T i I V: r T -lli W' - . are I 1 .1 ft-' THE HERALD, " concord, n. c. thursday. jjtjnk 16 1881. one of them say that they lavor temper ance but can't vote for this bill because it don't prohibit, watch them, they are - j trying t0 pureuade themselves and oth ers that there la no stability in the act because they dopt w flint it enforced.' r k.'Mea Drink. Mr. Leodl English writer, puts the foliowhk language in the mouths of those wtirilit the rum-seller's den i , There1! aV faonev eive me drfnk 1 ' There's the cBihine. food, and fire of Tbs fo'.lowiotr geU-men com- . Did.it oyer occur to you my friend?; ay wife atdcildren give me drink ! po2e the .Prohibition organization j that eUce liquor has heeu prohibited There's education .of the family ; oij election days and on Sunday that j at! the pfesce bf the house --give me , comparatively speaking, no quarrels drink ! Ttfere Vths rept Thave robbed and .fights and frtlier disgraceful dera - J from the fciioolm aster, and innumera j onstratio's ere indulged in on thoac. i ble articl oas. lnnk ot o,ur -old lasluon dec- shoji kee tiou days when whiskey could be had-; me out dr at everyt precinct and of the number! for iCTh for Cabarrus county Dr W H Lilly, President. Ctias F Walter, Secretary . ,G C Bluuie, Ttca&uter. Q (j Montgomery and .A S Kch 'UrdEun, County; Canvassers. Chairmen of TownshibExecuti ' W?nd difficulties you witnessed, peacof x Committees as follows: At an election now such a thing as al as a man Have robbed from the r give, me drink! Pour ;K. for more I wuTyet pay s my health, of body, and iid there! smy; 'Character md mviWQiemon as a Towubhip No 1, Ciceto Alexander. I'difficulty is not known except by Cbrjtetain-4i give up $pive me Township No 2, D S Cal dwell. f some, one who prepared his jug the ' drink yet I have,-, to . give! towneinp io .-s, Mwam btire.walt. ; day before and jtt drunk to show 'Thereby heavenly inheritance and his manhood ! So if prohibition helps thcetenai friendship of the Redeem ing; cd these! it help if put in force all the time? matters on those days, why wouldn't j cd thfce i3 all hope of salvation! I This is an argument familiar to all . (Ad ! 1 and we ask in all 'candor if Township No 4, F S Goodman. . Township' No 5, Cyrus Alexander. Towuebip No 6, J M F(aggart. Township No 7, J ILMoose. Township No 8, L G'(UeUig: Township No 9, A 11 Smith" TowDBhip 'No 10, Jonah Hartscll. i convining ? Township No 11 Joseph R White, I T Townnhip No 12, Will 11 Odnll. j The ladies' prohibition, dub met at .. ,..... . . -T-- j the Mhpdit church on last Monday The Stale Journal dubs the prbhK j evening. All tlie officers . present. 1 Af- " bition law the "mean" liquor law. We hardly expected such a lefF hand ed blow as this against the cause he so stubbornly supports. Mean . liquor is truly the c:mse of this grat .pop ular upheave!, and mean liquor, is at the bo' torn of all the trouble we have 1 man's power ta prevent it. with each other. Perhaps the Jour- lifil mcinn tLnt tlie law, is mean, but .he certainly leaves it open for the construction we have placed upon it. i give up .Savior ! . I give up my n all AIL that is it is not ' and glorijj4 ip the universe. I resign forever ,tUci may be drank.. grfat ter receiving a huiTiher of new mem bers and transacting bucir.e- of a gen" eral nature, Mayor W. (I. Moa: s , was called for and responded iu a tirring and beautiiully worded spet-ow 0f -about 25. minutes. His subject was "The so- cial right of man to get drunk ani wo- The Syb- r prominent colored. Uishops in North 1 to deliver.the a.cJdre8.3(for the occasion, Hrgjuja, and one wjto wieius an in fluency fijr goorl and whoso leashing? i 11 1 i a til r ! ' V fm- the n r . ii mm For the HeriLd. ll Mr. Editor: I w;ah to ask why 8p,ma ny of the eecular papers of the 8: are either neutral or opposing the p!hi bition movement? Are they, or arjy ot them, subsidued? Some of the editor attended the liquor convention. . :V. that the proper place for the ptfpie'e watchmen to be, whose duty it 1:3 to warn them of danger, and to cry kioud. against all exis'iog evils? Arethe! net the lights of the land, through vbofti the people may steer safely inter he desired haven of peace and prosprit$t Verily instead of that they appearrto be either like dumb idols that have mouths but epak not, eyes bu see. notf ears but hear Dot. Or like the false prhets that strengthen the hands of evil cjpers, and say to the makers and selerol in toxicating drinks, ye ehall have je?ce- no evil shal) come upon you. (Jrahey are like the. blind leading the blih,il;un til they bGh.foll.into the ditch leral ly into the.djtch where other animaiH ometinio" wrI pw, pr From etiieh fa'se teacheri and Lliud dt gtn.'Vl Lord, deliver Us and Cat. VippfRf Chvlctie remarked gentleman on our streets on last Moipay, 'in reply tohota is prohibition uiog 'on! in Charlotte? That the plpehad liieially nothing to do norv ana put in a ge'atijjeal of their The folipwing card, . wii qk ap peared in the Ijeuoir Topic it' last iect was thoroughly and feelingly di. cussed and rpet with a warm response jheads from the Billy, i aX a-wed by wek, nhowR the right spirit: Editor Topic:In the 'proceed ings of an anti prohibition mating, held in B onp on the 27rh (ftMay, time fishing ind.lomiginj? about. Does 1881, and published in the jfepic this "mead that prohibition is doinst no j am named at a tnetnber the good? Ooly g ,eh;rt time ago every j mornings "Ohservei" had more or les.s cases of drunk x and 40w and s-jre ood. one of the from hiat Jiearers'. It was decided to hold a mass meeting in the Methodist church on next Thursday evening at 8 moat) o'clock and Rev. Thorn well was invited The galleries of the church were set .dunk itnse facts are neF enough horte for us all to see and kt)ow for ourselves. Prohibition will do good and is oVing good in every place where liquor is 'not sold. Look at our own Town is it as drunken as it was .whn rwiir-hip executive commute . tot B owing RlocU.lownibip. As I -vva$ not present !ncetinii. my name .was . thufW used without ray knowledge or .consent at paid J am n t a total abstainer, neither do I ike the pnJribifion biU passeiijy the lute Legislature, therefore Lu! ; have it?.; -'"fn." , i , ...i,:k;i apart for our colored friend and all, ' V'e open en r Answer um-i ' 1:1,:, iVif m., & -.-t 1 . : .... . lift I ic Star of Zion, pro welb-attended . and much enthusiasm 1 - 1 1 - I and intefest is manifested by the mem bers of the club.- They seem much en- the action of that re. couraced in thft work and avrv a Ho. Vest" s oly of politicians whiih termination to use every means in their power to prosecute it vigilantly to the end. Tptthis cluo of ladies n?uch praise niarR ;n RIr.ih snme Vlnva nrrn. --- g,... -. . -j B8eicar4 fullv the Hishoo's ttnrd ou will see at once the ring of true metal. . 'Can't; vote tor prohir. 1 ion be- c.R'de it allowe drug stores only to elllv ie often heard on the streets. It ia admitted that skillful drug giatfi alone should sell poison and if whiskey is really p;sonous, as is proven in many cac.es, it looks (ike he legislature acted wisely in throwing tbeae rettrict inns aronod it.. ' .. If any man opposes the temperv is due and our success so far is due in a great measure to their .untiring ener gy and promptness in thq full discharge of any duty imposed upon them, , - 'We can't see how any man. that desires to., see our fair lend prosper and the young rqep encouraged in all that tends to their peaceand happiness, and the , ladies assisted in their efforts to make, hpme happy and , cheerful, who desires improvement generally, can yote against prohibition. We cannot reconcile cur feelings to the fact that a man can aid morals and virtue, temperance and religion, and crease, and but for a few isolated. Chronic cases a stranger wou'd imagine that not a drop could be had iu Town, Some . men will drink no matter what it costs even their souta- but you. can nay that if the temptations are removed that intemperance, if not totally ban ished, will in a great measure decrease and finally 'disappear only to be.. used, as it should be for medicine. F r tbe Her all. Satan's Bait for Souls. The Witness says: One of eatuns 'chief agencies for filling the earth with mis ery and dragging souls to hell, in the use of intoxicating drinks. And who are its chief defenders and abettors. 1. The vast army of distillers, brew ers, and wholesale, and retail' liquor sellers. These men mass great wealth, by their .nefarious business, which they employ freely to protect their interests bition not lor myown gdjiit for i the benefit of the young srenration. ! lour,'! respect Tolly J.;U. L.VKK. Biowing R ick, Watauga po.tN. C Jr.' Every colored nepper . in-North Cirolina save one, and that one l ueu trrtl, favors prohibition. Ib not ttis aig- nifi,'an.? Raleigh Banner. ' ntice ruovetnent j'lst bocansa.Bomeipis or her influence in favor of raeas one whom ho does not like person 'ally advocates it, h : is not williDg tp show his faith by hiood works erid dorn jhimsttlt and his family a great wrtjng. ' lion D (i K8ellut W-iuni.ngton wriiep that he will apeak in Uyor of" prohibition, at several placeerin North Carolina this snmtner. at the 8are time refrain from lending from the attacks of religion and tem- In hii rech last Mnd iy, th1 coT MS ored oratur iVice, insisted thaf!t there was ho politics involved in throhiv bition movement. Th repblin ex ecutive committee hnd endeavohred to force it into piditios, but it wan tro go. II said that it waa a moral qution, and tthould be settled as such. Krapfr' liu Timen. 1 11 I4or evory inan that died of 60'akr bite for want of whiskey, how many men to your knowledge died, hv a too free ueo of whit-k?y ? ures that will bring about these results., The above is clipped from the Banner a live paper of this city, published by Mr. Jno- H. Williamson, colored, in the interest of the colored. State Fair. The Banner is not only a . credit to the race it represents, but is doing credit to the State as a bold, undaunted advo cate . of sobriety and virtue. Let it and the cauHe it advocates . be sustained. State Prohibition Organ. Wliat Dr. Satchwell Said. 'A, thousand diseases follow in the trail'' And, are concomitants of the use of intoxicating drink. So deadly is this. demon liquor, that the legislature which orders skull and cross If prohibition don't, prohibit why is tQ u ?aped oq every bottle of it that the liquor dealers are so bitterly opposed to it!8 The great argument ned by the li quor men is that prohibition will not prohibit. If that is so why do theso li quor dealers fiht the bill so perfistont y ! They know as well as can be that, this law will' be en forced and that-the trattic will cease to b reamneratire' Whenever you hear poison might well order the same em blem to be placed upon every Jottle or barrel of liquor. As president of the State Board of Health it is my duty to warn the people of this Sta'e of the awful dangers of drink bodily and mentally." Tucker H,!l Address, April i?7. 1S8. perance, and to extend jiheir traffij as fast and as far as possible.. 2. Bf those who have acquired a liking for intoxicating drinks and ha bitually ut-e them, or. occasionally go on a spree. These., to be consistent, must defend , the practice si drinking and the traffic in liquor.! 3 Next come the expounders and dispensers of medicine, who prescribe intoxicating liquors for many kinds of ailment, and weakly persons, and sometimes for persons not so wal . The habit of drunkenness is thus grad uallj formed, and satan gains hia end. Are such doctors, in any sense, cold blooded murderers! 4. Those clerical gentleman who speak of alcoholics as 'good creatures of God' to be used in moderation, and to be received with thanksgiving. Theee ministers preach the gospel, which of fers salyation to all, and yet they en couragt a habit that lead directlj to the loss of the soul, and renders great aid t the enemy and adversary of the hum r rce ; J S. H. Tartu s wishing to purchaee t&wing I Machines, or anything in. .the' wirie of Sewing Machines, - will do wel see Mr N. F. YoRKK.- at Canno'tos & ; 1 Fetzer's ; He has (10) Ten different makes of m.ichines and will sell them jrt the ribt jiriees. lie has them fromsix teen to t hirtv dollars. , if TO gt the news ABOUT x- tl; Subscribe to :S A paper that gives both sides ait. im partial review of the news every ;freek. nun nine em 9 wiu: I and growing older, out Detter ine KJitor endeavors to make it the paper to suit the people, by giving each: week o Local News, State Neics, Genial Neics, Farm and War Neic$ Political Aetcs, Sfd $ A Good Family Newspaper. one year, $ 1.23; , J f - - months 75 cents. In adTance. ; AMro6S, Wade.iJsrris, editor Concord, KjjJjCL. i ' 'Hi lift! six & 3 3? x a -! t. 2--? rri-. 3 Q 0 If

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