THE REPORTER. THURSDAY, MARCH 8,1877. ~ yi cstxw-MABK on the margin of your paper at any tins roill indicate tlcat you are due ui (2, /or which, with a continuance of jialronage, tee will be much obliged. Surry Court is in session this week. ■' • »♦- Rev. Mr. Eudaly preached two ser mons in Danbury lart Sunday. It is thought that the Legislature will adjourg on t%e 13th—next Tuesday. Parties wishing to supply themselves with garden seed, olover or grass seedi will find them in abundance at R. T. Joyce's store. HON. A. M. SCALES, our oourtcous and effioient representative in Congress, has placed us under renewed obligations for valuable Congressional documents We regret to learn that William Sha. fer, a much respected citizen of this eounty, died at his residence near Ayres ville, on the 24th ult. Deceased was near 60 years of age. The funeral was presehed by Elder R. W. Hill. A debating society is proposed in Danbury. When it gets in working order there are several questions of local interest that should be investigated— one of which is, "Is not prejudice and sectarianism allowed to ran too far, when it denies a school to the community ?" As the privilege of a school room in the churoh building has been refused, and as their is no other suitable build ing in town, thore will be no school in Danbury for the present A school house will be built in a few weeks, in which the children of the neighborhood may receive educational advantages, without hinderance. A three-cornered fight took place in Danbury last Monday, in which two of the participants received slight bruises and finger marks. They were arrested and eerrted before a magistrate, but whilo wailing the making out of war rants, etc., one of the pa-ties walked out, mounted his horse, drew his pistol, and bidding defiance to the officers of the law, rode away. The hog chasing season will soon oom menee hereabouts. When an unfortun ate porcine rubs his back against an average Danbury fence its fall ia inevi table ; and unless he Bhuls his eyes and waiks backward, he cannot miss the gaps that must have beon left to tempt stock into, forbidden pastures. Howev er, hungry dogs will bo let loose upon stock so offending. It seems to us that the owners of such fences are the ones that should suffer. From here to Patrick C. H., the pos tal arrangement i| entirely out of order By last mail we reeeived a letter from a distance of twelve miles, thai' fiad been two weeks on the way ; a paper from Patrick C. II , two weeks after, date, and abeut the same can be said ot everything else that comes to us from that direction. It is to be hoped that whoever is responsible for these delays will do better in future, or resign his position. A very sad occurrence transpired in our eounty last Saturday. A little son of Alex. Ried, about five years of age, unobserved by any member of tbe fam ily, found a bottle of whiaky in the eapboard, from whioh he drank very freely. No one knew anything of the cirramtanco until about 12 o'clock, when the little fellow's abeence was no ticed. A servant was dispatched to look bim up, who soon leturned and reported that tbe ehild was asleep aod could not be aroased. Upon examination the boy was fount) to bs perfectly numb and uu conscious. Two physicians were imme diately summoned, hut their efforts to reliere the little sufferer were of no avail, and he died Sunday morning.— The bereaved family will have the sym pathy of the publio in their affliction. The petition of forty seven ladies of Yadkin township, taking that no more retail liquor lioense be granted, was lent before the ommiqtioners laat Monday, together with a similar one from Mead •w townehfp, with thirty signatures Over one hundred ladies have now ap pealed to oor county guardians in behalf of society and morality, and we eanoot believe that fcheir appeals will be ig nored. The interests of the county suf fer materially through the agency of these licensed houses, and our jail, poor house aod courts are burdened on ae count of them. There ia not a taxpayer in the ooaaty whe does not pay tribute to them, and it ia a fearful tribute tbey •re allowed to wring from the helpless families of their beat customers. The Commissioners will aot patriotically, as well as humanely, by granting no more license, especially in the townships that bsve thus appealed to them. Last Saturday night our streets were enlivened by the preseneo of a company of serenades, who complimented our oitizens with excellent musio at their doors. We return thanks Tor oar share. Commissioners' Court. The Board met on last Monday. Pres ent D. C. Pepper, .Chairman, J. M Linfille, J. A. Leak, C. M. Lasley aud J. Q. A. King. PAUrBR CLAIMS. James Dnggins, 6 5.00 Wm. Glidewell, 3.00 Tempy Allen for 2 Lie Reids, 10 00 Jordan and Humphrey Fulton, 4.00 Betsey Ball, 3 00 Peter Moser, 2.00 Susannah Tilly, 2.00 Simpson Southern, 2.00 John Samuel, 2.00 George Hay, col., 2 00 Jaoob Hawkins, col, 2 00 CLAIMS ALLOWED AND ORDERED TO UK PAID. W. B. Vaughn, Jr., Registrar, $ 2.04 Wm. M Edwards, Court officer, 450 J. M. Linville, Commissioner. RELEASES. Eld John Moran released from poll tax, 1876, $3. C. H Hollinsworth exempt from poll tax, 1877, infirm. Robt. Lovell released from poll tax, 1876, too old, S3 L. D. Qilbert exempt from poll tax, 1877, infirm. Charles Webster exempt from poll tax, 1877, infirm. Wm- H. Nuun rclcasod from poll tax, 1876-'77, infirm, 83. M. E. Simmons exempt from poll tax, 1876'77, infirm, $3. J. F. Hall exempt from poll tax, 1877, infirm. W. II Hawkins exempt from poll tax, 1877, infirm, A. C. Myers exempt from poll tax, 1877, infirm. Labum Going exempt from poll tax, 1877, infirm. G. H. Tuckor exempt from poll tax 1877, infirm. Joshua Jessup released from tax on 80 acres of land, value 8170, 1876, 81 70. John H. Roberts released from poll tax, 1873, infirm. Ordered by the Board that to mush of G. L. Burton's claim of 8456 75, which was audited by the Board January Ist, 1877, as relates to the expenses of Keeping ia jail Wash Hairston 93 day*, $37.80 Keeping in jail John Hairston 93 days, 37 80 Keeping in jail Calvin Ludlow 93 days, . 37.80 Keeping in jail Reuben Ludlow 93 days, 37 80 Amounting to $151.20 Be revoked, beoause in the opinion of the Board, it is unjust and unlawful for the county to pay said expenses. From the above judgmeut the said G. L. Burton prays an appeal, which is granted. W. H. Gentry charged with 830, tax on land belonging to Eli Jessup's heirs, and ordered to collect. Another Prayerful Petition. To the Commissioners of Stokes County: We, the undersigned, lady citizens of Yadkin township, in Stokes oounty, do hereby respectfully ask your honorable body not to grant any more retail liqaor license in our county, especially in Yad kin township. We make this request for the good of society, and our families and friends in partieular, that drinking, gambling and dissipation may be stopped as muoh a* possible, and better examples set before the rising generation. Please bear the voice of the females in behalf of their loved ones. Respectfully, Mary T. Wilson, Martha A. Boyles, Amanda Meadows, M. J. Meadows, Mary W. Gibson, Laura A. Powers, Bettie Lawson, M. J. Powers, Martha Boyles, Pollie Bennett, Hsttie Meadows, Elisa A. Gentry, Tisbia Meadows, M. E. Gentry, Malinda M otter, H. J. Powers, Martha B. Moser, E. J. Powers, Sarah A. Wall, N. H. Powers, Mary C. Boyles, Charity Boyles, E. J. Boise, Mary F. Boyles, Bettie Boylee, Nancy Balor, Francis Marsh, Martha J. Smith, M. J. Bennett, Bettie A. Smith, N. P. Bennett, T. J. Smith, Jane Vortus, K. A Bennett, Maggie Edwsrds, Parthenia Bennett, Fannie Edwards, Eliza Boyles, Emily Heath, Jane Boylee, Jaoe Gunter, Rachel Fulk, La«ra J. Hunt, Sallie A. Campbell, Adeline A. Gcff, Ellen Bennett, Reaa Bennett. I , , t m So far from carrying out the purpose of Cougreee and the will of the people, the Commission has, from partisan mo. tives and influences, ignored fundament al questions of right and justice, and has resorted to quibbles to break down tho just cause.— N. V. Express. The Judicial oolosaus of party will add a new word before long to the more thun one hundred thousand wordt of the English language. Out of Bradley will come a term to express intense hatred of truth and fairness —the "bull-dozing" of facts and evidence—the foreswearing of a man when wearing the robei of the jurist—the seal and bitterness of the partisan oloaked under the garb of pre tended devotion to prinoiple—the de pravity and meanness of Radicalism when lifted to the highest places of honor and trust.— Wilmington Star. NEWS OF TH£ WB£K. STATE NEWS. Ntwbern will have an old folks con cert on the 12th. The Mi'ton Chronick bids farewell to 150 delinquent subscribers at a dash. The people of Pender eounty are greatly dissatisfied with their county seat. Soma rogue or rogues tried to steal a saw-mill near Whitaker's Turn-out last week. Ove. one hundred and fifty local pro hibition bills have been iutroduced in the General Assembly. A bill has passed the House of Repre sentatives reducing the number of direc tors of the Insane Asylum from fifteen to nine. Mr. Edward Fasnich, of Raleigh, has just received -100,000 silkworm «ggs, and will commence the manufacture of silk. . A Mr. Harvey, residing near Harris burg, Cabarrus county, lost his right hand a few days ago by a premature discharge of his gun. Hezekiah Rumfelt of Gaston county, deranged for some time past, set his house on fire on the 19th inst. Refusing to get out he was consumed with the other con tents. The town of Linoolnton had a mad dog sensation one day last week Before the bruto was killed he had bitten a calf, two geeso and a couple of dogs. In Rutberfordton, last Thursday moruing a little child of Mr. William Hardin fell from a chair into the fire, and was severely burned before being rescued. At a meeting of citizens of Lenoir, held on the 15th inst., it was resolved to rebuild Davenport Female College, re cently destroyed by fire, and a good subscription was raised at the time lor that purpose. An old negro woman in Loai.'burg, who made hor living by washing aud ironing, died a few days ago, and re quested that her ironing table should be taken to pieces and buried with her, and the request was complied with. Raleigh Newt: IV Pritchard says that the best behaved congregations to which ha preaches arc those in the insane asy lum, to which the ministers of the city preach regularly by turns. He say* they neither whisper during service nor spit tobaeo juice on the floor. Mr. George. P. Coleman, of Sandy Ridge, Rowan county, stabbed his son Bingham Coleman in the bowels with a kuil'e a few days ago, inflicting danger ous wounds. The assault was uiado by Qeorge during » state of frenzied anger. Last acoouuts were that the case was critical but not hopeless. Concord ReyUter. On last Thurday night, in the quiet little town of Thomasville, Davidson county, a marriage between Mr. William Thomas and Mrs. Forney, a young widow, tho service being performed by Rev. J. W. Lewis, had progressel over half the ceremony, and the friends and acquaintances who had gathered at the bride's residence were filled with joy anxiously awaiting for the minister to pronounoe the words man and wife. But suob was ..ot the fate, for ere the oere mony was completed the fair bride fell dead at the feet of him who held her hand, but who was not yet her husband, she had fell a victim to heart disease. GENERAL NEWS. The grave of the late (ieorge D. Pren tice is still unmarked. The Virginia Legislature has sanc tioned the erection of a lunatic asylum for negroes. The church of the Univorsalists in Jersey City, has had until quite recently a female pastor. It is said tho locs of stock in Texas from the snow and eold will amount to millions of dollars. Florida's big sale of land to Eoglish and German capitalists will pay off her State debt, also increase her popu lation. The Rothsohilds are worth the snng sum of $3,400,000,000 and yet they go on making as their poor daddies did. The Governors of Georgia and North Carolina have both reoognised the Hampton government in South Carolina by informing Governor Hampton of the arrests of oriminals from tboir States. One of the largest droves of aattle aver seen in any plao« was driven from Texas from Capt. King's raneho to Kansas. The herd numbered 30,000 horaod cattle, and was attended by 700 drivers. Two men shot and killed eaoh other near Okalona, Miss., the other day, one of them leaving a wife and fifteen chil dren, the other a wife and four children. Two funerals, two widows and nineteen orphans by the mere touch of a oouple of triggers! POLITICAL NEWS. The two immortal Judges—Jeffreys, the Butoher, and Bradley, the Bull doter. The National Returning Hoard might do worse than eount in Hayes. Sup potto they should count in Joe Bradley by a majority of one ? The Baltimore American, a Republi can paper, says it has positive informa tion that Mr. Tilden will carry his caic into the Supreme Court. The Albany Argus tells us I hut Judge ■ Bradley, when a boy, ui-ed lo peddle | charcoal through the streets of that city. Let us hope that we may find nothing j blacker than charcoal upon his ermine The Republican presidertial candidate ' having been dubbed "Returning Hoard Ilayes," it is proposed by a writer in the New Vork World ihatltis associute 1111 the ticket be christened "Willing Ac u.iuij'liee Wheeler." The inauguration of Hayes will fin the doom of Radicalism. No party can live under the enduring infamy which will bo stamped upon his administration In two years the Democrats will in all probability, eontrol the Senate, as well as the House—if Che Democrats will avail themselves of the advantages which they r.ow have before the people. PANBURY MARKET. CORRECTED WKKKLY BY Pepper Hons. Com, $ bu. . g 1 00 Wheat » bu. - • 1 2501 50 Rye 'K bu. • - - - 100 Oats bu. 50 Pork, lb ... 8(«jl0 Racon lt> - • • 12(«)10 Flour sack 4 00(®4 50 Butter flb - - - -15(8)30 Eggs doz. - - • 12 J Beestyax lb •. - - 30 Flaxseed "W bu. - 1 00(til 25 Hides, dry lb - - 10@12J " green lb - 5(a)7 Tallow W lb ... 10 Rags *» lb - - - 3 Reans {9 bu. ... 80 I'cas« bu. - - - 80 Coffee lb - - - 25(^30 Leather, sole lb - • 25(^35 " upper lb - 45(/65 Molasses gal. - • 35(a 45 Nails lb - - - - 5~®7 Salt, coarse sack - 225 a 2 50 Sheeting 4-4 yard - S j (fit 10 " J " " . - 6(o;8 DANHURT TOBACCO MARKET. Lugs, dark - - §2soa 500 " bright • - 500a10 00 Leaf, red • • 3 00 a 10 00 " bright - - 600a15 UO Wrappers, mahogany 8 00 a 15 00 bright - 10 00 a4O 00 WINSTON TORACCO MARKET Corrected weekly by NOBWOOIf St PIERCE. Lugs, common 8 400 a ft 00 " good working 500 a 700 Smokers, common 650 a 800 " good 9 00 u 14 00 " fancy 15 00 a 20 00 Leaf, common 600 a 7 50 " good 800 a 12 00 Wrappers, dark 11 00 a 14 00 HEED THE iss?Words of Advice, pi TUTT'S _ PILLS TCTT'SRISPBCTFULLY offered by ILLLS TUTT'S " • TITTT. M.1).. for many PILL 3 'ri'TT• c v«ura Dnnointrntor of Anatomy la pii i a 2.UTT3 Thirty ye*n' ex per leuce In the JJJ'J'jJ TUTT 8 practice ormedlriue. together with TUTT'S fifteen year*' test of lutt's Pills, PILLS TIJTT'M ami tile thousand* of testimonials PILLS TUTT'S Riven of their efficacy. warrant me PILLS TUTT'S*" .aytnjr that they will positively p ]LL g tp itn r,,r> «'l diseases that re«ult from * I>II I diseased liver. They ar« not rec- ~I T» n omniemlod for all the Ills that afflict 'J*';*® I2H 2 liMMWMIty. but fur Dysj.epiU, Jauu- PIIM TUT 1 8 dice, ConHttpatlon, Piles, Bkm I»l§- PILLS TUTT'S eases, Hlllouh I'ollc, Kheunmtlxin, PILLS TUTT'S Palpitation of the Heart, Kidney PILLS TUTT'S Affections, Female Complaints, Ac,, piLLS ■r ITTT'Q 11,1 °f which result from aderanr* l - M» * A snTT'« n, eiitof the Liver, no medicine has LJffS £evrr proven so sticeees/Ul a !>K. £Arr2 TUTT'S TUTT'S VEGETABLE LIVEItPH-LS TUTT'S IMLI.S. PILLS TUTT'S PII.LS Tt'TT'H i TITTT'* PI 1.1.N : PILLS TUTT'S . : CUItK SIC'K HEADACHE. • I'ILI.S TUTT'S PILLS TUTT'S i PILLS TUTT'S i TUTT'S 1M1.1.N : PILLS TUTT'S • REQUIRK NO CHANGE OF ! PILLS TUTT'S | DIET. j PILLS TUTT'S ! I PILLS TUTT'S • - - —PILLS TUTT'S ! TPTTH 1*11,1,* ' PILLS TUTT'S iARE Pl'llKLY VKUKTABLE. • PILI-S TUTT'S • .". : PILLS TUTT'S i - | PILLS TUTT'S • Trrrs P11.1.S ; PILLS TUTT'S ; KEVi.ll tiilll'S OB NAUSE- ! PILLS TUTT'S : ATE. i PILLS TUTT'S .... j PILLS TUTT'S - - - : PILLS TUTT'S I Til* DEMAND FOR TUTT'S: PILLS TUTT'S -PILLS U not confined to till.: PII/LS TUTT'S jTOmitry, bnt extvwla to til pull • PILLS TUTT'S loftho world. : PILLS TUTT'S I I PILLS TUTT'S PILLS TUTT S i A CI*HARI!KAD,«UitIo limbo, I PILLS TUTT'S jffood dlgmtion, sound ■ I -r [t PILLS TUTT'S ibuoynnt aplrtta, duo appatltr, j PII.LS TUTT'S !ara ■omft of tba re*ult. of the- PILI.S TUTT'S iuaeof TUTT'S TILLS. | PILLS TUTT'B • PILI.S TUTT'S i - -—I PILLS TUTT'S : AS A FAMILY MEDICINE : PILLS TUTT'S ! TUTT'S PILM ARB THR: PILLS TUTT'S i lIEST—PKUFKCTLY 11AEU- : PILLS TUTT'S ■ LESS, : PILLB TUTT'S : ! PILLS TUTT'S : - - PILLS TUTT'S i POLO KTKHYWHKKK. i PILLS TUTT S : PltlCß, TWENTY-FIVE CT9. t PILLS TUTT'S I : PILLS TUTT'S i— - - - ! PILLS TUTT'S : PRINCIPALOrFU'R i PILLS TUTT'S i 18 HURRAY STREET, j PILLS TUTTS • MEW VORK. • PILLS TUTT'S PILLS DR. TUTT'S EXPECTORANT. This unrivaled preparation haa per formed some of the most astonishing cures that arc recorded in the annals of history. Patients tuffcrinx for years from the various diseases of the Lungs, alter tr_vlng different remedies, spending thou sands of dollars In traveling and doctor ing, have, by the use of a few bottles. entirely recovered their health. , "WONT 80 TO FLORIDA." «... Ksw York, Adjust SO. 1872. DR. TUTTI Ds*r 81*Whsn in Aifcen, last winter. I usod your ■xpectorant for my oough. and realised moro benefit from It than anything I ever took. Xam so wsll thst I will not fo to Florida nsxt winter as X intended Send ma one dosen bottles, by expreaa. for aom) friend*. ALFRED CUBHINO, 188 Wsst Thirty-flrat Street. Boston, January 11,1874. This eartlfles that X htvs reoommended the uie of Dr. Tutt's Cxpeotornnt for diseases of the lunna for the past two yeara, and to my knowlsdge mnn? bottles have been used fay my patients with ths hap piest reeults. In two oaaea where It waa thought eon. Armed eonanmptloa had token plaoe the Bxpeotorant effected a euro. " R. H. 9PBAGUE, M.D. - We ean not apeak too highly of Dr. Tutt's €*- psotorantf and for the aake of suffering humumtj hope It may become more conernUy known."-I'IIUU IMI AnVOCATK. \ bold by UrugKUUa Pilrs iI.OU YOU can del GRASS mid CLOVKIt SKIiD, also G'LIIAM'S FKRTILI7.BR »nd FBESH GARDEN SEEDS at FKITKU, & SONS'. WR WANT, ANO WILL, PAY CASH FOB— -500 Bushels CORN. 5,000 Lbs. good l>ry HIDES, and 50,000 «• LEAF TOBACCO, ttrins u » " »nmple of your TOBACCO. We will huv by sani|il* PEPPER k SONB. FOB SALE. —AII the Fixtures of a Haali SA W-MILL. Tin; Saw and all the Irons and much of the work is an pood as new. For particulars inquire at PEl'i'GK j- SUNS' Store. SEND 25c. to G. P. KOWELL icO.New Vork, lor Pamphlet of 100 pages, con taining lists of 3,000 newspapers, aud es mates showing cost of advertising. ELHART, Hlizt »., mporters and Wholesale Dealers In NOTIONS, HOSIERY; GLOVES; WHITE AND FANCY GOODS No. 5 Hanover street; Baltimore, Md. nol -ty W. A. TUCKKR, H. C. SMITH 8. B. BPRAOINB. TUCKER, SMITH & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS; SHOES; HATS AND CAPS. 250 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. 01-ly. HURRAH FOR THE NEW RAILROAD ** l- AND JOYCE'S POPULAR "la union there is strength!" Headquarters for business! Legal advice, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, anl BLACK" SMITHING combined! Ba sire to call. We can assure JOB hia aasortment, low prices and quality of GOODS cannot be surpassed in the county. Danbury, November 20, 1876. THE GREENSBORO DISTRICT Conference School, AT KERNERSVILLE, N. C, WILL bet/in the next term of 20 tceeh January 15, 1877. Andy/or circular to REV. S. R. TRAWIOK, A. M., Jl/in. 11, 1877-6t. Principal. J. & P. COATS' THREAD. Wholesale Frioe Reduced to OS Cents per Dozen. A LARGE SUPPLY JUST RE cuivgd, embracing all shades sad colors. Merchant* will please send in their order* to PATTERSON & CO. SWfrm, AT C., Jan. 18,1877.-2 m. B. F. KING WITH JOIIKSW, BUTTO.V It CO., DRY GOODS. N'o*. 326 and 328 Baltimore street; N. K. cor ner Howard, BALTIMORE MP. T W. JOHNSON, R. M. SUTTON, J K 11. CRAUUK, O. J. JOHNSON nol-ly. FARRIOR &~CO , MANFFJini'BIKfi fOKFECI IONEFS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. Fruit*, NuU, Cip»r*, and Kancjr Groceries. WHOLKSALB. 4 Light itreet, Haiti more, Md. Order* solicited, and particular atten tion given siime. Oct 19—5ra (th KTO S2O per d*y at home Samples ZlpO worth sl, free Stissos * Co., Port laud Maine. iff* 1 O A DAY AT HOME. AReuts want -1/W id. Outfit and term* free. TRUE & Co., Augusta, Maine. 181!) 1877 Til K AMERICAN FARMER. llie i'ionrrr of Amrrleu Para Journal*. 801,rn, RBUAM.E, PRO OR ESSf VE. Carrfullff edited uud having Uu aid *f * large iiuurficr tf correspondent* cmmejU m their respective department* of farm industry, it will, in the coming volume, under the same control a§ Jor nearly a third of a century continue Jevottd to the cause of ayncaJlural improvement. Subscription 81 50 a year. To Club» of five or more, 81 only each. Any periun tnuiing ten or more namti til $1 each will receive one extra coyy Fro 6. j All postage prepaid hy us. Address SAMUEL SANDS & SOX, Puhli-hers American Parmer, No. 9 North Street, Baltimore, Md, Or, the American farmer and tho Daniii/UV Repoktick will be clubbed together and sent to any address, for 93. | ROOFING! - FOR STEEP OR FLAT ROOFS. Quality Improved. Price Reduced. IN HULLS UKAUT »OE AfPLICATION. Can be applied by ordinary workmen. Twen ty year*' nxperience enables us to manufacture the most durable Ready Roo6ng known. Samples and Circular* mailed frM. READY ROOFING CO. OF If. T„ 04 CvurUand St, [ 18-ly NEW YORK. BEHJAMIN RUSSELL, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in Boots and Nlioew, Not lt> $ If South Howard street, (New Building,) BALTIMORE, MD. | S. A. Williamso* a» N. C. norl9 1201 GOD BLESS j OCR HOME, is the name of the most elegant '• French Oil Motto Chromo crer issued. The i motto U surrounded by one of the most ex quisite and richly colored wreaths ol beauti ful flowers on dark background, aod is per fect in all its details. It is 11 x 15. Wa send this motto chromo and the BOSTON WBKLKY GLOBE, a large eight-page fami ly, story aud newspaper, with agricultural, cbess, puzzle, household, and all popular de partments, * months for only Sixty cent*.— Chromo and paper mouths for sl. A beau tiful holida) gift. A genu wanted. Address, WEEKLY GLOBE, 238 Washington Street, Uotton, Man. i. r. tuau*. o. c. roi/roN, t. r. buaixobacuk CABLIN & FULTON. importers of HARD WARR, CUTLERY, ODVS, #c., fo.. No. 20 Bouth Howard street, BALTIMORE. Special at'.eulion given to orders. 11. H. Mautindalb, ol N. C., WM. J. C. DULANY * CO., Rooksellerg, Stationers, l*riateri« a ad Book Sliders, 332 W. Baltimore street, near Howard. BALTIMORE. EDWARD P. IIAUBIB, with WILLIAM DEVRIEB & CO , importers and jobbers of foreign aud dontastii DRY GOODS A\l) KOTIOM, 312 West Baltimore street, between Howard and Liberty, BALTIMORE, MD. WILLIAM DBVHIKH, WILLIAM R. DIVKttS, HUI«riAI« DIVKIKS Of 1., SOLOMON KtMMKLL. MONEY! WE pay cash for old Bounty [.and War rants. They are scattered all over tb« South. Send them, by registered letter, to GILMORE & CO.. 629 F. Street, Washington, D. C. Peoples' Saring Bank. \ Washington, l>. C., Nov. 20, 1870. J Knowing well Messrs. >II.MORE k (XX, f take pleasure in recommending them as rrlia | ble and trust worthy agents and attorners. | W. L. V ANDESLIP, Uaatlier. THE ~ .. e , ■ i. ' Danbnrv Reporter, ' A Fftinily Journal, DEVOTED TO NEWS, POLITICS, AND ALL MATTERS OF LOCAL AND GENERAL INTEREST. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, IN DANBI'RV, N. C., AT per Annum. Democratic In poliiics, bnt with no prlrat* j purposes to »eiTe, THE REPORTER will en | denvor to represent facts and circumstance* as ! they are, without favor to party friends *r | injustice toward political opponent*. THE REPORTER is intendd to suit the | wants of every intelligent and reading family iu Western North Carolina, and to asaiet in | the speedy developmeut of the rivb reuourcag | of our section. ■ I JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS RE3PECI FULLY 80LICITKD. ! PEPPER & SONS, Prnprirt *»,