ITJtiBfS Or INTERXBT. "She has a magnificent voice for a fog whistle,'' i« a portion of s Western des eiiptinn of a local prima donna. A belle, upon being asked her father's profusion, said he "embalmed pork," she believed. lie was a bacou curer "1 wouldn't have left, but the people kinder egged me on," said a man who was asked why be quit his Kansas home in a hurry. "I have been present at many religi ou* awakeuitig*," said the fly, as he pass ed from one bald spot lo auutber iu a neighboring pew. It is a mean thing for a handsome man to go to a .town and give every indication tbat be is ; n ths market antil half the girls ars wild about bim, and tbsn send for his wife "See hsre," said a fault finding hus band to his wife, "we must have things arranged in this house so tbat ws shall know just whern everything is kept " "With my heart," she sweetly an s«ere«l ; #and let us begin with vnur late hours, my love 1 should dearly liks to know where they are kept." Every Prince of the Royal family in Germany is tsugbt when young some useful trade for the purpose of sobering the mind and bringing it face to face with the material world and the realities of life, and among the profusios of ouii osities aad . frtistio relics which orowd the Emperor William's private oabinet may be seen specimeus of book-biudiug, curving, carpentering and other handi work performed by his sons and grand sons. A correspondent of the Scientific American says: "Let any one who has an attaok of lockjaw take a small quan tity of turpentine, warm it and pour it on the wound, no matter where ths wound is, and relief will follow in less than a minute. Nothing belter can be applied to a severe out or bruise than O'ddnarpeotine ; it will give certain re lief almost instantly. Turpentine is also a sovereign remedy for oroup. Sat urats a piece of flannel with it and place the flannel on the throat and ohest, and ia every ease three or tour drops on a lamp of sugar may be taken inwardly " Boeten brides are said by a Philadsl pbia paper to chatter in bad French at the hotel tables when on their wedding tour This is indeed good news. Any scheme that will result io asking a bride use some language not generally understood ought to be eooouraged Whea the average oitisen is obliged to sit oalmly by and hear such remarks as : "Please pass me the buttab, dshling," and "Now, lovey. you're awtully mean if you don't let me have a bite of your biseatt," he feels a wild, springing im pulse to hit somebody with a olub, and th-) man in the next seat would cheer fully furnish the club - Chicago Tribune Mr Murat Haletead, of the Cincinnati Com ercial. is well known as an origi nal and versatile journalist, and a politi cian of great independence and some eo oeatrioitiea; but it ia not generally known that he is the humorist par exctllence of the West. Reoeatly a Isllow applied to Mr Halstead for either work or a tern porary loan of money. His application being deolined, he undertook to enforce it by threatening suioide. He said he wou'd walk out to the ceater of the Covington bridge, jump off, and drown himself. "Well, now, that's a good thought," said Halstesd. "I'd go right down and do that; it will relieve you and me ot a grea responsibility for your futare support Go right off and do it while yon are in the notion." The fel low struot eut iu the direction of toe bridge Presently Mr il ilstead ruaked after him. aud oalled him to -loo l'ke tellow evidently thought he had won bis potpt. "Stp ! stop now ! don't do that," continued Mr H. "It won't be safe; try some oth -r plan Come to think ot it. the last two fellows who tried that were both /jot out a/ire!'' OottiDg it Out of Him. They had just the Ibvelieit sleighing in last week, and young K'-epitup was out enjoying it all our Mtsrnoon. Whsn he drove into the luable, oh, but the uisn win mad He |.tared wheu he looked at the horse, aud danced around, and as Uucle Remus says, "he cust, he did " "Look at that boss," lie wailod, "look at that h >ss ! Ain't a dry hair on him, an' be'a nigh ready to drop Thai's a pretty lookin' way,to bring in a hoss. Nije man, yon are, to let a good hops to I" Young Keepitup was fairly astonished. "Man alive," he yelled, picturing his amasement in bis voice, "and what did you eipect when I hired him. Wiiena horse is costing me an even five dollars an hour, he's got to keep moving, you understand. When I'm paying out more than eight cents every minute, I ean't afford to let aoffcorse lean up against an ie« bos white he figuree out the oat crop of the United States far 1880 "I did my level best to keep my whip •rm warm, and then I oouldn't get more than 4 25 an hour out ot hiui. 1 didu't hire the horse to rest bim. No#, it you had ouly charged fifteen aents an hour, 1 would have h*d your horse ted evei s thirty minutes while I was oat, aid T would have rooked him to sleep in tnv ' arms, wrapped bim ap in blaukets auu laid him in tae eielgb and hauled hiu» baek to the stable rnyseli. '1 )>at is int. difference, you see, Mr. Sitkjracker Hera's your money, and I wan' the ssme horse, or a better one. neat Saturday at tarnooa, it ibe enow hoids ou." And be went away, while Mr. S(>b crtcker at >d look.og altei uatoly at lite money and the horse, thinking it all over.— BirKrujton ll'tiokeye IllON" BITTERS are highly recommended for nil disease® re quiring a certain unii efficient ionic ; ?>>jeci;illy Inaigettion, Vytpepf.k, Inter tnUient Fr.vtrt, Han/ of Apnctite, Lotsuf L ick of l'-mrry, etc. Enriches the blood, HI ivngllicns the muscles, and gives new life to tJ'O nerves. They act !:i:e a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as IWt'7!7 Food, Eetcliinn, IlaJ t;i ilte l>ii"tuich. Heart/mm, etc. The only Ircn Preparation tliivt v-iil not blacken tUo teeth or give healu'llo. Hold by all druggists. Write fur tlio All C Look, 32 pp. of uaeful nud amusing reading— tent free. 3BGWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. GEORGE W. HINSHAW. VV. M HINSHAW. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, 1880. HINSHAW BROTHERS, (BIG STAR SIGN, SHALLOW FORD STREET,) WI>!STOi\, IV. C., WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL DBALF.KS IN Dry Goods, General blerchandite, Grass Seeds. Fertilizer anil Country Product. ONE OF OUR FIRM HAS JUST RETCHNEI* FROM NEW YORK. BOSTON, AND other Northern ci'ies, mid ws now otter thy irads a much larger stock than ws ever before had, consisting iu pull ot 2o Cases of Prints | 200 Cases Phoos and Boots 5 f »ses of Press Goods | Bo Hackees Crockery and Glassware 5 Cases of llleaeheu Domestic J 100 Kegs 'Ut Nails 2 Caws ot Klaunel j 2o Ke K » Horse and Uuls Sboss 2 Cases of Liitsev | 2f) Boxes Horse ttboe Nails 5 Bal>'s ot Bh'uket* and Quilts j 15 do* .Shovels, Spades aud Forks 3 hales ofTiokiug 2o doien Axes 2 B:ilesol Drilling . S,ooo doisn C»ats Spool Cotton lo Bales ot Plaids Cross-Cut, Haud aad Wood Saws 2o Bales Of Sheeting I 2°°o lbs Sole heather 1& Cases ot Jeans. Cassimeref snd Cloth I 500 lbs Upper Leather 2o dot Men's While Shi. ts mid Drawers File", bocks, Hinges, Butts, Screws 15 dol Men's and Ladies' Merino Shirta Hauies, Traces aud Collars, and Drawers 2,000 lbs Pots, Skillets, Uvsus bug Lids 300 Shawls and Ladies' Cloaks 2o 000 ibs Meat and Lard lnini'iies Slock ot Notions of all'kiuds 1,000 Bags Salt 5o Pieces oil Cloth 500 bushels Clover, Orchard, and othei 5o Bags Coffee on, ff edg ._ . Barrels Sugar dozen Buckets and Tubs 25 Cheese 30 Brooms 25 Buckets Candy 3o Coils Rope 3o Boies Soap a °° Oak Kegs t»o Barrels Svrups 5 barrels Coal Oil lu Grosses Snuff 2 barrel* . L j n *« d °' l J Tinware of everj description 2,000 lbs Lewis Whits Lean Big Mock ot Paims aud Medicines *so Trunks, and Saddles 25 I'mrii Hals *>•» Urindstones aud Fixtures School Books. Blank Books and Stationery, 1 000 Pairs Winchester (Virginia) SHOES and BOOTS. All warranted. None bsttsr Complete assortment of FRIES' JEANS, GEORGIA JEANS aad Holston Woolen Mills, ALL WIIOL CASSIMERKS. All sold at FACTORY PRICES. Our stock of ALPACAS aud DRESS GOODS aud TRIMMINGS in very large. We have recently added a Clothing Department TO OUR STOCK, AND NOW OFFER AN ENTIRE NEW LINE OF OVJ3RCOATB AND 200 SUITS FOB MEN AND BOYS, at bottom prices. We will sell our clothing as low as we can afford and have only one priee for it. Our goods are bought right and will be Hold at a. Small We defy competition in both stock and prices. Country merchants will (Sad oar WHOLKSALE DEPARTMENT UNEQUALLED.-«■ Onr trade has increased more rapidlv than that of any other house in Winston and we intend to keep ii growing. We are ihank.ul lor past patrouagc .ind as!: everybody to cajue and see us. ALLISON & ADDISON'S COMPLETE MANURES are tie BE.-T for WHEAT, CORN sad TOBACCO N. H. MEDKARIS. of Forsyth. 'lllO3ll PEGRAM, Jr., of Winston, | Are with o« as Salesmen, and J W.MARTIN, of Davie, I invite their Iriends and a e W H. HYNUM, of Stokes, j q.iaitilaiiees to call and sec J. M M A Rl"IN. of Stokes. teem. W.T POINDEXTER, of Yadkin J HoKpcctfu!)), October 28 h, 1880. HIXSHA W BROTHERS STILL AI.IVK AND KICKING. JOHN F. GRIFFITH, FRANK L MOORE, ISAAC H NELSON, Ot Davie County. Of Stokes County. Of Stokes Coaaty A RIG SHOW COMING ! Although we have been driven out of the J.iyner block hy fire, we beg to Ist the public know that our business is going on as it nothing had happ-ucd We ars now located ou the Ogburn Corner, where we have on view a Large, New and Well Seleoted STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Groceries, Notions, Hats Boots and Shoes, Tinware, Queer.sware, Willow.Ware, Bnl* Lean er. Bacon, Salt, &0., &o. In fact everything kept in • First Class Store. We are now open aud earnestly solicit our many friends aud lorujer ouitooiers to BE SURE and not buy goods before giving us a look in, as we are satisfied we arc fully pre pared to give eattie satisfaction. All Goods Guaranteed as Represented. Ws srs just stsrting and iutend to build up an honest trsde by fair dealing. Griffith, Moore k Co. Wlattoa, Jaatary, 9tE>. tl. UK AUK NOW RECEIVING Winter Goods; Have now iu s.o«k Tie Uc'St lot of RKADV-MAUK CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Sill UTS and UNDER WEARS, GROCERIES, SUGAR, ooi'Y:;K, CHEESE, RICE, GINGER, PEPL'EK, SPICE, &».. h>\, ke., Ac DRY - GOODS, MEN'S WEAR, CASH M RUES, DELAINES, A LP AC AS, P HINTS, WHITE GOODS, in great variety. UACON and LAUD, nlwajs an baud. la LEATUKK We have about oue tliouoaod piece*, aoßtikting of RED ami HOME-TANNED SOLE, HARNESS n»J UPPER LEATHER, KIP, HORSE, HOG an,l G OA T SKINS, with a good aeturtwcQt ef HAUDWARK, QUEENS WARE, WOODEN WAKE, WILLOW WARE, DOMESTIC GOODS, DKUGS, MEDICINES, and CASTINGS. WE WANT One tkoaiaud bushels CORN, Five hundred bushels, each, PEAS aud BEANS, One thnnaaud bashels, each, WHEAT RYE and OATSj Alao, 10,000 lbs GREEN aad DRI HIDES, and 100,000 lbs. LEAF TOBACCO. I PEPPER & SONS. Dinbory, Ntmmtn 4, ISM. KE\D\IJ>'S SPAVIN CURE. rpHE MOST SUCCESSFUL BE- X niedy ever discovered, as it is certain in iti effects and does not blister. BEAD PROOF BKLOW: FROM COL L. T- FOSTER. YOUHOBTHWK, Onto, May 10th, 1880 Dr. li. J. Kendall .J- Co., Gents :—l hnd a ▼err valuable Hambletoniau colt which I prised very highly , he had u Jaiße bona spavin on nne joint and n sroaMtr one on the other which made him very lame; I hnd him under the charge of two Veterinary Hurgeous which (ailed to cure him. 1 was one da; reading the advertisement of KKNUALL'S SPAVIN Cults in the Chicago Ki/iren, I determined at once to try it «nd got our Druggists here to send for it. tliev ordered lliree bottles ; 1 took them all and thought 1 would give it a thorough trial. I used itaccordinging to directions and by the fourth day the colt ceased to be lame, and the lumps had entirely disappeared. I used but oue bottle and the colt's limbs areas tree from lumps and as smooth as any horse iu the State. He is entirely cured. The cure was so remarkable that I let two ot my neigh bors have the remaining two bottles, who are now using it. Verv Kespectlully. L. T. FOSTER. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUBE ASHLAND, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PSNNSTLVA- > NIA, June 3rd, 1880. / Ur li. J. Knit/all 4" Co., Gents —A case of .->pavin thiil carue under my observation was entirely cured by one bottle of y our Kendall's C-pavin Cine, and the liorse sold afterwards for two hundrta dollars. Yours truly, CHARLES 11. lIAUMiiRD. "The" Druggist. SI VI EM EXT MADE UNDF.CiOATH. To \Vh»H It May Concern : —ln the year IBis 1 treated with Kendall's opavin Cure, a bonetpaviu ot several months' growth, nearly 111.11 lis leigt re i> hi u'( egg, and completely Stopped the lameiitss and removed the eu largeuieul. I have woiked the horse ever since very hard, and he never h is been lame, nor could I ever see any niffeieiica iu the sue of the hock joints tiuce 1 treated hiin with Kendall'* Spavin Cure. R. A. GAINES. k-notburgh I'titli. Vermont, February 25, 1879 fcwoi u and subscribed to beloie me this 25tb day ol February, A. D. 18J'J. JOHM li. JaivM., Justice of the Peace. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE ON HUMAN Jb'liKSH. liAKt.Jil.ikLO, VIiIUIONT, 1 December i'i, 1579. / B. J. Kendall }• Co , GenU —l wish to add my toluiionj in mvor ol your invaluable iiui meut, "Kendall's spavin Cure." In the spring ol 18t>2 1 slipped on ihe ice and sprain ed un right'limb at the knee joint. 1 was very lanie, and, at tunes suH'cied the most excruciating pain. 1 wore a bandage on it tor ovei a jear, und tiied most every thin* iu my reach, but could tind nothing that would give me permaueul relief. W'ieu 1 over worked, it would pain ine very much. In April, 1878, 1 began to tlunk I should be a cripple lor lile; but, having some ot "Ken dall s Spuviu due," thought 1 would try it 1 used Kne-lbiru ot a botue, and experienced relirl at ouce. 1 lie paiu leit me aud hag not troubled uie since. 1 leel very giatelul to you, aud would recommend "Kendall's apa vfti Cure" to all wbo slitter Willi spraius or rheumatism. Youis truly, AiRS J. BOUUELL. Kendall'/ S/>avin Cure is sure iu ila effects, mild in its ucuou as il does not blister, yet it is paueirating aud powerful to reach everv deep-sealed paiu ot* to iruiove any bony growth or other enlargement, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all tnhirge.ueuls of the joints or limbs, or i heuinnusui HI IUUU aud lor any purpose lor wtahli a luiiuieut is used lor muu or. breast. t is low kuowu to be the best liniment lor man tvei used, acting mild and yet certain in its effect*. Send addirssfor lliuoirmed Circular which we thiua gives posiuvu proof of lis virtues. No reiuidy . evei un ■.> i.U such uuqualitied success iu oui nut,*, .or beasl as well as man. Price Slpert ottle, o' «ix bottlts lor $5 ALL Ln.m.i.lA.s h..1.- il o. ciu, get il lor you, or it w ill be ;ent to any uildiess on receipt of price by ibe proprietors. DK B J KhN DAIX Uti, Ku.w F-ills, Vermont All Ly ult th u jtjitU. October 21st, l«8o BOBtltT w. powi. •». MiOAR D. TAYLO . R W IOU ER.S Si CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Dealer? in PAINTS, OILS, DYBS, VARNISHES, French ftnd American WINDOW UIAFLS, PUTTY, &C-, CIGARS, SMuKING ANI- CIIKWING TOBACCO A SPECIALTY. 1305 Mnin St., Richmond, Va. August 20—Sin UNPARALLELED OFFER! FIRST CLASS Sewing machines Hiin full line of Aitac(im'Bts to do ail kinds of Work, GIVEN AW AT, Free of Charge. Having made arrangements with a wall known oouipany for a large number of their Maobtoea, we offer AS A PRE MIUM to eve Y purchaser of TWEN TY-FIVE DOLLARS' WORTH OF BOOKS, to be aeleoted trout our cata logue, oonHiatinu ot HANDSOMELY HOUND and ELEGANTLY ILLU STRATED BOOKS, by STANDARD AUIHOUS, A Pirsi Class Faaily Sewin* Machine, on RICHLY ORNAMEN IE1) STAND, with SOLID WALNUT TOP AND DRAWER, oareluily packed and delivered to any Depot io this city, FREE OF CHARGE. Thta ia a bona fide offer, made for the purpose of introducing our publioationa throughout the United States. Bend for • Catalogue and Descriptive Cireular, to PHILADELPHIA PUBLISHING CO., 725 Saiieoin Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Liberal Terms offered to Agent* ' 4e*33tk« MOHAN'S PADS CURE 0 THE ONLY simply TRUE /TO RmRIU Absorption.! J Antidote. THADS MASK. I Holman'a Airue, Urer and Sloninfh P«id—Por MALAHIA. AUUH, LIVER and SrOMACH TROU- I Br.EH. Price |i.W. 110 l man's Special P«d-lil«i>tfil to old chronic cases. Prlee $3.00. Iloliiian's Spicen Helt—Por stubborn 1 Cane* of Enlarged Bpleen *ni > unyielding Liver and Ntomuil i troubles. Price $5.00. . llolman'a Infant** l»nd— for ailments of Infants and children. Prlcosl.So. ' llolmati'a Hrnal I»ad-For Kidney and t Bladder Complaints. Price $3.00. I llolman'a Clerluo Pad—For Female troubles. Price $5.00. Iloliiian's \ bsovpllve Medicinal Body Piaster—Ths heat plaster ma«l«— porous on rubl>er basis. PrUw Ssc. , llolmau'a AbnorpUTe Medicinal Foot Plaster*— Fomurobfeet and slug -1 gish circulation. Price per pair 16a. i Absorption Salt—Medicated Foot Baths— For ("olds. Obstruction* and , all cases when* a foot bath Is needed. Per hiitf lb. package, 25". For snle by all druff^ists—o.* Bent by mall, Coat paid, on rocf-lpt of price. The Absorption lit Is not "mailable" Bud must tie sent by Express r.t purchaser's expense. The success of llidiji'in'H spired l.ullatovs wno olfcr Pinia Similar lit »'ORM and OLMII to the TBI'S UOLM»*'H, asyinir. ••'fhey are the same, Ice.." Beware of ail f Bonus Pads, only (rotten up to so Jon the repu □ tatlrn of the genuine. Bee that each Pud bea-s the preon PBIT»T» ' ff.VEXCS STAMP of the liolinun Pad Company S I wlta above Trade-Marlt. If adllcted with chronic aliments sand a con else description of symptoms, whicli will re solve prompt and careful attention. DR HOLWAN'S atlrlco Is free. Full treatiso sent free ou application. Address. PAD CO.. IP. O. Box S.IIS) Kl William Street, New York. eHAIU DTElri the safe* and best; acta Instan taneously, producing the most natural ahnd i of black orbrown-.doe* notstatn the sklnieasi lyapplied. A standard pre].tuation ; favorltu upon every well ai>- polnted toilet for lady or gentleman. Sold by all slrinfalßta and ap* I piled by aU iuur dresaers. J. CIMNTADORO, 83 William Bt.cct, New York. lANDRETHS' M SEEDS u* BEST 1Q Q1 I! not *>lfl in your towp yor Inn! ctin grt them by nutiL Drop II u* * r>*tal Card for CaUu XUUJL )o«(U6 and Prices. Th « Old*»t and aunt cxtmnvf S—d l Qrnwcrt in th* fifties. 1 DAVID LANDRKTU & 80NS. PHILADA. J>~ if MF i P'E i » nmim vrrrur IBTIC TRUSS HM • Pad dlf&Hnf from al 1 oU>«, h cop«h*|», with a«lf-Adjust! oar Ball in c«oi«r, Mfeptot iMirt* J r mt P»" u,n » Of tb« body, wbll# th* rfVa H mm! i.V M Bbl h a tb« rnp fTMM kft* lb* M \ UutbwJyiM wi Jl %|r Jtr wt.h th* Ftß|«r. With llfW M«ort th« |l«rnl» ti h«ld »oir»ll *•7 and aML *a« • ndhml «nr« carula. UU tmj, d*l>k •ftd chssp. Soot by mail. CrcoUn (IM meLESTOH TBDSa CO., CUcacO, in. Nor ld-' NOW IS YOUII OPPORTUNITYt To teltel a COOK or HEATING STOVE from the largest and most varied stoat ID this seoli'io ot the State, and it as LOW PHICES f as fir si CIBHB goods can e sold We have a lull etock of .M ANN'S and LLI'L'LNCOTT S AXES^. TRACES, STEEL PLOWS, GLASS, BELTING. SASII, DOORS, TINWARE, HORSE-SHOES. To short, a full lio« of HARDWARE Which we are daily increasing PAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, &o lately added to oar stook. \ . BROWN, ROGERS & CO., deolfiyl Winston, N. 0. LIV TUBY.FEFID it SALS STABLE. I CRUTOHFIELD k STKDiIAN, Successors to Bsck k Moors, WINSTOtf, N. C. ALL KINDS OP CONVEYANCBS furnished at reasonable rates. We offer the very best accommodation to Drovers. Special attention paid to tilinsient custom. Horses bought, no Id and exchanged. Auguit 19, 1860.--lj ' JAMES D CHAMBERLAIN, i | —WITH iC. W. Thorn Co, WHOLISALB AND RETAIL DIALBM, I Biohmond, VS., Special attention givea to srdsri, and satia fsctioa guaranteed. June 19th, I»T9. .i tm This paper will b« forwarded to anj ad dress lor one year on receipt •( 1 Dollar aa4 WU*j Crats la advwas*.