The Reporter. ENTERED AT THE POST OFFICE IN BAN BURY, AS SECOND CLASS MATTER I-.--L.LIJ PEPPFR 4- SO AS, rub,, and Prop,. THURSDAY, DEOfiMBStt 1, 1881. TO OUR PATRONS Alter this issue the Dunbury REPOR TER and I'OST will BE consolidated aud published under THE UUDI* of TUB I)AN BURY REPORTER AND I'OST All sub scribers to the Mt Airy IIRANITK POST will receive their papers from this office under the consolidated oauie All con tract- made with the GRANITE POST for advertising will be can ltd out by the new paper. As soon as nee:ssary material can be procured, the consolidated paper will be enlarged to a 7 or 8 column pxprr, so as to contain nearly double as much reading matter as either tbe REPORTER or POST formerly contained, but furnish ed at the old price of the REPORTER or I'OST, viz : 81 50 per year. Arrangements will be made with competent parties at Mt. Airy lo fur nish tt.e latest news, and items of inter est from that town, and Surry couuty us well as from other places, and as for merly tbe consolioaud pajcr will labor to advance the interest of Stokes and Surry counties, advocate internal im provements in every part of the State, and especially the early completion of the C F. and V V Railroad through Stokes to Mt Airy, and ever labor to elevate the morals of the whole people. We ask a liberal suppoit, and promise on our part a paper worthy of your patronage PEPPER & SONS. Publishes. Teunessee marble is taking the front rank. On account of its beuuiy and finishing qualities it is fast supplanting the Italian and other kinds. It is so highly appreciated ihtu it brings ten per cent, higher prices than any other. It is harder to cut, as a general thing, but it takes a finer polish, and is m:>re dura ble and less likely to stain There are now prospecting parties in Tennessee looking after quarries, and it is only a question of time when our marble will be in demand throughout the entire country.— Tradctma*. There is some fine marble in North Carolina also. It may not be generally known, but the block of marble sent by the State to tbe Washington monument in Washington city, was quarried in this county only about 6 miles north from Danbury. The Eale of the Cape Fear and Yad kin Valley Bailioad- We have heretofore announced thai uegocintii>o were in progress conoern irg the ppujohase of the Cape Fear Bnd Yadkin Valley Railroad, and to da; are enabled to give some of the details. LIT. Canedo has ottered to pnrchase the State's stock at the priee suggested in the act passed by the last Legislature to-wit $55,000, to pay off the floating debt, amounting to 3100,000, and to begin at once the coustructioo of the line from Wilmington to Fayetteville The line will then be pushed through Greensboro «nd Mi. Airy to the Vir ginia line lowaads VV y theiille. Dr. Canedoe's offer, so far as the Slate is concerned, is to build the road to the Vireinia line, bt it is understood that he yroposes to goon to lluutington on the Obio. llivar, and thence to Cincin natti The undertaking if carried out, will be highly important to Noith Car olina We understand that his propo sition has so far met with Gov. Jams approbation that' in pursuance ot the act of Assembly, the Goacroor has de termincd to call together the Pommiss ioners appointed by ihe General Assem bly to cousider any such proposal that might be made. The commissioners are Dr. A. Deßosset, Livi ftl Scott, E. L. V/ughan, George >l. Rose, A. A. MrKelhan, A. B. Williams, A O Planner, J. A Gray, J. F. Graves Tyre York, A. J. Boyd Hugh l'arks, and W A. Lasb. As appears elsewhere, the meeting is fixed lor December ibe 19(b, thus affording to Ihe commissioners am ple time to arrange their business pre paratoryti) assembling These gentle men are authorized by the act of Assem bly to negotiate aud settle the terms ot the sale, if any be made, and lo sign all contracts of sale iu behalt of the State. l>r. Caoodo, we hear represents a con struction company, and, aa Ur art we can learn, baa mi oonoectiou with any existing couipany in thin State.- The purpote i l hio cuu puny ta to make a line reaebing fiuut Wilmington to the Ohio River, and we shall hope that he will be able to acoouiplish it The road has not been in funds of late, and ita floating debt ia large. The bed ia read for the iron a considerable distance, ar.u is graded some milts be yond Uieeus bcro, bat the means aie lacking for the purchaee of iron laila nnd neceisary equipments. Tbe completion ot the line will be of benefit not only to tbe new territory through which it will pass but alao to Greensboro, l''ayetievillc an Wilmington. The purchaser is requir ed to give adequate security in complete work from Wilmington to s-u.e point in tbe eitrcme weai, running a branch through Surry to Ore Knob, within tbiee years froui the date of the contract. In udditon, he ia to pay the cash above atattd. Tbe whole mutter is leli by the Legislature in the hands of the com misaionerg appointed by tbal b dy— A'nrt ami (Jbtrrvtr. Whitewashing. Every subscriber to the REPOBTXB should cat *nd paste iu hit sorap book the following receipt for whitewashing: The proeessof whitewashing is known by various Dimes, such as "caleimining'" "kaUooiiniog"' eto, most of them de rived evidently from the Latiu name of time, which was the prinoipal tugredi cut of all the older forms rf whitewash ing. Professors of the "Art of Kalsomin ing" afflict a greit deal of mystery, but 'he roeess is very simple. It consists simply in making a whitewash with some neutral substande which is made • o adhere by means of siie or glue. 11 contains no caustio matcsisl like lime Several substance* have beon used with good results The best is sine white. It gives the most brilliant effect but it. is the most expensive. The ncit is Paris white or sulphate of baryta This when pure, is nearly equal to zinc white wut unfortunately, common wbit ing is often sole for it- It is notdiffi cult, howcr, to deteot common whiting, even when alcoe or mixed with Paris white When vinegar, or better still, rpirits of salt, is pnnred on wbiti' g, it foams >r effervesces, but produces no effeots on P.iris white. Good whiting, however, gives very fair results and makes a far better finish than common lime as ordi narily used When well made, however good lime whitewash is very valuable for outhouses and plases where its drsir able to inttoduce a certain degree of of disinfecting action. One of the best recipes for lime whitewash .is that knowo as the "White Ifeuso" whitewash, and sometimes called 'Treasury Depfitment whitewash from the fact that it is tin recipe sent out by the Lighthouse Hoard of the Treasury Department. It has been found by experience, to answer on wood, bricb and stone neatly as well n oil paint and is much cheaper. Slake one-half bushel unslaked liuie with boil ing water, keeping it covered during the process Strain it and add a peck of suit, dissolved in warm water; three pounds ground rice, put in boiling water and beiled to a thin paste; one-half pound powdered Spanish whiting aud x pound of jlear glue, dissolved in warui water; mix these well together and let the mixture stand for several days Keep the wash thus prepared in a kettle or portable furnace, and, when used, put it on as hot as possible with paint ers' or whitewash brushes KaUomine, as distinguished Irom litue whitewash, is best suited for the iuterior of room* in the dwelling house. To kalsomine a good sized room with two coats, proceed as follows : Select some very clear oolorless glue and soak J lb in water for 12 hours, j Then boil it taking great oare that it docs not burn and tins is best done by setting tie vessel with tbe glue in a pan of water over the fire. When complete ly diesolvtd add to it a large pan of hot water, and into any desired quantity of this stir as much ol the white material used as will make a cream. The quaii ty of the resulting work will depend rm the skill of the operator but we uiay ro mailt that it ia easier wo get** smooth hard finish by using three coals of tnin wash than by using one 'coat of thick If you have time for but one coat, how erer, you must give it body enough. In giving more than one coat let tbe lue> cont contain less glue thaa the preceding ones. The Toughest Story ' Y«t. It is evidens that whiskey is either sold for mcdioal or scientific purposes iu Lamed, or at least the lollowiog yarn implrs that is: "A certain lady in this couDty laM spring set a hen upon thirteen eggs. A few days afterward, looking into the nest she was surprised to find the eggs missing and the hen gone, and in their stead a huge rattlesnake comfortable coiled up Noticing the swelled condi tion of hi* snakeship, she procured a spade and pinned bis bead to the ground '1 hen, with a rake, the tail was drawn out and fastened down to prevent wrig gling A penknife soon split tbe reptile from head to tail, and the eggs were uk on out. Being carefully washed tbty were placed uouer the same hen ar.d eventually every one batched out an.l the chichens grew and thrived. We regret that a striot regard for truth com pels us to say that the beo was not swal lowed, nor were tbe chicks marked witb a snake. — Florence (A'aw ) Herald f Louisville Home and Farm.) Frank OT Herring, E«a., of tho Cham pion tSule Works 251 and 252 Broadway Ne * York, reports the use of St. Jacobs Oil for a ftiftotM and soreness of the shoulder, with most pleasant and efica Clous effects. 'Taking in all the season' thero were nearer ten thousand visitors to Ashville the past season than two Tber.i were nearly one thousand arrivals at one ho tel during one month. ■ mm ■ —— A world of Oood. One of tho most popular medicines now before tbe American public, is Hop Kilters. You see it everywhere. Peo ple take it with good cffcot. It builds them up. It is not a« pleasant to the taste as some other Bittets as it is not a whiskey drink. It is more like tho old lashiooed bone set tea that bas done a world of good If you don't feel just right try Hop Bitters— .MunJn Newt ■ » Tho new county of Durham will hold its first eoart ia Ftoraaiy 1892. Richmond and Danville. __ a We cao definately deny that tberi ( is any trueh whatever in the rumoe thai . Nessers Clyde and Perking are buying the Riohtnond and Danville stock t n get ooatrol away from the preseu management The rapid advance it ' this stool and the large sales have beet ' wqoly doe to the discover by the publii that the Richmond and Danville, wit I but $4 OQO.OOQ of stock, owns and ODD trols over 2,000 miles of railroad tha iiioncpol ze the business Jof the Pied ' uiont country, and of the riches' seottol s ot the Uninh ; that the stock is now i 1 certain eight per Cent stock with ihi ? eiuly pri spect of a stock div dend ol • 100 per cent. Since wn gave the fac in detail concerning Li. is newly l ij-tec 1 stock, m»ny of our reader* haye advisee • us of large purchases that have alieadj • yielded handt-omc profit*, and yet ai s compared with prices "f "Ide aecitriner tbe present price is very low It it 5 only aoother illustration in favor of out »tioug stand for the Si utheastero Kaii' road stoeks AS the most promising of out ■ railway securitits ou the ground of net 1 uul merit.— A VIC York I'a nker ana Broker, Nov. 7. Kerosene and Salt for Diphtheria A correspondent of the New York Sun says: 'ln 1602, on a plantation South Alabama, wh-sre there was great difficulty in securing good medical ad vice. I a whole plantation of blaok& as well as the white members of a - large family, succesl'ully treated fur diptheriu with kerosene oil and salt, used thus : Euery patient was giveu'a lump of rock salt about the size ol a boy's marble, and instructed to keep it iu his or her mouth, swallowing t'ue salty suva. At the same time the throat w«s rubbed with keroseue oil, and a flannel saturated with kerosene kept around the neckuntil tbo symptoms were abated or entirely gone- If nec essary mild calhartios were given. Fot a ease pas lost, and there were, fully 150 in all on the plantation. [Frceport (111.) Bulletin.J There is now asubstance which is both professionally and popularly indorsed *od concerning whi'ih, Mr. J. B. Ferseh weilltr, Hutteville, Oregon, writes : I have often read of the many oures ef fected by St. Jaoobs Oil and was per suadtd to try the remedy myself. I was a sufferer from rheumatism and ex* periencod great pains, my leg beiug so swollen that I could not move it. I procured St. Jacobs Oil, used it freely and was cured. Concerning the hurley vatiety of to bncco, so extensively cultivated in Ken tucky, the Louisville Courier Journal gives the following information in reply to "an eastern larmer": "First, It aver ages on good land in a good season 1- 200 to 1,500 pouoda. Second, It is as- . ed for chewing. The bright portion of the crop, being without much gummy substance, is manufactvred into 'fine out,' whilr tbe heavy bodied is used for plug fillers. Some of the best known chewing tobacco is mano of hurley fillers and Virginia wrapper. Third, it ripens in two and a half to three and a half months from setting." ■ • ■ * i-ink Jsiye." The great horse epidemic Pink eye will in ail probability make its apper- j ance iu this State. It has broken out iu Norfolk. The disease assumes its ! worst lorms only in damp, murky weath. Dullnes, lever, rigors, followed by a I swelling of the eyelids, discharge of wa- j tcr from tbe eyes, pain in the luubs and j tutut float ion, more particularly arouud j the articnlations, area few of the pri mal) symptoms Horses taking it be come restless, with a constant shifting of toe feet, while Iho eyes assume a yiukish color.— Oreentboro Patriot Of the 9ti counties in N >rth Carolina more more than two thirds have no locai papers, or meaus of advertising their capacities. The result is manliest ' in many ways. Counties which have ihe most newspaper readers stand first in all respects. Wake, ifecklenburgh, ' Grau"ilie, Orange Guilforii* Buncombe, and ittiers aie recognised as lending counties in political, material and edu cut tonal importance, and lor one hun dred years thsy have had the benefit of i newspaper advetising.~-/ , Wm//' & Mer- 1 coon/. r Bishop McTyer, speaking iu Nasb- ' ville, gives this item of the Ecuuicuieal , Coufdrence: 'lt was ascertaiued that there are 4.767,800 Methodists in the worid, tepreseuting 23,000,000 ail tie reutß Tbe number ot children in Sun day schools is about 4,800,000. The gospel is preached to Methodists iu about thirty languages Tbo Roman Catholio Church is the ouly one which | exceed* the Methodist iu tbe breadths i ol it* operations. Governor Jarvis, Seualor Vance and Treasurer Worth, railroad commission- ; era, held a meeting at Ciinloe yesterday aud decided to eiecnd tbe trne for tbe completion of the Wastern Nortb Car V oiina Railroad- H'IY. gtar. As is bis wont, Mr. Samuel J Tilden appeared upon electiou day at.jbe pulls He wa* all affability to tbe friends who saluted bim, and, aa is hie invariable babit, removed Lis bat while depositing bis ballot. The Atlanta Coutfituliun say* the exhibit of North Carolina wood and minerals at the exposition Is the finest ever made ID tbe world." I J „ -She Re i-publioan party having deolaired itself in favor of repudition ol tbe State debt in Virginia, and having carried the elec tion upon that platform, it becomes an , interesting question how far the aamo measure is to be applied in other States. Here in New lork, for instance, the States is considerably in debt. To repu diate tbe whole would diminish the weight of taintinn to be borne by overy individual taxpayer Will the Repub lican p*riy, freeti from their great tri umph in Virginia, now being a move ment 'or repudiation of the debt ol New York 1 Ii there is any good reason lor the poll i) they have adopted snd fought for in that State, the same reason is ei|'ialiy vuilid and equally forcible in this Besides if tbey are not quite satisfied wit h Mieir success up >u the old issues, who knows that they might not be sue eeniul it ibev wre to bring forward a brau'i i- « like the great i-tsue ol 10 piniiai o But i» nit'i r sny rerson why such a nioveuieut should be limited to any ou 8t tis?Ttie Republican party oon trul i'U-' Administration and I the Prciid. in ol the United States, has 1 given ;>ii •ainst an ffecttve support to the KepU'iii iou umvement in Virginia, i Why tbeu, should tins potent prinei -4 pie uot bti applied to the immense debt 10l the national Government f Why shold notour two thnu-and millions of 1 dollars be wiped out enure y, or out down bo the eliinunition uf nine-tenllis of its J whole amount, by a givnrons application j utthe Rldil aud Mahonesoheme j President Arthur being in fjver ol the j principle in Vlit luia. could not ol Course oppese i's *pplica'n>n throughout thr Uuiteu Siaies L'rgic is a great thing iu politic-. Mid the logic of Repudiation may be unde to travel very lar iudetd. " I DON T WANT A PLASTER," said A sick man to a druggist, "cant you give me soun thing to cute uie T" llissymp lorns wi re a lame back and disordered urine and were a sure indication of kid bey disease The druggist told him to use Kidney-Won and in a short time it effected a ooiaplete cure. Have you the.-n symptoms ? Then get a box or b' ttle to-day—before you become men rable It is then) re ; sale and sure KnoxviUe Republican LL> ! FUN I XK you want to suliscrlbo for tlw Funniest neivsi>ai>e:-s published in the South, semi W) cents to The Southern Humorist. Corinth, Mississippi, for a year's subscription. Nend forja sample ropy. Ageuts make big money forking for its—send for terms. SIIKKTS & I'ATTON. Proprietors. ,EKii I. E wI R E 110 0S E FOR TIIE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO. HI D SON .J- McDRARMAN. Proprietors. BUTT LIGHTS AND ACTOMMODATIOSH. We. gtiarantre to otjr frieurts -polite alien tiofi nnd tbe highest prices for their Tobacco Kov.ym-Jui DAJNVILLE VA- J. M. Nli'lluUMi.N, WITH J. P. YANC£Y & CO., III ,!• ratIIK 1 i(1 & Co., IIP KIEKS OF XOklo HS No I2nii Maiu Street, Ri«hmoid, Va March 27 If 71» ' It. "II yuu want a GOOD PIANO OR ORGAN write or oail ou W P OKMSBY, Wtuaton, wbo can suj ply any make or style made in the States at prices which will defy competition. It you want tbe BEST SEWING MACHINE ever put belore the public, call on W. P. OtiMMiY for the iglil-ltnuiiiujr Doiueslic" in the Music Store, Winston Old pianos, organs, aud machines ex changed." W P. ORMSBY J~J BALLOW, WITH 0. F. HEIMtER Si CO., Manutucturers and Jobbers of CLOTHING. ' No. 1215 Mitin St,, Riclimood, Va Sept 8-'Bl-6m dWaC > : . ,-FE ■ vmmsmw.. ■ (maft j »«fviu . ill# c-r. from ti.e r i , »t>v.n r-« f^r.itoEcftiaratio* 1 *» qoeito. ••- • ■ -hi'J# »a ■ j ..T. it '.matt.;* ™ c uioti r(f.lor>*tlplacea—«»ca OJ* * iIKM. WWII War.tcd tverywhera. t for circnUr. Toll a, t+rrrn > »■.. H.hlr— > j. c. jtccrany a CU., i'hiudt.i P kim r* mrnrnutm Garmoro s Ai tuioial Liir Urums. Aalaveiitrd nrnl w«ri by Mm pcrtVvfty r*nt if.* Kuu.ti y J.-4* lor » :i) .u. vitk m Aiv ■ . ob», tbd rtr 4tTl#Ni liiißut l;» il ecvfd l» l>■ ft>i• e»r runn. M-u* Utha i»nlj «uco i ful :tr ißqul «;»r Unini m.uiufartarvU. Mn (lu- »iirr,S \V C SStk K ' ■ » Mncinß«U.O. MASON eEST in *!"> WORLD ! AND vlnneni n'TiU-hftUt distinction «t ev»ry _ _ . _ WorM'» Ka*r lor fuuitrcn y^nrc. UHIII iy A Nvw I t.i.cHiu \TH» C\TAI.I«R!K, X rp. lUtfflUyl ,l ". nuiuth, will 1,0 N(> 4 ' rt '® lo •«'! p**, aimouiM ii»a ORGANS "i«r r isb l , &i ,UJ I'rlces, *M, *«. t.«. |W. mt n> tvm nn: «/'0 ftr MKIIN 1 IIAMI.IXO&\N;O.. I I WttSrgSimX""' *-"** ISA^^ILISTI EQUAL TO THE BKBT I Send for Circular. ■ VI NT O.N A ZSCHECH, H J iMDiAKAroLia. mo. »,oeo igwn W«m«4 tmr I>ll« M It iH>Btata«lk*faHbUlarrotbl>iMMr»a4*.mtai lit: . •I>m*iurdlr uuufnMWo. SurfloJ irwCtawnl, drai b, ianeral TO of rotirllfc' w, i«»>r Mpwey. of _catehpenny''fafuth,!,*, Tl,l. BM-- ivf«4 rrwfclmi. fln».iwl >:>ir» s ajraMK -Ctwutaia fHt: . '1 i • J IHIBWi C«., ritl«*.tvhtmf». •-t - ■■ . ' v u\\en«ia\ism UentaVava Sprains, I'nin In the Buck aml Slde. v There U notblnK more palnbil ttion tlie«c diseases: but the pain ean be removeil and the dhiase cur».t b>«S« or PBItHV UAVIs- PAIN KIM.KR. This remertv Is not a cheap Benthie or l\*troleum |>roduct that must la? kept away from Are or beat to avoid dangrr of rxpioitloii, nor U It uu untried exjierluient lliat may do more harm than (nod. . PAIN ICIL.I.KH baa been In constant use for fortv years, and the universal testimony ftom all parti of ihe world !-. IT KKVKH PAILS. It not only effects a permanent eure, but It relle»e« pain almost Insuuitaneoualy. iiciity IL purely veß>talil« remeily, It I» sate iu the hands or the most Inexperienced. The rii-oril of cures by the use of PAIN K1 T.l.Kit would All volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those wbo have tried it think: EdSa A r i Srt 7 vSJ^& a y LUhet °' ,«la in to A ffiTrrLSi'T _ « * ' y «» K » "»- rS£?ia her > ,be I°lS* VSfyourrA.H K,.. U :» forrbemuattm. relit viuncr. , . _. „ nnd have revived jm ut Uueftt Charleß Powell writes from the Bailors Bart-,.1 Seaman eaye: Home London: line uwd PAIN KH.LBB f«r tliirty iremrt, I had !>o«n afillt»ied three yearn with nw mid A a*d have found it a nrrrr-jaiting mm ay for add violfnt of Uh> nfoinatdi. Thedoct«»ni rheuniatiwniaiid lainuli»*i«. * at \Voxtiuln>: v )liMpitd mve uj» my In Wf. Burditt wrltei: ' • * ' (Impair I tried yon rPA ill Kii.L.KH.und it iravo it nrrrt /Vi»7*t«iKivon'lief ineaKeeof riimmatiam. me Itnmeaiafe* n-iief. ,1 tow rwlnM my Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes: PtrviiKtli. nnd alii UOW able tt» follow iny Frolll ur tual ttfe, I know VOUT PAIN KIIXKK oocaiwtlou. in the heet medicine 1 can Kvt. All dnigrlsta keep PAW KIM.KR. Tta prire if low that It within the reach of all, and ii will *uvo many tlmea foo«t In doctors' hills. !W«»» ffOc M and 91.00 n bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON. Proprietors, Providence, R.I. C3IIEAT ATTLTACTK >l> —AT— «GO. M KICK lilt & (O S STORE. OCTOUKK 15th, 1881. Mr. OEO. M. RUCK Kit has just returned from the N'orlli with a very l»ri?e atook ol all kinds of Pine, Fancy and Staple Dry 11 >W, Slioei,&J., and a general stock of GROCERIES. HEADQUARTE RS For ali kinds of choice Dress Goads, Dress Trimmings, Notions, f-c If you wanl to see the prettiest goods—and oheap too —you have ever seen, go to GEO. M, RUCKER & CO S And you will 6nd everything you want at Low Prions, nnd Newest Styles of Fi '® Goods W'iuston. N C , November 3rd. 1881 yl GRAVES'S WARE H OUS E, DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, FOIt Tilv: SAI.K OP LEAF TOBACCO. FUIOK MAN All KR : JOSEPH II ULACK'-V Ei.L •>! >;»iu N. 0 ASSISTANT VI.O- »TT MAMAUKK : A. N AUCTION KLH : GKOUGK ii' O.EHV-S P Gmoty CLtKK : * JNO. A ILERNDO.S I P.i'-\iv >.ia i ••uu'), Va ASSISTAN r ci.rttK : fTKPtiEN T NEAL .t CI-WCIL, N. C. Tbankiul fur the liberal |n'Miii; tiiven ui) '..r uriny yotrs. I shall endeavor tu merit it in the lunir* : \S lhlilAM P. GRAVES, November 3. 1881 tl Proprietor. PIEDMONT Warehouse? \VIi>SLON, IN. C., For the Sale of TOBACCO! Stands in the Front Rank with the Lemtiny Warehouses in North Carolina. SALES PAST VE Ml MORE THAN 30,utM) PARCELS. Increase in trade in ji-iat I'uur veirs more than fo ir fobl. We bave aililcd each uiauy new t_IUSTU iIKUS. ami still there is ro im for more. We are thnnktul to our inan> trieods for their libera! |>uronage, and ask continuance i in tbe fu iII re. Tbe following named gentlemen .ire still with me, aud will be pleased to see their friend* at I'IF.UMUN'I. \\ A 8. PIKR 'K. Uok Keeper •JAMES S SCALES, Floor Manager J (J A BARH.VM. Auctioneer De. a'Bo , M, H . MOItKEBT, I'roprielor. T. J. BHOWN. W. 11 CAKT*R, Jr J R PIERCE THE OLD RELIABLE BROWN'S WAREHOUSE, The Farmers' Headquarters, The Leading H«uso as usual Biuce October Ist. In QUANTITY ol TOBACCO SOLD, in PRICES and in DISPATCH OF BUSINESS Farmers do nut have to nail until alter the sale for their checks, BUT ARE PAID AS SOON AS THEIR TOBACCO IS SOLD. Reuiemher this wh. n y»n want to net off early and breaks are heavy. HICHEBT PRICES ALWAYS GUARANTEED. P. A. WILSON, JR., Bmik-keeper. R. D. MUHELEY, Auctioneer. T. J. BROWN & CO, Winston, N. 0. BROWN & CARTER, « (SUCCESSORS TO J. F. PRATIIKR & CO'S), Next door to Browo, Rogers & Co/a Hardware Store, KKEF CONSTANTLY ON UANO A WELL SELECTED STOCK 0» Dry-Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hate, Notions, &c. We especially invite oor country friends to eal! on as, as our purohises are made %ith special reference to their wants, and „■ • WILL SELL AT BOTTOM PRICES. t :r - F.J.BROWN, Febiftry 3, 1881. . W- B. CARTM* J«. VT ». 'S