!:'; . : .! . - ; . ' -;.' ;K--' : ; ; - ;. - . ...... ; . . -! '! . - ,,: v ' I 1 i '-' .... 1 1 . . :. - . i -..!. i . ' ,! - ,. -fS-:: 4 "ij . ' " '. -' '. ' ' v. ' - V. v.- . . . . . . - . f . , . . : - ;vv-.. :.. '-. . ' : .,'! l ! . - i - ;. JUPrt. '- $2 TER ANOTM? f r r '.;. -, -.1 L-AT -1 VOLUME III. 1 : CONCORD' N. C, SATURDAY MOIUlW, , N0YE5IBEU 15t 1856 TUE WEEKLY GAZETTE. MOftXlSO '- ! ' ' - . . .V J AM ES M . 1IEN DERSON, nZHTOB. PtOIItIKTOK- AT TWO 'I KrX AIW PER AN'Xt'M. IF PAID IN AnVASCTw';IolUn'"'l fif,.v . if Pv4 -witiiiu it moi.U.-4nndTHRKK 1L lilW, if J7n''t X1ii,ll,ie ' ? the ytfr. " ' j j . , -. rtionn4 Tw ...ty-fi rpiU per .uarefor ah aUunt inorUo4 ; EO VL Sof.c rharI .lo,le U.e rt. , M vn.ltIA'5 -:i.S mid Ii:ATlM in.teJ fi e OUR STORY TELLER I? U. trpail, where young: L,?. t'., KUd "le. iu ffer 'tet trance. . "". ' . frm lh Ilnmort nf FalconLriJf. TnS P2G EON EXPRESS MAN. Is ne.ly U Hin or Uth in wlnol. Vnnkee firnre, Uiy "are Supposed to be -a Ut!e u ''tUrn'fd cuto' for alm wt any hoU ek, freeing '"P J,ml -r,in- out cIoh.1 ; jUit, ll.Ml.ev-n II i i-ui-k ' . of tl yedrfA, money or t.:.U h m ,jon irr -(Zoiw" now andjtl.en, upon the most .cientific j.riuci..!, e are going to f jirovc. 1 I . It is gonerr.Hr known, in the newpn-; j'er world, that two or thr K irn ien ' a few yen w started a jppr in Pliila- dolphiV upon tl.o ri.ny lindple, and ' 1miv neo ben rwrK'U fs.cJ u -d. ITU-V. wvr. and Uve: Mite.furii and Vib.Hhty, bos, on I lie top of he biidin', for a s ten .git tlie hang of thing,nd n . Yes very well ; 0 .' . , , . Tbcn Jbe bird re put in cage, the trfliuer take 'cm into, hi wagonten miles nC fiit throws 'em v and the birds "O to the buidin.' Nxt day . fifieeii miles anil o foith ; yeou we l'eifcly-: I iindemtaud ; now where can ti.e Uiril be brul T ' " '1 f Wtting bf irSn lifwclowTolbepubliMi ei openijng t-arjn a low, long way,. ay the MrMiig'r ' 1 'I've gut. 'em P 11 n I e Persian birds be e ut'm !' 'Yo'i understand training them V wy the nxiiii8 pnllilicr 'I do exnc.ily ; a campcarne along her ji week gp talked nothing but Carrier Pigeons Pigeon Expresses - I .thought I'd surprise jou, and ' ! Wei, wellgo tn: : . , . 'And, by thunder I wk green enough to gire tKe flkw $2Q0, --a bo7s and wag 'Like ded. a book,' the ftrnnger respon- iJDoneJ. done P reared the otjjer, witlr out wailing for otlMjpArticjulara, and a liere and wagonunT wliat Toiu and I gne the. scamp J baj ha IV Haw. ! haw J haw 1 and .the- publislters roared under the force of the joke. Whatever became of the; pigeon express man is not ditlinctiy "known ; but .ha is supposed to have given tip the. bird busi nes, and goue into the ii;inufactuie of wolly hprsesand cod-lifer oil. w an ailent. AjheirtW.Q.o'een vc t.-fJe. door.1 No reply,. Ad so fbe tried, mor" ning, after momingiintlj one day after. trying that torm?0r ??eT1. Ij,0i she suddenly bethoUglKt herself to say, Albert will yon IV.Ycria in 'V Wker upon the .door flew wn-m, an"d sfie rushed into hiaarni iustJinll'i. Bat Ms' t)'retli ru OUTl thspreverwhieh of course you know)tbat ayj from good .to bettert asjthey do at Nicole t's. . ! ' ' " ' 'Where are the birds ?' the publisher in quired. 'I've gtt Vm down to the tavern, where j Pin 'stoppiu'.1 'iJing jihem up : let me see them ; let me thiem !'. 'SertHuily, Mister, of conise, responded the piSVoii -x res- man, leaving thepres ence of lire tickled t dealh publisher vb6 paced his office as full of ellervesceDce as a diramyjohn of sprute beer 'jin-' dog dijs. ' ' About this time pigeon were being trained, and in a few cases now and then, teally didj carry mesages tor lotteiy tick et vendor in Jeisfy City to'-Philadelphia, Wilminon and Baltimore; but these ex- pfoitii rarely paid firnt cost, nnd did not a mount io 0 A iiH-n oi gieai as 'far as iheir niuch, although some noise was mr;.de about the wondei lul j"ei forman;e of certain Carrier Pigeons. Bat the paper was to have a new, impulse astonish all creation aind the lest of mankind, by Pig eon Express, The publisberV partner was in New York," fi h jig for nowhus, and he determined io asto'nib him, on bis return homt. bv the bird busineu ! A coj was fixed on the ton oi" the "Iwldin , ' f w . i fmMn;!.-w-tH-concerned, and thereby tney ot ahead o! all competition, 'and made, l.hcir pile The' propriety were always! m 'which ihev i f-ould keep the lead wf tilings and monoM m for fu,KjH p:iswl over t. liatket, !Ue leieg-apn. cou expres ,IUS v,! Ui the Corseis Tradition insists that corset were first invented by n brutal butcher of the thirteenth century aa a punihmeut for his wife. She was vVry loquacious, and, fiuding nothing would cure her, he put a pair of stays ou her in cider to take away her bieath. and so 'prevent her, as he tho't, from talkiug. j Thisciuel punishment was .inflicted hj other heartless huands, till at last there was scarcely a wife in all London who was not condemned to the likf affliction.. The nunishmeut became so universal at last that the ladies, in their defence. made a fashion of, it, and soil has ' . 'I -J . . coutiuned to the present 1J. The Sultans Silver Chamber. All Paris ha beehifilruck jduifiU by the first cbaacfie of the great silver chamber, now in course of execu jn for the Sultan, f.y Maurice Mayeij JhUjwhiiu, in truly Ori ental tasfe.- basj filled lis with awe. It is the whole fm niiure and appurtenances of abouduir comj'd entirely of solid sil ver. The round table io thei midst is ofadmira? ble woi kmanship ; the 'surface of rKnUh ed ; i i : . . i. v..-.... y. a tue silver, . engrveu m imj Hiei")ire", me was uuimrKjairliable that morning, tt. he had ewaVomeere liout.the mall nw plan. ; . , I 'She ordered ttie gates of Windsor to be closed at eleven, and no one to le admit-1 ted without calling tier, and then ue went to her room. All night she waited, but no husbaud came, and after a brief doze, and with a furious headache, the sent for the keeper of the gates, and learned that the Pri&ce had come home at threvof four, nndleaming her orders, left word' that he would by 'no irrieans disturb her, and went his way toraiollv nurbtoit. 'This occurred again the next night, and the next morning his Grace, the Duke of Wellington, was started at an early hour; by a visit from his royal highness. Ilis (i'raoe, the Duke, drove out rapidly to the lion. Mr.liiauk's and a council was held The question. wa important-:.' Can the Queen lock Prince A lbert out !. It both ered the dignitaries. 1 hey hd no piece dents, and so t!ey decided it as any -five men, r four, three,' two, or oru; would de cide it, ty saying, Of course not. And so t ho gates were j left oj. en, and the Prince had his evenings to himself, as any good Dutchman lla loves layer bier ought to have.., , . Camp Kceting Tali- ' - .'.; -i - 4- A chap down South wentjto a. Camp meeting and gives the followihg wnusing aerrmit of tlie disjointed coutersatiocT I2f hoard llipre. . .! William waborn twenty re years ago last "'April." , I am. n old. woman, now and the giew hair, makes ! " Toot l.'Tot Ii;Pwsa4'g -.-will commence iid;ih Pj-esStir.g Klder'acd we heard no more. - a ; ., .'. . .. ,,-v-v-s .. v Spirit of tlie JiiicaS A'Bbanefall Outrage- ... . i 1- ' ding was in progress. W e took our itaw. jviimof the 31st ailt, Two or thiee 1 . .JLI!JU A Greit Man in Disguise aod tried to catch the remark of the Tarious couples as they wect lowly by us. " i 'Ye indeed," (two girls talking of course and my Brother Tom says' that Henrv Sokr br ags about the many lime he haa kissed her rfght in ths mouth and she nes verslapibim at all when nobody is 1V aBd Tm sure f should dio ifj the people wan to talk about -me as they do about her . ! Corn is up again you know- and I shall make at least six huudred barrelsIf J make 'a peck and cotisuquonrjy Whata-pctacle this is to be! swab cliaw Ah wdndaw if these peopl .Ujm'd poorty gu;.aiut she build thyah.own teiUs own hiwah men to do it fowah 'era Must be a gweat boah to i lie married iu six weeks frotn last Tues dari I heard m'i talking abyu if, but you musti't mention it for the world. It is a i .. ' v iri eat secret. ' 'Ueally now, and she's as ugly as'- 4the finest ww you ever saw sir' Tve Heikshire and has nine pigs. It was the best tradej ever made and i wouldn't take thiitv dollars for' i 'Scollopped petticoats, oulyj look Amy . ! Nine JV.unccs and hoaps in the bargain '. rieat inventor had suggested. The wag we .ex.pi w n !:zet!io .UtV nak' , . ' M .1. L I .vl.i.-i. noftuvneU up m i ( ; wli,e-th 'Mn:uK" and, now and then " - ' . ' ..-ora media thro ie nurse imc, hich Great Kxctteiwnt?; A"'"s 1 .... ! .IS...... tA au flit (ill.-lHll Tents . urtm i-nv tie IT: were wiue aU Owe morning as one of these gvnxUm&r Was fitting-in his .'Ii.-.e, a bmg, lank gnius;with a visage as batchet-laced and keen asjany CmnwU cut. YanWa on-recoid, 'same in, and in qnired of one of the clerics for the piopri etor of thKt inslitu ion. j IVmg ptinted out, the thin mati made ;a Ytun towards l.im, Afier getting cloi .ip.- and twist, ilnJ kcresvincr arout'd hi bead to ,s i . . ! : . i..i.;.. that uflliottv was iisicinug or iojmg ( - . . r : 1 the lean man snt down vty gmgerly np- on the exuemo verge of in eliair, and lea tiiHg forward until hi razomade uose al : inost UwcbeU that of the j pubb.her, in a : ,w, nasfl, noitoiw tone.jsay he, ; I 'Air veou one of the bublisher of thjs l? !' - " . I j 'I am. sir.' . I ! ' '; '-I.'..-.. i I f '4QU, yeou, air !' aid jtfie yiwtor, again j looki n 2 suspiciously arouud and a -: hirp. f:;S : -' - " t 'JJid you ever hear Krorti f he continued. leg f twisted pattern; liighly . fiuiahed. 1 . ' waalioiHdU, nd, jwithv two bun ircd l H- TV- I. to the pig-1 all m th same, pveciona- material, Jine ourse of a t boudoir is to be hung j with cloth of gold. into his wafon, i loomd with Iver cold. It seems that ttie to take thi-m out fome few miles, throw them up, and; the publisher mid a confilen tia! friend weie to lie on top of the 'bildiu',' looking Out Jor ihem. TheT kept looking ! tlie fa w semething weiTv like a whale, but a pood d-al like a fi st rate bad "S'J' The lapse of a f-w days was-quite sufficient to convince the 1 publisdieii that h? had been takm iu and clon ir- regularly picked, up aud done for, upon, the most approved and scien tific priuJ-ii.les. .Hather than Ut ihe cat out of the bag, he mrde up hi mind to pocket the share and keep kIuuIv, not even 'letting ion to his partner," who in the. course oj" the following ; week lettinjed from Gotham, evUlctii.lv feelinji as fine as 1 ' 0 ;.k, ai(-u -soniciiiiii'j or oilier Sultan has destine 1 this unique sjiecimen of Oriental leckh'ssiiess of t xpeii; to Ikj his favorite retreat in (he gardens', of the seraglio, whence rvery .ray ff day-light, i always to be excluded, and where ho in tends to ictire for the rejse and solitude he cannot enjoy iu the palace. Many years agfo it lnppeiu'd that tlie el- , Oh how I should love to- j derVeruet the painter watrav,ling fi,m I -Go to picnic on Thursday J Ohti-k Marneilles to Pari, in the CoVhe-Vottwrin, j youi Yon dont how I.would Ine an exira heary diligence which performed to be p.e-M:t sir, I am m tond f.t the joufuev in hiee.eeW.; Amcmg.,th'e j hilernting dance. Lux farther -ays ( passengers paired up i" mple cavities. . q nm tndy gratihVl my, ar;r:ng, Vefnet took particuUnotice" of aitm n I 440 leain.ihM yu arc sf de.-j.ly uv, TrtrSgar; facTots w th netjrof bijme.iatere- as thick as hi iKHlyjaridtesoIvit't: to.amue'! petitance, and I shall this, very oay . .- . j- . f himself with this grotesque personage, ..a UaW showed him a great deal of ' folitenea j 'Ten raids of gimp for tlie .f-wm, and .f,i.i. ,tV f:,f l.marietuined awkwardly ' milliw velvet binding r the neck aud vicious scoundrel, forced aa'eupatu:c-nCo St. John's Church()Ucopal,)and;endeaf ored ta destroy the .pulpit bible, hymn book babtysmal front, and. organ. After dioing what injury they could iu.-the body of the church ihey ascended the stairs to the singing gallery where they laiddiold of the Organ with the inteutiou it -is su); posed, of destroying it. The uoise made in this attempt awakened aservntjn the rectory adjoiuing.who seeing a light in the church screamed so loud that the vijlians leard her an ,1 fled. The babtimcl front was fotilidsthis'niovuiRg oni . thtf floor not much inji,fted and the pulpit bible :ind hym -bkok with several of the Reaves torn jut and much defaced. . TImj object, was evi dently . not. to rob. the church a no cfcr wa made to take away any article of .va up. -.The vestry room which contained the htaich milvar.9 s-irvice uri)t'ice and the rector s private library w-as not enter ed. 1 he servant states that he saw iiree men in the church with lighted taper, ot mat ches in thtii bauds and that after she gave , the alarm the .''fled down Monro btreetj shouting as if in triumph over the deed which they bad committed ' The circutiwiarffie" canseU considerable excitemeut yesterday morning and' surinik ijesvverc rife iiidlicatiiig t h .-tt politics or de uonrinaiionaf fjecafiantim was tlie cans. We 'tire assuted bf the Kertor, Prof. Iu- ' graham.- that jtlitfro is no prahabi:fy of uth'-;raji-g!l!i r.i's. '-. Hi evpre-ws him slf iLs -Biitisfi'd rslwitvrttiitiiii eierifitin lional or political is crmnecifcd with the aC. ' ' . '-"'' '' arm or amunition J coled lQj4uein sicklwahrfv "HouSnV to rLe.iter them ; w'uli nothing to fnkjbot irater-o; bothing- to eat bat toU,"and feeding their . : horse 64 skins ;'ni'iruwof(mcin. ty.nd hroily re. , . T.vTr.. ; ' 1 '. . J4FR is U SKittT. Hoomy ; arefelt to tlie crowd ! 'I, Terijable I, have:luet wiiiiin tlie ui-3t yi-orM of a Vai'lon-rsjcijrt aUii) J.No , j,H itiBg v. '. vraiky or elbowing: toe out of a crowd : like atortoi-e I ,cap. retire within my hell in, Supreme dignity, and. look aruuudjon bex distant little folks with whalebone, coryqja cency.' Sir, please to take (he opposite?, sidewalk ! what an idea for thSt rash man to actually a.ttempt passing mi I v , . Well, it is delightful j It adds graft t,o. fjrm, so the hop keepers .say ;accele:a!es motiou, keeps intruders' at a di$tar. c-, and. giyp's the dear, easy, unfashior.aMo, slan derous gossippiug, mei)it)er4 of the. Mind-, Every lodj-JSIse' 13nsirress but'yoar Own Society something to tnlk -about ovu" tiK.ir- . snuff-swahl.ing ami scandal retailing. It is a benefit. fo 'the nation ! It keeps can't come it tattlers" tOnguoa. off private churiK;- tcis. LonHfe to tho whrdebone skirts. but g Mf humoiedv. Th-v soon Caiv.e to ; s black 1 ' i.v,.:i.. steerc, an-i 0.1. c.iui , ,,.1 il.., oor i-ides wonM liave 'Tl.e- iinest hal.v vou- ever saw I..,,, t'riallv bna'ul tod.al' up the Coclie eYes"and large linbSix week old, and voitiirin with its'" fit" and' lean cargo the passengei gotiouf.'' As thVy'were walk., ing'they passln) near a ditch of no'great wultu and Vernet ; who was a good leaper otl'ered to bet tjiat he couM clear it. Wliat cries the old man much surprised could y ou cle'aij that! ": 'I'n La sme-il coulT : H is not very the inft ction ; nor visit a sick person (rf j . . I Important Advice, D- not venture into a sick room if you are in a prcspirn tion for the moment that your body rwv comes cold, it i in a st ite likely to absorb the complaint If of a contagious n at me) with an empty stomach, no;- swallow your saliva. In attending a wck person, j.lace yourself where' the. air "passes from tlie door or window to the bed of the invalid. WllJ what's new in New York girt I ot ltween the invaHd, and the fi.e,- as hold of ajnytiiiiig rich !' was the first in terrogatory. 'Hi i i sh ! close the door J1 was the res ply,'indicating something very important hout 1 " the topi. ! 'So ; nl y dear fellow, Ive got i concern," tell of the Pigeon t now, that will put the hixpennies to' sleep as sound as' rocks ? the heal of thelfire will draw the iivfecticus I siioi ld like to see you fc! alut it.. Y by o aay4iYei.net clearing it. Yiai've lone! if sine enough said the fat i man ; I should, like fc try it too, you have put me ill spirits, and I thiuk I could get over. i ' - - . i I 1 . ! ' j ' You, cried the painter, bursting into a weigiis , ; . Six:v one pounds and a quarter to the bushel. None better ui Hie couuuy. nee f.ont r ,r.ic and cor.krel, and lafg ginned X hold i ai' , ' ' 'Stilloplis next Saturday. ;U lioth .sides the foimer Congressman wjd speak 1 ' ' ' ' ' 1 - as he says 'Ah, Mr. Pepper you fl itter me so ! Just see ho horribly Kate NVilmot is d . essed. She will wwr yellow though it. iikcs her lookUike' lVrer and agv I believe- -They've all Iseen laid up with it and now the poor map Revolutionary Surgery,' Wsatern Musis. A Wesfitn ctiap wentlo New York to . purulae. gxls 4:c.,and was in filed to otie of those fhiuiisb'e, parties so common, in Urge-cities. He was clearly a Wcsterr original but said rery little until hd af . that the j.arty was to close without an at tenqt to corner biiii . . ' At length a bevy of anghiag girls by the merest accident in the world .found themselreS gtouped about the Western meen one in a most r.nimated dkcourae nrKin music iod city .playing, AVlwii . all : thin lind progressed jost far enough oieof. the damsels with head more adocoed. with out than within and and in that peculiar, parlor, draw 1 which foitUtoUl'.Uo1.lyiS' can- represent accobted' ibe -observed "whh . ' '" '" '- "Dolha ladic j.Iay rnu-ic at l!ie Vc!, s-r?" Original saw the gan1d rciw lved to win. f m vapor in that direction, and you would rau - 1 8,uld j, to you set much daneer from breathing it in. about it. 1 will bet our dinner that you The Piffeou Eipress iff echoed the pnb-1 f0 lhr. ' - --'v ' j J am V . Yr a . . Carrier pigeons letters to t 'Exact their leg and. newspapers under their fjngi-ttairu.Ml to fly auy where you wait . j Carrier pigeon,' inuhd th pnbluher, J Cajrier pigeonstrained to cany billets bulletin aud ' ' j j. ! fdf&n fiftr to a liun.lred miles an 1 - . . .1 1 i 1 . t r , :. . .1.. . iiour . cuimeu iu me mujjyi. ,on., j 'True, so they say, very true,' continued the publisher, musingly I '.Elegant things for gcltiu' ot sendin' iioosdiead of every; bdy eisc,' snid the ;';tranger.vj .'""'-'.', ,j ": -'Pieviaeiy iuaiV fi fact that a 'fact; the other wsjwnded,' rising from hu chair ;::nd. pacing the flor,aj though lather nud decidedly take by the novelty and feasi ability of the ojieration;, , j""" t ,? ? f ' Youd have 'em allL Mis'ei , dead as j mutton.by a pigeon express, nid tlie stran- L " kl like the idea ; good, first rate T ('n't Imi 1wxL UohailW !' mtlA slran. .'Hut what would it cost! rj ' iTu.r. V n rt rewt Ai. tiara anil a amll gon, to begin on.' A small wagon Y Ya a s. . Yoo see. Mister, the birds haff to be trained to fly from one! pint to ano- r . 1 - t . , ' ' pj. i., linmoiein. , Eloping All JrouW. The Uuflaloj CVme now jjont-frighten: me before Erjiress gives the following chapter on do. j jiafl , , mestic difficulties : , . j Let me se3 ;!our dinner, that coroes toa M:-s. King, near K.ngston, was recently - yx . . What have you started in Goth y. If you don't own tip the corn that the idea is giand immense I'll knock uhder.' ' 'Gok1 ! I'm glad particularly glad you've fojund something new and s!ar;lihg,' lesp-jiided the other. 'Well what is itr: ! ;;i 'Great ! wonderful ! Carrier Piy I ' ' ' - 'What ! Pigeon's f . ! 'Pigeons P 'Yon (jon't pretend to sav that.' 'Yes, ir. all arranged luokiest fellows alive, we are-' '' Wellj but .J 01i. dou't be anew I fixed it?- 'Wellj muttered taken sick, and her hubaud seized th-op- portunity to ehjei with a haiidsome ser vant girl named Martin. On their arrival in Albany, Mk Martjii eloped with a young man named Cornelius, taking Mr. Kind's irioue v.; King l-eiug penitent, re turned home aiid found that his wife had f Three franca, I believe. That1 a good deal of money ; never miud HI try it. Done. v Affer ci'ttinghalf a dozen qUvHjr faces the fat man leaped and plumped down a foot farther than Vrenet bad gone. I must liave revenge", cries Vernet t t - ,1a... .l.ilr n i morl Tf. I ClOlHKl Willi UI J UI0.. ie.vv. w s-- -. . . - - j . t y . ... - fer. with air the movable Articles in the lather piqued 5 you wont refuse me ; 1 house. Whereupon Kiug tarted off jn J nol'- j , ; ; considering himself a deeol v in- Oh no; it is a mere chance anu may uoi r '- t . " - ered man. . - ' ;ther U 2fCA Yes ; well V , Wa a U. ftm eJ W bird-v "re jnt ia I'm hanged if this isn't rich T--hi partner, sticking his digits into his irowse: loons bitin his lir and stamping around. - ... ; 'Hich t elegajtt I In two weeks we'll be flying our birds and j . , ,r . 'Flint! Why, do 'Ha ! ha ! I knew I'd astonish youj ; Tom insisted on my keeping perfectly raam, uttil things were in regular working Oider ; he then set the boy to woik we have large cages ou top of the build- "Com up on top of this building said the par.toer, solemn!. 'Theres dorousee that bundle of laths and stuff V v. ; . Why why, yon doa't pretend to wy Prince Albert Locked Out A foreign correspondent of 'he Daily Times, relates tlie following amusing an ecdote in one of. his letters : "A good torr that! have never seen printed, was related by a gen leman in one of those pleasant after dinner toUw on the. deck of the Asia, and jf yon like to print sniaU gomip of he Queen and royal farui- lr, you shall bare it 'Frince Albert, Jt e met h, did once get into bad h'abiU.of staying out late at night, and cot coming, home till morning, where a.1ierlajeW;fc.' grew lnuch anx ious and grieved. It jeriurnot certain-" that he was fa 'tlie cider Cellar nor could she prove that he did not 'come tome In" the proper coftditionV lot she endeavored to get into hia room on some snoh oceaaions, and failed most signally. By way of epis ode, the-story is that the reason of her failure wu thu : . She kbeckef al!sakl : AJbert, 0en to yocr Que. DdfAbeK i happen again;a1 any rate people must play I - -.: . - - - - ... . 1 . faiilv and to-morrow we will leap tor our dinner once more. The next day another opportunity., of trvmg their agitity presented itself and the fauman won by a trifle a 'he had done the dav before and was again delighted w ith his astonishing Juck ; while. Vernet ipore, xnd more mortified at the triumph jf hi3 aiiUgonist reneed the contest every day without Exception.' But everything must have an end and our travelers had arrived at tbeir; last stage, tn which "the fat man went np to ,,Vruet and said. Sir, I owe .you a ihousand'tJianksfor paying for my dmner almost alHhe vay from Marselle here and 10 -low you ray giatitude ahould Hke to have oidef for ir 'The swectett bonnet I ever saw. Where did you get it? I must recommend my mv sister to youA 'A Watermelon pa h. Stole every darned one. .Some of 'em 'bout half ripe I swow 1 11 shoot them efthey don't. Go to the White Sulpher. It is the best' place in the whole country, ma'am. -1 ve leen some of -the wonderful eff-ts of the wateis. -I.wn,iJWiocauv oft"' -'?' ' !:' . "' 1 '"J 'Tweni yfive poonds of butter a week.. A nd ai ays get a qua! ter a pound aud -om I'lUrt '"'.'' Four eggs, two hnd fuls of flour, a dab of veat halftiu cup full of molasses, and it makes i 'The best manure I ever used sir. Vast ly superior to guano orsujr phospate. Two bundled and fifty pounds to the acre, raised me. -., . . Tle handsomest woman on the ground I can see none equal to aerexcept Miss Maty Tlie Mobt!r Tribune in" ita-American An;t relates the following: Among the monf acire aod daring Marion's men, were Jlobert Simon und William Witheis. They bad 'lecn sent to'-etlmr on some confidential expedition, aiud while reirg at doou fortefreshuient Withers a practiced 'shot was examining hfs pistols to see if they were in gorxi order while Simons sat either teadiug or iu a re verie. BobJ'said Withers if 30U had not that bump on the bridge of your nse you, would le a likely young fellow Do you think so ! said Simpa. listlessly. Yes, said Wither.; I think t can shoot offthat urlv bnmp on your nose , Shall I shoot ! Shoot ! suid iuious, and crack' went 'the j tjie(ltloW pistol. Th ball could not liave-oeen bet ter aimed U jstruck lbe projectmg bridge cicmolished it , forever, and hence vfoitb Simons wat not the ugliest, mau 10 tjie ar my. 0,-vciy unireryally, Mis," was the cool ief!y. "indeed I was not aware of tha!,praydo they use ihe rrian6 mostly. 'Never Miss," the instrument that we have out our way is the Sitinette and the1 girls all play it." . , "O, dear 1 am sutc poMtively that I. never heard f that bcfoie,- teti what it. is and h(.w Mt Mf: 1 ' . V " "Well trVe iastrumcf.t is a small pig andeaclt-'kesone of the under her a.m aud them the ef.d of hit long tail arl that bring the Music T. , The precorVcprted "corae" made no fa ther progress, and for the balance of the ... . -- ,i ti( Hon 'of Pi'eniinr western vi,. How Daniel Webster Became a Hamed ., -.. - - Kan- Marion and the B-itisb Ofijcer, . The Mobile Tribune; in its .'American Ana,' has the following ? The story of Marjow inviting Iie Brit iah officer to j dine witli bun, oti jotatoes od co'.d water, is literal! true While- on llj'e aubject of Mr. Wvbsler's history I cannot torbfiar rueBtionuig an in, cident related of hi courtship which IJfi not icmeinber tcr RWe seen in record- e.!l ': ' ' '; ' '''..' Ife tras tlreW a youtig liwyer in Polls mouth N, U. At one of his v-isita to Mi-s Grace Fletcher he had ptobably witb .a . r - t tUi .-ahit (tmortnent j new oicomuiuiug Mv.,v j-j- o nri k1iT a trot r . w" n . 'Borij hind legs ppavineil. J And tliereV tk iu her rigU eye ' that bounu :W'h?t beautiful girl in Ua4 over there. I never &aw her ut once Wjore hi?t a1 at Mr. Mur!riuafailare sir. And he haa taken to driu awfaliy aadoUijr 'ft wk haUrr -, . . . , . 'Ui bead under my ru,and was pmg him in the raom'tr, when be got u i If VOU eOte tllCJUJC M V-l'JV I f - f - i F t nt if totf witrtbem; for am engaged as clow I bev, Twioget my an j ' . .. i r . .1 - 1 i : rtf SeDtem .i.... lu..n uiiffaend IU UntVlUt? we liave uju iv4--(,--j . ' -knots, let us see if we can lie a.knvtoa' which will not untie for a life time- He then took a piece of tape and after begiuingaknot of a peculiar kind gave h to her to complete. . This was Ihe ceremony and ratification of lV-ir eJ g-geioen t, Aud now in a Ji ttie Ux marked b bun with the utds. Piecious Document.' Containnig thflej of hu early courtship th' uiwme memori al is still to bo found. The kooj basjiever been untivd. ... t . will britr- Ahs rre4 Irair fn-wrrow to the grafv there and adT tor-om out in two day -l.;.!. ir. .hsofe.' rvafor berea beaten ' , ; i ..; aa-w.. I t:z :.-.r.o-.ii-ir lac . . 1 1 ...... . w . i t. uri ir i il -a 11.1 ii.iun , lou leap-oeaaiiKU'v .om. m o- v. ,... - , . . , v i . , . . M innilM; SUaaVaTi , 1 1 iDaaa . aaam av w 5" M ... 7 7 ' - 4' A '1 JL ti. . u I - ' 1 - The young ' .Englishman had firA beep j bcn holding skeins of ilk thread' for fceiSj dine with them . ...1 m!,1m!i- lie utonned saving, ttace, 1 1 1 v 1 u u v - s - - 1 Uvu auw "'J . and had accepted the invitation ; but be i,.g subsequently invited by the General, l.e icqnested to be excused. i Clarion, with his usual sagacitv, had pvcfciye'l1 that the youth was seTJsative, and concrhded'' to try hfm with a f$e. Tho potatoes were5 aciVed up, and when Marion pee'td them the slin were care fully placed br the sido of the pine bark - , . a a ulate. They bad been roate4 and brongnt in brOicar,hi favorite set rant his fo- ter brother, who ws,thrcrore,iit)m inian cy: called Budded or brother by, the Gen eral, when rpoken to' bylbim'.'5' 4' " 1 ir-;:;w ."-tt tr. I.tn- ssr No frankioir nnrjiege -exis m a. f T IllDDrr. JIWIVU sa,u v w k - .. . -.v m . puddeiVWgmeUiiog to drink'rand LLoglaud. ., Eeiube yueea ha to JJf and (XscaVbrswg1l1coar fa ?f lr,r Ptnni - ' - - J "1 ;- 'V- - of which' theofSr was iedto'Vlrin!: ; j TTZT'J; : . e Geeral'ti'air drai.ll(rrr,ra the Th. taluef jHmboain'tJvesl u ame gourd, lie then w&m ar to j etima:jl al tmrtv bnh" his home Roge-r, anfl-trie ueueiai g .ve Roger tlie potato kitr all of which were eaten by Kg-rr from Msnon's band. The w-qnel of this taeidents that the voung officer gWVwjcommiw 'nd Ua4r'mnWViA never t?r?n totlraw jfr,swoid ainit men Who sfr bnively and conscienuousty opp-eu m....B . The A.nerjcan Journal of Medical rsci lard is an aniiuoie losincn- - ence sav tuat I nine The Tr.d.Hci'iegajrd ietliiji busk on'corn as anindieation af a mild winter, ilia, trtmih - one nsl "iMna oneai Twil L rt, rr . v."; 4 v S' vt ft :Wt-V v .' 4T tk. 7 Ke v -' - .'Jii s i 1 aaaMBJ aWaaafJ