EN7 JBT IN DAffr IfATTER FEPP gT^ g "y d Pr °'"' THURSDAY. JULY 14.' 1881. x t-tF i n mi vtf JeHv iftiW PER OS AD. , t*dl «Viiii|| i,iil ,;■] J. 3 N.i rtlh ffap*»r m likely- to a'k who Dr. John Penper was Durinp a life efß«e4i#g'*l»a avsrrage longevity of th me wlrt 'attaifi to old-age, bis active -\»i3'nu a or•;; >rt i° . meot tlw& conduce ""J manner to the welfare and improvement of this commiMwfcy, gave bim such prominence that nofaamvas better known here, or of whcfll,* •"liWhim for all io ail," a more fif*(fo%fe*o|rinion km hel?, if we Bet aside toe prejudice* that often grow out of the eieroise of what may be term ed a spirit of justice, and an independence of obaraeter So few day a have eWpsed since we have heard (Itv cMplf Bonad that is seat up from the grave when the evidence of mans OrtrtiMly fall Upon and diseolor the dark iwffij "the'coffin, within which the departed is laid, that we have had no, opportunity to gather per ■onal reminiscenses, but have been ob liged l#/»ODlpcit ourselves with merely traoing"«ha owl line of hit life ia the briefest manner. ! Jobi) Pepper was born on the 25tn day of.)lMsi|, 1795, on Piurnb creek, Montgomery county, Va , and was raised at Pegp^j'^ t on New river in the •ame oousty He remained at the lat ter pla** titt be removed to this oounty about tbS year 1820, wh«n he settled near Qerttabton, afterwards removed to Germanton and came to Danbury in 1852,'*'WWM>o spent the remainder of his lift. Ile lilfl not the advantage of raoeiviagjpore than .a limited education, but took every opportunity for self im provement, and being , fund of reading whenever he ennld Bad time from hie absorbing duties of providing a liveli hood for a growing family, he acquired througtf -diligence and natural cadow ment a degree of intelligence that was rarely to be met with amongst his asso ciates.. lie read medicine and practiced from th* time he came to this State till the war broh* oat, a period covering about "ft) J ears. Hit repotatiomvas that of a successful praotitioner. He prao tioed over an area of 30 to 40 square miles. "During the war he volunteered hii services as an independentio the 21st Regiment, was teudered the thanks the Surgeoe-Qeneral, and Waseffered a com missioflf-fca Sufgson which he declined In commenced the pubiioation of REPORTER. In .prt*oa wss a large, broadtahiiuldered man, six feet high, stout built, with his headslightly inclined to the side, the effect ot an attack et apoplexy he had suffered several yearn since. - la speaking he hsd a clear enun ciation, and readiness aire partes. Hii disposition was cheerful, his general,health exaellent, and bis in teresUia>«fcat,.tia» goiog on undiuiin ished t» the last. Ia illustrstion of the faculties It tnay be instanced that he had listened last winter with an attentive in terest to.the reading of suah books as "Davy's Last du)s of a philosopher," Hitoh»oftk\ Religion aud Geology, Dr John Lot/'oates address before the Ame rican A»**iuti©n of Scicnee, aad other equal clearness of i ;«»«• . . mind comprehend. Dr. Peeper was twice married and had sis* ROD* who survive him, andl Thomas R. who died an iufant, and Col RK. Jftjfer- WMa was killed at the bat tle oisWencrfmstar, .25th May, 18ti3 We h4t* re«onto believe that through out lffi'W eWrtshed a reepeet for the elation, though he had neve! oonnqptffltghimself with any sect. He was ■ ihrflir 11 in thoee. prominent doo trinerfH# whioh unite the iibtral professing ebris themselves to the ra tional faith, that true religion consists in the realisation of heaven. In short his faith°iaft«Aied not in sectarian protesaywt,. b««t ia a chastened temper, a pure conversation sad ka upright life A fe# bis end be ask ed to ricefftfthe i*W«nient (wWoK'wM jy V)* (ton Rev- C. M P«PPf«*H bi»«rf " f*n ! 11l |be usartw nf IflfTf) hi had an at tack 0f wdueed by the attending tfie ffooßspat ion of his FTC'eV IUIHI ihe effects ot thir his cjwHimiiftn recov erea, :'4i»«'>H»flSti» J»I Jfebsuery last, he was Arfaeta 'down with parul)**, and lingerWln i helplett iflitfto the eorl-(P» Wednesday, the tith iost, being 86 year* of age, and having rstsiaed bis senses to tba lost moment. He was burried at the grk** yatd attached io the starch in Daabury on Friday Bth inst Such was th* life of Br Jqfcn Pep peg, and what he was be had himsilf, ae far aa any man is the builder of bis own charaoter. W* S. Dibd at his home in MadiMon, Rock ingham oounty, on the 7th inst,, of heart disease. HENRY J. MCGEHEB, aged about 53 years. His father died when he was quite young. He being the old est son, took eharge of the larm and run it for his uiotber for a number of years, and showing strong evidences of busi ness taet, he attracted tha attention of a mercantile firm in Madison, who employ ed him to do business for tbem, after that he made Madison his iiome to the time of hie death. No word of oomplaiut known to the writer, waa ever uttered against him by his employers, but they, through his life, gave him the name that unly belongs to on* of Goda noblest creatures. Henry professed religion wben quite young, and he lived the life iif the Christian, and when he had oom to the end of the pathway of life, just at the brink of the river, be oould look back over its whole course, and review a whole life spenrintbe service of God, in suoh a case, death looaes its sting, the grave its teirors, and the spirit glides lately across the other shore, and enters upon that eternal life whiob is promised to the faithful Cbis.ian. Such was his death, such his end. May all his rela tions so live sad so end their days. He leaves 9 children to be oared lor by re lations M*y God help them to bring ibsm up so they may live like tbeir father, die like him, and get home to heaven. The writer would oommend them to the God of the orphan, and to iriends we would say, tako courage and follow christ ss he did. An Krroneoua Idea. We thiok the attempt by the New York Herald to produce a popular im pression that the assasain of the Presi dent as a madman will provs a failure. All tbe facts of the cas* feem to point to th* contrsry. Tbe system Ui* manner in which tb* wretch laid his plans, and his repeated declarations that tbey were premeditated are not akin to lunacy. We very mncb I'ear, that tbe Herald io its teal to disabus* the miuds of foreign countries of any idea tbey may entertain that the assassination was one of the fruits of our system of government, rath er oversteps the line of reason It may do to say that the assassin was a revenge ful scoundrel who sought the lifs of the chief magistrate because be did not think proper to bestow favors upon bim, but, to.call bim s lunatic, or even a fool, is not justified by the circumatances of tbe case We hope that when brought to trial) no suoh sickly sentimentality will be advanoed.— Raleiyh Visitor gome of the Northern papers sre sug gesting that a call be issued without delay tor the Senate to assemble, so that a President pro. lem. may be selected who would stand next in the succession and be prepared to administer tbs gover uient should the President die aod anything happen to Qen. Arthur. When the Senate meet, Mr. Bayard wlfl, without doubt be selected for the pott of honor, and attou d it so happen that the Presidency should devolve upon him, be will sssume the functions of that high office with the hearty applause aod gAott wishes o( the entire Union. Perhaps fro man possesses a greater bold upon the confidence ot the people than than Mr. Bayard does to day.— Kmieiyh Aewi- Obtervrr. ».—*.*■.»- . o. Kinston Journal : Among the press gang that have been visiting Morehead City, we oannot forbear mentioning Mrs Mtlatigblio, the Baby Editress, ot the Salisbury Prohibit ion ist. She is only two years passed sweet sixteen, and wears tbs smiles, gatty and fascination of ber betrothal days War* it not that she has a lover at borne some of the quills would plaeo ber upon another editorial staff Miss L. 0- Bernheim, Editress of At Home and Abroad, was ilao among the ere* She ia it lady of rare literary accomplishmems, and by ber modesty, decorum aad amiability of sharaoter, she baa *ou the esteem aod confidence of alt (he brethren of the press She possesses fine edaeational powers, aad net a Joelieh or aieaple word ster tails fro as her lips; Her magazine is detained to be Coequal with Soribner's t|>rper's aad ia fac* all the leading litsfary papera will, ia the near future do her homage. ,J.. .... ;« : «i Dr. Bllaa Says tbe President ia Im proving Slowly bat Barely. " Dr Bii* is in the very best ofepirits. He Ijoks brighter, having aiaWged to get so the rest since the President bat taken a turn 'ur the better. Ha said to the Star reporter: ''Everything ia #s niee aa could be ofcpeeted The Pres Ident passeoa qtejSgooi eight, and ia better (hi* moroiW He continues to improve slowly but'surely, llis appetite continues good, and be is uery cheerful. -- 1 The highest typei of gallantry that ioMbcra men worship moat was shown by Mr Qarleld when in receiving the latal ahot be . thought only of shielding hta wife irpm the blow, as be staggered, and exolajmed, "tyy God ! 1 am krlled, don't tell ibis to my wife A man that thinks so tenderly of his wife the •outturn heart throbs for. — Rtidtville Tim eg. QENBBAL NEWS. In the Albany senatorial contest Plait's nane hsa been withdrawn. Sidney Mabs, formerly of Stokes, wa? Bent to tha Virginia penitentiary from Carroll county a few days ago.— Granite I'oie. ■ | j , i. kJk The stockholders of the A i NCR R hate leased the Road to W. J. Rest, the lease subject to tbe approval of tho Directors We understand that the prospects are bright tor a larye attendance a Greensboro Female College which open- August J24. — Greentboro Battle Ground. Tbe President continues daily to irn prove, and the physicans ia attendance ara qnite hopeful of hia ultimate recover} in which hope all trne Americans most heartily join. Among newly-set plants, oabbage# and tomatoes, tbe frequent use of a iharp-toothed rake, can be paw ed rapidly over tha ground, will destroy vast numbers of weeds before lt)«y make much show. Ths poor imprisoned snd threatened Csar very naturally lakes a deep itter est in the shooting of the President His own life hanps by a thread and hi sits eternally with hia feet in a man trap aud fear Lnawing at his liver But the attempt upon our President ha» nothing in common, but deviltry unmix ed with tbe effort* to destioy the Csar. Tbe first cargo of iron lor tha Cape Pear & Yadkin Valley Railroad, reach ed Wilmington last week. Traok lay ing from the Gulf toward Graenaboro, was commenced Monday, and Prea'i Uray will loss no effort to k»ta cars run-j ning between here and Fayetteville by early fall or winter.— Greentboro Proi est ant. Tuk Wilmington Star says that th; New York Timet, the ablest of can papera, spaaka favorable of Mr Davis' very able work and, strange teaay, com pliments eapeoially his sricument in de fense of tbe rignt of a State to sesede under the constitution. It admits that he "unhorses" oertain "Northern pub iicists." Tbe Timet thinks that might makes right. Tbe comet is split in twain, and ha* two heads. Thia discovery was inadr oight before hist at tha Cinoinnat. Observatory, and there is no reason ti believe the professor 'saw double.' A* to wbat it porteada wa will not now undertake to say, but that it is ominoua of something terrible at least three lorths of tbe people of tho world wili believe in spite of the fact that the schoolmaster has been Ist loose amnn|> tJjetD, and rulea the blrcheu rod —-Richmond State. Atlantic h N. C. RAILROAD LEASKD —Last week W. J. Dest, Est) , on ao count ofthe Midland Railroad Syndicate leased for a term ot years the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad. We hare not learned the exact terms The legatee are now running the road, W. J Rest, President. We learn, also, thai the survey of the Midland route hat bee# commenced.— State Journal. Charlotte Obitrvtr : The fa> tners are unanimous in the opinion that crop> have sustained great and irremadiable damage from the continued dry weather Railroad men report eviiet.ces ol the fact that Western North Carolina i»rspidly growing io popularity as a summer resort Capt. Coley, of the Richmond and Danv'lle, transferred »o»ty-seveo tourists to the .Western North Carolina Ra'lroad at Salisbury yesterday. The Raleigh Visitor truly says : If an editor wants to bring his paper into let him publish something that doesn't exactly please "everybody, and he'H be sure to get a "cursing." (behind bis baok) but let bins do hir best to build op the listeria! iotereai and welifpit.of bit country, bring trad« to his tofrn, and help to enrich thorn around him, aud be it not even so much aa thanked for what he does, much lest patronised as be deserves to be Peo pie ate so euriooaly eoastittiud They do bate to "gii# the devil bis dues" DEMANDS FOR SOUTHERN MANUPAC-' TFLKU. —"Some of oor people," says th« Viekebarg (Miss.) Herald, "have a* idea that factories don't amount to muoh bat a few days since Col. W m Oliver, the capable manager of the Wess'm Mills, changed to be in Atlanta, tbe e ip Ilk! of Georgia, the great maoafattfyring Ifate of the Soutb. Having sunie saui pies of his goods with him. be received a« order for 125,000 worth of We9sofr goods from a single house in thst city, 'i'be goods are to be delivered within sixty 4«ye, and are to be paid for in oiuetigfjays from the date of tbe order 3amAoop or other this transaction look* remarkably like business" Wilmington, Del . v July_ 8 —The alarming increase of p«x io ibis city within fte paßt few dayshas eteitcd alarm, and*ffc «Wer to take pretMntiena ry mesMrerafaiMt the disease beeoim iog epidemic a apeeisl meeting et tbe tfosrd el «ta held this evening Tbe secretary was instructed to request the pasters ol dhdrehts to ctose the Sun day sobools andf have DO pie niesor ape oial gathering of any kind while tbe sanitary condition bfthe city was so bad. It is also tbe intention of tbe Board to stop excursions. Daring die past four days the average number of new eases has betsn eight a day. To meet the in crease io the mother of patients tbe Board of Health have asked permission to use tbs City Hospitsl. Utilisation of piood, Bon eg, Eto. I la New Yo*\ abbatoirs Wy litjja of# ilaughtered onimil is allowiid to' go ft waste The haofo are told for ghe stock mi briog «»>out 40 oents a sat. Patas Tor the same purpose, bring -1 fenl to 11-2 oents per pmod. Tbe tallow is generally rendered at tbe abbalofrt, and brings from 61 4 to 6 1 2 cents ?er pouod What is called 'hot fat, lb*' is, fat takeo from the breast and kidneys ttl the animal while it is yet warm, i» •old to oleomargarine manufacturers at 412 cents "per pouod. The bladdor. witcn, read and bung «ut arc sold fo» about 8 cents a set. and made into »kin» for wrapping sausages in. Tbe head brings 30 cents, and the meat is taker iff it and canned, whdp the banes air used for ferlliisrp. Tba flash tail, worth five cents, ia made into soap, and the hair (all, which is used for making uiaUteases or mixed with lime and sand purposes ia sold at four cent Horn* which bring $ oents per pair am eonwrtfd into bona , buttons, handle* for eutlary, etc. Tba blood is dried by ileum, uhioh separates .the water from it, and 1 en baked in a diymg machine md sold lor sugar n finiug and fertilising purpi'Sua. Ot lute years it has alio been uiunulacturt'd into buttons for chemical process. A number, of consumptive* o* me to the slaughter houses daily, and drink the warm blood from the freshly killed umui ils with very beneficial rcsui is in umuj cases. The atomachs are ustd fur tripe, and brings 12 1-2 cent* to 15 cents iacfi. The tongue is worth 50 to 60 cents, and ii usually smoked The heart and liver together bring 30 cents, and although sometimes used fur tinman f x.d, are generally sold lor cat*' md dogs' uic.it. Assassin after Blaine.—A tele gram from Wai-hinston, dated sth inst . say» : Daniel McNamara, supposed to be insane, appeared at the police head quarters to-d.y, and said he was frou- King Williams county Virginia, bu' had been tiring in Philadelphia. ii tunnunced that he had been inspired b; God o come here and kill Secreiarvl Blaine, lie inquired where Blaine lived and exhibited a revolver. Ho was *r rested. ■Look here,' said Gus Do Smith to i> newspaper reporter, 'you tell me acuu pff of good jokes; T wan't to get' em oft as original, you know, at a little sociabl. gathering to night. I'll lend you fiv dollars if you do.' 'Can't pnsniply do »• If you get off the jokes every pody Wilt ttuow you stole tbem, and if it leaks on that I've got five dollars, people wil think the same of me.' And beooe the deadlock still continues. NOTICE. By virtue of a decree of thr Probate Court, I will off r fur Sale on iesil*y the 2nd day of A'lciot at" the C> qr House door in Danh'iry, eLhty two s«»r' if land, lying near the waters ul Fie Shoal Creek, and adjoiuiuK the landa of James Riersm Sr , Lafayette Smith, poor house traot and others. Said lano ia convenieolty' situated, well timbered and produces fine ernpa of tobaeco, corn t\ Purchasers wishiwg to buy land will do wall to attend tba sale. Ter*s>- Cabii. Sale at 12 n'alook. m. This tin sth day of July 1881. G, F. Warr idai's of John Warren, deo'd Rurßiso TnE Midnight Oil—ln the Philadelphia Timet of recent date we notice an item referring to the mir anulously quick cure of a prominent iruggiat of that city,M. J M Fliggins Germantown Road and Morris atreet who bad an awful attack of rheumitiani of tbe knae. He applied St. Jacobs OM at night, and next morning was well and in his store aa nsual Troy fN. T y TeUgmm ami IKAiy. A Great Enterprise— The ITop Bitters Manufacturing Company ia one •flßoobester's greatest business enter pit-en Their Hop Bitters has>e reached a aale beyond all precedent, having from their intrinsic value found their toa/int'c almost every hoiilctiold in lie Graphic. Kenmore Unfverarty High School, Amherst, O. H., Jlmi- Highest grafe. tftf lect. Limited. Prtparatory to Um Univer sity of Virginia. Session ffh, I8i)l. for elreularsapyi.v tb 11. A. yFKt/DB, Principal. July 14 1881-28. , ' - 1 *' ' ~ ? -' n ' '>* I 1 OREBfoSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE. aBKfiITBBOfeO, N. C. Ths Ust Session ol tUis wall known loalit intlon will begin on Wednesday, Hh lugc«t. rgBMB PKR BKSSIOR OF 20 WKRKM : Board and Tuition In full Bcgllslr Course, 175 OO Charges for extra Md** nMntarato. Vo r particulars apply for Oatalogue to T. M. JuN«9, ('resident. Greensboro, ioae JO, 1881-4 a. . - |73 A WEW at~*6«i easily made. Costly Outfit free Address Tana A Co.,A«(usta, Maias. ||RO||| * A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. _ raON BITTERS aro highly recommended for all diseases r«- ■ i quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigttiiqn, J>y>pej»ia, Jnjer- Fevers, Ifont Appetite. Lou of Strength, Istel: of Energy, el-. lynches _ „ the blood, strengthens the tousclcs, and gives nc-wjitb to the nerves. Ihey act 51 A 52 like a charm on Uio digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such aa TaMiti/ the fhod, Rachino, Kent in Vie Stomach, Heartburn, etc. TllC only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the tectli or grlvo headache. Bold, by all druggists. Write for the AB C Book, 82 pp: or -1 ii useful and amusing reading—sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Bid. i BITTERS GEORGE W. HINSHAW. W. M. HINSHAW. SPRING AND SUMMER OF 1881. HINSHAW BROTHERS, a WINSTON. IV. 0., Four yeara ago to day wa opened our fir.t atock of GOODS in one of .ha build* ■OkS we now occupy. Not satisfied to remain where wo aiar-ed we have Irom time ,o time added to our building and stock ... that we can subtly say that w«, 8 .,w hat. me most complete Stole Rooms in the State. We have IU use two of BAJES oest ELEVATORS by tbe a-eansof which we hive easy access to all parts ot tha .en Rooms in our Block all o» which arc filled with Merchandise -of e»rry 100 which we buy at lowest pricos, mostly Irom mauuluoturers aud which we aell DEPARTMENTS, WHICH ARE THE LARGEST IN TOWN, wo will duplicate in prices any bill of an ordinary amount bought m ,nv market, freight t«ke» Lnio oonaideraiimi ' roru OUR RETAIL DEPAttf MEN I'S ARE THE MOsT CO>ll LETh tN WIN*. S'l'ON. Wa call especial attention to our liue ot *, . ~ DRESS GOODS, nIMMINGS, LAWNS, PEQUETS, SUITINGS, NOTIONS, PARASOLS COTrONADES, CASSIMERES, BOOTS AND SHOES. 'J- • N •I'I!V€IiESTER TIRCIKIA AXD MILES' PDILAUELPHIJI SHOES A SPEfIALTf • OUR STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OF 400 Suits Men's and Boy's Clothing. 40 Caaea Hats. 85 Cases and Bales of Dry Goods. 50 " Notiors. 100 Bags Coffee. * 50 Barrels Sugar. 75 " Syrups. V T 150 Kegs of Nails and Horse Shoes. SPLENDID STOCK OF- STAPLE HARDWARE, DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES. TIN WARE, HOLLOW WARE AND QL'KENSWARE IM tABOE QUANTITIES AND Olt EAT VARIETY. # 2,000 D nena CoaU* Spool Cotton at New York l'rioea. 2 O(»0 pouuda Sole Leather. • m 20.000 pound# Meat and Lard. v \Vh«e Lead, Oils, Varnishes, &o. > We intend to make it to the interest of every oue to come and tee ua t and we fn *tM you to do so. i.; Bale I _ Bagttf the CtUnited Star Brand Tobacco Manure for Sale thii Spring. Buy your g*od« af ua and aell your Tobacoo at our Now Warehouse, (1 AuE 8) • h«n eouipleted and you will come as near pelting the worth ot yottr money 10 Merchandise, aud the worth of your Tobacoo in rnjutjy Oku get in this wula r •vorld. • ,f gOME ONE, COME ALL, ... ... ■ • 1 •*> Reapeetfally, • ' ' ' C !, ° r - May 14th, 1881. HINSHAW BROTHERS. •V . .•> Jt'-'ii .i - ->l .»■■■ ■ •. ■ a ■1 V -• ' 1 ■" - = . : „ . . i '. \ 'A •*; • ov.x STILL AUVB AND KICKING.^, ■ •»'•/;! A CMIM i " JOHN F. GRIFFITH, FR ANK L. MOORE, ISA AO Hk*K KhBOIIJOU ili w Ot Davie County. Of Stokes County. Of Stoko* Cwioiy. ; A RIO SHOW COMING !"" 1 ' 4 . . „ i.. : ' . . imo-'KAJi .w.i . fU ' " ° y f r; . ,•* 1 taP*.H/t Altfioueli we hate been driven oot of the Joy ner block by fire, we beg> !«t 'Ap\ publie know that our basisaas is going on as it uothiog bad bapptned. W» are % w located on tha Ogburn Corner, where we ba»«on flaw a Large, New Mf. k Wall Baleoted ; r ij .. .L . i| STOCK OF DRY WOODS, ' Groceries, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoe,, Tinware, Queensware, WHIow-Wars Sole Lsalber, Bapoc, Salt, ke., &c. In fact everything kept in a Firat Claas Stors. now opaa and earnestly solids oar many. Iciewds and iqrm»f..«u»to«nrs4 fc , a RE SURE v tad - ' "J •' irfaiaK ,nd not buy gdeda before gif iog us a bok i#, as wa are satfofiad wa am pafed to ; to ad) *H *s Represealed. Qyjjp a Wa art juat starting and intend to build op an honeat Uads by fair dealing. Griffith, Shore k Co. Winston, January, Bth.