THE REPORTER. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1879. Local Nfws. Chow Jackson's Best Sweet Navy To baooo. Miss Bcttie Pitzer is visiting friends in Danbury. Doyle is a gone ease for sure. 'Rah for Doyle ! Wondor if that male reached Mr. M's on tho sth ? A Good Templars' Lodge will be organized in this place to-night. Rev. T. 11. Pegram will hold services in this place next Sabbath. Rev. C. I'epper delivered an excellent tem perance lecture in the Court llouso ou Tues day evening. Wo will stake Doyle against anything in tho world, if anything should occur 'Rah for Doylo ! Woudcr if the miller, Iv., down the way has quit going to soo his belle be tween turns? Guess he has. We have had rain in abundance du ring tho past week, our farmers are re joicing and crops growing off finely. Have you heard the "boom" at Pro per & Sons' store ? If not go and see what booming low prices they aro selling goods at. Why will some people engage in con versation during church services? It pießcnts a sad commentary, let it come from whomcsoever it may. Wonder who that young man from Winston was, who was picked up on the hill Bide near Piedmont a few evenings eiuoe with his tights still on, from tho previous day's performance ? FOUND AT LAST— The whole trading population of this section have found out at last that Brown & Vaughn's is the place to buy their Hardwaro, at low pr ces. Store in Tisc blook, Winston, N C. The white population of Salem num bers 1,000 ; colored 135. Total 1,135. Estimated population of Winston, white and colored, 2,700, making a grand to t»l in both towns of 3 835 A close census of Winston would probably swell tho number to 1,000. — I'ress. RELIGIOUS.— Rev Clarendon Pepper, of Lilesville, N C., delivered a very impressive ser mon in this place, on last Sunday morn ing The discourse was full of many beautiful passages and strong sentences, interwoven witi> choice quotations and scriptural allusions. Just Rocoivod ! At the Salem Agricultural Woiks, another Jot of the celebrated Cardwell Threshers and Cleaners, also a lot of Horse Powers and Ci der Mills, of various kinds on hand, which aro offered at prices and ou teruiß to suit the times. Call early and make a selection at Tng SALEM AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Salem, N. C. Whon times arc dull people read the papers very closely. They watch the advertising columns to see what manu facturers and dealers offer the greatest variety of goods and tho lowest rates. They havo got time to read and reflect. They see who are laying in good stooks of goods and are providing for the rush of trade that the hill will bring. They are learning where to go, and they will go there. An item is as good as a col umn to a man who is anxious to see. Wo have received from Mr W. F. Campbell, the Assessor of Peter's Creek township, tho following table of taxes for the year 1879 : 25,798 acres of land, valued at $62,- 580 ; 134 horses, valued $5,113; 126} mules, valued at 86,585; 1 jaok, valued #lO ; 794 cattle, valued at 85,319; 1,- 746 hogs, valued $1,883; 538 sheep, valued at 8538 ; household and farming utensils and produce, valued at 86,688; money, 82,773 ; solvent crodits, $3,830 ; all other personal property, $4,979 ; poll, white 186, black 28 Total valuation, $100,318. A MOMENT AT PIEPMONT. — On last Friday we paid a hasty visit to Piedmont Springs, where wo were oordially greeted by Capt. Taylor, the clever and highly esteemed manager. We had not been on tho scene long e'er tbo Capt. invited his guests to the commodious parlor whero the instru mentalists were "sawing" off voluptuous awells of music. The music ended, the "long roll ' summoned all to the dining room where a sumptuous aud palatable pieal was in waiting. Wo four.d a very respcctablo oompany patronizing these popular Springs, and the number will be handsomely increased this week. All who oomo may rest as sured that they will be well fed and re coivs every possible attention that will tend to make their stay pleasant. Supper over—our moment up—wo aboard the swift-wheeled coeveyanoa and aro toon on the streets of Danbury. J. W. Thomas, Esq , of Tbomasvillo, has purohased the lands of W. 11. Reid, some 5 miles of this place, on Snow Creek, whero ho intends to engage in fnrming, stock-raising and the lumber business, at an early day. The REPOR TER extends a hearty weloomo to Mr. T. with tho hope that others will soon fol low. The world is beginning to see what Stokes is, and with a railroad she will receive a note of praise from Choro koc to Currituck. Harris Hairston, 001., was arrested near Buffalo Church, in Snow Creek township, on last Monday, for having wantonly approached the house of Wm. S. Hampton, and finding Mr. H. absent he prooeeded to make advanoes on Mrs. [I., and threatened to Bhoot her if she did not acquies to his demands, thereby frightening the lady so much that sho is at present dangerously prostrate. Hairston now bathes his weary soul in the sea of meditation within our jail. Tho New American Sewing Machine is fast becoming the most popular ma ehino of the age, owing to the many good points which they possess; a few of which are the self setting needle, self thre diDg nhnT'M%ti>l stop motion by which tho bobbin cSu be wound without removing the strap from tho balance wheel, unthreading tho machine, or dis. turbing the work. It is light running, simple, durable and neat in its construc tion, and by far tho best sewing machine in tho world. "MY GRANDMOTHER'S CHURN."— Tho above is title of a new and sup erb song and chorus, published by R VV. Carroll & Co, in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is a song that should take the place of the worn-out "Grandfather's Clock." The poetry and music combine in a high degree, simplicity, beauty anil sweetness, and will reach the popular heart. The solo has a captivating vein of tenderness running through it, while tho rousing chorus is a fine representation of the work the dear "Grandmother's Churn" used to do. No 000 should fail to get a copy of this striking beautiful compo sition. Price 30 cts. For sale by all music dealers, cr by the publisher. ACCIDENT. — Mr. D. W. Dodd, of this county, while on his way to this place last Tues day, and while driving rapidly down a hill, several utiles distant, one wheel of his conveyance ran over a stone and threw him forward upon his horse's back from whence ho slipped to a perilous position between the shafts aud the ani mat's hind legs. He miraculously sue eecded in extricating himself from this posture only to be caught beneath the wheels. Tho animal continued to move on until he arrived at Piedmont Springs where he was arrested, and a party re traced the route until they met Mr. D He was escorted to Piedmont, and after haviug rested a few hours, concluded to return home but found himself unable After another brief rest he succeeded in getting off Some fear is apprehcuded that Mr Dodd has been seriousiy injured. QUAKER GAP Stokes CO, N. C,) Aug. 4th, 1879. J EDITOR OF THE REPORTER : The strong hand of death is still making its sway in this neighborhood ; but as we are all born to die we should not bo surprised at death's appro ich : Mrs. Milly Boyles, wife of Mr. Hen ry Boyles, died the 2d of August, of typhoid fever, leaving her dear compan ion and two of her beloved children, not only to uiourn the loss of a compan ion and moAer, but confined to the bed of afHiction Some of Mr. Boyle's fam ily have been sick for a month proyious to the death of Mrs 8., and since that time they have all, except one little girl, been seized by the mighty hand of dis ease. Now, in the bereavements of this aiok family, may they be cheered by the quick approach of that health which they once sustained, is our fervent prayer. Mrs Susan Young, of this neighbor hood, is lying at jho point of death— having fits. May she soon enjoy the health sho once possessed. The las ing wheels of death, Are fast rolling us along ; And we who are but left, Will soon them mount upon. • And as they roll we go To Kternltie's land ; But waiting pilgrims think them slow? The time is near at hand. W. J. J. A $340 OROAN FOR sßs. Mr. Daniel H". Beatty, of Washington, N. J., appears to bo determined that all who care to have parlor organs can get them, for he will sell during a limited period an instru ment whicn it is said is equal in every way to the kind usually sold for SB4O, for tho very much reduced price of SBS. If this invita tion to the public from Mr. Beatty is respon ded to in the spirit that it is made, every hamlet in the land will very soon have in it a musical advertisement of the New Jersey Or gan Builder. Mr. Beatty has recently made an extended tour through Europe, and he expresses himself confident of having learned many things that will profit the purchasers of the organs he proposes to sell at one-quar ter the price usually obtained for a handsome instrument of the class to which his belong. It had as well bs borne in mind by those considering the offer that it is only for a limi ted period, aud the low price lit to induce people to buy the organ in order that the manufacturer may show to tho public the peculiar excellence which he claims it to possess. See his advertisement. CLASSICAL and MILITA ■If*IIIC* IUV ACADEMY, near WAR WVW " VI KENTON, VA. Prepares for Collie, University or Butineai. Recommended for Luxation, Health. Morality, Srholarshiji and Discipline. TERMS—Board and Tuition per half session $P!>. For Ohm logue nddri-. A Ma». A (I Sxira. Sup'i Bethel AuiuUiuy i'O., I'auiiuier C'o-nty, Va. VALUATION OP PKOCERTV. — The Commissioners and Magistrates as a Beard, levied County tax at C 73 on the SIOO yaluation of property and 02.03 on each poll, making the State and County tax the satno as heretofore viz: 81.00 on the 0100 valuation of property, and $3 00 on the poll, and the same tax as the state uuder Schedule B & C., which it is thought will bring the County out of debt and set her even once inoro. RANDOM THUNDERBOLT On Tuesday there was a very sincm lar occurrence at Piedmont Springs. A somewhat heavy cloud passed over the south eastern portion of the mountain, south of Piedmont, while it was almost entirely clear at that point, a thunder bolt was heralded from tbo distant cloud and caiue in oontact with a largo tree midway between the hotel and cabins, utterly demolishing the same Its ef fects were felt by all at the hotel and cabins. One gentleman who was at the spring, a short distance away, says he felt "somewhat dizzy" a moment after he heard the report. It was a singular occurrence. COMMISSIONERS' COCRT Tho Huprd mot in this place on the 4th, with Commissioners F Pringle, B. Bailey and L. W. Anderson. The fol lowing business was transacted : The usual pauper claims were granted. Ordered that Betsy Moore h»ve per mission to go to the poor house. Ordered that Mrs llominger have per mission to go to poor house, and also Bettie Lawson. Burwell Lemons was ordered claim for work on jail. John W. Neal appointed bonefieiary pupil for this County to State university. G. (jr Shelton and Pleasant Poddrill released from poll tax for 1879 Wo A. Mills released from double poll, for years 187S-79. Ordered that the Clerk give notice that the Board will meet on the 4th Monday in August for the purpose of rtviring the tax list, hearing oomplaints. &o. AUUUST INFERIOR COURT.— Inferior Court convened hero on Monday, the 4th, with Joel F. Hill, Esq., as Cha'iu, John L. Smith and C. M. Lasley, Associates. The re-organization resulted in tho re election of the former officers. Court declined to elect a Clerk. Up to going to press the following cases have been disposed of : State vs. J, W. Deariuan and Bamuel M. Shelion, assault, submitted and fined $1 each. Pink Davis sobmitted in three cases for re tailing liquor, and judgement suspended on payment of cost—defendant ordered to jail. State vs. Geo. W. Manuel, adsault, fined SI. John Forrest and David Farmer, for distur bing public worship, $2 each and costs. State vs. Sam Poindexter, affray, acquitted. State vs. C. C. Bennet, et al, tor resisting officers, penny and costs. Samuel Nunc, indicted for selling whiskey at preaching, acquitted. State vi. John W. Lawson, affray, submit ted and was lined a penny and coßts. Court will probably adjourn Thursday. Let all our people attond the Templar or ganization. GENERAL NEWS. Mr. Jno A. Smith, is building a large tobacco factory on the vaoant lot nearly iu front of the Methodist church.— Keu/sville News. We have been informed that Wrn. B. Anglin, son of the late Philip Anglin, of Patrick County Va., was killed by the Indians, in a fight on the frontiers of Texas, July Ist. lie belonged to a company of Texas Rangers— lieidsville News. A difficulty occurred, recently, between Mr. A K. Gray and Mr David Oolay, of this county Gray struck Oolay with a pitch fork. Tho case was triod before a magistrate, who fined Mr. Gray $25 and sent him to jail for 30 days.— Duuvilk Times. To BE IIANOED. —Thos. Bowman, brought here from Rockingham county, and oonvicted for the murder of his wife, and afterwards granted a new trial and oonvicted in Randolph county, after which his case again went to the Su preme Court on law points giving him a further lease of life, was sentenced on Monday, the second week of Randolph court, by Judge Avery. He will be ex ecuted August 29th. The execution will be public and as it is the first that has ever occurred in Randolph county there will be acres of people there.- There aro few exhibitions that draw like a hanging, and that's not saying much for average human nature.— Greensboro Patriot. From the reports made by the various Sunday Sohools, though tho report is meagre, there are 1,941 scholars enrolled upon tho school books Out of this number the average attendance is 1,381 ; and thoro are 254 teachers engaged in the work.— Winston Leader. Danbnry Academy. Fifth session will commence Septomher Ist, 1870. Instruction thorough. Discipline, mild, but firm. The Principal is a graduate of a first-class Business College, and is pre pared to teach Book-Keeping and tit young men for a business life. Music (Vocal and Instrumental) taught, if desired. Terms Per Session of Twenty Weeks. Primary, English, - - - $ 7 50. Higher, English, ... 10.00 Languages, .... 15.00. Hoard and washing cnu be obtained in the village on reasonable terms. For further particulars address, G. W*. CLARK, Principal, Or Pepper £ Sons, Daaburr, N. 0. The above cnt represents our Saw Mill Carriage, with liege's Improved Universal Log I?enm in position to receive a log. Those in w«int of a saw unl) &aw troc lumber of uniform thickness, one that is easily operated with the smallest number of hands, cuts faßt, and is s»j simple in construction as to be readily understood and not liable to get out of order. Should got one of liege's Improved Circular Saw Mills. Prices lower tban any othor first class Saw Mill built in the United States. Send for descriptive circular and prices to the SALEM IKON WORKS, Salem, N. U. . A New LEAF TURNED. With many thanks to nnr numerous patrons for the liberal support given us during the past years since we have been in business we again inform the public that wo are now replenishing our already largo stock of and fall goods, and having determined to give the store more attention in the future, hope to meet a full share of tbo patron age "of this and adjoining counties. We aro determined to build a trade that will do honor to Stokes, if low prices and fair deating is any thing looking in that direction—we mean what we Buy— and are determined to sell goods as low as they can bo bought and delivered here from any market. We find on tho new leaf turned coarso salt that has been selling here at §2.50 per sack, we will now sell at 81.50 per sack. Fine salt 4bu sacks, at £2 25 per sack. The best quality of C. R. B. Baoon at 87 00 per 100 lbs. A fair coffee at 12 cts per lb. Other things very low. These prices are for CASH ONLY. In addition to a good assortment of domestics and foreign goods, we have nearly one thousand pounds of IM and Borne Totmed Leather, consisting of Red and Homo Tanned Sole, Upper and Harness Leathor, Kip, Calf, Hog, Sheep and Goat Ssins, and having employed a FIRSTCLASS BOOT & SHOE MAKER, from a Southern City, can furnish, ut" n short notice boots and shoes, that will compare favorably with any city work. Wo will pay liberal prices for all kinds of country produce. Very Respectfully, PEPPER & SONS. Dalton Institute. Next session will commence July 28, 1879. The temporarily reduced prices of Tuition and Board will remain this session. Board and Washing, per month, ®t!.so. TUITION : English, SB.OO. Languages, $10.50, Males and Females taught separate. Instruct tion as thorough as when chatges were at their maximum. The School is located in Stokes countv, six miles from Pilot Mountain, in a healthy and moral community, with ample advantages of preaching and Sabbath Schools, W. A. FLY'NT, Principal. July 24.—6w. Dalton, N. C. CABR BLLOS. & CO., Wholesale VeaUrt in DRUGS, CIIKMICALS, PAINTS, OILS PERFUMERY A FANCY GOODS, 26 German street, (near Carrol ton Hotel,) BALTIMORE. February 13. 4m. J. M. NICHOLSON, WITH J. P. YANCEY & CO., (Successors to Yancey, Franklin A Co., I « Pi RTERB OF NOTIONS, No. 1209 Main Street, Richmond, Va. March 27, 1879. tf. i I? lUnPC If want to MAKR All Kill 1 » MONKY pleasantly and fast, address FINLEY, HARVEY A CO., Atlanta, Ga. PRESCRIPTION FREE! For th«» RixKHiy Curt* of Kemliml Wt'ukni'HH, Lout Manhooo nun all disorders brought on by imltn crotton or PXCOSH. Any has THRT inure dl«»nta. Add rm», l>r. W . JAqi'Ktt «% « 0., 130 IVeat Mlxtb fttrwl. lnokiin»U, O. A. J. BOYD. JAS. W. RKID. BOYD & REID, ATTORXE¥S-IT-LAH, Wontworth, Rockingham, Co., N.C. WILL PRACTICE IN TIIB COURTS OK Stakes County, other State Courts, and the Federal Court, October 24. 6m J R. ABBOTT, OF N C., with HIXGO, EI.LETT & CRIMP, RICHMOND, VA., Wholesale Dealers in COOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &C. Prompt attention paid to orders, and satis fuctiou gauranteed. -IS#* Virginia Stait Prison God* i rpcexalty March, 0. 1 m. HXXTSSAW BROS. Hinsliaw Bros., W inston, N. C., wholesale and retail merchants, dealers in Fertilizers, Guano, Plaster, Field Seeds, Dried Fruits, Berries, Grain, and all manner of Country Pro duce and merchandise. Have the best stock of Groceries in Winston, and are always wil » . ling to meet all legitimate competition. Their trade for the past year has been much larger than ever before, and continues to increase. Good goods, small profits and fair dealing are their mottos. Go and see them. HINSHAW BROTHERS, July 15, 1879. Opposite Piedmont Warehouse, Winston, N. C. dMOKP • BLACK WELL'S I LJ FA? DURHAM EES TOBACCO JAS. D. CHAM HKR LAIN, —WITH— C. W.Tliorn & Co , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, Richmond, Va. Special attention given to orders, and satis faction guaranteed. June 19th, IBIU. 6m. W hen yiiu desire Job Work executed | don't lail to give this office a trial. J. S. HARRISON, WITH A. L. ELLETT & COM PA Iff. DRY GOODS , ANI) NOTIONS. A ]J. ELLKTT, CLAY DREWKRT, A JuDBON W ATKINS, S. H. HcOUKS. 10, 12 and 14 Twelfth Sires.*, RICHMOND V- April 3d. KfC,

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