VOLUME IV. TIIE REPORTER. rUBI.ISH ED WEEKI.Y AT * DAN N . C . M O SES I. STEWA It T, Editor. PEPPER A SONS. Proprietor*. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, payable in advance, $2 0 Six Months, - - - 100 RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square (ten lines or less) 1 time, $1 00 For each additional insertion, - 50 Contracts for longer time or more space can be made in proportion to the above rates. Transient advertisers, will be expected to remit according to these rates at the time they aend their favors. Local Notices will be charged 50 per cert, higher than above ra'es. Business Oards will be insertod at Ten Dol lars per annum. O. F. DAY, ALBERT JONES. DAY & JONES, Manufacturers ot SADDLERY, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, (J-0. No. 336 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. nol-ly W. A. TUCK Kit, H. O. SMITH 8. B. BPRAGINB. TUCKKR, SMITH & CO., Manufact»rersand Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS; SHOES; HATS AND CAPS. 250 Baltimore street Baltimore, Md. jtol-ly. M.S. ROBERTSON, WITH Watkins Cottrell, Importers and Jobbers ot HARDWARE, CUTLERY, (jr., SADDLERY GOODS, BOLTING CLOTH, GUM PACKING AND BELTING, *307 Main Streot, Richmond, Va E. M. WILSON, Of N.C., WITH R. U. POWERS & f0„ WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in Pnints, Oils, Dyes, Varnishes, Freuch Window Glass Ac., Ho. >306 Main St., Richmond, Va. Propria art Aromatic Peruvian Bitters 4" Com pound Syrup Tolu and Wild Cherry. B. F. KINO. WITH JOHXSON, BUTTOX & (JO., DRY GOODS. Nos. 320 and 328 Baltimore street; N. E. cor ner Howard, BALTIMORE MD. T W JOHNSON, R. M. SUTTON, J. K. R. CRABBE, Q J.JOHNSON, nol-ly. J. U. RANDOLPH & ENGI IS BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURERS. 1318 Main rtreet, Richmond. A Large Stock of LA W BOOKS always on HO I -6m hand. R. J & R. E. BEST, WITH HENRY SOSiNBBORN & CO., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. 20 Hanover Street, (between German and Lombard Streets,) BALTIMORE, MD. 80NNEBON, D. BUMUNE. 47-ly ELIIIRT, H ITZ & ro., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in OTIONS, HOSIERY; GLOVES; WHITE AND PANCY GOODS No. 5 Hanover street; Baltimore, Md. 46 ly To Inventors aud Mechanics. PATENTS and bow to obtain them. Pamphlets of 60 pages free, upon receipt of Stamps for Postage. Address GILMORE, SMITH & Co., Solicitors of Patents, Box 31, Washington, D. C H. H. MARTINDALE, WITH WM. J. C. DULANY & CO. JUatfoners' and Booksellers' Ware house. SCHOOL BOOKS A SPECIALTY. Stationery of all kinds. Wrapping Paper, Twines, Bonnet Bonrds, Paper Blinds. 332 W. BALTIMORKST., BALTIMORE, MD. B. B. OLINN, F. W. QLIHN, panbury, N. C. Reidsville, N. C GLENN & GLENN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Danbury and Reidsvillo, N. O. * "\TSriLL PRACTICE in the counties of TT Stokes, Rockingham, Guilford, Cas well and Forsythe. Business promptly at tended to. Collections a specialty. February 4th, 1878. tf. /NO. W. HOLLAND, WITH T. A. BRYAN k CO., Manufacturers of FRENCH and AMERICAN CANDIES, in every variety, and wholesale dealers in FRUITS, NUTS, CANNED GOODS, CI GARS, «tc. 339 and 341 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Orders from Merchants solicited. "SSv WILLIAM nivalin, WILLIAM B. DKVHIKS, CHRISTIAN DBVRIKH, Of S., SOLOMON KIMMKLL. WILLIAM DEVRIES & CO., . Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Donestic Dry Goods and IVotious, 312 West Baltimore Street,(between Howard and Liberty,) BALTIUOKE. This paper will be forwarded to any ad dress for one year on receipt of 1 Dollar and Fifty Cents In advance. A SPAA/S/f BALLAD. DURING THE CONQUEST OF ORANAPA. Warriors brave and lovers dear l.islen to the words I sine, Prudence wbisperinß in your enr, Breathees in echoes from the string. Silently vile traitors move, Vengeance seeks a warrior brave, Hearken to this lay of love. Glory tails beneath the glaive. Stranger ! List this humble note Treason spreads its meshes near, Speedily may warnings float Zephyrs waft them to my car. Predictions About 1880 In a pamphlet recently published by the author, Professor Grimmer asserts : "From 1880 to IPB7 will be ono universal carnival of death." Asia will be depopulated, Eu rope nearly so, America will lose fifteen mil lion people, Besides plagues, we nre to have storms and tidal waves, mountains are to "toss their heads through the choicest val leys," navigators will be lost by thousands owing to the "capricious deflexnres of the magnetic needle," and islands will appear and disappear iu mid-occnn. All the beasts, birds and fishes will be diseased ; famine and human strife will destroy most of the few human beings teft alive by plague ; and final ly, "two years of fire"—from 1885 to '.887 will rage with fury in every part of the globe. In 1887, the "Star of Bethlehem" will "reappear in Cassiopeia's Chair," the immediate results being universal war and protentious floods and shipwrecks. North America is again to be invovlved in civil war unless a "Napoleon arises to quell it ; but during these terrible days the Pacific States will be a veritable Paradise of Peace com pared to tbe hellish 6trife that will be waging throughout the world." The few people that may manage to survive till 1887 will have reason to be thankful. Ex-Gov. Win. Allen, of Ohio, in dead. Charleston had fifteen deatfm from heat last Saturday was a week. New York imported $1,043,326 worth of wool within the past sis worths. There were twenty-four prostrations from heat iu St. Louis on the 11th. Weston, the walker, has walked with in the past twelve years 53,000 miles. Cos, -the negro murderer, of Mrs Hull, in New York, is now playing in sane. A number of Southern and Western towns have established a quarantine against Memphis. Judge Ray died of yellow fever, in Memphis, on the 13th, aud was buried almost immediately Edison needs platinum to operate his electric light and offers £20,000 for the discovery of a mine of that metal. A wealthy old lady died in Missis sippi week before last and willed her estate, a large one to Jefferson Davis. A young lady in Washington wants 020,000 from Senator Gordon's son, of Georgia, for breach of promise and betrayal. The National Hoard of Health has issued an order urging upon all cities, towns and sanitary organic itions to secure the best possible sanitary condi tion of the plaees and people under their ebarge. The papers are begtnning to bting out tbe names of aspirants for the Governorship. Thus tar about a dozen have been mentioned, and the list is not full by half. A first rate way to slaughter men iB to bring them before the publio so far ahead oi time and get their friends to fighting over them.— Oreensboro Patriot. The body of the dead Prince Napo leon, which was embalmed and brought back from Africa, was buried at Cbisel burst, Eogland, where the Empress, his mother, resides, on the 12th inst. The funeral was a grand affair besides tbe royal family and leading nobility of England who were present as mourners there were representatives from nearly all tbe goyernments of Europe. The Dank of Eogland oovers five acres of gound, and employs nine hun dred clerks There are no windoiffc on the street Light is admitted through open oourts; no mob could take tbe bank, therefore, without cannon to bat ter down tbe immense walls. The olook in the centre of the bank has fifty dials attached to it. Lirge cisterns are sunk in the conrt, and engines, in perfect order, are always in readiness in case of fire This bank was incorporated in 1694 Capital—s9o,ooo,ooo. We havo before us four silver ooins, a dollar, two half dollars and a dime, all of whioh have boles pierced through them. It is not, perhaps, generally known that for any person to subtract a portion of the silver or gold from a ooin of the United States so as to make it of less weight or value than it ought to be pursuant to law is a statuable offense, whioh is punishable by imprisonment for not more than two years, and by a fine of not more than 82.000. It is a mean thing to mutilate the coins of the coun try, even apart from tbe purpose of effecting a little gain thereby, as it destroys the beauty of their artistio ap pearance Baltimore Snn. DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1879. Sinecures, Shams aud Idlers, During the last two Congresses the Republican majority in the Senate was an obstacle to every reform and to every bill of retrenchuie.nt proposed by the House of Representatives. All reduc tions in public expenditures had to be extorted from a reluctant party, and were obtained only by the force ol pub lic opinion, added to the determination of the popular branch to cut off the most onnspicuous abut.es, or to let the appropriations fail and thus make up the issue fur the oountry. Ihis- alter native forced the Senate to concessions that otherwise would not have been made. While this antagonism existed, no systematic plan of economy based on a searching investigation into every part of the public service was at all practi cable Consequently much remains to be done in this direction, and the re sponsibility oi failure rests with tbe Democrats ; now in a majority in both Houses. Tbe spirit manifested in tbe Forty-fourth Congress, when they first got a foot-bold, has very much cooled since that time, and the cry of "Reform and Retrenchment!" no longer resounds with the volume that it had four years ago. Possession of power-seems to di minish the zeal of leaders who shouted themselves hoarse in 1874, when de manding a check on Republican corrup tion and extravagance. Toward the close of the late session, Mr. Beck proposed the appointment of a joint committee to examine and report what changes ought to be made in the mode /.if guardiug and collecting the revenue from customs or internal taxa tion, and in tbe management of the various departments and bureaus of the Government with a view to efficiency and economy in tbe service ; also, wheth er changes from permanent to annual appropriations would be advantageous to the treasury. Unfortunately, this resolution was not passed for want of time, while a dozer, others of far les9 importance and intend ed mostly for junketing excursions were rushed through without much opposi tion. The publio interest usually is obliged to march in the rear of personal pleasure and convenience, no matter which party happens to hold cou&oi of legislation. It is believed that from twenly to tweuty-five per cent, of tho aggregate cost of the civil service might be out off without impairing its iffioiency Certainly this is true to the fullest ex tent of all the departments at Washing ton, which are weighed down with idlers> sinacures and sham*. In the customs branch one fifth of the offices do not pay expenses. Collectors, appraisers, inspectors, and the like, are kept up for political roasons alone. Four independent organizations oper ate along the ooaßts ; namely, the Coast Survey, the Lighthouse Board, the Revenue Marine, and the Life-Saving Service. They would be far more suf ficient under one head, and might be managed with half the present expense But they want to be separato and dis tinct from each other in order to per petuate the bureaucratio system and to multiply offices with big salaries What is true of the Custom Houses is also true in another form of the internal revenue service. During the last two years some two hundred and fifty new distilleries have been licensed or opened. Many of them are too small to pay tbe salaries of the storekeepers and gangers employed to watch them. When they ■top running for four or five months, the offioials are paid to watob a few barrels of whiskey, wbiob, in many instances, if sold, would not pay tbe day wages of a single watohman. It would be easy to bring together tbe stocks of these small producers, and tbus afford greator secu rity to them, while the ooet to the Treasury would be largely diminished. The practioe of permanent appropria tions, which in their nature are indefi nite, ought to be at onoe abolished, with the single exception of the interest on the publio debt, about whioh there can to no discretion exercised. Under thia system the Secretary of tbe Treasury regulates the custuuis service without any supervision of Congress, and mil lions are expended in other departments, wholly unknown to tbo public, and in deed to Congress itself. Take a few '(lustrations to show the working of the f Jtstem : Between 1870 and 1878**tlie annual i ppropriations for tbe War Department nent appropriations, not seen or heard of except by the initiated, summed up $56,000,000. The annual appropria tions for the customs Bervice in the Bame period amounted to $02,000,000, while the permanent appropriations reached 0104 000,000 lu these eight years the miscellaneous annual appropriations vo ted were 8265,000,000, aud the perma nei t appropriations 856,000,000. Here is a total of two huudred aud sixteen in round numbers, nnder t'ltee ijt »uo p'iblio service, lor perma nent appropriations in eight years, not a dollar of which passed review or ciiti ciatu in Congress! This laxity, when fairly considered, is astounding. Millions have been squandered and stolen through the op portanities which are thus afforded by * discretion that is mostly exercised by subotdinates. It is easy to understand, from this general statement, that many millions might be saved every year with a strict administration of tbe public ser vice, while other millions could be added to that large possible economy by a re duction of the army to the wants of the oountry. This is part of the work laid out for the majority at the next regular session in December.— N. V Sun. Tho Oreat Railroad Schcmo. We have never known our State cx changes to have so much to say about home improvements. A new energy has been brought to bear, and new interest bas been excited in bebah' of internal im provements. This promises well. When an enlightened press unite in behalf of any movement, specially of one that promises beneficent results, a great im petus must be giveu and important endi attaincd. It is only within a year that onr peo p!° bepsn ,0 awake from a long sleep in regard to building new lines of travel and opening up new highways of com merce. Since then many writers and speakers have been hammering away and with encouraging results. The people of Wilmington aud this section of North Carolina are really much ooncerned in the completion of tbe great railroad scheme that begins op among the Blue Ridge Mountains, and running through the Yadkin Valley ends at Wilmington or Bald Head. The peo ple of the mountains desire and demand an cutlet to the Bea. The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad, with its extension to Mt. Airy and the regions beyond, will give tbeni the needed outlet! It will, when finished, prove a great blessing and convenience to them, and be a source of profit and commercial ad vantage to Wilmington aud Fayetteville The completion of that road is unques tionably of great importance, aud par ticularly to this commercial entrepot Tbe road, as we have before had occasion to say, more than once, will rnn through a rich and beautiful country. The teeming productions of the mountain oountry will be emptied into our lap A new incentive will be given to the people of that great section, and pro duction will be stimulated in a wonder ful degree. The line fiom Wilmington or Smitbville, to the Western terminus will be over three hundred miles. The road will pass through seciious rich in soil, in minerals, in forests, and in pro ductions ot various kinds. The people of tbe Fast and the West will be drawn closer together and learn more of eaoh other. There will be constant communi cation. Peace and goodwill will prevail; each section will be tributary to the other's prosperity, and a better and brighter time will be in store for all. Sucb appears to be tbo outlook. We can but hope that tbe road will be speedily built, and that the hopes of may be fully realised. The people of Wil mington—its business men specially, should be forward in encouraging it in every possible way this grand and attrac tive scheme. It is for them to say in what practical way their approval of the new and importaut route shall bo ex pressed. Tbe main point is that there shall be hearty approval, and that this approval shall be immediate aud practi cal.— Wilmington Star. Dry buokwheat draws grease out of any woolen stuff. A Stand for State Rights Boston heard some sound word? on the 4th of July touching the great question as to which Mr. Garfield has BO rashly committed the Republican party ro a po j eition fatally inoowisteut alike with the best memories and the best hopes of tbe American people. A young Boston speaker already well known ihrongh his serious and independent studies in our history, Mr. Henry Cabot Lodge, spoke some certain truths to the listening ear of Boston such ns ficst n has not listened to for many • day past. Nothing could be wore accurate ot more fearless than Mr Lodge's presentation of the truu origin and weaning and importance of the mneh misrepresented doctrine ol State Rights, nothing more outspoken and in»nly l!'sn his denunciation of the ri°chicf done by the war to the popular appreciation of the part played by the doctrine of State Rights in tbe develop ment *f our liberties Congress has uuhed lor words like these which we now quote from some Northern legislator speaking ns one having authority : "Foreign critics have sometimes found fan't with our excessive revcrenoe for the Constitution. We do well to vener ale that which has made us a nation. But let UB beware of mere lip-service and take care that in practice we submit to .md observe it. We are too ready to inftinge both the letter and the spirit of the Constitution in the excitement of party contests Nothing can be more futal, for within its sacred limits lies tbe well being of our political system. "Within those limits, too, lies the de feated principle in the great conflict be tween nationality and separatism. In the last decisive struggle the rights of Slates were sorely wounded It could not have been otherwise when their most zealous advocatos used them as the sword and shield of slavery and dashed them against the strong rock of national ex igence. The injury then suffered by the rights of States is the gravest result of thft war, simply from its effects upon our minds and habits of thought We lnvc been insensibly led to regard a vio lation of State rights with indiffnrenoe, ii not with approval. The principle of States' rights is ar vital ond essential as the national priuciple itaeif. If the for mer, carried to extremes, means anarchy, the latter, carried to like extremes, means centralization and despotism. So long ns we have the strong barrier of the States we arc safe from usurpation and plebiscites. Here in the North States' rights have naturally bccomo words of evil significance and are even used to re vile political opponents. This is not only bad in itself, but it involves an amount of historical hypocrisy whioh is intolerably. The most moagrc outline of our history suffices to show unmistakably that the separatist principle has existed everywhere and has at some time burst forth everywhere into dangerous activity. If this teaohes nothing else, it should at least enforce the wholesome doctrines of consistency and charity. "That separatism should have existed everywhere was not only natural but in evitable. The government of each State was old, familiar and beloved when the Union was formed. The State repre sented the past With its existence were eni wined all the memories aud traditions which carried men back to the toils and sufferings of their hardy ancestors who had made homes in the wilderness that their ohildren might be free and receive a continent for their inheritance. The hearts of men were bound up in their States. The Federal Governmental first appealed only to their reason or their in terest. To thoir States they turned ss the objeots of their first allegimce This sentiment know neither North nor South, East nor W(*t Nothing is moro false than to associate the doctrine of States' rights with any particular part of the country, or exclusively with those States which last invoked its aid. Nothing is plainer than that the States and the party in power have always been strongly national, while the minority, call it by what party name you will, bas as steadily gruvituted toward States', rights There bas never been a inouicnt of peculiar stress aud bitterness when the truth of this has not been brought home with sharp distinctness." Never be augry with a man who threatens to blow your brains out. H flatters you NUMBER 7. After the Eevival. There is a Bible in England bound ia solid geld Its pages are the finest paroh tuent, its margins are illuminated with rare and curious workmanship. It ia a costly relic, the property of the British Sovereign, kept under look and key, and guarded with untiring c-»re. Yet, after all, it is only a dead thing, penned by the band of souie old monk, painted by the fingor of somo oloister nun. There it lies entombed in its grave of glass; in ! itself it has no life, neither can it give life to others It is not for a moment to be compared with the humblest Chris tian who lives or lodges in some lowly cottage, and who is not a dead but a living Bible. Pearls of the East, dia monds of the sea, are on tfce Wards of that Bile; what are these to the orna ments of a meek and quiet spirit T What is that dead parchment to a death less soul and a heart instinct with life ? What that ink fading and rusting be neath the eye of time to the blood in which the spirit dips his finger and writes living truth upon a liviug soul T Anybody could write a Hibl«. With a feather plucked from a sea-bird's wing I could write the Bible on a paper page. With iron forged in the fire I could trace the Bible on the rugged rock. But ah ! to write living truth upon a living heart, that is the work of the Holy Spirit. It is only the spirit that can write on spirit. It is only the God who created that can convert the * >ul xV Y. Observer. A Saint in a Cave. Vernet, the -grandfather of the iate famous French painter of the same name, relates that he was once employed to paint a landscape with a cave and Samt Jerome in it. lie accordingly painted a landscape with St. Jerome at the ent rance of the cave. When he delivered the pioture, the purchaser, who under stood nothing of perspective, said ; "The landscape and the cave are well made; but the saint is not in the cave." "I understand you, sir," replied Vernet. ''l will alter it." He therefore took tl.fl painting, and made the shade darker, *o that the saint seemed to sit further ia. The purchaser took the painting; but it again appeared to him that the figure was Dot in the c.ve. Vernet then ob literated the figure, and gave it to the purchaser, who now at last seemed per fectly satisfied. Whenever he showed the pioture to strangers he said ; ''Here you have a pioture by Vernet, with St. Jerotue in the cave." "But we cannot see the saint," the wsitors would reply. '•Excuse me, gentlemen," the possessor would answer; "he is there; for I have seen him standing at the entrance, and afterward further back, and am therefore quite sure that ho is in it!"— CfiamLert Journal. It is a matter of relief to know that but few elections will take plaoe this year. Kentucky elects a Governor and Legislature on August the 4th. Cali fornia, on the 3rd of September, elects all officers from the Governor down, in cluding a Legislature. This body will elect the successor of Senator Booth Maine follows on the 9th of September electing a Governor and Logiblaturo. The Ohio contest will culminate on the 14th of October, when will be eleoted a Governor and Legislature— the latter to choose a Senator to fill Mr. Thurman's seat. Then comes the November eleo. tions, when Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Virginia, New Jersey, New York and Wisconsin eleot a variety of officers in that month. RAPID RAILROAD WOHK.—ST. LOUIS, June 28 —The preparations for ohanging the gaugo of the St. Louis,. Iron Mean> tain and Southern railway, which have been in progress for the past two months, culminated last night, and at daybreak this morning over three thousand men oomuienoed the work of shifting the rails, and long before night the entire line, extending from St. Louis to Texar kana, nearly seven hundred miles, had beon changed from five feet to the standard gauge of lour I'eot eight and a half inches. Uucle Jumbo was caught with a sto len chicken hid in bis hat, and when asked bow it came there he replied, "Fore de Lord, boss, dat fowl mutt 'a ; crawled up my breeches leg."