" " "9" 11 1 1 ~TT" "SW STORE. .NASI I FOHJ W, FANCY AND STAPLE KV G -• FALL AND WINTER WEAR AT TUS BTOEE OF y ' N o. M. Buckor, AGENT, '• i • BLOCK, WINSTON, IV. C., *H/-' »«t from the North, and ;n«nd stock uf Kuncy and Staple '. of all kinds, suited to the wants ndy, ihe attention of the Uadl.j ul bd Winston, ami the surmuijiiuK 'en, is respectlully railed to this stork as 'I worthy of their consideration and exira- D, as it comprizes all the new and ■ng styles ol fine, meiliura and low priced its to be found even in very large cities, ea wanting aojt description of nice and f*cods will flftd that their waats have l 'red for by this House, which frill save the necessity of having to order their ■ 'roiu the North. They will find here tr shelves and counters gt odd to snit every want, and at very low prices. We .1 lake pleasure in crdering for them any icle we may happen not to have. i.\E STOCK OF GIRLS' AND BOVB' COOT'S. MEN'S WEAR ■ iM(ft : i6iiety. No urtfc-leomitted in makfr g p assortment of Cent. • rt'eur. «ROCIiiRIES. Fall Stdck or Groceries of all kinds. . M vHAIS. SHOES AND ROOTS. AW stales of Hats, Shoes, and Roots, for ' ■ldies, Children, Girls, Bo,\s and Men. For Men und 80..s wear, in lull variety. oiW »ill "■ ■! •' HARDWARE Our selection of Hardware is wrell suited to t'te wants of our country Iriends, with tnnoy ?oods juiled tv the wants ot the city trade CirtS&AltD Cfi PCKKIIT ft ARE. Here will be found a very complete Stock of ali Table Ware, hutti GUwani Cruckery, luitcd to the wants of city and country . WTL 01V A\D WFTDHS *ARE. This department will supply many useful articles to houjekeepers and uth.-is. DRUGS AND MEDICINES The gooes most iu use in this line can be 'applied here. CONFECTIONERIES. Jn variety may be fotind here of choice qualities. We simply name the departments in which foods may be found a-t this 'onse, without \,iime ration tor to do that it would taken whole side of a i.ewsp«|.er. We make no brag I:' what we will do lor our customers but •ni'lv say come one, come nil »nd you wiil •iot be disappointed, either io st, lea, qualities >. -li es. ' GEO M RUCKKR AGENT October 9th. 187t»—tr. " rsf&f Wart'house, DANVILLE, VA., VOL TUK SALE OT » - Leaf Tobacco „ W. P, GRAVES, PHOPILIKTOR I. D WIL: IR. Clerk, r. t.. WAI-KKII, Auct'nr R. A. WAI.TEBB. K oor4laiiMger. April 17, 1879. * 1% f * " * CIIAB A. HALOWIN, WM. F. JIITUNS IttLDWIf K JEVKIVS, r a 4 Successors to Gardner, Carlton k Baldwin, Boots and Shoes. WHOLEBALE, NO 1323} MAIM BTREFET. RICHMOND, VA. tj M »y' 3 .01 h J S. HARR:SON, A. L. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. c * A. L. ELLETT, CLAY DRKWKRY, A JLDBON W ATKINS, S. B. Huqirta. 10, 12 ami 14 TmtfttSmvft, * ' " * RICHMOND, VA. April 3d. SttS& VT "COPY OF ADVERTISE Big Pay. Jr«l * > XT* * jU i P*** r ' We wsnfca limited nnmber of »eti*e. eaer getic o»nvn»erj to comma jn,w idessnaWac.d profitable bu.-iness. Good men will find this a rare chance TO MAKE MOjtfY. Bmh will pleas* JJIOI ifl( Hl b, letie-, enclosing stump for reply, stating wt.at biislneaa tbey h»-ve hem engaged in 4. ,übi iftbe who man business need ap ply. Address, FINELY, H ARVBY *CO , Atlanta. Ga. " A "BA° v tt Organs, Pianos, Musie and cal Merchandise, , TVltiisie Store, Main St., Winstoii. W. P. Orcisby wishes to oall the attention of the people of Forsyth and (tor roandiug counties tu his stock of superior organs aud piano, which he is prepared to suli on )9*er teruis, for ossh or ioMalliueottt, thau an; dealt rio the country As W P. Ornish}' is tgt.blished here, and intends making eood every warranty he with the insiruments he sells, all partios will recognise the advantage >l dealing with htm, in piUVrceuu to advertising dealers who live iu dtstaut purtt ot the country. 1 • f This being a branch establishment of the celebrated house of Ditaon & Co , New York, all orders tor uiu.iio books uud slieel music can be ti.led, m.tii free, at pub Itsher's prices. Pianos and Organs repaired and tuned and old instrnmei t* taken in exchange Write for teruis und information to the Musio Store, Main Street, Winxton, N. C. Will verdict Light nnnning Domestic Sewing Machine, ! *• •** ' ' Pot the folio viug reasons : It is light running and noisele'g; It is simple and durabre ; It makes the best lock stitch and breaks no thread ; It haf a self-"pt»ing needle ; t ok riea more thread io bobbin than any other machine ; It winds the bobbin withont running the machine or throwing the driving band j It doSS Cue and coarse work without ohaugmg the tension ; Its wo dwork is made on a plan patented by this company, the table tops being made of seven thicknesses of wood, with the grain oroMoed so as to prevent split ttnu and warping, while the is uiade of line single piece of waluut, bent into shape, which cauuot fall iu pieces *s ulhur covers do For prices call, or write to the "Domestic," Branch office in the Store, Street, Winston, N C, opposite the Merchant's Hotel, or at the office ol this paper. OLD TAKE IN EXCHANGE T. J. BROWN. W. )i CARTER, JE. J R PIERCE. BROWN'S WAREHOUSE, WINSTON, IV. C„ For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco, In presenting the claims of our HOUiSE, we would ask your attentioo to the following reason* wh) you should sell with us: IST VVe lirst ottered you a llouie Market, which is equal to any in the country. 2u We have always worked for tbe interest of our Customers, and spared no no pains to provide for their accommodation. 3t>. We li»v, incre.is#! lue, SIZB and. capaoity of our HOUSE to meet the de uiards and ueed* of our constantly growing trade, and can handle to better advantage, and sell more Ttbaeco.at one sale, than any House iu Wioston. 4TH. We have the best Camp-itouais, with good fire places, (no stoves,) the best w.ter and most convenient, tbe largest number and dryest Stalls, and 23 la ge slty JijjhiA,givuuk the veay best light possible for TOBACCO &TH. We have in our 41* 5J UB PIERCE the best handler and manager of lobicci in this o'any other .Market, his energy and experience are ton well known to need tuither notice. He cordially invites hia many friends to set! vfub Uim, aseuriug them that he ta better prepared than ever before to serve them. 6m. You all kutim Ji D "the happy mati " whose "tongue is tied in the midille imd'iio* #f each end," aud that wheu he Can't make good s les no one else need try 7'itl Prompt and a'-ourute s>ttlement with you hfker sales, saving you time when so « *i 'Us to 1 e off. ' BTH. The demands ol our market are such os to guarantee "as good prices as can be an&where in North Carolina or Virginia We have sold more year than any HOUSE in Town—making OUR HOUSE, as u-iuaf, the leading.one in tbe market. Wiil always be glad to see you, AND OUAKANTEE THE HIOHRST MARKKT PRICES Yuma, ttuly, '•» ( R D MOTIEIEY, T Auctioneer. T.J- BROWN & CO. P A. WII.soN, JR., Book-keeper. Winston, N C l I ' I. ■ _ PIEDMONT "Warehouse! p ' W OT eV "tt r l r\Sai r r o l N, IV. 0., lias sold in the past two years more than THREE MILLION pounds of Tobacco Pe.iudv>f tbjs-^ousorb«a more rapidly IB the pa»l two years than Vh |c|h Hh NlrlhJ^Jarolina e house cau show aa HUJ AVUIiAtjE PRICE for grades sold 4s any house lost on or elsewhere It is the Largest Tobacco Warehouse in the State, cou >£ 14 UOU Best Lighted Salesroom } ia Winston ; the buihJriig nearly 3.000 panes of glass, causing tobaeeo | to stooW to 'the very bi-at beuce liighe.-t Mwrket pdepl «M I will be pleased to have a liberal shir* of ifie patronage of Plantar* of this aid surrounding counties, and promise tuy best efforts to obtaiu for you satisfactorv pri / TI I» «T#F . ..00 j*t fw"|" cC igrWavrf r•• iik# netii'mKi) liieods who hav so liberally patronised 1 ill I'M 11. I 1.1 J1 I I W A S-PrtBCK, M.;w NOtlfHWl}; PtafrM«.d \ ! BO ik Keeper. JAMEB S- SCALES, JQ A. BiiuiiaM, AaoUoueer- Floor Manager. II» L , i ■Mil / ■ i-;}K r /1/./. A. Hinshaw Bros. WINSTON, N. C., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MERCHANTS DEALERS IN SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS. " " 1 ' ' .U''. To Growers of Fin* Yellow Tobacco. i "ST A It BRAND" i «' \\ e recommend our Complete Tobsoco Manure as sper'al'y to you, because :—We make it ourselves, here, in Rich mond, in the HEART of the Tobacco region, and we KNOW (hat il in made of the betl material and const quently can gua rantee it to be aa represented in every respect. IT IS CAREFULLY prepared and experimentally and scientifically adapted to the growth of fine YELLOW Tobacoo on the soils of Virginia and North Carolina. IT IS RICH in Ammooia, Soluble I hospbate, nad Real Buue I'hoaphate of Lime derived from tbe uobumed bones of sniu.al. ITS ACTION is prompt, con tinuous and lasting. It starts tbe plant quickly and sustains it to maturity. ITB USE secures large crops, early matority, and a large, fine, silky leaf, wiib a plenty of body, which is easily cured, and makes the fintst ol Bright Wrappers. CROPS GROWN with it hav» sold for a higher average price than those grown with any other fertiliser whatever. IT IS FINE, dry, and iu the best mechanical condition—better than ever before. IT IS A RENOVATOR of worn out lands IT H AS, stood the tesr of time and seasons, and is endorsed by many of tbe most successful planters in every neighborhood. ITS STANDARD and QUALITY will 10SIIIVELY NO fbe lowered. We itttend to make it to the inter eat of every i/rower of Jine Lrii/ht tnhacco to u*e it We solicit your patrouige aud iutlcuce iu extending the use of this first olsgs, high grade, stau. dard fertiliser. ALLISON & ADDISON. Factory at Riobmond, Vs. Manufacturers. It is with pleasure we again present to our friends in Stokes, and to the readers of the Danhury REPORTER, evidence of the superior quality and great merits of tbe Star Brand Fertilisers The Star Brand Tobacoo Munute has bveu tu successful uso among you for three years sod yon have given solid evidence of your appreciation of it by increasing—more thau doubling your purchases each year. What ever may be the pretentions or claims made for other fertilizers—by attending the sales in this and other markets it is self-evident to every one t!>at the best and finest crops of Tobacco sold, leave been grown by the use of the Star Brand Tobacoo Manure ID addition to the evidence of its value otfe'td below we respectfully refer to every uan whti has used it Mere thau 2 000 iu Stakes and uiljoiuiog cuunlies. March 12, 1880 HINSHAW BROS. Dr A J Martin, of Stokes county. N C , wfritrs, December 4, 1879: "I have baeo using fertil'i.T lor tobacco sevi rai years, ihe 'Star Brand' Complete Tobuc co Manure the la«t two years : and 1 can nay, for myself and t«uaiits, that we like it bent ol any thai we have used li acts uo the p aut early, and continue* until the same is matured. All my neighbors are pleased with it, an far as 1 know." Messrs John Q A Kin); & Son, of Stokes county, N C , write, December 25, 1879: "We have used your 'Star Brand' Complete Tobacco Manure For the last three years, aud are well p'cased with the action on our tobacco. It seems to torce (he tobacco rigjjt up, with a small stalk, broad leaf, and cures well AVe were the first to use it in our settle ment, now everybody uses it and praises it. Mr B F Bynum, nf Stokes county, N 0 , writes, December 9, 1879 : "I used your 'Slur Brand' Complete Tobac co iManure the last two years, and find it i all that is claimed tor it 'J he Tobacco yellows finer, with smaller stalks aud fi.ier aud larger leaves than a y ever tried or seen in my neighborhood It ia decidedly the best I have evir seen tried, and is■ uiore used by uiy neighbors every i year, than any other " Farmers wishing to use No. 1, Peruvian Guano can buy it of us as low as they can get same quality anywhere in America n-l deliver it here. Mr A J Satferfiuld, of Su>ry c uoty, NO, writea, Deee-jibor 26, 1879: ' I have used jour Siar Brand' Complete Tobaooo .Manlire ior (he last three yearn with perfect satisfaction to myself It has dune all that I could expect it In do. I meJ i'our Hacks thin year on very itiin upland. 200 pounds to the acre, and I think I will gel 2 000 pouod* id ti.bsc oo 1 put uiu deep and drilled brat stable tuauure—or stable manure and ashes is best. My wueal is looking well ' alter the tub*cco." , Mr J T Johnaon, of Sorry county, N 0 , writes, December 23, 1879 : "1 used 1200 pounds of your 'Star Brand' Com plete Tubauco Manure, and it waa all 1 had any right to expect, considering the dry weather " Mr J 11 Martin, of Stokes county, N C, writea, Deo , 1879, : "I have used your 'Star Brand' Complete Tobacoo Manor i two successive years, *ith must satiafactory results Notwithstanding the long contioued drouth, 1 have the best urop of tobacco no n&ud I eve* raited in iuy life, and 1 think your Siar Brand' • all deserves it* nnuir ( \ Complete To bacco Manure) [ will he ah:e to give you a better report after selling my cr>p. n 20.000 Sscks Star Brand Tobacee Manure for ski# in Winsfdtf this soring • 1 UINSHAW Buo«, on ■■ liberal terms and ai a» low prices as any standard Feriiliier ia sold. Mr M E Mt*er, of Surry comity, N C , writes, January 19, 1J&50: "'Tour 'Star Brand' Complete Jobaccq Manure, gave better *ali»facjion than ever befoie. 1 made at least 4500 pounds, of lubafloo from ksven bags of your Maoure, and I have tbe beat crop of tobaeen I ever raised I ileeui it tbe beet fertiliser fw. 4 Rtbecco that ia manufactured, bcuauseilt ■ JMM tried other fertilisers, and it proved to be beat." ' c i . , ! .1. ~ll* !!«.. » j. binshaw Bros., sell more Star Brand Tobacco Manure than every other house in Winston sells of every other brand put together. Mr J L Smith, ol Stoker county, N C, wri'ns December 12,1879: "I will say, with regard to yo r Co plete. To bacco Mimure, l hiu the season was un favorable, but our crop is a goood one, i and ripened up the nicest of any crop i ever raised on my place 1 have nut ; tried any lerill'Scr with better itsulls, aud 1 expect to use it aj^ain Mr J P Covington, of Stokescunty, N(J .writes. December 11, 1879: ' I ued 1200 ibs of your 'Star Brand' Complete Tobacco Mi it it re this )>*ar and was well phased with it 1 u*td 200 lbs to the acre and expect to make 4,- 500 lbs. It yellowtd well nu the hill, and was the ea«ie.»l managed 111 the baru of any t' bacon I ever unt ie I eSt ect to use it ai:ain neat season " Mr W C Wilson, nf Stokes county, NU, writes, January 20, 1880: "1 used y ur omplete Tobacco Manure 'ast year with spleudid tesulis 1 planted On second year s land, and uiy tobacco grew oft mealy and rip. Ned well. It is j tough, rich and wax), with comparative ly ainall jteui. 1 have DO hesitation in prom miring the Complete Tobacco Ma nurc the ben that 1 have iri d. Mr Presley Pearce, of Stokes ci rnfy, NC , writes, Jannaiy 10 1880 : "I I aui well pleased with the S'ar Brand' | Complete Tobacco Manure, aud expect Mr W C Kyans. "f Pnrry county N 1 C, writes, December 27, 1879: "Your "Star Brand' Complete Tobjcco Munuro, bought of liinshaw Broihers4a«t spring, pn-dneed a good tr»p. Sooie ol uiy neighbois wlina>w mv tobacco say they will try your 'Star Brand' next year I will use it again." Mr J W Gates, of Patrick county, Va , wr'tes, December 15, 1879 : ••Your ''Star Braud' Complete Tobacco Manure j 1 »as used extensively io this neighborhood last year and notwithstanding the very dry summer the result was fine as heart could wish It gives the tobaoco a quick gro*ib, good sixe, and fine texture, Kvery planter is pleased with ita action Will use it more eitcuaively next year." Mr. Asa Jooes, of Forsyth county, N. C., writes Januarys, 1880; "I used two sacks of your 'Star Brand' CutnpUte Tobacco Manure on two acres of black, gravelly laud last year, and made 2 223 pounds of tobacco, which I sold at my barn for 15 cents per pound. 1333 54. I utu very much pleased with your fertili ser. Have used it tbree years in Se cession," ■ i Mr Z T Smith, of finkp« county, N 0 , »riWs, I>eceuiher it, lß|9 : "I used your Complete Tobacco Mauu/e natsea .1 K.'ilj I J' ;*t;on Mr W Neel, of citokes enuniy, NO, writes, l e ember 29. f879: '1 have uted jo«rr Complete Tobacco Mat.ure tor • hree years, and pieTer id tb any other fertiliser I, have qv«r used I put in drill, 200 lbs to the acre on ooiunion land—a little more on very thin land la anything like a pooft season, tfie tobacco is of good awe, and ripens w*H a»d (¥ti«l lar. My tobacqe raised by its ate i» Rood, waxy tobacco. I bave tried it side by ; to use it more largely this year than ever before My tobacco was mure eamly ! cured 11' an any crop 1 ever made him i any 'crt)li*.r " Mr A C Savage, of Stokes county, N J C , write*. December 27, 1879: "I used two sack# of your Star liraad' Complete Tobacco Manure this year, and it proved ! a great success. I used it m drill ; I plain. d tobacco eighteen inches apart. It grew generally three led bluh Had large, yellow, gummy, rioh leaf s, and cured a bright yellow color geaerally." Mr B F Gravely, of Henry county, Va., writes. December S\ "I used the -Star Brand' Complete Tobacco Ma nure on over 200 (Mill t.tbacco hil s this year It acted as' well as could be de sired 1 »ui so well pleased with its ac tion on uiy cr ip, that 1 expect to ut>e ' double the quantity next year." Kev T 8 King, »f Forsyth county, N j C write#, December 18. 1879: 'I have used your Complete Tobacco Mauofe lor wbeat and tobacco lor the two laat sea. i sons 1 aui well pleased with the result, j I use one s-u-k per acre. I prefer it to any tried. I have u.-ed Peruvian, ■ '* and 'a I expect to use it th sspring.'* j s->n, 300 pnnnds to tbr> acre and can say II gave pt-rleet »ath»luctioo. Will use it ueit year " Mr li T Winter, of Henry county, V*., write*. Dei-ember 7, 5879 : "I have lined t lie Tobai'eo Manure tor two yrara. ami like it» action finely It grew mj tobacco and ripened yellow and nice. It ia all I want as a tobacco ma nure."' , .Jas F Hodges, of Stokes county, N C,, write*. December 22. 1879: "i used tl.e "Star Brand' Complete iobacoo Ma nure thia year, which acted like a.cbartu. It started the plant early, and it yellowed well on the hill. I am better pleased wiib the 'Star Brand' than any I e»er used. Espeet to uae it agaiu. Mr Saitfoel P Maitin, of Strike* coun - ty, N 0 . writes, January 17, 1880 : 'Your 'Star Brand' Complete Tobacco Manure does as well or better than any commercial manure I have e»er used L espeet to use it again." Mr W R C alter, of 8»ok«i coonty, N C , writer, December, 1879 t "I ®»ed mg sacks of your 'Btar Brand' Complete Tobaco . Manure this year, and it aoud well for me, considering the drouth I think it ia the best I ever used." »it)e with other maaurea, and have found it U tsood, if not bqtter than I ha»e •*« tried" a Flon. \V A. Lowrey, of Foray th ooßßtj N (\, write* January 9 1380 : -I used your C"iii|'leie T*j>fuoo Manure U«t year /«' on a pOrlinn of uiy iobaooo crop, and wa> ; , well pteased *Mh tbe'teauh. I shall use It agaip thin Jf»r- i *••• u»ih« your Wheat Manure, and am Mtii- , hod that ft l« good."

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