June 9, 1927 IF * - 1 .1 uiJfful#*} 11 ißkw IJOMY 9 bF™ Sale Starts f FREE I M mm I surprise package I I E| CD|T\ \ v I At 9:30, Friday morning wel feaatai I Iwill give away 100 surprise! H®®® jpackages containing one tog 9)r You June 1 Oth' | thr ® e items ’ one p* cka & e to j is ■ ■ ■ t tfSaMj^ifigwiiiiii Bard I. ic TJ’ytri^iK ■r PURCHASE•“ ■ has made the Belk Chain the largest department store organization, ts realities of qualities, assortments and accuracies of statements be reailjf advertised, and there are many new things all over the store and re are hundreds of things here that never find their way to these lis store. KNT; ] Hpace to | S'less. I Hecials Bt J - \ uile. <• IBi l,m -i |alll ' \ at ? I Net \ MHurtain Vi. 5 HE® uitli j* HHh’cial— > Box g W ork o ■ k>t at | i air 8 Besses § |H O H <-adi 0 fc Pants 1 Klmki § m 0 Bickers § B°; * kilim 8 B di - a t pair 0 | Smart New Milin l ery I DURING THESE 9 DAYS * OF ECONOMY SALE WE I ARE OFFERING SOME 5 RARE BARGAINS IN LA -5 DIES’ HATS— j> 3 Special Tables of Huts 5 No. 1 Table A Q 5 Priced Ma4o l Table No. 2 djt QQ l Priced dlsJUi ? Table No. 3 4?0 (VQ < Priced tUMst/O $ Table No. 4 AO l Priced Hats For The KIDDIES | You will Wonder h ft A 1 ta o y Hff ft ffl fLA fll fr IB fll Q a A A ft J B mep g gßVeiteap w V m •> ■ —— l —— 1 ~' RAYON SILK HOSE Ladies’ Rayon Silk Hose, light shades, long boot at 35c 0B 3 SI.OO —p— ——„ BOYS’ UNION SUITS lot Boys’ Good .jual ity Union Suits. Econo- B my Sale. Hurry to get W I this folks, per suit U — SHOES Economy Sale Price Big counter Men’s Light Tan Oxfords, all sizes. Special * l ,LADIES' SLIPPERS Hot , Snappy Styles Just in Our Shoe Department is complete now, so come and get fitted early. Just received big lot lad ies’ Pasley trimmed One- Strap Pumps. Special $1.98 ECONOMY 4A r SALE 11 IC. Chadwick LL Yard Wide I Unbleached Sheeting, 111 Sale ■■ LOOK! HOSE SPECIAL A /\£ Onyx Full Fashion Silk Wm WkW Hose, big selection col- T* H or*. .$1,1)8 Hose, Eeon-*®HBp |B jk omy Sale Big Counter Ladies’ Pat . i ent, Kid, Blond, with I pasley trimmed. Special tto clean up. Values up f- to $7.95. Special $3.95 Y • v [ f LAST BUT NOT LEAST a Is Our Friendly Five Ox fords, just received lots of » new styles just in. Special $4.90, CHILDREN'S SHOES 1 l GALORE F 5 Bring the Kiddies in, and! let us fit them. We have* f all # kinds. Priced— 1 95c to $3.45{ Mail .Orders Promptly Filled tHg CONCORt) TIMES ■ B Children’s Dresses One Lot Children's hams SI'S 1 i—— . \ mU ” ONE LOT of a_ dishes, plates, I V- W saucers butter I dishes, each kL> special Big table Plain and Flowered Voile, 29c Value. 1 ; a 3 YARDS FOR I*, t SOc i V’~: . f . > House Apron. i-k „ Regular 98e Value Ladies’ Houseful Aprons in good quality Ginghams || % for 9 Days Economy Sale price V- , BOYS At Economy Sale Price ' ONE LOT Men’s Palm Beach i " Suits .and other sum- UP * mer suits, sale price i t White Broadcloth Shirts \ One big Counter of Men’s White Broad cloth Shirts, collar attached, $1.50 grade JL Dress Shirts One Counter Men’s I Collar Rj / a^ tajched neck J f patterns • m 3 Men’s Straw Hats • Yellow (lain and more. Our price BIRD EYE K S Boy’ Wash Hats 25c V2p One dozen to Sanitary Package, jjf Boys’ Dress Shirts 79c \S 2 4x24 nr ill Jfr Boys’ Knee Pant \ *j'EEr $1.35 W I Boys’ Long Pant Suits 111 3 ° X at° $1.45 mfj - $5.95- |lk (Second Floor Infant Dept.) M/ ifAA* Boys’ Wash Suits .. 98c iA% Hp? Boys’ Jocky Wash Caps '~wSCf # M Value Giving || [jm LADIES LOOK! | S Siik Dresses, Rayon Dresses and . j| * mwß t ° l i? n J? resseß worth from $3.00 |.\ \ 3 mTB 0 7,o °’ on sale opening day at M|\ 3 | $1.50 1(5 j "' White Duck Pants One lot Boys’ Long Pants, White Duck. $1.50 grade, Sale 98c f 4ipa» 4B&'j COLGATE’S \jßfc .ItF' W ,f TOOTH PASTE ’^•i I 10c siae_. 8c t jlrfpn ■ m h m v _ i JUb '2 for 15c j c rP c? “- ; •< : Hm 4nU|»« •Jj' Special Lot Haiid jJEp W Made Gowns, a jMr® ©3£» -Jjff oil Slips, Economy • PAGE FIVE