.. - : - T- . ' '" ? - '; ' i' - . .i' St v V ..-'"",'; . ' i:" " - 1" ' ' ' i" . . ' i ' '. J;-- v; -:; ...v.. r. ,-' ' i S. '.l'. w. --- : ! . ! I I: ..... - .i '. : ; ... ; f r - . ' v .' 1: . .'-at;'':: ,"2 V '-( " " C' - - ' ' "V" -'' .- mm rti:. : . f;..; r:.-Mv : - : - J I'.' ; i - '. I -j v-' .'!' f ;!. ' u - i r r " -- .1 ?4 i ' " " " v wnnww uevcut uiaukUimess v en tha part of tU patroas bfDjividson 'col lege and tb fHnd of jaoeation general. ; Jt to know that the prospects of thislnsti tutipn for the future nr bright and flatter tying indeed . '.-"'; '-; ' j ri j '. ' -' U WUl1 tho sroiTcs cf a benignant Provi dence upon her, Davidson "College is des tined: to widen the -circle, of herWfnl acsa, and soon, verv soon, to to ake her stand, aiaohgst the First Institutions of the land. ' , :- ; ;;,); ' -: . , Jh e 4e meeting of the Trustees on' the ?th and 8th inst., was a me ei rig of great armony and will tell Upon the rapid growth and prosperity bf he College. A ware of tlio verj extensire interest felt in 1 behalf of this cherished Institution devo- t; tel as it r to the cause of sound leaniing i eonducKKf vpttw christian principles, and :- feeling assured that the community who nau mournetT over her; low estate, and xMIied around her, in the tin'ie of trial would ' rejoice over her; prospects of en larged usefulness, the Board have oriorod . - i Vj .mf bstihtci:f the .proceedings of iPW Vi't 1aU meei VlpuWhe.to.thll 1 1 : 11 Ik. vi v":- ' iii i -T " lie last ."Will and Testament ff Mr. Max " well Chambers was read in the hearing of tl lmr from which it appears that he lias made-Da? ijfcon CbBege the Ilesiduary Legatee, by which this Institution receives 1 a, Targe part of his fbrtuiie. j In addition to thii,he has bequeathed a separate fund for' the endowment of tie ..new professor- lie wEl, doubtless fill tlie phair with disv tinguished abiliiy,and prove an acquisition to theJcoJIege. 't ' V Tha Faculty as now constituted consists of. .!;''. ' , ; -1.HU. Drury Lacy. D. 1), President and Chapliin, and professor of Moral Philosoj phy, gacrod Literature, and evidences of Christianity. 2. Kev. E. F. Rockwell, professer of Latin languages and literalure,and mod em histoiy. 3. Maj.D. II. Hill, professer of Mathe matics land Civil -Enigneering. ;: . 4. no. A. Iceland, A, M,prbfcssor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. 5. C! I ) 'Fishburne, A. M. profewor of Greek Languages and Literature and Au- cient .History. CKev. A. Gilchrist, Iroy; i'roressor ot lutelleclual Philosoph v,Ixgic,Blles letters i' ' and Elocution. . i i; - ! 7; -L Chambers, profes-ior of Chemis try Minlroiogy and' Geblogyi-?. -,4 j - A committee was appointed to - norai- Xi'AIlXjllliIA K PIUTr inn N t -: Worse", the souls and mjndvthe liops, tbe lear of its yotai ies. But jet us loolc at the charge. C-'WhaC is lljo chr.rgo ? ?I, an Irish Protestant, and found actrag witbr a party whoso Iaading" object is to abolish the temporal power of Popery, am therefore crusaduig again.st my own countrymen Shade;' of "coinhion sensdvhat ails, thl man ? l)id you expect me, sii, to aid,6ither with my pen or voice, a syfiein which has hunted kny-Iathers'-to the dungeon and the gibbet j which gare them; the rack, for argument;' which placed on theii: legsie iron ' boot, ruldr6vein wede iSe'r wedgelill the 'rparrowoveftan theirrboReslAirayu! awajr I " sayjwith nis 4-vppisa aip n-.cntj ; wnioiijunuaiemg women .arid cJ... .Ircn into ft honse. applied- iue torcli, audcaugijf tucn? as tiieyxTan madly but, on the hoads6f their ironpikes; nate before'the Board.at its- jjcW meeting sun6le.peTn' ... j. will 'hXvitig.been eai:l, the Board of Trtisfees vnited in solemn j prayer to Al mighty God, retrniii thanks to him who i has tho h'eails of all men in his hand, and ; j the treasures of - the world at h is disposal, for putting it iato the heart of his venei as ;blo servant to bless our College with so mus ... uificent a bounty. i 1 . i . J . A' bemimttee was als'5 appointed to " draft res4utions expresive of ilie sense atid ftfings pf the Board iipoli this subject. Their reppi unanimously adopted and is t as follows ; ,''' I j . 2e?0A'!?,That this Board will ever cher ihh with grateful venerationj the memory of Maxwell Chainicr 9 m a munificent ben efactor of Davidson Clh je. ' u j j 'llesbhrd, .That the Trustees respond s " ' iTiiost heartily io the' prayer expressed iu J : jV' i J tliis IlcinarkdUe Will "TbW God .woijia ; j n;' providence build up Davidson Col H ? I j lg and make it an ornament to tha stats i; of yrCi' aroihia and a bteWmg to the .', country?' -.-: ;' ' " j ' : i - j Iieiolved, That the T instees,nitb rniiijeJ I the faithful niauagcmcnl of this rcspons i ble trust in promoting the interc.it of Lea -j ningahd lleligion.- Jicsolced, ihat the iioarU perpe twite hiji : memory in di."poing of futtiredlalU and Profossorsli: ps. Arrangements wcr mr. ie by the Trus,- ; tees-forth? edncati':i the sons of Rev. Ylicn these Tacts are takear into -con-? sideratiob the yharacter'of its iacukyitS, leniarfca&ly hcaiuiy tjocauan, iia unco board .room rent, servants hire,:rashirigf wood'and!irrhis amoutfntf to'bnlv $6P-U. must be 0vi.lent to.alh.-altihat Davidso College ptesenfs strong" clai)ai to therpat .Tlic satones of the PiofessioDcrs. hayci beeRst'Op to 61,200. !Ta of thordlideVt is 1,500. ,i ; " ; The jat comiiiencmenl owing; probeibly to the coalinu'id rain, waiio'at(ended by sncli a" oyerwhehiiing crowds as usual ly: assemble ou such -occasionsi.Bnt tlic, ex ercises exhibited aliigh order of cultiva-f tion and appealed .to iitTord.satfactioQ'.tpi Ihe entire indiencc. Vr ' . - J The Rov. DruryXacyf lUDand Col Jno. A. Lakmd were according to the prer scribed fo;pi inagiuated ilo their respec- tire deparmeats. 5 , - ' " rf$. : Tlie "naxt session of the College com"-, mences ntj the usiwl ' tim, the1 1st Mon --: d? v'in October; A ' InrW accession of tudents is expected r.t the opeuinj of the j session. f " " - i j ' From this brief ftbslrncl! of tiio proceetl ings of tbo; Board, it wiM be iecn that the Tr'nstees nre disposed to the-o.-?tcnt of tliti abi!ity,to Jbvisc Jibcrnl t'irgs for the col Icgo. 'hl nideDt and j.;Kliciuij.( rnanajrc-. went t-f the abudar t means T?rth wjjvtj a Willlwhat -pArtprai, slioulU I whensjl iinj sir,"with the Americari jartrv: oecausc u lias raiseait3 nurrniv ann and sworn bv Hirp that liveth for eVer1 apd :ev er tli'a ilicriBlBlm!X'.eVet'e enacted xn "Aroencan 'soiLj Cr ' ' .'t v ' a Anti. Aiaenean' parlylajid.ptjpf ate vciual T ri'ihcr snbject of roSripi uon,-and-W;a,j86pd.f$ri)codile tear 6-' ver what tbdy affect ro considarn ihfriac& ment cf the rights of fcrtigwenTbt fliVJt mencan party.' , To read the editorials' of of tlieif boliriiial nifrthfln- r ,. t.-V- ...-......vi u "Lar1 "iti t -. - . ku.tu ..finngme ineirs was the the land PeraMprcripticndiating party that r KM aftte cot gold that glitters, and vir tuenot -id ways, characteristic of fv'ei io lsjsess jho most ctat.' u .vMwuuaraiciy ir UieantisAmericarw .their ayCp!ainJy'dis!6se1 the "cloven M if a-lustwy y'W Jrvear ;ietik)tjIn5tforeig;nerk-nt aiiit'si ; '-. -'iojslraiio liiuies;-niey jTuimereauieieac3.-tiiv-sGH ? t -i - ".vo"- .-vv vv vaaater.- j im .ipp.teremr. ni J- Mtefe,.'") Attack xn the- Malbff and - uvtrt . . - r. - - t.r a j,... ...'. '--1 r.WT2ri other side X pouringfn ypoii Vihof :v- : f , , ,Jcr copiruan mft pi-otesrant; wnewwe-pr-4 ispratct-atl . ' w - s11 vPV"" swuenngs 01 liussia oy tlio..war t di i attacked the- lim uTyiFposaVshuWrcryhoris dantcM v" 1 Tdrcrfi-rva loroa sisaprotevoureeiycs wjnle:f r"v . siory w uie campaign :'; Written m h a dexrfnn thelay elaVde tHoif.Ae, oftmft'Ke tliCiNotintr apicd And foluPl,fer Hngtdar m their system o atMi .;iHe.fctAflt w 1i6m f -Ati:' Amer? ic-in, .Brwtcstnnfi'i .;u:ilm- iio:itewiteaTf nuuyi(i - fWW.f QUCll ?W0UK1 jOPil'JO? re'eeiv iat tli-Methotl istCliait J fisifK could p1?1fiat s . The, full size pattorhsaccompao- '1?nT) "tTTi-lXr TVTT?WQ I 1 Tiniftnis rmniberuf EWv fc-Mr".! .X'VXVXIXM J-i U U . : . . -.: f. -j . m.Vteup4ieautifuLf Price $5 address S-T.' Taylor, &y,YorkVy : - ;';: -4 Prank Leslie t Gazette cf Pasbiciis. ' ; Aaothei -gcrn forlheladies.'jiabeen re ceived, literally funning over with beaut U ful and tasty designs for Ladies'ifxinj' to gether with other articles for thclornmcnt of niipd as well as person. Prise ftf-Frank Leslie, New York. ' T : University Magazine ' v;r - This excellent homo jcribdical received for September, with iu usual at r?x a w? contents'. Pric!1 $ I per annum, ChajeUiiH,;?i. C: ' 1 B BlacSrarccd's jiHagazinc. V. The Augttst number baa been 'received' with the following titbla of Contents ; --' The' Baltic "io 1 855 ';,.'"? , Zaidee;: a'loinaiice Pirt IX' ' 4 been d on the Cth and continued uninteiupted i West j ly until thllth, resulting in the destruc- vftnll-Amencan rnnrPrn - . ; Vt ; ! I. uornnus WCVtv ... - ... '6lt i&ii'm- '&k-&v-W- i'--Vl -.H.rc7 nuriart.II.U. J lie looses bv ue allies were trimng but 1 i r, , l)IM ; LATER FROM ; ' ron thb seat or vraa.- ARRIVAL OF TIIE CANADA. TifE Royal Mail Steamship Cfanada; Cap tain Stone, arrived at Halifax, en route for Boston, at 4 o'clock yesterday morning. She brings Liverpool dates of Saturday; the 18tlt instant, 'one week later than those received by the Pacific, Tho nows is highly important and exci tin;r, both from the Crimea and the Baltic. The threatened bombardment of, Swea-I lorg by tho allied squadron was commence BflPni ifriably till th 1 yethesiastidioii lioliiicii' t 'owVaatlt.lic'rarn' Tfi,'.rr:.-,M rAir W$t& ' W-'r.l'e .itpon them; and nouoj jrjwi-e appropriate. It will-, stick lttieshirt or iVessusr , stfJ of be no chn!: r f,,!:,:,:-!! e.eusTro?crioe-lvnow. Vatic;tk VfaWSsV; -i .why; do they not.siib datii .toneson Wftd .ul!i Wffto:oiu"IV "?tQMM!l ,J'ron 1,6 but tv ; V. W he djslrivctjou. of prosier the lOih ult the Rtis- of Gen rid Lipran- 3s of the rIKcs oa the .erspgeirient of three hours duration' ensued, when the Russians were repelk-d with very heavy lossos. : CeiHral Simpson had telegraphed to the .1 British government. that the bombardment of Sabaistopol would be recommenced on the IStis, 3i : Vi.':toi-ia r'.i ill VvAf-.cp ftflYinnr 4 x.uu rxmors oi uie Larohiia .atch- her loPff eontcmwlnted visit to the Ean iu.iu mi, Nnah.ing rate 3HJiRcaiion. fror . ; . .. - - i 1 ne auiioiiiicctr.onL t hat the a liei rioct , .. . , - .-. ,. , ? : in the Baltic h d destroyed feweaoorg.was v.. ii. uv:jm'iii!!vhi yn ije j,,. ii-oaa ; " Tbt fafs rwn with rctnark?i!3e' stcadi Redan. , N.R(5-puMihel by Leonard f-ott Xew Yorkvat 3 per. amiuin. 1 ill it Co., 'i r dPasIia, has received -hasty orders lo rtarn to, the Crimea, instead of going to Asia. u ; CenerarSimpsoa telegraphs on tho 16th General prissier and I have decided to open fiie Iron ihe Englisli and French bat terics tmopw fraing at .day break." St tersbUTg ltttcra state that Prince Gcrtschakoff has orders to bun the Rus sian fleet if thq Malikbff falls,, j . The London Morning Post say. Editoi . ri;ilfy.: j:j : . j ' ' ' -( We,hve reason to beUe'vctliat stirringj aud hitherto unexpected iitclligence may be looked for front the Crimea, within the uejt fw days r w.,--. ,. ;,. It is suppowd to refer to the 'secret cx jNedition or field toovemenfr . . .1 General Zamoisky is to organize a regi ment of Russian deserters and Poles against the .Rnssians. General England returns home sick. iThe Duke of Newcastle is iii- camp,"-' 'DnBakewcrkiS' faxlerpd,- for w riting a letter, to the Londen Times, ex s posing the management of the lioiniudsi seij:oted- poetry, OAD 2 A MUSKEETT.E .Fryntjfljtev. A. Baker, Mersrs, D. A. D.w . Tis S. ii ; Cairns and R. V. Cowan, in the Col lego free of charge according to pro Tisions of ilr. Crtiwiibcrs1 wi'j. : i ; - t i : V The .CTHewitte which hadj been appoin . ted 'at tlse rneeling of the Board-last spring t.b talce iutO consideration the best plan for tlic improvement of the College grounds .'presented an nbl report, i And. the Board i.tliijahunocsly, resolved, that t5;e .'gc j:crai sxty '"j tem of improvement embraced in the r& , . " ' 'l oi, thoiild-.be tlie plan for the future con V ! ruction of College Buildings. And the ''. Trustees vtynUl adbre to its main features fj and teek iis complctioa as sptctliJy as ihti resource will permit. .Two thousand dol ; ikrs were appropriated for the purchase, cf ; ',! tibtiitical and Philosophical Uirn?atus for -' j ! the use of the college. letters ere read ' - from Dr. Andre rrs cf Chsrl?Ue! and rrofee ; ;: or Brumby , cf Columbia, recommending . ' 111 their respective Cabinets .of j Minerals, for the ue f tlie College. Therepon, a i IccWimittee was appointed to esamine thesr U j f CabiueU and report to the Board at itsW't :f:jicetb3)grVs ;.' ,: :. . ? li- teing' fully satisfied from r- liir'own eAjei'inicw, ntr fromi tire- exam . 4. C pie of otKor Collegesjthat the Fall. "Winter v i aud Spring, from the trscing inflnence of '.;''.;-.-.? 'fWr1? P'; tba' umarf: system. V-. cotJsiJtulci tnV mos . fsrrmMs ; sttsoas f?r ' jsitudy,hae made ths foHowing bng iu '-'Jhe eessien nri vpcations-to take c3ect : -After the next sessson. ! '''. J-T ' ., ' . .' . list" session to begin" Sd Monda tember nod close the 3rd F ; rnary, ,.. ".; ' . f)road and iteop the Tuuntlntions cf our fn stitun'c:, aivl with the schonihip system ir. ojer,ati binding .a 1srge intelligent coa?mmity.lo jt, iiih' a threefold r.ml may we Trci cojjjjtlerjtly especf hat Davidson, C .rjinllbectonc. a jrcr-J.ial fountain, whence Usui' mai.'y .-.tiea!.-:- .to make i;!ad lis 5 cijv of our GoJ. But . 'w idl our flattering pkfpcts for the fjjtnrs it bs toniM s ta be siinlf.;! Osat cirrnt the Ird build jlhe' bo;W, th-ay . Ialor in vain that briil.iit KxWpt ti.'e Lord keepkhe city the watchman walkttb bi:t ir; vair. ,Vc Will therefore njoice in tin szlraiion, and in th," tmnie9t' Oa! xv xiil act fj orn ctcr bnnxrrs. i , - ' .' r v i-f ... - i reajnsjyrijy'ntxvq not t either they have! Yoi ;mu,tinoph,vSwt for foreigners an.l. girlTyeard ' 4ui 'injudiciobs' n oat,vc ent;l.:h V ' .."7'.". I r JX&Po yv11 accept 'offioc. But: 4-bie-kUeciin'oti the reawi:or the fond- ..new, pn, .ipejnama,- ot tuc aitiHAnKncaa party for ti;yipoi;s jy proverbial thefor rbcr inis, thr? tx ncccsfihtle rW. -K- the ;true-one. Kow is jhei.riiiie io revel in the plcax 7irc.t vt proscripfivn ; licy h sc. the j-ow -r Jjd hqd better niaJje ii.e- (mist of it. But I '.''A is, a, Ion g-tfiwe thpt.lyis nr yirnjiwr " p V e tneV01iat Native AiierTcaiJ?1TflriP T.ut ma.T like lierh'e "is a rood lit 1 1 giiand 'ni sure she dresses as 'prettier as 1 do; ajud has lots of toys? ; ' . 'I cannot help that iuy desrjicr father is a sho,c rnaker, '."." 'I' '" - ' 'Bnt I don't, play ifith jer father, T play with brT site ain't a shoemaker.' Rnrfi is. CotlSsii -Aristocracr. WEEKLY GAZETTE tCt V ?L!li! k rise in llieir iiiio-Til in l r. n,.A ,i! . ... r-1 i . T . ' w v u'Kifiuii ill" HliOIQ I'lerceand Forney dynasty from power f - A revoiudon is in nrosresthat 'i iH rr,:i a u on hess' and freedom from folnn. Il jie ofjTv 'iaw-b-iu-k js tlie noise, and that 5? certain !y a, siuisaiico. iMitwe hcHrJ a ntleman oii Ward '-talking of.a; pbui b;, the noio mav, ia a great ineapin", l runedi eJ j-to w-ik y jMwpVmli.n.q' lofi fiom t he siiles cf thy. csn, .as .to hnnglloVh neais lvto th( nilis anl tj-o the ililic Wive will command the iatrodnctio-r of the im provemcnt erervwhero ; and vie shall wit- ?'??s here and elsewhere, the atioinvdy ef j'MV 'hi iVftu cars in paucojus . " Rail road Cars in petticoats "i ever heard the like i .'That woe.1 be a f?ght to sec ! It wesiid certainly ije an an ornaly to deaden clatter for r-.han was. it known from the d.ij-s of Horraies to the presen agp, that .petticoats vtrrc a sororif ic forHoise ? ?o( oo: c ; i h h !ifti ircN ly understood that we shall "pposij tlio im-. vV'ho nettieoatsA h rff7 t iketi out by the.IIeiriian, but? the Canada bjings subseqnont details which modify the first account. Tlic. des vstt-h of Adntirai' Dtindas' is lesH highly colored, than that of the .French Auniiralq and is as Follows : ' - ..-.'. Off SwEAceRO, Aug II.. 8wc.ibbr w.ns, ntt-ikc'l by the m'oitaf ami gun boats of tlie allied s!!?adron on ! 'is incriTtin? of tle 10th, The firinsr.cea. morning. Heavy explosions and veiy rlrstritetive fires were prwluccd. li a-fcw-fours' fic'trly nil the principal biniilisgs oil Vargo, and many more ,on Swerte, inel tiding those of the dock yard aud arsenal were burned. Few castudlics occurred :md nqhves were lost in tl-c rrd'i- !-ed fUref, ' PUDAS. : it Wi if Ik? ottserved that in the. abpve no meiitioii is made of the Rvissi.nr ships. " "' y e irast tna sing t tn Mnsqnitos will "lito Jrtim" on the fWrpetrator of the following nnd snl id his bill for damagee z. ' ' " Vou wikii lilad .ulcer, why Jrvnl Toil urn tire livia sain wa hesido Lftio donil co peeple.aftl ir.r rthi ura lxng bill i git blU'l, Jilftr Or. -t Fn1ii;' ntcs, nn wlisri tha g'l tiiau i:n lie-in tdclnp, lev? Her u got no feel in l 1 fir&tc ' Sttcijer f IIov yn:l git jokeil if yu Was larg as um Z legd blud s'ifcer ttd in Round herie .Wot wares kloas. .Whidonnt Yu lite dUn sli, ns tha du.nn blcdc em furj Tha nr it, V HMft hrjltriti tA. thi wliyl Yiire'a kanihalf - U dtt o'hig bizi'noi oil A smal nkiul ; auk mora blud out rv a nor a elefant kan, an nre tmolcr Aint. haf a' long. ; U waik np foaka Whfii tlia srelepHi n tha rfaiV, VengMis. Htfw du u wnrk U 2 kop ; Yiirehill soahnrpe without grindin f Whi toant n pesk wiimia ont of tra An ate inaoJi.p lJg.1rgd 'tTift f ' ; , ' ' 'V" :- " Wat tewn ts it u sing So mox-h, Ooiu rowhed with nre ftfienr nhot ojh, Sekin wham u ma devowerf V 'tune 2 he S ?i!ntjt ls.rd frn tft Fyn-rv, ftBrgtw?;'hcn tire Uu::gtyLl j 1 ilmj tl.nt u want ofl iJutes or pant ylotfs 2' kepq nre long Leggcs frem befn loM tnys Wet her, Insee.k ore iiselis,. u kan't chaw, butt Yure uin oa sukin' k.iwso ix ncvir Insect, a (Jew J Git wcc3, V St Beters buis r, Aug. 11 . . A Rusfiat). Biepatcb of the 1 1 tb.vr ; ."The aliit'ijJ fjei-t opcted the bombards A Veatriloquist on the Dock- Quite an cxitnient occurred at one of the Southern Jieanr".ot . wbnifj-ta .'Mr! 'time 'sine? ' j ' -' ! ' ': . The bawls iri one of the Wtcrirrws wcr- engaged in rolling off a cask, when, to the? . ....... ! "i ' ' p. to a siurcc-sful termination. I ntive ! 'UiX' toc rnilch rs?:t lor iJi;:oat4. t.c w-!l w, "'i; on the 9lb, and i consternation and stirpiiw of the pernor-. ironage nor political jugglery can May if, I V acsr'tei. f.y uewi- trait?. jf, the j "" KvPJl "! IS ' SAM ' DEAD ? dust atlensf trhen attached t; ailrHid urfp new' j engaged in . peif)iinirfg that; operation t SATURDAY SEJTfiSEB, -S, 185D. -V-r.of the Tfjjs'tfw. tii t i ; it-Xil,v.JMi. vVALTKK Vy .Vies;.-leBtof the Board. ?2ain trath-ffom anoquent Irismnan. Mr. J:Cr.twfnij editor of the Protestant invr.can, relished at Abcrdecfi, Miss, is V. ft. Pi?mcr is .ce. cth-rii:-?d .gent in the Xorth-rn! 'itir,?! - ' ' J. .Itaiiu- is r.".:r nnfh.- ;4l agent for MwkIo.ibnj g, tfri rcvi ;i c sulsc ip'k-ns sno gfant reoeipts. j , ? Ai.VrxAT.s Sfr, Iv!?., i anJh.-n-'z.Nl rtgf n t for tiie rc?t em Rni'e llii Ku'jcss.i's iiillsbaro! 5Iantgomof v co., li.'nois. t Cpt.; J ts, IT. fcaccfwt is bur astnoT ized agent for Chester Jikivk-i. ('. U ! to lK-;thef5nt?UcqtC5-cf -Sam "in the ll ,i r Y ' L , , . ' , (, 1 .-. V . . ' f mlt trom wl:at qnarftr it mav. Petti- Standard, n.'J.i I lie tmfi obituary in the L.'.. ., f., :t . , V, . , Innncr,-wo have been frcnrtenUv asked- jf u " . lt. --.,...,. J ' ' r '-w- ,ea,0 "P'aiic. ' If. t!-e !-i5jjiprove- j ''caia" was, sn rftnitr, tkfunct. ! .,i) . ... . . '..''.. i oil t was inane. womt inf iUo iiivim I. ----- MWV lull! 1 I V s iiR3TTer--?o ! fi?r from it. j.c wa ici omen? do as they may.' w shu I TIip Ii.l t,...-lrr,r. v.iwi.i v i , . ........ " ..,"1,VM HUMimi U .llIIVCH belvtmd -t;.W; .t , . ' ,. . . '.' f . the allied ships were Rorioilv damaged. The British casualties, were : Killed, none; wouude7, two otBeers and thirty men. The French loss is equalfy trifling. Advice; from Kowg4iyrr sbite Ibat wiitii the attack od Sweaborg begun, the e, ooys drive them too -near the cars, j : ..- . ...n .. t r1"' - (V r - ...... j a,,,l cause a mnltiphcation f-Railroad ac-i Grand Dnke Constantine. asked permission energy as at the present spaking. The ciduits-bcidcs, how Wd tbe'ardect Horn the Emperor to attack the deminish ?act ik, it the aoti-Amciican papers are to ! e J,;f., ttiL.-.r. .?,..:, ' i.i ....... v ...i n.. tr r- ...... , , , .. , .... I . ; . .i--r '""1'"'.im'ili .'.i v.ycimi 1 u wiota vi.viiaiaui, out me mnpcrdr j ref;;s6d. .... it vVondcr of "B." thinks he can H:s.--ac by birth, an nccorrplishcd ryVCrysial apfiflff-f" . Gaess he thin.s w seho,ar,a?t.J a fcarscsj as?tJ cJoqrjetit writer, j never read tlja poein.t if he waists, lhos ho too- stron- ground a fev? weeks ao in verses is Miss tlhry Ann's Album, why v aver of .lis'AtrjeriR Party; asd, 1nri? IfStder kii'd bulled as 'Sara Slickly? uceu. .itaefruv ucnoir-nced f,,i- it.i. i!, htcTpetbc: llcTcce(Ala.) OrJette,..he T-a.lo a j powerful at;d crcrWhning r-rpens-, from which wc tsltc these "Jparav Sra?- foTciOT-boTB dtizensfeiat l . . . ' . o - : ki.j men witn progt :;;d edification':.' i nzod Cit; Affieridm'. esoap usj-with ins selection from " Memo ry VCrtsial Spi-'iftv.f" G iiess he thin.s we lose in i Stick aya, dor.'t he go like a.-Rnn. and writd themi there, - ins'ead bf seekitug jo : pairn tliehi offon.an positively :ditor-as oriiaal 4 B- vou ari. fewsntoreeh: "UeciileuiV.. ' ' A ' . . " - ' - i Wil- oyi in.iti i.:i;.U.. n-n.. if. I T JZ' I ?l tl;8- Mn atriekU; Va.;and pUe advoca:e h, th,, aii(, hid, . itisylrake bas becor' mm time f. nrar l"5: Nation of: pasteefe bat tb.'Iiouse,' jouf leaders, the prineilo, we WlA La ni." Jr r:.Mi- '.,' able, "3am" has- uipre.live- lhail ever dwelt harmoniouriy toretherin the bxly of any: individual of tb?. lelins rK' i?s. V?;) in-: deed I Who tfnwled.Teiincsaee afid Ken tucky,? elected three members of Congress hi Noi lit Carolina, and frightened the ''iin terrjjjed in iMabama,, into cotiiJptini fits -f whobi:t Sa?n?" ',.; . If Sam die-?, indeed' .flsd.if Jtrutb io the 7th Congressional. Pistrict, ay.d was buri ed in-: I&lc?r:!il in, SJr.nper acd " foini as hxbe of jiefticoals flapping in his rear .- "Would iip not -often be tsiupt ted to turn his head, and thereby -hcglec-!iTsbai'aes 1 Wc.trovy he wouKl.; Sigiy,Ptttit.oah and Railroads ,nr rath er dangerous institmiow comblue.1, no 4 man can number tlv.ir vietim. - As our oM' friend Onthrie frora a;atham"used to sa.Vj Hws ad agin the thing." Women are .-spirits of the fleet, aud to satisfy erpectav witchcdM by tla'iijtiarhel iii jt' have Racmj rj r,jJtffi entitled to. monopolize petticoats ;nd to place railroad cars on the same foofW -r- would be.a serious violation of theirt most Svealorg seems not to be in the pos session of tho allie, ami as it in not a . key to any important position, it$ dcstrjie-lior; must Ihj regarded as a dctat;hcd enterprise, and not as any part, cf any comprehensive operation, its successful bombardment, however, has had the effect to reprieve the left a very "-lively host bviiDu bun. -.'-" j? ,r-x t i j.. n.. 1 'i - T ' -.: " " j. v ,.-. , . tt te okl giant Cvnops lo .wrar rctti- 'TV-y ebopejhirCybcle will HUe we sawhim-'meotha- idghtlarjte J. . in baiiiK 'althasrH the niooh was shnn'., sr.-.-' --' '-. - - many years before the Knew ifoA had' an eistcnc8"i twt vc ;.ao n.-t so robbedj the -csrpet bag of Mrdlolma jf to j Gold Kill of $iS0Ma-goId, the-greattr whep ?re. ec nfmn ill- r .- o 1 j ' .. . . . ou iiiujiy iu tturunrv una ciom 4111 Moii-I ,. -i-w.ces Urc day in June. Giving thus a vacation of -i i LfRi. hiti ' j1-it iIia.. i. . y in Ben- , ccn,e to Jis- ? 1 mrt.f wLiVn .wa .'r,- hi rtoay ?S eb- . l'" ..' "w.incc ot our nr ' ' 7- i . ;d.u -V,::J-f .j . .... ...j. r.vw.4UBV,rC0 ani, ,.cces!t .-If.; -;MT -;--' r-'Vl--zii-:- " oi one fc-rtat vita !fr.n. -r .... . ' r - ' - -7.:-v?-;.. . i , ---- --iv vl ?T;ect it . I. 1--3 .-llhorr. can pnny rrg L-ri? 1 1 ..r" 80 ,trs'v that rVb .AVeekN at that season when nature I Tl- , fJl, Y -st - t.;irk .i ti j.. ' ... I n- cn t Pf I , i...... f j iciumi its . - 'y t-'-xtr ;c tied hc strtrjs ding relaatalloa fof tlie Mind ;' - T&, new xmccsiJ'lW r otuaU the rnta .rf Mrs CLmbJ v if " TIingag,hslKjJ- wd abiding interest she kas manifesto in ' ? SKti H r Flii tl rr ftf tha institirtio,,. Tlt: J Sra C; gt a Hale i,.: Tj was callrtf -the Chamber PrtyTisorship, as a.monumSht to the memory of t$:e fsan '-.whose name it bssr;.- - -. i ---. 1 . : '.W dtsmartd a CMtt. " TWip Sopsiderabie fidtna , . ; to pu, W rEhnipushing y0ir profcssorsbipr wre mairf I "0t'- baff "ot the American Hr -1 nnd talked ui$i hiia:' II)e.yi hedilike8 exceedingly, to dispfrfo th-v?ordf,jLhs. rc' 9pe'dtble aflemeiij.wb.opjprifrieed Ids decsase, bit iia;.Mevc3'tt td be a Tie. . i Ifany i 0-Jr rrierfds still doubt iht Sam is in the cvergi'eeu of life, we respctf hiffy. r -jfer Oiem to.Xs.-lClip2'H' !$'!UI ashl Kerrr ' . '- f .v sft; . lf By tht; waf; if bsds really " r ha'Sled -i-J-? .TlW11 there wetc s'iSda es jXJboIei'aiat St PctersbtirK 1, -At-V''5:!' I'-. r. . .. 'f..tSiinttd-voftin empfotd ij- the Tr?geder VoaiVV'.oj jsf in 1lichmoiiil Va ' vBfr.Qiarlejrr'fy mnddlubts that Sevastopob'can betaken;- : i h ;'cfu-slh'c crmj of Russia amcts to 65.0,000 men. 4 ' '--'- - ,''..f lio JTrofy Pftssiftlflp tmbracing in- tellectual Philosophy, lies Lettres ; Srid EloctXroo'was filled by the unanimous V Section of ReV. A. Gilchrist of FajrettTille; p satiect of Popvry with ? Cir Kwi Ii will tMx . 1 :C' ,E W .law, oopl,M, Una to wnieh .. . .. v.,w iUe bodies, but worse. VTk nnndunced lasteei'tlis'verv grathv irig intelligeucc, tcf tbe travdU pcblicj- thnt the faro vras reduced nearly! one-half op the Itprtb C-arclina .riailior.d but as the old rates are stdi exacted bv the aefents a word in explanation is .'cecesshrt, Tlse resphition teas passed, tve Iearr, by the cireciCTs, kit ihe cliief enffinesr has cot yet tubfch-t proper .to issue his orders id tlie agents along ths line becco tha uffchanged. rates. ;. i DEATH OP AN EDITOEi '&tE 'Hillsborough Recorder comes to gs iJt Mourning, !!ii3 week, for the death of the, Jnuior; Editor, Eswljf At ttEAarr; Esq. who dcpar(e4 tlii3 life oh "Vtedneihiy, the 29th ult, in the' &Cth year of his - Dr. Henry Lee HeiskilL, a stirgeon in the Uj S. Arret, died in Washington tsetatly . , '.'.," , -i -. -I Jw,Viot(W hsM c&tmd off 46 pefsons, lean r-srra rrnl:nt fr w.-WA ir!r sir'nincf I , . '. . . .i I ' t. -rr: "f fa" Xi&rvwrlh, Kansas. known to adcad l!on f Gm fcg-i-a-flr, during the ' '- ' j , pMlyears 75,000,. -.-;' , . rXV ' (mE' TABIC- .lteragVyeariy lossfirca,' In'Xew --- : 1 ' i; l or is -nearly yro rniHicas. f . .Ha. ?.?pcVr t , ;' t tosU avi afcW eight cg to a lor September Kto.hand, aftd is li r-ost t coaAre rnJIe: 4fn Slrt.t tion at home. The news from the Crimea U important i great battle having been fotighton the Vicrmaya. .. ;-''.' The Uiitish Government received the following despatch : Hie R;tr5ians aitacked the position at Tchernaya, this morning at day break in great force. - JUe action lasted about three twfwfiuU rr5yvWe"TorrlpTetery ftputsecT uviwi jrrenea-ana oaromiarm. $t','&$ec)ir$ he Russian attack thb morning was under commaad cf Lipra.ad!, with from forty to sixty thoiuand- men. Their loss is estimated at from four to five thousand men and about 400 prisoners arc taien I'be s cn lh ade of the allies 'S STRali. r1 v'.J.j. -1.....t ...... .1,. 1i : Roll it easy,. ,thee: darned naiU hurl ; I'd"1 rather pay; my passxige than stanl .ill thi..' ,That beats all,' exclaimed the men; nmnzeil.: i 'She ui.de bohjiug up t this -nonmit. nnawnieof tho eause of delay, coinnwne- ed -cm-sing them tor their d'la-torineK when from vrttliu tbo voice agi0 can orth , "You're nobody; let me out of thb cask.' ' ; 'What is that V said the mate. Ybrt's mesa'd the voice: I Want to get otJt I wont stand this any longer !' 'Up end the cask,' said the mate. Oh don't yoaHl kill roe,' said the row. Tl sese darned nails priak mr. Look out't-o-w- said tho c.nsked indi vidunl, ns the meri were turning it over. 'Cooper,' said the mate,4unhead this cak and take out that man. As the adz sundered the hooiHt.and tho bead was coming oat the voice again broke out ! ,Be eay,now! is there any one about ? I don't want to :bo caught.' 1 Quito a crowd ,had gathered romd the ecen of action when to the utter astonish ment of the bystanders, k loud guttural wauu on cnuind UKkcask was found filled with bacon. ' V ' n : What does it Bsean? eayf1 occ. It bents my time, said the tuafc. We enjoyed the jrdw too well to blow,' as we walked on arm in arm with the Fa kir of Ava, the tentrilomiist arid magi ciao. ten tiia i,", jiluli ,e,ruj ratinr ''A'I'icture of ' the jiuSsJaris, tliir. manners and customs-cf this peoplei C3; to. Price 1$ f with dafetts 1. Uar . Millkerf Gnjda;..;,' ' -1 (Gsa.lVillesscr ttlcgfaplia on tha 1 Hh a? , folJOWS : '; ; For some days past rumors of an intend ded f-!fak on the part of tlie Jiussians had exc!81 ot;r attention,' and this morning at day break, they realised tbsir Intca'tbns on T.."- -n',l 1..t f. ' A . vtitw me memoers oi Ino Kan5r.2 ( legislature are really settlers of the tern lot y 4 Detinison, the Chicago Post Office R-.b- BeVwceh it and 20 of the conicls m the Auburn slate prison teceived tho or- u.uai'ce cf .japtism, a ti7 Cbbeths since. A re-ucioc of the cl'icf naturalists of the r-onticeat of Europe, is to tike place; a Vi enna iLu montli,- i" I Mr; webn C. Hamilton is about t4'iib- i lisdi the rertararb volumes of bis father - . . . . ." . if i, i And Drcaicri Ccmpatiotr, for vepVnl-'f Alexander Hamilton. liter" ia ri i-iiZii tr-LUr fr- tU. t",l;. l.J t m-- Tt.- r ber,' ia bSanjAta tc&fc foMhe. ladies, and we are saipriand tnat every Jadr of bate dor"t r5briie"-!, it. a?d- raVe" her "?rm 'Hie Rissian-GorerrmJiit ia fitiia' tuc pfc'ea ?tfrjBfed' by English ifechani' on aocoD r cf th wnr. with j-reri?w IfltPrfytirrrr nuntlur 4va -lav fpf ff.'.'Wlr.'wV lJeI?a.fer5CU f Iarg? ''Wiling' CM ragi-g with great fHtflty Rtj pur lines, but in spite of the nioveinsntscfj ber, lias been, contacted and sentence! to sstabHtbittstit M jlarccr-j BrotherSew 11,6 V.L states icrts the Uest. - ittik. : ric 9 rcr arctrn, niocthlr. i - "9 sfj-ipgrct lirrtjorla passed by. the . -. . " ' i- i" .Li". , , . . ..... ... - 1 it x-ew liainpshire Legisktilfc, wetit Jn- '.-itr. l, , ! t y-. uip ttifaig'&Zipr; many other interesting ar- JticIo, oiic -v;hieH will .especirdlj jsuit th tsste of the teadippnvlic at thb ti'ncL viz": A OerfSaa ftcthtly perfermed the feat of drink;ng sixty thugs of lager beer, suc cessively in JerseycllV fofi wager. T icsposhig raaffses which had beca collected j ta years imprisonment. derrrf the nirht. tha nemv rm. ilct ? C O V .vjruu frith rcai bas by or troops. The Sardifthins placed npon our right, fought brete!y. Ths Kossiam left a great ndisber of dead oa the Sel afid we made many photzn. The liaselaas were in complete retreat oh HcKense's Itll vwhen our reserve came up,! and with the aid of rear brave allies, particularly the English cavrlry,tlie enemy received a very ceref blow- v. . .:;. ; ,',. j.' '., . ' Our losses, tbcagli tSiich less tban the I enemy, ia vet ucfccowfci PELISSIER. irtair3 befova Sebastopol ar stll t?n ebngr4 - The rost it for .having a Zoological gar den in New York; dtv. somewhere in th-j suberbs. ' ' ' '.' . Tli Scientific jArciricari predicts that Railway trains wilj sootr be running at the , Tales of 100 miles per aourv ", leisfcra Library,' iruicb he waa 4b yCSrs in collecting, conraias six tkJtfs- Aad volamesV ;:i: .i i - S4 n vs' -4: Vi-