PAGE TWO A Final Clean Up Os All Cotton Good] Clothing and Notions in Our Bargain BasemenJ *■ . ' I || ’ - loTEACH —DOLL REM- Ic EACH LktJe Girls, now is the time to ljiiy your Doll a new dress for Christmas. Lots to select , from— EACH T, * c , V» l» *0 * ' and Boys’ Rabbit Hunt-, ingieggins. Special— : 39c TO 48c f y 4* \ . '* V ■ S : II "M*' IMer|js Heavy Shirts and Draw -ers, p sizes. Special, each | r 59c 4m Me ills Overalls, regular $1.25 selldFs. Sizes 32 to 42. Special 75c PAIR Meivs, W omen’s and Children’s Sweaters at Give Away Prices Allies 7 9c to $1.98 BRNTLEY-l TLEY Oford .Couple l lifted in Beautiful Ceremony. beautiful in its simplicity was the tiding of Miss Nell Dewey Utley tl Romulus / Bentley, which was laamzed in McKinnon Presbyterian urch Wednesday evening at 8 lock. A towering screen of ferns, ivy and lite chrysanthemums artistically ar ug(*d with tall white candelabra lding lighted cathedral caudles, Sued a lonely setting for the bridal Prjor to the cereufnny Mrs. Carl oojre sang in charming voice “O Me" with accompaniment by teg. Dallas Talbirt, who rendered the *d,4tus music. 3Jrs. Moore w ore peach colored orgettc over satin and Mrs. Talbirt ►re rose eharmouso combined with jvgette. Both wore shoulder" cor p Promptly at S o'clock the first ites of Lohengrin’s wedding march Enounced. the arrival of the bridal The ushers ware: Reuben Utley, a other of the bride, Guy Johnson, C. t Henry and John Mclnnis, of Dav-< son College. The groomsmen were Robert m. Jr., and Roy Sapp. Misses Annie Belle Stone and Clar-, ie Troutman were bridesmaids. The Idesmuid*' dresses were made bouf nt fashion of yellow taffeta with a de transparent hem of yellow ma le, a pow-]K>m of the same yellow lliue worn on the left shoul rof each maidV dress. They wore I slippers and hose and carried il's .of yellow Turner chrysan ims. w Mary Mclouis was maid of Miss Mclnnis wore a frock x to those of the bridesmaids, gohl slippers sud hcsc. and car an armful of yellow Turner rutheniums tied with—gold rib > bride, who came in atone was ltly beautiful- in her wedding of rich duchess satin, trimmed il lace .and rhinestones, witß a l court train. Her bouquet was S roses showered with valley lil- The full tulle veil was worn itsbion and held in place with a h of orange blossoms'. : bride was met at the altar by ■Qoxn. \>j?o was attended by Brice rs. as best man. ! impressive ring ceremony of the pterion church was performed ?. bride's pastor. Rev. R. S. Ar d/" 4 s the bridal couple knelt f benediction. Mrs. Carl Moore toftly “Sea*l Us. O Holy Spirit.” bride and groom left the church Strains of Mendelssohn’s Wed ifareh. . Bentley is a daughter of Mr. Irs. H. T. Utley; a strikingly ful brunetß. with a charming ality and a lovely character, number of years Bentley, a gifted musician. has been or of the McKinnon Presbyterian PARKS-BELK CO. The Store of Progress Growing With Concord. • * < As this is a Final Cleanup of all Cotton Goods, Clothing, Notions and Kitchen Ware in our Bargain Basement, in order to make room for our enormous Toy Stock. We are offering some exceptional Value# in these goods tP dose them out quick. “Now is the time to buy.” Ladies' Bed Room Slippers, , 85c Sellers. Special per pair— 48c $1.95 tu $3.95 Boys’ Corduroy Lae Leg Pants. Sizes (I to i7. Regular $3.00 and $4.00 Pa n-.. Sp' $2.79 V) $2.95 Bovs’ Khaki Lace Leg Pants, Sizes <8 to 1. Regular $3.00 Sellers. Speck 1 si.4B 1 $1.68 Be sure and visit Our Bargain Basement for Specials, as these goods must be moved in order to make room for our Christ mas Toys. Mr. Bentley is the son of A. P. Bentley and the late Mrs. Bentley, of Kannapolis. For the past few years Mr. Bentley has made his home in Concord holding a responsible position with the F. M. Youngblood Wholesale Company. Ili* a young man of pleas ing appearance with fine business ' ability. i Immediately after the ceremony Mr. i and Mrs. Bentley left for a short bri dal tour in their car. Mr*. Bentley j wore a becoming frock of ashes of roses georgette, fur trimmed, a grey cloth coat trimmed in squirrel, with harmonizing accessories. On their re turn to Concord Mr. and Mrs. Bent ley will occupy their handsome bun galow on Meadow sti’cet. which hus just recently been completed. Since* tbo announcement of her en gagement Mrt>. Bentley has been ac corded numerous social favors. Mrs. Jack Utley entertained with a miscel laneous shower. Mo=. John Mcluuis and Mrs. Ed. Misenheimer jointly en tertained at the home of Mrs. Mclnnis, with a miscellaneous shower, Misses Minnie Trull and Mamie Allred gave a kitchen shower at the home of Miss Allred, Mrs. L. Barringer, Mrs. Leighton Brown and Mrs. Eugene Morgan were joint hostesses at a mis cellaneous shower, Mrs. M. A. Morris and Mrs. Fred Cook entertained with a kitchen shower and a buffet lunch eon at the home of Mrs.-Morris, Miss Annie Belle Stone gave a pantry show- er. Misses Helen, Lora and Fay Trout man gave a miscellaneous shower. Miss Grace Miller gave a buffet supper and handkerchief shower, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Crooks and Rev. and Mrs. R. S. Arrowood each gave a lovely party and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Henry entertained the briday party at a buffet supper Tuesday night fol lowing'the rehearsal at the church. Out-of-town guests here for the weddipg were: Mrs. Ida Dennis, of Heuderson, John Mcluuis, of David son College. Mrs. it. J. Bullard, Miss 1 Elizabeth Coble and L. O. Wolfe, of Bessemer City, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. J Coble, and little Miss Nancy Coble/ of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Smoot Black welder. of Salisbury, Mrs. Floyd Cor ine. Hu&h Corzine, Mrs. Margaret H. Jerry and Miss Ruth Terry, of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Swing. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Ooldston, Mrs. J. L. Moore and daughter. Miss Mary Moore, A. I*. Bentley, father of the groom, Mrs. Maude Fiuk. Mr. uuu Mrs. Charles Bentley and family, Mr. audMrs. Zeno Blackweldqr uml fumi l.v and Mrs. Carl Bentley and family, of Kannapolis, Booner Bentley, of| Veil. N. C, and Mr. and Mrs. C A Bentley uud family, of Charlotte. “Xmas” Taboo. The abbreviation “Xmas" is taboo in all advertising and placard mer chandising by the Raleigh Mer chants Association ajul members have been requested not tq ys C this abbreviation for Christmas during the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glass and chil dren spent Thursday in'Maxtou with Mr. yud Mrs. George Hall. SQYS PLOTTING AT CLEAN U p PRICES 1000 Pairs Boys’ Corduroy Knee Pants. Sizes (j to 17. Regular $2.00 Pants. Special— 98c and $1.25 Boys’ Overcoats, sizes 2 to 9. Sold as high as $lO. < To clean up quick y 10c—COUNTER —10c 32-inch Gingham>. 30-jneh m ings. Curtain SiTpn an,d Solid Color Calicos, a quick clean-.up price of 10c per yard e *l#^ / 8 l-2c SHEETING 8 l-2c Heavy LL Sheeting Rem nants, full holt Ginghams, Cal ico and Bleaching Remnants Sic THANKSGIVING SERVICE ATTENDED BY MANY Rev. K. 31. Courtney Preached and Urged His Hearers to Give Thanks Unto the Giver of Gifts. While many spent Thanksgiving' quietly at home with their families and a large number went to neighbor-*! ing cities to witness football gumes, and still others tramped across the! fields with gun and dogs hunting, there was a large number f.iat at tended the union Thanksgiving ser vice in the morning at Trinity Re formed Church, to give thanks unto Him for the;blessings of life. The church building was crowded to capacity for the Thanksgiving ser vice at which Rev. 11l M. Courtney, of Central Methodist Church, preached. After the scripture reading by Rev. C. 11. Trueblood, there was a prayer by Rev. J. C. Rowan, which was fol lowed by u v.ocui solo by Mrs. J. B. Wowble accompanied by 3liss Addle Barrier at the piauo. “God is the giver of all these things we enjoy. Every gift comes from above.” said Key. Mr. Courtpey at the start of the sermon. He then made the statements that there were three elements in Thanksgiving: first, the blessings that we receive; second, the joy that we get out of our bless ings, the enrichment of our lives we get from our blessiugs and from us ing them properly; and third, the Giver. God, the Giver of every good and perfect gift. “3len are often so occupied with their blessings that they fail to look up to the Giver of the blessiugs. We receive our gifts, our rich blessiugs, and then often fail to go into the presence of God from whence the gift came and give Him thanks. “If we cpn come into the realiza tion that all we have comes from him,” said Mr. Courtney, “and,, if re alizing it, makes us come closer to Him. then this Thanksgiving Day will be a memorial one for us.” • The minister then spoke of the J Giver of gifts, and he said, “This I Giver who gives us our gifts is, first, a merciful God. And too, this God, this (?iver, is an infinitely good God. He is infinite in power; infinite in re sources ; aud he is of infinite wisdom. Though we may not understand some of the things .that have been done upto us during the past year we know he is of infinite wisdom and does not make a mistake.” Rev. Mr. Courtney concluded by saying “This God. this Giver of the gifts, is a God of infinite goodness. ! Say with the Bsulnjist *Qh, give thanks uuto the Lord, for His mercy endureth forever’.” The services were 'Concluded by a prayer by Rev. R. M. Gibson, and the benediction was' pronouuced by Rev. R. M. Courtney. » Rain he'./J pff fqy" Thanksgiving Day until in the bite in the after-: noon. There were light shojvers here' during the uigbt with a fog this* morning that completely everything. Rising temperatures m- 1 dicate the “falling” weather will con-" tiuue- * f THE CONCORD TIMES 12 l-2c—COUNTER-12 l-2z Big Counter Full BoH AAA Sheeting, Hickory Shirting. 32-inch Percale, Oil Calico and Outing. 19 Special I*2 l* 39c OUTING GOWNS 39c One lot of Children’s (fitting Gowns, a 50c quality. Special for quick Clean-uo Sizes 2 to 6, only BED SPREADS 04c <Box9o Colored Stripe Bed- Spreads. Regular $1.25 value. Clean up 94c I LADIES SHIRT WAISTS One lot of Ladies' Shirt Waists, values up JLo 52.08. A Quick Clean un Price of 48c UP TO $1.48 FIRE AT CROSSNORE w _________ Concord Mothers Are Asked to Send Some Baby Clothes lor Mrs. Bur ley.son’s little Ones. Special to The Concord Daily Tribune. Crossnore. Nov. 23.—Last night as the teachers of Crossnore were sitting • down to a good supper, someone looked out the window aud said: “There is *u tire.” With one accord the teach ers rushed for the front door. ] Fire in Crossnore means one of two things; someone is losing a home or else someone needs ’help to tight a i forest fire, and the people of the moun tains are people who help. In a few] llniinuts cars were on the road and •: Crossnorc's truck was in the line >: manned with Crpssnorc Roys ready ; to tight lire. The fire was a mile off. . but shortly we reached it and found • it was a home that burned, the home ■ of Rose Burseysou, one of Crossuore’s .! boys who had gotten married some • two years ago. Rose married one of •our girls and of course we were inter-, > ested in his progress. He has just i made a payment or so on his little t home, had just started, you might say. i J Rose had done a thing that the boys • down homo fear to do. and that was ,{to marry without a fortune to keep , his wife. For two years the two of them have worked and sieved. In that V time two babies have wine. One is ■ about twenty-four months old and the ! Other two months old. In the af l teraoon of the 22nd the house caught lire. Mrs. Burley son took the two i children out and laid them on the hill i : and earned every piece of her furni-j • lure out of tie bouse, except the beds, i These she could nut manage. Sin* j ‘t. then took one child and laid it on the) ground and turned a box over it. The j ‘ little one she took in her arms and j rati a quarter of a mile for help. The : i neighbors cyme and put out the fire, J ■ or though they did so. and took Mrs. j ' Burleyson back botpe with them, be- 1 1 j cause they thought she was too ' land nervous to stand the strain untuj 3lr. Burleyson got home. Then it] : was that some small spurjk caught up { and .at 0 o’clock we saw the fiume. j Concord mothers with little babies: i < Mrs. Burleson needs some baby clothes. { j Not a thing did they save, but lie j dog (That, because they! said that the dog was tied under the; house and howling for help when the j first men reached the house, and it j would ’a-urt me to lost 1 my dog when 1i had tied him where he couldn't save , himself). If the mothers >wlio read this will deliver baby clothes to my sister’s home {Mrs. E. L. Morrison, 63 Grove street), they will be sent to me and .1 will give them to Mrs. Burleson. ; £he doesn t know that this will Imp pen. hut come on and let’s help Mrs , Burleson: JEAN EMILY MAXWELL. Mr. and C. D. KJuttz, Mr. and Mr*. James Sappenfield, Mrs. A. L. fc fie ‘ d ’ Grace Sap penfield, Roy, Dewey, £. 0. and D. L. bap pen held attended 'the Da vidson jyy footl)a11 ? ame in Durham Tbyrs -9 • KING’S DAUGHTERS IN DRIVE FOR READY CASH Distribute Envelopes Throughout the City in Annual Drive for Cash to Continue Work. Concord King's Daughters arc muk ing tbeir annual drive for ready cash. puring the week members of the organisation distributed envelopes throughout the city, and envelopes bearing the, inforinating that in them are to be placed cash contributions for the ehapter. It is planned to collect,the envelopes on November 2t)fh and persons receiv-’ ing one are asked to have them ready (or tlie collectors on Cnat date. “You would be surprised to know the number of calls for*' help we re ceive,” stated Mrs. J. I*. Cook, local i president. “It takes money to carry on this work and we have found the distribution of envelopes a very satis factory way to get the money. One year We received sooo, a very liberal amount, and we hope the total this year will bo as large.” The King's Daughters maintain a relief committee which is active at all tiraoss It is for the purpose of con tinuing the splendid work of this com mittee that the public is con tribute to the organization's budget. Persons who wish to contribute and did not receive an envelope pre asked to seud their donation direct to Mrs. Cook. Pounding fur Dr. Pentuff and Family.! | The < iiibers <»f McGill Street. Bap i tisjl C* Ii Ipst Monday night proy j rd th< i■•'■.•lyes to be splendid pounders. i They into the parsonage two bj I two and three by three, all unawares jto Dr. Pentuff a;ul liis family,' and j layl on the dining room table and in i the pantry all kinds of staple grocer j ies, and some cash. The pounding (would probiibly amount to SIOO or i more. It quite overwhelmed the pas- S tor, who retired a mouth ugo. and e.x --| pects to move out of the parsonage by | the time the new pastor comes in or { before. ONE INTERESTED. i j Attend Roayoke-Lenotr-glwne Game in Cbaisofte Thursday. The following attended'Hie Roanoke-' j Lenpir-Rbyne football game in Cbar j lotte-Thursday Misses Grace and Olu j Wineeoff. IRapce. Myrtle and Eliza-, ; both Dick, Grace Propst. Sudie Mae 1 and Rul’d Dry, Leona Broome, Gin- 1 Closer, Dorothy Roberts, Nannie and Ruth Kluttz. Lib Hahn, and Pete Lentz. Bruce ('onrud, Frank Lipe,! Paul Tucker, Glenn Parks, Fred Me-1 Kachern, Geo. Kluttz, Joe Bo«t and j Brice Diggers. Death of Infant. ! Inez A. Stougln two-months-old j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. IS. M l Stoiigh. died Saturday morning at one* o'clock at her home yn Harris street] She had been ill for sevehil d#ysf with Meningitis. Funeral services were held here on. Sunday at 11 o'clock at the home and interment made in Union cemetery _ ’* •* . * * TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. TRY jt, 10c STAMP GOODS—IOc Centerpieces and Scarfs; 25c Values. Special Cose- 1A p Outs 1 Tin Lunch Boxes in Green, Red and Blue. Two sizes 18c 3 for 35c an 1 23 c Also Lunch Kit that will hold Thermos Bottle _ only OC Nice Line of Boxed Stationery colors and whjte. Special— 10c TO 19c . Ladies* W inter Coats, differ ent Sizes. .Special — $ 298 u p ro $ 9 95 fa fa CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE ' COMMENCES THIS WEEK Mrs. A. Jones Yorke, C hairman of the Seal Sale for Cabarrus County, Has Received Seals gnd Supplies. The nineteenth annual Christmas seal sale will bo conducted in this county and throughout the state from Thanksgiving until Christmas. Spe cial to the selling of the Tuberculosis-- Christinas Seals will start in Concord and Cabarrus county December Ist, it was announced to day by Mrs. A. Jones Yorke, chairman ' of the seal sale for Cabarrus county. Samples of the seals have just been received in Concord by Mrs. Yorke. The seal is a four-colored design somewhat similar to the beautiful 1024 seal which was universally conceded to have been the luosjt artistic seal produced up to that time. It is a o’.ose question as which of these two is most attractive. The subject or the seal consists of j i three old-fashioned minstrels garbed j in vivid yellow and rich red. singing j and playing Christmas carols. The background is a pleasing blue shaded from a light sky tint to a deep blue, | suggesting a clear Christmas dawn. ( The message of the seal is merely “Merry Christmas.” The cross is in the center of the shield. It is the doub'.e barred red cross —the familiar emblem that stands for the worldwide movement for the prevention of tuberculosis iu which are enrolled the International Union . Against Tuberculosis, tlje National Tuberculosis Association, forty-eight state associations and about 2.000 lo j cal associations. This campaign. 1 which has for its emblem the double , barred red cross, has resulted in a saving of millions of lives throughout, the world and in the United States alone has “effected a reduction of the death rate in the past fifteen years from 202 per thousand to 07. This is the great life saving work in which the local association is a participant and the success of the work that the j local tuberculosis association does is dependent upon the success of the Cln\" Seal sale which they have annually. It is syid by those in charge of the seal sale that tbV quota of seals for the State of North Cax’olina, which aye pow being distributed to county j , and local chairmen by the -North Car-1 ! olina Tuberculosis Association, if placed side by side, would make a belt j-across North Carolina in both djrec- I Boils. Will) Our .>d>erilscrs. You wili find a large variety of fur j niture apd Iconic furnishings at Bell | ; & Harriet’. j' The Yorke & Wadsworth Co. is still : 100 per cent, on Atwater Kent radios, j .U' Fisber's the opinion of the outf it <mix? always rule.; TJj;s store wel jejnrus suggest-up? of ppy kind. ' ' : —*— - ——- The infant son of Mr. and Airs. W. A- Ridenhour. Meadow street, died I Thursday morning ami was buried iu 1 jOaJtwoqd cemetery Thursday after- < uoou. ] L A One Lot Ladies’ £9 . Qfi Capes. Special __ Yellow Slickers — $1.98 UI TO $4.98 7 l-2c—COUNTER—7 l-2c Counter of Calicos, Ginghams. 40-inch Sheeting and 'Curtain Scrim. Clean Sweep 7ir. price ' * . Big Values in Aluminum Ware Enamel Ware and Dishes, to go in this sale for' a quick cleanup. QUILT ROLLS 1 Pound Ouilt 90^ Roll J wf l 2 Pound Quilt 75c PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Elliott and children «speut Thursday iu Rowan county with home folks. ■. r * “ j IV- *5- and W. H. Bingham went to J Raleigh Thanksgiving Jto ' .see State j aud Wake Forest iu their annual j grid game. \ • ,r -y pr. S. W. Rankin went to Char-, lotte Wednesday night to attend the j Lenoir-Rhyne-Roauoke football game! Thursday, leaving Thursday night for Washington and Nc\v York on a busi ness trip. • * T w Miss Mary Eljeu Mundy, of Lin eblnton, is spendiug the Thanksgiv ing holidays with Miss Dorqjfiiy Rob erts. • m w Ethel Drown, of Greensboro, spent Thanksgiving with her mother. ‘ Mrs. Lottie Brown. i* * * Mrs. H. B. Keenan, of Charlotte, is sp/ending several days with her mother, Mrs. R. A. McGraw. I■n • - * ! E- C. Barnbardt aud A. R- How- j ard left Friday morning for Pinehurst, j Ito attend thy meeting of the North Carolina Cotton Manyfacturers As sociation. • • * i Mr. aud Mrs. V. B. Melchor and daughters, Frances and Laura Ann, I of Wiixston-Halem, spjent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Honeycutt. • » » | Ralph Lentz, student at Oak ridge, is visiting his mbther, Mrs. L. 11. Lentz. * * * R. L. McConnell, of Montgomery, Ala., is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. T. McConnell. • W w James and Rie£ayd Greenslad/e, atm dents at Oakridge, are the guests of their sister, Mrs.' E. C. Towcryi t # $ 1 Mrs. J. T. McConnell, Misses Julia, Irene aud Cornelia McConnell and R. L. McConnell spent Thanksgiving in AJbeinarle wi,th E. K. McCopuell. i ** * ' Miss Lillian Hmmlton has Returned from Chester, sci. C., where she visits, relatives. m w j Mrs. Ernest is the wjeck- j cud guest of relatives in Rock Hill. s: c. • • • Misses Mfe, Addle pud Loe White! sjjent Thanksgiving iu Statesville i with their sistpy, Mrs- J.L. Mcßride. • .m < Mr. and Mrs. E. D. ijkcrrill uud children were the guests Thursday of -Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sherrill in Greens m + + Mrs. Elizabeth de and MUs* Thelma Mae Little, of Charlotte, spent f • * Mr. ayd Mrs. J. R. Meredith aud < Children, of Thomasville; Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Dost a In] daughters, CutJLi- - erine uud Virgipia, apd Miss Jessie j Niiou, of Charlotte, were the guests i Monday, Nov. 29 J counter 46-mdi bhetiin.r , nri " fewnam,. Spenai C per vard an *4 3K 3 Pound Quilt *i Roii HID fl hese Rolls consist oju jfl grade Gingham.- and CL ffl etc., and every bundle Satisfactory. H j OIL CLOTH’ ■ First Oualitv :>-[ n c I oil cioth 4>C ■ Second Quality -VI qq I Oil Clotii I Third Quality 51} iq I Oil Cloth I t ■ f ' Rig Lot Ot Ladies i\ih»J }jix- I ed Serge Skirts and Pettfcoats I Special tor a ()uirk Clean tin— I 69c T 0 98c I Thursday of Mr. and .h. («. Petrea. • t j .Mrs. Annie Ihird hi, mil I from (’liarlestQS. S. C, where *at j Ik-o’i visiting lie ikuglior for sev ; mouths. • 1 • [ George il. Ukiimuud «»> »<• Iho at his work at lii-hmoiis-l | Co.. Friday after Wing n* i to his home on (iwirgin Amrntlj 1 ness for several, days. |* * * Miss Virginia Smoot is'k I end guest of her sister, Mis A Smoot, in High Point. • * - Miss Charlotte S>«*lia*it. o' "k lon. is the guest of Mie? j Litaker at her home on S' « ] st rcet. { .Mr. and Mrs. K. V- KMei.nour Mrs, Nell Edison. Me ham. William Binglumi. and ( ai Simpson attended d" Sat 1 Forest game in Rah gii TLursit * * • ; Mr. and Mr-. Jl«4 MeK’H? I Winston-Salem, were j eon guests of Dr. aud - r> - i Houston. • • * Mr. and Mrs. C. Ed. U- 1 ; and Mrs. Bruee Towery. spent Thanksgiving " It!l Jlr -n R. M. Cook. * * * Mr. and Mr*. K K daughter, .lane. :i ’ in Gibson with friend-. • • * Mr. and Mrs. H 1 West Point. Va.. are - ' and Mrs. <l. P- U' ,J ' f4 "' ' t • * Mr. and Mi>. «•••> ]Vhil * their guest the latter-- Mattie is Sauimon.-, m Mr. and Mrs. -I'En A. 1 and Mrs. A. C. dron. Mr. rs ~ , t (| two ehiidren. Miss Chve^fl Concord; Mr. aud * and two children j Ralph Ciine ' were the and Mrs. Hoy T- Jruum j lotte. , . . ! Mi-s Uplielia to North Ui.rolina ( cm at Greensboro, ] Tliaiiksgivhig -w'lli l' , r 1 and Mrs. A. T. DtUlo» lotte, is the e 14 ' ijd j. r. Cook during il* m holidays. - , M r < s. V. Barrier of Salisbury. \ gl with Mr and M r - ft Her, , , - .Air. ami Mrs. J. A 3 (;la ,s. Jot- Lio»<- Kluttz. Jr.. Mis-- 1 - L J Kluttz were oinwig gJ who witm-e-i

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