0 j! (li 0 i i I! v.- '4. ." M 1 SELECTED POETRY. "Thktik is a pleasure in poetic pain That mnc but poets know' THE POOR MAN S DAY- Sabbath holy, To tholowly, ' Still' thon art a welcome. day ; WTh'en Qioti comest, earth ami ocean, Kliade and brightness, rit and motion, Help the Poor Man's heart to pray, " Sun-waked "f.rertv i ' . liird that -OJilC-t, "O'er the mute unpeopled moor ; ' "Thro'-tle's song, that etivntii like Slowest, wYind that o'er the dew-drop goest, i .Wtlooino now "tlie wot-woj-ii Hr.. . i" ' -i '!'.. L I.illlc riviTj Voting forever, i . . ; Cloud gold-bright wit !i t.liankful glee, ILippy woodbine gladly weeping, Gnat within the wild rose keeping, ". )h ill uL they w ere blest as Ac. Sii'idt h boiy ! Fop- the lowly, 'i-PaintUvitli-ill'.versltbe glittering god, V'or afflictions sons mid daughters, o!id llie mountains, woods and waters, v .Pray to. God, the poor mau's God. f Fnle young mother,. '" ' Gapping btoMn-r; Sister toiling in dVpair, a ' J t-iT bowi V: sire that long life li,.t, V hito lipped cjuhl thiit slerpLnig b'ighe-f , Come nud drink, the, light and air. .Still God livHfc, . SI ill -he givcth, ' - , t Whr-.f no law can t.nke aivav, ..And oh .'.Sabhath, bringing gladness, Vnlo hearts of .Weary sadness, Still art, thou (lie infir man's tin'. XITTLE THINGS. :ScYrn not the . 'lightest -word or deed, Nor ileein- it void of pow ci : 'TlieiV;'s fruit i:i each wind wafted seed, Waiting it natal bower. ' A whisijlTtd word may t uch the heart, And call it back to life ; look of lovHibid Mil d. j'irt, And et ill unrioly strife. 4Ko net falls Iruitless ; rone can tell, How vast i'ts power may be ; Kojrvyhat results unfolded dwell. In daikfutnrity, " ..Work nnd despair not, pive thy mite, I ; .Nor care how, (mall it be, lod is wiih'uK who serve th; light, j The holy, true and free. COMICALITIES. Two Anxious by Kal An aniusing allair liappofiod lately le- . 1 ween a coal dealer, arid a purchaser. The latk-r wns very ftn.vifiu.s-t j mio, that llu-fwinu-r did not cdjeat him, so he inspected the .weighing of the coal! himself, and Mi perfectly satisfied that l.ejgot his full allow .vitce, willicKii any desire bu ( he p;,rt of the coal dealer to shave. - However, whil" the coal was weiI,i? tli- driver .,f (he tc:..l)., could not help laughing, aware at tJw. tiinu that the pur chaser wa particular aUut his tVili weigh; of coal; ' The pun baser, after the delivery of the al, itske'd iheMhivetvwhal it was-a! I about; VVbf- c.,;.! i.,-. -i ..... . . ' " .' "v, yourcoai was xv-ei i- irt'Z ou Were sljimlu...- ( . v.- . - O "IV i5V. lies aiid was wcighetl with it. v "Is it p.ssib!v ? 'by, I wcigli nearlv tVO htindliikl I. mm. 1 U ell, sir, said llw diiv'.'r, yoi; nre .ydd. les; -as the reply, arid I have b.uio-li-nselt, too. . in You Forgot Ke!'' A gotxl J.,ke isddnt (he exm-nse one of our church goi,, t.;,;Zons, who ,'J the lalher ofan iuu.resM: family 0ft.j,il. iren, and anion- then, a bright ."vcl little 1 1V wholes numbered some fnr or five 5Umi!!-fs. thii nof nf' 1 lit . , ., v.. tut ihhi.'(;ihii jiu, e ink- : -lnef ahve. . - . : OnSaturdayhtho had been bribed to keep t!u. ,,t.acc. .,,, iro (o k J j nuhourcailier.lmn us:d, wi h the prom-! that oi, U10 niotrow, Le mioh, V..., u, ' huich with thtt faiuilv. U Sm" .!-or.,;,y. it was f,,un,i i,': fonvoW.t to put the y.,;it,gMcr , I , :, , .1,e U-Uui : "'oraai,i,, :iIi,l divssil fifh i the sauS t.a.y;nild (he family sJf,l(.(1 t.? W. n?y I.rm however, moIe I'ecwnp i'lii.lf,.M..ka.. 'ew . ien m wavd the v oungstvr. with iNi'V. ".yn bui auiht ,-vrp. er :r. . . and ;i Cloth -Von ttM,M10fnntono ! i.t!.M....t; . , t V,; "eard all over th i'he'feeliiiov ..i .1 Je chute li -i . inuie n-i Ul nO Ii.lft'Ilts rvii l..i ... -oy idiiriiK, t ,1.,,;!, uescniHi ml. Journal. Sonu' ""'0 rusty, -CjIhstr, lM,M . the.f.lWn,. (oast a ft fircniV ceM(1, i."oil -If cent ly - . . . hir fixe onSlnn,af liuy be like 0,, .So iX-body sflys veiy .c;u,v tuiIl "rdancts r.re c-ai'cst the liuk chiUzcn-uaivot io Civ.J. I'uily : "AS St i u, so ate SimpleRemedifi Cotton or woo, wet witli sweet oil or paragoric, will give q.tiick relief to the ear ache. ' Black or green tea ste-epad -ia boiling milk anJ sweetened wi tli loaf sugtr, is ex cellent' for dysentery." . I A good quantity, of old cheese h the best h'mr to ea when distressed with eat too nmch fruit, or o.pjfesed -willi too nmdi f'Ksl. I'liysicians bve given it?in cases oFextremo d ing-r. II a berries, are QxUenv.dy useful in ca ses of dysentery ; toeat the berries js very health v ; ti?a made of the roots' and leivos is verv beudVial, and a syrup iv.ado of the ..nics '. still better. I. Vhrott!fLmt, i ii i l . 1 v.'m'" : - - .1. . t i rr .111 I 1T 1.1 I1I1I' i kltbriies ili'K'r, are a ucmu itic- Itv: i tie lur J( , ., , V l i , i ...,.. ,,.,.1 ', Mh-u, Made into tort and swpe..-m,l; ; ll'i-i'U are a Useful lue.llv;Mic br llier aie yet y wnehcial wjien the system is j ni n iesti'if'.''d state, ' an 1 the digo-li vo powers onto! order. Tho pair, of a bee sting miy,be at OJice relieved, and the sub.-e'jueut swelling pre vented, by wetting th p u t, with spirits of h.'utsl.oni. '-..The pain of tooth -nclie, also, is lvlieved (ifieiior by 'few drops of hartshorn on a bit of lint iTiseried into the cavity of the touili, tli tn by any othvr ap; Iic;vti-ri. Ev ;ry t'atnslyl.-hould k-'-ep a vkab.of.it, well c. rk.-d in the hotiscjand.it' you are forlu-iri:-- f notigh to need it fot tioth :ug else, n o it to -restore the- color, destroyed by 1 Ui ml stains. . To fatten pi.iillry i.u!ck,boil lice in niiik i,!i ,1 feed tlniin with it. To prevent the attack of lice, wash' the poultry house with a strong solution of ce dar boughs, aud then, snioko' the house with cedar-wood. ! : Those heti eggs that approach nearest to lotiii'lncis will produce- females, while the, pointed ones produce males. The JJriisiels Journal str.tes that an ex tfaoidiuary F.uicide had just taken place at Mons. Madare T. n respectable inhabi tant of. that town, threw herself into the river Totirille, after having firmly tied to her waist a little girl of live years old, be longing to the foundliug hospital, and whom she had most carefully dresged and crowned with roses. AYEll'S PILLS, Anew ind singularly successful remedy for the cure of all Bilious diseases Costiveness, Indi gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, KheumatiSm, Fevra, Gout, Ilumors, Nervousness. Irritability, Inflamma tions, Headache, Fains in the Breast, Side, Bock, and Limbs, Female Complaints, See. See. . Indeed, very few are the diseases in which a Purgatire Medi cine is not more or Ien required, and ranch sick, ness and suffering might be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, whicU might have been avoided by the timely and jndicioiks use of a good purgative.. This is alike" true of Colds Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements.. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all-over the land. - Hence a reliable family physic is of the .first importance to the public health, and this Till has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, ProfeS sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of ny medicine. Cure have beeii effected beyond belief, were they not Sub stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth, v Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention : )r. A. A,.Hatm, Analytical Chemist, of Boston, and I State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high professional character is endorsed by the ; Hon. Enw.wm Evkuett, Senator of the U. S. KoitKRT C. M'ixtkrop, Ex-Speakef of the House cf Representatives. Aiinorr LA.WRKNCE, Minister Plen. to England, t John 15.: Fn .i'ATiiicK, Cafh. Bishop of Boston. Also, Pr. J. U. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of New York Citv, endorsed bv Hox. W. L- Marct, Secretary of State:' Wm. 13. A'stor, the richest man in America. S. Eki. vmi & Co., Propr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Did spare permit, we could give many hundred certificates, from all parts where the Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men ie found in their etl'trts upon trial. ' ' These Pillsi the result of long investigation and study, are plfered to the public as the best and - most complete which the preeont state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of YrgtbiCe remedies; extracted by chemical process in a st ite of purity, andcombincd together i m such a mjnher ns to insure the best results. This system of c onjv .-ition for medicines has been found iu the Cherry Pectoral and Pills- both, to produce a more cthV.ic'ut remedy than had hitherto been ob tained bv anV wooes. The reason is perfectlv ob- : vousJ While Uv tl'e old mode of composition, every . medicine is burdened with more or less of acri- inoniou.s and .injurious qualities, bv this each indi- iiuutu Tiiiue i niy mm is aesueu ior iuc curauve effect is pipselit. AI! the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it ia self-evident the effects should prove as they have proved more purely remedial, and the Pill a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than aiij" other medicine known to the world: As it i frequent!)' expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing, its composition, I have supplied the accurate- Formula; by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body ! Practitioners in the I ' ni ted States and British Amer ican Provinces. If, however, there should he any one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded ! mail to his address. Of all the Patent Me.iiuiiics that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known! Their life consists in their mystery. 1 have no mysteries. The composition of my rireparatinns is laid opem to all men. and all who are competent to jHdge on the sv.t ;cct freely acknowledge therr cmvictions of their intrinsic mrrits. The Cherrv Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to "be a wonderful medicine before its ettecls were known. Manv em- Ineitt Physicians hvrc declared the same thing of niy Pills,'anri;ercn more confidently, and are will-. iu in cenuyi wiai lae.r anncipanons were more than realized" by their effects upon tri.il. Thev operate bv their powerful influence on tha internal viscera to purify the lvlooi and stimulate it' into health v action remove the ohhtrartiivna rJ .. the stomach, bowels, liver, and other orams of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correctins, wherever thev exist, such deranae- ments as are the first origin cf disease. lkinu sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purcly vegetable, no harm can arise fiom their use in anv quantity. ' For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box i TRKrAKKD BY JAMES C. A.YER, Practical and Analytical ChcmisX- L0 WE'LL, MASS. Price 25 Centt per Box. Five Boxes for Si. SOLD BT JC'iEN ri::. 'Ci'IiCOFd N. C -Iby .-i.i iiii ur ig- every whf re. t s owputvpinlhe larrfrgt itzeJ bottle. and i "arknowlnttjfd to be thclett Fkirtapar'illd mode' as i reri 'ified by tile vcond?ful curet it- Jias per 'fvnwd, the oriifilial cojne of trhich art in the pori'isivn of th juropriftor. . Irmmbtr,thi is the on I if true and oritjittal drtirU. Sorofula, Syphilid, Mercurial complaint?. Can cer, narturene, Rheumatism, .and n vast Variety of otl.-r iiseas are spcellnv inl perf!tly cured by tli'.- uso of this medicine. W.FMI THE FnUOWWC CKKTIHOAtF- Tali. hosa C-o. Ala., Jan. . 1S52. T)ri;?iu : T send you this to certify to you that your Extract of Yellow Dock and Sj.rapa rilla.h.ia performed one of the most wonderful unwi on (no that lias -ever been effected on man I liav(jbeen afflicted for fortv yenrs, Vitii e rnptioiK on tii y h's and Feet"; in is tS tliK-y trot Krid-that I had te n on crutches, ondj in IS- i'.' i Hi.' on'' if; ammuuieil aiiove rne Knee, in ii i .. l i .i i j I. - . .,i,(,,-.t mae months after, my other leu'b rdke out in Ian.''- ealin; and niniiiuir oi es. from i in Ian.''- eaiin; aul runiMut: urv. from nvv- knee 1o mv f't, and iliseharircd :sirr.al'denl of often- !M:HU.r. My (iroin a!s( broke out i rir iRr-je bih-s, whu-h hs-harjred much .(Tensive. ijiafT'r. ami hi me fume u:m: inv ici- na 1 brokd out in j iartre runninir sores neai'rv to ivy eTb-rW.. f IM i ne misery that r l.iav suffered for the litst two years 1 cannot- describe n ym;. I was ijn'sueh rittony that I never res-ted day nor night' In (.let ober last, my son bronirht mjone of your bottle wappers ; I read it, and f ind re cord of.MPit! vvuiderfiil enref; j.erlormed iijy your "Extract of yellow Dock aifd Sarsaprtiilli," and I now eon;. l'-r myself well. , j I entreat all of the afili-'ted to try tlii.4 medi cine, for T believe it will cure any known dis ease in the world. J-ay aside all pTvjtidiee and jii.-t tryjt, and proclaim itjrrent worfli t' ssfV erinjr mankind, and entreat them to tnk4 it. for it will cure them. My c;.sc is well known to a larre portion of outh Carolina, t!cm'irm flinl Alabama., and if any liou?d doubt th above cure, I invite them to call on me. audjl will show them ti e Hf-e.rs. I esn be foiniel in Tnla rjooa county, Alabama, one mile from Stoe's fer ry. " ' KENAJAiim:;nics. '.The Yellow Dock and SarstdWilla is peculi arly adapted for females of delicate health, re sultiiur from irregularity of menstrual dis"harg e, and olhcr diseases j-eeuliar to thciii sex. The proprietor has in his possession ai irr,eat number of eertiiier.fr" 'fcurjs penforme r.fthe above dcscri'tion. "We assure the affliet'til that a bottle or two of Dr. (Inysoit's Extract- of Yel low Dock and Sarsaparillu will at once rir ilate t Iiose diniculties and rjimw the natural ener gies. ' .' j Put t:p in Quart liettles. Prwdjl per bottle. -X-LS(., : 1 For the complete aire ft' crAttj'hs,riil'1xr in ilutnzn, asthma, l niichil.i, sx tun 1 of lood, avii all other Uuuj cotii plaints tend in 7 to cvn.vi nipt ion. TtTT nr.r.ir:itirtn is cotlin'r into use all over our country.' " The numerous letters! we re- ceivc from our various agcts, infonuiiig us .if cures elfecfed in their immediate neighborhoods warrant us in saying it is one of the jr.e-t. if not the rry brt t Ougl. Medicine now , before I. . .....lb . X ...1.11.1. I.i ri i.iJ.H' fin nit pu.n.e. j. .:ovi '"".' '"' I- ' not ii)fri,jiir,,tlif cure the vrif vort fe. Vhon"nll other Cough prepn: ations 'halve fail- ...1 tliij lm i.rtli..v.il tlt iiMtient ns Dl-lll..rij.ts ed, this has relieved the patient as Druggist s dealers in Medicines, and Physicians eajn -te.-tr fy. Ask the Ageut in your nearest towr, what has been his experience f the cfl'eetsiof this medicine. If he luvs brim iseli'nur it, llir any length of time he will teTl ' you IT IS 1T1E EEST MEDICINE I'.XTAXT. Ilelow we give a few extracts from let hnvrt received lately regardinc the viiKues of this Mir ila-1 ue. IJ W ; Dr. S. S. Oslin. of Knoxv.lle. I ia., sav s : 1 'TV (!'- have bfca uxiuif iimir T.'twrii'ort and 'Jtt teiisivelu in- mil lirarlb-e fur ViV-' yrrtyx )ihl..aiid it is irlth ''I nsure I state mif brt'n-f in irk-'sri-K- riokitv ovi:r ai.i. otiii :r akt;i ! r.s wait am wijiiiu nlrd. fur irhieh it f.i rri r;ii)ii-itilr'd." M -srs. Fii.gelal l .V Ih .'ltiel-s, Wl-itiilg tl-oi,, 1 j Waynesvilb. '. C.,, ?ay". " Th' I.ii'nnrtaml j Jur ts iHcnni 1 n 1 ara ;iiurtjitjn im i in i " n- , AM) WR TIMMt .11 n.V AU irhn hurt i tried it xpe(ik in I'oiniiieiidrftff teruix f it and smrft is very In nefirial i 1 irllevinti nj tJietroni--i plaints ftr whii h it is ri-oinineiid'-d.'' j 4 j (jur Agent in Piokonsf 'District, S. 0.Mr, 11. MoFall, assures us " t bet he u s jit with qri iit, benefit ill his o i n fanii I y, and reeoiimends it to his ntrigldxU'-s.'' He yives an iiistaijee.of a Negro woman, in his vicinity, who h.-id been j sidler'.ngVith disease of the Eungs for years, nttendetl with severe cough, who was relieved by the Liverwort and Tar. Such.-ire the good repot tsve hear of tliis nie.lie4ne from a 1 parts of the South. For; 11 report of the surprising cures it lms peiforiiil' in the -Wyst'eijn and Northern and 'Kastem Spates, we .would ii'.viie the su'.l'emng iauent t. read the. pamphlet' w hich accompanies each hot-tie. To all.: We sa , h.u-e hupr, hnee fo.pe TRY TIIE ItlEDl- CINE1! iK WAiiXED is s-:j-i vs And neglect- not that cough which isj daily weakening your const itul ion, iri ital ing your throat and luug--.l':;iid inviting on lh:i' il'iad dis ease. ConsnH'jitioii. when so .-nothing anil heal ing a remedy run lie Vt ai ued as Dr. Ilogers rjip 0! i.in-i vnri mi'i ir. iir akkofci -Ti.i:n.i i-s ami r. sr. ri ; i ATifivs ! The geuiiine ar ticle is signed Anurew lowii i-.s. on the r-njrraved-wrapp-r ai"-und en'.-'h bottle. Pie. yl per bot tle, or six bottle--, f.js- $-5. Sofd wholesale and retail bv ' SCOW it Ml! AD, 111 Chartres St bet. Conti and St. LouiLN.-O. The Great Remedy For RheurnitiEni. tioilt. Pain in the Side, Hip, Hack, Limbs anil Joints : Scrofula, King's F.il. Wnile Swjelling. Hard T'uinois, Slid' Jeints, a:.,l all ii.xed pains whatever. Where the nRt?r is applied pLn caiiaot ex it. I II ha leen benefn inl in eases of "wea'kne?-1, such ;is P.iin ;ui.l Weakness in the Stoiiinchr-. Ve:-,k Limbs, Eimencss, Affection of theiLiings in .their primary stages. It destroys iiilbima tion by iersiirat!on. i James L- Uoyd, E'ekei s district Svili. -ai-o-liua.testities that lu-waS cured of ilheuiy.ii i-tn both of his knees of several v stajidiug. I The following m from a rcspeeia. le I an in Georgia : i -iti I Messrs.. Seovill AvMead: Cents.' Mm vp been I using your Liverwort and Tnr lli-'p-cW iNiist.-r i'very exteUMTely in niy practice for tliie.ej Years ! pat, an J it is with pleasure that I state ijay be ! lief in thir -aperiority over all other atjlicb-s. with whidi I am rfe.piainted for the puirpoes for wh'.eli thev are i er.inimo.iiif.. The 1 fnlrew , Pla-!e,r. (specially, is an universal pani-jia fof hcal prili;. I haveais foi.nd it s m -' ei'cl ; lent, medication f.r Sr.Tiii:s and brnisfis.."' It gives universal sa.tiMael;o:i w lienever nst. universal satisiaetio : t Knoxvill On. Jan 4 185.1 S. S. OSLlS'.M.D Ileware f conr.tei fcits and base imitations. 1 The genuine will in the future have t j nature of E, Taylor on the steel piate engraved on the bibb; upon the top of ea.-h box. Purch.i--cr are advised that a mean counter feit of this valuable article is in existaiKve. The genuine is sold only bv us-nnd uiir frgT't appointed thrfugliont the South and i j'ed-' lar i" allowed t sell it. leai"'-J and p-irchas- e'r g-.Mierally are eantioned against buying of any btit or.r regular agents, otherwWthrfy will be imixised wpon with a wifrtkles article. Ill hart res st. New Orleans. sVovn. it Mfcin. Sole (iener il agents for the Southern, :jates. to wlmtii a'l orders must be addiV-sed. Sold by J. Fitik Concord: Prhehar-1 A Cildwell.jdmr- bnte: Fisher ct Heinih. Hiarlo'te ; "Sill it S Salisbury;- M'irphv, Melt r:e .t Co., Sa!ilur- i Marshall fe Parkef, Albwnarl; Bernhajrdt & Sulivan, Gold Hill; G. J. Al'.en. Nor4"l ! I ROCKAWAY ANB BTTJ&fr.Y MIKING INALL THEIR VARIOUS 'BRANCHES. THE sulm-ribers n-trns their thank to their customers and the public irenernllv, for tlu-ir very liberal putronacce heretofore, and respectfully solicit acntiiiirftnce of the same. Tln-y are itiil at thir old st-tind. near tiie MetWodit Church, where thy are ft all times in rcali ntss to.execirte 11 work in their line with iwat ness and despatch ; n thc- arc det-nuin d. to do work CHHArr.': and I'd-JlTER than any other tablishmfiit in this part of tin- country. They are assured that their blacfciunithiiisr can not1e suriese.l. Rei.uintur lne U order on ' the cheapest term. Thry warrant their y,ork j to be made of-the " Uc! Ifnlrrial. ! Tliat (hi1 country can afford. They are deter- I lliil.ed to please, arid deteni ilKo t-eil. timl fhose wishiug'to pr.rchas-e will do well to give fis a rail. , Coiuitry piT luce taken in fx.-hnnire for work at market pi iees. D. M. WAtlNElt i Co. ' - Concord, I'eJ.. 'JS, I sfil-l y SOKE ItIE WANTED IlMKDIA'ii'LY. ,:: itrz A few more enterprising and active oi:n' men can find immediate employment, by w'hieh they can easily make $000 or !oio to act a aireiits for several new and inipnlar, works inst piil)lished,iexelnsii'p5y jVr ajjenfc? and not for ralej n P.ookst.ires : . Wvlmvc a ereat iiumlir of arents employed r i . r - - i - iirtiiv of whom ire mak ng from $ ,i o s.'o. man v per weeK. 1 host; wnot wish jit engage in 11ns pleasant and profitable business will, for par ticulars, leipiisities, te.. address,. p rt - .aid. , c, E Di:i;i;v, ,v co. Publishers and Wholesale Booksellers, Samlus ky City, d i". Newspapers giving 5-he above and f.dlowine; three, insertions and railing attention to ii ;ind sending a copy of their paper conlf,iii!;ig it. w ill in return receive any Three of the hdiowiinr works, viz : lafe. of .lo w ihiito, by .Tbuvdy, $1 'J." il l.al'.-. vette, v " 1 -i-' f Naptihtm, " 1 -lb Wild; scenes of a liunter'is l-'i-, I 25. I.ivt-s, of Mary and Martha Washington, 1 oo Odd Fellow' Amulet t . v 1 oo Ai'y persoii wishin? any of the al)'ve IVniks. can brrve them sent by mail free, of portage, on receipt of thvabote retail pi ices. Address, DKP.P.Y t CO., . n.i i samluaky Ci! Ohio. Ct MKCHAXICS, INVENTORS AND MANIFAC TUHERS! $5to i. cash iuizr:s .57. - Volume 10 of ilie "Scicnlilic A-mcric.Tir' Commences on ihe lOih of Sempt ember. It is cliifly devilled to the ad vancenieiit of the ; interests of Mechanics, Inveuiors, MiOntfdcliircrs and FaT-at! pait,.,1;vv men practically stilled in the j B.;,.m.( 1.,,llrfl,v ,,' ()ih,-r journal 1 ' of the same character is so extensiv, Mated or m gen a,iVitv. Kear' IV cireti- nerallv esleeim-d for its practical rly all the Yaluable Patents , . , , , ., v(. ,(. Illustrated with Engrav: igs. and the claims of! ah tl;iu Patents are puli)! :ied regularly in lis columns as .they rue isjoed; thus making it a perfect ' SCIENTIFIC AND MECHANI J t'A L ENCYCLOPEDIA Vf information upon the subjects of Mechani cal Improvements, 'hemistrv. Engineering and tlie Sciences generally. It is i 'iblisbed weeklv in fpaivrff) form. r:itabls for -bindri'tx, and each vol time eont itiits ' Four I luiKlrel aiul SiNtcen Vn ger of ltcadiiiC Matter; Scv- . cn irintdrcHl Mnprra vine's, With a fujl and complcle Index. Its eirciila 'tioii nil the last volume exceeding JC, 01 10 copies per week, nnd the practical receipt in one v.ol- time are worm 10 any laiiuiv 1 miieli more- 1 1. an the sfibseri j)l ion price.. The following Cash Prize are offered 1 y the Publishers for Ihe fourteen larire.-t lists f swb scribers s.-nt in by the 1st of January, 1 S34. $I)0 will be given fav the birgi-st list ; To for the second ; SiVS fertile third : 55 for the fourth; i.'xi for thr fifth: $15 for the sixth; i?4o fcr the seve'ntih ; f:'.5 f-n-the idi!h; $:o fo- the ninth; J-J5 fo'r thet'-nth; $Jo tor the eleventh ; for th.; two! ft ; 1 . yln for the th'i- teiith and 5 for Ui fourteenth,. Th ea-di will be fairl to the order of the sue cessi'til eouipeti'or. immediately alter the first of .1 : u 1 1 1 :i 1 , S55. I lcl..'i-: One cotiv, line vear. '- one cu i uv. six iiii,ntis. SI ; ii',i'iM.i,s, six montLs, 1; ipies, T'lVrl vi j ten copies, six month, t'.s.; ten months. si2: twenty copies, twiive months. j ji2S. jn advance. No numbi r of subscribers above twenty can ! be taken at less 1 ban I eaeli. Names can ! be sent in at different time, an i from dili'rron: Post Office--. Sou! hern and westeru TiwtieV ta ken for subscriptions. Letters shuuld 1i' direct itl. M..-f paid, to MI.'NN iK'O., 12S FiiltonSt.. N. Y. 2"M-s-r.-. iillill it Co., r.re extensively cn giiged iii procuring pal enls fr new in vent urns. itrf.ut -rhiirge. in rcgr.rd to the Ti-velty of their impi-i-vcineiits. CI Ct KOJLTJI CAKOF.IXA. THE und.-r-igned are preparing, and will pub lih as soou as Hieiicceai y surv-ys, itc., can t.e obtaii .-d. a "New. Large, find 'Complete M.v! of Ni.KTii C.vit.u.iN :. tiv e feet 'by thref, well engraved an 1 liui-lied in the. host sty I.-. It is adiniited on all sides, that such a wrk is a great d. -'rd.'i wtiuii in our State, and it is in coi;sepiei -uf .the frequent enquiries on this siii.-.-.'t. that the n:i.lers1jjned kave em barked en t h e- iTpn'se. '. It is intendcl that, the Nw Map. now pro- pi-ed to be pahlished, shall contain, accurately laid d-w n all the Natural Feal r.-s of a he Stat-. tne Inlets, ii arbors. Souints, j-ake i.iver. .( vi. prices. In addition to our r-c"ilarafsort-Cr. eks and Mi.i:ut.-i;WS. l:e. 1 nlt. "A e have six different siz-s of the e.de- AUo, thi- public imj roveinr rt nnd artificial , j; .'.i divi.-iims. Iho Pailloa-ls. I'lankro i.ls. oumie". (.'on ti y ti.vvi.,, p..-t ot'ii.-. . iti- s V illages. Post road-, nnd Crtnal. C.dioges. Arad.-mi. iVc if c I lie .M.ip y ill lie a ready by the summer ot WILLIAM L. cooRE, .'PA ML' EL PEARCi; 18 TERMS: vlf. Gilt Kolkrs and First Imprs t'lei.ifn In l.est, StoT.S. . In Plain St vie. black Roller O.t'O I aft rm.-:' 'ici fViitn anv somv. and which may be ff service in niakiti the above work, wiil n be rasnkl'ullv received j should be a.idr!d to Vil. D. COOtvt- Raleigh. SMitAmher; 1R54. ' 2S Parer rstovitrir the above advertisement . fwr'K months nnd calling attention to it edit-. -11- T.. riaflv1, will be entitled to a copy of the Maj').- In nif cases, a mat-Led cor-V of the Paper con ''tainiug tho iiotiee. must be sent to the "Siiutli- e'rn We. kly Po,-vf Raleigh, N. C. LND DEEDS, FOR SALE? HERE. BRITISH PERIODICALS. , Earhf , -Copies) Secured. IXONAUD SCOTT: co.r Ifew.Yoi-k continue to republish the follewing British Periodicals viz: 1 - . THE LONDON QCAUTEI&Y(CWrra tivt. ' '2 ' ' ' THE EDEXDClvGllMiEVIEW,: r,Jn XOHTH niimll UKVIEW, (Free . huvch.) 1 ESTM1 'lT-:il REVl I-V. (Liberal.) Black wool's EJiiwuriih Magazine, Tort. I The prsent"criti'sd state of European affairs wnll l ender tlice pwbji. t ions iiniisnallv intcr eitiiin dni-Mi-3; the forth coininii voar. They wfilbjeeupv a middle- pronnd between the Los tijly Writren news items, crude .speculations, "I'd flying rimifirs ffifho'diilv .Iornat,.fl:n'l the piiiUc4ou.s toiiie ot tuti'lutiire'li'istorian written after The living Interest nd exerteiin nt of the Keat politi fil events of the. tiine shall have psc 1 av,ij . ' i Arrangeineiits nro iioij' permanenitlv made for the receipt oi" Earv .-hVets from the 'iViti.-h l'ublisliers, bv w hieh we ;ir eealileVl to place ail our Itepniits in the IuimIs i.f oi:r su'i.-crib-er4 about as soon as'lfrr veain by ft'.rnished with the foreign. copies. Althomih this involves a very lare outlay mi onr part, we shall contin ue ir- lurnisli (he 'erkidi.:'a!s at the same, low i.riccs as heretofore. Viz : pet an. l-)r any one of the four Hevicrs. f3 oo Mm-any t wo of tjie four lleviews, , o" Koran three 'of the Ami Iteviews 7 oo I i.i all four of the KcvieW3 8 Oo IVu-Mlack woo,'? Magazine 3 For rla knood and thiv. - of the He.vie w 9 oo For Eliukwovd and the four UevicWs lo no ; Parpheiiti to c. t!; "if in all ntsrs in 1 if. ' , ,i , . mtftuice. Monro citrreir! m the htete . . , .. , . , . - r iccc lazacu fcni vv reectrea ai par. cLunnixa. i A discount 'of 25 per bent from the above pri will be allow'd t'o dubs i del ing direct from E Scott it en. Thus 1'onr copies of Jllaek wood i r of wre Review will. I e .-nt one "nddivs I'Or $'.i. "iV.ur Cj i s-ef ihe 4 lteview rind E'fuV W004I for f :0 So oil. ' ! Postage. 1" sd. the Jiriucipal eilies and townfi. these woiks wil'- lie senl tliroMh' a. uts fifee of jvostage. -When sent by 11 ail the post age to huV part of the I'liiled States will be b?it 21 cents a y ar h r.JIh.Vk wood, mid but 14 .cents a year for each t f" t ho Reviews Eemit tneeaand eonnnuukatioiis shoiihl always be addressed Ktet poid to the pUo'i-hers. j 'Li'.O.NAKD sroTEit eo. oP Gold Stjcct, Xew York. f 0XN(irS I'XITKD States rr't)l.' vnrvnov . Aj J- 1 1 Ij t wi .Miui, , OS. 2u. SI, and S:. Eevikum.n Strcot, NEW YOEK, to rnrxTEks & p vf. l t sir Ens. The undersigned beg to iiitortii the trade that t.lieyiave this day issued their new OJ'AK'i'O SPECIMEN, and vhat it is now ready for - deli-very 'to their old pat i ons, a well as to nil w'ho patronize their .'Foundry'. In it will be 1'oiind a new series of aces, fp.in l'.aii te Pica. .-Ill-passing if possible, t heir ceb -b; at ed series of Scotch nt faces, Tliu Fancy Tyfie department i:hib',i Rnu;i sui passable variet y of beaul iftd vh s, selected tVoin France Germany, and England. : ei - 1 1 Ti ' 1 1. . . 1 lire .-scripi-s ami i)0!-ieiing are now tor tn first tune pi esentrd .to the printing public, ami aj-e the production uf the best Ainerieau ahd Huropca'n Artists. i An entire new series of "(lernmn fares indli for newspapers and job iiriuting. f a vcr superior myie, re now marly .toinpr T 1 1 ready tor sale. , ' . The metal from whielifht- type is.hiade w be founfl pec uliarly iWtapted to the ? vere usage of machine m-;-s print icg. They beg to return (hank- for past .favors. ami tofiolieita eontiijuaiie.'. Tieir wellk.iown liberal maimer of dijing bu. me-s f(,r the' pat thirty years, is a guaiahree w new patrons of tti.iir disjxit-ioii nnd abilitynot to nfi"W tlhem iielves to be surpassod for air dealing, w belli er oivlers are by letter or otherwisf. , : N. P.. Proprietors of new spa pels are rccniest ed lo ins. 11 tlnj above three times, plovid. d tl.iey trade oit three times tlie the ammnit' of tho'ii- l i'spect : ve Lills in mnfti-i b-.Ls i.ff,t?r nianii fictntv. and forwvrd u- one eopv f the paper ciintM!:'irig the .-.dverti '-efife-tl. lust iBf hiis-hcji. Woll-x Spw PfiA'S of SEIiASToPoL, continued wi!i a snnor') ' MAP OF TJIH SKAT OF AY Alt,. Makintr a sheet 25 M- R8 inches, finely colrui'd,. I showing the city of Sj-bastopol, its fort ificat,ioiis batteries, position f conteii ling forces, siee j. works, ite. drawn by an artist who has visited j the ground ; roiidi'nied with a eipr(i Hki) of j the Crimea. Dlaek sea. Dnniibian Province-, ! Ku-.-in. Turkey in Asia, with a plan id ( '1 r i - fcladt.Si. Pete; -iuig', nu a ground plan "I ige oliw-i at ions b'-foi e Seba.-f opol, The onlv eom prehi'iisivf , r. Iiab!" chart of the war LTi-ound published, .vi.so, now re'ady the four! h edition of BATTLES OF THE CRIMEA, Including a coiiiiilcle Hisrout' aj, SrjtMM'.v ok 'Itl'SSlAN WATJ, -fro'iu trie eomiri.eiH-cmciit to llie present time, giving a graphic picture of ie great, diama of we.r, :tsbt-o.- eiicounU-rs. 11 i! I ing incidents. ii;i ir i'l i-adt h escapes, fierce il hnsiasiii, individiial daring, personal amc i . n i. .. :p . '.. :.. .i. . . 1 1 iM oS, (V C., 1 lie u 1 n h ) 1, 1 i t'U I a 1 11 I lie ;i I t e utVps.and be embelli.-?!: ! with splendid -ngra-vjiugs. illnst i ative ofsthe stirring incidents in t(ie Crimaa. tt-tavo 1-2S pages, price 5 e-iif .' (Agents "wiurted iTr nil p-.;rts of the Inited ' Sb'te.s and the Can;oh. O S. WELLS Pub. 1 III Nassau Street New York. 1 Full 'assortment 'of j-Jooks and Station asy, wholesale and retnil. PlHTUfARD l&- CALDAVELL, W HOTjESAI! am UKTAIL 1KAL.: in PKiJCiS, AlFfMCIX;S, AND. mm tli ami-: vi a n , n)c ; cif rjJWTK. x. r; Ol'POSJT:- KAlLFlk'H fiJEL, j (' I IAN ITE lioW. . 1 WATT TOjrTHE AA AfiGONS ! WHAT FOU? av yo'u. Weil, we will tell yon. It- is 1 ecaJise .1 II.T A V TAV IiOK Lav.- opened a laiuiuoUi Stove Sloic, In Williams's N-w Eivildii'i'. '4,-irlntte.' N C. jut pp- -ile ffcc Hank of Charb'i'te, .whre. can be found the LARGEST. CHEAPEST'. AND BEST Stiock of STOVE- -. : .tiered in North t-aro- lina. all of which will l.e sold at the lowest ju-N wjT-'-n ah: titt rnoinxu- : -S TOY E , ; with which Me iloiHriHie tli- world to produce a belter: We have als all kiiids ol S,ti.e ssdtabPe for Chutehi's, SP , J, Pallors, Eed roi'io. itj''"-, t'o. No, we will tell -yon why-w- head our ad v.-rtiseiiifut "tc-ilt for tlttej't" It - be- arj-i we bave three wafiro:i "r.-!ai"itlv i " ' r: I ti mt'g through the country v itn to- e-. am: w i!i ll! ib'iiver th.-iii within r,u niiles of ( 'h;:i lotte. All ! ... .... .y , 4 f loves .M by ni wn p-:i up "i.eu..rge and w arrant a. I 1o do well: n I Mow. a.s v - have .dd -. .! r.i'.out the - tovc. w will iv t ........... ! . -, .t e o.t.e .hi, !i !" iTV"".: 1 I ... , , ... m A m w rw V V s L- n .SHEET IRO WARE, J5K A KETTLE?, TOVIS IHI Ac, CO?T. .rATXORDE3l3'-attu;ulbej'rt-m i 'v attended to by -11 I " .I;NKINS, t TAYLOR. n m m j m w v mm m w mm mm s i J purWtA Ayril 11, mi. . I TT FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL , -John XVI IainrT. CHARLOTTE, NV 'C-.l TTIE strbseriberretrirna his thanks to flieit izens of HccUeaburg and the surrounding coufl!ies. for their very liberal patmnage. and lespeetfully solicits a continuance of if for the future. n gtjll continues to carrj- on his bu siness I ii nil its various branehes.'and challenges the State to produce better FuncvorOrnainen tal Sgu Painting, l!oup I'aiuting or 1'aper i.ingmg. j I is shop is fin T street, in tb h?ffcrnierly ocetipied by P.ohert Moore as a tin Shop, vhere all who are desirous of hav ing painting done iu the finest etyle of the art, are re rnesfed to cull. Calls from a distance -punctually attended to. Address JO?L W IMivn' n3-tf Carlotte, N. C. The Yorkvillc Enquirer. TH-Eniiderijtnel, having purchased the of fice of the YuKKVlLLE MisctLl.AM nd COIU- nuieed in its it end the pubfiention of a new paper, with the above title.presoLt their claims ta sjiar of die jmtronage of u,e palic. Tlie L.syi -u;ki! .is next to the largest journal in the SUte. printed on good paper and with entirely iw material, and will be sent to subscribers at Two Dollars. jer annum, inidvance. Commencing with a list" of eight hundred subscribers and a rapidly increasing circula tion, it is ottered to the Misines men as a evod a'.v.-.Hrsvui: .medium. Advertisement will I... eoiipinreuty ins,MMrd at One dollar for the first and'Thirty-f-even and a half cents for sub eiplei v... iiim-i i.v.nr. ixisincs innis oi a mill ,e... i., .: t- i f i . sonare. or b-s: rive Dollar per annum. Con tracts for larger advertisements, will be made on the ln.tst reasonable terms. .H)HN U MIEl.Elt, ) n . : . sw.M'i. w.MEi:roN'.;-Prornu,,rs- Yorkville, S. C, January 6th, 1555. KEM0VA1 jg5,T"n. E S. Kincham.liaving U ed from his former residen. remov nee. mav hereafter be found at his office No. 1 Harris' Jli ick row, or at Maj. Foard All call punctually attended. 1 unary. 1 3th 1 15.. THE WEEKLY HERALD. The -Best General Newspaper in the TheNkw York AYiklv Ilrau.n is j'tilish ed every Satur.'.ay imirnTiig. Its cimtents em brace all the newsof the great events of the day, reporls of nieCtings. of the State l.eisbv ture, and of Congress; iiDportant public docu ments; European ami home com-sondence; fi nancial and cnnniircMl information, and edito rials of octicril interest, fhtil have appeared in the Nkw Yf.'tix Daily Hkrai.p. It is neat,- printl, in clear type, on a large double ia.'to slieet of forty eight columns a book adirectory in itself and forms one of -tibe besr and most valuable weekly newspapers in IhtVwoiid. The greatest care is t.-lken to oh tain the latest ud most reliable intelrigct.co ff important lnovenieiitsiii all pnifs of the world. Nf f-vpeiiac-s i spared for this purpose. The Subscription price is three dollars per annum, payable in advance, or sixpence per -.ingle -copy. Editors of Xiirspapers thnmrjh out the eui'iiftii arc piirtictJarli r'eipi'xlni to net ax rtfintx. The ij will rci-cire lintit ifive per ent eovemi:Stri mi all ew-h iiilseript ions. Any person obtaining live or more subscribers will be allowed 1 lie same eoniniibsioii. TERMS TO ( l.t i s. Oil? copy of Wr.KKt.v 11k'i:ai.i one year $?, On V ive eojscs do. Ten -do. Fifteen do. Twenty do. T enty-live do. Tl.ii ty' , do. Thi ft v fi .'e d. Fortv do. Forty-frvc d. Eifry do. do. 1. do. trc . do. do. do do. do. do. 1 II 00 22 50 4.-, no 5fi 25 07 5o 7h PO (Ml lull 25 112 50 'ini M VCK TAP FJOLuXDY. E,STAI!L1S11FT) IN 1S13, Has now en i.nml, ready for immediate de livery, in louts to suit purchasers : 100,000 lbs KOMAX TYf'E new cfiL 5U.O00 " FANCY TYl'E. 10,000, 44 SC1M1TS of various styles. 5,000 " (iEKMANS. 5,0a0 OKNAMEXTS, git varlotv, 5,000 " HOKDERS. IHi.iKiofeel BUASS and TYPE METAL EULE. and all the novelties in the business. All the above tvpts areenst bv steam power, of t "ie new; composition of metal peculiar to this foundry, and which ii 'Ort;i fill )' su perior I' aurwr used before in niiy part of the world.' The nnecjiknlkd rapidity in the i.roei.- of iT.stini fnnid'v me to sd'I (liiese more durable -types at the prices of ordinary i types, either on credit o- for ea-si. Presses, Wood type, and all other Printing materials, except paper afid cards, (which have no fixed quality m- price,) furnished ut maiiu act urei ' prices. The latest speccmcn lrftok tf the foundry is freely given to all .printing office, iin the re ceipt of ril'ry cents to pr.epav Ihe jxistage. (JHOKiiK KKbTCE, .1 C, C'lianders Sti-eet, New York. ' m, kihii;s .1 D-YS S I N I A M 1 XT II RE. 'r C-'Id's, Jxtliieii.yi, t.'iitirenest Pile Afi fiction iif the Kidneii and III adder, tlrnref (ion .)-.7r lib ft. the Whiles, II 'col. xr .v and other pr iii, dr. t 'nrnp nvtit. THIS Specific, whicTid.ic nr,tr-o;r1fiin mereit ry, is very celebrated, and geiierallv known fi,r its speedy and perfect removal of Conor lin-n, Sue .i 11 i f, recent or of lotig standling and will effect n i-Ure where all oilier mown I have proved lj-uile,M. I's ttl'.-et on ties s -tern' J i that of an Apitii-nt and Ai!ritliv e, ami will not only cure the i;Vn ib-ens -s, but has Iike- wise. been found eflieaeious in woondary Syh I ili-, p.iii.s in Use boiife,;isas.-s ef the skin. Ac IViee .er lmttle 75 cents arid 25. GOLD MINlT BALSAM, 0E. DYSPEPTIC BITTERS. poi- IJHions and perron .1 flection, . U'mk nesi and peibleuets ; Illepestion, Dixpsjisia, fimi-ral J.lebilitif, Rheiintitiimi, Heartburn, Wind Utrfnlenee C'ddiirxa in the Stufiinrh. Crmu i'ol'i -k. Sea Heine Putyel f'ointdaint j yiitr and piarrlar, C idilute. Uead-iiehe und i ell female ewjL'iit. ITS action on th system U that of a Tonic and mil l Aperient. Price per 1 oft! cent?. A G F NT Thifer it Yorke, The. J. Holtoll, sili t sili, J. 1L Enniss, n-5 S Concord, C'lrlotte, Salinburv, ds " lv JYoticc To all whom it may Concern- NOTICE is hereby giren to tha public that the I f. f i - -v- t Gold mine Companv in Cabarrus county. '.;. formeriv know a as Ute nderljurg comf any , js disofve-l ....... Tlie charter obtained at the last session of the Legislature of-iNortli Carolina is accepted : y the stockholders, and the new company will hereafter prosecute its operations under the name and style of the " Exi'sioKJold Min ing CVmianv"' a designatedfitheir charter. WM. FUKNfcfc, Prest ,pf the Ex"e!ai'.r GH !:nii.g Co. : 4MrcLihJ&i5. l;tt 1 ! Hotel the oldest . tit I iirnit Established by Binmj b Ronald son, in 17J6 on the haie'ofEo icers's Germantoicn Foimdry of 1730. j ' THE long expcriciiee of tne ser eral proprietere ot the Phil ad el " phia Ti'l'K mUSDUY enable Ij. JOHI80i &. co. to offer to the Printing craft the larcest variety of types, and all thi appurtenances of a iVintiiig Office, to be found in any establishment in the United States, and of a quality too, which is deemed to be unrivalled. Tbc composition of the metal us ed is calculated to alio rd the greatest durabili fy, while the scrupulous' care exercise in tho fitting un of the type is such as to insure "accit-rac- ami pirem-ss if body, Ac 1 JOHNSON t Co's facilities are so exten sive a to enable them to fill orders of asy a UK'tint, cither in PLAINOR FANCY TYPES, Music of Lit parallelled Beauty, (cast in this Foundry ody.) Scripts, Flowers, 'Borders, cut, lints or .rTlotal llnlcA IJias Ilrarc, L Alton -SAVING RULES, fc. Ac. , Tresses of all kinds, and all softs of Frinting mat crials. (most of w Ideh are made by J. A to..) will be furnished at manufacturer's prices. STEKEOTY TI N 0, in Ancient or Modern, I-snguages, from tha largest volume to the smallest lable. Elect rot pying, ifTooks, Wood cuts, joh Ae. TYPE, irsedin stvreotj-ping, fir Hale, at r , duced prices. Wood cAts designed and engraved in the fi ntt Mvle of 1he art. tr'k J. it- co s 'IlrOU Speehnen Hook" ( knowdedged to be the first of its dn iu the Country, and original 'in its enicei tion and getting uti) will be sim t,ll IVinlcrs -...1.1 ..... . . '' )!l..l.. ! .1 no nm c inn reeei en 11 wuo uircei now 11 may be transmitted. ; fT Newspaper, IViutera who publish this advert iscme t entire, three t-hnes I-efore Sept. .1 1855, and semi to us a copy of the paper con taining it, will be allowed their bills 011 pur ehasing type to four times if. amottn't. L. JOHNSON A CO. Ko. fi, Sansom St., neai the Hidl of ' lmlei.endrneo, PH ILADELA1IIA. r STAGE HOUSE AT SALISBUUYN. C. C,iII at Itollarls you -wish to take the Stages from Snliibti.iy as t'his is JfOW'-Xk Stage House for A Id; tha mail Stages . Dec. '2St h 1 851 : A MAGNIFICENT PICTURE. 0JJJI COJJXTll ITS. A GfiL ; vultujw, commerce; arts and max factcres. SUPEEIOB PORTRAIT CE WASH INGTON. o - Tliis IkmtuI iful picture ?s,tITriost mngiiificwat specimen of Lithograpliic Pa'tnliiig ever yet ex eeuted ha ving received impressions from SKV ENTEI..N '1 rFH'iKENT PLATrJs. of -various shad" and eid.-r. blended together i with the utmost care and prec:.oon, into one harmonious whole.; No pains or expense were spared in securing upon its production, tne ser- vices of this most skillful Artist iu the country , ,in'I it fori lis one of the proudest triumphs of i . i.t.t t ' i t . ,1 I .vmerican ait. ii sionia grace ami auorn iuo Walls-of . . - EYICMERICAN ITC)M1: ami enuoie llie Oelioiiiers to realize inc poetic 1 ruth 'ffint a "fhat a thing of beaitty is a joy for ever. The eeirf re piece consists of a life-likw port rait-f the " ' 1 1 LU STlt LOU S AA'A ST I tXGTON w hich is an exnet-eopy f one of his best por traits, taken fruii life, wilh all the original col oring exactly espied. Wis ort rait is SHrioiin dal by a frame tvorfc, representing thirteen Stales typical of the 13 original eolmiios. On the right is a female figure of Liberty, and on the left one of Fortitude-, botfc splendid ly executed. Alnrre tliein are figures of Justice nnd Mercy. At rftc top is a resresenlation of the (Unardinn siirit of Anierica, ambeag?e by her side surrounded by representations of the different branches of - AMERICAN INDUSTRY, and triumph's of Aneriean geninsf emln-aciitg h-utiofreds-of differeiit-arriels, pdorcil with life, like accuracy, and arfirticariy btomlcd fogeth er, with great skill. At tho boltoiik, encased m i.uiiTin ooniering, are figures iypifni-01 wis dom. and in the ,-entre ofthe lower part 'a beau tiful representation of the New Yoik Crystal Palace. From nntnerons notices of the Fress, rliioh space does not permit the publication of. wo extract tire M lowing froia hc Philadelphia Pennj lvanian ; "The design is evidently original, and evi dences n fast a jiure nod sciiBalive.asIhe work is unkiue snd gorgeous. At the first, look ihe beholder is stra-k with the general nppcnrnii. of the picture ,t the second he r not only de lighted but wilt- exelaiui, what a magnifieriit affair! what a splendid design what a hap. py blending ot colors. It is true. The engra ving is one of the richest speceuieiis of tlu- m h extant, and deser-vies a place in ev-crj- jwlor iei tlie city." The size of the plate is 2 2 by 80. inches. A picture' of the name size somewhat iij the same style has recently o!d readily in England for 5 guineas or 25 dollar. To place t his wirliiii the reaeh of all however, copies wilj bo cnr fully parked, und hcut 'iy mail or express, pos tagr or i-ipn-ss le paid to any part oj the IJ nited Stales,; for the following sums; one copy three dvllars; two ejics to one oldresv f5 : 5 copies to otfe addTss I0, Orderwill not be 'attended to ohh-CT aenm aiiietl bv the cash, and they should slate tuietly the Post oftice, county and Hal i' to. which tlie pi. tur is Ut be sent. Wherever packages coil e Mceived by cxpres,that mod ; of eoiive anec would perhaps be preferable. when that is not tlie ca.'o they can bo sent through ihe mail. Postirasters ju-c 'requested to. act as agent f..r iu aie. . Youi.g nicit desirous of cmphiyment, in its sale, as well as news agents aud the .trade ge nerally, w ill be supplied on liberal terms. As but a limited nitfntier of copp.-shave been printed, and the plates have since been destroy- . ed application nuist be made soon. All ordrs must be addressed-to J. L KING WALT. ! IVt 1.W4, Hiilndelpbia Post DSice- MEDICAL 'FEES. At a meeting 4 Cnbarru onnt y ilwlieal So. ciety, held ifi C'onoonl ou Tuesfay the 1st in stant, tine following tariff of fees was unani mously adopted : 1 ' - Mileage ana visit for 1 mile and under HJtl.Utt " " 2 miles and not over 4 inclusive 2.00 More than 4 mile, 6o eejits a mile. Over ten niiles $t extra for each mHe : and Double tlies rates at night. Forordinary office prescription one dollar, er trading U-elh one dollar ; Blistering, Bleeding cupping and leeching 50 cents. Fee for Mid wifery $-10 with the ordinary mileage. For re morjngTetained Placenta f5. Fees in villagVs ingle visit- ?1, or $2 per day until nine o'clock at night ; after that time fl'extra. Consult a tion Fee Five Dollars It was ordered by the society that the abova ,regulatiou ef fc-es be published in the Concord Gazette. E. 11. GIBSOX, Pres. , ?k BixcnjiM Src. - May 6 lfe&i 11 tf. ATTACHMENT WRITS FOR SALE A T THIS OFFICES