VOLUME LII mm ■[[FOLLOWED ■IISSUCCESSOR Oi rT Horton Says Mi Carry Out the started bv the ■governor- HtVOR I’EAY E' DAY Lin 111 Health for Lfime.-t'dected to ■ B j, State Three Hii ,K't. l">nrs, for ■ Tenitossee b.n-fT by the * Austin i ■& <■( b i’ r Klast ."■sbt. devolved on Sen- Horton, HI, of Lewis ■v 0 » the Senate, but the WKr (v> rent on y was post- B*”i=So th« state* I®, chair eanie to the first |H^' f : T “ a century who had ■ the election to three HKfrnK In this office. rl ;j conspinuoue by hia an 1 defense of the Mention bill, Governor rather on an elab of which he had Wmt. M n whom Governor HLpraisel as an ideal suc- H t 0: hia own death, land at the time that he HKn'thronah his term ) stood ■Larry out hia policies. ■Larrad that Senator Hor ■LTstarwnent, and later a ■Kg ns r- rec oul > I,l P ress ng overwork had caused death, and that po ■L4 hid “unappreeiatively HKf 'taken advantage of hia |KI $ cruelly Attack him. I will complete bis HHtotl” hr said. "To that IL I dedicate myself and |||s. ’jar.o-c Citizens of Ten- usistance.” KBsMrr HAS WsbM CU’stl) Blt> DAMAGE ||lHbnn in Piedmont North Ait Chief Sufferers. WmT Th» Tribune Bureau ■| Sir Waiter Hotel 88. ;? ?t ?A—'Covered emut a heavy loss to the of Piedmont North HBru; the past spring and BB«s .3 not to he incurred g: >wvrs must treat T3e*t planted this fall, jHlLvrir:. disease spec- Oo’.l»ge, In one aur spring in »ix counties 2o out of 26 fields ■■Mctit, The percentage I*-.: Ta? also unusually ' Kia rvarions, and other erten the cllege have put to have as much of :r *** e^tiis as BsH Jswwratioris have been -t ‘ n aome twelve H®B^ I: t." °f the mowers are HL M P>' carbonate duet as a 'reahnent LK : - Reports show that Be !Wls4s t!w du9t as ■! wholesale drug eon dealers in Piedmont LK’ : ‘ in a ecr.up of farm- LfLk >y ‘ r ' 1 ' ,v '-"t:o.s have - p e,.o;native ac- ' V “ 3oc '- serious loss BB* CsC *s when the wheat at the mills. If in the grain, there and if the amount rt-at, the grain can Vkt making. It is ' f,r Q, ' K ' n * b' w grade K ••“‘i-n? to livestock. aßjß“*- irteat w CO p_ P't. Mr Fant states LBS. 134 ta * <:ust ar( > placed r ‘ r ’ :m or barrel which B|Bl "^‘ e rnaier ials are i Two ouncee of BL^' ~e srain is BK t !l *‘ not but it is also BBt r ■'•• nced- ‘ nt ' ' <<l tipht BK f 3 r ' :z windlass LL one side BBh.- - values at - . See ' "• " r Mfird’s. ■til fP 52.95. a ' • assort- HKtw ! " r ' r;: "H the .1. r. ,irn "i ?2.as. BB* th/ ' 0 rr ' 'lays at Mdw - range ■BB'tlii. s " r Ps and a«i. billed ■■L!. TV. ” ‘tor of h ' '• “lain r ' '■< re to -. ■ .p;'■ } bo- n v. has ■Bon ’ won slay- IBL’' • " STatp 1 ; ■ north of tßßK >f|i -vl,;r.-" Gngh # WL ,ce L;> a,i THE CONCORD TIMES J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher JVatdies Ananously; j ' y. >y rifitP:* mjm iSlii jl^^ : " p" 1 1, I >TJ t IMrs. George Haldeman at Ctir- Field watching the trial flights of her husband who ex pects to hop to Europe as co pilot with Rath Elder.. TEXTILE PRICES UPWARD; ORDERS ARE PILING UP Plants in Fifth District Continue Operating Fall Time.—Much Staple Is Used Up. Raleigh, Oct. 2.—Textile prouuctß, in keeping with cotton quotations, hare advanced in price during re cent weeks and unfilled orders at the middle ot September were reported higher than a month earlier, Wil liam W. Hoxton, chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, reveals in his monthly review of busi ness conditions, in the fifth federal reserve district, which includes North Carolina. Some uncertainty has developed in the trade, Hoxton says, because ot 1 recent fluctuations in cotton prices, but textile mill scontinae full time operations. Fifth district mills con sumed 201,638 bales of .cotton in Au gust compared with 239,653 bales used in July this year and 205,019 in August of last year. Last month the North Carolina mills consumed 137,502 bales, con tinuing to lead in consumption. South Carolina mills used 112.119 bales and Virginia mills 12,017 bales, high er figortl in each case, than those re ported for July 1927 or August 1926. 4 "The improvement in the textile industry this year in comparison with the same period of last year is prob ably more marked than any other business development during the year,” review states- “At this time in 1926 mills were operating part time only, and forward-orders were exceedingly difficult to secure, but at present, mills are running full time and most of them have orders in suir ficient volume to carry them well in to the winter. The change in condi tions developed as crop reports con tinued to indicate a considerably re duced cotton crop this year." There is a difference of opinion as to the extent of unemployment at the present time, Hoxton says in touch ing upon the labor situation. Con struction work is under way m con siderably lees volume than a year ago and a considerable number of both skilled and unskilled workmen in the building trades are unable to find steady employment. There are also a number of industrial plants operating part time or closed entirely. On the other hand, textile workers, tobacco factory hands and coal miners are fully employed. The situation is not serious, Hoxton eays, except in scat tered localities. Cabin For Tourists On Mt. Mitchell. Raleigh, N. C., Oct 3,—(INS)— Emergency shelters for hikers and camping parties who may be caught in sudden storms on the summit of Mount Mitchell is being provided in the new cabin which is being erected by the State Forest Service for the forest warden who lives on top of the mountain the year round, according to State Forester J. S. Holmes, who has just returned from that area. This cabin will be the only building on the summit aside from the observa tion tower, and the forest warden, Ed. Wilson, is the only person who lives on top of the highest mountain in Eastern America all the year. The foundation for the cabin already has been completed, and work on the build ing proper will begin in a few days, Holmes stated. Burlington Residents Want Noise at Dog Pound Stopped. Burlington, Sept. 24. —Probability, of the city having to move its pound for stray dogs picked upon the street, or go out of the dog business, ap pears on the complaint of citizens of the neighborhood of the town s barn, where the pound is located, that they will enjoin* officials if necessary to have the noise silenced. Stray dogs of all breed, and no breeds, taken in because they parade about without a license tag, dislike the place down at the barn wnere they are thrown together, the aristo crat with the cur, and they voice their disapproval. And again at feeding time when feed is too scarce to go the round, there are arguments among the dogs causing as much noise as gossippy women across a back yard clothes line. They bark and fight and howl by day and night. It looks like tnere must be a new pound or no pound. Estate Passes to Doris Duke. New York. Sept. 24.—The Duke estate of 3,000 acres near Somerville, X. J.. officially today became the property of Doris Duke, 14, daughter of .Tames B. Duke, tobacco king, who died about a rear and a half ago. Mr. Duke had willed it to her. provided she wanted it all as part of « cr in * heritance. Evidently she has decided to take it instead of letting it go to the wholesale estate and getting only her share of that. In the past four years specie to the value of $150,000, have been carried between London am Paris by airplane. TROPICAL STORM SENDS CAROLINAS WINDS AND RAIN Storm of Slight Intensity Originated on Coastal Region of Georgia and It Moved Northward. HEAVY RAIN IN THREE STATES Wind Was High at Chrles ton But Has Caused No Heavy Damage So Far as Is Now Known. Charlotte, Oct. 3. — UP) —A tropical storm of slight intensity originating on the coastal region of northern Georgia and lower South Carolina yesterday moved early today across upper South Carolina and this state, bringing general and copious rainfall to all sections of both states. A tem perature ranging from 10 to 15 degrees above normal gave a. late summer touch. The only wind of consequence re ported to the local station of the U. S Weather Bureau, was a 48-mile blast at Charleston late yesterday. No serious damage was thought to have resulted. Showers here beginning moderately at around 3 o’clock this morning be fore noon had accumulated a rainfall of approximately two inches, with the amount in other sections of the state varying from slightly below to slightly above this figure. , Southwest States Drenched. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 3.—(/P) Rains of cloudburst proportions ac companied by high winds caused wide spread damage in the southwest states over the week-end and today left large areas inundated. Two deaths were attributed to the floods in southern Texas. Rainfall of from three to ten inches in Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri during the 36 hours ending at mid night Saturday sent streams to flood marks, inundated thousands of acres of cotton, corn and winter wheat, and delayed railroad and highway traffic. Twenty persons were injured and a dozen farm buildings wrecked near Quinton, Okla., in a twister Saturday night. Scores of motorists were ma rooned in western Missouri, southeast Kansas and northern Oklahoma. Although clear .sttes brought relief to the southwest yesterday, streams continued to rise with the prospect that more farm lands will be flooded today. Rain and sleet in Wyoming turned to snow in the western part of the state to delay air mails. CASHIER IS WOUNDED BY BOLD HOLDUP MAN Payroll Was Snatched From Doug las Acomb Who Was Shot by Rob ber. New Orleans, Oct. 3.— UP) —Douglas Acomb, cashier of the New Orleans States, was shot and seriously wound ed by a holdup man here today as he was entering the States building with the weekly payroll. The holdup man escaped with the money after-shoot ing the cashier in the abdomen. Acomb was entering the building with a black satchel containing the payroll when he was accosted by a man wearing glasses. The man grasped the satchel and backed away. Acomb stepped toward the man who fired one shot before turning to run. He escaped around the comer of the States- building, entered an automo bile and drove away. THE STOCK MARKET Reported By Fener & Beane. (Quotations at 1:40 P. M.) Atchison American Can Allied Chemical American Smelting —* American Tel. & Tel. 17$ Atlantic Coast Line Allis Chalmers Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel Chesapeake & Ohio Chrysler Corn Products New York Central 168% vZ>nt 339% Ere r>osL Fleishman . r Jf St Louis-Francis. RR. General Electric Gold Dust J™ General Motors Gen. Ry. Signal Houston Oil Hudson Motors Mo-Kens. & Tex. 48% Kennecott Copper "J Kans. City Sou. Ry. ♦— Liggett & Myers Lorillard Mo.-Pacific Pfd. Mo.-Pacific Com. Montgomery-Ward Nash Motors Packard Motors 44% Penn. RR. Phillips Pete 4z% Producers and Refiners Reading RR. N__ HAv “B” Rey. Tob. Com. 150% Rock Island RR. Sears Roebuck 79 Southern Ry. Std. Oil of N. J - f Sou. Pac. RR. 1-- Sou. Dairies Pfd. J® Studebaker Corp. Tobacco Products 94% Timken Roller Bearing Union Carb : ne 7 Vicks Chemical Wabash RR. - Westinghouse Elec. Co. 80% West. Myrd. HR- Yellow Cab and Truck 34% Woolwortb U. S. Steel I>~ Coca-Cola CONCORD), N. C., MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1927 Takes Up New Duties Col. William C. Rivers hai ! assumed new duties as inspeo tor general of army with head quarters at Governors Island, New York. SYNOD FORMAT LY OPENS TOMORROW NIGHT WITH SERMON ■ -—| — i More Than 300 Presbyter ian Delegates Are Expect ed to Arrive in the City on Tuesday. More than 300 preachers and elders from all parts of North Carolina arc expected to arrive in Concord between eight o’clock tomorrow morning and nine o’clock tomorrow night for the opening session of the 114th annual session of the North Carolina Presby terian Synod, at the beautiful new First Presbyteria* Church here. Comparatively little activity will take place on the opening day. The first meeting, which is scheduled for 7 :30 o’clock in the evening, will con sist of a sermon to the members of the Synod by Rev. R. A. McQueen, of Dunn, retiring moderator, and the election of a new moderator. Upon arrival tomorrow, ers and elders will be escorted to the quarters that have been provided for them by the people of the city. After an opportunity to refresh themselves, they will be expected to go to the church and register for the current series of meetings. Rev. R. A- Mc- Leod, of Hemp, N. C., the stated clerk of the Synod, will be in charge of registrations and he will be ready to receive registrants early tomorrow morning. The constructive program will not begin until Wednesday morning at which time important committees wilL be appointed-by the new presiding of ' f cer and the general business sessions will get underway. PIRATES WIN. Clinch Pennant in National League By Saturday's Victory. Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. I.—ln a riotous climax to one of the cloeest and most sensatonal races in Nation al League history, the Pittsburgh Pirates fought their way to a 9-to-6 victory over Cincinnati and clinched the 1927 pennant here today. John Miljus, World War veteran and pitching star, shared with Cap tain “Pie” Tnaynor, the principal 1 honors of a victory that was gained only after the hardest sort of a bat -1 tie, a hectic fray that threatened to ‘ bring the highly-keyed aAletes into actual combat in the ninth inning when Grantham slid home and knock ed the Red’s catcher, Picinich, head I over heels. > But trouble was quickly averted and the Pirates swept on to a victory i in a game that was saved by the re lief hurling of Miljus, after two i Pirate aces, Kremer and Hill, had been knocked out of the box, and de i cided by Traynor’s single in the . sixth inning with the bases full and out, a blow that brought over what proved to be the deciding tally. The victory over a Cincinnati team that battled every inch of the way in spite of “breaks” against it re moved the last mathematical uncer tainty in the pennant race on next to the last day of the season. It increas ed "the lead of the Pirates over the second-place St. Louis club to two and a half games. THE STOCK MARKET. Heavy Buying of Investment Rail roads Resumed of Outset of Busi ness Today. New York, Oct. 3.—C4*)—Heavy buying of investments railroaus was resumed at the outset of business to day. Union Pacific opened a point higher at 193 1-4, new new peak for the year, and some of the non 'dividend paying railroads were also strong, particularly Western Mary land. A block of 5,000 Baltimore and Ohio was purchased at 123 7-8. Prisoner!} Got Cold and Left. Marshall, Ark., Oct. 3. —(IN'S) — “We will be back when you get a stove.” This brief note was found by au thorities investigating a jail delivery here recently. It is supposed to have been written by Carl Fendley and Frank Stutterfield, the two escaped prisoners. The nights in this mountain sec tion have been cold and no heat has yet been provided for the jail. The two prisoners, who were serving out a fine for assault, escaped through the roof of the jail. They are sought, but no stove for the small jail has been purchased and they have not returrned. Wilkes to Get Special Court For Bank Cases. Raleigh, Oct- I—A special term of Wilkes county court, to be convened the second Monday in December lor the trial of the Bank of Wilkes cases was called today by Governor Mc- Lean at the request of Solicitor John R. Jones. _ Superior' Court Judge Barnhill will preside. Several indictments have already been returned by the Wilkes county grand jury following the disclosures yielded by an investigation into the i4sue of forged notes on the Wilkes county board of education. MEXICAN SOLDIERS LEAVE CAPITAL TO lOBREGON FOES Left Mexico City Late Last Night, Taking the Field Against the Foes of the Former President. OBREGON HAS TWO OPPONENTS NOW It Is Thought the Soldiers, Numbering 500, • Will Join the Forces of the Obregon Opponents. Mexico City, Oct. 3.— UP) —Three companies of the Mexico City garri son have revolted. They left the city late last night taking the field against the government. It is thought they are supporting the movement against the reelection of former President Obregon, led by Generals Serrano and, Gomez, whose whereabouts have not been known since Saturday. General Joee Alvarez, chief of the presidential staff, declared this morn ing that those who left the city did not exceed 500. Their destination upon leaving the capital was un known. Although there have been numerous clashes between government forces and rebels in recent weeks, these have been ascribed by Mexican military commun iques as too “fanatic”, aroused by the government’s religious regulations, and none of them had involved the revolt of troops as in the present instance. General Momez and General Ser rano, mentioned as missing from the capital, are both presidential candi dates. Each has announced himself against the constitutional amendment recently adopted by the Mexican Con gress, which permits a president again to run ' for reelection after an inter vening term has been served by an other man. This amendment was generally ac cepted as framed to cover the case of General Obregon, who ie a candidate again for the presidency, which he held before the election of the present chief executive, Plutarco Elias Calles. GOV.v AUSTIN PEAY DIES AT NASHVILLE HOME Tennessee Chief Executive Victim of Colebral Attack—Three Times Nashville, Teun., Oct. 2.—Gover nor Austin Peay, chief executive of Tennessee since 1923, died at bis home here at 8 :05 p. m. The 51-year old executive, the first governor in 100 years to attain the office the third time in succession, succumbed from . the effect of a cerebral hemorrhage which he suffered just before 5 o’clock this afternoon. Senator Henry Horton, speaker ot the senate and next in line ot suc cesion of the gubernatorial office, was on his way to Nashville from his hime In Marshall. He was among the first notified when the governor’s death seemed but a question .ot hours. ~ Governor Peay never spoke after the initial attack, which came as he lay in hia room, taking an afternoon nap after a meal at which he was “every bit himself,” according to servants. His groans and heavy breathing suddenly attracted Mrs. Peay’s at tention. She hurriedly summoned aid, and Dr. Frank Fessey, who at tended Governor Peay during his first serious illnras, and who had been in constant supervision over him since, was among the first to reach the mansion. Only a few weeks ago Governor Peay, taking cognizance of published stories that he was seeking the vice presidential nomination on a “Smith and Peay”, ticket, announced re tirement from politics during the next two years, at least. He made It plain, however, that he was not “retiring permanently.” He said definitely on that occasion that he would not run for United States senator under any considera tion. He had promised voters during his last campaign he would not aspire to a senator’s position from the gubernatorial chair. Austin Peay was the only govern or of his generation to be elected for a third term and was the first chief executive of Tennessee to die while in office. He was born in Christian county, Kentucky, June 1, 1876. His father was a prosperous land owner and a confederate vet eran. His mother Mrs . Cornelia Peay, was a descendant of a promi nent family. John R. Samuels Killed. Winston-Salem, Oct. 3. — UP) —John R. Samuels, 26, former resident of Walkertown, and well known in this section, was killed at W. Va., at 2 o’clock Sunday morning, it was learned when the body was brought to the home of his parents for burial. Funeral services will be held at Beth lehem tomorrow morning. Only meag er information was received by mem bers of the family regarding thecanee of death. He was a West Virginia State officer, and it is understood he was shot by a negro. Air Truck Makes Deliveries By Parachute. Successful delivery of typewriters from midair was accomplished recent ly, pointing away to still further use of the airplane ah a factor in com merce, says Popular Mechanics Maga zine. The machines were specialty packed to avoid damage by jarring and were received in perfect condition, as the parachute allowed the box to set tle gently to the ground. By saving a lauding, the plan expidites deliveries and decreases cost. Tupelo and yellow popular are the woods most extensively used now adays in thl Manufacture of cigar boxes. * - - *. v 1 * 't „ , , • , V , WIDOW IDENTIFIL \ ’.AIN HUSBAND jfl 9& H«r <jwKaß S . (0:0 : :0,_ JHnm * ' SHI Hi - •*jM*MrPP*NHi HOMi. AHhwmM Hs| ms fl MHL^' jJy ' I aril: W I flmSI B** | V 6, 'v.-Jvy. ' X • Ik m2.S : ™MwSßiy : } 111111111 « # ;< *_y nnran I? . -y —y^oMBI^WK V' JB mm m iiiimXw |b . i jfP-v^yf *'* " JUM H# I 9 g|s * First photograph of Mrs. Margaret Lillicndahl, widow of Dr. William Lilliendahl of Vineland, N. J., mystery murder victim. She collapsed as she identified body of husband. - Thi» striking photograph shows her leaving morgue with Shensrp94 Thompson* foster-brother. JefL and her son. Alfred, FRENCH TARIFF REPLY GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC Government Considers New Note More Conciliatory Than the Former One. Washington, Oct. 3.— UP) —The con ciliatory character of the last French note in the exchange with the United States on tariff questions became more apparent today jKj}jep.,Jthe State. De partment ma<fc public the communica tion without awaiting correction of portions of the text probably garbled In transmission. The gist of the Frencß note lies % its reference to Section 315 A of the American tariff act, which authorizes the President to change the statutory duties to meet lower costs of produc tion abroad. “The French government wishes to emphasize,” the note says, “that it is not a question of engaging fn tariff bargaining negotiations—it is only a question in exchange foe the particu larly favorable regime of the Frrench minimum tariff, of obtaining for cer tain articles of French exportation a less prohibitive tariff than that to which they are subject at the present time by a rectification expected com fortably to Section 315 A of the com pensatory duties, whidh upon erron eous data, the American government has felt it must establish, and of re visiong in such measure, as may seem equitable to the provisions of those regulations dealing with the applica tion of tariffs, or with the preserva tion of national hygiene, which at the present moment results to an absolute prohibition in fact for certain French products.” The note adds th* French govern ment “must make dependent the grant to America of the most favored regime which France grants to other coun tries” upon the carrying out of the modification France has suggested as to American tariff practice. Washington officials regard this sec tion of the French note as a whol ly different conception of the situation than that expressed in the original French refusal of most favored nation treaty negotiations find the counter proposal for negotiations on the bas is of tariff. reciprocity. THE COTTON MARKET. Opened Steady at Advance of 27 to 42 Points, With December Selling „ 21 :89. New York, Oct. 3.—C4 5 ) —The cot ton market opened steady today at an advance of 27 to 42 points, active months selling about 36 to 42 points above Saturday’s closing quotations on buying stimulated by relatively firm Liverpool cables, reports of very heavy rains in southwest, and pros pects that they would be followed by frosts in parts of Oklahoma and Texas panhandle. December sold up to 21:89 and March to 22:19 in the early trading, but these prices attracted a good deal of realizing, while also was consider able selling here against purchases in New Orleans and probably some sou tip ern hedging. These offerings supplied demand and there were reductions of 8 to 10 points from the beet toward noon. Students’ Fair At State College. Raleigh. Oct 3.—(lNS)—The Stu dents’ Agricultural Fair will be held at State College here this year on October 11 and 12, according to an announcement today by college of ficials. The event is expected to be one of the biggest at the college this year. The fair is directed and managed en tirety by the students in the School of Agriculture. The fair is expected to be more successful than ever this year, accord ing to Fred S. Sloan, of Franklin, president of the fair association. A man usually gets what he deserves in this world, but he sometimes thinks one of the world’s drawbacks. $2.00 a\ \ Strictly in Advance BRIGE TESTS ON THE PEE DEE STARTED Notables of Engineering World Gather in frtanly for Study. Albemarle, Oct. 3. —The Swift Island bridge, which has been in the limelight for the past several months because of certain scientific test* which are to take place, was closed to traffic Thursday. , The tests are' now under way. v x * It Was necessary to delay the tests, as the large tanks had to be lined with tin to prevent large leakage of the water, which is being pumped in them as weight. One tank was rolled upon the structure Thursday and pumps are busily at work pumping water upon the structure. The telemeters, which measure the weight, have already been installed. Traffic has been routed down the hillside, under the bridge, where a ferry, just north of the structure, is now used for conveying passengers across the Pee Dee River. Representatives of both the Metro- Goldwyn Film Company and the Pathe News have already arrived here to “shoot' 1 pictures of the tests. Many observers have been stopping at the scene eight miles east of this city during the past few days. George W. Davis, of the United State bureau of public roads, one of the officials in charge, says he is well pleased with the success they are hav ing this early with the tests. Mr, Davis tested the span across the Hud son River last year. Assisting with the tests are O. S. Peters, of the Bu reau of Standards, Washington, D. 0.; W. F. Hunter, of the North Caro-, lina highway department; H. C. Crav en, and others. By the last of the week the tests will be well under way, and, many en gineers who wish to make observa tions will gather here. Many news paper men and journalists are expect ed here within theTnext few days. The ferry placed above the bridge is doing a “land office” business. While the night traffic is not so heavy there is a continual stream of cars crossing during the day, and although no records are kept, bridge attaches state that they are kept busy. The ferry is entirely safe and every bit of modern equipment that can be used has been put on the boat. A powerful motor pulls it across 'the river in two minutes. The boat will carry six cars safely and convenient ly, and the approaches to the river has been built out of heavy materials, thus assuring the public that there is no danger of accident either in en tering the boat or leaving it. Two men are on duty day and night and they use every precaution for safety. A chain closes each end of the boat and this will hold a car on it provided brakes fail to hold. Shorter Hours For State Employees. Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 27. —INS.— Autumn, according to the season, is here, but for State employees it will last until October Ist by an edict of the Salary and Wage Commission, of which Pardon Commission Edwin Bridges is secretary. On the first day in October the State’s working schedule reverts to Winter hours. Employees will go to work at 9 o’clock, instead of at 8.30 as heretofore, and 5 p. m., instead of 4:30 p. m., will be quitting time. The summer schedule went into ef fect on May 15th. Hearing on Rates Postponed.* Wilson, N. C., Sept. 27. —(IN)S — The Interstate Commerce Commission hearing on the proposed refrigeration charges on fregh vegetables from North Carolina points assigned to Washing ton has been postponed from Septem ber 19th to October 10th, according to information received here today. FIRF FIGHTERS ARE : SENT TO ISLAND TO CHECK FOREST FIRE Underground Forest Fire Threatens 1,200 Persons Living on HarkePs Is land Off Coast. HOSE ON ISLAND WAS BURNER Plenty of Water But No Way to Get It to Island Where the Forest Fire Was Raging. , Morehead City, N. C., Oct. 3.—(4 5 ! —An underground forest fire, so char acterised by old timers here, today for the first time in the history of North Carolina occasioned the dis patch of fire fighters and apparatua twelve miles out into the ocean .to save 1,200 boulb. A power boat took 100 men from here to, Harker’s Island, twelve mile* out, to protect Barker's 1,200 popU. lation, its homes, two churches and a theatre. A forest fire raging eight days un? checked, crept closer to the village of Harker’s, and early today had burned the firemen’s hose, burning through the smut and enclosing slowr ly on the populace. The first alarm back to Morehead City came at sundown Sunday with word that there was no fire fighting apparatus, nothing but water miles around the fire, but no way to pump the water on the flames. A ferry boat carried the first ape paratus, but the hose itself burned, according to the first reports of ths few men who returned today, REVENUE SETS NEIW SEPTEMBER RECORD Collector Grissom Reports $22,866,- 458.05 Received by His Office Dur ing Month. Raleigh, Oct. I.—lnternal revenue collections in North Carolina hit a new level for September when $22,- 366,458.05 was turned in, the report of Gilliam Grissom, collector, made today, shows. August collections were $19,434,321.65, and" collections for September, 1926, were $20,140,465.45. A part of the increase in Septem ber over August this year is doe to quarterly income tex payments, C 4 " "sector Grissom's office reports. Tlfh increase of last month over Septem ber, 1926, is a clear increase in busi ness over the year, no special cause being assigned for the jump in col lections. Grinding and Finishing Mill For Feldspar. Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh, Oct. 3.—Erection of a new grinding and finishing mill for feldspar on a 5,000 acre deposit in Yancey cotmty, not far from MicaviQe, will 1 probably be undertaken soon, accord ing to Herman J. Bryson, state geolc* gist, who has just returned from mah : ing an inspection of the property with an entineer of the South Power Con* pany, at the request of the owners. The deposit of feldspar is pronounc ed by Mr. Bryson as being the equal in both quantity and quality to an s deposit in the state, and worth im» I mediate development. Consequently the owners intend to open up a quarry, and erect a grinding and finishing mill as soon as possible. The deposit is owned by State Senator J. D. Hyatt, Judge C. B. Hyatt and J. F. Shinn. A survey of the soapstone deposits in Ashe county, near West Jefferson, was also made by Mr. Bryson and several other engineers, including Dr. Wilbur Nelson, state geologist of Vir ginia, for the Virginia-Carolina: 1 Soapstone company, a view to locating a new quarry. The present ■ quarry was found to be located in one of the hardest strata, and a new one 1 will be opened up now in a vien where the soapstone is much softer.- This company already has more than $300,000 invested in equipment, and has been actively engaged in mis* i ing the soapstone for some time. i Vesuvius Activity Is Cause of Ns* Theory on Eruptive Volcanoes. (By International News Service) London, Oct. I.—What are the pro* ceases which take place in nature’s i subterranean laboratory and produce [ the eruptive volcanoes and earth* quakes, which from time to time are ■ reported each year throughout the world? This is being asked over I Europe today as a result of the re newed activity of Vesuvius. > According to the newest theory, set [ down by scientists, both earthquakes and volcanoes usually occur along lines of weakness, that is, where the [ shrinking of the earth’* interior makes wrinkles In the earth’s surface. We are now in a period of volcanic activity, following a shrinkage of the interior and exterior of the globe which is considered to have been 1 about equal. .. Ae the line* of -volcanic activity nearly always run along the borders of seas and lakes, the water from these lakes or seas percolates through the ground until it reaches the molten 1 rocks, which it is claimed underline 1 our universe. Here the water is con verted into steam at enormous tem | peratnre and pressure. For 7**”’ the water continues to feed this gi gantic terrestrial boiler, until at la*t the pressure becomes so great that there is an explosion. imm Showers and slightly cooler tonight, [ Tuesday partly cloudy. Fresh south shifting to west winds. > ‘ lT ». w< NO. 28

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