ffiiiHsy Dec 25 1*52 RICHMOND - FLOWE COMPANY’S I ' . • * Mid - Winter Clearance Sale Entire Winter Stock Men’s Clothing i% OFF I At the Height the Season Beginning on Friday morning, December 30th, and continuing ten days, through Tuesday, January 10th we ||HR|| will offer our entire stock of Men’s, Yeung Men’s and Boys’Clothing—Suits, Odd Pants, Overcoats, and T ° PCOatS,at 1-4 °FF 1-4 OFF - ' 1 The clothing offered in this big sale is new, well tailored stock, and of the latest styles bought for this |S|hL~ . Jjik Men ’ sand Youn - MFM » C ■ JBmfCl Men’s IVI Hi IN O M j w| . OVERCOATS and - SUITS j/k |■' IL. j Jjlfl \ TOP COATS Tailored by such well known firms as Michaels- ‘|g m \ gtyleg 3 cuitTof the'f inest for $45.00 or less at the following prices: Ik || T : T fill 1 Ti MP tailorin S’ at t] *ese mon- $45.00 Suits at ’ $33.75 % 1 ' 'Vk T H pa I. 1 II y ey saving prices: 40.00 Suits at 30.00 ■ I:; ■■§! 'ml ' $45.00 Coats at .. $33.75 30.00 Suits at 22.50 1 til I. _ 40.00 Coats at . 30.00 25.00 Suits at 18.75 'M-; 35.00 Coats at .. 26.25 20.00 Suits at 15.00 .' B mw UM) W1 30.00 Coats at .. 22.50 18.50 Suits at 13.87 If/ THISBIG MONEY SAVING SALE TO RUN FOR JUST 10 DAYS. ALL SALES ARE TO BE MADE FOR CASH—NO GOODS CHARGED AT THESE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES gt "| M/l COME EARLY AND MAKE your selection before our stock has been picked OVER 11 y7/1 Lj Richmond ■ Flowe Co. if S CONCORD, N. C. luinrj THF CQNCOREj TIMES. CONCORD. R C. PAGE THREE