PAGE EIGHT r.F of Yu r vm.F. land. ■ Under and h\ virtu.* >f nit order of thf Sn* ‘riot* (’«»uri of Cabarrus . .oir.- ty, made in live sp.-eiu! pro.veiling cii <>. Shinqn k oi at. Ex I'arto'." i imdersigm d«• onmi* i.»u --< , will on Sal unlay, don nary 14th. I!t2v. as 12 o'clock M.. at the court door in Concord. X. (*.. otter fuc resale to the highest hiddor. tor cn-di. that certain tract of hind. Iv in- and bring in Xo. 8 township. Cn- County. X. (’.. adjoining to-* I.urhor I.ipo and others, and known a , tin* D. W. Shimpoek p'rtoe and de scribed an follows:* Beginning at an iron -take, corner ~f .1. F. Powder and [.other I.ipo. ~ runs thence with the line ot l.n ih.i I•ne 8. h’.. W. 1208.5 foot to Alt iron— stake in the Mi. Pleasant and «fl'i-;hnr\ Read. corner of County School H.m?e lot; thence X. 11 W. s| feet to an iron stake in the ML pleasant and Salisbury n >au. corner of County School II tuso lot: thence with the line rs C unty S -hool ] o: s. 7!I W. 4•_.[ E. 1.022 feet to an it- n stake. toMlie beginning contain-, in- 98.23 acres' This the loth day of December. 3027. 1 D. U. STIIMPOCK. 1 Commissioner. By Hart sell & HartseM. Attys. NOTICE OF SALE 01 AITOMO BILE. Under and by virtue of' a lien cre ated tby section 2435 of the Uonsoli dated Statutes of North Carolina for work done and material furnished for repair of the automobile hereinafter described: said rcpa : r on said pmp i rty not having been paid and not exceeding SSO 00, and said property having been bold for more than thirty days and notice having been given to the owner thereof: the undersigned will sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door of Cabarrus County in Concord, X. C., on January 9th. 1928, at 12:00 o'clock M„ the following described •personal property : One Buick Roadster. 1022 model. Motor Number 70011. The above described property was left/ with the undersigned for repair by Harry Woollf. This the 10th day of December. 1027. J. C. BLCME COMPANY. Armfield. Shcrrin & Barnhardt, At torneys. r . n f-a-w-2w. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as the Adminis trator of the estate of Ira Erwin, de ceased, all persons owing said estate are hereby notified that they must make prompt payment or suit will be brought. And all persons having ehrms against said estate must pre sent them to the undersigned, duly authenticated, on or before the 15th day of December, 1928. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. J. I. ERWIN, Administrator. J. L. Crowell, Jr., Attorney. ’i’llis December 15th, 1927. NOTICE OF SUMMONS State of North Carolina—Cabarrus County In the Superior Court » John Blakeley vs. Annie Lipsey Blakeley The defendant, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of this County, which Wishing You a i Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR CLINE & MOOSE action is one for an absolute divorce. : r ,j ,- a ;j defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear •Wore the Clerk of (he Superior Court ( ,f Caha Tits Couiiiy. North Carolina. ! the 5 1 h day of danuary. 1028. at is office in the City of Concord, and rnvwer*or demur to the Complaint in said action, or the Plnhitlff will ap ply to the t Court for t lie relief de inn ne 2Cdh day of November, 1927. C. A. HEILIG, F. L. IIARKEY, Administrators of the Estate of Mrs. Talulah Lee Heilig. EXECI TOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as the Executor )f tile estate of Ed. S. Ervin. f an order of the Superior Court of Cabarrus Coun ty, X. C., made in the special pro ceeding entitled, “Florence I. Barrier, Executrix, of the will of Sarah A. Goodman, and others. Ex Parte,” the undersigned commissioner will, on Saturday, the f 7th day of January. 1928, «t 12 o'clock M., at the court house door in Concord, North Caro lina, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, two certain tracks of land, lying and being in No. 8 Town ship, Cabarrus County, North Caro lina, and described as follow’s Lot No. 1 in the division oE the lands of Sarah A. Goodman, which is recorded in Record of Deeds No. 111. page 213, adjoining the lands of W. O. Petrea, Sallie Miaenheimer and lot No. 2: Beginning at an iron stake cn Concord and Misenheimer Springs Publ'c Road, corner of Mrs. Sallie Misenheimer, and runs with her line S."Y2 E. 377.5 feet to a stone on said public road, corner of Sallie Misen heimer; thence with her line N. 81 3-5 E: * 423 feet to an iron stake in said road, corner of Sallie Misenheim er and G. M. Moose; thence with Moose’s line N. 12 E. 217.8 feet to a stooping hickory, corner of G. M. Moose and lot No. 2 ; thence with the line of lot No. 2, No. 3-1 E. 1075 Mrs. AUlson Gives Luncheon Mrs. John P. Allison had a re union of her family at a luncheon Wednesday at her borne on North I’nion. lit r quests included: Dr. and Mrs. Br atide Craig, Brando, Jr., and Ernest Craig, of El Paso, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Burton Craige, Jane and Archibald Craige, of Winston- Salem; Mrs. Clarence Kluttz, Misses Josephine and Jane and Clarence Kluttz. Kerr Craige, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ramsay. Kerr Craig and John Ramsay. Jr., of Salisbury; Misses Lizzie Craige Young and Mary Ervin Young, of Davidson and Mrs.' J. M. Odell. Miss Cliffy to \V«hl Duke University Man. Mrs. Henry Peyton Gussy announc es the engagement of her daughter I.ois to James DeHart, head football coach at Duke University and a res ident of Reynolds, Pennsylvania. feet to a post oak, corner of lot No. 2 and W. O. Petrea; thence with W. O. Petrea’s line 8. 38 W. 1328 feet to a stone, W. O. Petrea’s corner; thence 8. 71 1-4 E. 10.0 feet, to a stone. \Y. O. l’etrea's corner: thence 8. 12 I*2 W. 173.2 feet to the begin ning. containing 14.20 acres. I.ojt No. 4. adjoining the lands or Daniel Cline, J. Frank Lowder, L. S. Ritchie and L. A. Ridenhour: Be ginning at a post oak. corner of L. A. Ridenhour and lot No. 3, and runs 8. 3 3-4 E. 1523.5 feet to a stone, corner of Harry Foil, .7. Frank Low der and lot No. 3; thence N. 30 1-4 E. 1097 feet to a stone, corner of J. Frank Lowder: thence with his line 8. 58 1-4 E. 289 feet to a stone on J. Frank Lowder's Lne. corner of L. 8. Ritchie; thence N. 27 E. 808.5 feet to a stone. L. S. Ritchie’s corner; thence with his line N. 38 1-4 W. 170 2 feet to a stone, corner of L. 8. Ritchie; thence N. 85 2-4 W. 1592 feet to a stone, corner of Daniel Cline and L. C. Ritchie; thence with Ritchie’s line S. 1 W. 080 feet to the beginning, containing 46.03 acres. The bill on the first tract will start at 8385.000. The bid on the second tract will start at $918.75. This the 20tli (lay of December, 1927. L. T. HARTSELL. JR., Commissioner. By Hartsell & Hartsell, Attys. 14-2 t. TRUSTEE’S SALE. By virtue of authority vested in me by a deed of trust executed by Alice A. 1 sen hour, tin* payment of wliicli was assumed by 11. 8. Fag gart. on the 20th* day of January, 192(5. 'which deed of trust is duly re corded in the Reg : ster’s Office for Ca barrus County in Book No. 01, page IPS. the conditions not being com plied with. 1 will sell at public auc tion at the court house door in Con cord. N. (’.. on Saturday, the 21st day of January, 1928. at 12 o’clock M., to the highest bidder, for cash, the following real estate; ! Lying and being in No. IT Town ship, Cabarrus County. N. C.; —Be- ginning at a stone on the south side of the big road leading by Host’s Mill, late Franklin Faggart’s corner and corner of George F. Faggart-’s 20 acre lot. and runs with his line 8. 41 E. 1744 poles to a stone on said line; thence N. 49 E. 90 poles to a stone on Chas. lsenhour’s line; thence N. 42% W. 17% poles to a stone in road, Isenhour and Merle Smith’s cor ner : thence 8. 70 W. 34 1-5 poles to a stake. Merle Smith’s corner; thence 8. 32 W. G 2 poles to the beginning, containing 15 acres, conveyed to Fred Faggart by Alice A. Isenhour on October oth, 1925, and registered in Record of Deeds No. 108. page 12; also lot conveyed to H. I). Faggart by H. 8. Faggart on March 21st. 1927, and registered in Record of Deeds No. 112, page 00. Title to said property is supjiosed to be good but the purchaser takes such title only as I am authorized to convey under said deed of trust. This the 22nd day of December, 1927. H. I. WOODHOUSE, Trustee. By Hartsell & Hartsell, Attys. NOTICE OF SALE OF MEAT MARKET. Under and by virtue of a Chattel Mortgage, dated February 2.lth, 1027. executed and delivered to the under signed by Clyde F. Burleyson of Ca barrus County, North Carolina, which said Chattel Mortgage is duly record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cabarrus County, in Kook 53, page 445, which said mortgage was given to secure the p.vament of indebtedness therein described, and fa lure having been made in the pay ment of said indebtedness, and the following personal property having thereby become subject to sale under the terms of the Mortgage to satisfy the conditions thereof, and the same having been regularly advertised for sale on December 20th, 1027, and the said sale on said date i(0 lack of bidders having been adjourned by C. C. Barringer, Auctioneer, to Jan uary 7th, 1028, at 1 :00 o'clock, P. M. Now, therefore, the unders ; gned Mortgagee, will on Saturday, January (7th. 1028, at 1 o’clock P. M., at No. 52 Buffalo Street. Concord. N. C., in the Store Building occupied by the Purity Market, sell to the highest bidder for Cash, the following de scribed personal property. 1 McCrary Refrigerator, used for storing meat. 1 McCrary Meat Show Case and Counter. 2 Large Meat Blocks. 1 flash Register. 1 Sausage Mill. 1 Hand Driven Meat Sllcer. 1 MeCaskey Register, or Bookkeep ing System. 1 Pair Toledo Scales, together with all knives, cleavers, meat saws, meat ’ hooks, and any and all other mis cellaneous property which belongs to, and is t used in connection with, the Purity Market, located at No. 52 Buffalo Street. Concord, N. C. This the 20tli day of December, 1927. . C. C. HAGLER. Mortgagee. I By Palmer & Blackwelder, Attys. THE CONCORD TIMES, CONCORD N. C CLOSING OF MAIL Time of closing outgoing mail dai ly at the (’uncord poet office: Northbound Closing Hour Train No. 30 11 :00 P. M. Train No. 130 11:00 P. M. Train No. 36 9:40 A. M. Train No. 40 3:00 P. M. Train No. 34 4:15 P. M. Train No. 12 0:00 P. M. Train No. 38 (Ist dixp.)_ 6:00 P. M. Train No. 38 (2nd dipt.) 8:20 P. M. Southbound Train No. 29 11.00 P. M. Train No. 39 S:2O A. M. Train No. 37 10:50 A. M. Train No. 45 ... 3:00 P. M. Train No. 135 8:00 P. M. RAILROAD SCHEDULE In Effect December 20, 1924 Northbound No. 4<9 to New York 9:21 P. M. No. 130 To Washington 4:44 A. M. No. 30 To New Yotfc 10:13 A. M. No. 34 To New York 4.33 P. M. No. 40 To Danville 3:15 P. M. No. 12 To Richmond 0: !4 P. M. No. 32 To New York 9 :03 P. M. No. 30 To New York 212 A. M. Southbound. No. 45 Tc Charlotte L -Jl6 P. M. No. 35 To New Orleans 9.50 i. M No. 29 To Birmingham 2:15 A. M. No. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M? Xo. 33 Tc New Orleans 8:15 A. M. No. 11 Tt Charlotte 8:00 A. K No. 135 To Atlanta 8:37 P. M No. 3$ To Atlanta 8:55 A. M. No. 37 to New Orleans 11:29 A. M Train No. 34 will stop in Concord to take on passengers going, to Wash ington and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis cbn ge passengers coming from Wash ington and beyond. All trains stop in Concord except No. 38 northbound. E LOCAL MENTION mm i m ’ * * ■" No deeds of property transfers in I the county were recorded Tuesday at the office of the register of deeds in the court house. The downtown section reseniDied the aftermath of a cyclone early Tues day. what with all the Christ mas cedars and other decorations be ing brusquely torn down. Marriage license • was issued to • Harry Litaker. of Kannapolis, and Miss Alice Chester, of Davidson, Tuesday by Register of Deeds El liott. Permit to w«hl was also grant ed a colored couple of tlie county. More than 100 unfortunate and umlerprivelegcd children received gifts and food for Christmas as a result of the Opportunity campaign insti gated by tiic King’s Daughters, in collaboration with Welfare Officer Ray McEaehern. Installation of officers for 1928 will be a feature of the regular meet ing Friday of the members of the Concortr-Kiwanis Club at Hotel Con cord. Dr. Tom Rowlett has been elected president of the club for the calendar year beginning January 1. The whole-hearted response to the food and fuel appeal for the benefit of needy families in this county pro vided brigiit cheery Christmas's to many deserving persons. (Hieeks and contributions Were taken to the vari ous houses early Sunday morning. Richard Covington, University of North Carolina net star, was easy for Julius Seligson, of Lehigh, defending champion, ijn the national indoor ten nis championship being played in New York City, who reached the semi-finals [last year, was balpy off form. 27.000 spectators watched Western football prove superior to Eastern ns ! the former ail-star outfit defeated the ! latter 10 to oin Ban Francisco ves i terdny. Hunt, of the Texas -Aggies, j was the star of the game, with Bruce I Caldwell, of Yale, playing the best ! game for the Easterners. The shopping center of the city is back to normalcy following the re moval Tuesday of the last of the Christmas decorations. Lighted cell ars are still in evidence in widely scattered paftK of the residential sections but they, too, are fast dis appearing. Many business houses of the city have already begun inventories and will be in ship-shape condition for the beginning of the new year next Monday. Other firms will wait until next week for their annual check-up of merchandise sold over the twelve ntonth period. The S to 0 victory of the Southern All-Senior football team over the Western All-Seniors Monday gave the South a record of two wins and one tie in three starts over the ex ponents of the Western game. Ala bama beat Washington, 20 to 19, in 1920, and t : ed Stanford, 7 to 7, on January 1, 19271 The University of North Carolina flashed another potential team of Southern basketball champions in de feating the crack Monogram five, of Charlotte, 33 to 30, Tuesday night in the Queen City. Spectacular pass ing and shooting gave the Tar Heels the winning margin. A great rally | by ’Fesser Fuel's charges featured , an exciting last period. Attention is again called to the ■ clinic for crippled! children of this city that will be sponsored January MILLINERY Latest Styles Lowest Prices Patterns From New York and Chicago New Models Every Week MISS BRACHEN BONNET SHOP 19th by the Concord Rotary eluh. r ihe committee in charge has secured ihe services of Dr. O. L. Miller, orthopaedic surgeon of Charlotte and ('■ aatoiiin, who will spend the day here diagnosing all cases for which ap pointments have been made. Civil suit for judgment amounting to $1217.00 and the costs of the ac tion -has been preferred against Tuck er Bros., of Midland, by the Model Flour Mills, of this city, according to papers filed Tuesday in the office of the clerk or court here. The com plaint involves the sale and delivery of merchandise by the plaintiff which he claims was never paid for by the defendants. Although but Htt'.c outward bois teriousness has bpen noticeable dur ing the holidays, some forty or more have,, been arrested by city police of ficers on minor charges. No session of recorder's court will be held this week until Friday, due to the absence from the city of Judge A. B. Pal mer. On that day all of the above mentioned defendants will appear for trial. .Tack MaoDowall had small oppor tunity to “strut his stuff” as the All-Southern seniors won from the All-Westerners, 8 to 0. at the Christ mas football classic Monday in I.os Angeles. In the game but a few minutes of the time, Jack was un able to get his famous passing arm functioning because of the wetness of the pigskin. “Bad Bill” Spears. Vanderbuilt candidate for All-Ameri can honors, was the outstanding star for the Southerners. ONE KILLED, THREE HURT AS CARS MEET HEAD-ON NEAR CITY Charles D’Hollosy, 40, Was Killed Instantly, Child Is Critically Hurt, Wis Suf fers Serious Injuries. Charles D. IVHollosv. 40, real es tate man.‘of High Point, was killed •ustantly, his 2” months old son. Charles Wayne, suffered a double fracture of the skull, and his wife. 23. sustained a broken arm and a brok en leg when the Ford coupe in which •they were riding met in a head-on collision with a Pontiac. .T. if. Rob- You will be astonished at the MEW Features NEW Beauty* NEW Performance that General Motors has provided in this New White Auto Company * t —— imam driving. <>n the Charlotte high , wnv nenr .Trickson Training school, about 1 o'clock Monday afternoon. A coroner's jury absolved Robinson of the blame for the accident. lie,., however, is being detained at the Ca barrus county jail on a charge of carrying a concealed weapon. A pis tol was found in a suit ease in the rear seat of the l'ontiae. Robinson received a severe cut in the tragic mishap, IS stitches being essentia, to close an ugly wound about the head. Mr. D'Hollos.v's skull was crushed in the collision, death coming to him immediately, lie was driving the ill fated coupe. His small son. in the arms of his mother, was seriously hurt. The child’s skull was seriously dash-board of the machine, being fractured in| two places. According to reports this morning from the Concord hospital where the injured mother ami son were carried for treatment, there is increased hope for the child's life. The mother's left log and right arm were broken, and she suffered painful cuts and bruises about the body. She will recover. The accident, it is gathered, from testimony at the coroner's inquest, was unavoidable. The eye-witnesses claimed that both automobiles were nbnlut the center of the highway when they met, each traveling at rather lively gaits. The D’Hollosy family was on route from Charlotte while Robinson was driving bis Poll •tic toward the Queen City. Upon the impact the ears did not turn over, but each, badly wrecked, bound ed about considerably in the highway, i None was able to explain the cause | of the collision. Mrs. D’Hollosy, who'l was seen by friends at the hospital. XXX>OGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO I HOLIDAY NOTICE! 1 | NEW YEAR’S DAY 8 g Monday, January 2, .1928 g R Being a Legal Holiday in the State of North Carolina 0 g the banks of Concord will not be open for business. 8 is quoted as saying, “I don’t know what caused it.” Mr. D’Hollosy had bean in die em ployment of O. E. Mendenhall, op erator of u real estate business in High Point, for the past two or three mouths. Robinson, driver of the Pontiac, is employed in Charlotte as the foreman of a fire extinguisher company, but bis home-'is in Lineolnton. It is prob able that he will lie granted a hearing today before a local magistrate on the charge of carrying a concealed weapon. Houston-Yates A marriage of much interest and great surprise was that of Miss Al berta , Yates and Sam Houston, .Tr., of Harrisburg, which took place in Concord, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Houston is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Yates and is well known throughout the eastern part of North Carolina. ‘ Mr.* Houston is the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Houston and has held a position in the Ford plant. They left for a short motor trip through eastern North Carolina. Af ter their return they will make their home in Charlotte, Among the Concord people attend ing the dance in Salisbury Monday evening were, the following: Misses Louise and Bessie Webb and Vir ginia Reid, and Joe Foil. Clarence' Simpson. Nevin Sappenfield. Paul (Iray. William Flo we-, Robert Simp son. Lewis Laughlin; James Line berger. Cline Mabrey... Peanut Rideu boiir, Billy Caldwell, Billy Denton, dene Hoover, Livingston Easley. Mack Howard and 7,e»> Popea. Ttu,r -L ‘ ' I I , Ma c rwC - •Sms .in ■’ •' a, Frnh,,. ~r * PENN* co , g s ‘ ra >*‘d hi niv tli ~ tr~ — ~2“" W -*S Iju "' “ r taken f rftlD "' Xl, Bk». Jodie. b * ,na « r,,l :ir S Jr: - s,ra >«i to can M . Z ho "», a 1 rr. J. W. ft, Trappers bring m ?. > riinslirft,. v ., a< r 0 vm to fun L *3 , v Mns a i l( | 1 ir"’ 1 „ • s,n "' l - V*>neu h |. tiiv ‘* s< ‘ ,n ''»hhi7Twr>^ • 'V have just f '* aB 1 'Ore building )„ N mf ln M I Fark, make iu r 1,1 Uhi i ...i .1- ! year ~f '"ttioi ! I,f -‘ wrizy* y "" This is a re ” r, .v just out Os eilr J e,r >' deetfcS T f ' Hy Will he's f sl "f i**™ A I '£\ vV Diilb 1,!1 ' IJ. A. Mel.aurm._22-.' CONCORD PRObTCE^j I (Corrected Weekly by Cline k t':g ures named represent nri. ; for produce on the mtrket I Eggs ■ | Com I Sweet Potatoes Turkey< ;.UT*3j Onions Hens '* 1 Irish Potatoes ] '*'*' Peas __ •_ jjS Butter Country Ham • Country Shoulder [ pC( mi try Sides I Young Chickens ~ T