The Reporter. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1881. J LOCAL ITEMS. newspaper Laws. 1. Subscribers who do not give express no tice to the contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their subscriptions. 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their periodicals, the publisher may, con tinue to send them until all arrearages are paid. 3 If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have Bellied their bills and ordered them dis continued. , . 4. If subscribers more toother plans, with out informing the publisher, and the pupers are sent to the lortner addresses, they are held responsible. 5. Any person wlio receives a newspaper and makes use of it, whether he ha? ordered it or uot, is held in law to be n subscriber. ti. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher at the end of their time, if they do not wish to con tinue taking the paper, otherwise the publish er is authorized to send it on, and the »üb tcriher will bo responsible until express no tice with ptymentof all arrears, is sent to the publisher. Delightful Weather now. Christum comas on Suuday this year. Coin is worth ooe dollar per bushel io Daubury Farmers are busy this nice weather sowing rye Only three weeks from next Sunday until Christmas. Fine Toilet Soaps at Gray & Martins Win Moo, N. C Mill ponds in this seotion were frozen ov. r several morning* last week. Skat ing will soon be in order. L is rumored that the grent Southern Mi.i-.trcl Croupe will visit Dtnbury and Geimanton soon perhups between the 20th and 25th iiis't. Look for posters at au early date. Report says there is to be a real old time quilting and candy pulling at the Dinhury Female Setuiiriry some time during Christmas week. Mr J W Tbouias of this county says he has a very fine .Jersey Hull which he proposes to butcher lor beef in case ha does not sell him soon. Married in Danbury last Saturday evening, Nov. 26ih, unole t>us Irish and aunt Freby Green May their honey uiooo never Wane. Get > ur fi-h poods ready as it is nearly time for the young Carp to be delivered. Remember the pood must bu free from other fish Several miners were prospecting around Dsohury last week W« learn that iliey made souie wonderful dissove ries; these mountains and bills are full of valuable -nin> rals We letrn that the commissioners ap pointed to sell the C F. & Y V. Rail road are to meet in Raleigh the 19th of this month to take into consideration the sale of the road. FOUHD —My children found some money on the Quaker Gap road which the owner can have by disoribing and paying for this notice. W G SLATE. There is no office in the Stale that oan boast of a handsomer or o'ever set of young devih than the KiroarEß of fioe. The only trouble is some of tbeoi want to make devilesses of some of oar : young ladies. List of Pills at Gray & Martini: Drug Store at Winston. Tutts, Urandreths, Morses, Indian Root, Jaynes, Moffals, Bulls, Mo Leans, Harten, Sholls, Ayers, Paosoos, Prices, Strongs, Wrights, Radways, Sohanki, Deems Cooks •and K very body s. Mt Airy ean only boast of one Post offioo now. we've had two since last July, we have.— Yadkin Valley Ne to*. We would think one /W office enough for a place having such meager Newt, we would. Hog killiog is in order now, we learn that Mr. Amor Tilly of Quaker Gap township in this 000-ity, killed three last week that avenged 318 pounds, and that Mr. Davie Hall killed two that av eraged 297 lbs. They will do to play their part in the game of bog and bom ony Call at Gray & Martins Drag Store, at Winstoo, and get a sample package of Simnoa'a Liver Medicine free- The Mt Airy Granite Pott out#t has • been moved to Daubury, and everything is being put in plaoe so as to be ready to issue the RKPOIITEK AND POST, as soon as paper of suitable size Coin's to band, the paper now on hand beiog too small for 7 columns. There was a meeting held in tbe C. H. on last Friday night, for the purpose : of organizing a Debating C.ub, Mr. ! W V. McCanless Oallea to the chair, j and .W It Pepper requested to not as Seoi'y. On ni -tmn Mr. W. W. King WHS electv i PIS'I and Thus R. P.-ppe.r See. .It e' *"ioh the meeting adjourned > to meet F.wliiv night Dec the 2ud j This ii a move in ihe right direction, and should meet the hearty approval of all. [ Des Moines lowa State Register.] Wo notice the following in an ex- ; ohange: Mr. G. B Huverer. Foreman I N Y & V (I 8 B Co , suffered for \ eight day iviii. t.cribie pain in the bn k, almost io distraction, until be heard of and used St Jacobs Oil, one bottle of which cure! hitu completely. It is with feelings of real sorrow that we this week chrouicle the death of tbat very worthy and highly esteemed lady, Mrs Mary Ellen Nelson, the over'faith ful and loving wife of Mr. Isaac 11. Nelson, who died at her home in Win ston or. Mouday of last week. Mrs. Nelson was raised at Germanton in this county. We kuow ber well, almost from ber infancy to tbe time of ber death, anti so far as our knowledge ex tends, it u.ay truly be said of ber that "none knew her but to love," if she had an enemy we never.knew it. Mrs Nel son leaves » husbuod, two children and two sisters, in addition to many warm frieuds and relations to mourn her loss, her own brother having died but a few weeks previous. She is gone, but the hope that she is happy with the "blessed made perfect," should console us in that greet' which we l'eel, bat can never ex press. The best gilt to give to your enemy is foigiveness; to your opponent, toler ance ; to a friend, your heart j to your child, a good exiuiple; to a father, de ference ; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you ; to yourself respect, to all men, charily, and to tbe sick, Simmons' Liver Regulator, I found it excclleut for sour stomach, indigestion dizziness and headache. A.J. ADKINS. LEATHER. —You will find good, and G D. Red Leather, Home tanned, Sole Harness and Side, Upper leather, as well as Kip, Calf, Horse, Sheep, Hog aud Goat skins at Popper & Sons If you waul leather you oauiuit do better tb«u to give them a call. WUJT AIM YOU ?—ls it a disorder ed liver giviug you a yellow skin or cos tive bowels; which have resulted io dis tressing piles or do your kidneys refuse io perform their functions ? If so, your system will HOOU be clogged with poisons Take a f#w doses of Kidney-Wort and you'll f.el like a new man—nature will throw off every impediment and eauh organ will be ready for duty. Druggists sell both the dry sad liquid.— Evant ville Tribune.. Buy your Dry Goods and Notons from the Wholesale House of J. W. SOOTT & Co, Greensboro' N. C., and save Freight, Boxing and Drayage. They guarantee all goods to be as rep- j resented. Nov. 3rd, 1881. Parties wishing to buy Drugs from a reliable firm, will do well to call on Messrs. Gray & Martin Winston, N. C- Wat. will wait on you with pleasure and fill your prescription* with acouracy, We have on hand 60 orßo pieces of leather tanned for diifereut parties, per . sons having left hides with us 12 or 18 months since to be tanned on shares; will pleasa call and get their leather. Pepper & Son. If You Are Biok, Bead tbe Kidoey-Wort advertisement io an other column, and it will explain to you the rational method of getting well. Kidaey-Wort will save you more doctor's bills than any other medicine known. Acting with speoific energy on tbe kid neys snd liver, it ourei tbe worst disea ses oaused by their der .ngement. Use it at once. In dry aud liquid form. Either is equally efficient, tbe liquid is the easiest, but the dry is tbe most eeo- I comical '—lnterior. PAINTS AND OILS. White Lead, "Tip-Top" the best colors in tbo market. Varnishes, ho at Gray & Martins, Drug Store, Win ston N. C [Springfield (Mais.) Republican.] Edgar T. Page, Esq , Druggist, writes us from Chicopee Faffs, tbat Mr. Albert Guenther, under 'Wilds Hotel has used that remarkable remedy, St. Jaoobs Oil, . for a aevere ease of rheumatism and it oured him, as if by rnagio He also us ed it with great suooess among his hor ses, in osses of sprains, sores eto. aod it cures svery time. - I ) r The North Carolina Conference ot (he M K. Churoh whioh was held in ! Durham last week, has ndjou ned, and l tbo many waim friend* ol R-v 1' L. J i Groom will ne (ileasoU ) i »>r' ot h'* i>- j turn to tlii* oirouii I lie enuiog voir. 1 iji i his labors bo orowued with uiuuii suc cess. LANTKRN'S LANTKRN'B. —At Gray A Martina, Winston, N C. j Tbo jury of inoue*t held over th e body of Rhea M oore co' in ihe norbwect ! I pact of the County, whieh *'i* briefly ' I mentioned in "ur last. rendered a ver j i diot that she came to i>er friiiii 1 naturel cause. It is uatonishinfi; how the colored race can under certain oir- | cumstHnces add to reports, and wake Binhli things look like m-uint ii >» there was no real ground llie enUttte «l thin i jury, but after the eiroula'i n the I J wild reports that had gotten out in thtt • ' | neighborhood the people of that section ! i j would never have been saii*h-it • id the i i iunucgt not been held. j . i j KENDAL'S SPAVIH CUKE at Gray & j Martin's Drug Store Winston, N C. r Make $20.00 For Christmas. The publishers of Rutltdgr'» Monthly in the , price puzzle department of their I Monthly for i December offer following easy way tor some or.e to ratke S2O 00 : To the person telling us which is the long- i est verse in ihc Old Testament • criptnre by Dec. loth, 1881, we will give S2O 00 in gold as a prize. The money will he forward- I ed to the winner December 1 5th, 1881, Those ] who try for the prize must send 20 cents with their answer, for which they will receive the j Christmas number of the Monthly , in ahich I will be published the name and address 01 the I winner of the prize, with the correct answer j , I thereto. Cut this out, it may be worth ' S2O 00 to you. Address, KUTLKDGK PUB LISUINQ COMPANY , Eagton, l'a. A practical stock grower advises I is brother fai titers not to be in a hurry to destroy any animal that may break a leg, for by means of plaster of Paris I and some bagging strips, tbe iioib may be set and supported until the fractured \ bone unites again. His plan has been, both with calves and sheep, to wind the strips aud bagging about the broken ; liuib, plaster over with calcined plaster . mixed to a thin pasto, wind another over that and apply more plaster, the leg being fastened to splints of tvood until the plaster sets The animal will | | limp around tor a few days on three i legs, but recovers without blemish Humbugged Again. I saw so much said about tne merits of Hop Bittirs, and my wife who was always dootoring, aod never well, teased me so urgently to get her some I eooolu j ded to be humbugged again ; and I am glad I did, for iu less thnn two months j use of the Bitters my wife was cured \ and has remained so for eighteen months since. I like such humbugging—H T , St Paul.— Pioneer I'rert —ln several parts of Virginia the seed j ed wheat, after sprouting, died for lack l of moisture. This made it necessary for the farmers to sow again, which puts them to doable expense, What is believed to be the greatest political trial to the history of Russia will take place early iu November, j Some'forty of the most prominent Nihi- J lists now under arrest will be tried, ohief among whom is Triconai. He and some others of tbe prisoners have figured, prominently in all of the recent plots of the revolutionists, and he and his im mediate confederates were actively con cerned in tbe plot whioh culminated in tb« assassination of Alexander 11. The trial will be conducted in profound sec- ; resy, and the world will ooly know of I the main result when sentence has been ; pronounced upjo them. The Russian revolutionists are very busy in their movements about the empire, whioh fore bodes some evil stroke. The population of Asheville in 1800 ! was 38, Morganton 130. In 1870 Ash vtlle was 1,426. 1875 about 1,600, now j it i* about 3,500, aod rapidly growing The New York Journal of Commerce strongly believes diamonds exißt in North Carolina. GRAY Ac MARTIN THIRD STREET, WINSTON, N. C. DRUGS, MEDICINES, Perfumes, Tobaccos, Cigars, Soaps, Paints and Oils. TRUBBEB LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS. m m M ■ HI 41*. NEW EDITION. The most Interesting Tlook of WuhlnftiHi Lilt e»er puk, 1 lE| C lislud. A Minor? of every Administration from WASHINGTON to the | preaent time. Incltidee much PtrMftaland Private History never befort published Illuatrated with nforc th»o loSteel ?ort7aVt»of the I-«dle«l 1» IIITf linil fir ] 5f the White House,inciiMHnjj aaketeh and portraktof Mra. Garfield,*# U I I p U||||Vk •'Mot her (iarrte'd," a sketch of the President and the history of hla J j 111 life lIUUOLI assassination. A cents wanted. Send lor circulars with full ■rial] MAOLEY A CO.. PUBLISHERS,N*. M NORTH VQiMTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PA._ |V i * A i|>P to sar thai nothing can tike the pises of tb« H. T. WKEKI.Y WITNEKH la I I |JE Xfl V V till- Ksmllv It has 0» latest newtof-tbe day, Mlsble reports o( Nsrketa, dsiljr re ■ ■ I w Wm .h «nrt at Pulton Street Prarer-Mei tlnir—Ai fiaa wnsTM TiiaKt'eM-simns raicr : •Aml WetwhyProiessoc l»mllttle; Home TVpartmenKairreetfevortle wltkthe ladles). children's Hepstmenl Temosraar l7»t>»rtm»nt,lMlt«fl«l Anletes on all tke uaestlnxaef tbs t*T. 7KKM families ml It nn». Speclnt'n 1 ui; , V« J i:^n ,^.'t, . ,, w.FßEßH, FAITHFUL and FEARLESS. We want seventy-five thousand lbs of leaf tobaeoo, all grades from good to Guo suitable for mantactaring, and will pay as much as the same grades wi.l bring in \N inston; so save tbe hauling and warehouse charges to tliu farmer. PEPPER & SONS. DANBURY MARKET, AS CORKKCRFH) BY PKPPBIt X SONS. CORN, new, per bushel, 80 WHEAT, 125 a 1.60 11 YB, 1 00 OA TS, threshed. 50 a 75 I'BAS, 100 BEANS, 1 00 BKKB' WAX, per lb., 20 HONKY COMB, 10 a 12} KGGS, per doßon, 10 BUTTER, per lb., 10 a 15 REEF, per lb., 4 a 6 111 DBS, green, per lb., 5 a 8 i HIDES dry. per lb., 10 a 12{ TALLOW, per lb , 6 a 8 CHESTNUTS, per bu., 1 00 a 1 25 HAGS, per lb , 1 { I'OUK, per lb , 8 a 10 | FRUIT; APPLES, per lb., 3 a 8 ! PEACHES, halves, per lb , 6 'WttkCH ES, quarters, pr lb , 6 PEACHES, peeled, per lb ,8 a 20 BEIUUE3, 10 THE CREAT Unfailing , Specific COMPLAINT. The U Yll'lOnS of I.IVI'.R 49MPI.AIHT are uneasiness ami |»aln in the MUIC, Moiuvt linen j pain in the shoulder, ami is mistaken tor rhen inn- ; tism ; the Stomach in atleetetl with loss ot'appe- i tile ami sickness'; bowels, in general, cc&tivc, sometimes alternating with tax; the hetul is trou bled with pain and dull, heavy sensation of liav- I ing left midline something which ought to have i l»ccti done ; often complaiug of weakness, tlebili- j ty and low spirits. Sometimes many of the above | symptoms attend the disease and at other times very few of tho li\er is gelterully the organ most involved. Regulate the Liver and Prevent DjMpepMlu, 4'oaifttipiitlon, Jaundice, 1(11- lo«m Attiu'kN, hi IIN HIMI Fever, IleuilHclie.C'olle. Uoprewtioß of Spirit*, Sour Ntonmrb, ' Heartburn, HI leu, etc. Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic! Simmons Liver Regulator, purely vegetable, is the medicine generally used in the South to arouse the torpid Liver to healthy action. It acts with extraordinary power and eflicacy on the Liver and Kidneys. The actihn of the Regulator iu free from nau sea or griping. It is most effective iu starting the accretions hi the Liver, causing the bile to act ;i» a cathartic. When there is an evens of bile in the Stomach, the Regulator is an active purge; after the removal of the bile it will regulate the bowels ami impart vigor aud health to the whole u\ stem. , See that you get the Genuine In White Wrap j»er, with red Z, urepiired only by J. 11. Zcilin & iio. Sold by all I)ruggists. NOW 13 YOUR OPPORTUNITY! To Select a COOK or HEATING STOVE from the largest and most yaried Mock in this section of the State, and at as LOW PRICES as first olass goods can be sold. We have a full stock of | MANN S and LIPPINCOTT'S AXES TRACES, STEEL PLOWS, . GLASS, BELTING, SASH, DOOIiS, TINWARE, HOUSE SHOES ID short, a full line oi HARDWARE Whioh we are daily increasing. PAFFFFLT VARNISHES, OILS, &o.— lately added to our stock. BROWN, ROGERS & CO., deoltiiy Winston, N. C. JYolice ! HAVING QUALIFIED AS AD- - MINISTKA i'RIX upon the Estate of! K. J Biker, notice is hereby given for all persons having claims against said Estate to present them to me on, or be fore the Ist day of November, 1882, fur payment, or this notice may be plead in ! bar of their recovery. > CHINA R. BAKER, A •hit in intra trix. October 26th, 1881.-6w VIOLIN OUTFITS . CoimhMmt or Violin, lioz. Bow ] j- Jif !i'r, fent »p | at JS.fiO, 57. sn, * fii .arh. Send itamp for I ll'tr.i'nl '.Hiiitrmlci Vlollat, Oulurt, B*n- , ]•.». •'».n«t« Kl-iwi, Strtnt* «tt lUrmonkM, Orn# Ar*.of | MUUB AC LOWKST FKH ITH. Ux'.l ORT.N ft •yv&Xlj, C. W. BTOKY, *S CanUal §t., Bo«ion, Robert G. Galloway, Jr., with STERN & CO., WUOLKBALM Bouts and Shoes, iVo. 9 GOVERNOR STREET, sth Door from Main, ap7m6 RICHMOND, VA. R W. POWERS & CO., >Vliolo«si«.le lil'llggiNtS No, 1305 Maiu and o and 11 13th Bts., R. W. Powers. Kdjrnr I). Tnvlor. RICHMOND, Va. April-28, 188t-6m' H 11,80!*, B;:»ns Sl ««., WIIOI.EriALK a ROC *ns AND COMMIS : HION MERCHANTS. 3o S Howard street, corner of Lombard; BALTIMORE. We keep constantly on hand a lurpe and I well assorted stock ot Groceries—suitable for | Southern and Western trade. We solicit con j signments ot Country Produce —such i is Oot | ton; Feathers;. Ginseng; Beeswax; Wool; Dried j I Fruit; furs; Skin 9, etc. Our facilities lor do- j ing 1-iisiiH'SSai e such as to warraut quick sales j and prompt returns. All orders will haveour | prompt attention. 43-lv. ; PATENTS We continue to net ns Solicitors for Patents. Cavcnts, Trade Murks, Copyright*, etc.. for tile United stateii, Canada. Cuba, Kuglaiid. France. Germany, etc. We have hud llilrly-llvo year. l cx prrtencr. Patents obtained llirimKli us aie noticed In ihcSCt- KNTtnc AMFIUC.\n. This largo and splendid Illus trated wceklypapi-r.>3.aO ayt ar,shows the lTngrexs nt Science, la very iiiterestini?, and has an enormous circulation. Address MtJNN & CO., Patent Bollct- ! tors, Pub's, of SclKNTInc AMKRICAN, S7 Park Bow, J KewYortt. Hand biaik about Patents free. | EX-SOXiDIBRS And their HEIRS Should all send tor sample copy of th it won- [ dertul paper, Th: \iorld ai.d Soldier publish- ' ed at Washitjgton, I). C. It contains Stories | of the War, Camp Life, Scenes from the Bat- | tlefield, and a thousand things of interest to i our country's defenders. It contains all the j Laws nnd instructions relating to Pensions and Bounty lor Soldiers, and their heirs. Eight pages, forty columns, weekly. $1 a ! year. Sample free. Address World and j SoldiOl', Box 588, Washington, D. C. BEATTY'S ORGANS 27 Stopß 10 S«t Reeds Only S9O. PI AN JS $126 up. [tare Holiday Inducements Ready. Write or call on BBATTY, Washington, N. J *ejei4MAjoA3 SM3TV3Q IVU3N3O P u " OXBIODfIBO *1 Pl°3 •mi 'OOVOIHD •«j dojj "OO 3LSH IP HOOH 8101 •00'I$ UO Hd ' 6B ni°a eztgjvivut) ni da ;u^ f . > uo drams Xje:o]jdojj •qvno omen Jioijl st:q b»|UUB3 »qi—»i ttu opu -J* fiaxvainaw o'i» »i i»pi»—SAU SDOII 'TIO.L s.KtJ.itn* V »->-vaii.«VT loio'n p;n IM)J| so tiijii'l o% .(Jl oq» • Mf)| I RKn in aq i.UOQ I lIUIXiiIU | e»no3!i 10 . 'r«l »noqi]Ai 'tnoaisd , jeqio pus'sjin^oao 'ej.sif)!»nna pio»»q | ' i.ttl 'p.duim. OS lutlft UUO '.OJUJVIH •n »qi Jopua uniieaitdoja I«upn' B K »** P»wep ! •| pus uiipauiaii u» «i H\K P u * >1 ,r »i 'moj,„ 'Orsjt mw nof "CI a 'auSi |||««A\ 'niii»A»M jo j.iu>ic»iu(-.bu.) 'u.ivu -a viiaua 0 u»»q iq qSooD asij, ms) dn Pll'iq >l p»- ,| n, , .1,11 ~..1 fa 'DJIIOI pnt ao2|iaailuMl * 'l3V|nni|i« i>>i- JJJIP!,'; if" " 1 > li t tpjojptr j J j 15' i' KRT4'tTfI L J I t «1 3.\H >1)0)1 • ( Q'KXI, -.Mltil*lt V I: i ' aosuu.tvrf r.-, ■« \>* IV. ' piuio'ltuoo P"v* j siMVApB o« Jdli {, v'. . 4ati»*qn ltiq j , ;* •ifl PAOq» a'lt ]u»«u-pp«.iuu» oqtj *1 >*»] L .-'Pi'i»!» (psjv \Vifeß |o«uon4«r| j,-, ... J; ;.«!» ton « 'v7>J .... - j.. ,J f; ; .. :•••• .•* ;•*- 2J -L: j:s jo ■ " I -ti ~ •' K/ •; g % ' X ZS- -V '>*{ . :• ilf x I • 1 •: M- AMBI.ERGLAZBBROOK, M. MILLIIISKR A CO., WHOLRSALR DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, 1309 MAIN STREET, Sept 8-81-6 m Richmond, Va. GEO B. YATES, of N 0 , with BATNEf ANDKRSON 4 BARD, WHOLKBALK OROCBRB, No '286 West Pratt And 52 South How»-d Streeta, L Patterion huynt, BALTIMORE. • J. N Anderton, • Elliot Hard. mrlOmli io InTeniors ami Mechaaics. i " PATENTS and how to obtain them. - Pamphlets of 00 pages free, upon receipt of s . Stamps for Postage. Address ;• OiLMoitß, SMITH & Co., n Solicitors of Patents, Box 81, Wathinyton, 1). O. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING! Winter Goods; Have now in stock The best lot of READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, SHIRTS and UNDERWEARS, GROCERIES, SUGAR, COFFEE, CHEESE, RICE. GINGER, PEPPER, SPICE, &c», Ac., &o>, Ac , DRY -GOODS, MEN'S WEAR, CASHMERES, DELAINES, ALPACAS, PRINTS, ■ WHITE GOODS, •n great variety. BACON and LARD, alvray* OB HAND In LEATHER i We have abont on* thousand piece* | consisting of RED ami HOME-TA NNED SOLE, HARNESS and UPPER LEATHER, ' KIP, HORSE, HOG and GOAT SKINS, vrith a good assortment of HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, WOODENWARE, WILLOWWARE, DOMESTIC GOODS, DRUGS, MEDICINES, and CASTINGS. WE WANT On* tlioutai>d bushels CORN, Five hundred bushels, each, PEAS and UEANS, One thousand bushels, eaoh, WHEAT, RYE and OATS; Also, 10,000 ibs. GREEN' and UK 1 HIDES, and 100,000.1b*. LEA F m 1 OB A CCO PEPPER & SONS. Danburj, Ootober 13ib, lt»L.