PAGE TWO I LOCAL MENTION | [■ priee of cotton on the Concord Market today is quoted at 11 1-2 cents ter pound. Cotton seed 30 cents. ■ circle R «»f the Ladies' Aid Society Ks Forest fifill Mt-rhodi*t Church wiy Kieet this evening at 7 :30 at the home Ks Mrs. Everett F. Rimer on' Ann Ktreet. | Tj, e Ladies' Aid Society of Trinity Reformed Church are this evening ser- King dinner at the Y M. C. A. from M tp 9 o'clock to.which the public is Eordially invited. I If you wiii cut our of this pai*r ■ he ad. of Boyd W. Cox and take it io bis studio, it will entitle you to a; Ko per cent.; reduction on any size lj>r style photograph. See ad. in this i>ai*r. B Beginning with Friday evening of |:his week the store of the Starnes-Mil per-Parker Co., jewelers, will be' open ■every evening till 0 o'clock until ■Sljgistinas for the benefit of the shop ping public. J Police officers again this morning ■stated (hey had nothing new to report. ■No session of the recorder's court was ■hold yesterday afternoon and no cases |af interest developed during the day, ■they stated. I JL I>. Goodman, county agent for ■Cabarrus county, and A. R. Morrow, llredell county agent, will attend the ■Kannapolis jsiultry show tomorrow. Lkgent Goodman said today. The judg ing of the poultry will be tomorrow. I The men of the First Methodist Protestant Church are called to meet Itonight in the Raraca room for the ■organization of a Men's Brotherhood. ■All men of the church are urged to attend. The.- meeting begins at 7.30. R. L. McGee has sold to Mrs. I. T. Champion for *133, property in No. 4 township, according to a deed filed here - yesterday. Another deed •coords tho. sale of property in No. 4 by Dr. Frank Jfioye to H. P. Town send for S3QO. 1 f , All members of flic Fred Y. McCon nell post of the American Legion are urged to attend the meeting of the post tomorrow night at 7:45 in the i’lub room (mi Barbrick street. Several important questions are to come up for consideration. I The Y. M. C. A. will give their regular motion picture program to- Eorrow night at 7 o'clock at fie (own Mil] schoolbouse for the benefit If those that live in that community, everyone W invited to be the guest bf the Y. M. €r. A. Gabriel Szigiuoiidy. noteu pianist, will appear here next Thursday night under the auspices of the Guild of Trinity Reformed Church. In his re rent appearance in Charlotte he scored i decided hit and it is hoped he will be heard here by a large audience. . Lower temperatures prevailed here again today, the .mercury dropping several degrees during the day. Yes terday wu;-! .like'a spring day but the lueccury started tumbling during tbe night and the ground was ’ covered with a heavy frost this morning. ; Continued improvement is reported today in the- condition of W. P. Sher rill. farmer'of this county, who was •seriously litirt Tuesday when kicked >y a horse. He is still at the Con cord Hospital where he underwent an operation shortly after being kicked. Cotton picking continues in various seotitpis of the county. It is said that rtbme farmers have as much as forty bales still in the fields and there are many smaller fields which must Im» picked again. Much of the cotton has been badly damaged by recent rains, it is said. Tli*' December meeting of the board of aldermeft will be he'd touifht at the city hall. The meeting, sched uled to begin at 8 o’clock, will be the last regular one of the year. So far as b, knowp now. no business matters of special importance will come be fore the meeting. Thinks I lagan Will Be Arrested. Asheville. Doc. j.— G4O—Reports that deputy sheriffs and bloodhouuds had followed Lat Hagan, alleged slay er of Marion W. Yatt, 17,’into l;un cey County, reached the sheriff's office here today. Sheriff Mitchell, of Bun combe County, was confident that the man would be apprehended shortly, as Hagan is handicapped b]r a traecheo tomy tube through which he is forced to breathe. Yatt was shot at Rock vVw near Burnardsvijle yesterday as ; ter noon and died within a few miu ute*s. NEW SERIES ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4th We Open Our 77th Series of Building and Loan Hu«niiig Shires, worth SIOO at, maturity, will cost you only 2dc a week. 4 Building and Loan is the ideal wky fop wage earners to save money, or to the funds to pay for tlteir hCmcs. no better investment than prepaid shares of our stock, which are tax exempt. ’ L If roil are not familiar with the Buikliug- and Loan we wuLbe pleased to explain it Concord Perpetual Huild ing Association „ , *!?.CA** RRUS SAVINGS BANK H. I. \\OOPHOL&E . \ P. B. FETZER ■secfetarv aikl Treasurer " Secfgtary > ACT Lawyers Say Law Ha* Nat Added to the Dignity' of the Judgeship. Raleigh? Nov. 30.—(4*)—With dis satisfaction repotted from numerous sources over the operation of the emer gency judge act passed by the general assembly, political observers in th.e State capital have predicted that one of the major. hflUlfs bofpre the coming legislature will be to repea the act. Since the ac| was placed into op- first emergency judge was | John W. Ragland presiding ovetyn court term in Yancey couuty bpgui nhig March 23. 1023—more than ope hundred weeks of court have beeu held by emergency judges—either reg ular or especially appointed under the 1023* get. 'The courts were divided about equally between special terms and terms in lieu of regular superior court judges. Prominent lawyers nave openly ex pressed the opinion that the tempo rary e’evation of some lawwers to the bench for a week or two has not served so raise trie dignity of the superior judgeship nor to add to its esteem in the eyes of the public. Generally, they admit, the men named have been able ones and have conducted their courts well! but the principle of the matter is in disfavor. They frankly say that they will demand a change, and suggest as a means of remedying the situation, whirft now calls Tori such a large number of emergency judges, the creation of four or more j additional judicial districts. The state is now divided into twen ty districts. If a widely made sug gestion is followed by- the legislature there will be twenty-four after next March, and the new district will be set up Wake, Mecklenburg. Guilford and Forsyth counties as districts to themselves. This woulil give the state twenty-four judges instead of 20 a number regarded as sufficient to handle the largest part of the state's present extra judicial burden. These would be augmented by the state’s corps of regular emergency judges—jurists ,who have retired from active service after fifteen years or more of service. At present there is one judge fall ing in this class —(’. C. Lyon, of Elizabeth; but the ranks were unduly thinned by recent deaths. Regular emergency judges receive a regular sal ary of one-third the compensation of active judges. They are allowed ex penses when holding court. Emer gency judges natped under the J»25 act receive $l3O a week and expenses. The principal opposition voiced to the plan of creating Fie new districts has been that it would create offices for four new solicitors. Adherents of the plan to form the new districts back' up their conten tion with the argument that a judge normally call hold forty weeks of court a year, and thut a realign ment of districts and the creation of four new judgeships-there would rare ly be Any cause .for' pressing emer gency judges intT>\ervieC. While be did not sponsor the emer gency judge act, Governor McLeau stated recently that he was well pleas ed with the* way that it had worked out. More lately he bad compiled a list of judges named under it and a record of courts hehl during the period since it became effective. BFJT AGAINST THE banner is DROPPED The Du Pont Engineering Company Says Nashville Newspaper Has Ex plained Matter Satisfactorily. Wilmington. Del., Nov. 30. —(>4P) — The Du Pont Engineering Company announced today that it had with drawn its libel suit pending against the Nashville. Teun., Banner write h had been brought because of state ments published that were held to re flect on the company's conduct of the construction and operation of the Old Hickory, Tenn., powder plant. The i Banner, according to the Du Pont statement, on November 26tb printed a statement reviewing tbe matter, and regretting that such publication riad been made. Five Negroes Being Held For tbe Death of Barber. Charlotte, Xov. 30.—Five David son negroes were being held in jail here today in connection with the death ten days ago of Charles Mor ton. negro barber, of Duvidsou. it was learned that •officers have been working on the case for the past sev eral days but ho announcements have been made. A hearing in tin case scheduled for today was (-on tinned until Friday morning. IN AND ABOUT THE CITY CHILDREN MAKE FIRE 4 IN HOUSE BASEMENT New House of Upturn Company on Cedar Stmt Damaged bjr Blaze. Prompt actkfti by neighbors and firemen probably saved one of the new; houses' of the Cannon Manufacturing Company ou Cedar street yesterday afternoon wbeu fit wgs fired |y chil dren playing in tbe basement. The liouste is occupied py Charier; Weave-’ arid family and was pot badly damaged due to the prompt mariner in w’hich the blaze was extinguished. About 2:43 yesterday afternoon a woman living next door *aw siuoke coining from the basement of trie Weaver home. She rushed to tbe bouse and pulled open the basement I door and several children ran out i Flames then were coming from the: door, she is quoted as saying. When firemen reached the house a few minutes later the flames had crawled between trie walls and were almost to the attic. The basement and attic were filled with smoke, which was pouring from front windows in te attic ana from under the shingles on the roof. With chemicfls jn the attic and water in the basement the blaze was i-oon extinguished although it was some time before firemen could ,de-’ tennino whct’ier the blaze was out due to the density of the smoke in the attic. One person was in the Weaver j house but knew nothing of the tire until called by neighbors. The wom an who discovered the fire said she was frightened more because of the; children than auytriing else. *‘l was just certain we would find one in the basement after the smoke -had cleared j away,” she said. So far as known the children were not burned. Blocks and pine wood which had been stored in the basemeut were used by the youngsters to start the fire. 1 It is reported the damage is cox ered by insurance. ROAD SIGNS FOR HOTEL ERECTED DtTUNG WEEK Already Forty Signs Have Been Erect ed and Others Are Under Construc tion Now? j Trfiveliers on highways in this sec- i tion of the state soon will be remind-; ed each mile that Concord has a mod-1 ern* ami moderately rated hostelry. C. Ross’ Wenriek. manager of Hotel Concord, stated this morning that al ready forty small road signs have been ; erected ami more than 100 others arc: under construction and will be erected in the near future. These signs are in addition to the four large ones efeeted several months ago. The new signs are placed at each mile post on the principal highways' leading into Concord, Mr. Wenriek; stated. They will be placed as far north as High Point and as far south as Greenville, S. 'C. To the east the signs have already been carried tt> the ten-mile, poet, be yond Mt. Pleasant and others will be erected on trie highway leading to Al bemarle and eastern North Carolina. 'The signs are 2x3 feet. Mr. "\Yen-, rick stated, und are neat and attract-' ive in appearance. They are about the same size as the Slate highway signs denoting curves and narrow bridges. GLILLE WITH WACHOVIA BANK IN SALLSRVILY Resigns Position With Cannon Lum ber Company Here—Had Been Here Two Years Gottis Guille, for two years asso ciated with tlic Cannon Lluinber Com pany here, has resigned this portion und accepted one with the Wachovia Bank and Company at Salis bury.- jfre begau riis new duties yes terday. Mr. und Mrs. GuiUe moved to salis-. bury the first of the week aud at preg leat are living with the Matter’s moth er. Mrs. D- V. Caqnon. Mr. Guilje came to Concord about two years ago be and Mrs. Guille had lived befe fcint‘c tjjieir marriage last spring. Roth were identified witfi various phases public life and have scores of frieuds here who regret to see them leave. J. A. Cannon, owner of the Cannbn Lumber Company, stated triis morniug that Mr. Oiiille’s successor has not been named. ! BENEFIT PERFORMANCE AT THE STAR THEATER Manager of Star Theater Will Give Benefit Performance for Athletic Association and Parent-Teacher As sociation of High School. A special benefit performance will be given at the Star Theater on De cember !)th and 10th for the benefit of the Athletic Association and the Parent-Teacher Association of the High School of Concord. In addition to the special feature picture, the entire picture of the Con .corifl-Gastonid high school football game will be shown. New Concord Street Bus Line. L. B. CresA is the owners of a new streqt bus line in the city. This ljue will begin operations next Sun day morning, December sth, ou the following schedule: ? j Leave depot for Gibsou Mill at ]G:3O a. m. (7:30 a. id. op Sunday i mornings). ! Leave Gibsou Midi at 15 minutes aft*r each hour arid 45 minutes each hour. Leave Bfowu Mill on each hour, and 30 minuter after each hour. Last trip at U :3U‘p* ob (Saturday night 11 p. m.b Fare: 10c; children I Sv - ' ' 1 Dr. Shaueru Resumes His Practice. The md>ry\ friends und patients of Dr. J. A..Sbauevs, Concord chiroprac tor, w’ho wj»s hurt in an automobile accident near Greensboro several weeks ago. wifi be glad to learp that he has fiiJJy gnd' has resum fd his practice here. His rooms Nos. 203 and 204, Cabarrus Savings Bank building. fM£ CONCORD TIMES ! COUNTY OFFICERS WIDU TAKE OATHS MONDAY All Present Officers Except Cowjs siotiers Elected for Another Terms i in November. • County officers chosen in trie elec tion of November 2nd, will take their oaths of office' peif Monday at the court house. The iatt' provides that th.ey take office (he firsf Mopday ju I>comber following the election, I|tere wifi be onfe- four new officers, allof thejii county copunissiopers, but ofhers re-elected must renew thoir oaths and bonds undet the provisions of the law. . . The ontris Will be administered by John ]B. clerk of Superior court. The new commissioners will be: C. A. Isenliour, Concord, chairman; W I F. Smith, of No. 3 township, H. Graeber, of Kannapolis; Deberry Foil, of Mt. Pleasant, arid J. M. Hart sel], of No. 10. Mr. Hartsell pas the onfj- member of the retiring board nominated at the county convention which named the Democratic county ! candidates. r All of the oflicers except Mr. Mc- Allwtei’ were chosen for a term of two years. Mr. McAUister, as clerk of cofirf. was chosen for a four-year term. Immediately after beiug sworn in members of the board of county com j missippers wifi bold their first regular meeting. Business of the board will be turned over to them by J. F. Day vriiiit. chairman of the retiriug board who declined to stand for re-election ! Th ft officers to be sworn m, in addi tion to the commissioners, include: Sheriff—R. V/ Culdweli. Jr. C]ork of Court —J. B. McAllister. Register of Deeds —L. V. Elliott. Coroner —Dr. Joe A. IlurtscU, i Treasurer —Miss Margie McEach : crn. j Cotton Weigher—W. R. Roger. Ijiurveypr—Walter L. Furr. I TAKE CJIEVROLEI’ AND RIDE ENTIRE NIGHT j Car Belonging to©nee Props! “Itorrowed” for Night by Unknown Person*. i The Chevrolet belonging to Clarence i Propxt must have had a w ild night. The car was stolen from the streets jiherc early last night and found this morning near the hosiery mill ou Ann street. ’ The speodoim’trr shows that it was driven about 300 miles during i the night. , Mr. Propst missed fils car early lust night and notified police offiwrs who kept a watch for it. However, noth ing was seen of the car during the uight and as there was no one in it , when found the identity of the ‘'bor rowers” is not known. I -So far as police officers know thf j car was not damaged, despite the fact . that it mupt have been kept going tin greater iiavt of tlie night to riavf travelled 300 miles. In discussiug this case officers told of u similar case which came to their attention several weeks ago. At that time a Mt. Gilead man asked them t» j be on the watch for his car which was stolen on the streets here late one af ternoon. j Early the next morning an aban j doued car was found in the city and j it proved to be the one reported lost by trie Mt. Gilead man. A cheek i of the speedometer on that car showed it had been driven more than 200 miles during the night. ROTARY MEETING ; Want Library and R. F. D Facilitie; ExfeTitfed for Benefit of Public. Members of the Concord Roturj C’ub at their weekly meeting at llote Concord yesterday went oil record as i favoring extension of library fucilitieF in Concord arid rural mail deliveries | iu the county. In tho discussion for larger librury I facilities for Concord Jlarv'ey Moore. . j former mayor of Charlotte, spoke on ,j life work being done by the public lj , I brary in Charlotte. Ho stressed the i iniportauee of public libraries and ; | urged members of the Rotary Club to i extend their influence iu providing better facilities for the library here L. T. Hart sell and Ed Siiuvaiu were appointed op the committee from the elub'to work Vjtri other agencies ivbieh have as their goul a bigger library for this city. W. G. Brown, .county engineer, | spoke in fifvor of extending the rural mail deliveries of the county. Since I modern highways have been built < throughotiC the county, lie said, the work olf tlfie mail men has been mude i easier and it is now possible for them to cover more territory than vhey coujkl before the roads were improvetl. The club went on record as fuvSring :his project. Usual Christmas Program at “Y” This Year. ■ A Christmas tree will be decorated j and lighted on the grounds of the If. M. C. A. durntg the Christmas season. ; it was said today by H. W. Blanks, i general secretary. In addition to the Christmas tree i there wifi ’bb the usual program Christ- I mas Eve at tlje Y. M. C. A There j will be a special musical prograpi with au orchestra aud quaftet for trie ben effit of afiy of "the public tvbo attend tbe entertaiameut. Tba Y- M- c. A. will also out ex tain the of the city who are tbe guests o| Concord Hotel at the program that tl)e hotel' wft give to the ueedy chfidreu of Concord. i| ——J— C’ontributions to Near East ] y/ V w, ’pk, local chuirinau of the Last Relief, reports the follow uig contributions during the drive for fufiux whiefi will end December UtU : ;i uwi L !v a • • • • IlMp I}) • G - CasM ell 5.00 Mi«. JL C. Herring . 3.00 i 1 Jf'*; K - S- 2.3.0 Q C 5.00 Total j Mff states that contributions I wm be received up to und iuclufliug titri. MIL# SUPPLY OP CITY T PURE, REPORT SHOWS Report of Veterinarian’s Examination of Herds in County Show Very Small Amount of Tuberculosis Among Cattle. Federal Veterluar'an Dawson and State Veterinarian Tyler, who have jbeen testing thp cattle in Cabarrus County for the past month, are leav- county for the eastern part of the State, and they report that the cattle of this section is practically free from tuberculosis. CR {he cattle tested in Cabarrus County only four were found to have tuberculosis. *’V*»ere js absolutely no danger from the milk that is sold in Cpifcord,” said J>r. T. N. Spencer. "None of the animals that were found t<J be affected were ,:n the herds that furnish milk for the City of Concord. The animals that furnish the milk for Concord arc tested yearly,” he said. * It was said that while only four animals were found to be affected in Cabarrus County that of a herd of 25 in the edge of Rowan County 18 were fongd t« be effected when the veterinarians made the test. ■County Agent Goodman said, “TJbree years ago when all cattle of the county was tested the agreement was that the State and federal gov ernment send men here to make tests n file herds and those adjoining where few reactors were found, then for in tervals for three years in order to try to out the disease.” "The tfcsts that were made this year showed that only a few reactors were found in the county. Those in •barge appreciate the co-operation the farmers are giving in making these tests,” he said. ; j 1 GOLDEN Rl LE SUNDAY Mayor Barrier Makes Appeal For Its Observance Here. To the Citizens of Concord. X. C.: December sth is International Gold en Rule Sunday. It is sponsored by President Coolidge and by leaders of all faiths and callings. A represen tative National Committee urges our participation in its observance and I am glad to endorse the : r request. Golden Rule Sunday is most appro- ■ priately placed midway between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Its purpose is two-fold: To awaken us s o «t greater appreciation of our own i blessings, and emphasize our responsi bility to the less fortunate in all parts j >f the world. The eeutral idea of the day’s ob- 1 ■ervauce is the substitution of a ,s ; m- j ole and meager “orphanage” meal in 1 Vuiee of our usual bountiful Sunday I 1 inner. In doing this the plight of ! L he destitute in the world’s poorest lands, is made more real to us and to our children. To the orphaned children. wlu> are the beneficiaries of Golden Rule Sun lay the recent earthquake in Arriien a have brought addit'onal suffering, t is evidfut that unless wc help these •hildren they perish. I there ore hope, that International Golden Utile’ Vtuiulay will be observed in cv ‘ry home in our city. CoritrfbuHons can be sent to the 'itute Chairman. Mr. J. It. Ivey. 1200 ’.{ealty Building. Churlotte. C., or to Mr. C. W. Swink, local chairman, tt Cabarrus Savings Bank. ’ Sincerely yours, C. 11. BARRIER, Mayor. MISS MIND CANDIDATE FOR ENGROSSING CLERK a, ill A Concord Woman Has Made Fifie Rec ord as Clerk for House of State Legislature. Miss Rosa B. Mutitl, vice coairman »f the Cabarrus County Democratic executive committee and for the past wo sessions engrossing clerk of the Mouse in the Geuoral Assemh’y of North Carolina, will be a candidate gain for the post when the legisla tive meets in January. tshe definitely ’ecided several days ago to make the •ace and while in Raleigh last week conferred with friends Caere in re ran! to her campaign. So far no one else has announced is a candidate for this post, it is said tnd many members of the House have assured the Concord woman of their otpport. Mi s.s Muud was first chosen engross-1 ng clerk at the 1928 session and her work was so efficient and satisfactory ‘hat she was re-elected at the 1925 session. Again she proved so effi cient and her work so satisfactory that she "has had no difficulty in lin ing up support for her 1527 cam paign. As engrossing clerk Miss Mund will have charge of the copying of all bi ' and acts considered by the House ; •' will have a corps of stenog rapher' ruler her direct .supervision. PLANS FOR PET AND HOBBY SHOW BEING PERFECTED Expect to Have Large Number of Ex hibits ami Special Attention Will Be Given Poultry Exhibit. Plans are being iierifectcd to make the pet and hobby show that will be given at the M. A. December 17th the largest and best show that the local association has ever hud. ? In co-operation with R. D. Good- ' man, county agent, who is very in terested in good poultry and is work ing constantly with t'ae farmers of tbw* section to get them to breed bet ter poultry, the show wpl fiavq a spe cial exhibit of poultry. It' is ex pected that this section of the ex hibits will prove of iißerest and that a largo uumber of fatiriOfs and poul try bidders will Vriiiß tfieir birds sos tjie poultry section of the show. ■ The show is expected to draw a much larger attendance this year than ever before. Last year the attend ance was approximately 1,500. it was' siiitl. ?' is rsliiiiufed that the population of the world increases at the rate of 5R.000 a day. a fact which raises the ■ problem of where those born in already overcrowded countries are to find room. Prof. Edward Murray Ea*t of Harvard Univemitjy, af firms that, taking the world over, there arc ou uu average 150.01KJ births and 100,000 deaths each day— a net daily gain of 50,000 in popula tion. \ Our Big $250,000 j Christmas Drive Now Going On :Q. . . . .■- i. -• ■ r 7: ' ‘ See Our Better Toys On Second Floor In Gift Department Final Clean Up of All Cotton Goods, NotionTl and Men’s and Boys’ Clothing in Our Bargaul Basement LADIES SHIRT WAISTS cm M One lot of Ladies’ Shirt PI ~ Waists, values up to $2.98./ A V4J a/ TM COU( * ( j lla hty 5-4 I Ouick Clean up Price of 1 Oil Cloth ___ _ I "48c »» $1.48 fgW/j/ & I Ladies* Bed Room Slippers, H Ssc Sellers. Special per pair— I ' —-,1 48c 1 j of Ladies' WneUM $1.95 to $3.95 lifcM —: f fv§ 69c 10 98c I One Lot Ladies’ <|JO QO \{ {JR Capes. Special __ Ladies* Winter Coats, differ- fll ** ->c sure and visit Our Bargain I cut Sizes. Special— . Men s and Boys’ basement for Specials, as ttae I tfo QO l I’TO An Ag Rabbit , Hunting > Hiti.-t be moved in order I <SO.UD Levins. Special— t 0 makc r °om ior our Christ-1 Yellow Slickers— _ 39c 48c ; I $1.98 Q TO $4.98 IrnTTricavy Shirts I B ° Y |« l 4S H “C AT and Drawers, all , ( , p • [J I * - • c . • , , JbUO Fair.-; Bovs Cotkovl 7 l-jjc—COUNTER—7 l-2c slzes ; Special, each Knee Pant>: Size, ct, i;J /* Counter ‘or ’Calicos, Ginghams, -;V 59c- j Regular Fart'. SpeaF-ifl 40-inch Sheeting and Curtain Qftr an( * 9I? ■ pricl I ’': a r. n _ S "' C . eP 7ic Men:* Owralls.;'reg- * * I Big Values in Aluminum Ware Z€s Boys’ Overcoah sizes to 9.1 Enamel \\ arc and Dishes, to a b pei pair Sold as high asth). fockaal go in this sale for a quick 75C u l ) c l l ” c^ clean-up. - -- —I " Men’s, Women’s and Boys’ Corduroy U.c Lr"l QUILT ROLLS Children’s Sweaters Pants. Sizes G to j.. FejuiarJ 11 ound Quilt 39c away prices. and Sf.oo i, “I Ron aii sizes— • $2.79 AXO $2.95 S Pound Quilt ■ 7C- 79c 1 $ 1 .98 Roll I Pt , Boys’ Khaki Lacc l.t. 1» ] -2c COUNTER. [Sizes Bto I. Regular! 8 Pound Quilt 11 A 88-inch Sheeting .and Sellers. Spec a Roll Assorted Remnants. <£l AQ a.a £! (j§ ' ' Special Clean-Up * These consist of high Price, per vard — 7 ' grade Ginghams and Calicps. 1A rnuNTER—ICc etc., and everv bundle must he ±oc COU ... ■, .. satisfactory. ' • 32-inch (nngham-- • — ■pp'iuiii am'tq \r ines, Curtain Scuni anu REMNANTS lc Calicos a quick ckan-w 8 l-2c SHEETING 8 l-2e EACH Color ( ; 1 in. Heavy LL Sheeting Rem- Little, girls, now is nants, full*bolt Ginghams, Cal- he time to buy your P cr - xa J ico and Bleaching Remnants Doll a new dress for “ 1(V Q,y r Christmas. Lots to 10c STAMP OQODS-H select from— Centerpieces ami - ui ’j ~ ' *1 n EACH \ r alues. Special Cose- ]|JC 12 l-2c—COUNTER—I2 l-2c Outs J- - Big Counter Full BuP AAA Zfck Sheeting. Hickory Shirting, ~ s m <■; 1 82-inch Percale, Oil Calico and , 1111 J<l,mh , r„ -■/, | Outing. 19Ar YMZjW h iL9 oJ Special *« C JBc 1 35 c 39c OUTING GOWNS 39c gSjpty One lot of Children's Outing A1 I uncii Kit tlmt > Gowns, a 50c quality. Special \\ ;l ] b 0 Bottle 481 for quick Clean-un i Sizes 2 toO, only L- // ° U y " 94 c BED SPREADS94C u{ Boxed Stan \ sox9o Colored Stripe Bed \t— * I , cC V Q , v hitc. )CC ' a Spreads. Regular $1.25 value. C ° ur Vn TO IQr I Cleanup 10C IJQ AU Sugar Tickets Must Be CaJ 4 s * --- ,■ . honor before January L' 1 GOOD Void after that date. PARKS BELKCOI Phone |3B and 60$ Thursday, Dec , J

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