THE DANBURY REPOKTII VOLUME V. TIIE REPORTER. ptntitsntn wbekj.t at DA N N . C. PEPPER f- HONS, riJßLisntnß and pttci-nir.Totin, UATE3 OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Tear, payable In advance, $1 Bl» Mouths, - - - 100 RATRB OF ADVRimSING. " . Otie Rqaare ( tew lines or lea*} I doe, $! '0 For each additional insertion, - 50 Contracts for longer time or more apace can be made in proportion to tbe above rates . Transient advertisers will lie expected to (emit according to theae rates at tbe time they gend their tavora. Loral Notices will be charged 50 per cent, higher than above ra'es. Business Cards wilt he inserted at Teu Dol lars per aeoatn. O F. DAV, Al.bkkt jonkh DAY & JONES, Manufacturers ot BADDLKRY, HA UN ESS, OOLI.AUS, TRUNKS, £c. Mo. 336 W. Baltimore atroet, Baltimore, Md. 001-ly n. r. KINO, WITH JOHNSON, 81/ITO.N k V l )., DRY GOODS. Nos. 21 and 2» South Sharp Sticet., BALTIUOBB MO. T. W JOHNSON, K. M SUTTON, t. n. R. CltAliKtC, O J JOHNMIN 001-ly II 11 MAHTINI>ALB. WITH WM. J. C. DLL ANY & CO . ttUtisam' aud BonkNCllcrs' Ware house. sciioor. liOOKS A SPECIALTY. Mationery ot all kinds. Wrapping Paper, Twines, llonnet llmrds, l*.i|ier lllinds. 83i W BAIiTIMORRST^JtALTIMORR, MD. fIUP.KI, WIJ Z t 'lmporters mid Wbolcwtc Dealers in •OTIONS, IUKSIBKY; OL4IVKS; WIHTK AM' FANCY GOODS No. K linnover Bireet; Huliiuuire, Md. ***** J NO. W. HOLLAND, WITH T. A. BKVO f « M M %m>r»ciurtrv *i FKfiNCH AMKRICAN CANDIKS, iu t*v«*ry vurH ty, «n«l u lioletiiili Vui'i j ill I-KUITB, NUl>, OANNKD (JOODS, 01- G A Kci, 31V nod 341 Baltimore aHotat, ttultimore, Md J»®r* t'ntrrv l:««u 9>lici(«il. WIIXtAM 0»Vl.'IK«, WILLIAM K. DKVHIRB, CttUIfTUK UK %'HI KM. Of 8., DOLoMuN KIM MRI.L WILLIAM DKVHIKH k CO., lmf'ori«Ti« >iud JmLUmh of ForeUo and Honrslic IH-y Goods 1M Jtolions, &I 2 Wwl Kallkoore Street, (liel ween Howard and l.iberty,) HAI.TD'.tIKK. Thin paper will be forwarded to any ad dress tor one )*rou receipt ol I Dollar ami •Filly l in ad vunre B. J. ft R. K. BM&T, WITH UKNKV So!\\Kßoß\ A O., WOOI.KSALR OU»TIHKII.S. ao llanovcr Struei, {lictwcea tjerman and Lonitiard Streets.) BALTIMORE, MO. B. 80NNE*USI, H liI.IML.INK. »-ly J U. Alt It* ITT. OF N C , with WIXGO, EI.LETT & CBP.Wr, RICHMOND, VA., Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOJtiS, TRUNKS, AC. Prompt attention paid to orders, and tttis- Cactiou gaurauteed. Virginia SLuU Prim Ooodt a tftecttlty March, a. ">■_ J. w. RANDOLPH L KNSUB «, BOOKSKLI.KRS, t-TATIONKRS, AND BLANK-BOOK MANO K ACT KKKRS. 1318 Mainrtreet, Richmond. A Larg* Stork of LA W ROOKS always on nol-6m hand. Tt luvcitors aid Mechanics. PATENTS and how to obtain them. Pamphlets ol 60 pages free, upon leceipt of Stamps for Postage. Address Oilmouk, Smith & Co , Solicitors of Patents, Box 31, Wuthingiun, D. C M.B. ROBERTSON, WITH Watkins & (lotlrfll, Importers and Jobbers ol fiARDWARB, OUTLERV, #o., SADDLERY GOODS, Bul.riNO CLOTH, GUM PACKING AND BKLTING, 1807 Main Street. Biohmond, Va B. M. WILSON, OF N. 0., WITH R. W. POH'ERf A CO., WHOLESALE ,DItUGGIBTB, and dealer* in Paints, Oils, Dyes, Varnishes, French Window Glass, Ac., Ho. 1305 Main St., Biohmond, Va. PropriHort Aromatic Peruvian Ihtlert ft Com pound Syrup Tulu and Wild Cherry. The Ooldshoro Mrucmjer say* that the people of Smtthfield, Johnston Boun ty, hare organized a company Tor build ing tba Suiithfield & Seltna Railroad AT ÜBT f YSBIiBQ ■ ! Mood to-i*j hpoti the ridge Where lilue liripnde* were mns.K'd, Ami gated the plain below O'er whicn rtie charging enlinon puastd— That foag! low.line or gray, flame-tiiit, Wfii'li still lis on «nrd movement kept Cntft ft reached the aundjr slope |tj» «Ki* it hundred am oon swept And sauntering downward, somewhat and, Among the stonre no longer ituiiwl, I halted at a little mound That on'y the front rank hand gained, A little mound left nil alone, Tninarked br flower or cypress wron b, To show that some regretful he.irt Bemtuibend hlin wlio «lejit la-Death. # Put lulf wiy hidden b; the prftfi I found a "lir ken barrel slave The bead-board which some fueninn'* Lat}d llad kindl; placed above his grave ; And o« one elite I t aced the-* words, In letters ( could ac*rt« divine: "A reliel, name unknown, who lell Firtt iu*tee'fc:eSrott liae." No more— and yet what memories Were awakeutd by that scanty phrase t Again I heard the rallying shout, A>>ain I saw the ranks ablaze ; Ouee more the Hi- wi'h "moke was tlii k, The earth below with blood w is wet, Where, like two serpents, lithe aud fierce, The wrratliog squadrons met. God's pence bo with tliee in thy rest, I one dueller in a stranger's laud ; And may the mould above thy breast Lie lighter thuii a sister's hind I On other brows let Fame Iteslow Her fadeless wreath of luurel twine ; Enough For thee thy epitaph . "uead iu the foremost line I" Tho First Man Who Ato Crow. The origin of the phrase "eating crow" ib appropriately revived iu these eotiven lion dajj. An old farmer on the lluJhoii. below Albany, took summer borders If eke out llie profit* of his farm Ho sold the best of his farm product*, l.owever, an i often palmed off ou his boarders 'more" uit.cles bought at a lower price To their uiurmura he replied ; "I kin ■t anything, 1 kin eat a crow." This .e i mrk was rcptated so often that one of tl e guests finally ah-it a crow and g i the oook to prepare it for dinnur Fearful, however, that the farmer might have stomach fur even (inch u dish, the bird was liberally seasoned whilo eookiiig with Scotch snuff The f.rmer wus rut ber taken back when the dish was placed before liuii, but had too much pluek to ijive iu beaten without a trial and at Lacked the bir i, with tbe remark ; I kin do it " At the second bite he repeated, ' I kin eat crow," and, at- he suddeuly suspeuded the operation of cutting the third mouthful and begun a retreat to ward the door, he added, "but dang me if 1 hanker artor it !"■— Sprimjfitld Re publican The Cost of Liquor. The retail liquor bill of tho United States is $750,000,000 the present year. The English Bureau of Statislios de clare* that every shilling spent for rum, another shilling is r quired to pay for the consequence*. Add, then, 8750,- 000 000 more to take care of the evil re-ults, and we have the nortuous aggre gate of $1,500,000,000, ne r'y enough to liquidate the whole national debt. According to the last census, the en tire villus ot' tho furniture and apparel of the nation, including jewels, was Iras than SSOO 000 000. or $250,000 000 less than the liquor bill of a single year There is uniething to show f r the money spent for (nrnituro and apparel, bat nothing for money . spent for rum, except poorhnusos jails, penitentiaries, rags misery, and death. Contributor. Tin Ex Emprvss in Zulu Land. — A L mdon paper says that letters received from tl e Cape a'ate that the Bmprrss Eugenie, during her stay at Durban, was to ocenpy the same room in government house, to ride in the same oarriage, and eat from the saoie table as Prinee L iuis Napoleon did. Travelling in Cape oarts. she was timed to reach Ityoty zti, where ■he prince was killed, on the anniversary 01 his death Round I he spot where the two troopers who fell at the same tide as the prince are buried, a ditch has been dng and a wall raised so as to form a sma'l cemetery, in which trees and violets have been planted. Gebooda, the leader of the Zulus who attacked tbe prinoe and bis party, has given a solemn promise in presence of Maj ir Stabb that tbe graves should never ba desecrated. Prof. C V Riley, chief of the United States Entomologioal Commission, is of opinion that tbe army wortn will mote northwards, following jn tbe traok of tbe ripening oorn, and be will visit L .ng Island to advise as to the best method of ridding the oouotry of thie destroying peat. The Methodists in Bombay, India, have built and dedicated their first ohurch hqilding They were organised as a ohurch eight years ago by Rev. Wm Taylor. DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1880. A TOUGH STOBY. 01.0 JTtnttY ORKKNINo'n MO HKAE. "Ever hoqrd 'hrnit thn eoriunnage ine and Cose had with a l*'ar over 'long lUttlusnake otcek 7" askod old Jerry Greening, us lie piled tho logs on the fire in his coay little cabin neur this vit iligo. Ji rry is one of the best hunter* iu Pike e uoty, Pa , and his reminiscences are peculiarly interesting. "I'll tell ye ail 'bout it 'fore Ca»e —ye know my son Case, don't yo ?—comes in Wall, mc an' Case an that 'ere ol&yaller houn' of mioc—he's 17 yar old this comin' sprleg—we started out artor a bee tree. W-"' 1 , we was a walkin' 'lonjt kir.der t| ifo{ like, when ill to a sutfdout that caused hou ' of mioc give the all firodest. yell ever I hetrd tn' outcn the brufch an' scrub oaks came a black b'ar I'il be banged if that l/a wasii't ten foot long. Wall, the b'ar stood still io the path, au' looked at me an' Case, an' Caso an' mo stood still an' looked at the b'ar, ao' I'll be gosh hanged if 'twusn't ho o iluical I just sot down on tin groun' au' lalT.-d Then Case he got up on his ear 'oos we didn't bavo no gun uor nothio' with us, 'ceptiu' a ax, so he yells to mc: " - Reckon ye'd better git nn a tree, 'nice* ye.want ter git cliuwcd into mince meat,' wt he. ' Jest abowt thut tim? Mr. B'ar made fur Case, an' 1 shinned up a tree. •'Wall, Case he weut fur the b'ar wi'li ihe nx, an' all of a suddent th.c ole con cern flew offen the handle; so Case he started fur ter climb a tree as the h'ar eonie fur him Wall, sir, to see Caso a cliuibiti' that ar' tree with that b'ar after 'itn was ciore'o I could Man,' so I jest bust tut laffin' agin. Then Case he got red hot mad, an' the way he slung the prolan'ty roan' were a caution Jest übout th> time he bet in ji callin' me all sort er names, that h'ar reached one of his paws up an' pulled off one of Case's butes 110 slid down the tree with the hi'to, and when he tetched the groun' he struck that ar' bute j>:Rt liko that 17 year oid dog of mine wud a jrat. But the hute didn't seem to satisfy Tiim, an he clitu the tree agiu. Cane saw him a eotfiiu', so he yells out, 'l'm a gone, dud !' I seg, 'Hold the fort, an' give him t'other bute.' Jest then Case sec, 'l'll fix the ole cuss.' "Wall, sir, that b'ar clitn a'most to where Cnse were a sett in', when all at otioc'i 1 see'd Case tuaktn' some motions with his fingers. See I, 'Be you a-fixln' him 5" See he, 'I be ' Jest theu the ole devil g»co a ter'ble roar an' let go the tree. I s'pose you'll hardiy Vlieve it, but gosh hang uie if that b'ar didn't turu a summerset in the air an' light on bis head Yes, sir, it's a solern' tuc' thet thet b'ar fell on hit bead so hard thet he broko hit ne-'k, The whole thing were so cussed com'cal thet I got u laffiu' an' fell clean off tho limb I was straddliu' aud nearly broke my neck. When Cuse oome down outen the tree, tut I, 'What tuado the h'ar tumble ?' He looks at me a minnit an' then pulls out a pepper-box. Wall, sir, that ar' boy—l allets calls hiui boy, though he's 38 year ole cotuin' hayiu' time—had stole the ole woman's pepper-box, just totant'lize her, an' thet's what saved his life He spriokled the pepper in the b'ar's eyes, an' nearly drove him frantic, so he dropped But the strangle: pait of tbe story i* the dog When me ao' Case went back after the b'ar with a hi s- an' wagon, I'll be blasted if we didu't fin' that ole yaller hoon' up 'notber tree,' like sin Truth, sir, truth Yes, sir, that ar' dog he'd been so scart that he just clim that tree 'thout thi-.kin'. Mebbe you think I'm lyin' when I say that b'ar weighed 550 poun'. Bit it's the truth, sir. I never lied yet, an' I'm gettin' 100 ole to learn, fur I'm nigh 70 years ole." The Greenback Prayer, Probably 1,500 persons were in the halt when F P Bewees, ot Pennsylvania, oalled tbe Convention to order. The clergyman who was invited lo make the opening prayer tiukled the fanoy of so many peisons in the audience that they frequently interrupted bits with laugl ter and applause, particularly when he thanked God that Jesus was a mechanic, and when be reminded tbe Creator that, while the Democrats and Republicans had been prayed for io many pulpits, not one prayer bad asceuded for the Green back Party "We Oome to Thee, O, Lord," he *aid, "on our own hook " Chicago telegram to N. Y. Times. During t'ue last year the Gospel WM preached in one hundred towns and citie* in China where it had not been previously heard. A Curious Historical Error I'iohably ninety nine persons in a hundred believe that 8:r Walter lta-eigh visiwd "America, for it is so recorded in books; but a New York paper de nies that the ill-Htai red favorite of Queeu K 'aahetli ever came to these shores, and makes the following statement in support of iiaanseition—a Ftateuiout which will be t»wt) to many readers. ''lsery few weeks wo see in print i-oui&hing about Bir Walter RaleighV vi»it»ki this country and sojouros in Virpiiiia, where, indeed, soum) persons have assumed to have his blcod through oonofetions formed by hint when in that ■ colony. Hardly any historic error is eutpOifiaer than this It occurs contiuu ally, not only in newspapers here and abroad, but io books claiming to have been prepared »ith care. The cans" of this wide-sprend mistake is doubllefn *"tf. Sir Waller llaleigh did set 'nithei, 1579, with his half brother. Sir Humphrey Utiberf, who had obtained a liberal patent for establishing a planta tion in America. Oi:e of their vessel* was 1-jßt, and the otlier wa« 80 erippltJ it is said in an cngauemeot with a Spxu ish fleet, thut they jut back witliou' making land years later, Raleigh, weary of inactivity as a courtier, u°ed his influence with Qioen EKt ibcth to .promote a second expedition to these shorec. Prcveuted at the last moment by accident Irout coming in purson, he left the cupiwand tu Sir Huui}>hrey, who sailed from Plymouth with five bliipK (Juno, 1583), aud reached Newfou'd 'and of which ho look possefsiou iu the name of the Queen. The voyage was «cry unfortunate in many wnys, and Gil bert himself, in returning home, went down with one of the only two vessels he had loft. llaleigh fined oQt other cxpe ditiom to America, and is reputed, but incorreotly, to have named Virginia after Elizabeth in honor of her supposed maidenhood. She herself so designated tho oolony, and conferred up.m her favor ite the order of knighthood for the cfl .its he made tofurtherits progress. lUleigh, however, never set foot on or even saw thia Still a work with so much reputation and of euch pretense us 'Chamber's Encyclopedia,' says, in an article on Halcigh (wo quote froui the London editiou of 1877): 'The spirit of enterprise was however, restless in the man, and, in 1583, a patent having been granted hiui lo take posses.- ion of land to be discovered by him ou the continent of North America, he fitted ont two sliips at his own expense, and shortly achieved the discovery and occupation of the terri tory kbowti as Virgiuia. 1 What does this mean if it doeu not mean thai llal eigh came over in his s.iyis '! The Cyo lopedia commits the same blunder in divers places, of which this is one : Speaking of the potato, it says it was once carried to England without attract ing uiuch notice, till it was a third time imported from America by Sir Walter llaleigh If a standard work, ranked us an authoritative work of re:erence makes tbe glaring mistake, is it strange that newspapers and hastily written books should trip on the same points ?" Pbnnsylnania Kiet Hampton told a ratber funny but evidently' tiue story about a Steubeoville girl who rode on • narrow-gauge road up in Pennsyl vania the other day They had to put ber on a nail keg oo a platform car. She sat criss cross, of course, and for over ten miles soraped the bark off the trees oo both sides of the road with her feet. A tan-yard man happened along and got over forty dollars' worth of new bark that was lying along tbe road. He offered the girl SBOO a year and travel ing expenses to travel on the narrow gauge rsada and serape the bark Off trees; but she belonged to a wealthy family, and said he was "a mean, sassy thing," and that she would "tell her pa on him." "Do you like your champagne dry V asked A of H , who dido't know how he liked hia ohampagne, because he had only made hia atrike the day previous and aever before seen any champagne to whioh he felt justified in applying a pronoun in tho possessive case. "1 dun no," replied li , "but I guess you'd bet ter gimme some thaht'a wet. I'm sort o' thirsty " One of his ardent admirers lately sent Prof. Huxley a check (Or 15,000. Death of James A Bayard. The death of James Asheton Baylrd occurred in Wilmington, Delaware, on last Sunday, tho 13th. He was a fotuier Senator, and father of Thomas F. Bay. ard, present Seoator from Delaware Tlno doad statesman was eighty years old, and was of tho fourth generation of the Kayards who have flourished in this country with honor for more than two centuries, and who iro descended fiimi the family of tho Chevalier Bayard T'.ie direct ancestor of the American Biyards wa? a French Huguenot minis lef and jro'tssor gl iar.gtiipes, named Balth: •tar Bay at d, who is said to have escaped from La llmbelle lo Holland iu a lioyebiiau l lv) iu ibe jeligi us perttou tions of t(nd who gatHered about him in that e untrj a congicgation or liis fell iw-couoirymen in exile and •erve i as their pastor until his death BiUhatutd Bayard's widow with her three sons accompanied Stii)vesant to America arriving at New York, May 11, 1G47 Their desceudan'R *, rc men of note before and durng the ll volu 'i n One of ihcm, ■lame* Asheton r!ayar«l, l> '.ran the S nstorin! Imp of his Tan ly. lie was chosen to Congress in 1786 and served unti 1 IHO3 as an ac Ituowlodged lead-r of tho old Federal party. He was si nt to the United States Senate in 1800 and served there until 1813 His son, Richard H Ba\srd was ehoseo Senator ill 183t> and again in 1841, was sent kb Minimcr to HI- in 18f»0, and died in Philadelpl in in 18G8 Tho third Senator in the line *as Rie.hard's brother, James Aslietaa If 'j Brd, just now dead. He ropreaeoied Delaware iu the Senate from 1851 »n 1804, when ho resigned although lie had just been elected to serve for a third terui Nevertheless, in 18t»7. lie was appointed by thn Governor of r>«l»- ware lo Gil the unexpired term of Seua tor Iliddle, and retiring finally in 18K!» was succeed'd by his son, Thouias Fran cis Bayard, in whom the couitesy and in'cgiity of his distinguished fither and the polinc-al genius of his giamit >tln r I arc united with the disinterested tra lan try imd high courage c a.«cteiiefie of all the race. £xitthe Drum. Toe French army is about tn disemi tinue the use of the drum, and ns tin military customs of France are infection* it is quite probable that other eivilif d nations also may soou rid themselvHs ol the noisest nuisance that the wor d has cer endured. The drumbeat is a so. t o r barbaric starting point of miisio, and as, until long range weapons turned fighting into a serious, matter of-inut bu-in>.Bs, noise bad been au effective mu nition of war, the drum hrs found i;s way into all civlltted lauds Now, hoA ever, its usefulness is almost gone, the bug'o is more effective for al military purposes, the cornstalk fiddle is more musical, and, (evory sane man kuows.) a* tor convenience, even tho hand organ is not more cumbersome As a Irigliiener of horses the sound of Ihe drum is as effective as the noise of an elevated tail ruad, while its effect, when tried sudden ly upon huniauity, is as discomposing as a thunder els p. The soldier who car ries a drum is as useless for fighting purposes as the'druui itself, whereas a bugler or filer may use sword or uiusket as well as any other man. As an occa sional assistant to tbe drill muster of recruits tbe drum may yet be endured in aro>ies, but it is not of sufficient coo sequence to reduce from ten Iv thirty members of every regiment info non combatants, while as a militia substitute for music its disappearance will be hailed by thousands aud thousaude whose ears it has tortured, Accepted — Rev William Royall, D D., uas accepted the chair of Modem Languages tendered him by the trustees of Wake Forest College, and Mr. W L, Potest has accepted the assistant profas ►oiehip ot Physical Science at,tbe same institution. Mr, Potaat will attend a series of lectures on Sotenoe at Harvard University this summer. Both the new ly elected professors will be on doty at the beginning oi the next session of the c liege on Sept. 1 st. Cadet Whitaker,. it is sarmiscd, has failed to pass hi* examination Ha made lui a poor show, especially in uatural philosophy. ~~T >, i •/> X'TTVTP tri) o ITt IVI TJjITxIL O c » * •> fl i O * What N. Carolina Badicals Think. IiALKKJII, 0!. '.lf line —Garfield* nnuiinaii .n fnbeis with no favor among tlto Itepjiblioaiis of il»j; pqy. The dts appoint went over Grunt p . defeat is in* tensely mor'ifying AlMmpn of carry in • North 0 rnlina is utterly g'>ne, and the party is iliseiu; i d, and coiiinu>d'd. the section tl conflict renewed, lb*t the Sooth will bi solidly Democratic, ond that the Httpublieans of the Bouthern States are h.wd d.over to the Democrais for an in definite period It is' not believed that the party can be rallied for State officers or members of The election * ill probably go by default The resent ment ngait.Ft file false Mutton of the R'publicnaswPiho '"as sWt*"lT!Ktr by the votes of the delegation at Chica go, i« at white l-eat, and cannot be al iased. The attitude of" the Republican* when the uews of the nomination came, *ub as if uews bad bee ( received of some ureal and appalling; ptihfic calam ity. Nt a ehter was heard.'The crowd wliioii eurrouoded the telegraph office fur two days dispersed as from » pJnyut strickm t-pot Denunciations yeie ioud> and declarations that they would not suppor* him were freely indu'ged in by tlie Heput'ieans present. Any other man mentioned would have been more •n'CoMahle than Oariield. He is regar ded as the lineal dMo>*nd*rt of Hayes i.nd J lin Sherman, and N;*fltlaro!in» nubHteans have had eiMiHgli both. to the N. V. Timet. "It la Written,'*- Our blessed ■Sa-viinfTj- "fcffenex'W he '*a , » tempted, ehnen ah his rToYcWo* so mo *oid of la this lie ft anV*amp!o to us. A Bcotch p*sto> found an aged (,'hristi-ui looking downcast. ""Well, Hetty. wfiat is i/rorig with you to day ?" "Ali !" replied the good old w ulovii, "he'a heen at u:« " "A rid what l.asbfe heeo naying hi you ?" inquired ihi minister. "HeV bee'' s«vin t i . :oe,'"replied Betty, ••ihai n'k a illusion—that the bible's a lie— il.oii's nae heaven—nae hail —nae Savmur ; tli»i I'm not iave9—that us a Ueiimion.'' "Ami what did you »»y to him T" asked »he minister. "Sny to hint ! ij i .iti B :»y, "1 lent better itun Wm: | i imi mere Una nae use o' arguin' wi' hrni; I ji*t referred him to ilie Lord " "U bat's wrung'*!* yrttloo? I thought you were rich,"' said a ragged boy, him self rejoicing in ihi Bj'\ tour, to another, who a lew nighls befhre professed to be able to bin who had again , .1. «* * • . begun to doubt "Vvbaftf- wrang wi >e lino i" ''Man, I'oi uot i-ijb yet," re plica the other, "for &itan*s aye tempt ing me." "Ai.d whtrt iae ye then ?" asked bis friend. "T* try Ko aing • hymn," said ho "\i d does that do senn hiui ma?' 1 "tC> ; I'm aa (ad as ever " "Well," said tiie other, *when be tempts yo« again, try-him wi' a text; he eaunot a* and thai."-5. 6' lioridan- Can Tilt; Head R.vioK iiie Tail? — Ii is a souice of jjeep satisliaction that auiid the geneial dipanpointment with the work ol the oonvcntioD the result gave ua a nominee of such food reeord as Mr Garfield. Whether ne it strong enough to raise the tail attached to his kite remains Übe seen, for the kindest thing fo be said of Mr. C A Arthur is that he is no help to tfie ai'ticlfet.--Fur uey's Sunday Mirror, Republican* I)r. John ffall is reported to have said that he knew a preacher *in Ireland who u-ed to come JuwuTrom his pulpit every Sunday, afler fiie sernaonj' add the peop'e passing iu line in front of bim would shak'o hands and pass the"" compli ments of tie day. Ooe 'Pl3l'T 'told the pistol one day, '-Let tlyi Lard keep you humble, sir, find we will k.ocp jqu poor 1" DunVkb/CoE, June 14.—'The ei eitraieht at fjcaiiville continnes. On Saturday 'afternoon the strikers were dis persed by a charge from the o)t?sen cav alry without bloodshed, and quiet ■ qsiored. The Governor maryul latr, wiih M»j 'f G. MpCook iu command. | The Rev. Atikur J'\»ster, of • olergyman (W the HfChareh has accepted the Mstnrate "ofVthe Re formed klpisoopal Church of th 6 Redeem, er, Washington, D. C. This, is tb« ( huicii to whieh L>i Morau WW filled.

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