress, while Senator P. G. Gerry, chairman of the ; Democratic senatorial committee, ’n a statement from his home state of Rhode Island, accused republican managers of mis representing the past and the pres ent. and showing no ability to formu late, a program for the future. GOV. McLEAN AT NORTH WILKESBORO TODAY Speaks at the Wilkes County Fair on Matters of Agriculture. Wilkesboro, N. C.. Sept 30. —04*) — Governor Angus W. McLean today brought a message to several thous and citizens gathered here for the Wilkes County Fair. Tlie Governor’s address dealt large ly with matters of agriculture. . He paid tribute to northeast North Caro lina for its diversification, of crops and said other sections would do well to follow their example.. He gave many facts and figures to support diversification of crops. “The farmers of the state as a whole need to learn not to rely .solely on two crops, cotton and tobacco." the Governor said.. ALLEGED DOPE PEDDLERS ARRESTED IN TAMPA Dr. B. M. Tyson and Several Women Among Those Arrested. Tampa, Fla., Sept. 30—GP>—Ten persons including a physician and sev eral women were arrested on charges of violating the federal anti-narcotic aws during a series of raids in the Tbor City section of Tampa late last night, and early today. Cocaine and morphine valued at more than $1,500 was seized, authori ties stated. Among those taken into custody was Dr. B. M. Tyson, Ybor City phvsician, from whom one of the agents claims to have purchased a quantity of morphine. The official call has berfi issued for the forty-sixth annual convention of the American Federation of Labor, which will begin its sessions in De troit on October 4tk. J. B. SHER&ILL, Editor and Publisher LODGES COMPLAINT j AGAINST HEStu: - j ASHEVILLE NORMAL I ■ / Charges Are Made to the j Stated Clerk of Presby-| ( terian Church by Rev. C. j H. Enfield, of Asheville. ) 15 COUNTSARE MADE IN LETTER Clerk States That Charges Have Been Forwarded to Board Which Will Give Matter Consideration. Asheville. Sept. jw.—OPJ—Grave Charges including allegat'ons of tyr-i anny, extravagance, iinefficiency, fail-! are to keep accurate accounts “a sneer*.! ing attitude toward O.iristian minis- j ters,”. “inhuman treatment of students i ai|d faculty, and the use of the j school’s employees and equipment to! work on his private property, have j been formally preferred against Dr. ) John E. Calfee, president of the Ashe ville Normal aud Associated Schools, j by Rev. C. H. Enfield, of Asheville, a Presbyterian minister, and former member of the Normal school faculty. These and other charges have been field by Mr. Enfield with Dr. Louise L. Mudge, at Philadelphia, Pa., stat ed clerk of the General Assembly, Presbyterian Church in the United States. According to a telegraphic statement from Dr. Mudge, the charg es, have been referred to the church board of national missions which lias immediate jurisdiction over the school, pending a meeting of the general church council in December. Dr. Calfee refused to mako a statement for publication when ques tioned concerning the charges which had been made against him. Dr. Enfield, who is now teaching in the public schools at Swannanoa, was a member of the Normal School facul ty here for three years. He was not reappointed to the Normal School faculty last year. In his letter to the i stated clerk Mr. Enfield includes fif teen specific charges against Dr. Cal fee. which he states are preferred “in the interests of a higher type of Clir's tian service in these our motuitain j misionary schools.” /* ’* BABE RTTH MAY ENTER HIS SEVENTH WORLD’S SERIES No Other Player Has Placed More Than Six— Other Records. New York, Sept- 30. — (A*) —Babe Ruth will break his first world series i record by going out to the park and | taking his place in the opening game, i If the big fellow retains a grip on his health and is ab’e to play, he will enter his seventh world’s series. No other player has played more than six. Tied with Ruth up to this year at six participations in the baseball classic were J. Franklin Baker, Everett Scott, Eddie Collin* and Wally Schang. Baker is farming and not interested in playing world’s series baseball. Scott. Collins and Schang can not better’ their records at the moment for the White Sox and Browns are not winning pennants this year. The leading exponent of baseball biff played three world’s series un der the colors of the Boston Ked Sox and wielded his mace in as many (series sor # the Yankees. Other records may be expected to fall if the Babe is in the game. He will have to, score more thgn eight runs to better one mark—for he is tied with Tommy Leach for the most, runs scored in one series at eight. Ruth is tied with Goose Goslin and Joe Harris of Washington for the most home runs in one series, three, and with Hooper of the Red Sox and Kauff of the Giants for two home runs in one game. Ruth smashed out his circuit blows in successive innings, October 11. 1023. The Babe is tied with u number of fellow ahletes, j>ast and present, for the number of extra base hits in a j series, with five, but holds undisput ed first place for the most extra bases on long hits, 18, compiled in 1918, 1921, 1922 *nd 1923 by four home runs, two triples and two doubles. He also has, established a tie with Hooper and Kauff for the most extra bases on long hits in one ; game, six. He was in a receptive mood for a ! record in 1923 when he was given ] eight bases on balls during the series. The versatile Ruth also has his name engraved in the department de voted to pitching records. He pueneo 29 scoreless innings for the Red Sox in 1916 and 1918, going 13 innings the first year and 16 the second. i Ruth has a total of four world’s , series home runs against six for Goslin of the Washington Senators I 1 who hit three in 1924 and three more in 1925. Ruth will have to get three in the series to establish a new record. * Shot Woman But Balked at Dog. (By International News Service) Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 30. —Mrs. Jo sephine Eva Werneth Farmer, ac quitted “unwritten law” slayer of Mrs. Mary Lee Scott, called police to her Jiome here to kill a stray dog. Mrs. Farmer admitted killing Mrs. : Scott on the, witness stand. She charged Mrs. Scott had stolen the af fections of her husband, Jim Farmer. The jury acquitted her. Farmer ami his wife are still living ! together. a stray dog kept , hanging around in her yard. Mrs. Farmer went to the phone and called police. Officers killed the, canine. ;; . five byers in OF WRECK | OF THE POLICE CUR Second Charlotte Officer I Dies of Injuries Received in Wreck of the Car at China Grove. DETECTIVE CHIEF ORR ALSO DEAD Officers Were Answering “Test Riot” Call From High Point When Car Was Wrecked. i 1 — Salisbury. Sept. SO.—OP)—Detec | rive John M. Byers, of the Charlotte | police force, one of the officer* in-. | jured in the automobile wreck near ! here Tuesday afternoon when the ea* j in which they were making a riot test I run to High Point turned over three ; times, died in a local hospital short? ily after 0 o'clock t'.iis morning. Ris j remains will be taken to Charlotte. * this is the second death as a re- I suit cf the accident. Chief of Detec tive* Orr. of Charlotte, dying Wed nesday afternoon. Detective H. M. Jojner, also of Charlotte, who sus tained a badly injured back, was said! ' this morning to be getting along fair- f j ly well. j CHIEF JOSEPH E. ORR DIES OF HIS IXJI Rlßft Head of Charlotte Detective Bureau Succumbs in Charlotte Hospital Charlotte. Sept. 21).—.T0e Eckel* Orr, chief of defectives of the Chac lotte police force, died this aftemooft '? at a Salisbury hospital. Hl* death. I was caused by internal injuries re ceived yesterday when a high power ed police car answering a "riot call” to High Po ! nt in connection with the police convention there, overturned near China Grove. Little hope was being entertained I by hospital attaches at Salisbury late j tonight for the recovery of J. M. By j ers. another Charlotte f>oliceinan, j who was seriously injured in Tueff | day’s tragedy. Byers was reported as j being “very low" and liis chances for j recovery were said to be slim. He j has a fractured skull. H. M. Joyner, the third Charlotfyjpf officer injured in the crash, was re ported as being “about the same.” Joyner i« suffering from an injury t to his back. He is not believed to be I fatally hurt. Chief Orr was conscious until the lend. He died while hospital attaches -a j were preparing to turn him over on | his back to relieve an intense chest | pain the ch : ef had complained of since j the tragedy. Unfortunate circumstances prevent- J ed Mrs. Orr. the widow, from being at the beds de of her husband when he ; died. She was in Salisbury yester- 1 day morning, but returned about noon j when she was in formed that Chief Orr was “practically out of danger.” Site was in Charlotte when the I death of Chief Orr occurred at 3 p. !j m., but immediately returned to Sal isbury. Other members of Chief Orr’s family were in Charlotte when he d : ed. it was said. The body of the dead chief arrived i in Charlotte tonight. Chief Orr was the son of the- late Joe L. Orr. for 40 years a member of the Charlotte police department, and at the time of his death in 1000, its chief. TO CARVE FIGURES WITHIN TWO YEARS •' a Figures of Davis. Lee, Jackson and jj a Color Bearer Now Being Made at Stone Mountain. (By Internatioual News Service) Jj Atlanta. Ga„ Sept. figures of Robert E. Lee. .Jefferson | Datfis and Stonewall Jackson pud a Confederate color bearer on the yjrec,- icipe of Stone Mountain is Vbfl unr i der way. The carving, awarded by the Stone Mountain Memorial Association to the j Mountain Granite Corporation, j was started Monday of this week. Governors and senators gathered at j a barbecue given at the mountain yes terday afternoon and viewed the prog- \ ress of the work being done. Paved roads now lead from this J city to the mountain and the .studio. Auto running time is now less than half an hour. Three weeks have been required by the carving company to overhaul their j machinery, scaffolding and building i stairways to reach the point of their j work. Officials of the granite company and i the sculptor estimate that the figures ’ can be carved in two years. This ! is a minimum of time, they say, -fqr ! the work and every effort will be i 1 made to complete it bv that time. iWar Mothers of Charlotte Send $232.27 to Veterans. Charlotte. Sept. 20. —The Char lotte chapter of -war mothers for warded $232.27 to disabled world j war veterans at the govmmnt hoApl f tal at Oteen today, according to Mrs. W. S- Pratt, chairman of the Sale « committee of the chpter. The money was raised here last i . Saturday from the sale of forget-me nots. she , i — ===smu THE WEATHER ; Mostly cloudy tonight and Friday f . with showers in the west and north; I j slightly warmer Friday in the north, j Moderate northeast winds. * NO. 27

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