VOLUME VI. THE REPORTER. PUBLIKIim WEKKI.T AT DAN BURY, N . C . PEPI>SR ,{• SONS. PUBI.IBIICKK At«[) PKOI'KIKTnRg rates of> Subscription. U»e Tear, payable in ad ranee, $1 Sd Six Msatlii, - . • )00 RATKB OV ADVERTISING. Or* Sqasre (ten lines or less) I time, $1 i 0 Per each additional insertion, - 50 Contracts for longer time or more apace an ba made in proportion to tlie above rales. Transient advertisers will lie eipected to [•■ it according to time ralea at the time lhey (•agjbeir favors. Local Notic*# will be charged BT> p„r cent, higher thaa above ra'es. Uasiaem Cards wiTTbe iunerted at Ten Dol lars per annum. ■* r. OAT, AI.BK.ItT J (IN KH DAY & JONES, Manufacturers ol dADLILEUV, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRI'NKS, #c. •. 136 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md aal-ly B. F. KINli, WITH J oil.\ so. \, sin o\ a ci., UKY (JOUI)S. N ol, 17 and 29 South harp Street., BALTJMUKK ML), t W JOHNSON, It. M. SUTTONt I 1.1 CItAUUX, G.J JO 11N.SUNi • •1-lT M 11. MARTINUALK, WITH WM. J. 0. DDL ANY & CO. *latUam' and Ujjkscllers' Ware house. SCHOOL, BOOKS A SPECIALTY. etitiooerj all kindi Wnipping Paper, Twines, Bonnet Bunnis, Paper till 133 W.BALTIMOURST., UALTI.MOUK, Ml) B. J. k R. K. BRBT, WITH BUNRf s'»v\i:u>;t\ & ro., WHOLES ALU CLOTH ERS. JO Uanoter Street, (between (jermtn and Lombard Streets,) UALTIMOUR, Ml) ■ • HON N KBIIN, li. HI.I MI.IN K 47-lT 0. WATKINS. I t W.S ROKKKTSON 0. L. COTTRELL. f \ \. S. \V ATKINS. WATKIXS, (Oi l KKI.I. & 10., Importer* aud Joliheri n' " HARD PWIRE, 1307 Alain Street, RICHMOND, VA. Afeats for 'airbaulta's Standard Sc.tiea, nod Aoker Brand Bolting Cloth. Aajaat Ztj, 184t). JNO W IIOM.AND, WITH T. A. BR YAM H 10., Haa kfarturer* ol KIIKNUIJ mid AiIKHICAN CANDIKS, iu every variety, and wholesale dealer* in BRUITS, NCTs, CANNhD UOODS, 01- UAU.-V i c. »> aa i 141 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, M.! 4V" Order* Iroui Merchants solicited. ti-'S WILLIAM uaVKIKS, WILLIAM 11. OKdttltS •■■IITIAB UKVUIKH, oil., SOI.uMON KIMMKI.L. WILLIAM DKVIUEB & CO., Importer*and Johbei* of P«r«lfß and Domestic Dry Uuods ami a oi IOIIS, »ll Watt Bait imore Slreet, (between Howard and Libarty,) BALTI .HmK. J. W. MENEFEE, WITM PEARRE BKOTIIERB & CO. Importers and Jabber* of Dry Goods. MKN'Si WEAK A SPIiCIALTV. Vol. 2 and 4 Hanover Street, AagaatS , 'Bo 6m. BAITIMOKK aaaiiT w. POWIRS. KIK.AU l>. TAYLO . R VV POWERS & CO., WHOLES ALE Dll L'U UIS TS, Dealers in PAINTS, OILS, DYES, VAHNISIIKS, French and American WINDOW uJiAns, puxry, &c CIGARS, S«ii*tNQ ANDUIK\VING TUBACOO A SFKOI ALT'S. 1306 Main St., Richmond, Vu. Avguit 2t>—6m J.W. BANDOLPIi & LM.I.IS i, BOOKSKLLKRS, pr ATIoNKIiS, AN BLANK-BOOK JiANUKACThUERS. 1318 Mainrtreet, Richmond. A Lwf Stotk oj LA If UOUKS aluayt an ael-Sm hand. J. *. ABBOTT, OP N C , with WIIKJO, KI LK 11 k CRC.WP, RICHMOND, VA., Wboleiale Dealer* in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, Si C. Prompt attantioD paid to order*, and satis factiaH (auraoteed. Virginia Stall Priion Ovudt a tptnalty Sarah, «. ». MS TA BLIB If ED 1844. 8. T. I>.\Vlß —with— T.J.MACRUDE3&CO., Manufacturer* and, Dealer* in BOOTS, BHOSS AND BROUANS, Ho. >1 Sharp Street, Baltimore Md. iJAM lil'llV, i\. C., THURSDAY, SJftPTUMtiKU 15, 1881. l'ursVv e.«ten with vinegir wi I r« umvp the unpleasant effect* of eating onions Ye lti« lev. r has a»suined a serious character in Havana Forty deaths occurred during the week ending on Frl lay. A'in HI, Trias, has u lemalo deputy klii ri!!. and when she telle a linn sho has an attachment lor liiui he don't know wh 'tlier in h uh ami try to look sweet or to light nut lor tho wimds The In"i;e-t ilrouchi 'hat ever occur red in A ti'-rio'i wis m ihe sun ner of 17t>— N > luin fell IVi>ui He Ist nl May 10 I lie 1* .f September Mm) ol I lie inhabitants rout in 10 igland lorhay and grain 'i'V,j r X Hi.ullfc m ilns secii >n lias lasted ihre • uiiutns Tn cure bunions, u-e pulverized salt peter and aWee t oil. OHi a 111 at a drug gist s five or mx eonia w i*i th ol sat tj h ior ; put into a liotile wiill Miffieni.it olive oil to dissolve it. snake up Well, and tub tlie infinite ! j mils lilgllt and morning, and uiore iiejueinl) it painful The Agrieuliuriil Department reports a deficit to t e cr 'p of aliout i!75,'M»0.- 1100 tuisl els ol corn, or ab nit isruty five p«r cent The cr ip last ye ir wus lifteeii hundred millions liushe's. This year it will he about clc"cn hunditd million hushels About fitly i dilors in Nebraska haic aniiiHinced siuiiiliaiieou-ly iheir n.ltn lion ol suspending the issue ol tlicit pa pers fur two we- ks, • owing to tin intense Ileal *' The heat was ll.at. of a lire wiueh burned the lli u in Ounha, where il eir iusides were printed. Mrs. Mi laid Kill mure, wife of the late i xpiesiileut Killmoie, dird in llutlalo N. Y , a#, d seventy one yeaia Mrs l*'uluj.ue's ule was charaoterized by charily, boih pub ia and private, h"ino a liberal subscriber tj uiany public ctrir tible institutions Spnrgeon has preached one ol his I strjigest ai-ruinns on lhe d ietrino ol 1 eleot'oil lie w»i already drawing tile i di-icnori-# lo a cmsn when", stiel.'hint: | III* hand toward the y tilery, ho suld, "Perhaps 'hero .s s"ttie . our sinner away | up there It. lho gallery who in sayinu. I O 1 m ih'i I knew whether I am «•»•• >■' ' Hit! fleet I can • eI. you." mid ""pur- I genu ; "r i 'u nr.' w lling to be a Chris j dan yii leeleted' - An I Spurgeon Wis Whim i vcr »i 1, let litui itouiH. • /it ftwom/ ( h A ITU 1 „i,Y —To make the finest ; n'i ~iy ill npji e jelly, ilio apples tini-t I no yii'id and tuiiy rl'pe the tvuiperuture eihil never er than sniy (lejirs-* ] I'.ny preteir 1 I'lic «.if;hiest leruien lauon id i in- j'lico apoiln tlui ja ly ; henru j the w h-'le pruct »s uiiiht be t*o lined to I ilnee or li"ir hcum and with tho inercu iry at -ixu mjiess tumo hour A cop | per evap ra i i» u.ed. it must b waali | ed ev try d n ili.tr Ufjt.ly A Wee' rn eaitnr d teltrt't tltat an j acre ol u nchokes will lurtns:i f.iur nr five tiitii Ka« many r.••.t» as pit.it. es, and cairy ui. ro swine than ten a res The ' ur.iun.Jl-l ti rallylu.ini tlioui. and they ! ciuie tieir I tie surfteu and t{o d iwn a l i.it. They are easily rnsed, and are p'antid in laud »uilcd lo corn or P' >ta : toea Plant and cultivate as potatoee uno sea«.>o and I he *ill need no replan'. i ing The eliitl'diffijul'y is how to get rid of iheui Tim FAMILV EDUCATOR. —"Nit family of children might to Le bruug'it up without having ready a0e«»8 t> tlui j grand yuluuio (AVetister's Unaht idtred Dietionary) Ui" a lunny iu itacll It nill answer thousands ul iiue-ti niH : to ihe wid awake child—mil. sitnpl) concerning the spelling and ni(aniig..i wmds. but also with reference to every branch of study with which the fuung mind must ortpple at every stuge iu the j cujrsp ol seeu ing an rducatiun The hook is an ever-presnnt and relia ble school ui ifcter lo the whole family Jiirs and divisions, wrangling* and ] pieiudiees eat out the growth, if not the lit ), ol re igioo These are llt.iso waters 1 of Marah that embitter our spirits, and quencu the Spirit of God. Unity and I peace is said tube like the detv ol ller uton. that deaoatided upon Sion, wlicre the L ird promised Ins blessing Iltvis , ions run religions into bri.«r-t and thorns, ! contentions and parties Divisions arc to ohurches like wars in countries ; where | war is, tho gr tund lieth waste and uu ; tilled ; none takes rare of it. It is love ; that edifieth, hut division pulleth down Divisions are as the northeast wind to the fruit*, which cau-eth thetu lo d wtn dleaway to nothing : but when the storms ; are over, everything beings to grow When men arc divided, they seldom apeak tho truth in love; and then, no tuarvel, they grow not up to Him iu all thing* whioh is the riead It ia a sad prasage of an approaching famine (as uno well observe*) —oot of btead. nor water but ot hearing the Word of Ood—when the tuin ears of corn devour the plump full ones; when our contro | verities about doubtlul things, and things of les* moment, oat up our teal for the i more indisputable and practical things in religi'JD — John /tun/fan. Mr. unci Mrs. Spo *p »iid.yk Wrestlo with the Saratoga Trunk. (Brooklyn Ragle ) "My dear," s id Mi» S indyke.ng ; •■lie iirose from her knees, hot w d 'ired with packing, and rubbing the -urill of ' tier b-ck as ehe strat|{liienei) cm l'ui till ilnline li i>»w, 11 lid I wish you would louk tins tiuiilc." "Certainlyri'p itd Mr ke» dropping his puper und slamming down itie lid "All you've j»o( in I•si nt fit (lie hasp ill (he loik an J turn iln' key. .So!' Hut tlie key didn't quite turn, and Mr. Spoopendyke hit rhe l.u«p with iliu *PBe i>l" H™ tf"l .fni r> li i> iijflUl • Don"t it work V usl.il Mrs Spnop. ••ndykf, watching the j i >- et-il witli i Considerable inteie*'. ' It'll work if you'll let it alone," r>n!tt ! Mr Hp nupendy kit severely ami Up raised II lie lid, dropped it » liil ll , pounded the liacsp und wienehed at tin- key with all Ins ct r» nsi th. 'Stud bu:k and give uio ! i.» ■ in, Cin't you?" In; griwleti us ho I pressed down on ili>* uov*ll and |f i»e the ij'j'uk twists in a vain effort to catch . the lock una.vatcs j ' Why d.in'i y u ni your weight on it iitjd let u.c iO'k it V u Hi d Mrs. I Spoopei.dyke, fluttering ui und her bus i hainl uti! uniidi'iing it l:e w»a thorough y aware t! at lu- p!ti h ' hat wus luimedi ilfiy under the iid j "U«vny ig it l!ie t in» to k 'ep away f oiti this th; n■» anil let ui« work it?'' de : matidcd Mr Spoopcndyke, contemplating j his wile with a Spirtati i xpredion ol visag». S'puse I can do anything with you sitting on uiy eihnw ? ll' you'll go down cellar for a minute I'll lock th ts trunk," and Mr Spn"| etidyHe buged ;««ay at the hasp und breathed hard. | But his let cliorls uould only turn the key half way. 1 ' O'l ! ain't I glad ymi uhlti'l lock i' !" exclaimed Mm Spnopendy kc, ami ' his to stay her hit-band's gi »wiug wrath. "I forg..t, to | ut in yo ir waking cane '' •|lod ir-iai the can ! spot end Mr. Spoopcndykc. "S'poj •nV gmtij to loe,'v my t*sier with nil. rt wVkttit! cane sticking iut in tne etui t Who i.ay« I can't loi k it Wlnit'.H the ttuson I cao't j lock it ?" And he st • d "IT a:id fetched tho hasp aHi B end u- kick "Anything j eit-1- you've firgotun 11 pnt in J" And ! tie spuing on the li l and lugged at the j key with hi-, he id thrown hai:k and his l teeth net 1 Got a couple i t mirrors you ; want in here 'I Any clnua around the j house that wan's a ride in thin trunk ? j Want ti put ill that d "I sT'ist'd ass at tho top floor wh i t ties to p ay the fiddle ?" And he flopped off oil to the floor and batigi-d ut the Imp a^niti "Let uie (-it on it," Mijgis'id Mrs. j Spoopendyke, elm.buy r-p without wnit | ing lor ii response. "Now ti) it." j Mr. Spoopetidyke fumbled uinund and work id ut the harp and key, hut fruit j less'y. "Can't yc sit any harder than tliut ?'' , lie je led. us the key suck and wouldn't ; turu euher way. "'Kiuid of breaking J'.heui asly thing? i're s d n>n, ciu't yv ?' Mrs Spoopendykn squirmed ar> utid and Saul : "Now d a," and ill 'n look |ed over to sen how I ■ w,« getting on> ! but i-ti I the louk w.is ob l irito ihe u»t isly trunk !" h .wled Mr Spnopemiyke, firing the key out ol ' th i> window and jjivini! tho trunk a fure ! well kick. "Il you want it locked you got a bi.uksmith and a sleam dm rick,'' a d Mr Sp.iopendyko ihiew hitn»eif into a cliuir and preteedtd to buiy hiin.-elf in his paper. "I don't know how w 're ever going jto gel it open," B»id Mrs Spoopendyke after a lung silence. "Get what open ?" growled her I us i band. "The trunk. Now I remember it's got u spring lock, and when yoi» tm k the key out it locked foe If I d n't suppose we ran e»tr find iha key." •'That's it!" yelled Mr. Spoopendyke. ''You know all about it now ! Why didn't you lell uie it was a spring look ? Wliat'd ye kicp it to yourself for 1" "I forgot," whimpered .Mrs Spoopen dyke ; "but it will be all right I cio open it." "Oh, you caa open it!" snorted Mr. Spoijpendyke. "You're an opener ! All you want is to be sharpened on botn • idea to be an oyster knife? With a dark lantern and • likull cap you'd make a full »ct of burglar*' tool*Oh, yea, y IU'II «p nit ! 1' J' 1 * bud II loose bsn die and otto corner wicked oft you'd net rich as a scrtn* (juvet !' and Mr Spoopendyke tere out-of the house to see il he could borrow«>ouieiliing to pry open the unltidUHate trunk. '•That uives tiie tiuie to pick the va. list," u-uruiured Mrs Spoopendy ke, • and as I've got anoilier key to the ttunk we'll do pretty Well al'tei all," and the worthy 1.1 y beg.ti to jam night •bin* stnl hut oil ir.W* the b*k:H, t. j.-oth »r willi »»nd« ifhes n :.d tno: l. hi »sb S vfotideriog betnjus wbeil'er Mr .Spoop 'eniiyke'* siik hat hem so badly siuuelied tliut it wouldn't do to go lishing in on rainy diys, even it it tlijo'i look well t n*u'j*T\ trtr ebtfftrt. How to ba Charming. Hveiy young girl cannot be b antilul lor to every one liod has not given i> comeiy Inca nor a gracifui fi.uie Hut eycry • no can i-e.*ii.- lIU lit II II li'tiee bri ideur skin tllllllgll hi. features. »• tuony of they nre grncca by the ■ ▼eiy b». vute > tcnK ((110. 1 We tlii. ers bus mi VUI he lri> Tl toy lo ve' e\ Her, 'I IL - ujiecave 1 > -nn. •, or the "captivating Mss St Maik" She hat grown interesting, agreciblc ai d carnival iug, and euh (j'jility in lar ni'irc valuable to a woman tbau the pus sifs'ou of mere beauty, without other winning person il characteristic*. Tlii! power to c inverse well ;s a vurj great cb>roi lou think pnybody can talk? !!•>» mistaken jou arc! Auy body can chatter Anybody cm u change iillo ss p. Anylody can re capitulate the troubles of the kitchrnt thu c.'St ol the last Q.->T diess, and the probable doitit" of the neighbors. I!jt to talk wisely, instructively, freshly ui d d lghtlu ly is an immense accomplish ui nt. li implies eieitiun, observation, study of b « ks ui.d peoj If, aud receptivity ol impressions No young gnl cau lope to shiue in couvii sutt"U as Iter mother d .es, Lui every girl cau .begin to acquire lliat giacelul a,t fthicli wilt draw toteli.guut Uicn and women to her aide. Is Thia Your Wife ! It is related of Franklin that lr"t» thn window ol his office in I'hiladeiphia In noticed a luechatiic. among a nuuibei >1 others at 'inrk on u bou.no wlncti was be ing eiectvd clos* by, who always appear ed to be in a merry humor, and «h • hud a kind and cheerful sunlc lor every one lie met. let the d-'y he ever so co.d, g!>ouiy or sunless, the happy smile d.mu ei like a sanbeaui on his checrlnl c>un teuaiico. Meeting Ului one d»y F auk 11it requested to know the secret of hi* constant happy il >w of spirits '"lt's no secret, doctor," ll e mm re plied "I've got one ol tbe be-n of wiyes, and when 1 go to worn she always gives uid a kind word o* encouragement and a blessing with her parting kiss; anil when I go home she is sure to meet me with a sun e and a kiss of welo"Uie ; and I hen tea is sure to be ready ; and an we chat IU the eyeuinu, I tinti she has been doing So many little things through the day to please uie, that I oauuut (ind it tu uiy heart to speak an unkind wmd or give an unkind look to uuybody "And Franklin adds: "What an influence, then, hath woman over the heart of man, to soften It, unj make it (he fountain of cheerful and pure emotions Speak go tly, then A liappy smile and a kind word of greeting alter tbe toil- of the day are over cost nothing, and go lar toward making home happy and peicelul." Let no one ever repudiate an honest iffort, nor ever ask to have il.c tiuth Veiled behind ambiguous sentence# of hoaeyid words, however hideous she may seen to thotc who know he; uot. The Idleness of Girls. A great mistake ihat many of our piils are ft.aking, and that their moth ersaie eitlur encouraging or allowing tliem tu nrske, in that of spending lln ii tiuie out ofSohuul iu il eotss r in I".iv olous ainus#uietit, doing no work to e; i nk of, and learning nothing about tlio prae ticia! duties and serious cares of life It is nit only in llio wealthier families tl.at girls are growing up indolent arid jinpracMceJ in household worl ; ind. id I iliing th.it mot u utteiiiiou ii> j d to the indji'riai ol girls ill the wea i{■ r families than in tlie foinihonof uici'liamug ami people in m >dera'e circumstances, where the uiothets arc c -uij tiled to work h r i all itl.in tlie liibt wee.i," says one ol n.y "I have h" ir I * vtauieii in (hat. 1 tor order • i>l b 'logs and must not soil lior !ian Is jor rulllj her temper with neccsiry no'jscwork. Tne mother is ilie drudge ; the daughter is u Quo lady for whom she toils. No in ther who suffers Mich a .-tatu i f thing* us this, can preseive the respeo ol her diu^hter —and the respects uf her d no ui tticr CJII utf rd to lose. 'l'.ie reull ol this is to firm iu the wind* of uiatiy gifiod girls u it only « .tiiiaste fur labor, but u coo tempt for ti, and a purpose to avoid it us they can live by s me meat)* or oth- I ur - Mr Kfcne, a shre.vd ai.d thtiliy farui , tr "I Kmtueky, owned a largo fl ok ol st.ei'p, and one autumn, when it cauie housing time, be was greatly annoyed upon Uii-siog a ULUiticr ol lita tioest uiUtt"U ; among them tliieo or tour ; wethers which ho had raised and fatlcn | eii lor his own (able lie was dure ti wa» not ihe woik d d"ga, and the most j he could do was to await latthir dc-cl- I opmenta | On the following spring, »lun his | sheep were turned t ui to pasture, he in- I siltnted a careful WMtcli, und e r long he ! detected Toin Siickney, a utighbirmg farmer, in the act of pillering a she p ; tiut ho made no noire about it at the time Stiokinj was a man well to do uud Ko tic did not care to expose liiui Autumn oauio anain, and op >n count ing op his lock Mr Ket no louoil t ight sheep missing ile Uiude nut n bill in due lorm to Thomas ftutkuey lur the eight slurp and puseutcd it. Stickney cooked aud statu oi to i, hut did not hack down. Like a prudent uian de paid ill.. bill and pocke ed the receipt Auother sprint time cauie, and Mr K ene's sheep were agulo turuc i out Another autumn eauio, and the farmer I -gain took an account of his stuck, and this time fHteen she p were missing. As beioru he u*de out the bill to Torn 1 Stickney f »r the whole number missing, but thiuiu Tout objected. "It's to> much nl a good tiling," said he. , •'Fifteen sheep ! Why bless jour soul, I hadn't hall of 'cm." Mr. Iveene was memorable "Thcru is the bill." said he, "and I have made it out in good faith I have tn.tdeno luss when uiy sheep have been missing, because I deemed your credit good and sufficient." "Well groaned Torn, with a by gulp, "I suppose I must obey ; hilt," be added, emphatically, "we'll olosc that aCCouut 11oin this due. You have given uie toi much credit altogether—some other rasoil ha* been stealing on'the streugth ; of it." When a mail discovers that the world | i* made up of disagreeable, quarrelsome pe ipltj, it is time to look at himselfthougU ihe l»ii? end of a spy glass to see if lie i oau'i find i fault or two at home. iMMJBEK 12. A Whole Cent. llailoa !" said Mr (Irny. »s 1.0 turn ed corner by Lis gate and ran plump into a lilt'# jjirl who was coming out. l ()li, Jou't *t»p uie, please, I've g''t ii «lu; t- cmi, hi d I'm fining to the store," and ilx> little figure trotted awuj', with one hand shut mo tight tlial tlie cent o 'u'. ln't have got out il it had been TI i I t. ,(,,ho li.ikor, candies and piea," that via?, he place «he «vaiiicd, mid in a min ute sit wwi Handing on tiptoe trying to make vr sin was big enough to look over Sht c. muter. Mr Biker vr (i bu-y. and no Jo (her whole name a» Jusepbone) had a chance to look about ''Candies and pies." I TfiS.» iniek_ovcrj'wher's that .. i«i r. i> ik»-t a.lout h» b s us Jo. and n» help Saving her Whstdoyou th Uift lit (1 ill '( lie took tlic buudie and marked in big letters, '-I J rh« one cent." ' Now," t-aid lie, "you owe uie forty fur otu(n, and I'll uive you that fir a J kiss, and then we will be equate " So he took his kiss, mid Jo took her bundle and vv iut home, and the lea At that the and her dollies had listed from four o'clock till nearl bidlituc. —A' J*. I Weekly Tribune. Morning E:ble Beading. The best time lor JJiLIf reading is in in the morning The mind and body are fresh al'cr tin repose of the night, tind the highest powers of thought uiny 1 be brought to btar upon tho subject selected. Hut, wiib most people, etch recurring brings its own pressing tasks, liiisincs circs, 11.0 dlily toil, and tbo duties ' i the household arc the first aod most engrossing concerns. Soma hours tiiti't pats with Ritiny belore they eon find time to sit dorn to any quite read in;. Li t the plan be honestly tried ol I.lkinK . ouie words from God's Book I. r the first uieditution of the morning. Mike fir ilie next mouth a fair, stead fast trial ol the plan of studying the IJib'e when jour l'aenliici are at mental high w..'er urirk. You wonder at the familiarity ol this or thai liiend with the INaltn-i. tin Kpisil«», Hie Gospels It h.S been g lined i little at a tfiie, by patient daily leading— thoughtful utid prayerful reading, too, which was bivod , ii) the sou, us something worth treasur ing. We snail ull guin immeasurable in our influence, as well as iu our com* i lort, by giving in ,re of our unwearied i thoug ,t to the II ily Ii iik. A lew tired s'ei py, worn-out in unents at night, and I IIMU on y, lire almost so insult to tho Master wln n you projei* to herve.— C'/t II n H A ' Ivoctt Ir. Reports of nad crops come to us from many sections of Iho .State, while heio and there they say good rains have pre vailed and a bountttul harvest will tie gathered. A gentleman frotn Hertie tells us ihat the crops in that region are excellent, and generally we be'.ieve near the coast the) will prove belter that an uvrenge Hut iu the interior, in the cot ton us well us the tobacco counties, the drought has hem severe uud the lota will be heavy to the farmers. To be suro when, they soffcr every other depart ment of industiy suffers us well. Willi- I out crops there can be no trade —JVeir* and Obsrrier. 'l'll'raise jour WBJ-CB,' said the tbief to (he when he lifted hut lust week's puy frou hm picket aud i ikipj.ed out mili it.

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