■ Apr:l V. 1927 — . - ■ ■ We Start Our Second Week Os Our Annual Pre- Easter Sale DAY, April Bth. The First Week Os This Sale Was The Largest Os ' '' ' - ' • . v . ~ - i y Pre - Easter Sales. Easter Is Only A Week Off So Come Now. | Note All Specials On This Page > lecials ■s " I Shirts HH Genuine Broad- All sizes 195 c |ftcn Men's Blue [Hruv Work Shirts. ■ 48c |HWi-h Miit.> in All |Hty]i’ and Patterns Materials | T " $2.95 ■ol 27x51 Bugs in [Hindu Patterns — 179 c |w('nm] Floor) jMipek CLOTH H i i'*‘('fan Romper ! ; i HH A)'' Onalily— 1 18 c H it (, IK, HAMS H< I-)re>s Binghams 1 H' 1 spring Pat- H f ( na I i l v— -110c H 1 KROAt). H «"--■■ ' | Tremendous Purchase! Hundreds of Brand New Dresses to Choose From f Children’s Dresses 1 Big Rack Children’s Voile Easter Dresses, all colors. Neatly trimmed. Sizes up to 15 — $2.45 V • * 1 Lot Broadcloth Fancy Patterns. Size s up ta 15. Very Special— sl.9s Boys’ Oxfords Boys* New Spring Oxfords in Tan arid Black. Goodyear Welts, sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2. Very special at — $2.45 AND $2.95 Efird’s Department Store | Real Silk Crepe de Chine Dresses in a big range of new shades and models; $7.95 values at $4.95 One lot high grade Dresses in all the new Spring materials at $12.75 * -1 Ladies’ Broad Cloth Dresses Just received a Big Shipment. Come in plain and figured patterns. Very special $2.45 AND $2.95 Spring Coats In Fancy Mixtures and Plaids, in- QC eluding Sport Models at 0 * All-Wool Poiret Twill Coats, Silk lined, in both fur and plain collars, at $12.75 NEW EASTER FOOTWEAR < at PRE-EASTER SALE PRICES Ladies’ Patent Strap and Blonde Kid two-eyelet, $3.00 value. Pre-Easter r Sale $1.95 Ladies’ Pullman Two-eyelet blonde Flapper Oxford $3.95 Ladies’ Novelty Strap Blonde $5.00 value* Pre-Easter Sale $3.95 THE COWCOkD T t MBS Special purchase regular $9.50 Satin, Canton Crepes and Crepes de Chine. Extra Special at $7.95 One lot extra* fine Dresses, made of ex ceptionally fine materials; they sell the country over at $25i00. Our special $16.50 Happy Home Dresses Hundreds and hundreds to select from, any pattern or style you desire 95c New Model Nobby Sport Coats in all desirable materials, at $14.50 ! Ladies’ Blonde and Patent Leather. Also Combination colors. Pre-Easter Sale $2.95 Ladies r Novelty Cut Out One-Strap Pump, $6.50 value. Special _ $4.95 Craddock 1 Terry Patent Combination Easter Style. Special ! $4.95 Silk Underwear One lot Silk Rayon Bloomers, Step-ins, Vests and Slips, made in all the light shades at 95c $1.95 Silk Rayon Teddies, Step-ins and Bloomers at $1.45 One lot Glove Silk Bloomers in all the new high shades, at $1.95 i One lot Hand-Made Voile and Nain ' sook Gowns in white and light shades 95c ’ One lot of neat Voile Teddies and Step ins in all new light shades at 95c Men’s Oxford’s Young Men’s Broad Toe Tan and Black Oxfords. All sizes. $5.00 value. Prc-Eastcr Sale Price . $2.85 Men’s Black and Tan Oxford, a Real Special at $3.35 AND $3.95 PAGE FIVE Specials | LADIES SI.OO SILK || I STOCKINGS ' In all the newest shades special for this sale j 55c 2 sl H | —li i'i i A Great Value U New Colors in Nebel » Hose, in the new shades J , $1.45 | Hoover $2.00 Stockings In all the new shades, Sale Price $1.65 PAJAMA CHECKS Quality AAA Pure White fine Bleach 1 Sale Price IVrC Quality 2,000 10l- Pajama Checks Colored Pajama . Checks jft] 12^c I UNDERWEAR CREPE | in white, pink, blue, peach I I-lelio, Genuine Windsor ft] Underwear Crepe, etc., a 1] 25c value in IQ~ I >* remnants fi SPORT AND UNDER WEAR SATIN Litmino Rayon Sport Sat “ in for underwear and n * dresses £Q _ 11 isl value - bS#C ■ BARONET SATIN \ Baronet Sport Satin, $1.50 1 value, in all the under- ft wear ar.d dress | OA shades, yard NEW PRINTED SILK 1 [ 56-inch new Printed X Silks in neat styles for X | SILK PONGEE, 49c * 36-inch All-Silk Imported 1 Jap Pongee, a quality 1 * that usually sells for 85c;- ft while it last's 49c CREPE DE CHINE Quality 3500 40-indh All- ' Silk Crepe de Chine in ail ft the new Spring Shades ft I a p t ricc _'U... $1.95 I i I , visit this store j I EVERY DAY DUR ING THIS SALE |