m ; OCIETY A ! ! " K i' ■ B I " ■ - l .' ■ - H ■ 1 : ||B ' . ißmm iiß EH ; >■ IB ■ §1 . ..>; Bg~ : 111111 l ' ■ I IB §■' B . H .>’•«! ■ \ y .:i I ■ §H . |B' BH . :i'i / H - :!•> |B,i> a n* h i . •"!.•!• H : 'urn. BBT •'! 1'! S !!■ . ~ ■ !■■..•■:: I ■». |’\V r.• • ■'■•: It" jjjHj : ' ' :av>> B j.. B,. ;: KT: i: B B. in Jn.rv \|vfiirm B.i ■ ! ■ < ’"ii- H. |B . ••-• «• i•- Hr; illll \ - |v •.: »' \v«* ■ 1 ■ ri'-t i ;in !i:i !1" i: n - B. I!«- ■ w ■ liit-n- i> H& a:; .: J bu» Bui- '! r’ - r 111 a < v' ■ l ■Ln.,',l!, . r Pwt tmiisilii I* iin* Si r.in'“i , i'. N I.nV|* ;iIII] I ,i"hl. I Eiilligi'l' lnvi'ly !®a\ m||,r ;l|],| n>St. ®y Well .irn, Sliest _*• ini' nmicil Hiin K “' ,: Z . ro,v l' :! ' 'i i; ii’rn >1 Him. H r "" l!1 i N'o mum!' J'httlt*' mangrr 1 no Kio)-,.. w Stranger, ■ ln - liiank-giving t• >!!*f\\»Ml by - Biiimti-.s \m io read ► * n 'in* al>-i-||<-c (if *“• a seere- a l'|"iint.it’. . ■''iJimittf.', , uinposed fi, -yu- A. do!s ky and Mrs. I. i 1111|,,1, “ii i iiddren. P "’"man • idpod. } v '* reported Jia* remov- * children coats, ' Four •an,] m- M* ‘ ••■■n. Min. ■I. W. - h " ,!l ‘liftion. l'i;< i TEM. | n - ' '■.'•’non four PERSONALS. Misses Avn Carter and Alva Cos wi< k returned to their home in Wins ton-Salem thiss morn ; ng after attend j n «r the M"ilson-Cannon wedding Wed mvidav evening. * * * Mrs. S. R. Fry. of Blacksburg. S. r.. in visiting her sister. Mrs. 1,. A. Thomas. * * • ,T. M* Darnell is spending several days in F.lkin on business. Mr. and Mrs. fl. P. Sherrill, of Xorth "Wilksboro, were visitors in the city Wednesday. * * * \o improvement is tshown in the condition of Airs. J. A. Propst, who has betnt ill at her home on Simpso'n street for several days. * * * Mrs. Amos Pav ; s. who has been visiting tier sister. Mrs. E. C. P.arn hardt. .lr„ returned this morning «o Winnsboro. * * * Miss Ann i* Smoot returned this morning to High Point. She was a bridesmaid in.the Wilson-Oannon wed d:ng last evening. * * * Mrs. J. C. Springs, of Charlotte, spent Wednesday here with her fath er. ,T. M. Hendrix. * * * John Gleiohtnan. of Philadelphia. Pa., was a visitor in Concord Wed nesday. * » * Mrs. W. 11. Gibson has returned from Maryland where she spent sev eral weeks with velnFves. * * * 11. K. Halstead, of Norfolk. Ya.. spent Wednesday here. * * * .1. W. Melntire. of Charlotte, spent yesterday in Concord. * * * Mrs. T. AY. Pritchard, of Char lotte. was the guest Wednesday of Mrs. Aubrey Folkes. * * * Ebert Butterworth. of Charlotte, spent a short time here Wednesday. * « w Henry Camp left this afternoon for Ocala. Fla., after attending the wedding of Miss Ruth Cannon and Maurice Wilson. Wednesday evening. * 5 * Friends of Mr. and Mrs. AY. M. Linker will regret to learn that their >on. Billie, is ill with scarlet fever, and their daughters. Adelaide and Willie May. are ill with measles. They are getting along nicely. —* * * Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ldghtsey, Mil ton Wilson and Clinton Burbridge returned to their home in Bartow, Fla., this morning after attending the wedding of Miss Ruth Cannon and Maurice AA’ilsoti,* Miss Smoot Hostess at Luncheon. ('harming in every detail was; the luncheon given Wednesday at 2 :.°.O at the Hotel Concord by Miss Annis Smoot, of High Point, complimenting Miss Ruth Cannon, whose marriage to Maurice J. AA’ilson was solemnized AYednesday evening. Bridal green and white was the color note_ used in the decorations, and also in the candies and various courses of the five course luhcheon. An artistic green bowl fillet! with white narcissus and fern decorated the luncheon table, with white candles burned in green holders adding to the beauty of the scene. , Dainty place cards were used. Miss Smoot's guests included: Misses Cannon. Penelope Cannon, Until Crowell, Virginia Smoot. Alva Goswick. Ava Carter, and Mesdames .1. A. Goodman, J. C. Lightsey and Halbert A\*ebb. Birthday Party. Alls. A. M. Shinn entertained for her daughter. Ora Lee, Tuesday at a party, the occasion being her 12th birthday anniversary. Several games were played and a peanut contest held in which Edna Miller was winner, and in the blind folded contest Alary Louise E.udy and Betsy Fisher were winners of the prizes. The children were then invited into the dining room where Eskimo pies, fruits and huts were served. The table was prettily decorated and had as its centerpiece the birthday cake holding twelve candles. Those present were: Billie Pike. Edna Miller. Adelaide Pounds. Mary Dele Long. Nellie Harrison. Mildred Griffin. Mildred Linker. Louise Parks, Grace Thomas, Nancy Howard, Ruth Hansel. Lillian Aliller, Frances Barn hardt, Sara Yaehelson. Aladge Moose, Alary Alice Aloose. Loraine Cress, Re becca Bodenheimer, Betsy Fisher, Mary Louise Eudy. Beuna AVinecoff. and her school teacher, Aliss Lmily W’eddington, and Sunday School teacher, Mrs. C. G. Burleyson. r. I). C. Plan Beautiful Program. The Dodson Ramseur Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy w’ll hold a meeting Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. C. A. Cannon. Hostesses with Mrs. Can non will -be Mrs. R. E. Jones • and Miss Jenn Winslow Coltrane. Every member is urged to be pres ent. The following program has been arranged: ✓ Prayer by Chaplain. Regular Business. Report from State Meeting in Ashe ville. Mrs. W. T. Loro, of Gastonia. Report from National Meeting in Charleston, Mrs. R. E. Ridenhour. Songs by Mrs. Nicli Sloan, of Charlotte. Miss Reavis To Return To Her Home. Miss] Elizabeth Reavis, who has been visiting relatives in North Caro lina aijd Virginia for several months, will lekve on next Tuesday for her home in Montery, California. Miss Reavis has been extensively enter taiued during her visit and has made many friends who will regret to see her leave. prominent families I NITED BY MARRIAGE Ruth Cam>n and Maurice J. Milson Wed In Brilliant Ceremony Here. In a brilliant ceremony uniting two prominent families of North Carolina and Florida. Miss Ruth Cannon was married to Maurice J. AYilson at the In-st Presbyterian Church. AYednes day evening. Hr. J. <\ Rowan, pas tor of tlm church, officiated, assisted hv Rev. K. L. Mclver, pastor of the I oplar Tent Presbyterian church. Prior to the ceremonv Mrs. J p Reed, organist, and Ed B. Jovner’ soloist, rendered a lovely * musical program. At ( o’clock the tower cbimes of the church played “Love’s Old Sweet Song.” and this was fol lowed by several organ numbers, which included Shubert’s “Serenade," “Bridal Cortege,” by Moore, and Barcarolle," from “Tales of Hoff man." Mr. Joyner sang beautifully M.v. Hour, by Ball, and “O Promise Ale." by DeKoven. For the processional Airs. Reed played Lohengrin's wedding march, and during the ceremony her num ber was "The Sweetest Story Ever I pld, Mendelssohn’s wedding march was played as the recessional. At 7:• JO o'clock-the wedding party took their places at the altar before a beautiful background of palms, terns and smihix. In the center stood a large candelabra boding lighted white tapers which cast a soft glow over the impressive scene. Two smaller candelabra were placed on either side. Faster lillies in tall floor baskets completed the decora tions of the church, which in its beau tiful simplicity needs none. I he groomsmen were : J. C. Lightspy, of Bartow. Fla., Henry Camp, of Ocala, Fla., Clinton Burbridge. of Jacksonville. Fla., Joe Bost. Franklin Cannon and Charles Ritchie, of Concord. The Concord groomsmen also acted as ushers. Attending Miss Cannon as brides maids were Miss Ava Carter, of Winston-Salem, Aliss Annis Smoot, of High Point. Aliss Alva Goswick, of AVinston-Salem. and Aliss -Ruth Crowell, of Concord. They wore identical bouffant .frocks of deep pink taffeta which shaded to flesh in the tightly fitted bodice. The full skirts were short on the left side and very long in the back. Taffeta flowers added the finishing touch. Pink slippers and hose completed the costumes. Miss Penelope Cannon was maid of honor. She wore a dress of green taffeta, tin* ruffled skirt made of bouffant and with an uneven hem line. Her shoes and hose were of green. Airs. Halbert AA'ebb. sister of the bride, was first dame of honor. Her period gown was fashioned of pink and lavender tulle over turquois blue taffeta. Pink slippers and hbse com pleted her costume. Airs. J. A. Goodman, of Rome. Ga., was second dame of honor. Her frock of pink taffeta and pink tulle was made bouffant and worn with pink slippers and hose. The attendants all carried arm bouquets of lavender chrysanthemums tied with lavender chiffon. Ruth Means, niece and namesake of tile bride, carried the i ing in a single large iavender chrysanthemum. She wore an exquisite little import ed frock of pink taffeta and lace, and pink slippers and socks. The bride entered with her father, AA\ F. Cannon, who gave her in mar riage. A young woman of exception al beauty, she wore her Lanvin gown of real Chantilly lace and tulle grace fully. The gown was fashioned with a long, tight bodice ending in points, and was embroidered in pearls, se quins and crystals. Tulle with orange blossoms scattered here and there, fell from the points of the bodice to the floor, while the under-dress of Chantilly lace had the uneven hem line. The train and veil were of tulle, the veil falling from a coronet of pearls. She carried a shower bou quet of gardenias and lillies of the valley. Attending Air. AA’ilson as best man was his brother, Alilton Wilson, of Bartow. After the reception Air. and Airs. AA’ilson left for an extended motor trip and will be home upon their re turn in Bartow. For travelling Airs. AA’ilson wore a stunning russet brown satin and crepe dress with suede trimmings, a russett brown coat with beaver collar. A smart brown hat, with brown suede shoes were worn. Airs. AA’ilson is the second daugh ter of Air., and Airs. AA’. F. Cannon. She graduated from the Concord High school and later attended Queens College in Charlotte, and Salem College in Winston-Salem. She is one of Concord’s most popular girls and a much admired member of the younger social set. She was the honoree at a number of social affairs following the announcement of her engagement. Air. AA’ilson is the son of the late H. AL AA’ilson :«id Airs. AVilson, of Bartow, Fla. He attended school at Annapolis, A’anderbilt and the Lni versity of Florida, receiving his law degree from the latter. He is a mem ber of the S. A. E. fraternity, and a prominent Bartow attorney, being a member of th£ firm of AVilson and AA’ilson. Among the out-of-town guests pres ent for the wedding were Mr. and Airs. Bradley C. AA’ilson, of Bartow. Mr. and Airs. AY. L. Brooks, of Charlotte, and Air. and Airs. J. C. Lightsey, of Bartow. Reception For Bridal Party Immediately after the ceremony, Air. and Airs. Jay Leo Cannon enter tained with a reception at their home on AA’est Depot Street. Meeting the guests at the front door were Mrs. E. T. Cannon and Mrs. Richmond Reed. The receiving line was formed in the living room and was composed of Air. and Airs. Jay Lee Cannon, Air. and Mrs. Maurice J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. AA’. F. Cannon, and Dr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Rowan. In here, the bridal green and white decorations were used. Cedar, pine, snapdragons, Madonna lilies and sweetpeas were arranged effectively. In charge of the register which was placed on the side porch were Misses Margaret Virginia Ervin, the congop.b times LOCALS! If you want to give a nice Christ mas present, get a Kings Daughter ' (ook Book at Belke for a SIOO.. vi~ ry J’ en t "iN he given to charity.) AA eaf her continues ideal for mas shopping and the largest crowds "I the month thronged the beaten 1 paths from shop to shop in the city 1 this morning. Business people ex- j pect the shopping season to reach a I climax next week. The Carolina football schedule for next year contains a game with A’. P. I. 1 hese teams did not. meet this season and the game next year, to be played at Chapel Hill should be one of the most interesting on the Tar ITeei schedule. Attendance at sessions of Cabur nis Superior Court this week has been light. Civil cases onlv are be ing tt’id and as usually is the ease, they arc hot attracting many spccta-1 tors. Lee;s than f»0 persons were in the court room yesterday. Chickens, real, live liens, of most peculiar cerise and mottled gray pas tel shades, are being exhibited in the st or? window of Ritehie-Caldwell ( onipany, advertising the fancy poul try display that will be held at the Kannapolis Y. M. C. A. Friday and Saturday. i Rain fell in Concord last night for several hours, following a day of low hanging clouds. The sun was out again this morning, however, and tem- 1 peratures were a little lower than they were Tuesday and AA’ednetsdny,) due partly to a cold wave that is said to be headed this way. Peace and general quietude have ! reigned in the city over the past few i days, according to advice fi*om police headquarters. The few complaints made to the officials have been i against minor offenders. As a result ! a light docket is expected for the Fri day session of recorder’s court. Sheriff Caldwell again warns own ers of punch boards for gambling ' purposes that such practice is against ] the law and that offenders will be dealt with severely. Reports that a number of such boards are in opera tion at filling stations and stores have been received at county head quarters. Art Fletcher, desciple of John Mc- Graw and more lately a coach for Miller Huggins' Yankees, has been named manager of the Cleveland In dians for next season. This is the old Giant star's second managerial venture, he having been at the helm of the Philadelphia Nationals for several years. By downing Airs. Horace Rack man. of Detroit, 4 and 3. Airs. AA\ L. Pierce, of Charlotte. reached the semi-final round of the Carolina women’s golf tournament at Pine hurst yesterday. She will meet Airs. John I). Chapman, medalist, of Greenwich, Conn., in the round be fore the finals today. A deed from J. B. Linker to E. L. Morrison for three lots in the Jack son Park subdivision was the only land transfer in the county recorded yesterday at the office of the x*egis ter of deeds in the court house. One hundred dollars and other valuable considerations were given in ex change by the grantee. Don’t forget the basketball double header tomorrow night in the gym nasium of Concord high school. Teams of the high school and of the Y. AI. C. A. will open their respec tive season with AA’inecoff and Ca tawba College, respectively, as their opponents. Both local squads are exceptionally strong this season. K. O. Warren, football star of the T'niversity of North Carolina, and junior national amateur heavyweight boxing champion of the United States has signed articles to box as a profes sional in New York and other east ern cities, according to press dis patches from Chapel Hill. A bright pugilistic future is predicted for War ren who, in 40 fights, has never been knock from his feet. He will box Lou Carpenter, Florida light-heavy weight, in Durham, on December 13. Elizabeth Smith. Helen Marsh 'and Alice Yorke. Evergreens formed a . pretty background here for the girls' danity and lovely evening dresses. Airs. L. A. Fisher, and Miss Mary Morrison directed the guests to the dining room where a salad course with coffee and mints were served. The artistically arranged center of the table was formed of white carna tions in a handsome silver bowl. AA’hite tapers in silver holders stood at each corner. Mrs. J. Archie Cannon bade the guests goodbye. The out-of-town guests present for the wedding and reception were: Air. and Airs. AY. H. Rust, Airs. J. E. Henderson, Air. and Airs. AY. L. Brooks, Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomas B. Henderson. Mr. and Airs. Charles C. Gillette, Mr. and Airs. Alissley, Aliss Betty Gillette, of Charlotte : Air. and Mrs. J. C. Lightsey, Mr. and Airs. Bradley AA’ilson, of Bartow, Fla.; Alartin Crawford, Bill Flowe, Jimmy McAllister, of Davidson College: AA r . F. Shaffner, James Chatham, of the University of North Carolina. Breakfast For Wedding Party. Honoring their sister, Aliss Ruth Cannon, and Alaurioe J. AA’ilson and their bridal party. Airs. George Aleans and Mrs. Halbert AA’ebb were host esses at a ten o’clock breakfast on AA’ednesday morning. This lovely affair was given in the private dining room of Hotel Con cord. An exquisite bowl of pink snapdragons graced the center of the table, and on either end a bowl of fruit was placed. The place cards were wedding bells. A delicious four course breakfast was served to the following guests: Alisses Cannon. Ava Carter. Penelope Cannon. Ruth Crowell, Annis Smoot, Alva Goswick and Alesdames J. A. Goodman, Halbert AA r ebb and George Aleans, Air. and Mrs. J. C. Lightsey, Alaurice Wilson, Alilton AV’ilson, Henry Camp, Clinton Burbridge, Joe Bost, Franklin Cannon and Charles Ritchie. “ where savings are greatest ” k , Just Around the Corner! Holiday Stocks Here Are Now At Their Best! Let Us Serve You! Gift ß for Mother —Gifts for Father, Wife, Husband or Grandma! Gifts \ $ *&i**'j& r Young Folks—for the Newlyweds—for the Children—for the df* *¥ New Baby. Whatever your Gift Problems, we can help you in solving rtf (f r ' them. No frills byt Quality, aj Real Low Prices l Gift Blankets Give Pleasure < For Many Months A warm blanket in a pretty plaid pattern is an other suggestion for your Christmas gi f t problems. The pleasure from such a gift will last for many day**, after the holiday season h over. Here are many suita ble blankets. A wool and cotton jmixed blanket plaid in several colors QC for only O An all wool blanket of fir.* • oft quality is QA priced at .. A Bed Spread Is A Happy Suggestion For Gifts » ■ j Especially when bed spreads have never been prettier pastel shades in rayon stripes and patterns with a rich sheen. *2.98 t0‘4.98 Useful? Yes And Decorative, Too Turkish towel and, wash cloth . sets will I please your friends. Two wash cloths to match (he towel—in plaid or novel ' ty jacauard patterns. Swiss Knit r Rayon Scarfs Assorted patterns and colors; fringed; ideal sot dress wear; moderately priced— 98c, $1.49 ftie Scarf is A Smart Gift For Women and Juniors s —jaunty square for school /and college misses—longer scarfs S crepe de chine and georgette \*e Iff’ are-approved with afternoon and yt ~ W evening dresses. yOTTH 98c to $2.98 Painted or Printed J** \ \ \ Quaint, distinctive prints and deli / / cate P a ‘ nted designs—plaids, checks ! A and border patterns. _ Many here to 'V s ** Is £>l please her. A Suggestion for Her Gift Dainty Manicure Sets and Rolls The woman who travels, the college girl—anyone, in fact, can use one of these convenient manicure sets— in a roll or boxed. 98c to - ciJ 1 $3.98 l J A Thoughtful Gift The pleasure from a useful gift outlasts the holiday season many times; When Shopping for Her Gift Remember a Handbag If you know the predomina ting color of her costume so much the better 1 But whether you do or not, she will appreciate your . K Many Styles! ~ /* ’ / Reptilian and hand-tooled .\f /uU f f effects pouch and envel- V 1 ' opes. It’s a delight to select ) $ 1.98 to $4.98 There's Comfort and Pleasure Ahead For Anyone WTio Receives A a Bathrobe for Christmas JiSft A warm > cozy robe to slip into for a few minutes’ relaxation—and one y that is so good looking that s^e proud of it—such a 71 gift is one of our bathrobes I Beacon Bathrobes $3.98 to $8.90 Corduroy Robes, s!.£' Quilted Robes, ££. T/TT Plaid blanket patterns, plain ? . quard corduroy and exquisite c. _mi u robes—in a wide selection of color* . PAGE THREE Give Underwear To Any Mis# Tne feminine heart thrills* to a gift o'i ■L-» 3f lingerie] every timel! Ray cn gar tf (Hr*' jl ments are/ [/ I irresistible. 1 'Ux7;/98cto i \ /f $2.98 /» l Tailored styles - and \''-lr r frilly lace- U\ j trimmed and / appliqued gar j ments. Our I prices are - tor^ Neckwear In Gift Boxes tAll patterns, all color - effects; newest silks and silk knitted. In attractive Christmas Gift 49c to $1.49 Knitted 49c to _79c » Gift Hose For Men Pure thread silk socks | with mercerized top, heel, toe and sole—new Tu-Toe double feature. Al so a large dis«**v fancy •ilk and rayon socks— -49c An Umbrella Is Another Always Welco-ne Gift i Rainy days will be wel come days—when she can carry her new umbrella! Many Colors—Fancy Handles An interesting assortment —different and very smart •tyles. Silk and Cotton Mix ture, $2.98 Pure Silk Taffeta, $3.98 Imported Cloth with satin finish. S4JL3