THE DANBURY REPORTER; VOLUME V. THE REPOHTEiI. I'UBI.IHHKD WEBKLY AT DAN B Y, N . C . PEPPER C- HONS, PUDLIHIIKRB ANO ritumttTOßS RATES OF SUBSCRI i'TION, One Year, payable In advance, $1 So Six Months, - - 1 00 HATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square (ten lines or less) 1 time, $1 ''o For each additional Insertion, • 50 Contracts for longer lime or more space c«n be made iu proportion to tho above rates. transient advertisers will tie ' expected to remit according to these rales at the tiiua they a end their favors. Local Notices will be charged 50 per cent, higher ihan above m«es. .... -iljii Buitiieie Cards w ill lie inserted at T™ Hol lar 8 per annum. O P. DAY, AT.IIBIIT JONES DAY & JONES, Manufacturers of SADDLERY, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, fa. No, 33(1 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. nol-ly B. F. KINO, WITH JOHNSON, MUTTON & '">•» DRY GOODS. Nos, 21 and 2y South Sharp Street., li.U.TIMUMi MO. T. W JOHNSON, tt. M. BUTTOV, ' /. R. R. CRAIIDC, a J JOHNSON ! noi-i r 11. 11. MARTINKALK. WITH WM. J. C. DULANY A CO. KUtioners' anit Booksellers' H'are ti onset SCHOOL nooKS A SPKCIALTY. Hationery of all kinds. Wrapping Paper, Twines, llonuet Boards, I'uper Hliiels. 3.12 W. BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE, MD. KMIIRT, UI i Z & 0., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in UTION.X, HOSIERY; GLOVES; WHITE AND "ANOV COOKS Xo. 5 Hanover street; Baltimore, jfd. v 4ily JNtr. IV. IIOI.I.ANP, WITH T. A. L'lillV 4 (0., Manufacturers o( FRENCH and AMERICAN CANDIES, in every vai iety, ami ttltfilefcaU io hItCITS, NUT>, CANNED GOODS, Cl- G A U.S, yc. MI Mini nil MtmmiKimini, mniimiiw, «m JWT" orders trom Merehaiits eollciU-d. W I I.LI A U IIKVHIf S, \\ 11,1.1 AM H. IIKVHIKS Ollui-llA* OKVIIIHt, o S., SOI.OMOK KIMUKI.L ? WILLI A M DKVTUKS Sc i'(), !mj orli rp ol Kweiftu ami Ouiaesllr Dry Uoods aati Notions. SI2 West Kdltimore Street,(tietween Howard hii4 Liberty,) UALTIHOItE. TMh paper will he for.vardi-d to anj ad 4ee«s lor one jear on teeeiplol 1 Dollar and Kiltt (Vnts in advance B. J. k U. E. REST, WITH IIKNKV MONNEBOKN .V O., WHOLKSALR CLOTIOKKS. 20.Hanover Htreet,, (lielween German und Louiiiard Streets,) HAITI.MURK, HO. II KONNftUON, U Ht.IMI.INK. 47-iv J. It. AltmrTT. (IK N C , with Hl.HfiO* EI.MSTT t CRIMP, RICHMOND, VA., Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &C. • Prompt attention paid lo orders, and satis faction gaucanteed. pa- Virginia State Prison GooJt a tjxnalty March, «. J. W. RANDOLPH & KNOLIB >, BOOKSELLERS, hTATIONERM, AND BLANK-BOOK MANUKACTEUERB. 1318 Mainrtreet, Richmond. A Large Sttxk of LA IK HOOKS alwayt on ftol-tiin hand. To Inventors and .llethauics. PATENTS and how to obtain them. Pamphlet! ot 60 pages free, H|ion leceipl of Stamps for Postage. Address Gilmore. Smith Co , Solicitors of Patents, Box 31, Wnthing'an, t>. C M. S. ROBERTSON, WITH Watklns & Cotlrcll, fmpollers and Jobbers ol IURDWARR, CUTLERY, #c., SADDLERY GOODS, Bo LYING OLOTH, GU.U PACKING AND BELTING, ISO 7 Main Stroot, Richmond, Va ~ B.U. WILSON, OF N.C., WITH R. W. POWERS 4 CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Lad dealers in Paints, Oils, Dyes, Vsrniahef, French Window Glass, Ac., Ho. ISOS Main St, Richmond, Va. ift i'!« 1! Proprietort Aromatic Peruvian Hitter« £ Pom pound Syrup Tolu and Wild Cherry. Rey 0. 0. Bnrr. formerly editor of the New York D»y Book, now a Ilud ■on county, N J., politician of some repute, has challenged Col Robert In gersoll to a religious diacussiuu. A R lit'U (J H. Sometimes 1 feel weary of fli'a, I urn tired of its turmoil uuil 1 in, l'pi worn with the every-day strite. Willi ut-ukiM*. temptation ami an. I've iloulitiiigH. mi*)ii> ingg m d fears, t'om lo inmpier within and without, I'm sorrows mid Siuhings and turn, \\ bile dTnk c ouds I'.ang «>er about. Tlie path seems 100 rouqli for my tout, Mi taiteiing Uw steps will Bliit) ; Fresh trials at each step moot. And ot.sii I miss the right way. I've nights of urn est, days ol care, Wliini noth tn here seems to relieve, Unless I seek iu prayer, And but tiui{>lj tiust uitd lelicve. My burdens ' lay at His feet, He bids all my sorrowing tviuc, Gives tulli ass of joy 111 it's oomi>luto , And perleet and enduring 1-e.tce., lie Ileitis me 10 oompio,- my lo«s, ( !' ■ ». ifiiees idr mi'; Full well nil my weakness He knows, In trouble my refuge He'll be. Thk Unknown —Religion, whether natural or revealed, hag always lite same beneficial influence on the mind. In youth, iu health and prosperity, it uwa kens feelings ol' gratitude and sublime love, and purities at the same time that it exults ; but it is iu misfortune, in sick ness, in age, that its effects are most t 'ily at d beoefi ially felt ; when sub uiis ttion in fuiih and huuiVe trng> in the ditiou will,, Inui dul cs ucc'ime picas urea, unriocuying suroes of coDtnlatinii ; thin ii creates powers which we e he lii ved t.i be extinct, and gives a Ircsl n g to tl e mind, which w .s supposed to have passed away forever, but which is now ronovalyd as an itumortal hope ; then it is the Pharos, gliding the wave tos . uia inor to his home, us the calm ai d beautiful still basius or fiords surrounded by tranquil grjvoa and pastoral nicad ws | to the N irw. gian pilot egoaping front a | heavy storuj in the North sea, or as tie i g'oen aud dewy spot gushing with foun- j tuins to the exhausted and thirsty travel- I riu the midst of the desert. Its in fluence outlives all earthly enjoyments, and bee lines stronger as the organs dc j cay and the frame dissolves; it -.ppeurs as that evening star of light in the hori zon of lile, which, »e arc sure, js to ' heoouie iu another seagon a morning star, -ma «>•' rauvMttvtnrough tine glooui and >hadow of death.—Sit. Hum phrey Da vie* The Supreme Court of the United States h.-•■ decided that a State may con st t rional y puss a law ri quiring "all peddlers of sewing machines and selling •■y s iinple" to pay a specified license Sncli a statute had been passed by the Legislature of Tennessee, and in accor dance with it a tax of sls whs im;osed ■ii the agent of the Iluwo Sewing Ma chine Company, which is a corporation f Connecticut, and makes i s machines i.i that State The company paid the tax under protest, and went to law to ti*Ht the constitutionality of the statute The Supieuie Court of Teuncmeo held thai the lux was levied on all peddlcta of sewing machines alike, without regard II the place where the machines or their materials were made or produced, and that, therefore, the law was valid Th i doeision is sustained by iho U S Sup. Court. Gkttino JSvrn With a Molk When a Keutucky man got well enough to be out after a difficulty with a mule, he fixed the treadmill of a sawing ma chine so that it would roll, put a letup ting ui asure of oata in the manger at the upper end, and left tho mule alone with the oontrivanoo ; and, after the ani uial bud worked lor half a day in a vain effort to climb up to those oats, every tiuie he stepped forward on the mill i having rolled baok with hiui, that tun e was the most fatigued and ugliest, uiad des', most disgusted oreature in Ken- I tucky, aud the avenger wag happy. Albany girls stand no fooling. One of theui was to have been married a day or two sinue, and the girl was all ready, the minister on hand, and the feast spread, but still n > bridegroom. ' I'll wait for him juat ten minutes," said tl e giil, "and then I'm open to proposals ' Ten minutes flew by like the wiud, ai.d a little red hatred fellow, with a papir collar, and his trousers all frilled at the bottom. Vt#peiiw, proposed, jr at. accos ted, utarrild ana loooptrt-to the banquet The Blue Ridge Blade thiuks all tho wids in th« State should rise tip in arms against Senator Vauce for goi >g to Kcn i tucky for a wife iuatead of patronizing i home institutions. DANBURY, N. C., TH MASSACRES. MKMOHAIILK AND l!t.OOIIY r.VENTS IN Tll« IIISTOUY or KATIOKS AND KKLIOIONU History's page is, niotiphorioall) spoak. i ig, written iu blood. A singlo event at tho record of which wo may narelcssly glance, has porhups caused the uuath of uiiilio a ore it has been chroniolcd This is particularly nolieua'jlc among the historic massacres of which we write, aid while we shudder at tho daik deed" 'hat have bcon perpetrated with and without appaiout cause, still we arc irrc ahlably attracted to thu pers jal of the fearful tale and sympathize wilh iho un fortunate sufforors, while the of the torture are forever braudod wtlh infamy Hctwcen the years 397 R C und 70 A D ooeuired many of the scencß of slaughlor; in the former year all the C in Sicily were murdered ; i i 331 H C Alexander the Great showed his revengeful spirit, hy causing 2 000 Tyriuns to bo crucified and 8,000 to be put to the sword for refusing to surren der Tyro to him Again 154 R. C Do uieliius Nioanor, the tyrant of Syriu. slaitud Antioch with the blood of 100- 000 ' ■ ople because they did not capitu late on his demand. In Aix (Fiance) in 102 R C. 200,000 Tcutones suffered undi r Marius, whi'e iti the year 88 R C. by oder of Mitbridates,.King of I'ontus, ull (lie uieu, Women und children through, out Asia were cruelly put to death by the Romans. The fiendish Marios, two years later, again caused the death of many nobles at Rome Rut the most ' Mauling yet recorded was that at the DESTRUCTION OF JKKIJSALKM by Titus, in the j car 70, A D 1,100,000 were hero put to the sword, the great temple was burned and thu city laid waste.' Forty five years lat-ir the Jews, headed by Adrae, destroyed 100.000 Greeks and Romans in Cyrene Sob ucia iu 107 witnessed tho massacre of 400, 00 inhabitants by Cassius Euip M Aurclius, Alexandria iu 213 that of many thou Gaul in 277 suffered the loss of 700 000* of her people through the heurtlcßs Em peror Probus At Nicodemia in 370. eighty Christian lathers were, by order of Emperor Gratian, put in a ship, set 0 i fire nnd driven out lo sea. Theodosius iu 390 inviitd 7,000 to a circus at Tlies t-alouica and then put theui to dcalh C it'Stai tinoplc next attracts our atten tion us a fiel 1 of atrocities, fur iu 552, I- r revolt, impelled by tyranny of two r ipucioub minister-, 30.000 were sent to eternity, and at the city in 1204 the Latins suff. rid severely under Andrnni eus. In the religious persecutions of the Waldcnses and Albigcnses in Toulouse (1209 ) Bword aud gibbet curried of! lens of thousands. , SIC! LI A VKI.rKUS M ABBACRK- Ou March 30, 1282, at tho hour of vespers on Easter Monday, the inhabi tants of Pulerma flew to arms and fell upon the French who were all put to death Women and children were not spared, and even Sicilian women with child by Frenchmen were murdered The furious insurrection which followed swelled the great number of victims In the Castle of Verdun, in 1317, 500 Jews had taken shelter from the that assailed them, aud although they made a valiant defence, fighting to the last, they were forced to yiold, and their death resulted. John, Duke of Rurgundy, reduced the population of P-aHs several tbousmd hy iho massacre whioh he instigated in 1418 Christian 11, in 1520, ii.yiiod tho Swod sh nobility to a banquet iu Stockholm. They never attended another feast And now wo come to an event which has forever stained the history of Franco. Wo may yet be oalled to guard against a similar one in our oountry, for it has long siuoe been demonstrated that the shedding of 1 Protestant blood shall not bo a bartier to opposo the overspreading Calholio ro ligiou ; I rofcr to the ST BARTHOLOMEW MABSAORH on August 4 1572, by Charles IX., ol Franao, at the instigation of Caihariue do Modicia, his mother. Tho ouusca, do tails and results of that horrible scene are familiar to all; suffice to Bay that 70,000 Hngcnois were martyrs to their oause. while solemn thanksglviuga were offered in Rouio, medals oooimomoraiivo of the event were struck in Paris, and Spain applauded tho buiobery. Ttie URSDAY, JUNE 17, 1880. English court us a ina>k of l'rolcstant ■Lti station put on uiournitig and received i the. l'rench embassy in solemn silence Croia, in August, 1592, Thorn, in August 1721, and Hatavia, in October, 17 10, were scenes of violence nnd rapine. To the first named place the Protestants sgain suffered by order of tho Chancellor of P a-ni; in tho second 12,000 Chinotc ••n a pretense of insurrection ; whilo in the last, the Turks, with their character istic brutality, look the lives of Christians. Hut the Turks themselves suffered ut Ismail (December 22, 17!) D,) • loss of 30;OOO soldiers and C.HOO wo uen Hy iho proclamation of Pessal nes, unand€ of whites were murdered nt Si. Domingo on March 2!f, 1804 A French massa-ro occurred in Madrid May 2, 1808, one of Martualukcs in the citadel of Cairo March 1. IBH, and n other May. 1815 hy the Catholics ut Nisiao. Vaßt numbers of p>n>plo «cr. put lo death Mireli 1820. by the Icro o'oul soldiery 3'tO Kuglish nobles net their leulh at Salisbury Plain, May 1 474 lu 580 tho Monks ol lim gor 'o ihe number of 1 200 were murdered. Tbti most bloody uiassurrc that ever c curted in London was that i f Daniy, No vcutber 13, 1002. A rather peculiar cisu r.ow attracts us, namely, the MASSACHK OK YOltK in Kng'and, 11S9 Pivo hundred .1 «•- t>ok Bhelter in the castle of Yotk, and thtrc killed themselves from fear. iVssi bly ibis should be classed among •'utcnio ruble suicides," but us it was iudi v idu - ily sclf-massacre we give it a plaeo here. In the liristol colonics in Ireland, in 1209, was the famous "Cnllen's Words" destruction, and Oclobei 2H, 1041, begun O'Ncil's rebellion, in whi'-h, cte it ended, 150,000 Protestants were saciificed to the interest of Catholicism The Mc- Donald clans suffered at Gleneoe, May 9, 1(591. In the "K icrald Isle" in 1788, 18t men and women were burned, piked or drowned, while the liritish govern m nt blotted its record drowning st Dartmouth, on iho "lith of April, 1815. mi n it -mj fewTSatcheries of which wo linve spoken shows that over 4,000 000 pois ms have suffered by them ; while, if we should lake into consideration ihe number of victims of war, which is always uit'Bsacre, it would be inestimable, und wc can only trust that our own country, and all othcis, amy iu future be free from a recurrence of these fearful see. es of carnage. Virginia Midland H ak.iioad —From a special dispatch lo the IJ.iltiuioro Sa/i it is learned that Mr. John S Barbour, receiver of the Virginia Midland Kail road, has fiicd a report in the Circuit Court of Alexandria, Virginia, iu which he explains the circumstances of iho re cent sale, or supposed sale, of that road The sale was to have taken place at Alexandria, at noon, May 13, iu obedi ence to a decree of that court, but a hull an hour before ihe time for the s.le a wrii of supersedeas Irotn ihe Court of Appeals of Virginia, on petiiiou of K F. Gilbert, was served on Mr Harbour, who was commissioner lo sell the superseding tho order of the sale, and the sule was postponed until four o'clock the same day. I'Ljfore that hmr a dis patch was received fr 'Ui Mr H ibert Gar rett, dated New York oily, in which he announced that he had purcuased all the bonds ' f the appellants, and expressed the hope that nothing would rreytni. tie 1 sale that day, and asserted that if the salt was postponed it would prove im nicusely disadvantageous to all intorcslß I'ot oi rneil. The sale was then proceeded w th. A lew days later, Mr. Harbour says, he learned that owing to some dis agreement between the parties in regard 10 the purohaße of the bonda of the ap pellant, tho appeal had not been dis missed, aa ho had supposed it would be, and he, thureforo, at once informed ihe purchasora that he would take no further Btcpa looking to a confirmation of the sale, and which he would thereafter treat as void aud of DO eflcot Mr Harbour, as an act of juaticc t ■ Mr Robert Gar rett, also submitted a lettor lrout that gentleman, roceived under date of May 15 explanatory of his connection with the supposed purcbaae ot the appellant's bonda ( luirlutte Observer. The Thirty first Annual Meeting of tho Stockholders of the N. C. Railroad Company will be held iu Greensboro on the aeeond Thursday In July, being the Bth day of tho month. A Terriblo Picturo. I nm awtire there is a prejudice against any man engaged in ihe liijuor business I believe from the time it issues from the er.iled and poisonous worm in th« distillery, until it empties in ilic hell of death, dishonor und crime, that alcohol is demoralizing to everybody that touch cs it. from the source to where it ends I do not believe anybody can coitetn plato Ihe subject without prejudice against tho ctime All we have \o do is to think of liic wrecks on either side of the stream-ill death, of the suicides, of the insanity, of the poverty, pauper isui and destruction coming trout alco hi| ;ol the little children fogging a I the breast of weeping, despairing, star ving moth' is begging for bread, of men of genius it has wrecked, of the itrUg g'ing wilh iuiugiuary serpents produced by this eevilish thing; and when wc t link ol the jails aud almshouses, of the asylum*, of the prisons and scaffolds ou itlier hank, I do not wonder that every thjughtful mau is prejudiced ugaiikst the vi o et ull called alcohol. "Intemperance cuts down youth in its v got, manhood in its .trcngth, sod age in I s weakness. I breaks the father's heirt. H reaves the dotiug mother, ex linguibhcs natural nficctionN, destroys conjugal, blots uut filial attachments, bights p iterual hope and brings prema ture age ;o sorrow and dishonor to t e -rave. It produces weakness, not strength; sickness, nut heakli; death, not life. It makes wives widows, ehil dren orphans, lathers fiends, aud all paupers. It feeds theum&tUm, nurses gout, welcomes epidemics, iuvitcs chole ra, imports pestilence, engenders con sumption, and covers the laud uiib eriuiu. /i produoes controversies, fo« tcta quarrels, aud cherishes riots. I. crowds our peuilcutinrios aud furnishes victims lor ihe scafluld. "Alcohol iB the blood of the uamblcr, ihe inspiration of the burglar, ihe sliui ii us ot tho highwayman, and the sup poH. ol tli.- midnight iuoenjiaoy. jl liai, oondonos the thiof, esteems the blasphemer It violutes ohliiratiiHisi icvercnoes frauds, tnrus love to hutc, scorns virtue and innocence, it iucites i lie lather lo butoher his helpless off spring, aud tho child to sLaipcu thc paiicidul axe. ' Alcohol burns up men jnnsumes women, destroys life, curses God, and despises heaven. It. suborns witnesses, nurses perlidity, defiles the jury box and stains ihe judicial cruiiuc. It bribes Voters, disqualifies voters, corrupts elce lions, pollutes institutions aud endangers tho government. It degrades the citi zen, debases the legislature, dishonors the statesman and disarms ihe patriot. II brings shame, not honor; letror, not safety ; despair, not liopo ; misery, not happiness; and wilh the malevolence of a fiend calmly surveys im frightlt l des olation, and revelling iu havoc it poisons felicity, ucsnoys peace, ruins morals, wipes out national honor, curses the world and luughs at tho ruin it has wrought. It does that and more—it murders the soul. It is tho sum of ull villianies, ihe lather of all crimes, the mother of ull abominations, tho devil's best friend, and God's Worst enemy."— li. G LnjertoU. Senator Williams, of Kentucky, made a good speech in behalf of the Mex can veterans. He gave the following inter esling historical incident as it is reported for the Richmond Dispatch. He said : ''After showing that the gallant sol diers who never lost a battle from th« Kio Grande to the City of Mexico, and who udded a vast lerri ory to tho United States, deserved a pe ision, I c proceeded to give thcin credit for the humanity wilh which they treated the oonquercd He stated that ho was at a banquet in tho City of Mexico when a paper signed hy hundreds of leading Mexicans was handed General feint, tendering him the presidency for life of that liopublic lie told how General Scott declined, aud added tl at it would have been well for the Mexicans if he bad aoc pled, for two thirds of tho American volunteers w ul'l have remained there, and by this timo Mexico, instead of having 8,0(10.- 000. would have a population ol 20,000, 000 Josh Rilling* : Thar ix advise eouf now layin around loose to run 3 just sutoh worlds ai this; what wo ate suf i fvrio moast for iz sum good examples. NUMBER 2. Forfeits for Fun. A list of nuiusing forfeits, which Rill make 11.0 company laugh and not offend the [Arson ca'led upon to pay thcai, uro herewith given : 1. I 'at a newspaper upon the fl ior in such a way thut two persons can stand on it and not be able to touch each oth er with their hands, Jjy putting the . paper in the doorway, one half inside 1 uud the other halt' outside of the room, and. closing tho door over it, the two persons can easily siand upon it and still be beyond eae'u other's reach. 2. To out of thu room with two legs, arid come in with si* Not difficulty if "ff bnDg a chair along on the return. 3. To act the dumb servant The per son who has the forfeit IO pay must set out the answers to the questions put l y the master of ceremooies ;as '"Bow d>> ynu make bread ?" "rfow do you wife soup!"' etc This forfeit 'will 1 uiuoh uji rriuieut, if proper questions am put 4. Put one hancTwbere tfee other can not touch it. Ono can get out of thi» difficulty by putting One hand on the el bow o' tho other arm 5 Place a pencil on the floor so I Vat one cannot jump over it. May bo do o by putting it close to the wall of thi room. 6. Put a question that ho one can a . swer with a "no!" This is not tiurd r one thinks to ask, "'A'hat does jc a spell J"' 7 Push a ohair through a finger >lir I'liis forfeit is made by putting the ri ,» on the Biig»r and pushing the ehfii'— any otH rr ohjf.ot will do as well—n itii tlie finder. 8 Put yourself through a keyhole. This was a great punleto us for a while, but when a piece of paper Was taken »nh thejvord "yourself" writteu it, and pushed through the hole, it was all clear. TIIE ORANUK THUS —The oranga 4t is reputed'to li.n'tr attained the i 300 yearo, and liecir bown to flouri h and bear fiuil Diofe tlian- 100 years. N > fruit tree will sustain itself and jrnduoo fruit so well ijnd r negleot and r ugh treatment. It beglna to bear about the third year alter budding, and by thi. filth je r produces an abundant cr>p''lliiugl the yield- ♦« .gradually increased by x,.'" ami favorable oireuuisiaoccs. The tally growth of the orange is rapid, and ly its lentil year it has grown mire than it will io llu) next fitly, so£ir as its bread'.h aud height are ennoerotfd f but it£ ego multiplies it* fruit stem?. Years ago, a parly went from Ken tucky to unoartU the i*uruins of bnniel lioone and his wife, whoso bodies had been Uuritd at Mathasville, about forty utiles soUili west of St. Louis, and a few miles Ir .ui whra Boope had lived and died. Fearing interruption from the oil ileus of the place, the paity hurried back to Kentucky with what they got, leaviug the graves unfilled, and tLey retnaiu so to this day. The person who owns the lot where the graves are, is said to be BO angry at the loss of the money which he might have made by showing them in their original statu that he is thinking of taking legal measures to recover what is left of ttieit bodies. The otiored element are having I heir rights recognized a*, the election np ! proaehes. Revenue Collector Mutt has yielded to thair demand, ami for the first time in the history of the party iu this section of the Stats, a colored umn has been appointed revenue storekeeper and gauger. The appointee is" II U. Martin, a native of Wilkes oounty, and lato a student at Biddle University. Il is an ain using inslai.oo of throwing a tub to the whale a't e supremo moment, Chiir/vtte Obtererr.' Raleigh Observer: ■ Pruf W 0. K«rr, Geologist,'is iff 'Correspondence Wiih IT wealthy gentleman ol Minncapo. ha, Minnesota, in regard' to the grape aitid fruit culture in the Western part of the B*ate The fikrfy will v sii the State soon, with tho intention of 'making it his home The Prufesaor also has a letter frotn an eminent scientist of Phil adelphia, asking him to make a tour af the mountains about the middle of J>i»o with v number ol geologists u u d butt nistf

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