70xn ertainty And Some nS ion Marked Hours receding Naval Meet seemed Sure as to Might Happen at Session of Naval r 'ence Today. • POSITION’S | be defended From Japan, Britain and l nited ! .Ready to Defend ons. ~ J 4 _ ,&\ - I' n<-.*rtni ntv “‘^„ n hiark'ol tit** hours clay’s puldir M*ssi..n of J , va i coiilVrftu***. „ m rol sure ns to what j M1 , im | rltere were indica- ’ a U* t ions were j 'defend rlteir positions in J some confer va >h«.rt adjournment of nff \ v; ,s looked upon as a Krone of today's meeting, delegates refused L reiior of .the speech of bs<m , head of The delegation i VP ,I prohahhv in conference not fail to emphasize ■ „ t |, ar ilie real difficulty pwt divergence in cruiser ref:i (Jretit Hritain and I „ |)r in figures between lin and the I'nited States, us that from rite American t1,,. Hritislt and Japanese, siting what are regarded .and the latter seeking as sible. might get together can he any hope of agree i American delegation is as, feeling the I'nited jes the middle ground and in niove in either direction unable limits. gK-ast also that Mr. Gib (jft-ell upon the contention s possible tor the United timate the number of 400,- aisifrs that it needs until has been achieved on the -e for Drear Hritain. Japan ited Stares. rideman. tirst lord of the nintlty and head of, the egatiou was scheduled to Great Britain, while Ad mit Ishii. member of the fixation was scheduled to Japan. ing was called for the ball- H"tel des Hergues instead league of nations hall, in rmit more space for news lid the public, peak of Negotiations. July 14. —(/P)—The plen ttf the tripartite naval tixlay. which had been ard to with much specula ervers came to an end to ut) rupture of negotiations, contrary all the speeches rial representatives of the tes, Great Hritain and Ja tsi) they unequivocally ex various posbions on the bi™. were distinctly tem cor. and breathed the hope ttfrrenee would succeed, titlgeman. first lord of the niralty. and Admiral Jelli -1 that the licitish need a er of cruisers with a fixed of 7b. Gibson, head of the Ameri hon insisted on the neces *°w tonnage in order to ! burden of taxation and to l ’ :) l expansion. discount Ishii. speaking for tliely proposed limiting the I lb.blKi ton cruisers to 10 nited States and (Ireat > 'I • or less for Japan. *" n »her voicing hope for ; mit ar the conference said j ** 'lelegaHon had advised which was substantially * ■ the minimum cruiser ■ttul by the I'nited States, tiiat difficulties had arisen a eomnion ground between l ir °l>osed by the Japa level which would be fulfilment of the naval re* advocated by Mr. Bridge -8011 declared that finding a r ' lUD, l "biclt would obviate 0 r " ln lo'titive building is S . S " before the conference, that naval needs are ® Ilf »t absolute, and de w l tided States did not Ui agreeuig to a tonnage a! from lightening the . lar ‘ 01 >. would merely ' a ‘ expansion. n ' I M(H) For Possessing Hum. 1 '!" ly Hi—Bouie White- H Ml ' a - V was fined (t'Urr"k n< the ] James L. hit "i"!" 1 ,“ fOarse of Eon " nt ! )Mt s aid that t Wa l" ,!i<- e found in lb w . I’oDitefl" there by tefo ,'. N tr ' e, f city court toKPrv’ " n ,ht “ charge and l PDei' i Mx In "athri on the Court. rn l 1 lis pm. Dies At k lharl °tte Home. 72 1 13.-Thomaa ,D. divisj l , Pn K* ,lp er of the *N hep, nf t!lp Southern Ta n illn foni ßht at his «r v . , which began btia, " :ls a native of THE CONCORD TIMES J. B. SHERRILL. Editor and Publisher ♦ j MEXICAN BEAN BEETLE Has Made a A remarkable Advance Within the Past Two Months. Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh. July 14.—One of the most j serious situations which the Deparf- I meat of Agriculture has had to con- j j front in several years is the remark j able advance within the last two i months of the Mexican bean beetle i from the central part of the state intTi the trucking sections of the east. ! according to the division of en tomology. During the past season, the green bean crop has been fully cut in half by the ravages of the bean beetle. ; the department estimates, and. the late ; crop, just coming on, may be damaged ' still more than was the early crop. ! In the past, the beetle has not ad vanced more than 30 or 40 miles a j season and last fall it was not found J east of a line drawn north and south from the Virginia line, down through Caswell, Alamance, Moore, Montgom er, Anson nnd Union counties, to the South Carolina line. But already this summer the beetle has been found in a large number of counties east of this line, including Moore, Lee, Robe son, Scotland, Balden, Cumberland, Sampson, Duplin, and Wayne coun ties, and is believed to have invaded several others. J. H. Harris, assistant state en tomologist, is now making a tour of the southeastern counties looking for the beetle in the trucking belt. He has already found it in the northeast, in Orange, Wake, Warren, and Dur ham counties. “While we do not want to appear as alarmists, we are reasonable sure that a majority of the eastern truck ing counties wil be invaded by the beetle within the next four to six weeks,” said Dr. 1L W. state entomologist. “And that will mean a serious situation for the bean growers in these counties.” Dusting the bean plants with cal cium arsenate will destroy the weevil, if the dusting is done soon enough, according to Dr. I^eiby. FIVE MORE ARRESTS , IN FLOGGING CASE Two Women and Three Men Arrested For Alleged Participation in Flog ging of Woman. Florence, Ala., July 14.—04*) —Two women and three men were arrested here last night on warrants charging complicity in the flogging last week of Mrs. Bertha E. Slay by a bapd of arsons wearing masks and robes. Those under arrest were: Mrs. Al len Butley, Mrs. Lucile Lindsay, Allen Butler. Charles Lindsay and Albert Lindsay. In describing the persons for whom warrants were issued by Walter .K. McAdory. head of the state law en forcement department, Mrs. Slay stat ed that she recognized the two Women ‘*by their long hair and small feet.” Formal Call Issued For Veterans* Meet. Charlotte. July 13.—Call for the annual meeting of the North Caro lina division of the United States Confederate Veterans was issued to day by Gen. W. A. Smith, of Anson ville, State Commander, through Ad jutant General }. J. Cormby, of this city. The reunion will be held in Kal eigh on August second, third and fourth. The vets will be quartered at State College, with all meals served free. The first session wnl j start at eight p. m. August 1- j The program has not been ar ranged, but it was stated that Major Charles M. Stedman. repre sentative in Congress from the Fifth North Carolina district, will be one |of the speakers. THE STOCK MARKET Reported by Fenner & Beane. (Quotations at 1:30 P. Atchison American Smelting ono Atlantic Coast Line Allied Chemical American Tel. & Tel. American Can -- Baltimore & Ohio os; Bangor American Brown __ Bethlehem Steel '”l ts Chesapeake & Ohio l&* Corn Products Chrysler V™ Coca-Cola DuPont 2 Erie Frisco — f General Motors 203% General Electric 117% Gold Dust __ 57% Hudson Kennecott Copper 63% Lorillard 37% Liggett & Myers B HB% Mack Truck 07% Mo.-Pacific Pfd. 105 Stand. Oil of N. Y. 3O N. Y. Central 152% • Pan. American B 54% Producers Refiners 23% Rock Island H 5 ■ R. J. Reynolds Seaboard Air Line 39% Southern-Pacific 120% : Stand. Oil of N. J. 36% Southern Railway 129 . Studebaker » Texas Co. . 46% i Tobacco Products lOl% < 17. S. Steel 125% i Vick Chemical 57% f Westinghouse __ 81% Western Md. 60 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL GOES OH TRIAL ON ASSAULT CHARGES Prof. T. B. Mauney. of Candor High School, Faces Serious Charges in Court at Troy. ENTERS PLEA OF NOT GUILTY Mrs. F. F. Sanders Charges That She Was Assaulted by Mauney Two Days After Her Marriage. Troy, N. C„ July'* 14—(/P)—Trial of T. B. Mauney, principal of the Candor High School, on charges of criminal assault brought against him. by Mrs. F. F. Sanders, began here today. Prof. Mauney pleaded not guilty. Mrs. Sanders maintained she was as saulted two days after her marriage. The occasion she charged was when she called on the principal nt the office for permission to continue her studies. She was formerly Miss Myrtle Poole. She married a Candor barber. About a dozen women faculty mem bers were among the defense's char acter witnesses, while students were secured as witnesses for both sides. i The jury was selected after an all- [ day questioning yesterday of 38 ven- j iremVti from a total panel of 100 j called. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Firm at an Advance of 9 to 14 Points on Covering and Fresh Buying. New York, July 14. —t /P) —The cot ton market opened firm today at an advance of 9 to 14 points ou active covering and fresh buying inspired ; by a sharp upturn in Liverpool re- j ports of showers in the eastern belt, and talk of probable large figures on domestic mill consumption for the month of June. October sold up to 17.95 and Jan-, urary to 18.25 or 13 to 17 points net higher, aiul within 2 or 3 points of last Tuesday’s high record on the new crop positions. These prices attracted realizing but the market was steady nnd within 4 or- 5 points oJ the -best at the end of the first hour. After easing off about 10 to 15 points from the opening advance, j prices firmed up on the report of the I Census Bureau showing domestic consumption of 662,630 bales for June, compared with 518,607 last year. These figures were said to be the largest for the month of June on record, and were within 742,000 bales of the record for. any month. October sold up to 18.00 and January to 18.30, making new high prices for the season on new crop positions, and net ad vances of about 20 to 22 points. These prices attracted heavy realizing, how ever, and most of the gain was lost with October selling back to 17,81 late in the afternoon, or within a point of yesterday's closing quota. Cotton futures opened firm: July 17.58; Oct. 17.90; Dec. 18.12; Jan. 18.22. Closing Figures. Januarv 18.15; March 18.35; May, 18.51; July 17.55; October 17.81; De cember 18.06. ROBINSON GUILTY Found Guilty of Assault With Deadly Weapon.—Verdict Was Directed by Judge Webb. Charlotte, July 14.— UP) —-Conley E. Robinson, young local attorney, was acquitted of a charge of assault with intent to kill, but found guilty of as sault with a deadly weapon in su perior court here today. The latter offense is a misdemeanor and does not involve loss of citizenship of his license to practice law. The verdict was directed by Judge’ James E. Webb, of Shelby. Later Judge Webb announced that he would not sentence Robinson until next week. With Our Advertisers. Read J. C. Penney Co’s. Economy News in this paper that spells ser vice. value, quality and low price. You will find enumerated a number of good values for men, women and children. The annual July and Birthday Sale of Belk’s Department Store started this morning with a big crowd through out the store. New specials will be coming in every day by express, and there will always be big bargains for you. You will find many low special values in dresses and millinery at the Gray Shop from $4 9o to $19.50. Coats at $lO to sls, former prices $25 and $39.50. There are just 25 coats in the lot and every coat is worth at least double the price. Hats now $1.95, were $6.95. See big ad. The Yorke & Wadsworth 00. will have a factory representative all next week to demonstrate Rogers’ Brush ing Lacquer. Take any small article and It will be painted free of charge. A free ice pick for every customer go ing in the store any day next week. Two cars of overstaffed and fiber living room furniture just received at the Bell & Harris Furniture Co. The prices range from $37.50 up. N Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Caldwell and daughter, who have recently moved to Concord, are occupying the Cor! cottage ou West Depot street. CONCORD, N. G., THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1927 BOBBY HOLDS LEAD BY PLAYING UNDER . PAR AGAIN TODAY St. Andrews, Scotland, Ju ly 14. —AP.—Bobbie Jones played his second round of t the British open golf cham pionship in 72, one stroke under par, giving him a to tal for the two days of 140, j and maintaining his lead in I defense of the title he holds. He was a stroke over par sot j the first nine, but clipped j two strokes off coming j |iome. The champion faces the final 36 hole test tomorrow, with an advantage of si>i strokes under par for the classic St. AndrewvS course! He was five under par with his record equalling 68 score yesterday, and added another today, Bobby’s score of 140 for 36 holes compared with par 146 fqr two founds. II BUILDING AND LOAN MEETING NEXT WEEK Officers of all Associations in State Urged to Attend State and National Convention. Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel. j Raleigh. July 34. —Officers of all ; the building and loan associations in I the state are being urged to atteud j the state convention of Building and Loan Associations in Asheville on July J 18, which meets in Conjunction with the National Association there on that I date, by Stacey W. Wade, Couiinis ' sioner of Insurance, and under whose ! department the regulation of these associations comes. A letter has been sent by Mr. Wade to all the associa tions in the state calling attention to the convention. “This will he the biggest meeting t of building and loan association men j i ever held in North Carolina,” said j J Mr. Wade,” and fuly 2,000 delegates j are expected to the National conven tion alone. Thus an unusual oppor- , tunity is afforded to the officers of the associations in the state to get j first hand information concerning whut the National association is doing, and what associations are doing in other states.” In North Carolina, the regulatid>/f of building and loan association* is 1 j under the direction of the Oommission ler of Insurance. Thus since he is j the supervising officer of the assocm ' tions in the state, Mr. Wade will attend both conventions, and make an address before each one. The associations in North Carolina are in excellent condition according to Mr. Wade, who sees a prosperous year ahead of them. ANWHEI PROVINCE IS IN NEED OF AID NOW It Is Estimated That 1,000 Persons Perished There in Great Flood Dis aster Last WeekT Shanghai. July 14. — (A 3 ) —Urgent appeals for aid were received in Shanghai today from the southern part of Amvhei province, the scene of . a great flood disaster on July 6th which caused the death of more than 1,000 persons. It wa« only yester day that the news of the overflowing of lower reaches of the Yangtse river was received in Shanghai, and the re ports were still meager today. Enough j had been learned, however, to indicate that tens of thousands of persons are homeless and destitute and that vast damage to property has been done. Mid-Summer Clean Up Sale at Ivey’s. The K ig sale of odd lots and broken sizes of men’s, women’s and children’s high quality summer shoes begins at - Ivey’s tomorrow morning, July 15th. Ladies’ shoes from $1.95 to $6.95, and men’s from $2.95 to $6 95. The shoes are all of high quality and taken from regular stock. Go early and get your size. Store opens at 8 o’clock Friday morning. See big ad. in this paper today. Charlotte Stores to Close. Charlotte. July 12.—Directors of Charlotte Merchants Association today voted to close their stores for one automobile race per year and in so doing virtually certain a ra£e here next September 19. That date has been tentatively allowed by the contest board of the American Automobile As sociation, to the new owners of the speedway, a syndicate of local men who acquired it at auction sale after the speedway had gone bankrupt. Charlotte Woman Pays For‘Accident. Charlotte, July 12.—Miss Mary K. Holton, member of a prominent Char lotte family, paid costs in Mecklen burg Superior court today, in an ac tion brought against her as a result of striking with her automobile a 1 boy, Robert Mull, in Hoskins. Her ; attorneys tated that she had paid the Mull family $750 as damages, so Judge James L. Webb permitted her to go without further penalty. Killed by Lightning. Canton, N. C., July 14.— UP)— Tay ■ lor King, 54 years old, was instantly ' killed by a lightning bolt Wednesday afternoon during a brief storm while ‘ seeking refuge from the rain in a : small house in the wood yard of the • Champion Fibre Company, where he was employed as foreman. | Mrs. Jennie Bost has resumed her l work at ijjelk’s Department Store I after enjoying a vacation of several weeks. Liquor, Not Oil, Produced From Well In Sampson County, Officials Say Clinton, N. C., July 14.—OP)—Al though oil was not produced from an oil well begun near here early last month under partial financing by lo cal people, officials eharge that liquor wae produced from a 100-gallon moon shine still within 300 yards of the drilling machinery, and A. Orr, mem } her of the firm promoting the well and 'two of his employes have been arrest led, charged with operating the still. Sheriff Med Morrison, of Sampson J LOWER PART OF BODY IS FOUND 1 Upper Portion of Youth’s Body Thought to Have Been Eaten by Fish.* Wilmington, July 13.—Lower ex tremity of the body of Trop Wood cock, drowned July 4th in Elmore’s Inlet while swimming with a party of four others, has been found and buried in Atkinson, N. C. The body was in tact from the hips down, but no trace was found of the remainder 1 which is believed to have been devoured by a shark or a mammoth fish. Finding of the. remains of Wood cock leaves but one body unaccounted for, that being Leon Barnhill, Ham stead, which has not been seen since the five persons sank belpw the sur- I face when caught in a treacherous offset. The others were found the day after the drowning. Careful search is being kept up for evidence of Barnhill’s body and the remainder of that of Woodcock. Finding of the lower limbs of Wood cock bears out the statements of per sons who said they,saw evidence of human internal organs in the water several days after the bodies disap peared. Remains of Woodcock were found in the vicinity of the place where the drowning occurred. INVEIGH AGAINST SUNDAY SALE OF GAS Methodist Conference Appeals for Stopping Sabbath Dealings In the Country. Goldsboro, July 13.—Sunday sale of gasoline in rural sections should j be stopped, states a 1,000 word resolu j tion approved today by the district ! conference of the M. E. Church, South, j The pai>er, signed by former Sheriff K. A. Stevens, secretary of the con ference, says the body is in favor of a state-wide law forbidding sale of gasoline on Sunday. “We believe that the State of North Carolina, which derives its authority Cr enacting and enforcing law from God Himself, should see Xo it that His command to observe a day set apart by Him be kept holy and reflected,” the resolution reads. **lt. is therefore through a sense of Christian duty that we again proclaim against the sale of gasoline on Sunday from rural filling stations the same as is prohibited in most towns and cities on Sunday. The open Sunday has no rightful peace in any Christian community.” CARPENTER HAS NARROW ESCAPE Falls From .Top of 85-Foot Dam ■ and Catches on Way Down. Norwood, July 13. —Carl Clinton, carpenter at Hydro, fell from the top of the 85-foot dam under con struction =at that place. He was caught by some steel as he was colining downward, thereby badly tearing his clothing and cutting into several ribs. by which he was suspended until aid could reach him. He was taken to Albemarle Hospi tal for treatment. Although the cut ting steel caused some pain, its timely aid prevented the young man being cruished to death when he inched the ground below. COL. A. D. WATTS IS CRITICALLY ILL Little or No Hope For Recovery of Statesville Man Held Out at Sani tarium. Statesville, July 13.—C01. Alston D. Watts, former collector of inter nal revenue for'North Carolina, to night was reported in a critical con dition with physicians holding out little- or no hope for his recovery at a sanitarium here. His illness took a turn for the worse this morning and he has grown steadily weaker, reports from the bedside said. Can Interstate Commerce Commission Refuse Petition of the P. & N.? Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel. By J. C. BASKERVILL. Raleigh, July 14.—That the Inter state Commerce Commission cannot very well refuse the petition of the Piedmont and .Northern for the ex tension. of its lines to Greensboro and Winston-Salem, and that the P. & N. is acting wisely in proceeding with work of acquiring its right of way, pending the decision of the In terstate Commerce Commission, is the opinion of a number of officials con nected with the State Corporation Commission here. One of the reasons for the belief is based upon some of the testimony brought out at the recent hearing of the P. & N. petition before an ex - amiiier for the Interstate Commorce > Commission in Charlotte. At this l hearing it was brought out that in > the order of the L. C. C. some time ; ago, permitting the Georgia and Florida railroad to extend its lines from Augusta, Gr., to Greenwood, S. • C., the commission, in its order, called > attention to the faet that by so doing [ the Georgia and Florida would be able to connect with the Piedmont county, holds warrants for other men connected with the scheme, two of whom. Wherry and Marion Carver, the promoters’ ••geologists,” are niisn ing. Orr. together with Jackson and Jetner. employees of Orr and Wherry, promoting the concern, have been re leased in SSOO bond each. Sheriff Morrison has evidence, he says, that the oil operators had been shipping liquor to New Bern and into Virginia. FRIGHTENED WOMAN LEAPS FROM WINDOW Effort Made to Enter Horae of Colored Jeweler at Slier City. Siler City, July 13.—An attempt to rob the home of Tod Edwards, colored jeweler of this plaee, about 10 o’clock Monday night, so frightened one of the grown daughters that she jumped or fell from one of the upstairs win dows. Possibly fatal injuries were prevented when a neighbor coining in 1 response to cries for help appeared just in time to catch the girl as she fell. Members of the family declare that the marauder had entered from the rear of the house and was coming along the hall when they first heard him. Tod and his wife were at church at the time, but they were summoned, and a large assembly of neighbors, armed with chibs, huge gnus, and other I dangerous and deadly weapons search ed the premises. Tod is of the opinion that the would-be burglar surreptit iously joined this group and assisted with the search. It is believed that the purpose of the attempt was robbery. Tod is treasurer of his church, and the con gregation had held a big rally Sunday, resulting in over S3OO being turned in to the treasurer. He feels that the would-be burglar expected to find this money in the house. • In entering the house, a large hole was ripped in one of the back screens. GREENSBORO MAN KILED BY FALL j Fall From Church Tower Proves Fatal j To 61-Year-Old Contractor. Wilmington, July 13. —William M. j ‘Roach, 61 years old, Greensboro con tractor, died this afternoon at 1:30 o’clock in Walker Memorial Hospital from injuries received earlier in the day when he fell from the tower of the First Presbyterian Church, now under , construction at Third . and Orange streets. He never regained conscious ness. J - , .2 . THie , body will be forwarded to O*een*boro tomorrow morning on the train leaving Wilmington at 4:35 o’clock for funeral and burial. It will be accompanied by W. C. Holtz. Fun eral arrangements will be made after ■ the body has reached Greensboro. The contractor, who was inspecting I work on the heights of the structure lost his balance, falling to the floor of the building, a distance of 25 feet below’. His fall was not broken and the crash broke his body in several places. Death was attributed to com pound fracture of the skull and hemor-! rhage of the brain. Mr. Roach, who was a widower, leaves a son, William Roach, Jr., and a daughter, Miss Louise Roach, both of Greensboro. 25 DEATHS CAUSED BY HEAT WAVE IN EAST Thro© Others in New England Towns | Killed in Electrical Storms. New York, July 14.—(4*) —Twenty- five persons in cities in the East were killed by the heat in the last 24 to 36 hours, it was shown by compila tions made here today. Three others in New England towns were killed in electrical storms which only temporary relief to the heat-blanketed section yesterday. Although predictions were for slight ly cooler weather today, forenoon temperatures gave little indication of the relief. In New York where five persons have died since the heat wave ap peared, the temperature at 10 o'clock was 80, and climbing, and the humid ity was holding at 75. The Southern Railway will run a speciaj excursion to Savannah, Flori da and Cuba on July 21. Round trip fare from Concord to Savannah sl6; to Miami $26 and to Havanna $50.75. and Northern, and thereby be able to connect with Charlotte, and have an outlet to the north. “This would indicate that the In terstate Commerce Commission has already recognized the importance of the Piedmont and Northern as an interstate carrier, and that with this former recognition, it could not well afford to deny the petition to extend it to Winston-Salem commission. “For when the P. & N. is extended to Winston-Salem, it will be much more important in its ability to give better service to Georgia and Florida, than at present, since it will be pos sible foz it, to connect with the Nor fok and at Winston-Salem.” Little trouble is being experienced by the P. & N. in obtaining its right of way, according to those who have been following the situation, and much of the right of way is being donated to it by landowners through whose land it passes. This is an indication that the shippers in the territory which it will serve are anxious to have it put the line through, and are ready and willing to cooperate. A large part of this territory is not served by any rail line at present. . $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. EARTH mm \i ' HOLfLfiMtU 11,000.000 DAMAGE Hebrew University One of > Hardest Hit, Damage There Alone Being Esti mated at $50,000. n arrow Escapes ARE NOW NOTED Gov. Symes Escaped Death Only Because Tremors Caused Train to Fall to Left Instead of to Right. Jerusalem. July 14. —( A *) —Exami- nation of the wreckage of Government House, badly damaged in Monday'* earthquake, revealed that a stone from a partially wrecked tower hurtled through the roof of the chapel, de stroying a picture of the former Ger man emperor in Biblical robes. One of the worst damaged buildings in Jerusalem iff not in the entire Holy i Land affected/ by the quake, is the Hebrew University. Its library and chemical laboratory suffered most. The damage to the university is esti mated at $50,000. A tentative esti mate of the losses suffered by public and private buildings in the earth- area has been set at $1,250.- 000. Some narrow escapes from death when the earth trembled have been reported. A train on which Goverror Symes. government secretary was traveling, was derailed by the shock in Yermut valley. It was thrown to the left against an embankment. Had it been thrown to the right it would j i have fallen down a 800-foot precipice. A chance postponement of a class I from 8 to 4 o'clock in the girls' school at Essalt saved the pupils and teach ers, for in the interim the school was demolished. A prominent mausoleum architect after an examination of the Temple area placed the total damage there at lews than $5,000. He denied a rejHjrt that Kubbett Es-Sakhara. or dome of the rock, was. damaged by the dis turbance. saying that a minor crack visible in the mosaic work is prob ably due to early deterioration. ‘ *** —, "y .■ -w. MT. PLEASANT NEWS. Mt. Pleasant, July 11.—Mr. and | Mrs. John Herion, of Salisbury, and j Miss Thelma Seaford, of Charlotte, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mr*. ! S. S. Seaford. Miss Beulah Burleson, of Albe marle, returned to her home Sunday after spending a week with the Misses Katherin Barringer and Geneva Hahn. Miss Lena Hahn arrived Friday evening from Boone, where she had been attending summer school. She will be at home for only a short time. Miss Hahn expects to attend the next session of summer school in Salisbury at Catawba College. Brown McAllister is home for the week-end from summer school at Le noir-Rhyne College. Itev. and Mrs. J. W. Link and children were visitors in Concord Fri day. Russell Huffman, of Hickory, and Kenneth Conrad, of Lexington, for mer students of M. P. C. 1., are here attending tlfe summer school for church workers. Ralph Taylor, a graduate of M. P. C. 1., spent the week-end here with friends. Miss Rosalie Faggart was the week end guest of Margaret Lentz. “Ras” Houzer, of Dallas, N. C., spent ja few hours here Thursday. Miss Dorothy Sullivan, a student of M. A. S., is here attending the summer school for church workers. Miss Sarah Goodman and Earl Hendly, of Landis, spent the week end with Miss Goodman’s grandmoth er, Mrs. Luther Ritchie. Paul A. Lentz, of Salisbury, spent a few hours here Saturday afternoon. Rev. J. Lewis Thornburg, of Dur ham, and Miss Mary Lee Barnhardt, of Salisbury, were visitors here Fri day. Miss Salome Shirey is home from Lenoiivßhyne summer school. Mrs. P. K. Drye, of—Landis, was the guest of Mrs. E. M. Drye last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hahn, of Salis bury, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hahn Sunday. Mrs. R. L. PattersOn and daughter, Virginia Lee, from Nebraska, are vis iting Mrs. J. H. C. Fisher. Stern Charge Made to^Jury. Charlotte, July 11. —“Fast living’’ by the younger generation caused Judge James L. Webb to advocate a 9 o’clock curfew law in charging the Mecklenburg Grand Jury today. The jurist admonished the jhrors to be on the lookout for any mer chant selling cigarettes to boys or girls under 17 years of age and scored the practice of youth in tak- > ing “wild joy rides’’ at night. Comfit ion of Colonel Watts Critical. Sftlitesville, July 14.—14*) —The I condition of Col. A. D. Watts, former collector of Internal Revenue for North Carolina, and former state yev- ! enue commissioner, who has been ill for some time at his home here, was said to be critical this morning. At tendants at his bedside said the end was apparently a matter only of hours. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Foil spent Sunday in High Point. •JITH’S PLANE ALL 1 SET FOR TAKE Off; WEATHER IMP* i Little Silver Monoplane, “City of Oakland,” Fad ed and Provisioned in Readiness For Flight. “ WEATHER NOT SO J GOOD AT FIRST Later in Day Pea Soup Fog Started Lifting and Con ditions Were Thought to Be All Right for Tttfo. Municipal Airport. Oakland, Calif.. July 14. —C4 5 )—The silver-winged mon oplane “City of Oklahoma.’’ manned by Pilot Ernest L. Smith and Navi gator Emory B. Bronte, took o$T here at 10:40 a. m. today for a 2,400-mile flight to Hawaii. The start came after Smith had once tried to get off on the first trial, the plane leaped down the runway bat - soon slowed up and pulled to the right; of the runway, coming to a halt *4 turned around and started taking back to the head es the runway. Then it stopped. Mechanics swarmed about yelling at Smith asking what the trouble was. Municipal Airi>ort. Oakland, July 14. — (A 3 )—Ijoaded with fuel and provisions, the little silver monoplane "City of Oakland,” today awaited on ly her pilot, Ernest L. Smith, and her navigator Emory N. Bronte for the takeoff on a flight to IJaWaij. - *» Two hours before the tithe of the scheduled takeoff at 9 a. in., Pacific Standard- Time, the pea soup fog which had hoveerd over the airportS began to lift and the breeze was com ing in faint puffs from the northwest and west. Field attendants said th# takeoff could be made under those conditions. Smith and Bronte slept long nn4 late at the home of Flight Managrfl (’apt. Win. Boyle and their assistant* had the preliminaries so well in hand that the two aerial adventurers had only to tumble out of bed and into the plane and go. In the absence of inviting weather few were at the field as the hour for the start neared. This was in great contrast- the scene on June 2Rth when Mairland and Hpgenberger hopped‘off on their successful flight to Honolulu. MACON PLAYER KILLED WHEN STRUCK BY BALL Raymond “Pete” Mann Instantly Kill ed by Fast Ball Thrown by Toot Farrell. Macon, Ga., July 18. —Raymond “Pete” Mann, third baseman of the Macon baeball team was killed in stantly this afternoon when be was struck over the heart by a pitefied ball in the Maeon-Asheville game. Farrell was in the box for Asheville. The first two balls pitched to Mann were wide but the third hit* him. Pete Mann is a brother of John Mann, playing in the Texas league. Pete Mann was next to the last man in the hatting order. The score was 0 to 0 in the last half of the third inning. Tom Angley, the catcher who was the first Macon man at bat in the third inning singled and was taking a big lead off first. Catcher Luebbe was signalling for wide ones so that Angley could be caught off first Two balls had been pitched but efforts to catch Angley napping were futile. "The, Macon third baseman got set to sacrifice on the uejet pitched ball according to spectator* but it was an in*hoot and tried to step into the ball. If struck Mann just below the heart and the player dropped to the ground, dying instantly. Mann caine here last summer from Terre Haute, Ind., where his parents reside. He was considered one of best third basemen in the South At lantic league. The coroner’s jury exonerated Far rell, in connection with the death of Mann. The verdict of the jury read “Ray mond Mann came to his death by be ing accidentally hit by ;i bail pitched by Tom Farrell of the Asdteville team.” THE STOCK MARKET Operators for Adavnce Had No-Dif ficulty in Bidding Up Their Favorite At Will. <. New York, July 14. — (A 3 ) —Opefft- tors for the advance had little difficuir ty in today's stock market in bidding up their favorites at will. Improving prices for copjier and larger exports, folowiug distinct a upturn for better in the steel industry were regarded as bearing out predictions that busi ness in the last half of the year would soon mend. Brokers reported that public particii»ation was tb? largest 1 in two months or so. I The Bonnet Shop, operated by the ! Misses Brackens, has moved into new ! quarters at the Curl Building, North Union street. The shop was formerly on East l>epot street. HfflH *■■■- " Generally fair tonight; Friday part ly cloudy, probably local thundershow ers in afternoon. . NO. 7

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