XL ' -i ll 1 i -i ' '-. . 3 1 t 111 i i f ' ' f ir- i ' . 7 - r- -: ; f : :;' ; ' Sf".1'.''.'!' Remarkable Reunion. 'I wo li.:!i- tr,w jla are twins, recently met in the to r. of Jiy, who had not seen bAc!io;h.i-i : :n yeark. I'Ontf U jhtul Smith of J:;y, A other Silas Smith ; of Spriugfid.i ( onc?j)oiMieDce ceased ted vm TheiSikitigfield Smith visitor! ,!;iv .V. ::-.e instance of his son and' probably .1, ' tlietj ve:e never happier than t!.-!y 1:; iv boei for the last leu days. 11 i y : weir advanced in years, and -; - joyful v-'fowardt to another hnp: : i un:- i, f.irfryin the surging waters yf this jsinful WOl An Tncident is worfh relating". Aiiangement, Silas called on a miiYtied I iljtU filler of Paul who of course had never fieri her uncle.'aHd, she- conversed with near half an hour wit "unit suspecting! it w is other than liti father. J lie two brothels called at our ofiiee on Men lay, ; and we can truly say we never aw two men tneir ae bear k close a resem th - Essex) Co.X. Y) Standard. t o.vo l'orsox.-s-Tho DatiUsic Journal relates A sad circumstance which has just occ n r:d in tha,t pjace. A young naval officer wa present with his betrothed at a large party given in the country near 011) ta,vhin ttercciviiig A frog, he took it up j :.nd attempted to frighten the 'ladies with; j it. After a time, lie threw the frog on thej, ! giojtxi, and then happened to tonoli his, , t.-tct i wtkviis baud. " A tiilhng pimple! wh ch he had on his face iustantlv, com-j mciiced swellinp;, and the most violent ii"r; n) speedily forced himjo return to Iant- . kic. ,'li'very effort was iimde' -to stop the in-! llai latton, but all Operations failed, and thet unfortunate ollicer expired after two (Jays intense pain". i jUT.ssfAN ihscovKfttfc.s. In an Artesl-j an rtellfiiow in cour.se of, excavation in New (ji fean. the auger recently brongiit upjfrpni a depth Of live huhdied an eighty Ac , sand thickly interspersed with fibies of istx'jl, frafiuents of baik, shells, tc. It was thoncrht wonderful not Ion; since . to lind shells atid fegotable remiiiis at a depth df sixty feet, but in this case they were found at 'noarlv.jdx hundred feet, i Mn'tDER. e learn th t ou Saturday; .-. last, Thomas AfeLennon deliberately shot his slopldaughter, a girl tibout 13 or 11 ' years old, killing her instantly. McLen iton .wasj tried about mx years ago for the; iiititder i'of Jo-htui lhyan,,atid acquitted.; ' Ihian was the reputed lather of the miir- (leie'J iii'h A': Carolinian: . j'.I 'ri'.oiiicr stand up, A re you Eruikv or not guilty I aith, d( ye tliiiik; 1 re an. her e work; -f the jnry for them, w'.t e fpaid fur doing that saiiio ?" L i . I'M If 'th.-y 'J 1 ' ' ! ! 1 1'mfl' it oijnV. ' " o!)'t. Ideal, said Mrs. Vat"- .;'';., f f d phiying with a powdM lK)iu, mo ,;,h thS K-sky tiling. 'fur it iu:iy'g-'cft'.--- -1 tone aic t hen you'll get burnt, like ti e I 1 j y; - ; I 1 ' bo' tliatiifot 010 wea ut .11 T i! u wi'li : l"' "i !H t; A n to i tor in 01n , th u i w ; t es ti senier8 : - , ; aV hope our friends will r.vs: Irregularities for th.e past two wee - ' i ir now permanently loeateu it; 1 I ail, with suthoiept torce to i egular. issue of our fa-er fo .1-nj,ivi lrnh K.lwi 'l MMlilV. O! ('. litointa formerly of N'ortli. Carolina ars i ik-d- in New York on Saturday, m the llli- iiois. ' ' . . . ' : I jjf-T'fce New York Sunday Atlas says: ' A tlVeir 1ia hcen much enquiry respecting the late elopement of a married man, who wrts ia.i olTicev 'in thol'nifcd Stares Army 'in Mes'uO iw tJi ii daughter of one of onr wealt hy oIi.cns tVliav.i aeei'tained thafthe genUeman is'Maj. V hit. Kam'ev.ontl the ludy a daughter of 11. xJ...: .11 1..V".. i'olleelor of'tho port f New .Mill" vif, it"v - .t f ' ork q i ' i the story' lliatjthe Nat ional Filhnwe Club had joined tho Repiidieiin is 'intrujv1j firWe arc authorized to announce t A- ' 1 lili. H R. C.IISS, as a capoiuaie io repr- sent thcoutitie of Cuarryv nd Stanly, yi tle Senate of our next I.egihitui e. . If MARRIKl). In. this cMinty, bii.llie.Cth in- Kjnnt, by 0. II. SwarcngiMv Ksq., Mr. NlMUtJD HAUl'SEI.T.to.Mi.ss SILVIA ll, danghtcr of Mr. Mark Ki :er. AU for Fillmore and C.ilmer In Stanly, on the 2nd instant, l.y Kev. C.il- Mieit Tvne. Mr. QfAX 7- r,KUNUAitTT or. Ca barrus to Misa SAKAII, daughter of Green Ilmcr. F.q. .. PIKD, Ii this town ,on Tlinrsday morning last Mia, SARAH, wife of Mr, Jesse U. ltnt j gens", in the "Jrvl year of her ae. . , . I DIED, -In Cabarrus Coilnty, on the ''Sind mf I j'une, MARTHA C.ATHKRINE SOrillA, infant, i- .ilf Daniel' and Sophia Goodman. WILMINGTON MARKET; ntrtiaTKD wr.tiiLv, COMMISSION MERCHANTS.. Wilmiiig'on, July 9,. 1856- FLOUR, f 6 '8 : Haco.n, bog round, J a a 1 2 ! Cora, 60e : (Uotton, J lSTar JJ:.Spts. 42; Salt Ha Cora, 60e : .Cotton, 9 a 10J ; Vor)t, per barrel Turpentine 40c; Feathers IJ Sack ; Molasses 34 a 6; Lard 121; Cpflfee, Rio; 121 ; T NORFOLK MARKET. ' Mft rfpoktcd wskkiv; . , Grocers dud Cqmiumioh Merchants. . ' Vcv.i ir.. Vl .Tiilv- 0 .FlourjC" to UiCorn fO W 51 '.-Cottor 14 rSiilrr, 8 tpn1ue; Orysiici l .ue,. 14 to i.V; Molasses, 4 Jlo j 49 ; iRicVj i 'r 'Baeo.n, fio 10 : Candles, adamautinc . fltxl .1 f j Taik w 15. ' e T ifamBBSsaarame CXDB Wanted. 20 bushelsof Blackbenies.nkely dinned and capped,, for which a liberal price will pc paid. Applysat tiu office, tf Notice. I BY virtue hf a decree of the court of Equity for Rowan county, jnade at Spring term 1R.'6. I will expose topublie sale at the court homo iu Concord on Tuesday of July Court next, on ft credit of nine months a likely negro woman nnd child, the property of 'Muroe and C. E. ;avis. L. BLACKMKR.(..LK R. June 7th 8t Printer's fee 3.' -Lost ! OX Tuesday or Wednesday of last Superior Court, a SADDLE was taken away from my stables in mistake. It is a Spanish Tree cov ered. with raw hide.. The stirrup had"', arved on the bottom the name of Z. TAYLOR. The gentU-raau setting saKl saddle will confer a fa vor l.y returning it"iiimi.-'li:irely,and irettiirg his own. Mil. I'.- KM mi, May 31st i.r,r,.tf "inlth House.' FINE SECOND HANI) PIANO, A-BinTER irwtrjiment than half tlie Vt:w Pi anos of the dav, will he sold at a very low fig- ure. Apply immediate! v at Jhis pfnee. , tt . ta Tt: of xon m . cau olixa . . . , i . . i ' c ll L ( abamis counts, J. . . .n. ( ter 1 Sessions. Ap'l lefiu '06 Margaret White, ) Petition for the sale of ' V Chahners !. hite ) 'Slaves for Partition. : In this ease i'. appearing, to the satisfaction of thecourt th t the defendant is not. an inhahit ant of this State, it is therefore ordered by th. Court, that publioatiou boniadtiiti the Conerd f!aelte,' notifying the said dofeudenl to hp nuj. oppcsaV rtt our next cmirt of pleas a-nd (iuarter Sessions, to he held .for said eounty 0:1 the. 3d Monday in duly next, at the court house In Concord, to plead and 'answer make, to the al legations, in said petition, otherwise judgment' pro confesso will be entered against hir'n, andj lli e prayer of tho petitioner heard ex parte, and pranted aceordintrly. Wit ness, -dosepfi W. Sc'ojt, clerk of our said court at oiliee the nd- Monday in April A."L. t SftO and in' the. eightieth vear ofolrr iiidejien denee. - ' , jW, SCOTT, CI:. ' Jsine 1 Mi j85ti.is')t CRESCENT CITY CIRCUS OH ITS SOUTIIKK TOI R, 120 Men and, Horses! 0 RA XI) EST FJi 0 CESSOX OF TH E A GK xo HrxHie. so isoians, no animals, A good old-fashioned Ciri.'Ms, su'-h as used to travel,. thirty Yeacs .igo .lit-t'. MANA1IAN Sole Proprietor. Mr." John-Shay, Equestrian jli rector. Win. d! MldilletOa, ' treasurer, -will ex hibit at Charlotte oh th'e l4flfof July, toncord 'July 1.5th, Gold Hill July mh'SaJisWy J7th. . Admission 50 cents, cfwldrepland sert iri.it -25 cents.. .l)oors open at land O-. "Perform iinee to cmiuen ;e"a 2 and 7' " ' JEMMEY REYNOLDS. The orrator of the Kiug on tiie Lel. Immense I featB of lyjunsU-iaiiisni, Streuifth and ElegaiW. iim- fn suir m ine nrmiHiient sliming. more hriy Fitly, apincwingmore b'eauLif-il tltau"'eniis liaiug lronCthe Sea " M'ljM FJIAXVK VIC. ! . Tift Tloral Ivjues'jfianne, Who .itrofluee het. tr mpc of'Uhn I on es so small asxo be .won ders in nattire, so graceful as to chiim unlrer sal adinir.ition, so novel in performance as to surprise all beholders !' Ma lame Showles, the "English lady ilelineirtor of ttm scenes of the 'l'uwaanient and Chivalry, ?ill ;represent he Queen of Lov 'ami Uenuty. a iu the days oi Ivanhoe, and Aahby de la Zonche. ' ' M'dlle. 1'ranck Vic, changing from her gentle introdnctsQn of the nnniat urCSteeWs, bo elegant tv pleading, wilY excite "the astonishment and vcn fear of the andreiie, hy perform hij? the wild, unruly, aniiticrue Petlwrse, EUltHK.V, and shoV that. carrfut training can cause the 'fierv stee;d of the desert to become subruissive aed obedient a beautiful ami iimoceut girl." "t; !t ea r WITR A Who hal not heard of the aecm idished Mr.O. 1 i1p the reiiow ne.l1 iiii'cell . Rider and 10O i ! : ' ... r ;.. : ... ! S jmei"S8t man f 1 1 is greatwicuic emeuis maKe j ' liirn llni fuvoril.i of the rin. J I MR. W. J. SMITH. A si x Horse rMer of such renown, that comparison and desorijti.on are equally futile to do justice to 'Hie; great seene ; of horsemanship, and acrobatic power ho dai'v 1 enacts heidstvleu the demon minterot the mottutains. Mr. J. SI 10WLES, The Hercules of the Arc a the wonder of the. age the strong man rf the mountain cave iu alt those feats' f agility -and strength, and tuperh-wild lIoi;enianship, will induce many a cheer, -and create many an anxious surpi'ise in his several distinctive acts? MASTER Cha rls SII A Y , The X Lcaragua jug gler, in .a host ot delusions, m'agie and'wonde ful, an adept in the great art of curious .deccp tiveTeats will -amuse, intelet and instruct the old as well as tha juveniles. ' . The VEND! '.AX WUJTIIERS Ai. immense act of suspensions, clingiiigsl'ostnrig, by the two- lleVcnlrn Brothel's The greatest feat, ev cr inveptedwill he jei!foniU'd"ov' t he original ' iiyuutors MrVChaV Mor.usoti an Jolm I'oster, on n pole 450 fe.e liitrh. .-. JLMMEY R'ErXOl.DS.TV Clown' of the .Xortli, thSouW, -theJ.Eust ahd tho West the let investment m the world for a heart v laugh the prince .of good fellows, ftnd comaiiion of t he laugh'ipg (spirits of the age nnnouiices distinttly that at each performance, he will cause the Audience to shake hands with the eomie, Educated, Trick, Kivkiutf, fast going, high getting iip.lowr getting down, RoIUhl' over standing upon head mule., llolon tloirtollv tekes a glass,' whose performances show that' the much abused Mule tribe have uore setise than munv who run them down. M, W WALKFR. Will direct ftiid introduce the Inanyfavorite rantoiufm'es andj.'arcesf which will doso with fun and spirit, eaeft entertainment. aKJ-Ui' ATfRACTIO.V. OFTIIE SEASON. r Mad'tle I'l-anek Vic. among' the - swleiuled acts, she will introduce, will dance in cphjunc tion with the favorite Clown. Jirii Reiiolds n superb divertisemvnt cutitl'cd -the Elirlation.' P.'lka. ,. ..'.-.''. The 'Xer Orleans I)oulU T.rass aid String Kand. will exeeute maii v spIoiidid.aTK" xpular , aiis, fio.n the best anljnost, approved piasters ,J. Jf. SAUGEAXT Agent. A NEW PLANK " - ' .IX TUE . "T SOITIIER PLATf ORJI! -o UAYIXG FFRrHASEI) tlie CONCORD FAC TORY, 1 am now prepared to fill all orders' for ; YA11X, ! ' OsnaUery?, ' TIircHnn Ropes, .bfiectinys, JJet(Con( ' Shirtings; Well Uflpc, Grain Bagn'uui, Carpet Chain Heavy Drilling, Wrajnng Tic me, 1 I ara making an article of cloth for tlie' iur" pose of !Illlpill? rionr,-Vhcai and .orn. farmer ami Pro.lu.ce buyers, will find it to-their advantage to-ne it. " All oVders from a dist.a,tn7e will be .attended to with protiii'tatss. -, . ' , , ',"MeJvAT.D. .il.cAitd, N. Jalytli'lgJC.i' IS tji it 4 4 Hope Told a Flattering Tato Of ;0IIEAP GOODS here, there apt! every where, but since the reception ofhe Splcuded and Uurivalled .' SPRING -S Latelv received and now on exhibition at their At the old and well knowh Williams' Comer; CIIAKLOTTE, X- C The l'uhlk' maV rest assured Hiat veked 6iiAStiorl is settle.1. in rrouf of which nil we :ik tk a call and an cxjimi nation of our stock, - imoi 'which may he found LADI JE.S IKESS (Joods of every conceivable price, style a:td (jitrtity, ioilt dresa good all sorts ; Sniiiinter Clot hint;. Indies' Jlantle's; Talmas, Iinniiets.Ti hiitniiirs . viove hosierv Jzc. jtc. . IlfiitlWaiie.-T- CuUerv, Groceries- ad indeed every jirti. le t COUXTliVNrKlU'UAXTS. Would do wtdl to GAIXS at w'holjjsah ' - - ' . 'Charlotte. Mav M'tlh 1S5-7. tf. Look to Your own Interests I By Examinirig the Spring Sttqek oi ,'"X;' v; OOTS.SH'OBS, tEATHiin dec. &Ci, ' ' - NOW OPENING AT ! BOONE & Cos JJOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, 5 '" IN T ML T0V X. 0 IT V 1 1 AH LOTT K . ; . " : ,AVE would c.'.i; the ltteiition of the Publictf JhefoMoviisg facts ; , 1st That our STOCK is t'.- laiirest, best scKvlctl andilfordls a 'more extensive VARIEl'Y. f trail anv ever offrt'ed in Wst.Mn North CViWrrin.- ' ' 2nd. That we. will sell ClIKAPF.lt for Cash thatf'anv otliVr house in the State W 3d. Thntt-we wish foll KX'lLUMVKfAFQli (US'ff. ! 4thr That we do-NOT ask tAvo pricesfor the same arHidi. j . - . otli That you cut 12 E X)' i plicij.hr upon ale rr pivseiftavionj $e make of our Stock. Cth. That i Country- wcrehants an dot hers visiting our town, wfl find.it to their Interest to exjimiue our st'ocic before purchasiug elsewhere. , ' i ' " . BOOTS - Aft'tt rtHQIiS munufactured at. the s-hortest notice! , Chailolto. X, C, May -14th -1856. tf 1JU ATTRACTIONS AND MORE NK.W GOODS FOR THE 8PRI9TO: SUM HIER TRADE, .- 'i Just received at the AVhAl'osalo and. Retail -. , ' V " f j( Alr T OF . Where we ha ve just received a lar;e and elegant -assortment of gentlemen's CL.OT8T--IIVGj of every variety, from the' cheapest to the most tii.ished and ejstlv styles, consisting of every variet3T of black and fancy cloth and cassimerc d rcss. frock and-'business, coats ; cveiy pride, style and variety of SPRING and SL'MMERClothing. Linens, Mai-sailles, vc. in variety,' Black and fancy cloth, cassimere. tweed, silk and satin Vests.' Gentleman's vh-ite and fancy linen bjsomed s'urts, lrawers, knit undershirts. Collars. JlloVtsf hosiery,' TIamlkerchiefs, Um brellas, together with a large and well selected gtoek of . V BOYS AXI YOUTHS CL0THIXG, HATS, AND (7.IPS, rToether with, every other article in the Gentleman's Furnishing Lin-i to which w-e respectful Mv fiivite public attention: -' ' . . RIC1IKHT & .SPIilNOS. pub Charlotte. N. C. Fresh Arrival dill i .h i i T. TROTTER SON, dvr TmT T I t-it The Suhscritiers-have Just received one of the largest ifiid most comprehensive stocks of new and beautiful . -. , ' WATCHES & JEWELRY, ever brought to' this market.. Out floods arc all fj;ont the most celebrated makers and will be warranted o give tit most perfect satisfac tion. . ' - . ' -ur stock of Fa 4m on aide Jewelry, Watches,. CKcks, new anil beautifully designed , FlUE SIIYVEK TABLE, TEA and DESERT Spoons, ' Butler and Fruit Etuves, Forks, j - t-,., etc., etc. '. .' -m MA X a UltiliU Vi ttAUIV I ll 1UL.U1 LiU I. V. "WAI1T FOB THE WA.G.OHS!' I WHY i? it' JENKINS " TAYLOR sell Stoves so cheap' ? - Because they buy their Stoves from the Manufacturers ! : ' 'ra ! 91 Si . AV(.)ULD re??ctfully announce to tlie inhabitants; ot Ohavlotte and vicinity, that tliev ii;fe KciUOVei! from their okl staud to one tlor "est of .Kims tfc.Sprattls Grocery Store ami tbsre thev have pow ou exhibition, jut rfitrfed from the'orll j - . otie of the inost extensive assoitnients of , . Ever offeredVin North Carolina, -imoi whiuli will be : found the celebrated "Iron SIOVC,"" which has :iiiicJ suclrH famous reputation in the Southern -CouBljy for! the last, eighteen moiitlu..,-This gfcrve' we warrant superior. to any cwtking stove, now in use. It. is simple in its- arrangement?, consumes less fuelf and dot-s more work in a given time than anv other Stove now in "use. YVe h11 p'Jt up one beside any other Move of tlie same size in fhe ."United States, awd if it does notr do niote work in ahy.given time, w'e will furfeit the price of the Stove, quit selling, and go our death for the better one." : : ' AHSO, ALL KINPS-OF. PJ1RJLOK and BOX 8TO WES ,:' Ve have and constantly keep an extensive qml tarled stock of I & mmri jimdjxj t-r Japan and Britania . Ware, .n.T-KACKS, CRADELS,"cv;c . i'C., &c. All of Avhich w'ili'bc'sbld.' at Vholesale and Retail, 'Cheaper thadi has ever before been offered in -this vicinity, ' ' fcr We Mould "return our .thauki to' our frivnds and eiutome'rs, fdf the very liberal pntrtfuacre thev have bestowed upon us. and they may rest assure.', that we sliall endeavor, by close intention to business-. toi?etlLC-r with a determination to please, try to merit a continuance i of the same. (TOR MOTTO: "(luiclc Sales Ladies aud.Gehtlemcn are -particuliiriv invited to examine our stock ALLlCIXDS OF J OJi , WORE A TTEXDED TO WITH DESPATCH. N. 1).' YVo will tell you why. we head our advertisement "Wait forjhe WarjottT It is becatise we' have three ivaons constantly trnvfellino: through the countrv with Sfoes. iCALL ORDERS tJLL BE FAITHFULLY AND PROMPTLY A1TENDED TO. ' . I JENKINS t TAYLOR. Charlotte.' N. C, September, 59th. 1855. 32 1y.J . - ' . JLumher iXjinnhcrl THE Subscriber is prepared to" furnish any qnahtitv of Lumber at his Saw Mill, located a Ixntt 8 miles South East of Mount Pleasant not far from the publie road leading theuieito Albemai'le. If ' j. GDOD DEART TIMBER and tliat neatly sawed, at reasonable prices. will be any inducement,-he expects to reeprve a rcasouablc thai-.c of the public patronage.' i W.. A. AVF.DDIXGTOX.' Mount Pl-aaut, X. C. Feb. thuvLf o,lV.: T oGm Splendid Store by the XEW OP he found i:i vit-v stores. Call anj. es?!nnjie. give ua call, tU we witl give them great -BARi .KVUXlAMS, G1LLESPIK i.bd. - if fJt S P III itf 1856 fMt tni Anvil n it r - ' Silver Plated . FIXE PL TED TEA 'SElkg UATOKSCLJ, CARD BASIKTS,' SPOONS, FORKS,' Fj-nit Daskkts, Fruit Knives, c, fec. ctci f . m ' fec. ..fee. ve. is tmrivftlled. ami wrll be sold very low f i: ca.-h or on short time to puiKtiKrldeai- ers. (iive us. a call at No. h; Granite Range, when vou visit Cliailotte. . i -'.- T. TRtTTER t SOX.' Charlotte, N C, April 5, 1 Sob'. -itf fkm ri). r- a r jr. i -m i , x s v .m and snort rrofflts. -., JYotice l THE Concord Mantffactnrfnar Company have disposed of their property and piacea aiixneir notes atid-accounts in my hands for collection, ft is absolutely necessary tliat they should. .W imnieJiatelyiclosedb casli. an.l any failinjr to do. so, wiH be sued iiiimediatel v. My orders' are peremptory xrtthont reeard to pt t-aoiis. 1 ; ' - rim n irPl , ! Acent JVl.iil I. ii.uiiim Maixh 31st 18-". 5J6I . riTA KINB OF BLAKEa: u ' Prodmnaiii! CALL THE CIIEAP CASIj STORE ly-You want Bargai,;s i all varices ofMrv Ooos,' t.nK'crfcs, Uardwmre: WutUrv . Cluss. tieoiiswarij, r . j The Silbl.leV UaviiKiust, rieiviJu aiKl Si!thgiHir Stt..-k of'(Mo,rib"f.Sn ....il.tl.S H ftttenlion of his of, customer iimtU.. fnhlw' jjerallytA tl; Tact-tHaV lie Seloas bxelu 4 Vely forCASJI. jftd fcliefefore; -IV natural" - Nronseojut-nee, is bou,,",! to sefl t'HEAfc. ' 1' w-y .JUs lanje ait(comprebivgiTe stk. cont III "1 ."J, . A m ivS D?t ESS , G OQ DSv . A large atid tasty varietvof Regfe. Chalkv .Iiisrins-,.(froju flCcents nu Lawn whitva1i.f 1 printed. Oiiiighajiis (from lhc.euts f l-'rinU jfrot"! r $enu up) -' -" '.--' - jrm urouiei les. - Colfai'f"le-f,t3lieniaitU'V,. tl3.4cBtniiets thelatctt and p"rittisf st vlcs.at.alKprices. rib- boHs, MCCS sho s; i-titieiaU audi Jouches for,. trimming, everv'variety of dress Kjm.nungs llatidkerrhief, te., jC. 4; -t(c. FOR THE XJENTLE$EN, lie has al.-o made extensive prepafiius, and vvitu a tasty a '.o: vaj'vmtr stock ofcCloths Cas- simeies, Vestinsrs, SiwniK-r TwefdgLimui iMid pFlax'goods of'se'cr;d varieties IL'tf', I5oots, ci " tt. ... ' . : i" .... Lit ... .r i. onoe, v-oiiai v rm ais.aiiu iiiayy ogityr arnci.es togetlker with'u tastv stock-of unijner- f KEAD1 CtrO't'III.C;,. ht is prepared to ilT tlie den'iand 'hr CojifS, I'ants; Vests, Ac, of those" fashidiif life Checks. ' -He also has on hand" a large n-jortment of lie aiso nas- nucnaim a- large supply ojSo. 1 ' SEGA'RI . J '. T 7 of tho best brands, to winch tlie ftention of the smoking ublie is invited. ' - Also, Glass, l'tittv, hardware, ;J variety, a lew douk's ot verv snpwior httli proof French ISrn'iiil v, for medicinal purposes, nr yet pi,ian,d! To the ladies we- wjuuld say esj-;!feia!lv, call and see our uh rivalled 'stock f" jPAi S, for the Summer use, of -every style an! price.,.. Gurus fistols, Fine Cutlery,"" Fel-fij liery, I'oife Monnaies, Looking ('lasses, valnies. trunks. Chjildfen.ad Misses Ilats.dain aiid trimmed.; shoes, ,811 nwp- otlier artieltoo numer ous io raeniion. oui an I wtnc X .win take great plausnre ia showing to tlio who favor 'me with a call, and if the good 'suit T will nake the .prices to please. At - " ... II. 15. GiONER. Concord, April ltfth 1850. 8tf.S" ALSO, f-W-ill be found at the. above esltlisliment a -verv fine No. 1 VIOLIN AND BANJO, Bth excellent instruments, whic the subJeri Tiet wUl dispese cf on liberal terfils. ' - : II. L, KRONER. ' THE " AMERICA " - COM COB SILL ! MAXi;FACTUJED'liy E. VIIIT.UAV A CO., . WILL supereode all other Qom sfid Cob Mills its soon as its great advaatages are known. . ThU mill ean he used TEX yeai'iat a cost, of onty while any ther"Mdt (."'nft the same Htnouiit of work, will cost -at' leqit $200; and' besides,-th 'Young America isfuore simple, and. has more strength as well durability. It will griud from five to .twetit bushels per hour according to the fineness ofilie meal. Farmers. may forpi some idea ftf the value of this mill, liv the fact that it has taken premi- LunistStates. fairs over erery pther inill in Je. . ' : We have receiMiVa lot of the.e mills, whioh may be sceU at 'or Store, i. fjvery farmer shouhtia 'ou'e. Call and e?fafcisine these nfh chhies. IIII'FE1W, YUUKE Concorn, X. C., April 19thi'5ST7 fh . THE Fiito MrurIy fe Blachll expire by limitation on the 1st of July, a-inl they would politely invite all those who IVaVir the Jftoney to Spend, to give ns a call before pureeaisiitg. elsewhere, as we are offering our entire stiic of Goods at KEW YORK: COST FoiiVASff ! ' MCIU'IlVi BLACH. Vnv llh tf Sa . lift? C II A It L 0 T T E. I)A?K K .R Y AIVD COAFECTIOEK V. THE Subscribers Tr.juld resnci-Sfullv inform yie" citizens of Charlotte aud lli suirounding country, thrft they Vive i-ecevQiS -esh from X Y'ork, at their establishment nil S Assortment off FANCY CI00DS, 'whicl,wc vill sell low Tor CAFjf. Onrsiool. consists rn jart of the following viz: A large assortment of FRESII ANDIESi ; Abnoiwls, lVccaiis, Brazil .Nuts; c,; I'aisens, citrons, currents, 1'ru'n ; Figs, JLc. . Green and Klack Teas; chocplavi j-Pine A'pjdc! Englisli dairy, Ohio and Xew,Y:k CHE ESN; Macktt'al in Harrels," X'o, 1, 2 at;; 3 : A large assoj-tment of Fancy Armies, ' J jeVieh Faney Baskets, of all descriptions ; Willow wagons. Chairs, .tc; I'evl Starch, Ad- -amantine Candles, and variousiiuhe.r articles, all of which we will sell as LOW as' they ean be purchased in this tuaret, anil we re spectfully invite our customers;' aifd all others to give us a call. ;! 3f".?n assortment of CA AAVf kept consfan- , tlv on hand. M(ORE 4 MOODY, j 'Charlotte. May 14th ISoii. if - ! Noticeli . . . ', f.j-i ' - ALL THOSE INDEBTED TO UJTriTER BY note or aetorint will please conltjorward -atid settle; The 'Jtfnior of our firm hitends leaving thiscouaty, and nN-aecoTlnts liof settled by the FIRS T VF JuXf. will be handed to an officer for reflection." '-e ak one aril all to ccrnie and stleand save COST! " MURPHY it BLACH.. Mav 14 tf . . 1, ; , ; Huzza for Kansas ;0 . PLAIN, FAMCY & ORNAMENTAL y JOII.'V W: R.iAEV, S 5 THESuWnber woohi most respecttui,iv an - nounce to. flie people of Concord ,n.i tlie sur- cotindmg coutifty, that he has etiiunentr - lo - Mm this p.ace, and is prepara to receive and oxecii id i c esx manner. au orx in Ihe abovf hneV; Ifom an et,eriice of 2V or , - i r' ii vi-iirs in hi i s i.usinctto, iw n? nimni .1.... I . . . .- 1 nw.it ....tr.J.t .iltl.fi.'.i.tit "to all who mav Tinor him witk I heir patron ..on ue eu w'TS t'" : y i-v'?-;-.""'"""' a2C- Xjeoliciisa hiiareoi uit(,pu"iic ivurr I fill It! U 5 ofthcCohtpanyV ,- 'rtA'iA. I 12 We till, as berctofonvboy every InJ -w- , A -nTTTr ' ' aVldy doiu, w.tM ' 1 TJa-f JWJ-A T .Ji. SK . lit RE. f onr.l,X.C. June -Ht ljtf , . vu rd, AoHliy !?.;, .'. Or S(ll at th I 6 Off I C ? .' ' ; -xoiiV JtlU CAI.L at tlie.Saurle Shopoppositc MajJ Foaid lJotei-anJ you .will' find a good assort nie.nt of "., SADDLES, BRIDLESrMARTLNGALS Co 1 1 :ik v and Wneo( whip?;, and a gplen- ,13 t-tocfiiot finale and HUtl Harness, "raiw. - Silver Midjaian Mounted, all of which I w,Il.b 6,ld.l"'fl'Cm'h. . ' 0. AV ALL ATE. f iV 'B11-!! perwma indebted to me by note,, or "account, must call and settle th same iinineuiaie', j. i. u- Coueor4l,.Fefcnij(ry9tlf4 85CS - Sltt . Mir Ct I M.ATvlNG '"ISr-AI.L THEITt VAIiUH'S BRANCHES. f lUlh stmstyihor returns thoi a. Jkankstto their .customers and the r0bli gejxn-allv.Tor their ver- libcral patixuage heretofore, and resixH-tfullv solicit acontinnatice of the mnn. Tii..- -f .vV.ll ....... 1 .1 . . - . -k. ... .. . . . - . " J "' fjw I'lt-u uiu mini, uear ine jHeniOHlt CliflrcJi, where theV are at all times in readi ness to exfcute nil woi k'iif their line with neat ness and despatch ; also, thev are. dctrjnimd to Jo w-ovk CllEjVrtR-and lil-JlTER than ay ot lier estahlisJinient-iii this'imrt of thcVountrv. 'lliey are assured that their hlacksmithing can no be surpassed. Repairing done to order on the cheapest tenai lliey warrant their work to Te. made of the . ttcyt ilfalcrfal. Tliat the country caii afford. They are deter mined to pleiie and -determined to sell, and jnose wisuniy io purciiase win oo.weii to give us a call. '' s Country produce taen in exchange for work at liMirket prices. ;. J). M. VaGNER & Co. . Concord. Feb. 28 185-t-ly ' PEACE II AS BEEN . MADE! AND the Suhscriber having fitted up and fur-J uisueu a oeautitui store one tioor sootli oi the MASONIC HALL! Tloncord, N. (?.,! now opening a largo andj couiprcnenive siapx oi .. . GROCERIES, i ' CONFECTIONERIES AND NOTIONS, consisting in partof Caii(he3, Raisens, Orang es, LenSous, all kinds of Xuts, Ci gars anil Tobacco of the .best 1j rands. Toys, ; Cutlerv. Fish, " sy lid's, Cordials, Pjtecrvcd Fruil. Together with a gi;eut variety of other .articles too tedious to enumerate, all of whid hooffers at greatly reduced pries, nnd hopes to.be fa vored with the callsjof his old custo-jers and Ihe public generally. .f.:. C.J. ALEXANDER. April 19th 1856." : .If. TIIK. subscriber ; having -tevf en rooms. at the 'SMIT11 JIOUriK," in Concord,now-prepHi-to furnish Ambrotvoe. Stereocorie.Cravon or Dagtierreotyje Pictur,08i" the heat style of the art.-. . . ,'. f Thoroughly praciioal- iDtnictipni given in the above aft on moderate terms. tW" Call noon, a my Btay -will be, ahert. - A. W. ALEXAMDER. Concord. N. C. June 20th. tf ... ' . '. Agricultural. ' i. 0 , '. NOTICE is hei-ehy given that an "Agricultti ra and Mechanical meeting wMI be held t the Court House-in Coneordu on the Tuefi3aVof JuK' county Court,1 for fhe purpose of organiz inga FARMER' and MECHANICS' 'Society for the countyjpf Cabarrus. All those interest ed are invited to attend. -Jane lith" u6.f CITIZEN? IMPORTANT PIHFER: & YOEKE'S ! o YE are now receiving nnd . opening a very large and extensive assortment of Which the Indies v jll find very eheap.' Also, a number of elegant HERAGE FLOUNCED BOBES, Comprisirfg the tn'ost beautifnl assorlment of these irooOs es'er oroiignt to this marKet. Jn J" addition to which w.wiJl now display a fine assortment of JACONET' AXD MUSUX ROUES. Printed Jaconet Muslins and Oigandiesof every varietj. Also; a large assortment of various I FABRICS, consisting in port "of Figured and plain Tissues, Plain Italian -Crane of every de sirabhi colon White and coloreu crapeShawls, IH'k ahd Fancy Colored Challies, BlUck sewing silk, and other goods designed for i We would also call the particular attention of Ladies to an assortment of those celebrated boiledMlaCr silks, The process ofbftiling giving then, an' exceed:, ing high lustre,-and prev.uits them from ever cracking. An)- one wanting a black silk dress much cheaper than ever before, should" not fail to give those goods a triaL' We would aTiocall attentiou'to a vcjy fa rge assortment of , fjineii C0ods, . . Linen -hepfing; Illlow Tjnens, Jinen Tig Iiwn, J.ifcji Ioyh'e and Napkins, Linen Ta Hjle Damask both brown afl bJe.Jied, Tovvj eHing and Diapers pf every description. Hoottv, Slides, Jlo'iinets, Hals. We have a.Iargeivariety of Ladies and Misses SliocsGaiters aidKlipper3,Ladies' and Misses lionnets ad Haft, Plain and, Trimmed, qf'the Ijiteft Snrint.StyIe?. and lit all prieest Senls YoHtln' and B)y'8 shoes and" Boats' aud Hats, 6T all Irinda anfj at all prices. . 1 Oar stopk f . ; Groceries . , , .; . Hand ware. Cutler-,: Chiua, Glass and Qinene ware. Saddlery and Carriage Trinmrfngr, if. now full and complete, , . . " DOMESTIC irOODS. Of every varieyi' ijuitafelfi for plantation aud House. Servants.; Ipdeedour stock of 1 Ii now so cotonlete in all its denartnienU we l .Jeein ii whollv unn,eee3-..iry to go-jnto detail 1 aml on1)t r(.glie8t n four friends" who have paTronized Us heretofore to give us an earbr , can befoP(, m3kig tht.ir purc,s . ftnJ- Ui0Jf : w,,om e have not vet had tfie pleasure Jf c oii.c nufc u'i i.au ine i.ieasi : ... r-..- ,u..; .-- jl:...ma ' . - . tney can i.uv as cheap from us as aiv oneaiil - ' l ..1. r M -r ' t: V- W ' have the advantage aT a laree an.T'fieairt iful ARRIVALS '1- AT Ul 111 U JiJ iyj -LLa ITi GOODS Bill BOONK & CO.; MANUFACTUlFil!5 & DnALF.IisIX BOOTS, SlIClES, i.EATtlER. CALF SKINS, Shoe Finding of everv Jescrip. tion. Wholesale .,d Uetail Dt'alcrs'!' - . , ftlSTLER & RKSLERi A rf- 'pywV pp tie ijiuf iUtnittiifag il liusinesft thV old stjrhd vn'(Velifet; whe,re they invite the Uentio'a f fill w,o de sire work io. thi line. Tie.v liav employe.! 0OBi)t tKe,beftt rkHicnuiifprtHiiisetlieir ru4to&efV that" iib effort "k! le partd to- please . MPllPHY it BLACK. ' tAY.stltl hj?. fc'ljnd at their old ta)id, neat the court lionse, w here hey Keep, everv article ia their line,' 6Uch"irs , DRY GOODS, GliOCEUfKS, ' Hardware, Cutlery, Ac., &f yinth thct-ill,. disuse of on thft njost aeeoiuinodatiiyt terms fo puuctiial dealers. ' ' ' 17 ly PHIFER & YORRE, "V HOJ.lAXE, aad jcUwi Lteolera in Foreign, v " a"n1 rinie8tic.Dry G5od.llurlTarc GROCERIES, and ftvery article psolly kept in stores, which will be disposed of on the most reasQiiahle terms. "... .- ; ,. Stftnd-IVcw JBrick Htort on WAIX STREET, D. M.' WAGNER & ?(DM MAY be fotincl lv thetrofl6uypmers "and tl 'public genendby, at vhejr.olduiirters i n, Chureh Street, refidy and witlngSto cxrcute all orders in the r f . CARRIAGE. AND BUG G IE making bu&ess, with hich they may he fa vorcL 4 ; - KLSTLER & KESLER'SJ COACH nnd Carf iagieJWIriimfac , tory, on lUin Street, next iopr V J'Jiifcr A- Y orkos ran ire oi mores, is itepigw,nBiaiiii '"ig lie.l with Coaches. CaYriapc. Buggies, Rock- awav, c vc, anu inepropnewn. iuj: . ready for a trade. Repairing executed.lUtU promptness, and neatness. V. N. MITCHELL'S GOACII, Carrlnpe, IliiRRle nnrt, ROCKAWAY MAN UT'ACTOR Y, on CJmrcl.i Street, nearly opposite the Mcthodui.Qiwrvh,' is recommended for pood work inf low prices. Repafriug done in, a tasty and . durable Wanner Specimens 6l rork may be seen at their shop PRaFESSi&tfAL CARI). DR. F. M. HENDERSON i MAX be found at all limes, unless po(eon,, ally engaged, at liis Office, No ltFoarda Ilriek limy,: AH calls will be punctually" at tended to. lr. . P. Ilciscntl n n A A -k W T" VOALUK1J, iVr. V... .. ..' .1 TVEOULAR graduate of the;6al . A timore Colcg' i?f D?naI TY, T 7 Science, has removed to the town of Concord and may be found ,at the- Fparo IloXise." except wheu rrofessionallv-. absent.' W Oct. 2T. 1.8C4. v1-,"No'. I." tf - DR. JOHN FINK, . r . A pothlepar&. Druggist. t Cabarras to his extcnw ve Asortmeut of Dry Geodi:' Groceru KPaivlsl bltsl ve I Stuffs, Df itffs, Medicines, Surpical List ru meus una r;ver filing e .unnany jcepHull, Drug Storei- Opposito Gazette Office. WATCHES & JEWFLRY: IV. R. pt ?alis . bury,., would injforip .tho' ritizeni of Caharciis, fhat he will attend the Courts, iu Chncprd.' .with a . )Ari?e and . fni!i6nal,1tL mfni-fr nf Yatcfcs aud Jewelry of every description. . Rcpait-iiig done in the neatet and ruoot du rable manner. Call at the "Smith House. October 27. ly STAKE HOUSE i ' . - AT i u SALISBURYN. C: Call at Robbards' you w ih to take the Stages front Salisbuj j. as this is XO n'the Stage Houso for ALT, thV mail Stages . . - Dec. 28th 1854 riCTORC. BARRINCER, ATTORxV E Y t!AW,' Concrtrd.'V. C"; OmCE AT THE OLV 87A.VD -HN If IS it M LOT. March 22. fi. w CK J. Arrderstm. ANDERSON & RPNOLPS, CUOCEUSifcCOimiSSIO : MEEOHA;N.TS? No to. nonnokc Square,' , NORFOLK, Yi KJ-EJP always on hand a fnfj assortment of Groceries, and give active, attention to' sales ot I"oir nn Ir(dlire generally,' "avoiding unnecessary charges aud making prompt return. ..... . . . Norfolk. Vs., March Z2d 185r,. JHy RUFUS BARRIiNGER, ATTORIVEY tit LAW, ' Concord, 5. C.V OfTICP XT IHfl RESIDKXCE- ToWJT." ; Marcii 22L lSs. REMOVAL lR. L. ft. BingliairS, having rtTrnov. XI edto the hoiifie onedoof aoutb of the residence of ,Ta' WiHeford',, Ktq . may be foimd at his office No.. 1 liar ris' Brick row.' hi at his residence.- AR calls fUQctuatly attended. nuary.i3tti I85B. fcHARLOTTE HOTEL, BY J. B. KER it; JIaintreet. tti&tiiit te X; C fertXmpS-- Breiti 4 Steele f WHOiE&iLB AND KETAw . ; . . charloite; y.., .... .. Aiaf.X-r.recitin.and o.7in(- their Second Vtircttafg o'f xW tfoojds' ior the 'V-n. AIT thoo in wot wm rtfu. k cteEe . Charlotte. Jane Ttth !.. 4t 5: ' 1 ., , , - '..! - ' ' !'- '- ' ' . ' V 1 . . '.. I . .--...' ' SV.K-.' 5 '?'. -I ' 4 f

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