NKWXIMI'KK LAWS, 1. Subscribers who do not give 'S|ir. H no lice to tlie contrary, aro i-onaiilvrctl as «ini. inK to continue their Mitacrlpihinx. 2. If subs,rlncrs order tlie discontinuance of their periodicals, tlie pul>ll»' e ■ may «m tiiino to semi Ilium until all an (Will. 3. If svbscriliura nu jucl or refuse to t:ik llioir pcrhxllmls from tliu otHou lo whle) tliey an' dlrttcteil, UH'V arc n>a|>on.sil>le until tliey lin\u iKiltlml tlieir bills and ordered tlicni ilis-oiltimieil. 4. If milwcHliers mora in other places, wilnnil Informing lite publisher, ami tin |kipvr* are sent to tlie former aihliossist, they arc liultl n>i»iiuible. 5. Any |j-r.Min wlu receives a newspaper and makes use of it, whether In' hasoiiloie.l it or not, is licld ill law to lie a siiliacrilier. 0. If subseribei-s |my in advanc.% they arc 'jiwnd to give notice lo the publisher at the 3lul of tlieir time, if they Uo nut wish I" continue lakiuy the paper, otherwise the publisher is authorized to Bcnfl it oil, and ihe subtrriber will be reu>onsililfl until ex pros* notice with payment of all arrears, la sent to the publisher. Topics fit Home. The days arc getting longer. Three weeks from next Monday until court. Three now eases of small-pox in Win ston. A good many farmers in this Motion arc burning plant beds. Thanks for several new names to our subscription list this week. One more boarder arrived at the county hotel last Sunday night. The ice has disappeared from our streams. Suppose it has gone to water. Most of our citizens filled tlieir ioe houses last week.- 100 two to three in ches thick. The public school at this place closed Monday, but will probably be continued by private subscription. Wanted—.Vt this office, a br'sk boy or young man, not under 14 years old, to learn the printing business. Winston has a »inal!-pox exoitoiiicnl, and on last Monday night had a big fire, yet many of her citizens are not happy. Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives liiiusclt to his wmk body aud soul. Three deer were killed in the drive west of Danbury last Friday—two by I)r. L. 11. Ilill aud one by Mr. 1"'. M ] taker. If one would be reminded of how fast time flies, just let him sit down to read or wiitc by a tallow candle and see how often he will have to snuff it. The editor of a Virginia paper was asked by a stranger if it was |>ossible that that litile to VII kept up four news papers, and the reply was, 'No, it takes four newspapers to keep up the town.' Corn is wertb SI.OO per bushel in Danbury, but few farmers have any to acll now. Most of thorn arc holding back with th« hope that they may gel or per bushel for what tlicy have to sell. We call the attention of our readers to th« advertisement of J. Monroe Tay lor. This house has been established nearly 40 years, and their goods are cel ebrated for purity and strength. We | would recommend a trial of their Gold ' Medals brands to all who want superior cookery. We neglected to state in our last is- i sue that the County Commissioners, at| their meeting (be Irst Monday in this month, levied the second Installment of the railroad tax in Sauiatown and Mead ow townships. Tho tax in Sauratown is SO.OO on the poll and 00 eeuts on the one hundred dollars woith of proper!) > in Meadows $2.00 and G(>3 on the one hundred dollars worth of property. Rain, hail and snow last Wednesday, 1 and heavy sleet on the mountain Thurs day morning. This last reminds us that the sleet is often heavy on top and down the sides of tho mountains just to whatj v,c call the "frost line," while there is little or DQno below. Why is it that froet is never seen above a oertain point, aaout half way up the mountain, and the sleet is often heavy down to that point and noue below ? You may have superiors in wealth, in knowledge, in refinement, and in many other things, but you need have none in honesty. You may bo as honest as any body, you may be as much of a gentle man as anybody. These arc principles that fire eannot burn, water carry away, and of which misfortune oannot deprive you. But they do not oome by chance, money eannot buy them. You must oaltivate, guard and nourish them if you would them grow to perfection. A Western reader makes nn uniquo complaint on the saore of tho hugo news papers with their ei|ht pago supplements to whioh Western publishers are ad dicted. lie wants less matter and more editing, and declares that he gets mora precise and satisfactory information from some of the little two-penny sheets, whose editors present their matter already sifted and digested, and saves him the trouble of searching among n bushel of phaff for a kerbel of wheat. tt'Aß*lWiN. 0-1 It has been said, "History is philoso phy, teaching by exnin|.le." Tho ex to pcrienccH of the past are designed as warnings for the future; na instructive lessons to guard men against follies, errors and crimes into whioh men nnJ II nations have been plunged by pursuing '' unwise and yicious pursuits. And there «, aro none of these which liavo been more often repeated and been visited with more , terrible and certain destruction than that ''j of indulgeiioo in intoxicating drinks. From the days of Noah who pluuted a v vineyard and wus mado drunken from .. the wine thereof, down to the present "j \ time, almost every page iu nearly every nation's history is stained with tho foul ls j crimes and enormities of intemperance . _ and along, side by sido with them, stand recorded the fearful retribution and punishment that lias inevitably and in r variably followed. Magnificent cities; groat and powerful II nations; giant intellects, with powors ai.d capabilities to fathom and elucidate the most obstruse and difficult principles 1- of nature and scicnco ; beauty aud refine ment ; innocence and purity, and even n the snored precincts of our holy Heligion | —all have crumbled, decayed, been over thrown, degraded and profaned by the r envononed touch of intoxicating drinks! And yot, with these well-known, fear , ful and cortain consequences staring | them in the face, men refuse to be. tearn je l! They refuse to learn wisdom from r *l;e fate of thousands who have perished, • but persistently, madly press on iu the way of death and ruin. Who can ac count for such stupendous folly » Is ! there any other like unto it ? Men who sustain injuries from other causes are ' effectually warned and scrupulously ' guarded against becoming its victim a secoi'd time. But strong drink seems to possess the strange power of causing ( its victim to bug more tightly to his bo som the envenomed asp that is every moment striking its fatal fangs into his ' vitals. fi nd alas ' there is nn improvement— j nn bright nrospcet looming up, that men 1 . aro becoming wiser and more discreet' . concerning this evil. No matter how extravagant the price of tho fiery, des tructive fluid, it is sought after with as much avidity as though it were indeed an elixir, without which life would be a burden : and as though it contained nu triment indispensable to health and hap i piness. It is now introduced intnmanv Itomos where a dozen years ago it was ,' banished as a vile, hated thine. Many , now use it occasionally, others statedly, ] ■ and others intemporately, who a few years since bad totally abjured its nse, 1 because of its well known, destructive, ruinous character. And is thore no way to check the rav-' ages of this mighty evil ? Our opinion is that the only hope lies in having the | temperance movement vitalized bv the ; moral and religious element. When : tho agency is confined to an appeal nierc , ly to economical and "prudential consid erations" to tho love of comfort, wealth nnd respectahility, it must be a failure. Prudential reasons alone will never in duce men, in any considerable numbers, to abandon cherished and habitual siu The deepest element in a!l their being— their moral nature—must be roused. I With the first temperance movement, morality and religion were its glory and j its triumph, and so far as such influences j have been repudiated, the seeming gain | ha.s been a real loss, i Ood help the rising generation if drain-drinking is to be tho opening, do- ; yeloping characteristics of its men and women. What can we hope for but the worst of consequences if intemperance • be left to run riot anil unchecked nmong us! It behooves every good citizen to go to work and strive to bring to bear ; some c untcracting influence) that will ! check the mighty evil. A (OtHMßini.i: i:vn;si'Bi*E. One of t'lO mo»t successful and do- ; ! serving newspaper enterprises in the j country is the Trndetnutn , published semi-monthly at Chattanooga, Tenn., devoted to the industrial interests of the ! South, in the development of which it is rendering most valuable aid. An office has been citablished at the ! Cotton Exposition being the only news -1 paper offiicc nn tho grounds, from which thousaudsof copies have been distributed gratuitously; each different issue contain ing an article on tho resources of two |of the Southern States and a complete j directory of their industries. These lists are published entire in tho issue of December I.sth, and form a complete i directory of the industries of the Southern | States, compiled with great care, giving ! nauie, location and business of every ' industrial concern in the South. It also ' contains the nauie, address and nature of goods displayed by every exhibitor at the Cotton Exposition and a summary \of the roiources of the South. This i important issue, which is dosignod by the publishers as their Souvenir Exposition number, will be of great ben efit in giving information iu regard to ; the South to capitalists and others, and should bo in the hands of ovehy business man. Mailed to nny address on receipt of 10 cents, by addressing Tradesman Publishing Company, Chit tan oogn, Tenn. REPORTER AND POST, DAN BURY, N. 0., JANUARY L K >, MI Ni:.M» I N i 111: \II.IN a " When anybody dies, gets married, rutis away, steals anything, builds a ls house, makes a big sulc, breaks his leg, f or gets the senses kicked out of him by a mule, or docs anything that is in any J , way remarkable, and you have reason to 3 believe you know as much about tho oc- , e curenco as anybody else, don't wait for , ' c | somo other person to report it, but come j •o and tell us about it, or send tho fact on , lt a postal card. Sec if you cannot im- 1 9 -! prove this year ; and let us know every !, !l j item of news transpiring in your neigh- \ 1U | borhood. THE FIKK I* WINN'IOX. 1> ! I On lust Saturday night Winston had ' | another destructive lire. It is not known | how the fire originated, but it is suppos j cd that it caught from the stove-pipe n j the store of Griffith, Mooro & Co. The ' | loss is estimated at §20,000 ; insurance '' | about $14,000. The Lender gives the ' ; following list of those who wore losers : j' °j S. A. Ogburn, two buildings, and aj t 18 1 meat market. ' | Griffith, Mooro & Co., stock of gene- , 11 j nil merchandise. n j I'rof. (). Dcjusto, barbor shop and " I contents. c I T. S. lilack, stock of goods. ! S. 11. Smith, building and stock of 1 " | drugs. i ?! T. 11. Pegram, one building. i ■| Graham Bros., stack of goods. "| W. A. Walker, one building Mus' i ' of the contents of tho post-office were '-i a |saved. ■, Small Teaguo, Photographers. s , J. C. Fagg, Meat Market. ;j! >1 Fred. Gorner, Meat Market. "■ '| Clark it Ford, one building. h G. 11. Dickon, stock of goods. n ' A.xiiw siTtst'i:it:i:x. ; i ; Wo got a new subscriber Tuesday.! i. j When we swerod his knock at the n' • door, lie sidled in, took off his ha ( , nnd I!! f asked : j ll | ''ls dis do newspaper shop ?" . j Wo told him it was. , 1 "All' is you de boss ob do wuks ?" ■ ;j, ( We satisfied our c:! ired visitor on 1 J' 1 , . that point also, nnd lie continued : j ( "I fotch in some 'bacon to-day, an' 1 I i promised Ebancezah—dat's my oldest i* 1 I chile—l promised dat boy I'd prescribe j for a pnper. lie kin read, ho kin, an' _ . 1 he's alius pestcrin' do ole 'omaii an' me 1 ff . f r books an' papers. I s'pose we orter P curridgc dc chile's disparity. Howls" : d'ye sell yo' papers V' "P.i! ar ..ud a half aycar." ,] "All desauic price ! Let meobsarvc » one, of you please, sab." | We handed him a paper, and he un- ii' : folded i', iij side down, scanning it criti cally on both sides. • "Looks like dar war a sight o' letter- £ in' in dat. I done forgot my spectacles i dis niornin', an' I can't prezaetly tell ef its de—dc 'Meriean language." We assured liim it was. I " ' ; mi "In do Democratic or Republican' branch, sail ?" M "Democratic." 1 _ | "Dat's de kind oh a book Ebancezah gradjuated in, an' I s'pose dis paper 'ud suit him. Dollar 'n a half a year, you i'>> say, sah ? How much is dat a month! ' | '«> "About twelve and a half cents." j "I'se not do man to inin' expenses whar do proper cddification oh my chil- J lun is consained' 1 hoi' dat its ebbery | j ; pusson's duty to cultivate his out-spring 1 to de 'stent ob his ahlencss. Prescribe ' jde name ob Ebaneezah Snow on yo' j ' books, lhit's it. Ef you'd put a few 1 picturs in Bib's paper it'ud please dc chillun mightly. Here's six cents, sa'i.; M Send dc paper long, an' ef it gibs sasse : faction, I'll come an' proscribe for a full 111! month. Good inorniu'." ( S'!, ; on ! Every person into whose hands this j"' number of the RKPORTKH AMI POST j may fall is requested to show it to his j neighbor, and speak a good >vord in its j I behalf. i Coffee drinkers should read the adver tisement in another column headed Good Coffa. tUi Muko #2O OO For Christmas. | The II vin lli nrico puzzle depurtraenl of Ihcir It fur { Llecembvr offer easy wuy lur buiuc one lo mike i2O OO : 1 To the person lelliuir us which i« tlie lonp- -ei cat verse in :lie t)ld Teslsn ciit cri|ilure by j** Dec. loth, 18SI, we will «ive S2O 00 In > J,fj j aold »8 * prize The loonev will he forw%rd im cd lo Ihe winner 0,0 luber ISih, 1881. Those »yi ' who Iry for llie prize must siud 20 cents wilb ! > 'heir iinswer, for which Ihej will receiv th--; | OhrUtinu number oi the Monthly % iu »|iieli will lie piiblifdicil lt;e IIHIIIC snrt Hldtea,oi tin : ' winner of llie prize, with the correct -in*u!■ J 'thereto f!ut ihis out, it nmy lie worth 920. 00 io you Address, Utrrutunß Hu»- I L.SIN MI UOMPASV, Knslon, PH. X JNO W IIIIM.ANK. Willi M T. A. ItItVAV & f0„ M»ni«f»rlurrr» ol KltKNt;il nnd AMKRICAN ; UANOIKM, in every rariely, una wholeiiile dealers in MJTS, CANNKD GOODS, CI- ' GAH.S, ic. , H9 nnd 341 lulliiiiuie iSiieil, liiiltimore, M-l. V lirdcis fruin Men hunts rolicfted AIIKNTx WANTKD forth# Slsndird Kdilio i REVISED NEW TESTAMENT. " IH H'l Vlil> LAHIIK I'YPK. FIOUI SI DO I! 'olTOii. KI.KUANT KDIT ION, about T'UO . |isg>-s. Couipurativo Edition, over .! I 100 pnges. I'ld »nd new versions on op}io- •(' i siie p.igcs. "History of the Bible and !] I of the New Ucvision" given to mib- ~ ( jcribers The georut of successful oun- |> I vusslng given even ngenl. Send for our " , liberal terrna. | Mention this nsiier 1 , Tho Uenry Bill i>ubliahing Co , 1 Ksnthlished 1847. Noun icn, Ounn. .' S«|i'l 2Jd-2ia. 1 Methodist Protestants, TAKK TUB PROTESTANT RECORDER, l'LBLIfclli:!) AT MAGNOLIA, ARKANSAS. The PROTI 'TAKT Hkcokhku hIW i:nH broil ill cxiHteuod IH-M rn, nnd !>v oircultiriuu ami rej>u l itlmi in »».«> :it k • of t I'ruteKt.tiitisiU in ' S.mthwOHt. It uinkt* far -1 iH'nt, vlguroup Hi»j» s'- in huiiali'«>t'utir cli II tell, iuiiruin nii'l 'ln .-tmiiity. »ntl ih ii rolinMr ! i ll i \alulile ch-.irch |»uj >-r. i otli till Arknu- W ionl TC\HM «ie]iartiuoin •uul glvt* all thr • ift*st church new* In iM South uml Wo 4« ' l ull ftupi'ly of ceiMTHI literntiire. Wt* \u>li to iiitrliiiuce THK I'BOTK»TA>t IK | coni'KK into the family t»! every Mt iluni■>. l'rnt tMant, itml, thcrvi'urc will wn«l it | |*itl«l from now until the line doy of January ISH3, for O.M. I Dot. LA it. No nilniHtcr who cither local or travelling, can all- . I to lie without It. Tcose who NIIMI us liv ittiltwriherM nhw, witli ■ 5 ench>>etl, Mill ir. wive an extra co|»v «! tlie JM l»er until January, I*k\. Ask the mcmt>erh «»; your church to join your club, uixl direct youi • orUera t«» PROTESTANT IM'IiI.ISHINJ Co., 2m ilox •>.">, Magnolia, Ark. Now Y r «rk, IHKJ, Tils Sr> lor !-'J will ninkc it* ni.ecnlli iiinucil I revolution umier tho i»reneiit aliin j mg, i>.A alu:iy», for ail, big utul lie !c, im in a *«| I gracious, co.u.'uir.l himl unhapi y, Ucpubiican j aiul l'eino-ij.li,', ami VMIUOUM, intelli gent ami obiUMe. 'i*ii kSi S'm light i» lor luankiii'.l j ami woiuaiikiihl, but itn gt»nial \%aiin!h u * tiie «o«>|>, while it |M>ur» hot uWoiufurt on the ul.-icr ing ti.ic of ;lio persistently wicked. I'm.Mi'N of WHS i new»|Mi|ier of a new kiml. ll duicarcetl mr.iy oi tint form-*, and a mult it inle *.*f tl.e ntpeiiluou* v.'n.U and dliraMJ* oi ancient journalism. It uiab'rWok to re|M>rt in i i l*r« li, su«*t inct, tiiicoutoiiUoMjl way ail the j ••wwot the world. "Uiitiing n * of 1111111:1* 1 ie t, and eomincntliig upon Wair> with tut 1 le.trlcNsi' -j* nt üb.-olute c. 'J'lie i»uc. I •cs«. it T.IK STW. Jt eflV . teil a I T In the >IYIC ot Anii'ilcan II»*V. I«JMF.ERS. iSvory I juiN»rlaut journal etabli.dieil iu tliia cotiufrv tii j tlieil 11 \ear-* i»ast oi«.« biHiti m >ile::«>l niter the .St x. KVery iini»ortaiit Jouiual alietulv e*i««ting 1 liHuhci"! ui Hlliici auJ bciie.ed im the lorce 01 Tuk SI s'a example. I'itK :•x of l.v a 111 ho tho name out*}>oßcu. t truthteli ntf. and intere ting. Ily . due.* tiie meaiiN which an abun dant tiio.ds, wo shall make it bettor 111111 c\ei he 1 ore. We «h:til print 11 the news, putting ln«o reoiln- I hie p'lapo, and ineaauiiug Un unta i iauec, not by , he traditional yardatn k, but b) it« n .11 iutcre«l to the people. ' Distance troin Printing House ■ H.|«ia!C .Hll.it thelir tco»Hldo:.tl:>.i, w.tl. 11:• •Si ! \\ iicuever anything liappetw w«rrUi reporting we [ A c the particular;', whetiicr it happens iu l\ 11 01 iu ISokhai a. In |>olitic» WM have dechletl opiu*; and are ae- j I'UMtoiaed to ovprtwH thi iu iu lai ia-e tha: can ( he umlei'spMHi. s.. what ■ 1 . nn : . ;:bout men and • •, enta. 'l'll it habit is P'.ronh be -iet ol j I'm: St x'» poiitb al coune. TIIK NVtkKi v St \* gat hern Into eight the I he.ti matter ot tho HOVOU daii.i - i-.. An Agri •ui; .nil Departmeiitiiioiofn».rqu.ilie ! merit,lull ; market report*, and a liberal pi>j.oi tw»ii of liter i.y. M'lent'.lic, anddonuMielute l.^encecomploli I'll:' W"i:kki.V M X, mid ui iko the nest new .papei for the I'aruter's household that was ever pnnlitl. 1 \N .io does not i.;i > .... eid ...N! like th SI N I».\\ j»i x. oa« h number ot wh rh is a (Job-omit if intcre*t.iig literal ire, with 1 lie* be i*.eti> .•! he day. prose every line worth temlii. . news, : ( IUUI 11 iu titer e gh to flu *. • !.• . 1 tnd infinitely m-' r e ' arled and i ittert:i ning than ! ] in\ bih»k, bi]{ or littic ? f. car idea of v.hat .1 newspaper should In J •Icane*you, ■end for TUB SI X. Our terms aie a follows: KOl the dail. St x. a four-pnye »lieet of twonty ; .gilt eoluili■ v the price b\ uia . i '.">, l ce..t --1 ice 'h.oi a vc..r; «r, uu'lmling the Sun- 1 lay | aper, e '■ eight-|'a;;osheet hitv- s \ t->iumu i he pr; eis cents pc: niontli, or 1 y I aist.-im? paid. Tlie Sitmi.iy c litio lof the St*s ' • a! > furnish •d separately *t $1 -l a yeai. -osfage i«ahl. | The price".»f tu*j WnK.-.tY .St x, eight piuiv, lfl\-slx colour', is t*l >ear, p- paid. For! luhsof ten sending «o *ili Head an extra j oi v free. Address 1. W. KMILANIi. Publ - ..cr of TuiiSr:., New Yj;k l-lty. 1 epz. gftk (■ r\>i Ureal chain to make iiione,. B"iHH 19 Thorn* v.'.io aU*. i'.y* take .idvaii* i V H*w'' c ef the i'h.Hl « liam foi 1 idx ice. la tiai.!'>■„ iu.ii.c- that are oU'ctc. ■ •lie,all) beeoiiie wenlthy. while those who do! :• »t .mjifove such chances leniain in poverty. Wc , want inauv m.'u. women. lioys a-A girls t work f or us right in their own loeai .es. Any one can ! , lothcw.uk properly from the tl >t ■'trl. Tin | , iiis'.ness will pay more thrift' n thnes ordinury i t.l g" Kxpeieh e oulllt fiitfr! eltu - . N «»i:i »h-i engages falh to make money rapidly. Y"'i t an deytitc your whole tmn* te the ok, or 011! . 1 our span iii'mieiil*. Full ami nil I liat IN tie*-led sent fiee. AUdreas A - 1 Portland, Maine. I A| Ru A CSF» IS|L w B \ 'i run make money ta-ier 111 I 111 ts U ~r Ihan nt anything ■ fcy lea Vv I e!tc aptnl not need til. We J , vim start >o«i. |l2 a d.i ami upwaids made at | loni'.* bv the iiidustrioiis Men. women, bovs am: J ' ;lrl» wan les I every where .• work t'oi us. Now 1-; t' ho time. \on tun work in spa«e time only or;. ;ive your whole tune to tho businc -. Vou can , ,\e lit h.'ine and do the work. No other bti- • • •« 1 1 ill pay your nearly as well. No one can 1.1 !t. t: uakc eiioi minis pu> by - nyiglng at once. I luitit and ici'int free. Money maila fast. eaaiU . , ml liouorahiy. TULL A Co., Augusta, , ialite, ii week in your own town. £. r > Outfit 1 'rce. No risk. Everything new. Cap iat Iml ic julred. \Ve will furnish you every-I hing. .Man;, are inal.iug fortiiu I*adicsniakt s much IIH men. and box s and girls make urea: tv. Header, If vou wa.tf a hu^li.e**at wlrt!, 011 can inak'' great pay nil thr time you «"Ui. | ■ rite for pail.eularn to ll.vLblciT vV i'o., Port- Mid, Maine. THE GREAT 'Vjttt t Unfailing «.... " ' Specific' v roit jr; livse COMPLAINT.' 1 heNYMPiOUNoIUI ESC ONI'J.AIXT \ • and pain iu the aide, sometimes *■ 1 »« in the shoulder, and U mistaken torrliouinn- I -iu ; the Stoiuavh in allected with loss ot uppe tr ami alcknena; bowels, in general, civ.tivr. onetime • altei iiatlug with lax, the lie nl iairou leo *ith pain and iliiil. heav\ HMisation of hat ig left umihne something which ought t«» ha.e , 00 u done , often coiitplitiug nl weakness, debllt- I ; ami low spirits. Soinuttiues in my tit thc ii>o\e J \ inptoln." :ittend the d.seasc ami at other times i cry tew of the liver is generally ih rgiiu 111 i.ivotvetl. Regulate tne Livsr and Prevent y ( ions AttnekN, i iillh iuui fever, UfHila-' if. t olir J|>pr MI»II ol Spirtti VMIRCNITIIIU ~ ilc.iriiMir.t, I'llf.*, ele « Ton'C 9 *1 Iterative and Ca t /mrtic ! Simmons Llvor Regulator, purely vegetable, Is je IIKMU ine generally u..ctl in die .>outh to arouse 1 ic torpid Liver to healthy Metmn. t acts with cxtranrilitiarj' power and ctßoacy on the Liver amt Kiiiueys. The aetlhn of the Hegulator i- free from nau mor grip.iig. It Is ui m, e.fc.Mx .11st irtingthe soretkms lit the Liver, canning the bile to act i a *'atliai tic. Wucn there :aaa e%ce-st»| bile Iu io Htoinaeh, tho KeguUt>r hi an active purge ; J Itertbe removal of taebilett will regulate th« owels ami impart vigor amihealth to the whole iratem. See that you get llie Genuine In White Wrap er, with red Z, prepared only U\ «l. 11. Zellin & | 'o. Sold by all Pruggiats. i"L;r> ! fun! ' LF yon want to suliarrilie for the Funniest Ui}\vs|Ki|iora pulilislieil in the .Stmill, * m l di cents to llie Jioiitliern llnntori.lt, Corlitfli, dis.Hi.Hsip|ii, tor a year's atilisei iptinn. •SMHI iir a Haiiipb* copy. make Idg iiioney vorking for na—send fittfruti, SiIKKTH & pATToN, Proprietors. *7J A Wblih. a day at home easily innde, ostiyoutUt nee. True it til.. Angusja. Maine C«>«ir-.uiiii)t ion Cured. An old physician, retiring from active practice. Having had placed In 111* hantU by an Kaat Imlia Slissiooarv the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the apeedy mal peimaiicut cure of Consumption, Mrnnchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, ami I it 11 Throat ami Lttttg affo 'tlMia, also a iwfdtive ami ! rallcal cur" for general Debiht v ami all net vous I'omplaliitsafter having thoroughly tested its won ilertul curative power* in thousand* of cases, feel* it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Tlie recipe will be sent free of charge to ail who desire It. with full directions for pre paring ami siiet'Cnrtfully using. Every pat tent is also cut li led to a copy free of "Tiik COMII.KTK PuvateiAM," a work of neatly lWn pages, con taining over 1000 formulas. The latest and Beat family Medical work out. Address, with stamp, t»r stamped sell addressed envelope. 1»R. M. r'.. |tVt I f»:| N Calvert Kt. x li.x i. i iMoltr, Mo. , yjj v ' seed l " I Thirty-Six Varieties of ClbVv;-;: y--.fr rn • ?«-f Cnmm. " | l«f ;41 if Melon. ,' li. •. .. > ( ik-.i;... 17 «f S«|u i«l>; jj t «>f Bed an-l 40of T- :nat». t »:h ••! »-t v.rictic* In p;r>|v>rtion. i» » ' large portion uf wiikli >-irc « .«i my five iced (artui, will t> - f»im l in my Vt-tfrtabl ■ ,-n.: -r K*ed nl.thicur forIHHU. v.iti Rtfe t.» all » •IM'W CusU'iiierkof la-t Sea\ >n need not v rite r 1 it. A ; ! .1.1 front my eiuhlUh , incut warranted to he buth freth ..1 i true to name. M> fat. ti.at »hi>uM It prove otherwise. I »..i :!l t!.e . W jjrati*. Tlie nrffflnul lniroliM'i'rofEirly ttlilaami ilurbutik I'olu- I l® », MiirL!.!u i,' I'.url/ ' Jlubit.-i'l H>|tiu»h t ( MurhlchfHit t'Mbhugv. Phlutu-yV .lltlon, .Ufl .1 s-ore of , I othf now Vuwtabhii. ! invito iL« patruaaga of the pabtlc. New Vc|ft.'taMe« a Sjir .-.lty •laniin 3. 11. «»r«»srorw l J'nrblcliead, Mns* 1 r~&~ 1 -*•*»•- j } r-" : • ! Ai'i LTiZLit | ■ \ \ H TO/JiG, ,o-, v fSWSj n- jf- ror: . .1 ;i;\ e c\ (*# j «C —. v ) A r T' -\, ggiSi "»•«?«» uUk • K ; >||h. t>V C {PSI -I ( 1 V-. ) i ftl wle 1 :-t! I.v 1. ... M c; ' XxK - '— * l " n ' 1 " a:i.j, ' —' L> t. 2' tho C;KIO»( Unit 1 S 'Za^Z -x— -Ut' " tlK ' ' iM * r \ ? « ' ' ';»n li lias 1,. v . • -+**. i* » •»««* »o*dva:>ta I ,i. \i y S J."' 1 " 3 IJ K • I Iria* BlfcKTiM'# T«JLC. 1 I 1 ft no. k i.ud i{\:: u, I , J C out III: r BAI KMH ; JWi! I' '\\ aft..ni» n 1 -j .r,"" 1 . , " ■■■•••• I wlliT:»!ve nij. .ulanr, I I'" ' • ttm i, *j'j Jupjictl/er ai •..•Mo, , . .- . Ix:tXU iil) l!«' v^. win after the has bcon relieved. 4\ ' CKMiN E). 11.1171. ot:im>isfor.-.* of Inf.-mat IIOTCIIUC, uVln c.. Jan iM-.th, IBSO, Mjrtfj •» Tt)LIT, KOI iv ti ■! |{\ h is au ft f ro -.i!>le lUmedyln ]Vri' r. !I. : t» »!.,1 !, n »» , ' ( ■ ns ft Medicinal prcparulioii i nder tLo tl. r. Kovised St.'itutea, a:nl wbon MI atanib- i., m-- y beiold by IMtUUOJSTS. Ol?OCFlits, §nl othe* persons, w ilbuut special u»A, ' at licuusi CflilTina f I> r nt b0 deceived bT (1.-alert V«l»' I iUIS | who try to palm off ffotk and ,vy i* neuru & NABTIM's TOLI . K0( IC and KYB—which la the only MEDICATED ar tuMo rr.a lo—the (renulno IIUH tlielr namu uu i. • 1 roprlotary btamp on each hoti! t tut up in Quart Size Bottles. Price SIOO. XGLU, BOCK & RYE CO., Pi-op'*•. CHICAGO, ILL. 6olJ by DRUGC.iBTd and GENERAL DEALERS Everywhere. J. W. KIXDOUMI tV K\GIJS i, iOOKSRI.LRRS. hTATIOKRRS. AN BL A N K-800 K MA NL*F ACT RUE US. 1318 Mainrtrc l, Richmond. I I.arye Stock of I. A W liOGKS always on iol-6iu hand. u n«so\\ Bird's & Go., WHOLESALE UUOOffRS AND COM MIS SION MERCHANTS. 3o S Howard street, corner ol Lombard; BALTIMORK. We keep con Jinn tly on Imnd a and I vrell assort* .I stock of Groceries— tmital.lo lot "?out era and Western trule. We s.flicit con iigiim.'Uts of Country Produce—ouvl "« t j ton; Feathers; (•inscni!; Ueeswax; Wool, Drie»; .'ruit; furs; > kim, etc, Oui facilities lor do- I'tisincsaaiT such u3 to warrant « 4 t»; k -aN t j tnd prompt reinrns. All orders will harcour i jrompt aiieniion. 43-1 v. 2Z"SOLDXBBB And their HfilßS i Shon -'t all send for saninle copy of that won* der'ul paper, Th \Sfjrl4a.dSo'di r publish ed at Hshinwlon. D. U It contains Stories »l the \v..r, Camp L-fe, Seeiiea Iroru the H:it ileßeid and a thounuid our country's defenders. It cont.i!is all tin Laws and Instiuotiond relating to Pension.- •md Bounty lor Soldiers uml their heirs KiKht pxires forty coluuins, weekly. $1 h » tear. Samp'e t'r»*e. \dl.-esj World aild Soldier, box SSS, Washington, D. C. K\ u i; uAui; aol run Tin:salk of leaf tobacco. liurisox ,J McDKARMAN. Propiietors. •' U.BT LIGHTS AND ACCOMM JDAIIONS Wc puirant«»e to our friends p»)i:„* atten tion and llit prices ft»r their Tol»ac o ; Nov 3,'tJl-On DANVILLE VA. KOUKKT W. I'OWKKS. 1.1.t.AH l». TAVuO . K W I'OvVEUS & CO., WIIGLtiXA LfJ Dli'l b'GISTS, J Drillers In t'AIKTS, OII.S, D\ES, VARNISHES, | Frnuch acd Amorionn WINDOW UIiAHS, PUTTY, S.-C. , JIU.VKB.fcH »K INO AM» 0111-.WIX TdBACrO A SI'KCI A'uT\ 1305 Main tit., HicUruoud, Va. Auifiili 2U— tiru FARMERS, LOOK HERE! Make Yo*ar Own G-uano- Shun the-, dealt and tnanul'aeiore your own ♦•'rfihver*. *»i the m » ei '.al . « u your tarniM and t»iMy to i el» '. and the bslaio e i-aii l»e had al your ueareft town. One reeelpt for quickly iti innlm turhij; uuaiio. far l)«'t*ei than o.i»« »-liill'noid ntix t -• ! pulou* denlen.. wi'l l»e m illed lo you «n re. elpt uf. ONE DOLLAR. The direction- aie • in,tie u.» t»»oU or appnratn ne* do l he>; ».• • wlltit >t tnt titer alie;id> I. . uiid the e«»-t «le> not exceed I IllU'lK DOl.l. \ US per (on. I hree Inunlred | iuit*ls p.ti up »n an i.ere v .11 make a 1.-.-tu*r crop th «n ativ kuhhh V-mi ran i.a\. Send V »ut ut :- r ::n I ot.e dollar h . in til, al m k riek, vviili po.-lnt.lee la,'. «:tin*n.to U.d. hiM.J.r 11 Ll>. S«aiii»liOro, (*a. J II AHUOTT. OF N C , with M IXGO, KI.I.I'M i' i mniP, IUCIIMONI., VA., Wholesale Healers in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS. &C. Prompt Attention paid to orders, and satis* factiou irauranteed. JUT" I'lfi/fti'i State Priaon (Jowl* a *i*f\a!ty March, 6. m. ; Robert O Galloway, Jr., with STE3N & OD., WItOI.KSAI.K Boots and Slum, A*«. 0 OOVKKNOH STHKBT, 5U> Duut fmm M*in. ,p7df. HICIIMOND, VA OUTFITS I C.iMl.tlaa of Violin, 5!.;r. Bow l' 1 " 1 1 "«• •>''*» •' ) ®' • •t W ftO- 3'. tl*. * »'-* «»fsV U »end «U«I1> for Beautlfe! '.lt I .inUiMl Wjuhif C»Ui««uf of \ JoMiw. OuiUO,, B*n lo,. Co. MI. Hm«. MMogi .11 hir •«. ; Mwic UwtM. A . M»V|.t»T raiefc*. Ord r. t C. w. 6Tx>KY, m &1., SwOaa, hi**. '' J - linif.* W. it. iJAHi sit, Ja. J_ H i'leucic. TilK OI.D HKLIABLK BItOWN'S WAREHOUSE, The Farmers' Headquarters, The L.ailing il jtino as ueual eiuoo October Ist. In QIVNTITy ol TOUACOO SO I.I), in I'RIdES and in DISPATCH BUSINESS. F.-iruio'd do iidi haTo lo wail until alter the sale for llit-ir check*, l.'i i AltW PAID AS SOON AS THKIR TOBACCO IS SOI.D. Kd ucjiliei tin*, when juu want to get off earl; ainl breuks arc heavy. HIGHEST PftICES ALY7AYS GUARANTEED. I P A W I l.iillN, J il., 1} ink keeper. It D AiodtiKY, Auetioueir. T. J. BROWN At CO, Winston, N. C. + 'BII OW N & C A It T E It, (SUO(JKSSOUS TO J. L". PRATUUR 4; CO'S), Next il-mr IN ltriiwn, K-itmf & CO.'b Hardware Store, KI.EI- OONKT.tSTI.* ON IIAM) A WTLL BKLKCTKD STOCK Of p) - Goods, CJS rocer i es , Boots Allocs, Hats, Xotioiii, &c. Wn erpeciully ioviie our country friends to tail on us, us our purcbises are made ' sitii spue.al releioi.ee to tlielr Hunts, and WILL SI'.LL AT BOTIOM PRICES. F. J. BROWN, Kubiuary 3. 1831. W. B. CARTER J it. i HAY .V MARTIN THIRD STREET, WINSTON, N C. DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumes, Tobaccos, Cigars, Soaps, Faints and Oils. TRUSSES LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS. ALIVE AND KICKING JOHN P. ORII'KITH. PRANK L MOORE, ISAAC 11-NEt^ON, Ol Dit\ie Couuly. Ol Stokes County. Of Stokes Couuty A Bs; SHOW COMING ! Although we hare been driven cut of tl;e Joyner block by fire, we beg to pubi;o know that our buaineus ih goiug on ;«s it nothing bail huppened. W'e now located ou tho Corner, where we liavt ou view u Large, New and Well Selected STOCK OF DRY tiOOOS, Groceries, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Tinware, (Jueeusware, Willow.Waro Suit i.eali.er, Bacon, Salt, &0., &c. In tact everything kept in a Pir»t Class Sloro We aie now opeti aud eartiestly solicit our uiany Irieuds and loruicr oustouier BE iSL'iiE ai;d not imy before Hiving ub a lo°k in } as we are satisfied we are fully to give cut lie batislaciioti. All (i.iods Guaranlecd Rcpresealed. We arc just starting ar.d intend to build up an honest trade by fuir dcaliug. (aiiiiiUi, H«ore k Co. Winston, January, Bh tt. niTCMI!., LEWIS & CO., narlnc, Wis., Kauulecturcrjof J.V IS FiIEIGIST W^OOJfS. Al*o Thrcs-Spnug and Four-r.pring Wagooa. and Side-Spring buegics. The MITCHKLL WAGON i* Monarch of the Road: only the very - hest «tock used In Its con* struct ion and made by the best wajon mrcliaaioi in the worhf. The Spring Wagon and Ilugjry Lto p.irtmrnt entirely «w:j>.»r.»te from the K trm Wagon kh>p». And for the inamifacture of this clau of wot* wc have lauhtici Solid for Catalogue and Hin«tratcJ Price Lint. niTCUULL, L£WIX «SL CO., Rsclne, Wli, W A ISA y R" Wi'V Ertno*. The mott Irterentinn of Wnr.hlnolan Lifserer pnh B ffa, flip Mas A Uittory of every AdmirHrtratio j from WASHIhOTOIi t» thf Tiai 3 "■■ preaunt tmie. Inrl i Ptasoaal aud Frl.alg History never before pubhahed I'uttmtrd with more than t>f the W lute llfniw. n iiflint; a «.k-t« h and portrait of Mr#. Garlield,lJ|# 1J I | k ||J||||VL ••Mother t» trfie d *' i v.. t. ..f th- !'r. *UU- ntul tit. hisio: vot hi# %'W 111 I kn jf| UUQLI assassination Agents-vnntcd. S *.* l Tor ei-rutars with f-tn \ i i i calgr* MAdLtY & CX. PJdUSHEAS. Wo. 60 NORT.I FOURTH STRE£T, PHILADELPHIA, PA. IT OAC £ r th N. Y W REtLLT WITNR^SIn I I f \ aIIF P 1 th" I >r*t V It !•••* til*/ l*te«l tu-v- nf the day. r«*lta*»l-» r»*p#»ris of Market*, daily re • ■ »w A. |w>rt o( J Vtnr* Ktr . i Prayir-Slocji'i*— AI.OMK TimaratcouirrMw raire : AunSay f ebon I Kofim hv Prnfpn*".- »>..-»* ttt I»»; Mont# Popart m«*nt (a irrfcrt fa vortle with the liwli-p\Ch|idr«B'» ttepaMmarii lemperaor 1» I NrtfrW .dt theo»""Wnn*sl th»* day 75»i00 famtllfH r»«ndttoow. MKrlte't A "S »*rvs!Sii r„,.raESI FAITHFUL AID nnun RfiERCHANTS D I iY TiTTT? AT ALI - I" |m!H-m lea over ut I»«- ♦'?/11.1 vj ll |1 h«ujtnroiindlUon. v * ,,J * KETT »vsr:::t. ti o rrort Aiva..tmceou. everofTerod »o bath M. rclitmt and Cnuaumer. i\' : . '-\SS I^\yNITR:TIRSGABDENSEEDS gr«>-IN on tlulr own V»RM«, OVKB 1.500 IIIITII I " I "t~ I T'TI Fon QCATRRR/O- WHOI.K --1784 TItAKK 1-ItJOE I.IKTS for Krndm In halk%r othi-r f.» rin, umllfil to lui-rvlunU on HpplicaUoß. ' • "RETH & SONS, Srcd Growers. 21 &23 S. SIXTH ST. PHILADELPHIA