The Reporter. THURSDAY. BEPTEMBERB. 1881. LOCAL ITEMS. Newspaper Lawa. 1. Subscribers who do not rive express no tice to the contrary, are considered a* wtlhtng to continue their subscriptions. 1. If subscribers order the discontinuance of thtir periodicals, the publisher may con tinue to send them uAtil ail arrearages are paid. . 5 If subscribers neglect or refusr to take their periodieaFl Iroui ilia office to which they are direct*#, they ar? responsible until tbey have settled their bills ana ordered them die continued. 4. If subscribers move to other places, With out informing the publisher, and the papers are sent to the tor met-addresses, they are held responsible. 6 Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of It, whether he has ordered It or not, is l.eld in law to be a subscriber. 6. If subscribers pay in- advance they are bound to give notice to the publisher at the end of their time, if they do not wish to con tinue taklng4be paper, otherwise the publish er is authorised to Send it on, and the sub scriber will be rsapopaiM® until expreis no tice with payment at all arrears, is eeot to Ih* pnbli«k«r , v President Garfield seems to be im proving slowly. Gus Rich was in town last Saturday night with bis show. Jaek io-tbe bush is the yell of the small boy ttTbee dsye. Fodder pulling is in order now, we hesrd one man say last week that ke had flnisbed. The katydid and cricket seem to yie with esch other three lovely oights iu making musie on the cool nigbt air. We bad milk and eider for breakfast one morning this week, not any more, thaak you, we have "eat harty." Rev. C M. Pepper end son Willie frota Albemarle N C. are visiting re lations in Daubury. The bauds at work clearing off the land for a hotel at Peppers Iron and Alum springs, killed one large rattle snake this week. Notwithstanding th« dry hot weathi-r the health ol Daubury onotinues good Ws don't think there hat been a single eaee af fever in towa ibis su Baser, and but little diarrhoet, or any other sickness. Departed this life August 19ih, 1881, Zebuloa T Mabe, son of P. FI. Mabe Esq.. age one year ar.d 7 tn>nths. Lit tle Z«be has been called home to the •pirit world, his soul lias takrn its flight, and only the easket that held the jewel is permitted to linger for a moment with sorrowing parents and friends. All the Danbury hotels have been well patronised during the hot weather, ex cept the White House, kept by deputy sheriff Whittea, who, notwithsta> ding kosrd is famished st his house without even so mueh as the arking, has oot a single boarder at this time. Our jail is M.T. We knew that it ie said "whsa yon are in Rome de aa Rome does," bat it seem to us that Preebjteriaae kneeling at a Methodist meeting to pray, or Meth odists Handing to pray at a Presbyterisn meeting are not worshiping God agreea ble to the dictates of their own consei enees. We don't believe in putting on style when one goes to prsy. YK LOCALS. —'Tit bsrd when s fellow doeea't feel like talking, to be oompelled to spin uninteresting yarns to a crowd of Me who are not in (he least interested in what he is saying, but this is nothing ia comparison to having the printsrs de vil yell out every five minutee, "bring oa yet locals," wben a fellow has none, doa't feel like writing, and has nothing to write about. ' Some of the State papers are now ad vooating the plan to put down drunken nees reeommendea by the REPORTER be for* the prohibitory bill pasesd the I 'g islature. That ie, edueste the people to a higher standard of mors! worth, let the good everywhere frown upon cxceesive liquor drinking aid drutksuneas, and eepeoially nan the ladiee dn more toward putting it down than a hundred ProbU bitory lava. Keep the dirt from your own door. Ia IT POesitLß That a remedy msde of eaeb common, aim pie plants ae Hope, Buohu, Mandrake, Dandelion, Jbo., make ee many and eueb marvelous sod won derful earee as Hop Bitters do T (t most fca, for when fid aad young, rich a*d E»r, Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer and iter, all teetify to having been oured by them, we must believe end doubt no laager !'n*t Hunureds of dead forest tree* may b« seeo from Daubury, standing along tl • slupse and top of the Sauratown moni • tun, killed ky the dry hot weather thii •unntt. We have. before ut, a oopy of the Agents Herald, published by L. L. Smith Philadelphia. It makes a specialty oi exposing all bumbugs aad frauds among the bosiaee* houaee all over the oountry Send for a sample have eopy of it. K?ery business man should have it. Arrangements bate been made by which Siokes oouniy will be represented in minerals, tobeoco, &0., at the Atlanta Exposition, to be held st Atlanta, Ga., this fall. It is desirable that all those having valuable minerals on iheir lands, should send specimens to Pepper & Sons store at Danbury This will be but lit tle trouble and may lead to results of jvhioh you will be proud iu the future. Arrivals at Taylor's Hotel, during the week, Sept. Ist.—Mr Jesse Jewlian, Mri Jesse JewTian, Greensboro, N. C. Sept 3rd—Mr. Ed. M Pace, Mr. —— Cradle, Winston, N O,; Mr J. D. Chamberlain, Richmond, Vs., Maj L W Andersoo, Col Ben Bailey, Dr F. Pringle, Dr W. A. Lash, oounty, Mr. S C. Dodson, Greensboro, NC- * We were pleased to asset in oar town this week the following clever drummers from Hiohmood, Va., Mr J. J Ballow ol the popular olothiag house of Messrs 0 F Weisiger snd Co. 1216 Main st Mr W. H Miles representative «>f the well known boot and sboe house of Mest-rs Steven Putney and Co 1219 main st. Mr. M. Ambler Ulsiebrook 01 the firm of Mess M. Milliliter and Co 1309 main st, one of tbe beet known dry goods snd notion houaes in tbe oity, sod Mr J D. Chamberlain representative ol the old sod relisbls Hat house of Mesert C W Tboro and Co. 1306 main at. The e sre uioe clevtr gentlemen snd represent first olaaa houses Rj»d itiir cards io another ooluino. Liet of Jurors forfait term 1881 of Stukes Superior oourt.—P. R. l)avif, George W Kloght, J F Hall, A M Boy lee, Alex Baker, John 1* Gnffin, Gid A Mo ire, John H Alley, F P Hall, J W Preston, Johu H Hawkins, Isaac Meal, T A Freemau, W 3 Vsugjin, John E Simmons, Martin Yenable, Dan'l Ki Her. It F Shelton, Caleb Hill, W L Smith Ed Mabe Sr , Sales W Blackburn, John A Richardeon, J G Jones, Joshua Smith John E Marshall, J P Dalton, S L IL.u eei, Powel Kobertson, M R Banner, N W Snider, B 8 Brown, B C Pringle, W B Southern, D K Smith, A S Stewart. HURRAH FOR OUR SIDE !—Many people have lost their interest in politics snd in amusements becsuse they sre so oil of sorts snd run down tbsttbey can not enjoy anything If suob persons would only be wise enough to try that Celebrated remedy Kidney Wort snd experience its tonie snd renovating ef fects they would soon be hurrabiog with tbo loudest. Io either dry or liquid from it is a perfect remedy for torpid liver, kidneys or bowele.— Exchange. Resolutions ot nespeot. W HCREAS, It h»» pleased the Supreme Architect of the universe to summon frutii hii labors upon earth, our beloved brother Beverly Powell, calling him by Ilia omnipotent will to that judgment which await* all who are tolling in this earthly temple, and whereat the Maaonio live which have so long bouod us io mutual frieodahip and enjoyment to our departed friend sre severed no more to be united until the day wnen the grave shall yield up its dead ; therefore, RfolvtJ, That we sinasrely mourn this disruption of covenanted frieodahip, bearing in tender retneuibranoe hit fide lity to Maaonry, and his devotion to the prinoiplea it inculcates Retolved, That ws earnestly sympa thise with the relations and frienda of our deceased brother, snd tender them that consolation which the world oan ■either give nor take 4*ay, and that we will wear ths usual badge of mourning fur the apace of thirty days. Retolued, That a oopy of this pream ble and resolutions be forwarded to the family of oar deoeued brother, sod in serted in the Danbury REPORTER, with request for the Weatern Sentinel to oopy, Btokesbarg Lodge, No. 220, A. F. and A. M. M. It BANNER, 'L W|i. BLACKBURN J> Com'tee. D. POINDSXTER. ) The long continued drought prevails to so alarmiog extent in this oounty Everything is hoi and dry and water has become distressingly searee. Old per soaa asy that they have never seen wa ter so low in De-«p, Haw, and Rooky rivers M. R Upcburoh, of this county, informs or that on* day last week hs was repairing a fenoe, and in taking up a rail from the pile he taw a large tnake with forty>two young ones. Orange OLtrrier. Piedmont Spring*—Stokas Co., N. C. I will rem the Cabins this season for 82.50 rer week, as tkey aie. I will all) take some boarders in u>y house at Dan bury for the hoi season. Rates reason able, lor further information. Address, 8. B TAYLOR, June 16-2UI baubury N C □ANBURY* MARKET, A* CORRKCTKD BV PKPPKK JT SONS. CORN, new, per busbel, 1 25 WHEAT, y(> a 1 25 RYE, 75 a 85 OATS, threshed, 50 PEAS, 65 BEANS, 65 a 75 BEES'WAX, per lb., 20 HONEY COMB, 10 a 12i EGGS, per duien, 10 BUTTER, per lb , 10 a 15 BEEF, per lb, 4 a 6 HIDES, green, per lb. 5 a 8 hIDES dry per lb., 10 a 12J TALI.OW, per lb, 6 a 8 CHESTNUTS, per bu., I 00 a 1 25 RAUS pe.r ib , 1J PORK, per lb, &u 10 FRULT. APPLES, per lb., 2 a 6 PEAtIHES, halve*, per Ib , 4 PEACHES, quartern, pr Ib , 3 PEACHES peeled, per lb ,5 a 12J BERRIES, 7 Summer Complaints. At tills season, various diseases of tho boweia are prevalent, end many liva are lod through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. PERIt x DAVIS' PAIN KILLEIi is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, bummer Complaint, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, etc., and is perfectly taje. Bead the following:: BAXXBRXDOB, Y., March 18*1. | Omu N. T, I"cb. 19, l«Jl DATIS*PAIN KILLXUI tuvr/aili to tyord ; \T« began rtiOT {I over fSTrty yer.r.i rgx>. and instant r«u/ for crmu.» aud pain in tJO rtomacb. always fnvca iiuiuodlato rrl'cf. would DJui)* uare Jouur a BUBDITT. to go to BAD without a botUu in the bout*-. l-h. v.ry ** SXoTtaSw of o r r „ . fvrrv cramp* la tboato-wcl' W« tnails iutlikfv^ion uaU r. t j.-, itli«ur. ear« cv> ry time. la tho homo. a finmrr otrox ' ' Jn itn W T)r~ XJ. B. OOJISCLA .u, %r _ rz . CREFELD, Rinutxsu PKLVUJA Fib. ft. 186 L Monoon*. IOWA, Jicrch 1_ RFTL. Ihavofcn ow VPKJUIYDATU'PAI* KiLixnaliuort I BAN TGED jrour KJLLEB i» kc vcro ca.' CJ C f from tho clay it WOH mtroduco..,aud after jrcr.rt of cr.iuip. cotic.aa i cbolcrj uorbuN,anu it ra V6 unoit o' T\*«tion w ' use I regard ita prcoc aco in my iiuftant 10 icf. Is. E. CALDWELL. household tu au n%di»p-n»ablt nec«t*i'y. C An?fE-SVILL*, C A., rcb. t\ 1881. * Tn^v^r?^ For twenty yer.ra I br.vo mcd your PAIN KILLER . . . . , « 'W 'ISM SS®?&ss3lL a &illSS*- j n u.lrSr° SACO. ME., Jp.n. S3,IW. 21 MOSTAOTJE ST.,LOKD'OM, E»O, niTou«edPmRTDAVX«» , pAiN KILLXII fcr During aiwionnooof t\vcnty4Uzro>vniii India, y:ar«. It 11 t~fe. vjr*. and reliable. No moihar I Jiavo |fivc*i it in many caw of durrhccu. dyven* ahoui 1 allow it to lo out cf tho fami' v. Terr, and cholera, and noTcr knew it to fail to fiv« 11.1. NATE*. xclkf. H. CLAI-.IDCE. F.'o family can Mfrly be withont thii lnvaloalile remedy. Its price iirinp II within tho reach of ell. For sale by all druggists a; 60e. and SI.OO a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SOX, Proprietors, PIEDMONT Warehouse ? For the Sale of TOBACCO ! Stands in the Front Rank with the Leading Warehouses in North Carolina. BALE 3 PA6T YEAR MORE THAN 30,000 PARCELS. Increase in trade in past four yean more than fo ir fold. \Ve have uddt-d each jear many new CI'STOJiEKfi, and (till (here is room for more. We are tbanklul lo our uiany Iriends for their liberal patronage, and ask a continuance in the future The tallowing named gentlemen are itlll with me, and will be pleated to see their friends at PIEDUONT. WAS PIERCE, Book Keeper. JAMES 3 SCALES, Floor Manager. J Q. A. BAKU AM, Auctioneer. I)ee9 80 M, W, NOKFLKETi Proprietor T.J.BROWN. W. U CARTER, JR J K PIIBUI. THE OLD RELIABLE BROWN'S WAREHOUSE, The Farmers' Headquarters, The Leading House as usual sinoe Oetober let. In QUANTITY ol TOBACCO SOLD, in PRICES and in DISPATCH OF BUSINESS. Farmer* do not have to wait until after the tale for tbeir cheeks, BUT ARK PAID A 8 SOON AS THEIR TOBACCO IS 80LD Remember this, when jou want to get off earlj atta breaks are heavy. HIGHEST PRICES ALWAYS GUARANTEED. P A. WILSON,JR., Book-keeper. R. D. MOSJCLKY, Auctioneer. T. J. BROWN 4 CO., Wineton, N. C. X BROWN & CARTER, (SUCCESSORS TO J. F. PRATHEII k CO 'S), Nest door to Brown, Roger* k Co.'a Hardware Store, E«ir CONSTANTLY ON UAND A WILL SILICTKD STOCK or Dry-Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, llals, Notions, We espeeially infite oar coantrj friends to oall on ua, as our purchases are aade with apeoial reterenoe to their wanta, and WILL SELL AT BOTTOM PRICKS. F J. BROWN, Feki«ery i, 1881. W- B. CARTER, J». FBHTIUZKM. — We have uitde arrangement* by which we can furnish jou either Pacific Guano or the Star Brand Fertiliser »s low j$ you can buy it We will deliver it at the depot in Winston, at any pnint on either of the road* leading from thin place to Winaton (byway of Walnut cove O.' Germanton). rr »t Dunb'iry. PEPPER 4 SONS. April 6th, 1881. We want aeventy 6ve thousand lb* of ear tobacoo, all grudes from good to fine suitable for manfacturing, and will pay a* much as the same grades will bring in Winston ; so save the hauling and warehouse oharges to the further. PKPPEII & SONS. oraves' Warehouse, DANVILLE, VA., FOR Till SALE Of Leaf Tobacco W P, GRAVES, PHOPKIBTOB. * JNO. A HERNO >N, Clerk. R!T P B K OLR B N A NT JR '} AuMant C 7"*'- GEO. E CO I.EM AN. Auctiomtr. JOS. 11, BL iCKWKI.Li, Floor Uanap'r. CHI AH M. HATOHKB, liajgagi .Vailtr April 17, 1879. ly I'tUUL * STOCKTON' \ Tobacco Warehouse, WINSTON,N C WE OFFER TO THE PLANTERS OF North Carolina and Virginia •very advantage fur the HANDLE and SALE of thslr TOBACCO. oun HOUSK SETS EAST •"! WEST, giving from SUNRISE to SUNDOWN the III.ST LIGHT of any HOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA. We will gire ron srsry ACCOMMODATION ( Umurpattrd) ts wake it to your intsrest te lall Ith as o Tour frbndi, truly, PFOHL A STOCKTON, JOHN SDEPPARD, Auctioneer aud General Manager T. A. WILIiH, Floor Jlunaner. N. U. f-TOCXTON, hook Kteper. I] 0 ' } Soliciting Pa„ons. JOSEPH H . STOCKTON. Supervisor. Wintlon, N. C., August 19, 18so.—ly LIVKRY.FEED ti BALE STABLE, CRUTOIIFIELD k STEDMAN, Successors to Beck * Moor#, wixsroy, N. C. ALL KINDS OF CONVEYANCES furnished at reasoaable rates. We offer the very best accommodation to Drovers. Special attention paid to transient custom. Horses bought, sold and exchanged . August 19, !Bdo.—ly HOLMAN'S PADS cure S) ti:e oi;l. simply Jltk TRUE Absorption.!J Antidots. Turn MARK. Ilolman'i Ague, Llffr and SWnnrJi Pad-For M VLAKI A, Am K. UVEK mill BrOMACJ THOU UI.EH. Prion »S.OO. Holman'a Special P*d—Adapted to oM chronic riyt'S Price sa.oo. Holman'a Spleen Belt— For at»M>orn cases of Enlarged Hple«u »nl triylclding Liver and Stomach troubles. Price (1.00. Holman'a Inlant'a Pad— For ailments of Infants aud children. Price % 1 50. Holman'a Renal Pa«t-Fir Kidney mid Bladder Ooinplilnta. Prleo SI.OO. Holman'a I,'terlue Pad—For Venule troubles. Price $5.00. Holman'a Absorptive Medicinal Bady porous on rubtier basis. Price Sso. Holman'a Absorptive Medicinal Foot Piaster*— Formimbfeet andslng glsh circulation. Price per Mir 15c. Absorption Salt—Medical ed Pool Baths— For Colds, Obstructions and all canes where a foot ba'h Is needed. Per hulf lb. package, tSc. For sals hy all druggists—or sent l.y mall, postpaid, on receipt of price. The Absorption kit Is not "mailable'• an I most be sent bjr Express at purchaser's expense. The success of Ilolmnii's Pads has In spired Imitators who offer Pads similar In tom and ODOB to the Tittts IIOLNAS'S, saying, "They are the same. str„" Beware cf all Boats Pads, only gotten up to se:l on the repu tation of the genuine. Bee that each Pad bears the green PR IT AT* Kr.venjs STAMP of the HoimanPad Company With above Trade-Mark. If afllcted with chronld ailments tend a eon else description of symptoms, which will re eelve prompt and csretul attention. Da HOUHAH'S advice le free. Fnll treatise •ent free on appiicat lon. Add res* _ HOI.H4N PADfO., IF. O. Box *.111) S3 William Street, New Tork. amaTT AIR DYEIs the safest best; acts Instan- producing the most natural alutde '■"OfUiwk or brown; dons I ■RlSTADOßO^rys'pUed.^A^uidUd jir"i'Sra!ioii ; favorite upon every well an pointed toilet for lady or gentleman. Hold by all druggists and ap """B ' »IVE HEATIM "Excellent Tonic, Alferativesnd Diuretic." —Medical Association, Lj nchburg, V» "Cued wiiii great benefit in Miliaria aad Diphtheria " —S F I upon, 11 D , Oa, "Successfully used in dyspepsia, chronic dmrrhica and scrofula."—ProfS. Jackson, M 0, Univ. Penn. "Invaluable as a nervous toulc."—Hon I 0 Fowler Tenn •'Recommended «j a prophylactic in mala rial districts " —D K Fairex, U U, N O "Restores debilitated systems to lieal'b."— T 0 Mercer, M D, Ind. "Adap'ed in chrome diarrheal, tcrofula, and ri* epepsli (J«i T Harrison, t| li NY "Successful in diphtheria and neuralgia —J P Note, M 0, N C. "Excellent for ccriitin diseases peculiar to women."—Prof J J lloorman, M U, Va. "Prompt in relieving headache, sick sail nervous.''—Rev E 0 Dodson. "Used with great benefit iu drspepjia."- J McKalph, M D, Pa. '•Suited to bronchitis and diseases of di gestive " —J F kougbtou, M D, Ala. ' Most valuable remedy kuuwn for foui*!a diseasig."—Jno P Melteaur, M 1), L L 1). 'Uf great curative virtue."—Tho« F Uuia boid, M D. Mo. "Beneficial iu uterine derangemeit and inn - l.iri n.s conditions."—G M Vail, M D, Ohio. "Charming ou the complexion, tanking it smooth, clear, soft and rosy "—Vllss M. S 0. "Ttie prince of mineral tonics."—Frauds (iiliiaiu, M D, NO. "inestimable as a tonic and alterative " Hunter McUuire, M D, Va. " ine appetizer and blood purifier.''—H Fisher, M D, G«. "Very beneficial in improving* reduced system itishop Beckwiiii, of Ga. ' invalids heie find welcome anil hfalth." Kev John llauuou, late of La., now or Kichuioud, Va. "lias real merit."—Southern Med Join as! P.tmplels free, upon application. Water. $4 and case. M its and Pills, 25, 50, 75 cents. Sent prut-paid anywhere. Summer season of Springs begins Ist June. $35 per mon'h Address, A. M DAVIKS, Pres'l of theft). Tb Main St., Lynchburg, Va. P. U. Box 171. SOLD BV PIPI'ER H Uanbury, June 2 'Bl-6 . K C. lo luveuiorj anil Mecbaulcs. PATENTS nnd how to obtain (hem Pamphlets o! 00 pages free, upon receipt a? Stamps for Postage. Address UILMOUE, SMITH & CO, Solicitors of Patents, Box 31, Wash ingtm t 0. &. W ILSOIV, HI ;;riis & vo„ tVHOLESALG GIiOCRRS AND GOMillfr SION MERCHANTS. 3o S Howard street, corner of Lombard: BALTIMORE. We knp constantly on hand a large and well assorted stock of Groceries—suitable hit southern aud V\ cslcru trade. Wtsoliuicon signments of Country Produce—such as Uot» ton; tea tilers; Ginseng; Beeswax; \\ ool; l>ri«4 Fruit; urs; Skim, etc. Our facilities lor ing business are such as lo warrant quick tales and piompi returns. All orders will have „ur prompt attention. 43-lr. "Il you wain * UOOD I'IANO OU ORG AX. write or call on VV. P. OIIMSBY, Winston, who can suj.ply any make or style oiarli, in ihc Uuitctf jilules at prices which will defy competition, it you waul the BfcST SEWING MACHINIs vrer put before the public, call oi» W. I'. OUMSBV lor the "J i£llt-RuHßin? OufflChlic" 10 the Music Store, Winston. Old pianos, organs, and machines vs ohaiiged." W. I'. OdMSUy. TRUSS b cup ibape, with S*lf- AHjiMlldf Ball la c«ni«r, adapts! Waif to all ■TSENSIBLE m r o,i,Vju « of lb * bo.ljr, while tfce B".'* Bal It n (h« cop prtWM baak tba Mt \ TRUSS# lnt.itl # MhutM»p»TioßweH .Xr «i.k tkarta«ar. will it*ht w pressure thsHarnia is h«ldssruraly larsni n'.jbt. tad a radical curt certain. it la »ay, daraUU •b4 catap. Scut by moil. Circulin free. KGUIXSTUN TUL'BB CO.. Cklcaco, Ut. Kenmoro University High School, Anihetst. C. 11., Va. Highest grade. S#- lect. Limited Pieparatory lo tbo UniTer sity of Virginia. Session begin# Sept. BtU, 1831. Kor circulars apply (o 11. A.i'-TItOUK, Principal. July 14 IStJI-Jiq. 11 W POWBKS& 00, Wliolewule !V >. 1305 Main aud 9 aud 11 13tfc8tt„ R W. Powers. Edgar l>. Taylor. RICHMOND, Va. April 28, 1881 -Cm■ TIIE NEWS AXD OBSERVES. RALEIGH, K. 0. Tht LARGEST nSEKIA'in the STATU, WE OIVE 2 500 COLUMNS Of READ INO MATT lilt during I lie /ear \Ve i print full reports of tlie meetingsof nil impor tant religious bodies and of court and legls> la lire proceedings and generally all matters ! of luterest occutring in ilia State, i We gire the latest Telegrams, the latest ! Market Reports, tlie freshest News, interest-, ing Articles, Stories lor the girls and Farm Notes for the hoys. Out* Market Reports will h# worth many dollars ti farmers and m rchants Take your County Paper, and then send $2 00 lor the Ntwg AND OSHRVIH. Specimen copies furnished on applicative TO FARMERS 1 and THRF.SHERMEN. te XXI? &. Vzgi. hngtntM (cither Portable or Tr*> t-ttuo, to uw for tlmfhlnr, tawiojr Hut it th, Cktaft: For Mr* list and Illustrated I'omphMt. . taJaftaffl (sent free) writ# to TV A rnjn*jj 4 T»TLC« CvurtXT, Maa49*ra, Q-

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