The Reporter. g |g LOCAL ITEMS. Newspaper Laws. 1. Subscribers who do not give express no* tice to Uie contrary, are considered aa wishing ' to continue their subscriptions. 2. If subscribers order tho discontinuance ! or their periodicals, the publisher may con tinue to send them until aft arrearages are ' paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to lake 1 their period are directed, tliav are raapoa|lble ttatil tiny . have settlfl flwfr I fills and orawed them dia- I continued. 4. I f subscribers move toother plans, with- ! out informing the publisher, and the papers ] are sent to the former addresses, they are held 1 responsible, 5. Any person who receivers newspaper I and makes use of it, whether he ha* ordered ! it or not, is I.eld is law 10 be a subscriber. j *5. It suhsuri bugs .pay in advance they are 1 bouud to give notice to the publisher at the ; end ot their time, if they do not wish to con- i tinoe taking the |wper, otherwise the publish- j er is authoristdiu* ae„d j&m, »nd the Sub- | until express ao- I lice with payment of all arrears, is sent to ! the publisher. Our thermometer pointed to U8 at 1 I o'clock last Saturday • Corn is worth one dollar per bushel in Dsnbury. The most of Cspt. Taylor's boarders went to Moore's knob last Monday. Cornfield beans are worth fifty cents per bushel in Danbury. There are now about one hundred visi tors at Danbery and Piedmont springs This is delightful weather, days pleas ant and (tie tiignis Jma splrndid for sleeping. School will commence at the l>aiibury 1 Female Seminary, Monday September 6th. This section was visitod last Saturday night and ag'iu Sunday by delightful rains Thanks to the proprietors fur the pho tograph of their New llriek Warehouse, J known as the "Puce" warehouse at Winston, N. C. it is indeed a nice build ing. A gentleman from Kernersvi-lo last week reports that the farmers iu tlmt aeetion are cutting their corn down fjr winter feed, having despaired of its get- ! ting any better. Anything to eat, wear or work with will pay your subscripiion to ihu HKTOK T«R. Why don't you tell your neighbor 1 to help keep up the paper by paying lor ' it aod uot borrow yourn so of'en. The dry weather this summer has kill- j ed a great number of forest trees in this seotion, and if the chestnut tree contin nee to die at the same rate for n few years to eome. that it has in the last few ! years, it will in the next generation be 1 • thing of (he past. HOT —We generally have five or six j nights op heie during the summer in 1 which we can save the weir of our bed quilts and blankets by folding them up and laying them to one side. Last Fri day night was one of that kind, moon- j ahine being plenty thick to cover with. A male up in Stokes has taken ad vantage of the law preventing cruelty to animals aod whipped out his master. The next Legislature should a law for the proteotion of tho white man •gainst the abuses of the unaieroiful male. , Mis lea Loa MoCullock, Maggie Hous ton and Sallie lteece, who have been •pending a few days of pleasuro in our ' town, ba*e returned to their beautiful j home* in Greeosboro. If the comely, charming, laughing Hellen and Han thippe were jewels io the orown of Athens, surely we believe these young ladies ought to be entertwined in the orown of Greensboro's glory. Arrivals at TAYLOR'S Iloncr,, Danbury N. 0., August Bth :—Mr. Jesse Julian, Mra. Sally Houston, Greeosboro, N. C ; August 11th : Mr. W F. Douglass, Nor folk, Va ; Miss Durham N. O,; Mr. Levy Houston, Mr. V»ek? Baringer, Mr Miohael Grettor, Mr William Homey, Miss Maggie Houston, Mia* Layeuia Siban, Miss Lou MeCul look, Greensboro, N. C. August 16th : —Mr. Ham Tatum, Greeosboro, N. C- Thanks to Greensboro and all. The beat people will vote for the best man every time. Aod we judge by the number of the 81. Jacobs Oil oqu atitueocy, that it i»4l#bfeet roiMdy fof the rhaamatUm known. Prof. Tioe, of Bt. Loais, among others, so.—( Rural JVetC Yorker ) Old Auut Pully Poolittles Notions To U9 01.l tiiuy, back wool folks up here, who hardly ever seed a rale rode, and think a sity Is a beep of mighty fine homes, all filled with 6110 lady*' and gentlemens ; and think that we wold jist oorly die ef wo had to go into tho com pany of sich tine ladys'and gentlemen*. Cant tell whar sich people ooun from, that we seo going bout every onst in a while, thay look miety nice, like thay was ladys and gentleman*, but then thay act miety quar, thay finaky round wid one an other, talk and w ike a noise in tho preechio hous in time of mcutin, thay set and here the preeoher talk bunt the serious»»t kind of things, and aa soon as the -oeetin housdorC is open and thay git out, thay conime ce to joke and talk and laf and holler, looks like thay are afi'ard that thay or somebody eloo will have serous thoughts after thay git away trom the meet n house, aod then wben thay stop some whar thay go on at sich a rate that thay uiako one an other rite shamed til thay git used to It, and then thay doot care what thay say to one an other, and every onoe in a while somebody gits hurt. Hoy a and gals doot act like thay did when I wa» a gal, a boy wold then jist as soon be eought ►teelin as to be cought with a botle of whisky in his pocket, aod now tho gals will go to meet in with a young feller when he is so drunk be can hardly walk, and let him kirs her when his breth smels like the bung hole io a whisky barel. Thay will tel one an other rite out that thay tel lies, thay donl have no more respect for one an other than nothin. And then when thay git to corlin, thay pretend to be angila and dexccye one an other all lhay can until thay ait married, and then thay haint got no respect for one another, and >bc next thing is. thay are parted it gals and boys would have folks respect them before or niter thay are married, they must act NO as to have some respect for therselves, that is the very reson thar are si many old nindes, and londly old.bachilors, kase the boys arc so fopish and the gals so fast thay are sfeiird of one an other. You jist let a rale sensible, modest gal come along 1 hat dont take on about everyibing she sees with hriehes on, and you will see the boys miety polite to her, and el she will have any of them, she will s>e mar icd in a little lime. It is not generally known tl at there are at least 2 | ,OOO acres ot unimproved land lying along the slopes of the Saura town mountain, extending west fiom Dtobury to the Surry line This land is covered with the original forest growth ot pine, the different kinds of oak, maple hickory kc., much of which is very val uablc timber This section is well adapted to sheep raising, the small fiats both on the mountain and around its base being covered with a wild grass which is in many places knee high, and which in a inter falls down, oovering up the green grass near the ground, which af fords good pasture for sheep during the whole year. Much of ibis land lies comparatively level aod will produce as tioe f>bac?o as can bo grown in North Carolina. It is watered by hundreds ol small streams and springs of as pure cold water as can be found in any country. Distress after eatin », one of the most unpleasant results of indigestion, will no longer be experienced if a tablespoonful of Simmons' Liver Hegulator is taken after each meal This will prevent the distress rferred to ; and by persevering in tho of this remedy for a few weeks a permanent cure will bo effected, and pain will no longer be the peualty of eating ' We learn that (he number of visitors in Danbury and at the Piedmont Springs has increased so rapidly within the last, few days that the hotels and cabins aro' full. North Carolinians need not go out of their State for mineral waters nor fine natural scenery. Io the western part of tliii State arc to be found mineral springs whole waters, invigorating, healing and life giving properties are unsurpassed and tho natural scenery is pronounced by those who have travelled very extensive ly, to be tb« grandest iu tho world Green*horu Fill riot. No noon PREACHING —No man can do a good job of work, preach a gooh sermoo, try a law suit wall, doctor a patient, or write a good article when he feels miserable and dull, with sluggish brain and unstead nerves, and none should make the atteaiptin such a con dition when it can ba ao easily and cheaply removed by a little Hop Bitters. —Atbauy Timea. It u stated ihat Gen. Robert Lowery, the Democratic nominee for Governor of Mississippi, like President Andrew Johnson, was (aright (0 read by his wife, since whioh he haa risen to be one of the most influential men i n the State. Hi* nomination is equivalent to an election, a«d it |s understood that the same influ ences that brought sbout his nomination will probably defeat (be re-eieotion of Beoator Lamar for (be Senate. Pi edmont Springs -Btokes Co-, N. O. I will rent tlia Cabins this season for 82 iO per wcelf, a. tb.-y ate. 1 wilt also take s.itue hoarders in my house at Dan bury for the hot season. Hates reason able, lor further information, Address, 8. B. TAyi.nn, June IG-2UI l/aubury N C. DANBURY~ MARKET, AS COKRKC'fKt> BY PKPI'KK & mKS. COHN, new, per bushel, 1 00 WIIIOAT, Wtl a 1 25 RYE, • 75 a 85 OATS, threshed. 50 PEAS, f,o HKANS, fJS a 75 HEEB' WAX. per lb., 20 HONEY COM I), 10 a 124 KG OS, per dozen ( jq HUTI'KK, pi-i lb, 10 a 15 BEEF, per lb, 4 a G HIDES, green, per lb 5 a 8 liIDES. dry. per lb., 10 a 12J TALLOW, per lb, G a 8 CHESTNUTS, per bu., I 1)0 a 1 25 HAGS per lb , J J POHK, per lb, Bl 10 rnuiT. APPLES, pex lb., 2 a G PEACHES, halves, per lb , d PEACH ES, quarters, pr lb , 3 PEACH ES. peeled, per lb ,5 a 12i HEHHIEB, 7 Summer Co At this season, varioim disonsM of tlio bowois art? prevalent, and ««>»/ Una arc lout through lack of knowledge of a Knfc and Hiiro PKRItY DAVIS' PAIN KIIXKIC if* i Bare cure lor iJiarrhcca, Dysentery, Bummer Complaint, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, etc., nnil is pcr/ccV / ec/V. the following: l\ \ rvuniDOE. X. y. # March 22,1«>L » ONITOA, X. Y.,P00. 1?, *«l iTUfv D\vi Kn.i.rr. ;-r /a. hto uHnnl "Wo bcjjr.n nrinT it over iljiriv your.' iit t inniunt relic/ for craui t > rad win in tliOf tnmm'h. Pl'vayn rivw* iuiiu.-jlaio relief. Would b. rai> «a»i.i Ju. ki'U UrnuU')'. I i>p>t» bed \MilM>uta boiiluia the hoc NIR'IT VII 11* 1 : Y I'' ll_ .W I • Th» **rv medicine f Unov t f f..r dy. l-utcry, rho vra mori >«:*, a'l»'?o »:toui: i li. Ui.\o -v, ««1 u bnou* anl It i ,n Uuluu "' TJ. S. 00!«5r../> &" U ~ , ,I'.' I C'nrFEi.P.L'.BKSxiiu I'LTUVI T.RL. a. ML MOIKOOSA. IOWA, Mnasdi 12,1181 I !iavo Known j'l;nr,Y 11/IVl*' I'/uH KILLUI NUN t I hivor.wd youil'Al:: Ki, Li:nl i ccvuiu tar c-i of I from Ui-Mlay it y.iw tntrodu«*l.ouU tit rycrr ot mmp.coUc.aa-ic«iOlcraiuoAt)Ui(.ai)tot(rftvoali]Kißt j oWrvaiion ami u-.i I revcrl itj i.,c luny 1:1 taj.t lpjcf. h F. C.IU>WKtI. hWI cfcaM t- SB 6uUfe>a raUr *««€»(.•». C.unnwvtu.r, OA., TCK Sa. ISM. i - V^* For tjrontyywiw 1 lavoiiiciyoiu I"AI:. Kitux fh .. la my family. Ilavo ujed It nut' v t'rn.■■» U.i bmvrl «7 iumflal'i!s,:inilitc'" /»mm. Vouldnotlfci IP»1C vitUcutabot.lcin llioh.uj>c. J.Ulvux ! } nM Sour 1 A.c» iuLlxit,i.udtooncli'lll. •t]. ■ ta.. J t li.Ut.l, IL.I. ftt.OHI!. R.sco, M"n.,.Trm. l°fl. ' LI fir .Lo.vuc:.. j;:;o. TT.wcwdTm^.TDA^h'PAJ v rtv.rlvo ! T>cricrrn icfitfenwof tvvvnty-ttii^yarHlnlnciin, yoi'v. Ui • fife, titre. nnd rciiabte. 2o jmoQiiiV j I li:»vo i-ivm it in uuny cnscßOf ai a»lu«j, dvrm l iioald mlow it iJ bo out of tho faniiU'. | t ry, oiiti cliolera, and never knew it .ti faJl t»t-ivo il. T. NATVM. I r» lief. It. CLAI.IUCU . Ko family ran «aft!jr be Without I'iSM fnvalwnT.-lc lTitirdy. I ; price Vi Aibiu tho reach of nil. For fialo by all drup«;iMs u; >4r»«u 50c. and SI.OO ;i botdo. PEEi;i r DAYIS & SON, Proprietors, ITovidcncc, JX. I. PIEDMONT Warehouse ! WINWTOJT, IV. C., For the Sale of TOBACCO! •» *»* Stands in the Front Hank with the Leading Warehouses in North Carolina. SALES PAST YEAR MO UK THAN HO.OOO PARCELS. Increase in trade in past four years more Uiau fnnr fold. \Vc have added each jear umnj new I.TrfTOIIKHS, ami Mill there is ro>m (or more We are thankful to our many'friends tor their liberal ask * contlnunnre in the future The lollowing named gentlemen are still with tne, and will be pleased to see their (liendi «t I'IKPMON V. \V A .S I'IEHIJK,' B >ok Iveppc. JAMhS S SCALES, Fluor Manager J Y. A. BARH AM, Auctioneer. A>ecU 8U >l. H, XORFLKET, Proprietor. T. J. BROWN. W. 11 CARTER, Ja. J It. PIEEK. THE OLD RELIABLE BROWN'S WAREHOUSE, The Farmers' Headquarters, The Leading ILJUSO as usual since October Ist. In QUANTITY o TOBACCO SOLD, io PRICES and in DISPATCH OF BUSINESS. Farmers do not have to wait until after the sale for their cheeks, BUT ARE PAID AS SOON AS TITEIR,.TOBACCO IS SOLD. Remember this, when you want to get.ofl early and breaks nro heavy. o i HIGHEST PRICES ALWAYS GUARANTEED. P A. VViuson, Jr., Book-keeper. R. D. MusSl.fcY, Auctioneer. T. J. BROWN & CO., Wiustoo, N. C. J BROWN & CARTER, (SUCCESSORS TO J. F. I RATHEIL & CO 'S), Next door to Browo t Rogers k Co.'s Hardware Store, •w KKRP CONSTANTLY ON IIAND A WBM. ARIBCTKO STOCK OF 'U4 n ' ' / Dry-Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Dats, Notions, &e. We espeoialty invite our couatry friends to call on us, as eiir'jrtlrWnfßS aro made with special reference to their wants, and WILL SELL AT BOTTOM PRICES. , , ' . • i ,Ji r.' '!' it 'i •' F. J. BROWN, Febiaary 3 : 18SI. W. B. CARTER, J«. Ftt»nuju:u«.— We have tuadc arrangements by which ' we cau furnish you either l'tn-rfic (iuaiio or tlio .Star Rrand FaUtJikor »'( low yoj can buy it We wit) deliuor ii ai (he depot iu Winston, at any point on i either of the road* leading from tl.i place to Winston (tiy way of Walnut o>»e o.' Geruiunton), r r at Dmil.nrv. PEl'l'KK ft SON \ April Cih, 1881. i Wo want»cvcnty fi.'e thousand lb* of j eaf tobacco, ull grades from good lu line suitable lor uianlncturiog. and will pay as much as t he same grades will bring in Winaton"; so save the hauling and warehouse charges to tin' firmer I'KIM'KU ft SO.VS i raves' Warehouse, DANVILLE, VA., FOK Til K SALE OP Ijo aI" r l? olhk* o> W. I', GRAVEB, I'ttopßiKTOK JKp. A. HRRN'DJN, Gink-. STKPHRN NKAI/. .la . | . . . , , R. T. It (>LR>N, / Auitlinl Clerks OKU, K (Mi.K\l'AS'. Auctioneer. JOS. H. BL. VT'KWKLIB, Floor Mttnayir. UUIAII M. IIATUHEII, Jitiiri/Hijf }/n*t,-r April 17, 1879. Iv VV. A. TUOKKIt, H. 0. SMITH, ». tt. SPIt AtllNS. TI CRKK, SWITI! ft CO., • Man ufacrurfci sand Wholesale Denim In BOOTS; SHOES; LI AT."! AND (MPS 350 fhltimore street Baltimore, U I. Noly. (JI'.KKNShORO FEMALE COLLEGE. GKEEJSSBORO, N. C. The Msl Session ot this well known Insti tution will begin on \' tdnesday, SMU Auyusi. | TERMS I'ICH JSESSIi >N OF 20 WEEKS : } Hoard and Tti it ion in full English course, I $76 00 OlmrgeS for extra studies moderate, i l>or particulars apply lor fata lop in-to 'l'. M. Jvi.ShiS, Piesideut. | Greensboro, June 30, 1881-Uin. VAsSIR COLLEGE, r0 UG UKEEPSIK. A'. }•. : FOR THK LI \I, tfUUOATION OF \V>- ) men Examinations lor entrance, Sept. 1-ttli. S Catalogues rent on application to W. L. DEAN, Registrar. July TUB I:MVF.KSITV —OF— BOBTII CAROLINA. Ni XT SESSION WILL HKCIN AB(i If Vl' 251 h , 18 3 J . f'c whines the adrantagis o' the "Id Ciiri'i ! culiiin, willi erini anil exirieie.l instruction f aeri rilinir to the llnivrrsrl\ tryslem j Connected Willi n aie n.!.n !s ot L>W ot Mjfc,L]Ci£*ii, and ot PHAIIMAiJ i'. ' Sjeciai 'litiiili's fciven tor practical slutlies, such as Analytical rinrl Agricultural, Cheru lst.y, I.HTtd Suivcymg, Dtuw iiifi Bocm-Kci-|jiUM, Busi ness, L.nw, I'hcriug:a pl.y. &c. Fx; ii« s. : r.« likJii luilion anrt room r.nt. sin;> it- f'ijtu per annum A hlnay, : r calrtlt.gue ai.d pari mlarf, KB-.r i'. b AT rue. i L i>. IVrs?dnt Chape 1 Hill \ C. % July JH 2\v. Female Ccl^oge, AkIIKVIM K, V ( % A|tOLI!CA, is oik of t! (■ l»f t at:*' r i »i!mo!8 lit tl»o JSoUlli. ! uvor.i bl\ Irf.'.'tc! with *x* I'.-ive K wn.k-. nj>d «(t» n c dicis J t»!:di h tins nn iNj t i I'ifTl fti I' cu'.lj". Full tf.'lM-T, all'i H'VtS I thorough ii.s«t'u lira. Musie •» o|:cci;(it> j ••(•oil rihro's ai:d 11 magnificent Pije lle'ert-:-! • : t?i , , :oj> \V :?uin S. C ; I>p. I!. K. Klk*nnfitsvil!i^S r : Hon. Kb V 'tic«, N. ('. j I>r. W. (». K. Canning j hnm. V aslivii!v, IVnn. ; Piof H. W. Jone«, ! Usiord, for AJilrcj° ! the President, jAiivs Atkjn's, Jr., or J A Bu>ineH!» Snn't. j Jalr 28ih IBWMia ' f ;i ; 1 if*i j v . >U r:.J i.,J, I'it. JL'3 L i TDA o. u! L'~d. K.J 1 our:i fih mi or;:; 3>L tp'JE " Cf \ f!?!" * BY j ? j/ jj ji-.iitLMil. i j Antidote. •• nv ! rv.'t M M.AH'i A. .VM K. I.ivs. I a»\ t-\ IMV'.I lai ii- I Trie VrJ«V!,\ ' * to •••-' cliro-i'.i*. im-m. Prt«v» . !" V I llvliuaii'M • \ For - oMr rr cv iv-* »f 4 • rn I u v •». ,>r 1.1 :* a:i.l .'Muiuavn Iro.iM -M. IWro $U K Strt'uiiV* !':>) a in.'V'j ' " Inf.: r* ri'i -i. )' ■».;«? 1• r UXoltisrtfi'M llonu] FJII R..I .• a Bind'!' r I'r c Clolman'M liio.' u? #*u.l Foe l"i iu;:lo :rn!.!'-. $1 0 X EloliunnS \r»*nrptivo Si»nl Body I'!n«.(cr -T'm* oat m*' I ' , i» "t» ruUIK-r tu'i.H. pj'i«.n ar.p. Colia'in'k \l'«> J »*f antl^lu«T --w uv-r *v r for pii-.- i'.'.c. Ah«orp(!(>a iall I Fo*M F>r roltK Üb:i!ru*l:.»r.« pr» \ all C'ihim w!ier*» n I a!!i la . |\»r !ia l f l'». 2V. F- rsTM by ail .1.-'it-ri- -o ncjjt t y mill, r- stj-a. \ ry.t rcr- I|»t V f ;*ri(o S .it m u f ••»»n: , a|-!u ' r«:».! i A t I * »ou*. l»y Lx rr:»* r. , -i\ T.i« hii nf JMoiuv ••!** r'vul'i twwi in fju vd I u'*. •• • y:. « Vi* F.«! i N.m.i.r s» roaM ?.n-! Ij tTit: 17 »t.. v»•■•«. sa.viug, " Vht»y * • l!• • « m'\ L..." > Hons Fa*l4, o Jy u;»t >8 lou t'ic rc.*;i- Lt lcn of tHe ao. Ilia! enclt 1'.t.l i err "'fiivrs r.iiVKxrß STAMP -f tlio liolta ax i , .d C'.nnpa! / :th n?»ov i ' •!;. if s. Kirti'd with !.n n!«r w.l n tot* ! •vcri»»'.o'i i ( nyii»|iU»UM. w;,io.i i'-> eclro us« ! enn fn* ailoiitU' Dk M n lv* •» w lr«»«.'. b'u'l trcatisa ; ecut f?»:« c>u app! •.. A Mr-sh, tM' UAN >VVD 0., CP. O. Box :;; Wulia.n Km't, *V'W Forte. jMl|HAi.imTlith#r?»afeM taneoaal;.*, pro*iu : .y bom9 naono l,l,l t.H>nkiu;«!Wn "fe-V\.-A tMa . ■, i r aratiun ; faoriLi wjyE'v. AnsLJ eve. y wull an . >" % Wm tojiet for-laay or tf«mteinrm. H U by *ll tlruifrflHtu and ap plied \}J tul i.aur -T. ritl-iTATK)R'>. VJ WllUum I4I« vt. New Vorfc. LI VER Y.FKED A SAL £ STABLE, i' CRUTCnFIELD * StTKI)MAN, Successors to HoA A .'.toore, mPBTOX t K. c. ALL KINDS OF CONVEYANCES rarnished at rcagoaatile roles. •1 a I vr \ Wt offer the very Wstnteomnloijatron tJ Hro»ers. Special iill'nlion paid 10 traustOlit custom. Horses bought, soM and exchange!. Augiist 1.0, Hbo.— ly JAMKS I) CIIA.MIiKUI,AI.\, C"? —WJX'H—*■ C. W..Thorn & €•„ •WitOt«!>Al.E HAT DIAMRB, I ii u * Richmond, Va V Special attention giren to orders, and latla tactioo guaranteed, June 16tb 1881. gm, | Tr„ V-, "' T' ro T»Tf k I OIVB FThXI ."H. "Fxc*!lpnt Tonic, Altemtivoand Diuretic. Medical Association. Lj ncbbujrgr* Va "U«*d wii!» (rrc»nt befirflt In Malaria nr. iMplitheriit.'*'— 23 F. ''Upon, MI) , (Jn. . "Succpstfully in dyappjiaiu, enroni • dmrrbo-i and pcnftilii;"—Prof H. Jackson M l>, Univ. Perm. "Invaluable as a nervous lonic."—Hon H) Fouler, T#rttl. "Recommended a proplitluetic in mnlft ri:»l districts l> It F.iiiex t .\l I), N O. * Kestorcs deMlMafH systems lo health."— T (' Mercer, M i>, I ml. ••Ao*|i*c:l in chronic diirihrei. fcrofula, and dBp>p*i>» " —(Spo T Harrison, M I*. N Y • 'Successful in diphtheria ;u»d iipitrAlgitt " ~.1 P Nwm\ M D, N C "Kicillent fee cerium dlseas s jicvulmr to wonun."- -Prof J J MovJiaau, M i>. Va. "Prompt In re.'i. vinir lv»ida«.h* sjk »ud voiik. '' ift v K I I >■ ») wi li K« hvut-ii* iu Jv4jh . ' J *• Rjil. h. M 0. p». j Hit'-'i D -liroiicbiiH and r!.>»•' -«•« of di j .■,-im # -jiu "—J 1- hougitloii. A! U., J-. U. • M -t val .1 !' 1 enied' known ; u .*!o .! tjisou Jun PMeutwnr. M IV ! V?V •*Vtj»iei«i niiativf virtue." Uitw-j itujo* I »• »M \l I). M«» "i'e i il. ,n uliriiK lt'r:mfi>nnn f l«n»•.>.»• »!n[iijuii3 -.vj Vai), M L>, Übi-». ••rharuiiuji 011 the complexion, m.-.' ug 1' *IU" j»h. *•.:-•• • Ulilf and rof> "--Mia-: il '.v «' *Th , in «» rul ionics, —Ktaptis M. •• \IIV N •,. n« :i» *i. »• ms a ionic :in4*«Mi mlWe* 9 '—' j Ji«n. h •'(« i 1 It-, .M I >. Va. ' M , • ir.- mi-prft>.eV iitid'l»!ot)fl purifier. j Fisiit-f. li U. via. j V: v . 11l eliriiil in irnprovi;:p :» i ; j •ItivH'i.l *teie fimi* wtriconijv. and li#alf*».*'* « ' II;.: .''Mi, luto .Ot Lo , ,HOW fit ; K chni'ni t Vm. » ' Hn-jf. 11*11 it.'*—.Sou'li'-i n Mid. J^urnnJ. ' \\ lit 1. 4 nVrd M is ; rtft'i Pi; N*, . :> f 50, T» r > cents. f>cui pas I pjwl j huiunu'r r •?( not bcgiiij \ t June, s:>r> per niou'li A«ldteas, /V. .VI D»V Y ISri, frij'i of fho CIo 78 Mi'.in »5*.,\,% n' \'i i'. fTi. : " ' H-i.nV.v 111 L*w lUnbm . June 2 ,'HI-C . S \ . IO r AK>IER» and TH3F.SHERMEN. |M Tf ynu wtnt to buy Tkmkrrf, ■PCh&KT I'lor.-r UuH» r*. Hnr'nr htwtr.' «r I'ngmes rorlafife orTrno f lion, to u?e fur thr««liii.e, Niwirg or for ponr-ftl pnrpo- ) buy tlio "Stnrved «•••'!». Tks Brat is the f'fimpttt For FVic^ List arid I|]imfra!(-U ramph't?, ' t"!,( >? Cwut frro) wrlt« to The Ari.t*.*K ifa >k «lt XiTLoft Comi-akv, HunativUt* O 1o [n*c!itors niifl Hcciiaiiirs. PATK?vTS hnd how fo obtain l!i?m. Pampblefs of 00 |>ng;cd upon receirrt of | Stomps lor Postage. Address Gii.jiobf, Smith '& C> , Holiciten 0/ PAt«*nt*. flox TI. Walking!on, U C mi.SO\, BI K\S & d.0.7 ~ .vnui.i:, Ai.r. uiiooxßH and o-Hiiirs SION MERCHANTS. 3o S Howard strprt, comer of I.ointiurd; KAI.TIMOUB. We keep conXHiitlv on hnrul a large and well assorteJ stock of tjroci'i ics—suitable/or Southern and WvfUrn tude. solicit con sißnmcnlii of Oonntjy Produce—such hh Cot t. n; Feather?; (ilnstMi;:; lieeswax; Wool; Dried iruil; furs; tSkius, etc. . tmii taciiitie* tor do irg tMitinemiare such as to '.\ urdnt ([oiok galea una ] ioiui>t retiirlis. All (irderswlll harenur , romi't aiteriiion. HJ-lr. ' It jou want h U00I) riANO Oil OUIiAN. wriie or call on W. I*. OuMsnY, Winston, v«ho can hui ply any inako or-lylo madu in the I ujjsm! Stales at prices which will defy compv'iin n. il jou wunt tl.o ■ ' BEST SEWING MA CHIT* K ever put before tho j.iiHlic, call on W r Oumsby lor tho -j Mailing Doinfj.lic" in the Mtitio Storo, Winston. Old punos. organs, rtrid maohine? ex changed." W. I'. OttusriY ItUl'jjlHl 'i*f JTSW TRUSS TF ffflfc lU*. t'.il (llflbrlMrrmn .It MWn, - b riipab»|«, wllb S«lf-Ad]u>tlnc Bullin ctnlw, lulfto ill Crr, TRUSS JM Ir.ieittmmlmiimm wawM Dl.h ••»• Flnjr«r. Uilh I*;!! lit %n»| •* end » Ills ec*y, dor*bU acU cbeap. Senl by msll. Ctrcultn fn-o. , BWLI3TOK TKUHS CO.. Chicago, til* Kenraore High School, Amlter.lg C. 11.,- lfl£!-c.M prndc So- Ircl. Lim(til fiy aiutory 16 M«o Univ«i> »iijr of Virpinia. >° :k ii I c-tfjns Kciil. Stli, ' IHbl, For circulari!in»|ilv to 11. A.; l rßi)l>H, Principal. July 14 1881-2:n. K W roWKHS&CO., W1io1»nA1o 1 Hf \ '• 30f> Wnin auii uaud 11 IUUIBI*,, It If J'o.vf-r® Kdgat U.»Tnvlor. RICHMOND, Va. April », H«l-6tn -1 IIE !fi: WSA \II 011S Elt \ KB. N, r .»t» 1 " JUl.awnr m *ki> BTATK 1 I ™ 1 A l'Tt;lt akfitt); I lit-* r Wi> pilot fiill rejioda of ihc ni u|l istpor- . taut rellgiou* hu.til's anil ul rotlil tnd lati*e (irtiwfilivina. ka i fem'tuH/AH nuitlera l't interest i;i { Wiigivu the latest -TMeifraiiia,' the latest MurLi't trig "Articles, Stories too Uie lio \ 4. t#u> Mtrtcet Ke|ai«i* »ill be i«rorlll tuanr dollars,!') farmers and uiv-rchants Take jour County Paper, and then tenil $2 00 lor the .Nhvh *su Übschviu. Bpeciinen copies lurniahed on applicntloA.

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