THE DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME IV. THE REPORTER. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT C. MOSES I STEWART, Editor PEPPER ,(• SONS, Proprietor*. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, payable in advance, }1 SO Six Months, - - 1 00 RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ob* Square (ten Hnea or tew) 1 time, $1 oo For each additional Insertion, - 50 Contracts for longer time or more space can be made ia proportion to the above rates. Transient advertisers will be expected to remit according to these rate* at the time they (Cod their favors. Local Notice* will be charged SO par tent, hlfber than above rat«s. * ~ 9 Business Cards will be inserted at Ten Dol lars per annum. :■ ■' * 1 '■*— 0 F. DAY, ALBERT JONEB. DAY & JONES, Manufacturers of BADDLBRY, HARNESS, COLLARB, TRUNKS, #c. V o. 338 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. nol-ly B. V. KING, WITH JOHNSON, SUTTON k CO., DRV GOODS. Nos. 27 and 29 South Sharp Street., BALTIMORE MD. T. W JOHNSON, R. M BUTTON, J. I. K. CBABBB, a J. JOHNSON, nol-ly U. H. MAHTINDALE, WITII WM. J. C. DULAN'Y & CO. Statioiers' and Booksellers' Ware house. SCHOOL BOOKS A SI'ECIALTY. Stationery of nil kinds. Wrapping Paper, Twines, Bonnet Boards, Paper Blinds. 332 W. BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE, MD. EI.HIRI, WITZ k 0., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in OTIONS; HOSIERY; GLOVES; WHITE AND FA NOV GOODS No. 5 Haoover street; Baltimore, Md. 46-1/ JNO. W. HOLLAND, WITH T. A. BUVA\ li »0.. Manufacturers of FRENCH and AMERICAN CANDIKS, in every variety, anil wholesale dealers in FRUITS, NUT.*, CANNED GOUDS, CI GARS, 4*o. 39 and 311 Ballujiure Street, lialtiiuurc, Md. tlrders from Merchants solicited. A. J. BOVU. JAS. W. RklP. BOYD & REID, iITORIVRfS-IT-IJIH', Wentworth, Rockingham, Co., N.C. WILL PKAC'K'EIN TIIK COURTS OF Stokes County, other State Courts, aßd the Federal Court. October 24. 6m WILLIAM DITHIKB, WILLIAM R. HKVHIKS, CUBISTIAS UIVBIBB, of 9., SOLOMUK KIHUKLL. WILLIAM DKVRIKS k CO., Importers and Jobbers of Ftreiga aod Doneslic Dry Goods and Attions, *l2 West Baltimore Street,(between I'oward and Liberty,) BALTIMORE. This paper will be forwarded to any ad dress tor one year on receipt of 1 Dollar and Fifty Cents In advance, B. J. * R. K. BEST, WITH . HENRY SO\NEBOR\ k (10., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. 20 Hanover Street, (between German and Lombard Streets,) BALTIMORE, MD. H. BONN EBON, B. BLIMLINE. 47-ly J. W. RANDOLPH k EK6LIB I, BOOKSELLERS, hTATIONERS, AND BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTERERS. 1318 Mainrtreet, Richmond. A Large Stock of LA W BOOKS alwayt on nol-6m A and. To lirentors and Mechanics. PATENTS and liow to obtain them. Pamphlets of 60 pages free, upon receipt of Stamps for Postage. Address . . , OILMORE, SMITH k CO, Solicitors of Patents, Box 31, Wiuhinglon, D. C. M.S. ROBERTSON, WITH Watkins &CoUrdl, 1 ' lmp«rters sad Jobbers Of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, #c., SADDLERY GOODS, BOLTING CLOTH, GUM PACKING AND BELTING, 1807 Main Street. Richmond, Va B. M. WILSON, OF N.C., WITH • 1. W. POWERS k CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in Paints, Oils, Dyes, Tarnishes, French Window Glas«, 4c., Ho. 1306 Main St., Richmond, Va. PropriMort Aromatic Peruvian Bitten f Com pound Syrup Toiu and Wild Cimrji. W. A- TUCKER, . H. 0. SMITH 8. B. BPRAOINH. TI7CKER, SMITH k CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS; BHOKS; HATS AND CAPS. 250 Baltimore street Baltimore, Md. tol-ly. FORGET-ME-NOT. There grew in some neglected spot A tiny blue Forget-me-not, So lone aud fair. I cull'd the flower with mute caress More fit for angel-band to press, And in my care— It bloomed awhile, and gave me joy, Tbs pare, and fair-eyod tender toy- Then slmnbered deep. To frail within ihe Master's band My taufUr flower sballstill expand, And T will keep. Within my heart of hearts for aye The name, and but a name to day, Whicb here I press. I youth light burdened still T rove, But never more sball woman's love Disturb, or bless. Australia. ▲ correspondent of tire Epimx>p*l Methodist gives the following account of some of the strange things to be seen in Australia : •i % 1 Yon won to be astonished to witness ttie luxury of Jiviag in this remote country. Some old squatters, who were s.-nt out to - Botany Bay years ago for orime, are now more fabulously rioh than tbe petty princedoms of Germany. Within their dwellings are all the luxuries that exist in the moßt regal palaces of the Old World. You are amazed here at every step of your progress in Australia. I hope to see much of it before I finally leave this strange land. You have here in three of these oolonies tbe greatest perversities of nature conceivable; birds without wings as large as deer, their bodies covered with hair instead of feathers; beasts with the bgaksof birds i swans that are blaok, and eagles white' Here ferns, nettles, aud even grasses grow to the sixe and bhaie of trees' There are rivers running from tbe «ea and lost in tbe interior swauips; trees that are ever green despite of frost and snow ; extensive plains on whioh one tree, one soil, Mid one description of bird, fieh, or auitsal, prevails alike for ten miim, or for oo« hundred ; where the o»rth i*»tbe hot wind, the eomhthe eoM ; wbore t+e I. urn blest house is fitted up wijjl cedar, and tbe fields are fenced with mahogany > where the ka>:g>roo, mc, animal between the squirrel and the deer, has five claws on its fore paws and three talons ob ita hind leps like fc bird, and vet on its till ; where tbe mdle lays eggs and has a duck's bill; where there is a bird that kss a Pro >m In its mouth' fnstead of a mngue ; where there is a fish, one half belonging to the genus tqualui the other to that of rait; Mid where the eherrv gftiwa with the stone outside. Cectain birds have tbe bead, form and plumage of the ftarrot, and tbe long, slender Iqgs of thf sea-gill ; others, the legs • nd'feet of tbe parrot, tbe btiad and neck made audKjolored like tile common sea-pull, and the wings and tail of a hawk, There are trees bearing three different kinds of leaves ; an? others, bearing tbe leaf of the gam tree, with the gum exuding, and eovered with bark of a different kind Now is not this a queer oountry ? TBK CROWN OP ENGLAND'S QUEEN —Tbe Imperial State Crown of Her Majesty Queen Victoria was -mad* in 1838, of jewels taken from old crowns, together with many supplied, at her command. The cap is ot crimson vel vet, bordered witb ermine fur, and the gems are (diamond, sapphires, rnbiee, pearls, and emeralds The whole crown weigns nearly forty ounces There are eight sapphires in the first band el jewels. A WAR RELIC -[Saifk Herald ]— At At saw mill of W. H Gsj & Co last week, a large lag Was plaeef e* the carriage and tbe saw set a going, mhmo all oi aeaddaa tbai* was •«eaak T a striking of fire, and a demolished JM* An examination showed that a pieoe of a shell fired during the war bad been imbedded In the tree, the bark had giowo over the wound, and no outward sign remained. Tbe saw was very badly damaged. Gen. Butler said to newspaper aorres pondeat tbe other day: "It seems to me that if I were to rote /or any Demo crat for President it woultTbe for Judge Field of the Supreme Court. ( HI |I 111 ptn« >m »« 11 1 "Theogh weeping endureth for a eight jey oometh in morning." *hw should be cnir guide, even Unto death. There is a currint rumor fo Mormon - dom tbat tbe aaiats are looking for * new Canaan in Mexico. DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1880. Jefferson Davis. A representative of the Atlanta Con ititutioii haviog beard that Mr. J. C. Derby was io the eity, proceeded to '.he Kimball House yesterday afternoon, and had a long aud pleasant talk with him concerning matters wbioh cannot (ail to interest tlic reading public Mr. Derby, fotmely of tj)e publishing house ol Derby k Jackson, but for many years past connected with D. App'eton k Co , arrived in Atlanta oo Friday morning. He has been spending several days with ex-President Davis in his beautiful home at Bcauvoir. It is well known that tbe bouse whicb he represents is to publish Mr. Davis' memoirs cf tbe war. He found Mr' Davis enjoying excellent' health, and expressed himself much de lighted with his visit to the hospitable home of the ex-President of the (Joufed eracy. Mr. Derby found the aiemoirs well under way, and has every reason to believe that they will be ready for pub lication in tbe full. The memoirs will consist of two large octavo volumes, il lustrated with portraits of those who acted under the immediate administra tion of President Davis. A large por tion of the first volume will be devoted to Mr. Davis' views ss to the cause wbicb led to tbe late wsr. Tbe remainder of volume first and the whole of volume second will relate to the cooduot of tbe war As much has been said recently about tl.e Doreey will case, and especially in view of the dispatch from New York io yesterday's Constitution iq relation there to, Mr. Derby informed tbe reporter that the house at Beauvoir, which is a large aod elegant mansion, was built by Mr. Brown, a Mississippi plaoter, and duuitless oost $30,000, the sum icported Mr Btown becaoie involved for a large amount, and Captain Dorsey bought tbe bouse for a sum less than that paid for it by Mr. Davis, the latter having pur ohased the premises sometime before tbe illness of Mrs. Dorsey. It was not be quaibed to bim, therefore, but was a regular So far »ll tbe rnonvf received from Mrs. Dursey's estate by Mr Davjs has been expended in dis charging sundry cbligations and paying taxes sgaiust the estate. As is well ki.own, the suit originally brought was dismissed by the oourt. Nr. Derby ssyi that Mr. Davis ex poets to make 800 or 1,000 bales of oot too on his Mississippi plantation the coming season, aod spoke io encouraging terms of the industrial and agricultural future of bis State The family of Mr Davis consists of himself, his wife snd his mphew, Gen. JoHi-ph Davis, both of whom are render ing valuable ussistanoe io the literary labor which he has in hand Beauvoir is a station midway between Nashvillo aod New Orleaos. The place ia appropriately named, for it commands a most beaotilul view of the Gulf, upon the shores of which it is situated Mr Derby also paid a visit to Mrs. Augusta Evans Wilsou, who lives io Mobile, He was the first publisher of this lady who bts now such grsst and deserved fame as tbe author of Beulah, St. Klmo, etc., aod to him, the last named, and io the apiaioaaf naapriaeludiag the wsMcr, her baft work was dedicated. Mrs. WilMta 1s ntft Writing at present, but ' reoeives a large and itoady income from ' the 4ale of her pubiiftbad Works. j , Wong Au Sing yas buried in San ifansiMa WilU Viabolate Chinees rites because he had been wealthy aod influ ential. At his residence s joss was put up st tbe besi of ths o. fin. A priest raog s bell sod Btruok s pair of symbolf while £pq}ijng tbe good qualities aod deeds of ths dead man. Then a baod of musieisns played on Chinese iostru tueoU Sot hired women mourners wailed. The proeession was headed by io ordinary hearse. Then a carriage fu l of bell riogers, several carriages containing mourners and newspaper re porters, snd Anally a wagon laden wth roasted nigs and chickens, boiled rice, erabe, bottles of joss paper, caodles, aod ch >p stick. -At Ihe gravs an inscribed briek wee interred with &x aod dank were left ia a pile. At Hie great i#en wnrto of PiHsbu%r, Pa., they have sucoeeded in rolliog iron so thin ss to resemMe tissue paper, aod 10,000 abeets are required to make oos i inob io thickness. Sam Scott's Tragic Death. A still wore appalling leap than taken successfully in 1829 by Saui Patch has lately been made by • Canadian named Harmon Peer, from one of the two sus pension bridges that span the gulf into which Niagara river falls. * * At the same time it is impossible to deny that other American divers had heretofore prepared us lor the possibility of descending with safety into the water from great heights, and there are many still living in the metropolis who can remember the feats performed in 1841, bv an American swimmer named Samuel I Soott, who was jo the habit of diving . 'tflm the top of W t'erloo bridge into ti>e i haoies, a tail ui about tarty The unfortunate man had uccustumcd himself to go through many fantastic tricks before throwing himself into the river, and lor this purpose he had caus d a scuffoidiog to be erected iimui diately over the second arch of Waterloo bridge on the Somerset House side. In ordir to increase the se sationai features of { his exhibition, Saui Scott was in tie habit of thrusting his neck into the j niose of b swinging rope, and suspend- , ing himself after the maimer of a nan who is being hanged by the neck. Up- | on the llibof Jar nary, 1841, he as cended tbe scaffold as usual, seiicd the rope, placed it arouud his neck, exclaim j inf, at t ' le °f bis voice, ''Now, I'll . show you once more how to dance upon the air before I dive " With his head in the running noose ho let himself down to the extremity of tbe rope and hung there for three or four minutes One of the spectators, who was intimate with the exhibitor, shouted out that bis friend had hanged himself in real ty, and a cry of "Cat him down," ascended irom the crowd. Somi moments elapsed before s knife was forthcoming, Bad when the unhappy uiao WHS rescued it was found that animation was suspended lie was carried with all possible speed to Cbaring Cross Hospital, and, though life was not entirely extinguished, the utmost efforts uf the surgeon in attend ance were unable to PBv'e mm ine jugular yein was opened and he was plaoed in a warm batb, but before many minutes had pnased it was discov ered t'lat he was dead Since that day Lotyloners have seen others throw them selves safely from the bridges or oor metropolitan river, and off the mast heads of vessels moored in the stream, bat no saoh leaps as th *e taken at Niagara by Sam Patch aud Harmon Peer have ever been atumpted in this ooootry. It may be reserved for Har mon Peer, if be successfully repeats his advet'tarous feat upon the Fourth if July—whicb is said to be hie intention —to startle the publjp by a performance of this kind, no less than Blondis has long done by his marvelous achieve ments upon the tigbt-rope — London Telegraph Crittenden once very beautifully said, "When Ood, it his eternal council, con oeived the thought ot man's creation, he called U> him the three Ministers who wait constantly upon the thrvne— Jus tice, Truth and Merey—and thus ad dressed them : 'Shall we make man V Then said Justice, 'Oh, God, nuke him not, fur be will trample upon thy laws.' Truth made answer also,' Oh, Ood, make him not, for he will pollute thy sanctu aries." But Mercy, dropping upon her knees, and looking up through her tears, exclaimed, 'Oh, God ! make him; I will watoh over him with my care through all the dark paths which ho may have to tread.' Then God made man, and said to him, 'Oh, man ! ibou art the ehild ol Mercy ; go end deal with thy brother.' " » Signor Dario Msxtci, steno -raphcr to the Italian Benate, has invented a ma chine which claims to reproduce a speeoh in the ordinary printed charac ters as rapidly as it is spoken, t word of several syllables being reoorded by a | single touoh ot the keys. The Slichela machine, shown st the Paris Exhibition, had tbe disadvsatsge of requiring the transcriptions of its relief characters into ordinary writing, or kt least an so qnaibtan'oe with the former by oomposi tors | , . T ALL RIGHT —The Supreme Court of Ohio haa d i oided that it is illegal to dun e debtor on a postal oard, aa suob is | liable to injure the oredit or refutation | of the debtor elsewhere. A Glance at tf e Algerians. They are the Yankees of Africa, these Algerians. Full of chatter, suspicion, curiosity, narrowness of natere, poverty ol possessions, ingenious, tricky, cute, sharp at swa;piig, sparsest swearing, j and with a capacity fur flat dyspeptic pies that would arouse the jealousy of an I army of 'Solon Shingles They are, however, a singularly attractive people j if you want to paint pictures, but s must tepulsive lit if you ha,vc to pay bills Some of the women are pretty and mo»t of them slovenly. French | vices and no national virtues of any \ kind, mirk the rising generation of i 'youug Algeria,' particularly the fop of ' *■" ri" • *1 -i.L n ■ costume finery, with his stockings hang- | 1 ing down over the heels of his embroid- | ered slippers. He speaks bad French, j 'mokes a species of dri- d hay called [ tobacco, ai.d takes to cffcccne percent, j »b"ve axle grease mixed with muddy ; imo Bscs Beyond this he does nothing but gamble away his father's lust penny i or his mother's pocket-money—if mother l or money exist He is a compound of an iuourable Washington loafer mixed I with a F'fth avenue second clsss beau, I and both materially and morally uuedu- ' | oaicd | Curiosity is tbe source f great evii I sometimes. It takes very little to per I Huadc us that there is sotnethirg wrong about our neighbor, aud once having niade up our mind that there is some thing wrong we begin to walcb him in ' order to find out what it is. The Uer- ' mans have a word wtiich is p«culisrl) fitted to these hunters after bus of gar bage. "Nosewiee" they srs called— people who are forever snuffing the air for an evil portent. Tbey have another word which is equally significant and equally applicable. It is "foreloud,' refers to people who make themselves heard before tbere ia any occasion to speak. Half the trouble in the wnrld would be abolished if men and women Were .ontv Wind .uf one •»»—.* m that eye with which they are oo the lookout for t evil What tbe Valedictory Said—Kind teachers, ever shall we look back to tlie happy days when, under your patient and losing pilotage, ws olimtted the hill of knowledge ; ever shall we hold the recollection of your self sacrificing de votioo amoog our holiest remembrances And elssßmates, though the links are st laat broken tfcat base so long anited us in their tender ebein, yet are w« permit ted in memory's forge to re-weld tbe scattered fragments, end live once again in Isnsy (he happy existence that has | been ours, and which we prise more than ever now that it oan be lived in reality no more DOVBLS CBOP FARMING —North Car olina, undoubtedly possesses great agri cultural advantages, but it ia s lamenta ble fact that onr farmers do not appreciate them. Oae advantage, and a very iuiportaot one is, that we sas raise two full crops in ene year from tbesame ground. The North and North-West can raise but one. This advantage we surely ought to tuna to account. In atsd of tbe North and West suppljing us we should supply tkeas. This is no idle fsnsy, but a truth which enterprise end energy will some dsy make a fact. —rN. C Former. At Newberry port tbe other day, an Ungliebmsu and a Yankee engaged in a game ol brag "Well," asid John Ball, "we oan beat yon on gens Ws have a gun at the Woolwicb harseual that when it is fired the report is beard in Austra lia." "Guns!" said tbe Yankee, he cetning excited and jumping to his feet, t "guns! why we have • gun hers ia America that was fired off in 1776. aod ! you Englishmen hain't heard the last of , it yet." Is IT A JOKE ?—The prnjeet for a monument to Adam, at Klmira, New ' York, is taking definite form. A sum i bf'not less than 120,000 ia said to have been subrcribed and Thomae K. Beeoh ! er, M H. Aroot, sod Henry Drske, are 1 corresponding with sculptors In Europe for a 'design ar neat as possible like tbe first mso 1' is to he of brooie and unveiled in June with a dedicatory ad j dross by Ma'k Twain. NUMBER 40. j Duty Done and Conscience Believed The other day over at the Almeda baths, a timid and retiring looking man waited until the superintendent was dig ! engaged, and then said to him : "I do hale to give any one trouble but have you a long stick or pole ot any kind that you could lend uiei"' "No, sir ; I told you so ten minutes ago,' snapped the overdriven official. "So you did," replied the man ; ' bu' I thought I'd just ask once mora. 1 guess now I've done my duty in the matter. Don't you think so?" "What matter ? What on earth are you talking about V "Why, you see, my uiothei in-'aw aooui nait^an , 'ifir*-' '» come up yet I thonpht I'd iiko to tell my wife that I had sorter jabbed round 00 the bottom for her awhile anv way > but if I can't, why I suppose 1 uun't, that's all.' And pensively writing her address on a tag, to be tied to the old lady when she came up, the conscien tious man walked thoughtfully away. — 1 , - A CUINKSE RIP VAN WINKLE —Wang Chih, one of the patriarchs of the Taouist sect, was OLe day gathering 6re-wood in the mountains uf Ku Chow, when lie entered a grotto where time old men were deep in a game of chess He laid dowu his aie and watubed tbem, where upon one of the old men handod him what looked liko a date stone, telling him to put it in -his mouth. No sooner had he ta-ted it than be ceased to feel hunger and thirst By and by one of the players .Huid : 'li is long sinoe you came here, you should go home now " Wang Cbih went to iuke up bis sxe, and found the handle had uioldered into dust. Uudia mayed, however, he went home, but found that eenturies bad passed since he went out wood-cutting. No vestige of his kins I >lk remained. The end of this 1 taje is I'eriaiol) UII European ; for Wang Chih retreats to a cell iu the mountains, ; attd, d voung hiiuself to religious exer cises, finally attains immortality.— All | RV«» »T •lIIA At a party of young people io Paris conversation happened to turn on the sabjeot of kimibg, and the question was propounded who of the young men present could boast of having given or being able to give "his girl" the mntt ki*ser. Various were the replies ib'S j questiou called out Finally a young ] man and the girl to whom he was be- J frothed bw 200 francs that they coold kiss 10,000 times in ten hours, provided they would be allowed to take an occa sional glass of wine "between." Twr I persons were sppointed a committee to i count the number of kisses, and ilit> | w rk During the first hour they ! counted 2 OUO kixses During the second 1 hour the kixpes were not nearly as nu ! merous, for the committee only counted 1 OWO. After the third hour, during which they managed to soore but 750, further operations were brought to a sod den stand still The lips of the man were seised with cramp, and he win oarried off in a fainting condition Th girl a few days later was strickeu niili brsin fever, which nearly carried her off to a land whsre kissing under any forn is unknuwo When the people who bad won the bet demauded their money the parents of the young girl refused to pay her share of it. The matter was tK o taken to the courts, and tuere it wns de cided that the bet must be paid I The late Bishop WUbarforoe, of the Church o! England, was sometimes called "Soapy Sam " A little girl, at a house where he was visiting, once atked him before a full company, why this singular 1 title was given bim The Bishop was equal to the occasion,, and answered, after easting an expressive glance aroui the room : b i will tell you, my darling ! People eall me "Soapy Sam," because whenever I get into hot water, I always eftme out with my hands clean," m • • » ■ Modern engineering scores a new tri -1 uinph ia U»e completion ef the grest Bt. (rothard lunntl. This seeead piercing oi lbs Alps bas oost between seven and eight years' work and a ronnd sum of money ; both well invested, however. What wouldn't Hannibal have given for a practicable tunnel in his day ? No 4istriet in Fraoee has yielded a richer harvest of mastodon relics th»a the'basin or the Rhone. The hue Dr Claade Jourdain obtained, at various limes between the year* 1835 and 1869, a remarkable collection of tbeae probim ei.tean remains for ihs Natural HUtory Museum uf Lyons.