JiVIE L i 11SIESS IK |l IS IlflCTfflS ' nt Trade f'hows tion? Generally as R Ol TI.OOK BAlilOGrtOD iVaees and More lament Are Shown Compil at,on ts. * A eon (rt. 1 • r -mil's pi ' -•HI com f thf Jlil 1 . f '2 inlet!." <>* \ss,,-:ari,n of National •' ; Allied I" '!“* ilSS< ’- [ ,m‘vennoii he'- 1 , V{l . made b> a .Mt.es ,ir ,-.s iii [trodtic:ion irrent, and decreases 151 (ported increases in sales pa»ed 1H per cent, and same. Sixty-eight per in increase in employ es; faii.-aiid SI I per cent, twages. GE TO COST DIM) ONE MILLION and Power Co., to 1 Structure to Replace jfitt Island. dft. li— Contract for a irwrete bridge across aw. cist of Albemarle. mFt lei”*' by thW State. mission at its letti*g on it was announced today wt?n. of this city, sixth by engineer. ha bight and Power "pay for the bridge. Mr. i The structure will re cent state-built Swift is ’oii the Albemarle-Troy hi will be inundated by tpewer company plane to I miles down the river. said that he had t no Post of the bridge but ad that it probably will ! lately $1,000,000. The a quar le long. ft small bridges in the tnd Hibson sections al»so to be let at this meet (■ommisgion. _— ENT MAKES LOANS FOR COTTdN Available Fur Co-opera iciatimis 1-Vderal Speaker ° n - Oct. 7.— (< 4>)—The ■“> Wended a $30,000.- j t ft eo-ot.irrative marketing i 1 L«»r the orderly marketing it crop. illiams, chairman of the 011 Loan Board, assured •five associations in a ■ r * iar tin* government V n extend any "proper “'•rkering the crop. ’ .•**E* , LO(M) in commitmentfi f intermediate credit banks, 18 oaus has already been J?eofMr. Williams to one of a co-operative as .! ' Intermediate credit e and willing to extend 1 or the orderly market * th . roi 'gh soundly organ- ■' m «tnaged co-opera ™ associations. Mfiilent you \ vill ti n< i a ’he part of all in- in any sound U S this year’s cotton Inllev,.,] f )y somp offi . wiii t!: m,)lv ,h:ui *30,000,- 'equired ti> market far till! v'r n " m ‘ ' vould ternnwi- Ma ' ' an< l Banks Bank, “ ’“is regard. ( ' ree,whor o. dy h ,;:- s nti, ‘ s of the iia " :l >u| <;o realtors Son/.' «*<* for ,l R N r rtl ‘ Car * rate o' 2 o clock. * are ~, 1 y 1,11(1 member ice of J Uiero,!s . indicating 'j< K~) visitors. /*Tk"te.""' YOUr Ce d ,o°!i r u Subs oription a > Tribune and S4 11 ; t? - onl * a at The T I™- 18 getting to be ((,. lr,l) une office at mui* yours. in p° (,r °ensboro, is ? ( «ncord. THE CONCORD TIMES $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. HOEY WILL SPEAK AT KANNAPOLIS SCHOOL TOMORROW 7 All voters in the county are urged to hear Hon Clyde Hoey at the High School in Kannapolis to morrow night at 8 o’clock. He has been invited to address the voters by the county Demo era tie executive committee and the I-üb.ie is invited to attend'"■the meeting. Senator Lee S. Overman, of Sal isbury, has been invited to attend the meeting. I MODIFICATION OF LIQUOR LAW WILL NEVER OCCI’R ; j “It Is Here lo Stay,” Said Judge Gore at Nashville [ (By International News Service) Xa.Aivi.le, Tenn., Oct. 7. —Moditica- i tion of the prohibition aw will never 1 occur and rightfully should not. Judge j John M. (Jore told a federal grand’ jury here this week in his charge, j officially’ opening the fall term of the I middle Tennessee federal court. The judge was plain in his criticism j of the so-called non-believer of the prohibition act, adding Phat if the 1 courts, trial judges and attorney gen era s are honest in their endeavor the law can be enforced. "The prohibition law will never be repealed or modified," said the judge. "It is here to stay and rightfully should be." Judge Gore scored those-who tried to protect violators of the liquor laws iand prevent them from receiving pun ishment. Even clergymen attempted to protect wealthy members of Uieir congregations, he said, because of their liberal contribution to the church. The jurist called attention to a re cent visit o’ a clergyman who called upon his court in the interest of a liquor violator, adding that the min ister made a special plea on the grounds that the ofFemler was one ofv the most liberal contributors to Mis church. It is up to the governor to enforce | the prohibition law, the judge con-1 tinued. Failure, he said, would be | an admission to the Reds and 80l- 1 Shevlcks that other laws could not be enforced. The judge impressed upon the jury that he Mad no sympathy for the big , or "white-collar” bootlegger, who is a menace to the community and an enemy to the American flag, he said. 1 STEVENS AND POWELL MAY TAKE THE STAND 1 State Expected to Rest Its Cue Ear- J iy Thk ALernoon.—Legal Clashes Are .’Many. Kenansville. N. C., Oct. 7. — UP) — • State gathered up the loose ends this mornlaf <*f its ease against H. L. Stevens, Sr., and J. K. Powell, charg ed with fraud :n connection with the i issuance of $35,000 in allegedly spur- j 1 ions notes on the town of Wartn#. and the defense prepared for its in- J ' ning in. behalf of the accused men. { : Court officials expressed the opinion j i that the ease would consume every hour that could be crowded into the court sessions this week. With financial experts holding 6way. the state so far attempted to prove that Stevens, former city attorney, and Powell, vice president of the de funct Bank of Warsaw, issued tine spurious notes in order to bolster - up the credit of the tottering bank. Tes timony of public accountants and I findings from credit sheets, was vig orously attacks! by defense counsel, and objections flew thick and fast to relieve what otherwise would have dragged into an uninteresting event. Indioat’ons this morning were that the defendants might take the staud I during the day. } • Fight Between Dog and Polecat. (By International News Service) Rutlierfordton, Oet. 7. —A fight be tween a dog and a polecat at a dance near Chimney Rook caused much ex citement and broke up the dance for a while. The polecat crawled into the open air dance hall t’orough a hole in the floor, evidently charmed by the jazz music. The dog, lounging in one corner of the building, spied the “eat.” With a yelp, the canine bounded for the wild animal, which drew it self into position for battle. They fought viciously. The danc ers scattered helter-skelter, the odor being too much for them. Finally the dog killed the polecat. Talcum powder and face powder were sprinkled on the dance floor and the dance resumed after about half an hour. No Orr Now on the Charlotte Police Force. Charlotte. N. C., Oct. 6.— UP) —For the first time in three-quarters of a century there is no Orr on the rolls of the local police department. The death of Joe E. Orr, chief of detectives, in an automobile accident last week, removed the last of the line. Mr. Orr’s father, .Toe Orr, was with the department 41 years, and when he died in 1906 he was chief. Then two of his sons, .Toe E. and Wal ler R. followed in his footsteps. Wal ter resigned three years while in the office as chief, and Joe was head of the detectives division when death ov ertook him while speeding to. High Point to answer a test “riot call.” An Ancient Fire Engine. Charlotte, N. C. Oct. 6.— UP)— An ancient fire engine, once whished through Queen City streets by stal wart steeds, was brought again into play here this week as a part of “Fire Prevention Week.” More than 100 Boy Scouts supplied the motive power and the spectacle presented a striking lesson to specta tors on how the boys were setting on example by pullii g to prevent fire. RIND DENIES THAT MILLER IS GUILT! DF LAW VIOLATION j Says Former Alien Proper ty Custodian Did Noth ing Unlawful in Settling j the Merton Claim. MAX D. STEUER TO SPEAK LATER i He Will Defend Harry M. Daugherty, Jointly In j dieted With Miller—Case | Has Been Long One. I New York. Oct. 7.—(>P>—Thomas I Y\ . Miller, former alien property cus ! tod an. committed no crime when lie handed Richard Merton. German met al magnate, two checks for $6,543,000 it a champagne dinner in the Ritz- Cnrlton, William Rand, his counsel told the jury in the Daugherty-Miller conspiracy trial today. Rand was making his summation for Miller. Yesterday he analyzed the law and part of the evidence in the case. Max I). Steuer. counsel for Harry M. Daugherty, will make his summation later. Daugherty and Miller are charged with ci nsniraey to defraud the govern ment in connection with the release of $7,000,000 of impounded American Metal Company assets in 1021. "This eampagne dinner was noth ing," Rand said. "Mr. Miller was coining to New York 'anyway. He just brought tOose checks along to save time. Otherwise they would have been lying around on someone's desk at Washington. That’s the trouble with Washington—there's always some thing laying around on someone's desk. "Well, if there had been a crime committed in paying these claims it was committed on the 23rd of Sep tember wtien tne claims were passed. This dinner was on the 30th. Now what does that mean? Don't let the government fool you on this. It means nothing at all. This is just another example of the persecution mania I've already described to you.” NO ACTION AGAINST I MINISTERS IS TAKEN M :* *** r *"-*1 H - American Federation of Labor De rided to Ignore Action of Detroit Ministers. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 7—OP)—Fol lowing the recommendation of Presi dent William, Green, shr of Labor convention re sumed the regular order of business soon after the opening of the morning session today without approving for mal action upon the withdrawal by Detroit churches of their invitations ,to labor speakers. After two addresses from the floor, deploring the action of the Detroit church men, President Green recom mended ending the discussion without a formal expression of the convention. FLIGHT FOR THE LOS ANGELES IS APPROVED Giant Craft Will Make Inland Trip to Detroit Sometime After October 11th. Washington. Oct. 7.— UP) —Author- ity for the first extensive overland i ..flight of t Speaking of long-faced Christians, Mr. Trotter declared what the i church needed was more happy > workers.” I Giovanni Zenatello, the world ! famous operatic singer, has founded - and endowed a school of rausdc for i voung singers in his native city of Vernona, Italy- CONCORD, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1926 MAHARAJAH OF MAULERS HAS GREATEST DAY - Y'l* a* Br mm , nfri? Vix :• Above are action pictures of Babe Ruth who set World's Record in St. Loirs yesterday with three home runs in world series game. Babe brotke seven records with hw three long clouts. His homers evened series be tween yanks and cardinals. READY FOR AMERICAN LEGION Philadelphia is Busy With the Final Preparations. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 7.—The American Legion national ' conven tion is only a few days off, and Philadelphia is busy with the final preparations for the reception and entertainment of the thousands of World War veterans and other visi tors who will be the guests of the city during the whole of next week. Already tic* downtown streets are dqnuing gala attire and by Saturday f%r %tiiß business se-tion will W aglow' with flags and bunting^ As a forerunner of the American Legion conventio'n the Military Or der of the World War opened its na tional meeting today, the sessions to .continue the rctfifflaller of * , « ,I ‘ y ’T7 ' * / • v . , the wee*./ v .< I Sunday will ske the arrival of the main army of delegates to the Amer ican Legion convention and in their honor there will be special patriotic | services in many of the Philadelphia churches. The opening session of the convention is set for Monday morn* ing in the Exposition Auditorium. Following the formalities of wel comes and responses the session will adjourn to allow the visiters to par ticipate in many features of enter tainment arranged for the afternoon and evening. Tuesday will be the day of the parade, which will be the big spec tacular feature of the convention week. The parade will be reviewed by Vice President Dawes and many other notables. With Our Advertises. If you want to be highly entertain ed. read Patt Covington's ad. today, and then go around and spend a dol lar with him. The Yorke & Wadsworth Co. will repair your radio for you. Call No. 30. The Mecklenburg Dairy Co. wants 100 gallons of sweet milk delivered daily at their plant in t Charlotte., Phone 3430. Charlotte. See ad. in this paper. Firestone gum-dipped tires. 30x3 1-2. only $8.95 at the Ritchie Hard ware Co. Phone 17. See ad. The Bell & Harris Co. has 55,000 feet of floor space filled with furni ture. Let them show you this vast stock. You can do your washing in one ’jour if you use a Dexter washing ma chine. Se display at the Cabarrus Fair next week by Brown Co., Gran ite Quarry. See illustrated ad. in this paper. One machine will be sold to the highest bidder. Bids will close at 4 p. m. on the last day of the fair. A strap pump of style, value and comfort, only $3.49 at the J. C. Pen ney Co.’s. See ad. for further par tueulars. A special purchase enables the Parks-Belk Co. to sell a big lot of men’s, young men’s and students’ one and two-pants suits for $9.95 to $19.95. Other suits up to $29.95. Ex eept:onal values in overcoats too. See ad. today for other big values. At Markson’s Closing Out Shoe Sale you will find shoeg at half and less than half price. Shoes from 50 cents a pair up. Americans Held by Bandits. Hankow, China, Oct. 4.— W— Bandits yesterday attacked a large party of missionaries while proceed ing to their station at Sbenchowfu. Honan province, and robbed and ear ried off three Americans. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J, G. Boger. of Kannapolis, October 3rd. a daugh ter, Ida Blanche. Mrs. John A. Sims is t'.ie of Mr. and Mrs. p. yj Parks in D ,,r ‘ ham. GOV. McLEAN WILL LEAVE RALEIGH TONIGHT Will Go From New York Saturday Evening to Philadelphia Tribune Bureau. Sir Walttor Hotel. Raleigh. Oet- 7.—Governor A. W. McLean is planning to leave Raleigh tonight for New York where he will spend tomorrow and meet of Satur day attending to official business for the State. Saturday evening he will go to Philade'phia, and ''will be the guest of honor at a banquet to be given Sturdy night by Mrs. W. X. i Reynoldi-; of Winston-Salem at the Beilevue-Stratford hotel. The official* party of the Governor and members of the National Sesqui-Centennial Reynolds is a member, Wilr also be It is hoped tiiat Mrs. will be able to join the Governof in Philadelphia on Saturday afld re main until after North Carolina Day on Tuesday, but her p’ans have not been definitely completed, the Gov ernor announced today. On Monday, the entire military staff of the Governor, headed by Adjutant General John Van B. Metts. will join the Governor ill Philadelphia preparatory to the cere monies attendant upon the oe’ebra tion of North Carolina Day the fol lowing day. for which an elaborate program has been prepared- The formalities will start about 0:30 a. m.. an from then on until night, every minute of the Governor’s time will he taken up. his last official act being an address over the radio from Station WII\ of Gimbel Brothers. Philadelphia. The address will be given before’ the microphone in the main dining loom of the Benjamin Franklin Hotel, Philadelphia, and in addition to his thousand of radia hearers, he will have the hundreds of diners in the hotel dining room. The hotel orchestra will broadcast the "Old North State Forever’’ as an additional feature of the ay. It is expected that the overnor wi 1 return to Raleigh Wednesday or Thursday of next week. Orphans to Be Guests of Gov. McLean at Circus. (By International News Service) Raleigh, Oet. 7.—Two hundred and twenty-five orphans, from two homo ill this section, will be the guests of Governor A. W. McLean at the Jolir Robinson big circus when it comes here October 11th. The kiddies have already learned to live the executive of this state as he has given picnics and shows foi f.iem many, many times. Unfortunately, Governor McLean will not be able to attend the circus with the kiddies because the governo' likes circuses himself and lie also likes kiddies. On the same date of the circir Governor McLean will be in Phila delphia for North Carolina day at thi Sesqui-Centennia’ and his private sec retary, Charles England, will act as host to the kiddies. Coal Strike Not Settled. London. Oet. I.—UP) —The govern ment’s latest attempt to settle the long drawn out coal strike has failed. A de’egate conference of the miners federation today unaniinous’y adopt ed a resolution rejecting t*ae proposals after the announcement of a district vote to the effect of 737,000 to 52,000. Fred Thompson Killed in Fight. Fayetteville, Oct. 7.— UP) —Fred Thompson, 21, of St. Pauls, is dead and Cecil MeCrimmon, 10, of Raeford, is in a local hospital with a bullet wound in his abdomen as a result of as pitol battle last night on McNeill’s Bridge near Ardlussa, six mi’.es south of here. First word of t’je shooting was learned here today. HUMAN LOUD SPEAKERS. Men Compete for the Blue Ribbon of “Town Crying.” London, Oet. 7. —Twenty-four of the "loudest speakers” of the most ancient British broadcasting com pany—gaily decked and equipped with wave-lengths up to seven miles rqnge—descended the other day on the quiet village of Pewsey, in Wilt shire. and gave a most ceremonious display of noisiness. They were official town criers, gathered from all parts of the South of England and Wales, to eonipete for .the blue ribbon of town, cry ing— the championship cup. Asa a noise they were immense; as a spectacle they were even more impressive, for the calling of the' town crier is usually accompanied b.v the gayest of uniformed thfcse twenty four leather-lunged men, after a Combined carillon on their bel’s. marched through the village to the field of combat it was like a his toric pageant on the march. There were all sorts of bright raiment in the procession. Some of the criers looked like courtiers of the Middle Ages, others like highway men. gallants of the days of Beau Nash, glorified street-car conductors and bandsmen. Several had more gold lace than any admiral. USE bloodhounds to TRAIL NEGRO ATTACKER Report Says Negro Tried to Attack White Woman at Southport. Wilmington. N. (\, Oct. 7 04*) — Bloodhounds were said to have been placed in use early this on the trail of a negro who is charged with attempted criminal attack on a prominent white woman of Southport last night. The negro was said to have entered the woman’s home about 11 o’clock. A posse of citizens was also said to be engaged in the search. Mecklenburg Jail Delivery Foiled- Charlotte. Oct. 6.—Jack Stewart and “Little” Bill McKenzie;' white youths, whose court records have brought them local notoriety, at tempted to break from the Mecklen burg county jail here Sunday morn ing and were apprehended as they were about to lower themselves by a blanket rope to the ground,, jail of ficials said. Breaking jail was no new experi ence for Stewart, as he and Roy Philemon figured in a sensational daylight eacap August 13. They re moved bricks from the. wall and let themselves through to the ground. Stewart was captured, a week later, but Philemon is still at large. Stewart and McKenzie, it w*as said, broke a bar in. their cell, one which had been weakened by a previous attempted jail delivery, and used file bar as a tool with which to move bricks from the outter wall, it was said. They were ready to lower i themselves to the ground with their blankets when Deputy Sheriff Avery B. Johnston, who had been summon- 1 ed by “trusties.” arrived on the scene and blocked their plans. Will Not Attempt Atlantic Flight Now. Paris. Oct. 7.—OP)—Paul Tarascon, French aviator, will not attempt to fly across the Atlantic in a Bernard monoplane for at least eight months, and possibly longer. It was announced that delay in construction of the plane and the imminence of bad weather is the causle of the postponement. He had planned to make the flight this year. The first woman to become a mem -1 ber of the United Spanish war veter ans, after the recent national con vention of that organization voted to admit women to full membership, was Mrs. Annie E. Comfort, of San An tonio. served as a nurse in the Spanish war. J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher FINDS INTEREST IN FAIR GENERAL IN THE COUNTY “I find Cabarrus people unusual ly interested in the fair rids year and no doubt their exhibits wi.L tv more varied and greater ij - than at any fair in the h\ the county.” This statement was made this morning by R. T). Goodman, coun ty farm agent, who is called to all sections of trie county in his work. Mr. Goodman predicts unusual attendance and fine exhibits. DR. RANKIN TO MAKE ADDRESS AT BUFFALO! | Three Norlh Carolinians to Address | American Public Health Assccia tion. Raleigh, Oct. 7.—Three North Car olinians, all connected with the State board of health, are to present special ly prepared papers dealing with public health problems before the fifty-fifth annual session of the American pub lic health association at its conven tion in Buffalo. X. Y.. October 11th 1 to 14 •lx. These three are Dr. W. S. Rankin, former secretary of the board and now a member of the board, and also director of the Duke hospital ization endowment in the state; Dr. F. M. Register, in charge of the bu reau of vital statistics, and H. E. Miller, chief sanitary engineer of the State board of health. It is pointed out by Dr. Charles O’H. Laughing house, secretary of the State board of hea!t’j| on the program of the nation al association at one times, especially from a southern state. Dr. Rankin will address the asso ciation on "Rural Medical *and Hos pital Service,” a subject he is emi nently fitted to discuss, owing to his many years of experience in these ines. Dr. Register will speak on "A Dozen Years of Vital Statistics in North Carolina” and is expected to present some interesting data on the value of a bureau of vital statistics of a state and to a board of health. Mr. Miller will discuss “Rural Sani tation," based on his experience in successfully putting into effect the rural sanitation regulations in the state, chief of which *.ias been the sanitary privy law, which has per haps done more than anything else to reduce typhoid and other commun icable diseases. All three of these addresses were especially requested by the association. Only twice have the presidents of t’lie national association come from below the Mason and Dixon line. One was the late Dr. R. H.iLewis la 11)07, when Dr. was secretary of the North Carolina board of health, and the other was Dr. \(\ S. Rankin, in 11)21. when he was secretary of the State board.‘ THE COTTON MARKET • >» ..i t* ; r " Opened Fairly Steady at Decline of 4 to 25 Points.—December Off to 13.10. New York, Oct. 7.—C/P) —The cot ton market opened fairly steady at a decline of 4 to 25 points under over night selling orders from the South, and other selling inspired by rela tively easy Liverpool cables, a favor able weather map, and the continued toward increased estimates of the crop. December sold off to 13.10 and March to 13.53 at the start, but offer ings were _ comparatively light and prices steadied up on covering and buy ing attributed to trade or speculative interests. December rallied to 13.20 and was holding a point or so above yesterday's closing quotations at the end of the first hour. October was relatively easy at the start, but recov ered part of its loss on a very small volume of business. Cotton futures opened barely steady. Oct. 13.30; Dec. 13.10; Jan. 13.28; March 13.54; May 13.74. PRISONERS REWARDED FOR ASSISTING GUARD 0 Prevents Negro From Overpowering Guard and is Given Ticket Home —Four Men Escape. Salisbury, Oct. o—Four short term negro prisoners escaped from ibe county road force at Mt. Ulla, but John Plyler. negro, whose attack on the guard, Mr. Krimminger, was timed for the break for liberty, was overpowered and held- As the negro was about to overpower the guard a white prisoner, Joe Harlin. came to the guard’s rescue and saved the day. Harlin’s term was about out and in recognition of his interference and help given the guard, the county to day bought him a ticket to his home in Washington pity. Historic Building Burned to Ground. Gastonia, Oof. r. Jabez H. Elliott; of Toronto, said a program for control of the dis ease in childhood must include the dis covery and supervision of all open cases, isolation of far advanced cases in contact wit'll children, examination of all children of school age. and even of pre-school age, -and the adequate treatment of all physical defects iiy | childhood. This system, lie added, j had reduced the tuberculosis death i rate among children in Toronto from | 240 ]>er 100,000 to as low as lii> |>er I 100.000. Delegates were told by Prof. Fried j erieh von Muller. University of Mu.—‘Robert X. j Page, of Biseoe, former candidate for Governor of Nortif Carolina, and | for 10 years a Congressman from I North Carolina, lias become a pro ' perty owner in tharlotte. j Y’csterday a deal was closed where by he acquires ownership of the Statesville Avenue apartment, house 1 near the Ford assembly plant. The 'apartments have by H ; B. Heath. Denies Law Was Violated. | Washington, Oct. 7.— UP) —The Ar ! mour Grain Company today aaked tfie I District of Columbia Supreme Conrt ! to prevent the hearing ordered for Oc tober 11 at Chicago on complaint that the Company had been guilty of vio lating the grain futures trading act. THE WEATHER Fair tonight and Friday, possibly light frost tonight in extreme west portion. Gentle to moderate north winds. NO. 29