THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUME V. THE REPORTER. PWBLIBHED WEEKLY AT DAN BURY^ N. O PEPPER (• SONS, PUBLIBIIKRB AND PROPRIETORS. RATES OP StTB.SCRIPTION. Ohe Year, payable in advance, $1 to Six Months, • . - 100 RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square (ten lines or less) 1 time, $1 00 For each additional insertion, . 50 Contracts for longer time or more space can be made in proportion to the above rates. Transient advertiHers will be expected to remit according to these rates at the time they tend their favors. « Lqj'rtl Notices will be charged 50 per cent, higher than above rates. *• Business Cards will bo inserted at Ten Dol. lars per annum. ■T . . . _ O. F. DAY, ALBERT JONES DAY & JONES, Manufacturers of SADDLERY, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, tf-o. No, 336 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. nol-ly B. F. KING, WITH JOHNSON, SUTTO.\ & CO., DRY GOODS. Nos. 21 and 29 South Sharp Street., BALTIMORE MP. T. W JOHNSON, R. M. SUTTON, J. K. R. CITAIIBE, O.J.JOHNSON, nol-ly. H. H. MARTINI)ALE, WITH VM. J. C. DULANY & CO. Stationers' and Booksellers' Ware house. SCHOOL HOOKS A SPECIALTY. Stationery of all kinds. Wrapping Paper, Twines, Bonnet Boards, Paper Blinds. 332 W BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE, MD B. J. & R. E. BEST, WITH IIENRY SOWKBOItN & CO., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. 20 Hanover Street, (between German and Lombard Streets,) BALTIMORE, Ml). H. SONNEBON, B. 1)1,1 MI.INK 4T-ly J. IT. ALLBOTT, OF N. C., with IVIiVGO, EI.IJSTT ii CRUMP, RICHMOND, VA., Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &C. Prompt attention paid to orders, and satis faction pnuranteed. pir- Virginia Slate Prison Goods a specialty March, 6. m. J. H. RANDOLPH & ENGLISH, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURERS. 1318 Main rtreet, Richmond. A I.argt Stuck of LA W BOOKS alway on nol-fim hand. ELDIRT, WITZ & ' 0., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in OTIONS, HOSIERY; GLOVES; WHITE AND FANCY GOODS No. 5 Hanover street; Baltimore, Md. 46-ly J NO. W. HOLLAND, WITH T. A. BRIAN & CO., Manufacturers of FRENCH and AMERICAN CANDISS, in every variety, and wholesale dealers in FRUITS, NUTS, CANNED GOODS, CI GARS, ,J-c. 39 and 341 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Orders from Merchants solicited. WILLIAM DKVHIKS, WILLIAM R. DEVKIKS, CHRISTIAN DKVHIBS, of 8., SOLOMON KIMMKLL. WILLIAM DEVIIIES & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods and Notions, 312 West Baltimore Btreet, (between Howard and Liberty,) BALTIMORE. This paper will be forwarded to any ad dress for one year on receipt of 1 Dollar and Fifty Cents in advance. To Inventors and Mechanics. PATENTS and how to obtain Hum. Pamphlets of 00 pages free, upon receipt ef Stamps for Postage. Address GILMORE, SMITH & Co., Solicitors of Patents, Box 31, Washington, D. C. Graves' Warehouse, DANVILLE, VA., ■TOR TUK SALE or lu caf Tobacco W. P, GRAVES, PROPRIETOR J. D. WILDICR, Clerk, r. L. WALKER, Auct'nr. R. A. WALTKRS, Floor-Manager. April 17, 187#. 1J- J. W. UEN£F£B, WITH PEARKE BROTHERS & CO. Importers and Jobber* of Dry Goods. MEN'S WEAR A SPECIALTY. Nos. 2 and 4 Hanover Street, August 5, 'Bo—6m. BALTIMORE. DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 30, 1880. SINGING IN THE RAIN. BY IIALLIR C. YOUNU. " » The rain was pattering on the roof, The room seemed lone and drear ; The fire that burned within the grate Had lost its |>ower to cheer. My soul was sad, for, looking back, I saw fond hopes in twain, When, lot I heard a little bird Singing in the rain I The rain still pattering on the roof No more my soul did smite ; The somber day soon passed away, Expiring in a flood ol light. And scanning well my future hopea Not one should break in twain ; My faith was stirred by the little bird Singing in the rain. Then let us each, when hope seems dead, And sheds no lingering rays, Remember well that the sun may gild Our dark an 3 rainy dayS ; And, as we sail with fickle winds O'er life's tempestuous main, A lesson learn from the little bird Singing in the rain. CLARENOON, ARK. All On The Last Bound. How AN ARKANSAS LOVER WON HIS BRIDE The peculiar conditions upon which a matrimonial affair was based in South Arkansas have just oome to light. Dick Anderson bad just graduated between the plow-handles. It was said that he could run a furrow so straight that it would break a knock-kneed Diane leg to walk in it. This accomplishment was a kind of frontispiece to a future volume | of agricultural suocess, and more than : one young lady in the neighborhood had her rye on the young catch. Dick wasn't bashful, but be didn't seem to be par ticularly impressed with the obarms scattered arouud him like falling drops of water that linger on leafy trees afier a rain. Hut he soon met his fate, a young lady, Winnie Hogrow. Winnie was a beautiful girl and could cover as much corn with a hoe, and scrape as much not ton as any man in the neighborhood. The couple loved—devotedly, agricul turally Hogrow bad raised bis daugh ter with great care, aud now that she bad attained her zenith of usefulness, it grieved him to think of losing her. On Sunday Dick went over, and, going out where the old man was shelling corn to the pigs, uU : "Mr Hogrow, I suppose—" "I don't suppose anything, sir." "Well, then, you doubtless know—" "I don't anow anything." "That's all right, then lam going to marry your daughter, and by next corn-planting you will know something Do you weaken, Mr. Hogrow ?" ' See here, young feller, I can't afford io lose my gal. I have- bad powerful bad luck this season. The cut-worms bsgan on the corn by the time it came up, and the bugs pitched into the cotton ; and, lo make thiugs worse, my best mule and one of my cows got into a fight the other day The cow hooked the mule and the mule kicked theoow, until both of them dtcd. So, under the ciroum stances, I'd rather you'd marry somebody else." "I don't accept your misfortunes as excuses I'm going to marry the girl." "I'll tell you what I'll do, Dick. I'.l make this arrangement: We'll wrestle, and if you throw me the girl's your'n ; if I throw you Bhe's mine If you marry her sgaiost my will, I shall pleasantly exterminate you. It you throw me and marry her, this farm, together with the gal, is your'n I'll give three trials—oae to-day, one three weeks from now, and the other six weeks " Diok was oompelled to agree, although the old man was recognised as the best wrestler in the oountry. He had chal lenged everybody, and had thrown every one who had accepted After eating din ner the old man announced his willing ness to take the first ballot. Diok was willing. The contestants, ineluding the girl, went into the yard, the girl took the bats and the men grappled eaeh other. The signal wasgiveu sad Diok went over the old man's head and plowed a short furrow io the ground. "Give me my hat," he said to the girl. "Don't give it up," she remarked, handing over his tile. I Go away and practice." Dick left discouraged, but, taking the girl's advice, wrestled with steamboat men and farriers until the time for the next train oame. At the ap pointed time, Diok appeared at Hog row's residence. "Feel like you osn out your oapers putty wellf" asked the old man. "I tbink so. I feel that my oauae is just, and, with the aid of kind Provi dence, I bopo to pile you." "Providence comes in putty handy at times," said the old man, pulling off bis ooat, ' but it's a harder matter to buck agin an old staker. Get outen yer jacket. It I fall, the gal and the farm is your'n. Four hundred sores, aad all under t'euoe. Gal weighs oue)hundred and fifty pounds. Big inducements." The two men grap pled, and again Dick plowed up the earth. "Don't give up," said the girl. "No said tbe old man, "for the land is under fence, snd tbe gal weight one hundred aod fifty—oan handle a hoe wooderful 1" Diok went away and pondered- It : was evident that the old man oould throw j him every lime. To lose the girl was to ' wreck his life. An idea struok him He suliled. He left the neighborhood and regained until the time for the third fall was nearly up. On the appointed day he visited the old man. t: l have agreed to everything," said Dick, "and now I ask a favor. Hitherto I have been embarrassed. Let the final trial take plaoe to-night in the dark; I will meet you h»re at 10 o'olook." ."Any way suits me," replied the old man ; "I'll meet you anywhere " At 10 o'olock the old man stood in the yard ohuokling. His oombatant olimbed the fence and approached Without ex changing a woid tbe two men grappled. The struggle was short The old mao went up into the air, came down and struok the ground with a foroe that almost took bis life He lay for a mo ment almost unconscious. Diok raised him up and assisted him into the house. "Tho gal and the farm is your'n," said the old, and tbe young oouple em braced eaoh other. The next day they were married Shortly after the oere mony was over, a large negro man ap peared at the door, and attracting Dick's attention, said : "I wants my 910 I flung the ole mao bard 'nough to kill him Where's my money ?" Dick gave hiui §lO. and turning around, received a searching look from the old man. "I'll explain," said tbe bridegroom, "lleal izing that I couldn't throw you, and at the same time realising tbat my happi ness depended upon this marriage, I re sorted to a bit of treachery." Here he stopped to buckle bis arms around his wife. "I found a big negro that I knew oould throw you, and offered bim $lO. That's why I wanted tbe wrestling to take place io the dark. Aft. r be had thrown you, I rutiled forward and raised you up." When Dick bad finished, the old mao looked at bim for fuil five minutes, aud remarked : "It was a mighty mean trick, but the farm and gal are your'n Four hundred sores under fence, and the gal weighs one hundred sod fifty." The Modern Toung Lady at Two Periods of Her Life. Behold her at 11. Her limbs unfettered by the long skirts of conventionality, she runs, she romps, she slides oo the ice ponds, she roll boop, the oliaibs fences, aha laapa, she kicks, she runs races and is as fleet of foot as tbe boys. Her appetite is good, ber cheeks rosy, and ber movements unconsciously graceful. Bebold ber again at 20 No more does ahe run or jump or roll hoop, run races or slide oo the ice. It is not "proper" now nor ladylike, and she couldn't if she would, for she is fettered by long skirts, tight shoes and tighter stays. Her movement has no longer the freedom and unconscious grace of childhood, for now when ahe walks abroad she walks to be looked at, whioh now in her estimation is the main objeet of walking. She ia already in delioate health, and has a doctor who prescribes expensive advice and prescriptions for her, and ascribes ber complaint to anything and everything but the real cause. That ia simply the fettering of the body with fashionable elothes. Physically she is a prisoner. At 11 she was free. The doctor advises travel, but he doesn't advise ber to take off and keep off her fashiooable fetters She W >uldn't do so if he did, aod be wouldn't advise ber if he knew it would bring relief, for she would no longer believe in a doctor wbo would make her dress like a guy, aod being dressed like a "guy" is dressing different from tbe style prescribed by a Paris modiste. Diana never could bunt in a trailing skirt; narrow, light, high heeled gaitcra, and a pinched, eorseted waist; but Diana with a belted tuoic and unfettered limbs would be bounoed off Broadway by the nearest policeman Dressing for health and freedom of body aod limb is one thing, and dressing for fashion quite another. A man oouldn't endure the pinching and inoumbranoes peculiar to feminine atiire for an bour, and a pretty spectacle he'd make rushing about in such during business hours Yet the "weaker sex" wear double the incumbrances of the so-called stronger To "dress" at all after the style uses up half a woman's time aod two thirds of her strength.— New York Orophic. DON'T BI IN A HURRY —One of the crying evils of tbe times is the tsndenoy snd disposition of girls to get through girlhooa hurriedly and get into woman hood, or rather into young ladyhood, without waiting to enjoy the beautiful season of girlhood. Speaking oo this point Bishop Morris says: "Wait pa tiently, my childreo, through the whole limit of your girlhood Go not after womanhood; let it eome to you Keep out of public view. Cultivate retire ment and modeety. The earea and res ponsibilities of lite will oome soon enough. Wben they oome you will meet them, I trust, at true womes should But, oh, be not to unwise as to throw away your girlhood, llob not yourselves of this beautiful season, which, wissly spent, will brighten all your future life." | THE BOATMAN'S DAUGHTER. iAn Inoldent in the Napoleonic Wars. In the memorable year of 1814, whon the allied armies were concentrated about Paris, a youug Lieutenant of dragoons : was engaged with three or four | Hungarians, who, afier having rescived several smart strokes from bis saber, managed to send a ball into his shoulder, 1 to pieroe his ohest with a thrust fiom a lanoo, and to leave him for dead on the | bank of the river. On the opposite side of the stro m, a • boatman aud his daughter had been , watohing this unequal fight with tears jof desperation But what oould an old ! uuaruied man do, or a pretty girl of !6 t However, the old soldier—tor such the hopHuu was—had no sooner seen the : office J fall from bis horse than he and I his daughter rowed most vigorously for | the other side. Then, when they had I deposited the wounded man ID the boat, i these worthy people crossed the river again, but with laint hopes of reaching | the military hospital in time "You have been very hardly treated, my boy," said the old guardsman to him ; "but here am I, who have gone farther still, and oome home." The silen". and fixed attitude of Lieutenant S showed the extreme agony of his pains; and the hardy boatman soon discovered that the blood wliioli was I flowing internally from the wound on his left side would shortly terminate his existence. Ho turned to bis youthful daughter. "Mary," said be, "you havo heard mi tell of my brother; he died of just such another wound aa this here Well, now, had there only been son ebody by to suck the hurt, bis life would have been saved." The boatman then landed, and went to look for two or three soldiers to help him to oa"ry the offiorr, leaving his daughter in charge of I im. The girl looked at the sufferer for a second or two. What was her emotion when sho heard him sigh so deeply, not that be was resigning life in the first flower of bis age, but that he should die without a mother's kiss "My mother! my dear, dear mother!" said ho, "1 die without—" Her womau's heart told her what he would have said. Her bosom heaved with sympathy, and her eyes ran over. Then she remembered what ber fatber ft aha thought bow her unci's life might have been saved. Io an instant, quicker than thought, she tore open the officer's coat, and the generous girl recalled him to life with her lips Amid this holy occupation the sound of footsteps was heard, aud the blusbiug heroine fled to the other eud of the boat. Jadge of her father's surprise, ss be came up with the two soldiers, when be saw Lieut. 8, whom be eif-eoted to find dead, open his eyes and ask for his The bostmaa looked at bin child, and saw it sll. The poor girl came to him with ber head beut down She was about to exouse herself, wbeo tbo father, embrseing ber with entbusiarm, raised ber'spirits, and the officer thanked ber in these prophetic words : "You have saved my life; it belongs to yoM." Alter this she tended him and became his nurse; nothing would he take but from ber baud. No wonder that with such a nurse be at length recovered Mary was aa pretty as ahe was good. Meanwhile Maater Cupid, wbo is very busy in such eases, gave him another wound, and there was ouly oue way to eure it—so very deep it was. The boatman's daughter becauie j Midame 8. ier husband rose to be a Lieutenant G'beral, and the boatman's daughter bt.'ame aa elegant and graceful as any ' lady oi the court of Louis Philippe. A ministjr was aolioiting aid to for eign missions, and applied to a gentle man, who refused bim, with- the reply, •j don't believe io foreign misaious. 1 tclni wbat I give to benefit my neigb !yn" ' "Well," replied he, "whom do you re gard as your neighbors 1" "Why, those around me." "Do you mean those whose land joins yours T" inquired the minister. "Yea " "Well," said the minister, "bow much land do you own ?" "About five hundred aores " "How far down do you own 7" "Why, I never thought of it before, in a republican government like ours; | hut I suppose I own about half way : through " "Exactly," said the clergyman. "I suppose you do, and 1 want the money 1 for the New Zealanders—the men whose laud joins yours on the bottom." Justice Dillsrd, of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, may serve as an example of Democratic habits and ( personal independence. It ia related that the late Judge Kerr once saw , Judge Dillard ia a second-class car. "Hi I" said Kerr, "how eomes it a Man > of your cloth is osught in a aeoond-olass carl"' "Because there is oo third-class," { quietly replied Judge D., and asked lor a match to light bis pipe. A NIAGARA TRAGEDY. The Death of Little Eva De Forrest. More than twenty years sgo Niagara witnessed a tragedy which, while of a heartrending oliaraoier, was mikel by , an act of true heroism seldom equaled iin grandeur. Mr Charles Addington, a 1 young man about 23 or 2t years of age, was affianced to Miss De Forrest, both being residents of Buffalo One day a happy party, comprising Mrs. De Forrest, Miss De Forrest, a young daughter, Kva, a qeautiful child 5 or 6 years old, and "Charley" Addington, as his friends were accustomed to call hiui, visited the falls They crossed the bridge lo Goat Island, and, while resting under the tries, little Eva strayed away Iroui the group, aud, approaching the bank of the narrow but deep and swift stream that rushes but ween .Goat. I (land and the suiall island lying between it and the main American rapids, was amusing beisolf by casting slicks into the water and watching them as they were whirlou away Mrs. De Forrest, alaruied for her child's safely, requested Charley Addington to go alter her and bring ber back. Charley at once prooocdod to tbo bank, and, thioking to give (he little 000 a Iright, approached her siealthily from behind, and, catching her under the arms, held her over the stream. The startled child threw up her little hand* over her head, aud instantly she slipped through young Ad iingtou's bauds, and fell into the rapids. The realization of the horrible calamity must have oouie home to Addingtoo's brsin with the rapidity of tho lightning's flash. He saw that his rash act had cost the child's life—thai only one desperate chance of saving her remained—that the world was at an end lor him forcvor. Tearing off his ooat, | he rushed along the bark until he had passed little Kva, wbo was kept afloat by her clot' ing ; then plunging in ahead of her he seized the obild and desperately attempted to throw ber upon the bank As he made the effort, he fell back in the rapids and was whirled over the small fall that intervenes between the Amerioan Horseshoe falls Little Eva struok the top of the bank, but all power bad apparently gone from her, and ahe rolled back into the stream and wa» hurried to ber dreadful fate. The mother and sister stood powerless and paralyzed with horror while the tragedy, almost iuslanteo-s in its action, pissed before their eyes, leaving its dark cloud hanging over all their future lives Charley Addington had made a hero's atonement for his thoughtless and reckless aot. His father—he was sn bujy sun was in the habit of visitiug the falls once a week for years after tbe tragedy, and be would sit for hours gaziog at the spot where bi-t son and little Eva met their deaths He became well-known at tbe falls, and there were mauy who believed that ha would one day voluntarily seek tbe same fate that bis son, in bis heroism, hail courted But his sad pilgrimage had no such etding. '■ —————— What the Country Needs. Fewer scrub cattle and more good ones Fewer wire pullers io popular eonventious, aud more mdustry Fewer men who seek "fine and more men whom the office se'iks Fewer loafers about railroad stations, our corner stores, and taverns. Fewer iuipi tuous young men eager to rush into print aud raise tbe devil gen | erally. Ft wer Juvenile statesmen wbo are t-sger lo rush into places their seniors surf betters nughi to occupy Fewet leaiicis lo knuckle to popular pr> judi'o« when a rung. Fewer jji'uat uien made to order and ! of small material, ana thrust in front of men who have capacity for greatness. A dashing young fellow was recently very attentive to a yenng lady who did got secretly favor his attentions, and wbo. is bleased with ao observing little brother.' Tho lady's admirer was visiting her when the little ohap broke into their presence and, mounting tbe young man s knee, said : ' Haven't you got a fine room I" • Oh, yea," proudly replied the youag fellow, whose vanity was touched by the remark. Seeing, as be thought, io the circumstances an opportunity to make a favorable impression on the sister, he gave bis moustaohe an extra twist and reiterated nisreply with emphasis : "Oh, ye*, a very fine room." "1 th nght so," -said tbe youag hopeful, musingly. "But what made you think so 1*" said the young lady's adjiirer, bis curioaity by ibis lime fully aroused "Because, sis j ter Mag said your room was better thsn your company." Affectionate mother (lo her sou) — "Why do you ory, Johnny ? Wbai has hurl you ?" Johnny (crying more lustily than before) —"Because I fell down aud hurt myself yesterday." Mother— "Yesterday ! Then why do you cry today'/" Johuny (bawling at the top of his voice) — 'Oh, 'cause you weren't borne yesterday." NUMBER 17. ,;|f The Dismal Swamp. Tlie so called Dismal Swamp is not the aggregation of (errors and evil* (hat ii is aMpposed (o be by those whose ideas of it are drawn from its name. Instead of being tl ( e breeding place and houie of deadly miasmas, a» many suppose, it it one of the most healthful places upoo the lace of the earth. As stated by those | who have spent most of their lives within ! its boundaries, no case of ague and fever, j or kindred disease, has ever originated I within it. The strong antiseptic ' qualities of the cypress and juniper, constituting a great maj rity of all its trees, both standing and fallen, and which never deciy, (ffectually prevent any decomposition of other vegetation. The great depth of perfectly preserved, pure, sweet, peat like material, consisting | largely of fallen juniper, constitutes a ; perfect filter for the rains The water percolating through this natural filter loses all impurities derived from earth or air, aud assumes a wine color. At the same time it beoomes strongly iuipiegnated with the juniper, and thus Constitutes a medicinal drink of the uiost health-giving character. At no distant day the waters of the Dismal Swamp will be sent over the oountry and sold, as the mist noted mineral waters now are. So absolutely pure and anti putrescent is the water of the Dismal Swamp that when barreled, unlike other water, it undergoes no change, but remains fresh and pure for years, and heuce i» very highly valued by (We acquainted with its excellencies for long sea voyages. When used in boilers that have become incrusted with miuerai deposits from the use of oth r | wafer, it cans r the incrus(atijns to peel "fl, thus rendering them more durable and largely increasing their (team generating capability There being no decaying matter or Magnant water in this wouderlul swamp, and a most dense, vigorous gr wtb of fragrant woo Is, lb« air i* laden with pore,sweet, health giving properties, thai, combined with the groat medicinal value of its waters, will be sore to result soon in our more enlighteued physicians sending patients afflicted with certaiu diseases to reside fjr a time OD souie of the superb, picturesque firms here and there within the boundaries of the Dismal Swamp, to regain their health with a eertainty that their course iu s > doing will be well rewarded. A Norway Scene. A scene witnessed by aome traveler* in the north of Norway from a oliff one thousand feet above st>» is thus desoribed: "The ocean stretched away in silent vastness at on- feet; the snuud of waves Hoarcefy reached our airy lookout; away in the north the old sun swung low along the horilon, like the slow beat of tbe pendulum in the till clock of our grandfather's parlor corner. We all atood ID silence, looking at oar watches. When both bands oame together at twelve, midnight, the huge orb awung triumphantly above the waves, a bridge of gold, running due uortb. spanning the waves between us and him There be shone in silent majesty which knew no setting. We involuntarily took off our hats; uota word wasspeken. Combine, it you can, the most brilliant sunabino and sunset you ever saw, and the beauties wiil pale before tbe gorgeons coloring which now lit up the ocean, sky, and mountain In halt au hour the sun bad swung up percepiibly on his beat, the colors cbauging to those of morning, a frenh breeze rippled over tbe ooean, one songster after another piped up in the grove behind us—we bad alid into, another day." HITKS AND STINGS —AppIy instantly, with a soft rag, most freely, apirita of hartshorn. The venom of Mings beitg an acid, tbe alkali nullifies it. Fresh woo l ashes, moistened with water, and made into a poultice, frequently renewed, is an exoellent substitute, or soda or saldratus, all being alkaiiea. To be oo the safe side, in case of snake or bm4 dog bites, drink brandy, whiskey, runt or other spirits as free as water, a teaeopful, or a pint or more, according i to the aggravation of the circumstance*. TUB MOST PBOVITABLE RAILWAY IN THE WORLD. —This is a little affair not half a mile long, which connects the Manhattan beach and the Brighton beach hotels ou Coney Island, New York, the summer resort of tbe well to do New Yorkers. It is of three fee* guage, and has two locomotives and four carriages, a train ruuoiug each way every five minutes The railway paid for itself iu a tew weeks after it was opened, and last year returned five hundred per ceut. oo its cost. Tbe ei» penses are 830 a day, and the receipta average S4&U, tbe tare beiug five eeuta. Said the distinguiahed Chatham to his son : "I would have inscribed upon the curtains of your bed, and the walla of your chamber, "It you do not rise early, you oann»t make progress in any thing. If you do not act apart your hours of reading; if jou suffer yourself or any one else to break in upon them, your daye will slip through your hands unprofitable aud unenjoyed by yourself."

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